Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, December 22, 1893, Image 1

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'the man v.uu advertises,
Notice It.
gets the cash.
v or
The man ho doesn't advertise, doesn't
got the cash.
Tuesdays and Fridays
AI.VAH W. f ATTKKhON Bub. Manager.
A' f 2.S par year, $1.2) fur nix months, 75 ols.
ior uiree minima.
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
The "E-A-O-IjE," of long Creek, Grant
County, Oregon, is published by the same com
pany every Friday morning. Subscription
price, fiver year. ForadverttsIngrates.addresB
OS5I1T Xi. IF.A.'X'XIESasoiT, Editor and
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Uazette,"
neppiier, uregon.
rpH18 PAPER is kept on hie at IS. C. Duke's
1 Advertising Agenuy, III and o!i Merchants
frji oliuiiaH, Hau J? nuicibco, California, where eo..
rnets for advertising nan be made for it.
V Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
Wagner B. A. HuiiBaker
'""""' mill Itcppuor
i lie hag!
Kelio, ... .. l'ostiuaHte
Camas Prairie OBcar Ue Van
ye.or II. Hriglit
nuniiiiau, ur, I'os in ster
naiuiiton, urani uo., ur., l'ostmate
!"" .,. I- J-Carl
rraineuity, ur., k. K. Mcllale
Canyon City, Or s. L. l'arrisl
root Kock, O. 1'. skelton
uiiyvnie, ur., j. E. Snow
John Day, or., F. I. MoCalluin
Athena, Or John Ellington
Fenilletou, Or i'oBtmasier
Mount Vernon, Orunt Co., Or., .. .. Postmaster
enemy, ur., Miss Stella Flett
Fox, UrantCo., Or J. F. Allen
aigut jine, ur Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh
Upper Rhea Creek, R, F. Hevland
Douglas, Or Postmaster
"' "oca, or it, M. Johnson
Ouimeberry J. R. E tob
V-ooooji, uregon Herbert Halstead
Lexingtoi Ja8. Leach
UhWN Pacfic Railway-Local card.
No. 10, railed leaves llepimer 6:00 a. in.
" 10. " ar. at Arlington 8:1)5 a.m.
. ' leaveB lOMia. m.
II. " ar. at Heppuer 12:3.1 p. -n . daily
sxoepl Sunday.
East bound, main lino ar. at Arlington 1 :Hi a. m.
West leaves " 1:21a. m.
West bound lo nl fr-igh leav s Arlinirton 8 35
a.m., arrives t The IJ.illes 1:1.) p. in. Local
passengT lenvu-i in.- uallesal 2:UJp. m. arrives
at roruauu at i:uj p in.
a apeciai arrangement with rho
puuiisliers we re prepared to furnish
rit, to each of our readers a venr'i.
subscription to the popular mouthly
k. .cultural journal, the American
Farmkb, published at Hnrintrfielrl o,i
Viieveianit, Ohio.
This offer is made to anv of our
scribers who will pay up nil an.,
'0 subscription and one year in advanrm.
.....i t.. ...
" HUV "PW subscribers who will pay
"v year m advance. The American
Kabmkm enjoys a large nntional oiroula
non, and raiiKs amons the leadiug
Huriouirnral papers. By this arrange,
meut it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re.
u ojinniMj TAKMHB IOT Ollf
year, It will be to yonr advantatre to
onii promptly. Sample copies can be
wen at our office.
'!' Original
A3 Oli a3
the hil.s"uiid
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven "
is the verdict
o f millions.
S i m ra o n 8
Liver Regu
7") - , lator is the
medicine to
which you
can pin your
faith for a
cure. A
mild laxa
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
ing directly
on the Liver
and Kid
neys. Try it.
finlrl hv all
Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
The King of Liver Medicines.
x nave usea yourHlmmons Liver Reeu.
i WEEKLY WO. 663, f
How to Get Twentv-five Hundred
Dollars for Nothing.
The Winner has a clear Cift of a Small
Fortune, and the Losers Have Patents
that may Bring them in Still More.
Would you like to make twenty-live hundred
dollars? If you would, read carefully what
iouowb ana you may see a way to do It.
