Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, June 04, 1914, Image 1

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    T h t L & rg ts t and B e s t P a p e r in P ollj Ç o u n tÿ
^ ................
Dallas needs a cannery.
I ■ Start
- ■ |
Polk C ounty’s
Best Newspaper
a movement for
— Every Issue
T h e P a p e r t h a t QiOes Y o u W h a f You lAtant to
NO. 2'
organizes after the annual elec­
N EW P O S T M A S T E R .
tion on June 15th. Because of
the advancement of the Dallas J. Orville Price Gets the Job at
school district to that o f the
first-class, the board will here­
after be composed of five mem­
bers, three of whom are to be
elected at the coming election.
The Woman’s Club has taken up
seriously the project of securing
representation on the board for
their sex. A committee ap­
pointed a month ago to find
candidates have secured the
consent o f Mrs. H. B. Cosper
and Mrs. J. R. Craven and these
ladies have been given the en­
dorsement of the Club. Both
are qualified in every way for the
public duties for which they are
urged and will not only receive
the hearty support of the women
of the city, but of a large pro­
portion of the men voters, and
their election need not be a sur­
below the program for the week.
F R E S H -A IR C H IL D R E N .
prise to any one.
Friday evening— Philogia lit­
The term of Dr. B. H. McCal­
erary program:
Instrumental Dallas People W ill Again Give lon as a member of the board
solo, Pearl Smith; reading, Ger­
City Youngsters a Vacation.
expires, but it is probable a peti­
trude Wilson; vocal duett, Elva j
tion will be circulated to have
Lucas, Louise Miles; reading,]
The fresh-air children are him again be a candidate.
Word came to Dallas last Fri­
Sarah Toevs; vocal solo, Lu cile! coining to Dallas again this sum­
day of the appointment of J.
Hamilton; instrumental solo,] mer and it is expected that en­
Orville Price as the new post­
Adah Campbell;. Farce in one] tertainment will be found in the
act, ‘‘The lleartville Shakes- j homes of the city and vicinity Dallas Takes Easy Game From master at Rickreall, and ‘ the
Itemizer hereby produces his
peare Club.”
for twice the number that were
Hopewell Giants.
pleasant countenance for the
Sunday evening— Baccalaur-! here last summer. Miss Ednelle
enllghtment of its readers. Mr.
cate services: Union services Collins, secretary of the W o­
Dallas, 6; Hopewell, 1.
of the churches of the city will man’s Club, has received a letter
And they had no right to that. Price is a well known resident
be held in the auditorium of the from the secretary of the Associ The visitors in Sunday's game of Rickreall, and has the esteem
high school.
The following ated Charities in Portland, in­ were so slow they were painful of all its residents. He is the
■program has been arranged: quiring if the good people of to watch. With a man on first secretary of the commercial club
and one of the firm of Lucas &
Hymn; invocation, Rev. C. C. Dallas and vicinity would do as
Price, who conduct one of the
Curtis; anthem; scripture read­ well for the children of the tene­
general merchandise stores at
ing, Rev. Geo. H. Mitchell; an­ ment districts of the city as they
our enterprising suburb, they
them: sermon, “ The Dignity of did last year. The matter was
now owning the store started by
Service,” Rev. Geo. H. Bennett; presented and discussed at the
Mr. Begun, of Lafayette, several
anthem; hymn, “ America” ; ben­ meeting o f the Woman’s Club
years ago. The postolflce is
Tuesday afternoon and it was
now located in the other store, Vi
Monday evening— A sketch. the concensus of opinion that at
owned by Cadle Bros.
