Image provided by: Dallas Public Library; Dallas, OR
About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1908)
OUR ASSOCIATE EDITORS. AH the County News Graphically Writ ten up by Our Brainy Rustlers. Ritner. Mrs. Ida Horning, of Corvallis, is vis iting her barents, Mr. and Mrs. (Mias. Olcman. A farewell social was given at the home of Clias. Craton last Sunday af ternoon. Winnie Irvine, Kdu Turner and Eva Womer have returned home from In dependence. Mrs. Sarah Price will soon go to Sa lem to make her home with her daugh ter. Mrs. Mooney. return will bring his aged mother hack with him. R. Van l>eii Bosch sustained a pain ful injury to h.s foot white at Mill 1 lest Friday. A heavy cant fell on his foot partly mashing it. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer return ed Thursday from their eastern visit. Their numerous friends are all glad to see them home again. BABY GIRL CRIED All the Time— Torturing Eczema Business with the Walker house lias i Covered Her Body—Could Not gro vn to such an extent that more 1 thin winter. Sleep— Doctor Said Sores Would room was necessary to house tlie num erous guests stopping at this popular Miss Clara Olenrm will soon return Last for Years— Skin Now Clear. I R. L. CHAPMAN.... $ to work at Portland. (Mara Oleman, Marv Ronro, Inez, hotel. Colonel Matthews has bought Levi and Gun Burbank and Arthur Dy out the interior fittings of the Tavern FUNERAL DIRECTOR « Billy McKee, of Wren, has moved to er attended the dance at Falls City Sat hotel and will use tin* Tavern as an an and ♦ McTiminonds CURED IN THREE MONTHS Valley. nex to The Walker. urday night. ENBALMER ♦ T OFFICE : ipel an«l Parlors N. Main st. Z Mrs. F. Nheytheand family are visit BY CUTICURA REMEDIES 1 Charlie Frink is building an addition Z DALLAS, OREGON: ing rela.ives at Eugene. Mrs. Mohney has returned to her j to his house, making it two story. Tin* I home at Salem. T Well Phone 103. Mutual Phone 180« 4 Hunter house on school house hill is “ I take great pleasure in telling you .1 Hues O osire. of Kings Vailey, has + Calls Prom ptly Answ ered l»ay o r N ig h t £ • rented the Scanlon farm. Ernest Bush is working for Ed Pag about completed and the fine residence 1 what a groat heip it was for me to use Cuticura Soap and Cutioura Ointment of .Jonah Low is nearing completion A family bv the name of Yost has encoff on the road. Falls City has made a great many val for my baby niece. She was suffering from that terrible torture, eczema. It 1 I »ought the (Mias Craton farm. The frosts last week ruined most of uable improvements this year. was all over her body but the worst was M »it Shirk, (ieorge and Willie Yost the gardens in the valley. on her face and hands. Her hands were PEEDEE. j are going to Siuslaw (»1» a visit. bo bad that she could not hold anything. Sophia Hastings, of Monmouth, is INDEPENDENCE? She cried and scratched all the time and i (Mias Eggleston, of Woodburn, is vis her son, Reuben, this week. could not lletp night or day from the iting lo- uncle, Tims. Kinchin. Mr«. Rex Woiner has been ill. Mrs. Ruth Neville has gone to the scratching. 1 had her under the doc Mr. C. Bain left Monday for his home tor’s care for a year and a half and he in Newport. Mrs. (Mias. Craton and family will [ Summit to visit her parents. Our school will begin October 5th. seemed to do her no good. I took her move to Hood River next week. Mrs. Vina Metcalf and baby and Flor- Asa Robinson has returned from a to the best doctor in the city and he said Hop pickers are moving home rejoice- ; that she would have the sores until she (¡us and Levi Burbank will soon re ' nice Metcalf, of Airlie, are spending the trip to Portland. ing. was six years old. But if I had de week with Wm. Shewey and wife. turn to their work at Black Rock. pended 'on the doctor my baby would Mr. and Mrs. James Kisor left Mon R. B Arnold was a Salem visitor last have lost her mind and died from the day for Missouri. Arthur Dyer is going to Eugene to BALLSTON. want of aid. week. work