The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 12, 1891, Image 5

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"Tears, ldlo tonrs! Niobo dissolredl
Jly doar child, what oa earth Is tho mat
ter? Time, 4 of n summer nf tcrnoon. Pltice,
a pretty boudoir, furnished in tho fashion
of today, modeled on tho stylo of Louhi
Quluxo. with ti dash of liberty thrown in,
fiud modern accessories, such as crystal
ilower vases, threo volumn nnU n.,.i
pnotograpli stands, iustanosod
with lumu Biiver aim kuicrkwicks. an
cient and modern Dramatis ersonie, a
graceful iigure in white, tiling with nn al:
of desolation on tho floor besido n sofa,
her charming nuqtm visible beneath deli
cious little rows of golden curls, ho.'
frame shaken by sobs, an older woman
nnuat. A 1 1 i i . t .
Claiming u tew yards distant, dark, beau
unv ureaseu. -good lookimr enolisr h for
I . .. .. .
am thing, without Mag distinctly hand-
soino. agod somewhere within tho right
sido of do. and wearing an expression half
companionate half amused. There is u
suspicion ol raillery in her voice, which id
ion auu deeply resented by the fair sor
rower Anger Is often akin to sorrow, aa
pity is to love, and tho voice which re
sponds to the question when roUeratod is
docidodly petulant
"1 wish you would go away and leave
mo alone "
"I shall not do anything of tho sort."
rotunis tho other "I am going to talk to
you, and I do uot care in the least whether
you nro angry or not. although I had much
rathor you would tako my remarks in
good part "
"Oh." resiKinds tho voice, still smoth
ered in tho sola cushions, but losing noth
ing of its resentful quality "I know
how clover you are. aud that you think
you can manage every one's afTaira u
great deal better than tliomselvcs."
Sho Intends this to be a "nasty one,"
and. as a matter of fact, it does uot fall
very pleasantly on the ears of her inter
locutor: but she sits down on tho sofa, and
replies with good humor "Well, iny lovo.
1 may confident!) say that I could manage
your uiiuir a great uoal uottur tliun you
manage iiiotn yoursclt, anu tliat if I wcro
you I would have Mr Clement Lascelles at
lay leet in a very short time "
"Perhaps you havo hiin thero now
say3 tlio prostrate one. ceasing to sob, and
trying to sneer instead
"Well. Dolly dear, to tell von tho truth,
T i ! I I . . .
i iau myscii io recogni.o In unit young
man ine cuarm wuicu I ouscrvo no lias tor
for some people: indeed. I consider him
n posour. with an esasperatingly good
opinion of himself, nnd. if you ask mv
candid opinion. I think ho would bo all
tho bettor for being kic"
Dorothy flounces up in a moment. "I
will trouble you not to insult my friends,"
sho cries, with flaming cheeks "And it
Is not very easy to believe your sincerity
when he was sitting in your pocket ail
last night, and you wero out walking
with him for two hours this morning."
"In any case." replies Mrs Dalton,
coolly, "your remarks provo that I havo
had timo and opportunity to form an opin
ion of his qualities I don't deny that ho
is goo.! I mking. but It is Intolerable that
ho shoui.1 : . so conscious of it, I admit
that ho is not without a certain nmount
of cleverness, and has been fairly well
educated, but 1 violently object to his
thinking himself able to sit in judgment
on people a good deal older and clovcrer
than himself '
"On you, for Inatanqol" cries Dolly
"No, I was uot thinking of myself,
though I admit the soft impeachment (tho
ouo regarding ny ago. at least); and what
I dislike most of all hi his placing himsolf
on a pedestal to Uo looked at anil longed
for by by pretty, silly little girls, who
ought to know butter "
Dolly stiilens her and says, with
an assumption of dignity which sits InJIf
fcrently well upon her "If you will
excuse me, I kiimld prefer not discus?in
Mr. Lascelles with you You nro perfectly
welcome to your opinion oi mm, anil 1
claim tho liberty of retaining miuo."
Then, her majesty suddenly toppling over,
sho says vindictively, in quite a dil'creut
tono of voice "Perhaps you think I am
such a fool that I don't seo through your
mean ubuso of him?"
"That I may win and wear him myself?"
suggests Mrs. Dalton. quite good humor
edly "'to. my dear and auuto child, bo
liovo mo, you have uot fathomed aud un
masked my baseness this timo I know
your dear and.seusltivo littlo heart Is set
upon this fascinating young man I don't
think thero is really any harm in him, and
1 am magnanimous enough to be ready to
show you how to obtain hi affections, and
to make him tho suppliant instead of
you. "
"gupnliant?:". cried, Dolly, with frosh
flames from her burning heart asceudiuy
to her cheeks
"Yes. suppliant Every ono. my love,
can see ho of nil how you hatifj
upon his smiles, and despair when ho id
Indifferent or capricious."