“ Up Applegate Creek,” by mem­ least twice as many of the boys
bers of the Adelphian Society. and girls could be taken care of
Mr. Price was bom in Mc­
The high school orchestra will this year as were provided for
Minnville 29 years ago and four
furnish music between the acts. last year, as several kind-heart­
years ago married Miss Lucas,
Wednesday evening— Junior- ed people of our city were dis­
daughter of Ben. Lucas He is
Senior reception.
a grandson of Peter Cooke and
appointed in not having the
evening— Senior privilege of entertaining one or
in the Cooke store had much ex­
class play, “ Merchant of Venice more o f the little visitors from
perience in postoffice matters,
LTp-to-Date.” Selections by the the big city.
so that he will not come at all
high school orchestra and vocal
A committee from the Wo­
green to the work. With the
solo by Miss Louise Miles be­ man’s Club has been appointed
establishment of a new rural
tween the acts.
to secure a list of those who
route out of there on last Mon­
day, of which W. W. Rowell will
Friday evening—Graduating will be willing to take in the lit­
be the carrier until a regular ap­
exercises: March, orchestra; tle ones for a period of two
Y fofcAsry
pointment is made, the office
invocation, Rev. Curtis; instru­ weeks and it is expected to send
will pay about $475 a year, mak­
mental solo, Pauline Coad; salu­ word to the Portland managers
ing quite an adjunct to the store
tatory, Dora Hayes; vocal solo, of the movement to send at least
E. W. Miles; valedictory, Marga- 25 of the youngsters to Dallas. and a Hy to right, which bounced business.
riete Kreitle; vocal solo, Elva They will probably arrive some over the fence, they deliberately
loafed around the track until the
Alice Lucas; address to class. time in July.
C A N D ID A T E S ’ E X P E N S E S .
ball was fielded in time to cut
President C. J. Bushnell of P. U.;
presentation of diplomas, Dr. B. W O M E N ON S C H O O L BOARD. any score. They lost the only
chance to score to which they W hat it Cost' W ould-be Officials
H. McCallon.
to M ake the Race in Polk.
All the exercises will be held Tw o Ladies W ill be Candidates were entitled. Hopewell is good
at fielding the ball, but lacks
for Directors of Dallas
in the high school assembly
“ pip,” as our manager would
The following candidates have
room and will begin at 8 o’clock.
say. Serr dropped the ball at so far filed their statements of
The public is cordially invited to
Dallas will probably have at the critical time and gave the expenditures for the primary
all of them, except the reception
on Wednesday evening, which least one and maybe two women tired ones their only score. No­ election. All should have done
is for the class members only.. on the school board when it re- body worked on the home team so by May 29th, and are now li­
and it was an uneventful game. able to a good ^ tiff fine for not
It was evident from the first that doing so:
Hopewell was out-classed , so
Dem ocratic.
there was no incentive to get
su rveyor... .$37.85
a hump on. The day was hot
and the crowd was not the larg­ F. M. Suver, su rveyor..
est. Meyer held the game well J. E. Richter, treasurer.. 46.21
in hand and Serr seemed to have Geo. Clanfield, commis... 29.35
improved his peg to second. S. B. Taylor, su rveyor... 92.35
i| j
The recruits tried out acquitted J. F. Morrison, sheriff. . . . 20.20
themselves well.
Rice played J. II. Savery, sheriff....... 36.50
a classy game at his position, Asa B. Robinson, clerk.. 1.35
and if the visitors had possessed W. J. White, sheriff......... 33.90
the necessary snap and go, we J. D. Bevens, constable. .. 2.10
were in a position to put up a
° h i,
good game.
J. W. Orr, sheriff..............$34.25
C. W. Bechett, commis... 5.15
Program fo r Band Concert.
F. J. Holman, treasurer. . 43.80
Following is the program R. L. Chapman, co ro n er.. 4.40
which will be rendered by the F. M. Bethel, justice. . . .
Dallas band at their open-air C. R. Canfield, su rveyor.. 28.59
oncert on the court house lawn John Ashbaugh, constable 2.10 I
next Saturday evening:
H. G. Strayer, justice.............45
1 March— Kali-Inla.........A. H. Thrall H. C. Dunsmore, treasurer 20.00 :
2. Intermezzo— The Hoderland. Brlglla 1 Jas. Imlah, constable....... none]
3. Medley Overture-Hot Potatoes.Hal |
4. An Educated R ag...............Roberts i G. L. McMurphy, constable .45
Mazurka—Birds of Spring.Williams j F. L. Wood, justice............none
Dallas Homes to Take 25 or More Fresh-Air
Children for Outing---Wom en to Enter Race
Davis & Horn
“ T h e Reliable H o mefurnishers”
for School Director.