The Press Claims Company devotes much
attention to patents. It has handled thousands
of applications for Inventions, but it would
like to handle thousands more. There Is nlentv
of inventive talleut at large in this country
needing nothing but encouragement to produce
practical results. That encouragement the Press
Claims Company propose to give.
lator and c,m cousclenclouslv say it Is the
o !rS"if "" 'Jve.r,med Iclnes, I consider it a
medicine chest In Hspir
Hon, Tacoma, Washington.
W. Jack-
Uas the Z Stamp in red on wraoueiv
United States Officials.
1'n sident; Gmver Cleveland
Vicfl-lToBident Ad ai Bieveusou
osu'wary oi olale Wulter y Uresham
oMcit'iMi-y oi ireasury Jonn u. I.arllsl.
Becimary ot Inuinor Hoke tSmulj
oecreiary or war IJamel 8. Lament
sioorelary of Navy Hilary A. Herliert
PosunaBter-Ueneral WiImiu 8. Bi8ell
Att.ir.ioy-Uoneral Kiuhard 8. Oluey
tiecrulary of Agriculture J. Hterliug .Uuriou
8tate of Oregon.
Governor S. Pennoyer
Secretary of State U. VV. McUnde
rreiiBurer riul. Jletsolian
Bupt. Publio Instruction E. B. Mclilroy
Hnmloi-s i Mllolieli
1 liinger Hermann
IW.it llli
Printer Krank O. Htikur
!F. A. Moure
W. P. uurd
11. 8. Ueau
Seyputli Jndicial District.
Cucuil Juilge W. L. Flradshaw
I'mBqcmm AlLornoy W. 11. Wile n
U Publishers. o rU ahlu .;;...' '. ".'f Jl
of th .hn.. i. ',. " numoer
ipy to each of our subscribers.
1 he dictionary Is a uecesBity In
CongreBrimeu . .
Jlni'iow Comity Officials.
join: Senator Henry Hlackinau
UepresHUtative J. N. iirown
' omiiy Judge fulius Keilhly
C imiuisBioners (ieo. W. Vincent
J.li. liuker.
Clerk J. W. Morrow
iiherill Uuu. Moble.
1 reasurer W.J. L ezer
' Assessor . H. L. haw
Surveyor .lsatirowu
' achool 8up't W.L. baling
" l orouer T. W. Ayers, J r
Majoi ... J. R. siraoiiB
Couiti'lluien U. E. FaniBWorth, ill
Licbn?nthal, Otis Patterson, Julius Keithly.
W. A. Jonuuton. J. L. Yuager.
itecorilcl A. A. Roberts.
treasure! E. II. Hlocnm
Marshal J. W. Ittwmuu.
Precinct Olll cerp.
Justice of the Peace F. J. Haliock
Constable U W. li)ciiard
United statea Land Otlicein.
J. W. Lewis H gist
.I.S.Lang Ki.ceivei
:B.F, Wi'snn KegiMter
tl.ll. Koubins Ueeeiver
school r,i i,,,;i..-Y.'s,f'e' nom.
and furnishes knowledge which no one hu,
dred other volumes of the choicest books could
!'PP'y- Voungaud old, educated aim igimrant
rich and poor, should have It within reach, 'and
.,..TOi0 ovolJ, UHy , Hle year.
As Bon.e have asked if this is really the Orig
inal Webster's Unabridged Dictlonarv. w .5.
aDie to state we have learned direct from the
publishers the fact, that this is the very work
cmnulete on which about forty of the best years
ot the author's life were so well emmoyld in
aYo t'Ton, ,Cr'? .il?,,f.,'rvpcaularyof
log, derivation and' dehniuSn 'of same, a,id is"
i,Zi,,Ta Bwniumu biaci coHiauune; about
WW square inche8 of printed surface, aud L ie
... u.u.u luuiwuu aim sneeD.
Until further notice ws wi
valuable Dictionary
rirst lo any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber,
" i-vany suuscnoer now in arraare
m.o pays up ana one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and bad
miips maroiea edges $i-oo
nait Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back
sumps, mamiea edges, $1.50.
Full Sheep bound, leather label
edges, $2.00
Fifty cents added in a
age to Heppner.
