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About The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1891)
&.CHANCCY, Publisher, .Union, Or. PACIFIC COAST. Portland Catholics Will Build a Cathedral. WELLINGTON MINE STRIKE. ifie Chinese on the Empress cf Japia r r Roughly Handle & Customs Collector Eta. Txieson is to have a fl03,03 saaita nam. Austin. Nev.. has tons of antimony. jest shipped 10 Igs Aae is making a move to own ner own water wort. Horse-car lines at San Dieco are being changed into electric power. The Catholics of Portland propos to baild a magnificent cathedral. Sacramento Tratee have decided to vote pay ior an extra fire company. Charles Brooks, a wife murderer, is to be hanred Iaber 21 at Spokane. Eicnrrion trains from the East are v . - , , , . oecinaing to arrive tn ionthem Cali fornia, ForiJaad'e sakoas will all have todos at aidntght from the beginning of the new year. A iedce of iron over twenty fc; wide and S.O.O feet Jong has been ioand soata east,of Portland. Arthur Leonard of Carson. eJerk far Wells, Fares A Oo.s express, is charred with embeniinc $t"OX At -t rat a nand assay of the rairia Pfiw I CaBiomia ciaira pr5t in thear crops of JIM an acre. There is a recalarfy orraairAj roatpaav I jctrii, with stiaaa ydst, ewesd in saacgefeag Chiae?! into this mmmsv. Tbe fs departoeat ferr.i'i;- tfae S.iiloairrc t.tJset. givjar the Txrmla- tcm of f oar Oreran tcws - Alhasv Ciiv S.Ci; Raker C5tv. i. 04 ; trriit Cnx ' f1 lt l3 l-ds. is ly 27; rtsndJetoatawa. ."tfv VJ.flH,rH. ,Vr cauflf tbe eatire ,pjh?na. Tat? rre ai!v om$Ti A pjVMniatat otasen 3era hus ! to th ti asd Toa-as ; bat f 35 " ?eatl to nve k,(OJ for the ieWsjc ; 0X03 ia all India Jts titan r. ftl'fllj cd a psbJic Kbrary ia that city, provide caa wad and write. A war of ilhW 5he Aika-Hwjnaa Sy wi rus aJs is the varioss watref the 2,W3 lor the fnse parp.ue. tvrd pltiw-s the thre Sriarc .iase.s ai F. H. Hwdd, an Eltanare caratahsi. "Pl Srrii and Rs a: the law bea arrf1 at Lcis Ancnles and charct'd with felling the wcaeiaad twice. He says jt v as a mistake his bexsk iejer, which is easily weened. A basaness firm of los Aai5cs has jst4 canparataatied a traaRsctioa where by a vry respectable income will b Arived from a roxvff of 3taflng and mWeasitur 3,'33 acrt of the San Joqnia ranch. V. S. Hamilton scared a verdict f 5-,vw arainst the sonthera rac at Carwa. Aa at had pat Mr . Haaitea j SSSSSSSfc "r3. 2S ! .b naKnut am-Jas ticket. Trie aue -will te appeaJed. The Br&i street Mercantile Apncv re prt tYt4a faUare a tie Pic5e Ooan Sitat and Temtncs itc the past xtk,as caea pared wni wtta Stc the preriwes wtk aad thirteen ior the fwresjianding weti: of ;ft.H. Jndge Zaae, at Sx)t Lake, has n ?ered yadrmeat e!ahatnc frscn the Monaca Cbarch lea- the btaeat J the tcix-vd fand. ander the Edmands-rark- tt of the Tit !sittg Offine, Gardo Hmw, Hiworiant' Omce and Cbarch iara. Tbe exwtcoswait crrer the dw-sverv ci a j--oprcised tin mine in the ar of Will iam Walker's ranch, ia the viramcv of Keiravilkv. Kera vaatv. CaL, has raV oaci. The reraras the nwitz i tbe WLmple asmati. r-v . , , . tie Umtd iaw Odtsrt atSWttttle lbecflher dav so htJ the British ain Fred R. Taylor, cia5anc v.3 dt w lam uarman, JOfpn, was it a iwcta, ciw-jct J cstswm of tie VaiTi tae. He hipp3 at Rja, Braal. bat Seip that ins trsta'sueot wa n Sratai Sxm be wa Jarced V lav tbe vesi at SVtattJe. lie miiims that be wa Jre-.