for K, A. Taylor this winter. “ I used all the remedies that every Miss Grace Scott, of Salem, visited Mr. and Mr*. Jasper Willett have a body told mo al> >ut and I tortured the Mr. C. Hooper and family will move; The inside of the school house has Miss Nina Bakeman Sunday. child almost to death. Then I saw in baby girl. this week to his father’ s farm near Air- l»ecu painted. which adds much to its Dr. W. R. Allen lias returned from a the paper how Cuticura was the thing for irritating skin. I bathed her with Miss Mary Ronco spent Sunday tit j hunting trip on the Mckenzie. looks. warm water and Cuticura-Boapand used Falls Citv. Mrs. Wm. Bailey, of Corvallis, has Mr J. J. Russell and wife, of Parker, the Cuticura Ointment. She was cured Geo. Ball has bought an automobile, I in three months. Now her skin is as Mrs. F. C. Ritner will teach our school been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. lit* says it is a goer, does not even stop were in Independence Saturday. clear and smooth as it could be. I shall for gates. Mrs. A. Stansberry has gone to Pen recommend l ho use of Cuticura wherever dleton to visit with herchildien. I sec tho skin in bad condition. Alice Blacksmith Fudge is having some L. Dowell, 4700 Fasten Ave., St. Louis, paint put ou his house and is putting Mr. and Mrs. Newt Prather, of Buena Mo., May 2 and 20, 1007.” up a nice new yurd fence. Vista, spent Sunday in Independence. Otto Mavlield has gone to North Mrs. Anna Parker and son, Mac, vis Yamhill, where she will teach the Oth iter 1 friends in Independence Sunday. and ' th gard es in the public school. Miss Grace Hughes, of Albany, is Hop picking is over, the yield being spending a couple of weeks in this city. Cuticura Removes Dandruff and Soothes Itching Scalps. Every part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and a b m th .ilf that of former crops. The 'Warm shampoos with Cuticura Soap, Robert Dugnan has been visiting his strength. W hen this life stream is flowing through the system in a state of quality was fairly good but the early and light dressings with Cuticura, pre brother, I)r. R. E. Dugnan, in this city. frosts injured quite a few and several purity and richness we are assured o f perfect am', uninterrupted h ealth ; vent dry,# thin, and failing hair, remove Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williams have crusts, scales, or»d dandruff, destroy because pure blood is nature’s safe-guard against d' ;easc. W, however, boxes were left on the vines. hair parasites, soothe irritated, itching the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of School will commence October 4th. returned from a short visit in Portland surfaces, stimulate the hair follicles, its strength, disease germ s collect, and the trouble i i manifested in various j Prof. Du 11 turn and Miss Lola Foster will Mr. J. S. Cooper and C. W. Butler loosen the scalp skin, supply the roots ways. Pustular eruptions, pim ples, rashes and the different sk in affections again have charge. The proposition to made a business trip to Portland .Mon with energy and nourishment, and make the hair grow upon a sweet, show that tile blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result o f too bond the district to build a new house day. wholesome, healthy scalp when all much acid or the presence of som e irritating hum or. Sores and Ulcers are was turned down, but the 10th grade Dr. L. L. Hewitt’s fain illy arrived other treatment fails. has been added. Two teachers will the result o f morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca Monday to make their home in Inde Complete External nnd Internal Treatm ent for handle live grades apiece. tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood ! Every Humor o f Infant«. Children, and Adults eon- pendence. i dsts of Cuticura Soap (25c.) to Cleanse the Skin, Cutl- disorders that w ill continue to grow worse as lon g as the poison remains. , cura ointm ent (50e.) to Heal the Skin, and Cutl- Mr. Clarence Henkle, of Spokane, is i cura Resolvent (60c.),(or in the form o f Chocolate FALLS CITY. These impurities and poisons find their way into the blood iti various ways. Coated Pills. 