San Franolseo
4.nd all point in (!alifornia, via the Mc Shaou,
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great highway through California to all
potato East and South. Grand Moenio Route
of the Pacifio Coast. Pullman Buffet
Hleepers. Second-class Sleepers
Attached .to express trains, attordmg sunenof
iccommodationa for Booood-ciass passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations,
to., call npon or address
K. KOEHLER, Manager, E. P. ROGERS. At
nen. F. & P. Agt.. Portland. Oregon.
A patent strikes most people as an annalllnir-
ly formidable thing. The idea is that an in
ventor must be a natural genius, like Edison or
Bell; that he must devote years to delving in
complicated mechanical problems and that he
must spend a fortune on delicate experiments
before he can get a new device to a patentable
degree of perfection. This delusion the com
pany desires to dispel. It desires to get Into
the head of the public a ciear comprehension
of the fact that it Is not the great, comulex. and
expensive Inventions that bring the best returns
wimeir autnors, but the little, simple, and
cheap ones the things lhatseemso absurdly
trivial that the average citizen would feel
somewhat ashamed of bringing them to the
attention of the Patent Office.
Edison says that the profits he has received
trom the patents on all his marvelous inven
tions ave not been sufficient to pay the cost
of his experiments. But the man who con
ceived the idea of fastening a bit of rtlhher
cnr.1 tn a ni,ti' n ... ...
. n o umi, so mat it would come
back to the hand when thrown, made a fortune
ouior nis scheme. The modern sewing-machine
Is a miracle of iugenulty-the product
a hundred and fifty years, but the whole bril
liant result rests upon Ihe simple device of
putting the eye of the needle at the point In
stead of at the other end.
of the toll of hundreds of busy brains through
combining simplicity aud popularltv will net
drcdollas""" Com"-nP twenty-nK-
l,,''!V,e''',""s.iblll,-f ,,f this company may br
idged fromthe fact that its stock Is held b
about three hundred of ihe leading? newspapers
of the United States.
WbWhL;.he l're"H Clalras Company, Jon,
. WrnVnTt'on!tU.nc.aUOrney' 618 ' "tree
Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report.
. A. R. MOI1CK.
We take this 1
"pportuuity of ibformiair
our "uueorioers that the new oommis
nuuer 01 pensions has been aimointed
Ue is ud old soldier, and we belinw
mat soldiers and their heirs will re
oeive justice at his Bauds. We do not
anticipate that there will be anv radi.m!
changes in the administration of Donsini
affairs under the new regime.
We would advise, however, thnt D. f!
soldiers, sailors and hii. i.oi k
steps to make application at onoe, if
they have not already done so, in order
to secure the benefit of the early filing
( their claims in ci.se there should b
any future pension ltjiisliition. 8uch
legislation is seldom retroaotive. Ihere I
tore it is of xreat irnportauoe that ap-
iMiuauous oe niea in the department al
the earliest possible date.
If the U. 8. soldiers, sailors, or theii
widows, ohildren or parents desire in
formation iu regard to pension matters,
they should write to the Press Claims
Company, at Washington, D. 0., and
tuey win prepare aud send the necessary
application, if they find them entitled
uudet the numerous laws enaetod for
their benefit. Address
John Wedderbubn, Managing Attor
ney, Washington, D. C, P. O. Box 385
Naiional Bank o! HeDPner.
. President.
furnish this
Made on Favorable Terms.
, marbled
cases for express
A Gulden
Medicine !
for Suffering
the publishers Hmlt lha t,
toey win inrnishatthe low
prices, we advise a 1 who rteslro t T..?
selves of l itis great opportunity to attend to ii
Physicians Give their Remedies to the People
DO YOU SUFFER ? ,w,?"'?,!;eX,ialn-
wiii Bena you run or CHAKUE a full course
of specially prepared remedies best suited to
your case. We want your recommendation.
We can cure the most aggravated diseases of
both sexes. Our treatment ior all diseases and
Comparatively few people regard themselves
as inventors, but almost every body has been
struck, at one time or another, with ideas that
seem calculated to reduce some of the little
frictions of life. Usually such ideas are dis
missed without further thought.
" ny aon t the railroad company make Its car
windows so that they can be slid up and down
without breaking the passengers' back?" ex
claims the traveler. "If I were running the
road I would make thorn in such a way."