-eeatly trjoed ap to the saast, rttcged "? having an iron beUaytnc pin jaam oewa hu throat and awirrani 5jgvL He J ciaijn, that li? it a. ttJ31 j;jr wace. Captaoa Htrlbnrt deaoes. Jcv ri cliargt, aad nay that iriKitud of ' th iecsjc wg dae Lisa he is in debt to tbe revtfteZ. r . ' Charge W StaarL a jwsac Wack Kiiih ircaa ThKaaa, ha savKirmBtJy disappcanevi, and the tiriUt are pwarchiag ix htm. A wk ws he ar rived at Saa Frtnratoa cm ti Maver "Walla Walia from Tacotaa, Hr vj written to hsf liiie and ssKtcrs wb re fe at lfl Fraakha Krtyit, Saa Fran C5KW. thaS he woald be there at that tttaei. He rave an cJjurt so the ceml if tbe Caldnmia Ttuik5c i'anpaav. bit la t jtt calle-d lsc ha tnj-gace. mar fcave hi rciatave beard anvthwic aloct hrMB. He it SS yar of sre jtri ssaae or sa ancbes ia height, wfc trk tcv.wn haor asd a8Ktache. aat4 u eac4ed htBt IS? joondk. He as satm.lT. njOiKir aid indatitrinat, and hj -duu.ppnaranoe it ei7)iraii'W-. Saa Frasxtttoa Buy i fe4 watib m U Vhe imcbu are ejactytiaKdy id aSi iaBnar. arrwa,H are iwj ri-y. A Ivrcr jfnr&ksv 4 t uwiJi .tf v.wtr irMc AasavUia. tae nwah vliM mJ h Htaaaaa' a4 ieaat At I WUMC t KtlkMK (W aM r Hr mm! a nil m Uttmi'r.. aat4 ililia t, th nai iamu7t NMMr 4 ati pawa Tim fntm rmm MMraww v mm lar rmmmw m awiftpwB fwwi a4 m i EDUCATIONAL. The President of Brovn Unrversltjr Advocates Turning the School Houses Into Palaces. The vnblie schools ia the United States nave pupils. DaWin UniverM'v has bestowed the i lecree of IXxlor of La tirxva a tropin. Indiana University has opened with a a much larger attendance than ever be - lore. Wellesley and Smith CoHecci opened the scholastic rear with 7o) stodenu ! 'each. New York school children of foreign i birth are tlng taaght to salcie the Araericaa fiar. Seven school baildincs ia the roost i I i i - . . . r - i i . t 1 croea asxr:4 oj .xircs.SB win ruy i2 thrown opea Saturday ice- iasiracttea ia sewtar. Rind exastiaatioa of the anoficaat lri-.Ci ,a ,xl,V has resulted sn the odleness of half the , schools of the ccanty. ' r J . tJ - T ? sity advorate tcrniac pchoijonse into Icianooj rudarei and faraishinr a free lasch daily to the scholars. j Preocooasaess becias to make itself I felt. The aadtrrradaate stadeats ia the i fall year or axre oa the average than i they were twenty years aca. The ieH-fdccata of :ire aaas!S cr steadiiv forward. Iteside the arasv of : aaiverf sty erteasioa the eaferircciiSfes j for this fall of the Chaataaqaa circle 1 nnabers l-a.O-) stadeni. Toe oorf of inrac iioa last for thre year. There is at Ba!tiaore, lr'-fid. a ash 1 iag scbooJ, where loys re-ceire inssroe : ticva ia all branches of a sa aHerKan's ; wrk and ia aiiied iadamer as net-manac. rnaj-taiMti:. trvrjirf ' B rail-raakinc ' a .a a - The fcbcws has ?ro- deced excrfleat results. i The raiversity of the Great Mofjae 1 of Ei Ar-ir in Cairo is rfwtd to by I more than 10.0.K) Mc'ens s adest, net j Mly froaa Ecypt asd Tarkev hat Irons Alceria and Morrofw, th SoiBdim. Dir ' fcr and Zanzibar, Arabia, Persia. Tark essaa, India and Ma?aya. NMidac is ' uaght exrpt the Kran and the fatara i tEre relating to it. I The Wown'f OoJlece e?sabJisHd at Raltiaxwe Jnr year ag br lh- Mlhi- ; irt Emawil Ooaffcrece is'rawid.v rrosr- 1 iac tetacHiac Jnrc aad suaatwr of tB- ' .eets. asxl a?plxatas the new , citsss hsve fr arw-rK evT State j ta the I aa and Jkmb GrjwaT. Caba. O&aMia, Mexirto. Iwiia. Obiatx aaiJUnasL. T4e DirisSasr hsve sun dtv-di t itdxaii aptaes avid Cbiafiae wowea. i 1 -ie 3c,tjj naw f srar in schrols i aff iie Pl- itl "oal - Tw au ( of the p.ralatiaa anable to i-e-sd and write. Of the Latia-STeakinr ran! Spain heads the list with 5 jer at, falbwed by Italy with 4S r-er ceau, France rni Belrsam hsvinc art-vat 15 rr 1 cent. Te illiterate? in Haagary aam-bea- S pfir cent.. a Aassria 5? j-r nt. and in Ireland H per cent. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Au.tra W UaVe a Spiced EvKbrt - m Are Aroafced. ' The Kaights " LiK.r ia jesia at : ToSeda, O.. have declared ia ianar f keeping the Woc-ii's Fair fa Swwiay. Maattaa's World's Fair CVaaausaa has t fcsade S.J;tf the SJiwe's saro- priati&a eS kS(i;v3 kc lie aw f the oraen. Leach Lynch ha? leea iiatsnisiBei by rirrwr-.inera3 Davas t visit tie Sooth S ls.itads ia tfce in:wi -j the exp:i tion. i The frsppartirr ceaa iar ifr ! try Imiliing are v W trusts f tres wjti the hark a three iraas mi rotate of the Unirtn. Mr. SeJL the Loadaa u.i v--j 5?fta H: x k&c e sp.pers " lie vcc-Jd -which have lea pnlid dar- .v - n , Aaiiropakmrts tli ever te -are 15 pr.:wrt,a of tbe Ward Fair in Cacara livtar r wwntataves ft! every race of abAriciae to be icKbi i the American iVtatiaeat ia their c-wa hoanes and oracjaes. A fp3eadd exhabit itm Aasra&a aeems aEi Mistralf. Jcataa. iftrertry and e-pecaaiiv -mis) arr v V presented, oai crwecrf .jd wj hrkirs vo the sBaibfr af ifiv m oeatry ia Sydarr. Ner Soati Wai, mi Kak stj w snake at the ti:mH& a vwy cxteasive nTWttve ethtrt f wckiIk. Sowh Waies Ws weci.i Jts citamufisana sthe Wiid't Fair. OAraiBjofOfr Grener. Luiay and rirectrs Lwrcce ad IVct Jn;- aspiiti a wtl Mi ca!. Prw. deat HarrtHa l te StTr , Nhw t KKrerta hat, tf aa r erreie d the renderuoat liaauai 5tnn.ii and rewa Xe- Yek m4.r ia A?r.I 1WS. sOCi be Iwse iVr tke e.i;os-j-B ataare3iMA. Nut aref sate aju& tiM the pvmaaeart agirt v Umi tbf ' boK. wfcM iWwtv ranriire. te creat K-!alrtT,ht a-ked itir f;u.r- as it art nw ior h mxae af Stttakof ware. wh t he j saw saalaac V Luela jut Hi Alftvutder HaJiin. i. " t Vr Parte-jir W rrrstAwM f lfte Amencaa Aram As-&-aKva i PartK He grw k-raot-tiM he khattataciaa s Wartar tnue rti is tr eiraK 7 Ohaaae ISw TraJe tatl, Ni aMAaii ta ymnmta mjmttmtm atiate . par a biM.a. 19itMH. atilie cW ea.':Vii 44r maota- a Ta -wau at; aa u wkAiA-a. . u .' . I uitmi arf EASTERN ITEMS. Work on the Galveston Jetties Resumed. iTurrunrrniTp i vn vtrrnnrr j "u- a o An u i cunuu SscretAry liable Dismiss i Gerk in Pension Office for Writing Objectionable Novel In foath Dakota the total vote this year does at exceed 3S5,u3l Fifty ceal will be e prk of adansr ska to the Chicago WorKt's Fair. The wii,r psi ir. ico Uoacres win r aste-i tor j;si..fM to pay for World's Fair nx-dals and pre micaif. The bfrinaiog has be ra&de taward baidiag a great tempirasce Umple ia Bostoa. Two packages of cirarette daily have jast made txtorce Gei"4 o; Kew York craxy. He is 153 years oM. President Harrison has nardoned George Welles, coav.cted ia California of violatiag the rostal U . Tbe Deiaorrats ia Ma?sachseus raised aearlv lT.CCOover la-t vear's rc tara. the Repablicaas aloct W.flSi Larce naabers of representative cat tjeea are in Chicara, and a a&tioaa) bree-liag asstxiatioa is beinr orcaairad. A Kansas CSty Apfals Coart decisioa ackuowltdress the richt of a e!rre kept ia irooraace of her f reedoaj to reosvta ber wage. The Choctaw Coaaril hi' prahibiU! aegrcs from selihac oa their iaads. aad tho?e who were ia the atiaes are being sat away. It is rcrot--i to erect a 5aireat at Meaphis t GeaeraJ N. B. Forrest, whoaa Robert E. Ijee ce cailed the gr-att of Cait?drsie Geer&Js The Kachsf Labr rneral Asea bly has dectdei thit aU who d t ac cept all the pri&rtpJes -aaaeratea ia the platform least leave tbe order. The