Wrath makes Dolly absolutely spaech
less If looks, etc., etc., Mrs. DaitoE
would, etc., etc
"Don't be n gooso, Dolly." rosumos hoi
friend, not lit. ring suffered any visible iu
jury from tho lightning glances to which
bho had beeu subjected
"Keep your temper, and reap tho ad
vantages of my superior age aud oxpori
encfl "
"Keep them to yourself!" retorts Dolly,
"The nrst I must, wueiuer or no. nut ,
tho latter shall be yours Come, deal ,
obild, you know I am toud of you. be
ltu.i. ,a irlinn I llllv I Wlllllll lint, lmi'l '
.vnur mwdianter ma trift. and also that 1 1
am desirous to see him subjuinited bv .
von Uo ihall tie yours, 1 promise., auu 1
i .ii 1 : 1 l I
will only uiako one condition "
Dolly Msnt.s herself 011 thu bofn. and al
lows Mr Dalton tu tako hurhuud. thougt
bho looks rather sulky Still, sho does
poor little gtrl. regurd Mr Clement Las
colles m the first rizu iu tho marriagi
lottery, and is willing to tnku upon her
bell his part ot tho contract, to workhij
him with hor body: and endow him with
all hor worldly good Tor in a Email
way sho Is un helrww. though ho 1h not
dotitltuto of money, and low. an excellent
position Truth to tell, the young man
not what is called "a bad sort:" ho h
good looks, good brauiM und good nur
nors. when he In not egged on to tu.e
libertlos by tho silly ttatteries of tho other
box. I'oor lwlly lovoi htm madly, un'i
has Innocently shown her pleasure in hla
notlco and her sufferings at his noglect.
Mrs. Dalton having jiaiuod to glvo duo
effect to hor words. Dolly, after a inomont,
is constrained to say rather sulkily,
"You must tako tho vow first. "
"What vowT with latont Irritation.
"Tho vow never to tell any human
being Mr. Laseollea least of all that I,
or. for the matter of that, any ono, ad
vised you liow to act toward him."
"Oh. of course, I promUe. "
WlUi a auddan d8pert.te gMturo Dally
Mmm the book aud repeats the formula.
"Now, tliefir lite crn-s extrftedly.
Mrs. Dalton takes up Iter paraWa.
"Q'lemwiLU reuily wiyj of )uu. Uo wobJ1
. oo exceedingly tonu or you tt you omy
i allowed him.
! "If 1 allowed him'" gasps Dolly
! "Yes." repeats lier adviser "V,? allow
lug him, 1 don't mean throwing yourself
at his bead, and showing him that you
' adore him. but by making him doubt your
lovo and his own capacity for pleasing
you. Different men want 'different treat
mcnt. There i3 nolhing so delightful to
some n to ceo and know that n womr'i
eares for them; It adds tenfold to their
' devotion for htr lmt I sm llnimil tn car
1 these men are iw the rainori'y Most o'f
them nro far more stimulated by doubts
and feais. the woman becomes more dear
as she seems more distant, and. ns n rule,
when n man is literally crazy about one of
our sex. it is because she has worried,
ind tormented, and kept him on a perpet
ual bulance between hope and fear Now
you, and U'uj von. have so him.?
unnti rw,..n I ii, .l
: have so iositiveIv shown him that h is a
I great being, n lo'ftv intellect, a rival to
I Apollo, that it is not likely he Is coming
oil his pedestal to worship his worshipers
Vour oulv rhanco. tnv dear. Is to nlmu.loi,
your worship, to counterfeit Indifference
as best you may. and to let a gradual and i
startling conviction como over him that
you were not really in earnest, after all " '
"It ij very easy to talk," pouts Dolly. !
"It is very easy to act, too." returns '
Marian, "it you uro tiosi lively certain that
your plan of campaign is goiiig to bo sue- i
cess ful "
"How do I know that it will be?"