"What was the man who made the saucepan
thinking of?" grumbles the cook. "He never
had to work over a stove, or he would have
known how It ought to have been fixed."
"Hang such a collar button!" growls aman
who is lata for, breakfast. . "161 ware in the
business I'd make buttons that wouldn't slip
out, or break off, or gouge out the back of my
And the various sufferers forgot about their
grievances and began to think of something
eise. 11 they would set dowu the next con
venient opportunity, put their Ideas about car
windows, saucepans and collar buttons into
Miacucai snape, and then apply for patents
they might find themselves as independently
wealthy as the man who invented the Iron
rflfteeanplnnf2,e0rlhe0ne Wb "
To. induce the people to keep track of their
'aeas and see what there in th. .i,
.coo viaims company has resolved to offer a
To the person who submits to it
siuipiesit and most
point of
Iflvo twcnty.five
from a commercial
view, the com pan v will
hundred dollar.
SlLVJhlR'S (,'IUM PTOTV hjef0'tlesare modern and scientific, acquired
--. M-ivXirxviX Dy many vear's exneriencn which nhio. ...
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. moots ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock ii.
their ('astle Hull, National Hank build
ing. Sojourning brothers coriltallv 11
vited lo attend. W. L. halino, 0. 1
W. B Pottkb. K. of R. 4 8. tf
G. A. It.
ets at Imington, Or., the hurt Saturday of
wet month. All veterans are invited to join.
'Ml. Boon, Geo. W. Smith.
Admtant, tf Commander.
A. KOBEET8, R. al Estate, Itiani.
Hnce Hnd Uollcctioiis. Oliioe in
Ooiihoil Chambers, Heppner. Or. swtf.
Guarantee a Cure. Do not despair,
N. B. - We hftVfi thA itnlv nnnltlua num rA 1?n
tlnr.au ft ta u
Permanently located. Old established.
Dr. WiLUAMS Medical akd RrTRntrn. tvqt.
tutr, 719 Market Street, Han FranclBCO, Cal.
Subscription price reduced as follows:
One Year (by mail)
Six Months "
Thr-e Months "
'ne Month "
One Year in Advance) :
$B 00
3 00
1 50
$1 00
The News is the only consistent c latrpion of
silver In the West, and should be In every home
tn the nest, and In the hands of every miner
ami business man In Colorado.
Send in your subscriptions at once.
Senver, Colo
' dressed Lilmher. 16 miles or Hennner. t
dressed Lilmher.
v hat is known as the
KK I, FF.KT. ROt'liH.
110 OH
17 -Mi
..mi per i.ihhi teet. ainiitlotial.
D. A,
Hamilton JMCAn'tex
Cattle branded and ear marked as shown above,
rees P on right Bhonlder.
IV cattle range In Morrow aud Dmatilla conn- :
. 1 will pay tlOS.OO for the arreet and oira
ion ot any person stealing my stock.
( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.)
Two Through Tra:ns Dai y.
12. ISprJli 2.'irmlLv.MiniieBpnlisAr!s.4(lam!l.2nnm
l.i'ipmlT l5nmt.v...Ht. Paul...ArH.0ism'3.)pm
4 niipm'l.v Diilnth.. .Arlll in" I
T.O'ipni I.v Ashland. . Arji l.risml
7.16am lli.5amAr .Chicago .Lvls.oop "10.40"
... .l I I I
Tickets sol-1 and hneeaee checked through to
all points in the ('lilted states and Canada.
Close eouneeriou made in Chicago with all
trains ttolng East and South.
For full information apply to your nearest
ticket sgent or J AS. C. POND,
Gen. Pus. and TkL Agt , Mllwankea, Wis,
The genius who Invented the "Fifteen" puz
zle, "Pigs in Clover," and many others, has In
vcnieu a Drand new one, which is going to be
the greatest on record. There is fun, instruc
tion and entertainment In it. The old and
learned win find as much mystery in It as the
voung and unsophisticated. This great puzzle
a the property of the New York Press Club, for
whom it was invented by Samuel Loyd, the
great puzzleist, to be sold for the benefit of the
movement to erect a great home for newspaper
workers in New York. Generous friends hav
given $25,00u in prizes for the successful puzzle
solvers. TEN CENTS sent to the "Press Club
Building and Chrrlty Fund," Temple Court,
New York City, will get you the mystery by
return mall.