watr ia tbe lake ad rtrsiams of ' Western OoaaecticBt s h kr attay sdlii have stopped rBBni&? ad otbers have had to return to stetaoi pawer. j The Mexican revo3tai?i oa the ' Rio Grande bjeder are raieiKr r-K-nuts. ' They are we'l arei, ad a-r uud to have many ryapaihicer ia Mexkia. Of the 5tO.V0."3 rwa who were i carriti.iast year oa st-aas twseJs lat i firty-ave were killed. Thi saows that ' i this a&eaas of travel is the safes in the I world. Work has reea resaat a the Gal- vestoa jetties which the Caited Sta: caverameat is coastracuax ia the har- ) lor of that city for the par-pet f pro Icarincdeep water. i Tbe Chesapeake rslasds. which are ; the center of the ystr war, are fr.- tle'i by a hardy race e& aieraesi. who i have as Bide" iatercsari as joasible with the mainland. 1 Tae Joss to shipping by the September ana vrair aurncanes js s.tiasatea trr the marine anderwrit-rs to have ra IX anarf. b. u, have iris ' ' are ParaeU's e.tat wjl l tsvberiti by his leather. Joha ParaelL. -who is ssa leave Atlanta ice Ireltjxi to daiaa the xewpeny. Mrs. ParaeJ receives aly a hie iatret ia the estate. The Traaioaatiaeatal Aw:iatSa, at , a meting at St. Lmrs. -vx:-d araiast craatiac a Jt? rate ior d-eVgajcs t the . NatMAal Osfflveata. jc- wkich San Francifias is aaakiac a bxi. Bar Etrfe's parry d Isdians. which rehaed to remasa n the Cbevenne Aceacy, are at Pi&e Rsdge. Aa iavei tiratina wiB proJiariy tie had as to the , cans whirai prwiaw 'he discateat. The avtfieat of maer in circalataoa ia the fatted Stales iacrea.ed J3V.?3. 1J arise Octoiier, st& is iw $i3 per capitJi. The -rolas&e cf ciritlat&a ss K-SWJ-; greater than at tais time last year. TeSix Sitrhenlierc. a SweSh in vestor, has -aadertakea V hames New Yrk Bay t a snfrtor aich wiM arre all the iciierr in New Yrk city-. Hi TuM-ar ss st a Miiaa by ie riw of the t3e. Secretary NaWe W iaied iraes te wrriw Lewi W. Bry f j, Loais, a cJert ia tax- ieaMa ajr ksviac wr; aa4 TiatMsbci a amei f ht tannaW caiariictec m &ial hit as Wasaanrsaa- ttt Kraa- af Pailti4fiiahia .tf ed the T-rxcueci Cr Oaaapaay i iattm eitv ir $ZJ sa sjufv the iaaaares f hs Siftra re-aJrsair raai sitlaar a tact. Mr. KraaDer iom-ad the tack a tit cane t!at f a car. t Th Caty Citannu rf Caiunra. by a TOte t rtv-tit prt;is aratart the acams f tiie jirisne in breakiar -ap a Sv-ictaSm Kiiu:. priicakuJlT besrd Mftvr WsAbsme aad Ohdel ft! Ptibr-McObvHghtT-. Me:irf af the Wmm Chrimiaa Temperance Faon at Kent. Ou, inrmed tiieaanwe nt Tiaraes and caSed at aJI , place wsjere If ad l4eaavcal powers -rert3nc a iiarleve v,-x-rk wtre dis pu i-e and vrce te lali and kthigrjiue prnss a piroeK Tc MetKd)M Gencrai Miswai'rT CinuaJ- lit' afvntnatcd Sir dier eat olaitste of laisajnat as irl C&a aie. Ht.4!. Jafiaties aa CUdmia and HnlDls. t;j.W . Baheauaa and Uanranaa. rrR. luitan. KJa. Par sngow. $;;. Indians, t aSL Ttie apmmf O&crt Flarsia hat ne adti That the Siecretary af Stac nets taps an tfd i.t oamHaitmMa of Davtd moi. wtiata timmnr Hmkj;? atipwxitvd raited Sase Senatw ix j 4tai aat! sae irgaaxj al CA' eieataaa aW ltdaaxHY.deatkraitg tkkt rnatol Ju it kU jmiCr f Out slu v. At a fiaatktiiMir af tax- imr Nai. aiwaHCaaaaaa Htaav Saaai f aae ttual " wu .i.. L .1. a.rf vli! t Vnate lawilat vt .-aMMiMMfit PERSONAL MENTION. Emperor William Sars a European .War Cannot Be Postponed Beyond Next Spring. Moakacsy, the Hnncarian artist, is at work on a ne work representing Christ among bis Disciples'. A bast of Mitthew Arnold wi recent ly nnveiled in the iupSistery of Wert- J minster Abbey bx Lord Coleri'dce. i The Critic pays there is no truth in the story that G rover Cleveland is writ :inc A Constitational Historv of the j United States." Dr. Keeley. the bi-chloride prrorttr, has SCO to 1 .