25c. per vial o f 60» to Purify the Blood. visiting at the home of Mr. Will Walk ! I Sold throughout the world. Potter Drug & ( hem. Often a sluggish, inactive condition o f the system , and torpid state o f the er, in tliin city. Corp.. Sole Props.. Boston, Mass. uurMailed Free, Cuticura Book ou Skin Diseases. avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and ( -onnty Judge Coad was a Fall* City Miss Bessie Butler and Miss Helen form uric and other acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed visitor last week. Cooper have returned from a week’s throughout the circulation. C om ing in contact with contagious diseases is Mrs. Bryant has gone to Portland to visit in Portland. Curtis Miller will move to Hoskins another cause for the poisoning o f the blood ; we also breathe tile germ s and visit a daughter there. Mr. Clint Walker and danghters de next week. microbes of Malaria into our lungs, and when these get into the blood in John A. Biloau, brother of Mrs. J. T. parted Tuesday for Portland, where they sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some T. J. Allen went back to Simpson are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs o f some old Chamberlain, is visiting friends in town. will spend the winter. camp to work. C«1 Stoddard and Alvin Robinson are constitutional disease o f ancestors is handed down to them and they are Mrs. Will Lancefield, of Amity, visit Townsend Bros, finished picking their constantly annoyed and trouhlt 1 with it. Bad blood is the source o f all dis on a visit to the coast, to be gone a ed at the home of her father, Mr. C. hops Thursday. Walker, over Sunday. ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to couple of weeks. Dave Riker has moved on the Her i uffer in some way. For blood troubles o f any character S. S. S. is the best It is rumored that our friend, P. Doyle, Dole Pomeroy left Monday lor Port remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and rem oves any has sold his grocery business to a gen land, where he will enter the Columbia man Siefert place. Frank Plunkett is building himself a University for the winter. and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and com pletely tlemen from Oolmrg, house in Corvallis. ami permanently cures blood diseases of Mrs. Crowley, wife of Professor Crow Roy McFadden has returned to Port every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so ley, is very sick at present with slight land after a visit of two weeks with his H. T. Maxfield returned Friday from thorough that hereditary taints are removed chances for recovery. mother, Mrs. Sherman Ha vs. the hop yard at Independence. ami weak, diseased blood made strong and A good many of our valley people are Mr. and Mrs. Long have returned to Freem Robinson drove down from his healthy so that disease cannot remain. It Linn county ranch and spent a few days their home in Albany after a short visit going to Albany to do their fall trading. cutes Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores among relatives and friends. with their son, Mr. »diet Long. W. L. Pine, C. E. Rice, W. S. Alcorn PU R E LY VEGETABLE and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Mrs. J. T. Chamberlain is on a visit The Independence public school open and John Macomber attended the sale Blood Poison, etc., and does n ot leave the to Brownsville and other points. Uncle ed Monday, September 28th. The at Buena Vista Saturday. slightest trace o f the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volum e of Jim is looking lonesome these davs. names of the teachers are: First grade. Mrs. Florence Vaughn iH visiting her blood is renewed and cleansed after a course o f S. S. S. It is also nature’s Miss Mary Scollard ; second, Miss Edith Rev. La D >w returned from Walla Furgate; third, Miss Jessie Cromwell; sister, Mrs. Taylor Miller. Mrs Vaughn greatest tonic, made entirely o f roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely has just returned from Valdez, Alaska. Walla Friday and filled his pulpit as harmless to any part o f the system. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class fourth. Miss Myrtle McRevnolds; fifth, drug stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all w ho write. usual Sunday. All welcome him back. Miss Lyda Epley; sixth. Miss Iva Bur POPCORN. Alex Courier has started east for ton; seventh. Mrs. Emily Armstrong; THE S W . r r S P E C IF IC C i ) . . A 7 Í A Í Í T A . GA . Michigan and other points, and on his eighth, Miss Eunice Lewis; ninth, Miss Marie Church; principal, Mr. J. W. Prune drying is in full blast. Kirk. The hills escaped that killing frost. i I BAD BLOOD GROW S HAIR THE S O U R C E O F A L L D I S E A S E C 5 €5 © O * ó . PERRYDALE. Miss Jessie ilarritt will be our teach* r. A. Southwick has moved into his new Alfred Enes is visiting relatives in house. Silverton. Mr. Drummond has rented the H. J. Elliot and family are visiting Hoymer plan*. relatives in Corvallis this week. James Sykes has some extra tine Misses Ida Duignan and Kate Jen evergreen sweet corn. nings were Dallas visitors Monday. Roy McDowell has returned from dry Mrs. Kearns, of Salem, is visiting at ing hops near Corvallis. the home of her son, Leslie Kearns. We are always on the lookout for good values in both Hardware and Furniture, and would like to tell you that we now have better values in our Furniture department than ever before. We Have Picked up Some Snaps on Special Sak* SPECIAL A Good Couch $ 5.75 Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Keyt and three daughters were Vancouver visitors Sun day. LUCKIAMUTE STATION. Mr. and Mrs. Rice C ook , of Portland, j are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jones. School commences October 5th. Everybody milks cows hut father. Clair Marks and family have returned Mr. Kwen Jennings left Sunday morn from the hop field. ing for an extended visit, with relatives J. K. Morrison and family have mov at his old home in Tennessee. Mr. Willis, a music, and sewing ina- ! chine dealer, of Salem, was canvassing ' in Perrydale the latter part of the week. J. A. Baxter, Lowman Conner, and George Woods and wife left Sunday for a two weeks visit with relatives in Tilla mook. The families of Kwen Jennings and Preston Lung returned home from the Yoakum hop yard Saturday, having fin ished picking hops Friday. A party was given at the home of Mr. Parks on Saturday evening. Light refreshments were served and a very pleasant evening was spent. Among the people of this place who attended the Yamhill county fair last week were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Conner and daughter, Miss Ida Duigman, and Homer Foster, Frank Conner and Fay , Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Werner, who have been j residents of Salem the past vear, have ! moved hack to their fs\fm south of town. Mrs. Werner has been quite ill for some time but is slowly improving. Mrs. Della Engleston, of Portland« who has been visiting her parents, H. B. Flannery and wife, returned home last Friday, accompanied by her broth- Bicycle Repairing With our 10 years exper ience in repairing bicy cles with tne most up- to-date tools and meth ods we are better pre pared to do your wheel work than any one else, and guarantee satisfac- j tion and right prices. Full Line of Bike Supplies This is the place to get your ed to a farm near Oregon City. Roy Pitzer has gone to work Wright Smith near Lewisville. Mrs. (\ (V Marl- nd Mrs. Haggard i attended t fui, . ii * i »' s. James at ' Stiver Mon« . Miss Lena Brown has returned to In dependence where she will attend school this winter. F o r In fa n ts and C h ildren. John Palmel, Frank La ugh ary and Guy Hewitt have finished cutting their corn and putting it in silos. Those attending the Balton sale near ; Parker hist Saturday were: Ralph Dodson, Tom McKldowney, K. E. Hr I witt, C. C. Marks, (i. G. Hewitt, John ' ¡Ground and Oliver Smith. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT Aggelatile PreparslionforAs simiiatingthefbodaulHegula ting llif SloraadB aiullkrwelsul eo L a . Bears the Signature The R. R. did some heavy blasting I i last Sunday in Kola. Our school has started with Miss Nor- ! c o b s , of Central Point, for our teacher. I of Promotes DigeslionjChretfu) ness and Rest.Cunlains neiiter Opiimi.Morphine norMiuual. Mrs. Antrican and family have gone I to her father’ s to help harvest the prune ! N I •|.,p The Kind You Have Always Bought Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thacker have | bought some nice furniture for their house. Mrs. Ferguson’s sister, Julia, and | children, from Heppuer, spent last week at the Ferguson home. o t N . a r c o t ic Heap* of ou. ¿ksm w m m o'* tfaafkm Seed“ ji/x. Senna *■ In Use For Over Thirty Years HbcM/eSdh- ihc yimseSeed * fe S fx * . Jfkr/n Seed - mMS Hop picking is over around Eola and everyone is triad. Brophy is the only i one that paid $50 cents a box. The Mlttys saved their tomato patch | from the frost by covering them with sacks. There was onlv one killing frost ; here. liX*- / IWi • Aperteci Remedy for Consti^ Hon. Soul’ Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and L oss of S iekp - Fa. Sin* Signatur» oí Dave Jacobson has come to take care • of the H. H. Hayden stock place during j the absence of Mrs. Hayden and Mrs. Stanton. NEW YORK. A tó m o n th s old The R. It. is working all the men and j teams they can get. There is only one camp now but the force is larger than! when they were running two. j j D oses -J J C e n ïs G uaranteed unÆrtheFoodj It kept Ed Mittyand team busy work- i imr for Mr. Swanson during hop nicking j getting supplies from S ,'em and deliver I ing them to the R. R. camps and hop picker’s camps. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Mrs. Stanton has gone to Oregon City to helptak - care of her sister, Leona, w hoissadiy ullicted with tuberculosis of the bone Mrs. Hayden, her mother, has been with her for the last eight weeks. CASTORIA MARKET REPORT. THC OCNTAUH COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. City Express & Transfer Co. M r SCOTT A ST ARR, PROPRIETORS REPORTED W E E K L Y BY U. 8 . L O C O IIA R Y . Wheat, a bushel, 85c. Bran, a ton, $25 00. Shorts, a to n , $80. Oats, a bushel, 85 cents. Flour, u barrel, $4.75. Flour, a sack, $i 25. Corn meal, $2 50 a cwt. Potatoes, a bushel, HO. Butter, a pound, 25 cents. Lard, a pound, 15 cents. Bacon, sides, a pound, Id cents. Hams, a pound, 15 to 20 cents. Shoulders, a pound, 1 2 h» cents. Eggs, a dozen, 25 cents. Chickens, a dozen, $8 (tp $5. Di •¡ed fruits, a pound, fi (a> 15 cents. Beets, a pound, 2 cents. Turnips, a pound, 2 cents, Cabbage, a pound, I 1.* cents. Onions, a pound, 3 cents. Beans, a pound, 5'.j (ip 8 cents. Corn meal, a pound, 8 cents Day, a ton, $8 (3) $12 . THE D EVIL. The theatre going people of this town have a rare treat in store for them in the shape of the great sensational play ‘ The Devil,” winch is creating a furore 'from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean. Nothing of recent times has made such a stir in the theatrical world, eith er in Europe or America. The question as to whether Fiske or Savage owns the American rights to the play will be set tled by litigation, in the meantime, it is possible for others to get it and the Alcazar Stock Company, which will produce it here, was one of the first to take advantage of the situation, giving the people of our city a chance to see it at the same time it is being produced in all the great cities of the country. The play contains a powerful sermon and holds the audience with a tight grip from the time the curtain rises until it Fiske. the best printer. falls at the end of the last-act. Jacob Holgate, a pioneer of 1852, died Quoting the New York Tribune: “ It is a morality play of the highest order.” in Portland