Don't Lose
PT.ANT VRRHvia airrna
this year, and mak up for lost lima i
r crryn !ee Annual ror ltm will j
give you many valuable tnnta a
edoui wnat to raineand How to J
, raise it. itcontainslnforma-J
l lion to be bar! from no otherJ
. eource. Free to all.j
.P.M. Ferry kCo.j
rtlH.10 1-UtHI STAMPS
Will be lur 1 .Vtrir rwl ,j
printed on Kunnu'-d
luDew. unty i!rocr-:iy
guarunteeiiiK I2S,0;(t
CUHiumerR ; from jmij
llBhern and iiiiinufat
turfrs you'll refciv.-1,
probahly, t!iou!itidH o
valuable NrOks, imijkt
twin Dletf.nmiruz! .ft
All fvre and enr-h tmit-f
with one of vour printed HrtdreHK 1.11
VnHlad thereon, FXTRA I wil
f Jl:.T.1iSi
also print and iireimy uhsuikc on
your label urion-Hnes 10 yun
stick on your envelopes, foo'.k
prevent their ncntg lost. j..
of Hetitrtville. N. C. writen
my a. cent addreastn y.ur 1 luh
Dfreeterv l'"e received iny'i.'l
lahels and over aooo Paircrl;
jiineiil.' pi'tjltsiiei'H ana mi'ii;if, :
I.r lirri rilf iien.i , ini v.. i
Of mail IVn.n ill nil' el I' ' i'-j
Ho. 147 Frankford and Oirsrd Aves. Philsdel
phis, Ps. ,
... vn, u unuilion to refunding
... ...-.- .ur ncciirliig a patent.
It will also advertise the invcu
tion free of charge.
mis offer is subject to the following condl-tlons:
.v., , pernor must obtain a patent for
Ws invention through the company. He must
firstapply for a preliminary search, the cost of
which will be five dollars. Should this
seach show his invention to be unpatentable,
he can withdraw without further expense
Otherwise he will be expected to complete his
application and take out a patent in the regu
lar way. The total expense, including the
Government and Bureau fees, will be seventy
dollars. For this, whether he secures a nH
or not, the inventor will have a patent that
a vaiuaoie property to him. The
prize will be awarded by a Jury cousisting of
three reputable patent attorneys of Washing
ton. Intended competitors should fill out the
toiiowing blank, and forward
We are in receipt of the May number
of our state Bobool paper. It exceed
any oi trie former numbers in valua.
The paper this mouth contains many
new aud valuable features. The illus
trated series ou the sohools of the state
is introduced by a paper oo the FrieudH
Polytechnic Institute at Snlem, Oregon.
These papers oannot fail to be of great
value both to the sohools an 1 to the
There are also several flue articles
by ourbeBt writers and the departments
"Current Events.'-'Saturday Thoughts,"
"Eduoational News" "Tho i.Di
Answers, Correspondents." em ooni.
oontain much valuable readina for
teachers or parents. The magazine
has about 50 pages of niBtter, well
printed and arranged. We pronounce
lha Wuol.,Rn DJ .t .
. ,.ra.o,u icuugugue iue oest eduoa
tional monthly on the oonst.
Everyone of our readers should have
the paper if they are at all interested
in education. No teaoher school direc
tor or student can get aloDg well with
out it. We will receive subsoripLons
atthisoffioe. Price only 81.00 a year.
When desired we will send the Western
Pedagogue and Uazette one yesr to on
wiurrss ior od.uo. uail and examine
sample copies. Teachers, directors and
The Gentle Manners of the Chinese Lower
""-pruing to Americans.
The Chinese are, as a race, the mn
courteous people I have
contact with, savs a wrltn, t .i..