(03 patient, and pels 2S a week froai each one. It pays to work a good, fetching fad. S Prof. Axe i one of the operatiae ear , ceoas ia the Royal Veterinary Coflec of ' London. He is ceatier than his natae sight seaj to indicate, however. ' The royalties from Mcodv and San key's fasxms " Gospel Hymns " have, it ziiwhich bif for ( As w as Mr. Sporwoo beran to re cover his health. r.ecgiag letters b?en . to deinee him once raorei He has kae soiTeml from the im parte ni tits of this das of people. The Dake of Noriolk has takea his deaf, domb aad blind twelve-yftar-old . soa to the shrine at Loadres. Fraace, bo pi re to seccre a airacolocs cere for the aakrtaaate child. W. K. Vaaderbslt waatei his physi- t ciaa to accompany him on a six weeks' ' tocr to Earope. The physician ssaid his time wa. worth J LOCO a week. He was offered i 10,039. and went. Tae Chilian Minister ia Wahinra is des-rxil'ed f a rvch, dapr?r aad Ixaad- bx-3ike geatiemaa. He is sasall.aad . dehcate, and doesn't cane mach abxst difce'siac iateraational matters. Tae reicninr family of Geraaay daa't seta to re sleepy-heads. At 7 in the : moraine VTi'bij, the Eaopr-si aad tbe three elder Princes, with fcwr gnrms ut-t-Bdinc. leave th palace for their regu lar daily lwr5eisck ride. I . Tf-atri Wade faamptoa s raadv ites casts doabi oa the repvi that be is br - giaaing to saow toe suras ot paysmJ breakiac ap. IVscwte his are. his fts- Ere Wots robast aad be walks with tbe erect aes of a asach yocrer sua. Wiiiiam Alexaader BarreiJ, the bw ; sical ocr!r-tT-rr sad critic ' rf-'tiy died ia Earlaad. i the t-?tx who. ' asore than Jy a els, pi&41 tVa Staniev io alJw a awori 'o RsJi- to , erected in WestmiaseJ- Altl-y. Saap'-riv WiJSaai of Geraaav is- tjd to have express te Ofy-aaoa ihat a Srpf!aa war caaat ii piSd loeger than next snrirr. SsoaJd th--t" no war. it wcaJd aor h- the arst ub ' Wilttaai has ernweoasly forecast the 1 Earopeaa sitaatiaa- .k la his caildlKiM Mr. Patrick Eraa. anw Aasericaa aaiiejr So Chili, was aa errand by ia a -3ar mill ia aa Irish raril tavj. aad ix a few yars he caae autdac' diror of the milliac company at Dablia and a aaiva merchant of wa imf-rtasc. This ' was lfere he tiecame caaspicnoas in -the land learo. u-r-nsrai Lew Wallace, w hose new novel i exs;iected to be aaishei lieiore New Year, asiaally risies a early a 6 oclick ia the rooming. He takes Mae very siirht refreshaeat. cet into the saddle, rides a c.-pJe of hears and then takes a rerala- hreakiiiST. He now devoses hiaa settf assjidaoasly : work catil sosa, waea he ha hmcheas aad another ride. ' Hi s-eooad sittinc at his de c lasts -aatii 4 o'clock. Tbe renifiiader of the erasinc ad mcht is spnt with his family and friend. The iaasoa fiak ander which Tas,so is sapp:iied t have spent the cmatr part f the day dartar the last year of his fife, jwhea he bad retired to the convent of Santa Oaofno. was blown down dnriac a vioSent cale a few weeks g. Tne LoadKi Xrtrt ys thut the tree, which all visitars to Ilame ssed to visit, was kept Ftaadinc l-y spparts of nsasocrv a all sides; bat" at .ast, sotwithstand sag all the care takea to preserve it, it hus ssccamld to old are- The imnk will, howtver. be tept as a rebc in th oaavent at Santa Oasiria. NATIONAL CAPITAL. Tresurj- Dt partment Has IriormatJon of the Exiiierce of a Most Dtr Et&js CoarrterferU The United States patent