"Try it for twenty-four hours und see 1
how it works "
"Hut I don't know what 1 an to do " i
"You must bo absolutely guided by me. '
and not net for ono moment on your own
responsibility." j
"I ilaro say It will turn out all wrong." !
pays Dolly ungraciously, "and thou 1 shall
lose him altogether " i
"All right. ' replies Mrs. Dalton. losing
patience nnd rising from hor seat. "Do
as you like. After all. what on earth does
it matter to mo whether you aro happy or i
miserable? (io vour own wav "
Dolly springs up and catches her by tho ,
arm "No, no. Marian, don t go; don't bo j
angry I will do whatever you tell mo "
"Then hearken aud obey Dick Wynd
ham is coming to-night "You know he is
rather fond of you Talk to him. and to
him only, all tho evening Do not glnnco
I.. M- I . , . . . . ., .
in -in- iusi-cues uire.-tioti. I will Keep
my eye on him, and report to you how lie
takes It If ho approaches you in tho
evening, lock bored and distrait, und ro
ply to him by monosyllables."
"I shall never Lo ublo to do it," trroans
"N'ot with such a big stako to win?" (a
littlo sarcastically)
"Ah I you don't know what It Is to lovo!"
cries Dolly
"Xot as you do. certainly." retorts
Marian, with un Inflection of voico Dolly
is not acute enough to catch
Dick Wyudhnm arrives in timo for din
ncr He is rather fond of Dolly, ho is cs
ceediugly hard up and wants 'her money
even moro than her sweet self IIo is
bright and amusing, has a considerable
fund of small talk, is devoted to sport,
and has not Mr Lascelles' icsthetic tusto
or lofty mannor of showing superiority
IIo has a genuine contempt for a man who
talks art ami plays classical music, as Mr
Lascelles has for ono who thinks of noth
ing but hunting, lawn tennis and polo,
thonch ho rides fairly straight, and is
an avoratro snot Ulmscif
Not a littlo disgusted is Lascelles, thcro
foro.wheu Dolly, whoso sorrowfulness and
its causo havo giently soothed his com
placency for tho last twenty four hours,
seems to have eves and ears for no one but
this half wittod" soldier at dinner Sho is
looking charming in a diess of a delicious
apricot tint, which he has not soon boforo
(ho is n groat comioissourof dress). If ho
could only catch her eyo ho would beam
ou her ouo of thoso glances which would '
liavo intoxicated her maiden houl But
whereas it Ims bwn his wont to meet her
tender, pleading ";hinres every two minutes
heretofore, to-night ho might ho Banquet's
ghost, nnd sho 0110 of Miiebeth's guests,
for all she seems to see hiin His memory
serves him up several sneering and savngo
quotations 011 tho themoof souvent f'uinmo
vario IIo is so littlo congenial to his
neighbor ut dinner that sho expresses the
most unfavorable, sentiments regarding
him in the drawing room later on, causing
Dolly to halt Lot ween tho desire to defend
him hotly, mil a senso of pleasure that
soino ono else besido herself has sufTerod
from his coldness .Mrs. Dalton makes a
pretext for calling Dolly aside
"Cxcelleut, my lovo!" sho cries. In high
good humor, pressing tho girl's arm. "lie
is enraged beyond measure Ilosearrrly
took his eyes olf you (Jo on und pros
per "
Thus stimulated, Dolly docs go on nnd
prospers exceedingly "When Mr. Las
celles und Dick approach simultaneously
eho devotes her wholo attention to thu
latter, and has scarcely n word for the
former, who presently retires In tragic
dudgeon nnd leans against tho rall. lo It
ing like Hamlet. Ixird Byron ot any other
blightwl being iu the sulks
In reality Dick is tho person most to bo
pitied, although his face Ih tilirlit vith
smiles, and his heart aglow with auticipi
tions of possenbiii; a lovely wotnati. 1.1 1
satisfying tho debtors who, motupbouc
ally speukiug. take him by the tim a
crying "Pay me what thou owest!" Iu
noceut creattiro that he Is. he suspects no
treachery nor dreainv that milk white
bofcoru palpitate for thrS "tufenial young
irlif over tbe way Dollv will n av bill
and lawu tennis with htm on tho
morrow In tb
In the afternoon tbev are to ndo
together, uud as he sith smoking after the
wltft. hum r
adioh have retired, he relleets on the
most approved method of asking a certain
Up to this moment Clement Lascelles
has not seen nnv uocceity for putting his
fnto to the toucli. because he had been nb
solutely certain of winning, but now that
for tho first time be has n rival, a rival
who is progressing by luups and bounds ill
his lady's favor, ho sees that something
must bo done Ho cannot havo tioeu bo
fooled. She loves him. or or he, the
adept at reading the secrets of souls
mist for once have been deluded. I'urish
the thougbtl
With gloomy brow and statoly stop ho
retires from the smoking room and seeks
tho solitude of Ids chamber, but not h: 1
couch The dawn has lung broken oro he
courts reKso
"Marian." cries Doll y. a few hours later,
bursting Into her friend's room whilst
that lady, uo oarly riser at the bust 0
tim os, still nestles among her pillows,
"road this!" and she teats herself on tho
bed In a staUi of great excitement, whilst
Mrs. Dalton languidly pwuos tho letter
thrust into hur hands
"1 call It a (Treat linnertioeiioa." she re
marks, returning it to Dollv
"Impertlnenoel" with wuw open ores.