Arena. When it is taken into rci,i.
eration that a majority of the Chinese
who come to this count Li
the lower or lowest class their gentle
manners are truly surprising. I have
seen parties of well-dressed mericans
go into one of their stores, poke about
among the poods, or wander into the
clubroom, watch the games, handle the
instruments of the orchestra and ask
all sorts of questions concerning them
lauuwi were treated as wel
come guests, their questions answered
and tea. confections and cigarettes
ottered them on departure. Fancy the
reception that would be accorded to a
party of unidentified Chinese who at
tempted to take a look thromrh
our own fashionable clubs. In the res
taurant their conduct is the same I
imagine that if three or four Chinese
were to take it into their heads to dine
at one of our up-town restaurants they
would be subjected to many unpleasant
remarks, probably some insolence from
the waiters, and. if i.lin,, -i u
i . . owuiii prove
as awkward in handling the knife and
fork as the average American is with
the chopsticks, would cause considera
ble merriment among the other guests.
But in Mott street the practice of
good breeding is different. Time and
again I have seen some good-natured
-"" lewusown dinner grow cold
that he might show some clumsy Ameri
can stranger who was struggling with
the chopsticks how to use those elusive
but useful implements. It is a very
simple trick after it is learned, and one
wh.ch I have often found useful at
other places than at a table in a Chi
nese restaurant. Once mastered, with
a couple of pencils one can improvise a
very serviceable pair of tongs to pick
up a bee or struggling worm, a bit of
people went into the kitchen, washed
a few dishes, cooked coffee and got to
gether some cold food. A few thought
It all a great joke. When the yacht
ing party returned the hotel-keeper
couldn't scold his employes, and didn't
dare offend his rich (ruest. He. there
fore, smiled, in a forced fashion it is
true, when the yachtman asked him
cheerily: "How did VOU enlnv vsmi.
dinner?" Elmira Telegram.
metal, or anv such nmnii i,i
which one does not care to touch with
one s fingers. The first stick should be
njfiuiy.aDout three inches from
the lower end, between the ball of the
second finger, the first joint of the
... uu tne nand, just below the
knuckle joint of the first finger-verv
iIIB 8econa sllek shoulci
almost, exactly as a good pen
man holds his pen, lightly, between
the ball of the thumb and of the first
flnrTOf Plinl.il i
e., onuuiiy restinc ft nnv
parents, now is the time to subscribe, tf f.611'1"511 bv tllat ""few, to just between
.. uu iiuucme joints. Chi-
Bnckleu's Ai uica Salve. nese meats are all served cut into small
The best salve in the world for cnh :T ai be reatIily eai with
. . , chopsticks, thus materially reducing
bruises, sores, u oers. salt rhi,m f... th lnl,. ,ii:. y Tem"g
sores, tetter, chapped hsnds, chilbloinf
oorns aud all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perleot satisfaotiou
or money refunded. Prioe 25 oents
A Practical Joker nnrrlM. oar sit h
Hotel Help in His Yacht.
There is a certain v.iohtcmnn ai,.
loves a joke, especially one of a prac-
bo, For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug faS Tn'dulge this UnTsTith kl
A Declaration Opposing Foreign Inter
ference with Cisatlantic Affairs.
Briefly and broadly stated, the Mon
roe doctrine is our national policy oi
opposing the interference of European
powers with the political affairs of es
tablished popular governments in th
American hemisphere. Its origin, at
related, by the New York Times, waB as
follows: In 1823, at a congress of Eu
ropean powers at Verona, Italy, there
was discussed a project for aiding Spain
to recover her sway over her revolted
American colonies. This aroused
strong indignation in the United States
and the sentiment: "America for the
Americans," became a popular cry. In
the fallowing year 1823 President
Monroe, after careful consultation with
his secretary of state, John Quincy
Adams, and with Thomas Jefferson, in
corporated in his annual message the
following declarations: "That we
should consider any attempt on their
part to extend their system to any por
tion of this hemisphere as dangerous to
our peace and safety;" and "that we
could not view any interposition for the
purpose of oppressing (independent
American governments) or controlling
in any manner their destiny by any Eu
ropean power in any other light than
as a manifestation of an unfriendly dis
position toward the United States."