Auto Accident Near Corvallis—-Commence­
Free Hitchrack, Watering Trough
and Rest Room
ment Program s--New Rickreal! Postmaster.
Independence Car at High Speed
Leaves Road and Dashes
Into Farm .
Fred Hooper, of Independ­
ence, was thrown from the car
of Dr. Young, also of Independ­
ence, on the Corvallis road near
Granger Sunday afternoon and
his leg was broken in two places
below the knee, as the car
plunged through a fence at the
side of the road after the driver,
Dr. Young, had lost control of it.
The car was badly smashed.
No one else was injured of the
five men in the car.
The party were coming from
Corvallis and, it is said, were
making high speed along the
smooth road by the farn/of
John Kiger.
They swerved
from the road to pass a rig, and
as the big car turned back Dr.
Young in some manner lost con­
trol of the steering geer and the
car plunged up a bank and
through a fence. It went sev­
eral feet into the garden and
dragged down a long strip of
fence. Hooper was thrown out
as the car struck the fence. The
others managed to remain in
the car.
Another Independence auto­
mobile containing E. Young and
wife, came along in a few mo­
ments and the Injured man was
placed in it and taken home.
He will recover, although the
breaks are very painful. The
auto was taken to Independence
this morning.— Albany Herald.
High School Events W ill be
Numerous Next Few Days.
Commencing tomorrow even­
ing, the 1914 commencement
exercises of the Dallas high
school will begin. We append
Are You Going:
To Camp
This Summer?
If you are you will want a
T e n t, C a m p S to v e , F o ld in g C o t
and other things that are necessary to make
a camping outfit complete. You will find
all these articles at ourj store at a price
that will meet your approval.
Bring in to us any old furniture and we will
allow you a very liberaljprice on new goods
Our new spring stock is in and you will find
that our price is right and we will also
give you terms in case you have not the
cash to pay. We want your patronage
and will endeavor to merit your confidence
6. Selection— II Trovatore.........Verdi
7. Characteristic March........... Ackley
in N» y* York Evening tun.
Polk County's Standing.
According to a statement
Recently there passed away rendered to the Itemizer by In­
in the metropolis one o f the old- surance Commissioner J. W.
time men of Dallas, publicity of Ferguson, Polk county’s finan­
whose death has not been given cial standing is as folows:
at this place. Deceased was Al. I General fund............$47,814.48 f)
Stump, a son of William Stump, General rogd............. 13,542.60
of Dallas, and a brother of Mrs. Road districts........... 22,233.86
Ollie Cook. He married M rs.; Special roads...........
Isabelle Riddell and became first County schools....... 23,962.56
noted here as the proprietor of Special schools....... 13.535.45
the Cottage hotel, which he and High schools.............
his wife brought to perfection as Library ....................
an eaUng and rooming house, Register and indemnity 142.06
tohn Stump, who died here nof Forest ......................
along ago, was a brother o f the Cities and towns . . .
deceased, and there are also Miscellaneous ..........
Charles and William in other
part8 o f the state.
Total .............. $133.020.66
J. A. Brown the other day Outstanding warrants $ 646.29
brought us in a box o f straw­ Agency fund's liability 49.429.72
berries. onlv 15 of which could
get Inside the box. They were
Total ................ $50.076.01
o f the new Oregon variety, and
County fund surplus $82,944.65
are yielding fine this year.
Old Dallasite Dead.
Make yourself at home in our store when
you come to Dallas and also remember we
have plenty cf free hitching racks for the
farmers to use and a rest-room for the
Remember:-we Buy Sell and E x ­
change Everything in the Fumi-
ture line and many other things.
Call in and look around.
f 'v
Phone 20
cl H
orn dal „ las
The Reliable