sxe ha is Kaed a pueat sa Eaiiie Brliner ice a coaine4 teJegrajih and teSenboe. A telegram has ! recejrrei as army hefrAo. aartert -fraaa treBttraj Rrtoke, ctjen saasdhtscthe IkejiarUBea; of. Dakca, in resfs-t w ce -fait tr -n-ra, cns- Seie a.ctiiira''ii aiKwt the renart ' S4a s Fo' lumd had iert the resr- tIV ets;pkvr1 m convevinr nh 1-e-tb. uid ir Sidcf-- Gea- hr e xviats, the hr-,' tminc erj Bwitite stated be hud been aatW having sppareatly proven uurrimtnern- S leai aayrhmc eaa-V aloat the cr" aaveai. ba MiasM and aat tie sk; The Rasiaa government i to and sacaJacaace at ance. Tfcere is aa conteaiplate a nicre ricorou Mtemitn airBfee!Stia ieit at Wasaunrtoa o the f entrees of news sent to forvicn tbe 3awjBeat wolliie inlawed by any- aewsfiaj-rsfrom Rnsia.MhichjclainnNi sihjj: at- ak: -!te-'f jatliretk." tien- ie i snaay rerpct5 false and erai ScbaatAd aaMl The suit W. t&inr? ia tfr Indian oaatry to-dav is iar better thax a vctr atra T3ere is mure canteat aatmr She hiobx tint waater tkan intz. Tsms is 'saainhr aNne. I iielieve. 1 the fact that tbe tiun f she cfvemmeat a far as siey cSect the IndiLas are IteMer ad saaaasierei. 1 d ant think thtire are any aii - satms -of trociiVe lias winter. if' a far as I cax n-e tiie trilet are The efwK sc-rire drom of the Trtsasarv I;itrtaxta has KaarmariAa f tJbe er aenre td a Tuti daartms wBZM9itK rum ceraacaie. Jt it a put- KricraaM' rtianierteat. 1 iC Brat. Beratoer check lesser A- Jaae ibas. sutt&t ere A XTi-WV A;art iraia the cttwater eaataitanr akr 3 n j fee tare ant sie paruus ad Garfitad taerr it Siit if tan- Tar af.Sibe &ttticrai4 a'otrt TL Titt hea' it rtutdl tin! HrxiMftvC me a HMa,, tancr. afanwjf .ai w a Wrasia Tar uaaklmr is ve-i Hiiam' mm! rM La c uw cic a.v W lartui at kav at .a af a wta lamraar mmI aaotwp-i.ix .' m aamt aawt ttSud a fmummt Ji Hh :tp.i iiii wt . m iaat'w " i aaiiiiii TH . i u iim FOREIGN LANDS Russian Peasants Prac tice. Cannibalism. THE IRISH LINEN TRADE. i Japanese With Heel .Will Nat Co-oporoto China Against the European Fleets. Italy's finances are imprpvinjf. Emigration in Prns?ia increased pr cent, the lat year. 30.7 2dr. Jackson, tbe new Irish Secretary, is a rich Leeds tanner. Rassia is preparing to monopolize the ssJe of saints and tobacco. The loss of vesel at Martini'jue dur ing the storm was ,000.(XJ. Lccien Bonaparte, who diel the other day, stOKe eighty different lanumreh. The Japanes fleet will not ro-or'rate with China agajnst the fcttropean MH'ic, Breesea is the first city in Germany tr e-perate ail its car lines by the electric motor. The French Senate has paed a bill rermlatini: the boars of labor of women aad children. A company controls the flower girls of Berlin, who "wr the national costume and make money. The imjorts of oil into India are 80 per cent, larger in quantity than they were five years ago. Emperor William will soon begin a crusade azainst rambling in the civic and military rvces. Iariair the past year at Monte Carlo the total receipt from the gaming table? aaOGatd to f4.2X.0W. A lirmaa svndicatfe is workini? the ' petrolenoi spinirs recently discovered at Gillaaa. a tsar Bologna, Italy. A bill will e introduced in tbe En ciish ParHameat to atiolif-h actions for breech of promise of marriage. Baroa Hirch is retorted fo be ar rasiac an Interna tional Jewish Con gress, to be held ia London next year. A veretahJe cartridge shell, which i eatireiy . casiauied in riring, ik.w cosnvar isto general a- in the French amy. Glad-o&e has declined the tender ol ! baaqaet at Pii by Frenrhm-ii who fa-nor