These declarations at once became
known as the Monroe doctrine. They
received popular approval at the time
and have always been advocated since
then. During the late civil war Louis
Hapoleon, in contempt of the doctrine,
sought to establish Archduke Maximil
ian as titular emperor of Mexico. Owing
to the occupation of the national forces
at home the effort then met with only
a diplomatic protest, but in ordinary
a ujcusure would rouse the
country to active opposition. In inter
national affairs of to-day the doctrine
has its appplication in the way of de
terring European intrigues or armed
interference with independent Amcri
can governments.
1.1DTI HV,n d . . .. JUn
wn..u wn 01.15. chj acres over :n
Wilson prairie. A good stock ranoh .m
ntlll l. .. .
"in ue rom oneiip. uull at lla.:c te
office for particulars and terms.
It with their
. , 1'J3.
T submit the within described invention in
competition for the Tweuiy-flve hundred Dollar
r.i-.e onerca Dy the Press Claims Company."
NO III. A Mi IN mis ciipi-r,,,.
This is a competition of rather an uon.ut
tu-e. It is common to oiler prizes for the best
story, or picture, or architectural nlan. all the
competitors risking the Iobs of their labor and
the successful one merely selling his for the
amoun of the prize. But tim p..
Company's offer is something entirely differ
ent. Punt. I- ..... ,
.. H.3 , ,.(, merely to help him
self, andt be one who helps him self to the
best advantage is to be reu.nr,io,i k
The prize Is ouly a stimulus to do nm.iki.J
that would be well worth domg without ii
architect whose competitive r,u i... ..
club house on a certain corner is not occept
ed has spent his labor on something of very
ittle use to him. But the uerson wh,. ,..., 1.
simple and useful device In the Press Claims
tompany'K competition, need not worry If he
.... xniuni a prize. He has a mih.i.nii..i
result to show ior nis wors-one tht -ti
command its value in the marke at any
The man who uses anv article i hi. ...:,..
work ought to know better nnu, i )m ..
than the mechanical exnert who .,n... ..
?"'y'm'!e theoretical point of view (let
heoS; T?Lew"rth Pntlng. The slmplerlbs
better tV. i ne simp er
oeiter, The person who best succeeds
ueiter suosoribe for the Gi zet and
re'iJ tor tue long winter c venings.
ohvebal cninamen have proved
themselves successful farmers in Mon
Tiik first orphan house in the United
States was the "Charleston Orphan Asy-
iuiii, cnurierea in 17MI).
.Some one has well Baid that thegrum-
uic never work, and the workers nev
er grumble. Chicago Standard.
KKRicccA Allen, of Cheater, Va.,
'is"ty-uiur years old, lias just com
pleted a bed quilt containing nearly
j m .1, .
vmK nay the young son of a Mr. Davis.
ii iwisiyn, a., found in a rat's nest a
vaiuauie watch. It is of solid silver, it
is claimed, with eighteen ipwels. a com
pass and several other features that arc
not found in the modern watch.
A m;w anarchist newspaper, Ie Toe.
am, riuiun oy me weil-Hnown anarch
ists Mala to Malatesta and Lucien Weil,
was issued in London t WO wei'lf ntm
Two annrcliist journals have been rcg-
umriy puDiisneu mere f ir some time
The cold winter of ISM-57 has lone
"cu iia'iiiionary coldest wintet ill
111c nistory of North Curolina. The
monthly mean of the cold of January of
1I3F.T -.I . r. ... J
v.m, 01 innpei inn, sn degrees
January, 1893, will break this record,'
mimieomciui nguresarenot vet pub-
tear of the consequences than most
people would have. Last, v
his headquarters at tilts Of thn hntalc
on the Jersey coast, taking frequent
cruises on his schooner yacht Being
liberal with his money, he was the
"star boarder" at the plaoe, and the
proprietor put up with his eccentrici
ties rather than lose his valuable
patronage. One day in August the
yachtsman said to the hotel-keeper:
"Your servants have to work pretty
hard, don't they?"
well, yes,
"They seem very faithful,
think they deserve a little rest,
Yes," said the hotel man,
ing what was up
"I've been thinking that it wnnlrl Hn
them lots of good to have a sail on mv
'Oh, that would be too great a fa
vor, replied the other. "Besides,
they haven't time to goon such a trip."
"Yes, they have, Thev can ov H.
rectly after luncheon and get back In
time to cook dinner."
1 ou would be sure to hrinir ib.rr.
back in two or three hours?"