the other day. He was the father of Miss Eunice Enimitt, of Buell. And the Evening Sun says: “ The Devil is a great play, look at it from any standpoint you will.” The Portland Oregonian says: “ A remarkable play; nothing resembling it has ever been seen before.” Dorothy Dix, the clever correspond TEA ent and critic writes : “ E veryone who There’s plenty of hum can shou'd see this wounderful play.” No one can afforu to miss it, for it is bug in k u , not one ounce the all -absorbing topic in the theatri cal world. in a ton Schilling’s Best. And of particular interest is the fact, that it is to be given in the opening Y o u r grocer returns y our m oney if you don't Willamette engagement of the Alcazar like it: we pay imn Stock Company, a strong organization of excellent players, that have been with some of the best companies in the country. The ieading woman. Miss May Bar- | hour, well and favorably known both in W EBF00T the east and on this coast, where she I has played for years, is an excellent an-1 ROOFING tress of great versatility and especially adadted to strong, emotional lines. f THK REST HOOFING Mr. G. Lester Paul is an actor of wide | ON THE MARKET experience and reputation. He is play • Made by the Northwest Roofing ing the title role in “ The Devil” and has personal direction of its production, 4 company, Portland. Does not hue- I * which in itself is an assurance of high ? kle, Guaranteed for 10 years. class, artistic. The company is first | L. C. KOSER I class in every respect and gives as fine a Agent for ' ’oik County, a production as any of the big road com m panies. It is the aim of the manage ment to have the people of our city ap preciate the fact that they have a homo interest in the Alcazar stock company, inasmuch as it belongs to the Willam ette Valley from now on, and will visit our town regularly during the season, always with productions that will mer it the patronage of our best people. All kinds of hauling at reasonable rates. Phone orders promptlv at tended to. Headquarters at W eb ster’s confectionery. Phones: Bell 2i>4, Motu 1 254 Basil Phone Mutual 245 G lo v e r ’s fsleat M a r k e t Phones : Mutual 82T Bell PJ1 DA Ln A S, OREGON All kinds c f meats. Pure lard. Fi-h md p h i Dry Fridays and Saturdays. Highest market price paid for fat stock. DALLAS CITY BANK Dallas, Oregon. R .C . CRAVE N - - W. G. VASSALL - - DIRECTORS : N. L. Butler, R. C. Craven, I). L. Keyt M. \l. Ellis, w . (i. Vassal!. This bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during many years of continuous service and growth. ONU MENT “ Lent We Foxyet." Marble— r, -Granile j C. L. H A W K I N S Railroad street, Dallas. # * and have every thing to satisfy your wants * # -* * # -# * * # # * * * * - * * # -3HMf On and After This Date the Price of Ice Will be as Follows: 50 lbs. and under, I ic per lb. 100 lbs. . . . $1.25'per 100 200 lbs. . . . 1.00 per 100 Cash must accompany all out- of-town orders and add 15c for each sack. Mr. T. W. Bnmk was judge of the sheep display at the McMinnv ille fair, The exhibit was extraordinarily good in this line. W e C a te r to the Local T ra d e Presidcn Cashier ¡DALLAS ICE CO. t * * # # # # # * * # * t y é * * * # r W ¿ ‘.'¿i*# ft IF LOW P R IC E S A P P E A L TO YOU 1 this is decidedly the place at which to i buy your groceries. The little you have ; to pay here fur good things to eat will i he a pleasant surprise to you. Our | OCR REPUTATION FOR GROCERY Lunch QUALITY Counter may have led you to infer that our pri- i ces are as high as the character of our j merchandise. A visit here will remove that impression immediately. You 1 will find the cost of our groceries not a bit more than you generally have to ' pay for articles whose cheap prices are their only merit. Will Reopen E. B O Y D & SO N September tho .. SALT CREEK Corner Grocery The LUMBER CO. BEST MEATS Everything in confection- j | ery and tropical fruits O F A L L K IN ns Johnson Bros. North Main Street I DALLAS * * * * * * * * * * * ***■ iHHhUHHUH