the withdrawal of British troopr froai Eirypt. Pedro is reported to have an noeaccd that he is wiilin-j in ivtnrn to BranJ to assist ia resiorin): ortlr ar.d re an;linr tbe pcpie. The difncalty in Sshtjng the famine in Ra-sia is inereasei bv" the improvi deace. iraoraace, -;3Sshnei?s ami fatal isas of the peauints. Wikb coBicts at the recent wreck ot the steaairr Ecernri- io th Hhv n' tnrtti a hnmsn life line and -es seJ six JeilcT rirrc-jsrE. It i'-ct'wl at Vaipiraiso that the ?nvrara: of Chili will amnestv all 'at -&m it-a'y-f thoe who promi 'eciJv -aj.rt-d Rslinacoia. CTv-irc is crjsnhiaHy niacin its way :-i-r.rKc the araaiesof Europe. In !I Txa etck iafaatry ie-iinent is to have iar rderle acwa'ti on cycles. Tb- lake Portland srives all his rts at raoai to charities under a pr4E v ta wlf aad since his mar riarr has ruea s.i,0X in this way. Notwithstanding the Russian famine, larce yjaaaates of English wheat con asw to lie iatjixrtied to England, the aanoeat rather excreting that of last year. A BrariKaa Government decree inst irt oroer- a ot tne fctate rail av fctr thirtv-three vears at a wil.l PrataJ. vance. half c$ which is payable in ad A aewsjarer correspondent named Eacse WtT hv Iwn extvllr from German Fam Africa for nritins: biaeli ref.ans dirredmag tbe Governor of the Gccoy. T-e aasaWr of deaths at Ahona from trieaiBfei, caused by eatinv: disea?d pare, is sow reports! as thirtv. An in yvtigfctiaa a to the origin of' the meat is ia prCTrSS. Tne faaiae ia narts nf Russia is so s vre riat rvaar practice cannibalism. Tb- drtath rote frota distiae. consequent aa tAe atMfac aaon: the lvouie of ti aeceosuie of lift? is terrible. TSe sfcsp that tf Intilt to carrv Ivef T5V"HJ ' A-ct,ne Kepuhlir to EutMiv gerated. Tsarkey has refnseii to allow Rasjta to disaster aad remove to a oint tifarer Oaas-taatiaople the retrains of Mter Wiled in the late Basso-Turkish war and irarirvl w Turkey. The TranscaacAsian railrwa-l has K caBe sw aasafe oa account of the )vnd f robliers hch havi l l.i. i iArawi ia the nKvantain that th eittirr ue "v sa itarertai tuns h lyvu Sibiced ander military wnfrol. Prince Rissnarck has finished the it ralame M hi memoir. hi.-hj,u., we.'T br-.Bg btm Wnd the lhrh paK)c career He h dv n rai no nan oi trie woiV t. PORTLAND MARKET. I'rnilnrm, Krolt. Stte. WiikAt VnUiv, tf-tfui; WaCU WmIIh, l.WMl.fl er rental. Vutuu Htandard. lo.W V ila WalU, .J.JVl; draham,' M-Wi superfine, 13 j, IMjr ltrrd. ... (ji-iif .N'w, 2(HJte per 1asheL liav tll"3 jr urn. Miuxn'fKH ilran, 1; eiKrts. ; griMiiwl hurley, I'lJWti; cbuo fe-.;, lHn'HI f!r ton ; leed barlcf, 20; iu.i lllrtL:M. 11 per urn; brewing bar;-,., $l.lll.l& jwr cenul. Hu n nit Oregon fancy creamery, 37 ., tft We; fancy dairy, 32ltiAZjc; fair ;'j gixxl, common. lor.'-; Uanterli. l'l!i M l"" 0ikkhb Oregon, 14 Eaater-., l-Mlftc per pound. Kiioh Oregon, 2ic; EaMern, 17 pur dozen. I'oli.tuv Old chtekem?. 3.o00c4 young chlckenii, 2.oMJ W; docks, fo i ui,!. W, geece, l.WJl.W per doz-:.. turkuyH, .1 loc r pound. VwmrAMLBB C'abtjajfe, nominal. ' i jir cental ;caulillower,tl.2ijprdo.. . Onion)), 75cwfl percental; poiaU-.,iy j. M: jmt kh:M: sweet potato;, ;-t tKund; California celery, 75e per dot-a huiichuM; fancy Oregon celery, :av .-r dozen hunchei!; carrots, $1 per s ; beett), 1 Jer pa4 lc. Fmiith Hicily iernon., fs-w; Ca.r r nia, tr.to0iJi.bJ m Vjx ; apples, b - perljx; banana, $3..7)4.W a bnr;. . . pineapples, I104O jer it'en; erat. Muscat and black, 5s.v- p-r tj: pears, 75.U531 per bjr; qoino-s. t. j l.i per lx; cranbfrriet, u L-r harrnl. Oregon cranO;rnes, v.