Certainly: you needn't wnm .u,i
that." '
was the hesitating re-
and I
ln lished.
'Awarded Highest Honors, World's b
The OIllv Pure Cmam .fT.j i .
tt-j , , .... , rowocr wo Ammonia; No Alum.
Used m Mhons of HomeS-4o Years the Standard.
Consent was given, and the o-nosl. In.
vitcd all the servants for an after
noon's cruise. They accented the offer
eagerly. The next day was named for
toe nine. Luncheon was hurried
through with, and the Start wna mn.L.
wiinout washing the dishes. Tl.
yacht was of good size, so that there
was room for everyone. All th m.
Iiioyes 01 tne hotel went, evn.nl. h
oiki uh. 1 ne cimits and their helpers
the waiters, hull boys, baggage hand'
o.n, inaii-wasners aim all t ie mat. r,(
fn fKn; k..-. V.II . . I
on anu tuckers for an
afternoon "off." The day was a fin.
one, and the sail was immensely en-
j.w. uimcr 01 iue veasn wi..
"""" uengnieu man his guests
Fflllr tV(.ft.r l.ama .. .1 .1. .
...iic ttUU Lllfl V.BC. ......
,ll.. i .... . . .. wan
Hum tue noicl, The eoobu 1
gan to get anxious. They were assured
two a capital sutmer w,u ..i ...j
, . . .t-u, nun
Mary Ann and James fnr,.t n k ....
their duties on shore. When their
host said: "I wonder what the peo
ple at the hotel aro eatinir" the ,..
a great shout of laughter. AH con
sented to the mutiny against their em
ployer, and didn't mind
ten or eleven o'clock ,!,..
schooncr finally landed. In the mean
time the guests were in a fine state of I
mind, and the proprietor was beaide
himself. At six o'slock some of the
Obliged to Repudiate Part or the Interest
on Her Debt.
The speech with which the kin r.t
Portugal lately opened the cortes at
Lisbon is scarcely calculated to convey
any assurance as to the stability nf th
present cabinet, or even of the throne
says the New York Tribune. No na
tion can be regarded as politically safe
w hich is unable to nav its ir ,i n...
the situation in which Portugal is
now placed. The king declared that,
notwithstanding tho reduction of gov
ernment expenses and the savings ef
fected, the measures adopted had not
proved sufficient to place the economical
and financial life of the country on a
firrn basis. Portugal has been a con
stant borrower for well-nigh forty
years, and considerably more than half
the national revenue is now required to
pay the interest on the debt Matters
have at length reached a crisis, and last
summer a decree was issued temporarily
reducing the interest of the debt to one
third of the original amount. This was
a Rtep which partook of the nature of
i.-puumuon, and called forth strong
protests from several of the foreign
governments on behalf of those of their
subjects who had invested their money
in Portuguese state bonds. This, of
course, renders it useless for Portugal
to make any further attempt to borrow
money abroad. The consequence is
that the treasury is empty and trade
and commerce are brought almost to a
standstill by the lamentable condition
of the national credit. Nor is it possi-
lllo f. G1irpr..,L. n 1 . .. 1
....BH, uy mnue irora tne pres
ent difficulty except by a declaration of
national bankruptcy and complete re
ludiation of the debt, or else by the
.ale to England of a portion of her cost
y a mi unproductive colonial possessions
n Africa and India.
About 300,000 telephones are in use
in the United States.
Lieut. Pkary found many bumble
bees and bluebottle flies within 880
miles of the north pole.
About $10,000,000 is the estimated
cost of the proposed cable between
North America and Australasia.
The various Oerman fraternities of
freemasons were incorporated Into one
body by Jost Dotzi tiger in 1444.
The average weight of horses is 1,000
pounds and the strength of one horse is
equal, on the average, to that of five
The United States furnish 673,000
freemasons and 847.471 odd fl
lodgeroom reasons for late hours and
latch keys.
Thk value of the product of Amo-I.
can manufactories for the year 1803 Is
estimated to have been 17,215,000 000
Tub largest needle 111 n mi fnstVnvTr ln
the world is in ttdHitri wL
' ' VVBWr
shire, Eng. Over 70,000,000 are made