&j I j rrt.1 Smvrna tizt, 171 .-r tjurxl ; citron?, 'Sic per pand. N l- r C'aiilornia wsunot-.i I 2 s 12 hickory, d)c; Urazils, "llc; a. mondc, Jof4lSc; fiHrts, I.j14v; nuts, 1710; fecan, 17tlc; o. nuus, be; nazel, oc; peanuu, c jr jound. Stnpte OrocrlM. Hosev 17U81c per xwod. Salt Li verpooi. $141, J 15J2 16. ; Eto- k, llli'p;rton. Hice Japan, o.uJ; Island, 15.7.- i-r cental. Bean Small white, 2?c; pink, -2- -; bayos, 2',4c; hotter, ojc; limas, c per rjoutid. Com ee CKta Kka, SOAeic; k.j, 2:c-, Salvador, 2lc; 3uiba, 9 ; J. 25c; Arbucklti's, lUpoeod case?, '1 per pound. Sl'oai: D, 4c; Golden C. 4 . extra U, cranauaea, .v: ; cube cnistietl and pywttVrtd, tc: i- fectioner:' A,o.'2c; ogar. t 1 c per piound. Mbit-Eastern, ia berrei. 45-iv-; half-barreis, 44'47c; ia c-es, iitrt per sraiion ; i-. 'o fr ce-g. ua iiom a. .a barrels. c ;er inUiou; $1.75 per DiuedFkiit Itaaan prone-:. 7:.- Petite and German. tc7c p-r pci.a; raisins, f 1.20 l.V) per lox; P.ain:k-r dried pt-Ars, ftye; san-drie'l and fa - torv plums, Vc; evaprati r-racr.--, flllc; Smyrna fi-s. 17"S.':-c. Ca form.t, fits, 7c per poand. Canned Good Table frcits, il : t 1.S0, 2J-.a; peaches. !.Sa2.iJ; Bar: lett peai"? H.S0'1.9; ploai.U57-. t 1.50; strawberries, .V25; cherric, $2.J3 (52.40; blackberries. $l ;oS.W. ra berries, $2.40-; pineapples. ii2.i: 3pncou,l.oo;l.rt. p!e trait: Assorted, I.KK1.20; peaches, 1.25; plnms, $1 t 1.10; hlackbernes. H.25a 1.40 tt down. Veji'tables : Corn, 1.75; :ov-as !:--, "5cdr f 3.00 ; guaar peas, 1.01.;5; xtrini: 1-eans, fcilJ ?r doie.i. Fish": Sanlim-s, 7xl V ; bster. f2.. Snt.S'J. Condensed miik: Eale bra:-). 1S.10-. Crown, i7.t; Hirhka-i. o.C; Champion. fo.o0; ilonrrv, fA.75perca?-. .Meits: Corned tve. 1 5k ;ch;pr&' brr:, f2.1U; lunch tomroe. 3.10 Is, i5 5.U; -, leviitd ham. $I.25i.t6 p-er 'ifl-vo. l I -ccllan eots. ail Bas qootasion: Iron, steel. 3.tKi; wire, J3J) per ke,: Inu.v Bar, 3l4c t-cr pjersd. Stkeu hl;c per poend. Tin I. C. charcoal. 14xi0, prime qua -ity, KS.vXii 73 p;r box; ior crosses, i extra jr l.x; rtofinr, I4xTS). prime quahtv, W.75 fvr bxr : I. C. coke plates. 14x2i, prune quality, f 7.7 per lox. Led l-'jc per pound; bar, ttVc. Soujek iJVjtlo'vc F-r fooad, ac conling to grade. Shot JLSo p-r sack. HoKKMlOE O. Navvi. Stokes Oakara, per baie; roui, f4 Sc.SaO per SJ roends; tar, Stivkholm, fl2.o0; CaroHaa, J7.0J per lrrel ; pitch, o 00 per tarre! ; tarpra tine, tVx; per gallon in carload lots- lililrt. Wool aad Ropt. Hiuk Dry hide, selected prime, CUc; -,c lesj- for calls; jrreen. eelt:;-.i, over 5o ponntls. 4c; under 5 poeads,3c; sheep pelt. hart wooi, SJiOc; me dium, rtltfSOc; lone, iA-at:S; shea. limrs, UVAV; taltow, gxi to choice i iic per Lwund. hl Willamette YaBey, 17(Clw; Eastern Oregon, 10017c 'per pooa-i, arinlijikr to condition and ace. UooNummal ; lyj pt-r piad. Bkkv Live,Sc; drted.tV .Mctton Ltve, th eared, Slsc ; drrssed, ljixi Live, ,V; dresoed, Tc a- m. 5 7c p'r pounl. Smokkp M k. vre Eastern ham. 122 lSSjc; uther vanettes, 12c; brrkiat lcwn, Uttloc; smoktxi oacca, ll1 ll4C per pound. Lvki Uuupound, UV; pare, 113 15c; OrvgvMi, lutt-c per pxtad. tts aoj Kjktrlt. Burlaps, Ssm,, 40-inch, net caah, cc: Utrlap. WVjy,,. 40-inch, net cash. 7c. kn aps, lJt . Vmch, net cash, . burlap. Uu , tO-inch, lc bariaps.Iv ot iTlHnch, ISc, Wheat Kc ---cc'.. UxA. pvu, thrte-bQthei oat bars, .v. LVutal wwnd-hand a heat bags. taw uum i Urn jft. .Mxa t ,.mim M a4 a .i amni ay iiM . 4. -H It aano t m K " . w km t t a Wm . - tj . . t a.M i ahA m ttrt i riiii . fit. t : mt lt if(,i, m