"Certainly " And Mr Walton, taking
It back, quote from It
" 'Tlioiifh I i i not pretend to offer
you the ou great passion of a lift nail
nAMKVUes b'"tid tl.e U 11 nf i.Uur i,.rtals
havo tarnuned tl.i- p.ii. i'nu r wl lfhuuro
tiarrouudad my soul as with a halo yet,
im iiiiwiiumiiijMiiwwiiiiwww mi'i
tt yon will Iiikc a lu-art weary wun tne
doubts with whi.ii an intimate knowledge
of humanity c mis the spirit, tako me to
your tender b: -t. and let me find shel
ter there froi ..les griefs and disHp
pointments ' .it recompense a hrnrt
blighted ns mi. lias been can bestow, I
will striv to i- e to your angeiia s,ym
Jthy and goo..:;vs ' '
"Is it not Ix'ui.tifuir cries Dollv. In aa
ecstasy "I wonder what he means? I
supposo some horrid woman threw him
over once?"
1 think it Is wtreedingly impertinent,
and 1 hope yon trill resent it
"Resent if' almost shrieks Dolly
"Why. it's a declaration!"
"Ciet mo my blotting book off that tn
bio," commands Mrs Dalton resolutely
"Now." she says, beginning to write, "you
will answer It in this wav. or I wash "un
hands of ynu. and to-morrow be will have 1
reduced you to abject misery again "
She writes humediv for a few minutes .
and then, with a lietbieaed color, inada !
the draft nlond
"Dear Mr Uscelles I havo received i
your melancholy letter, and am truly sorry
tor all you seem to have suffered Hut.
for uty part. I look upon the world ns a
very pleasant place, and have made up tnv
mind to enjoy myself as much os possible
so. as I could not console yon. nnd you
with the ideas you express, would make
mo miserable. I think you had much Let
ter look tor sonielody whose temperament
is more liko your own I suptione you
mean mo to understand that von have
been much more In love with some one
elso than you have with me. which, tu
say the least. Is not very Mattering No'
I must have an undivided heart or none
at all Your sincere friend. D S "
There is a desperate tight between Mrs
Dalton anil Dolly before the latter can be
persuaded to copy and forward what sin
considers n heart less and missive
In the end Marian triumphs Mr
Lascelles does not appear at breakfast
niui Polly
though her soul oiiaUos within
her, luiiL'hs and talks to Dick
, Later iu the morning, when they were
' playing lawn tennis, i.iemeiit Lascelles
I feeling much smaller limn lie tuts ever
j done in hi lifo. seeks counsel from Mrs
' Dalton With an angelic smile sho alter
nntely pricks him with daggers and makes
him guip down bowls of poison, but she
' does him an excellent turn by taking n
good deal of the nonsense out of him lie
confesses that he mloies Dolly How. oh
how. is ho to win herr llus'hn the ghost
of a chance?
' Mrs Dalton. looking solemn, declares
1 her inability to reply to this She hints at
Dolly's youth and love of amusement
' Sho hints, too. at Dick s unflagging good
! spirits and temper And tho upshot of it
, is that when Dick returns crestfallen
j from his afternoon ride with Dolly h..v
lug spoken and received his answer
Clement Uiscelles curries oil the young
. lady to her boudoir on pretense of want
ing to be shown something and. repine
ing tho melancholy ot llamlet by the
! conquering air ot young Lovelace, takes
j her in Ids arms, swears he bus been a
fool, and has never really loved any ono
but her sweet self, and that if slio accept
, him her lite shall bo ouo round of pleas
, ure
! Twenty minutes later. Dolly hns passed
ou all Ins embraces and inoro to Marian
j "Ilov. clever you are, darlingl" she
' bavs. admiringly
To winch Mrs Dalton replies. "Now
you know how to manage him. niako good
, uso of your Unowledgo "Tho Loudon
1 World
.Moiio(;o!luo I'bciisimts In Ori'gnn.
The farmers of VVillamotto rnllc.v,
Ore., complain that tho Monopoliiin
pheasants introduced n few yenrs ago nnd
protected by law nro lieromiug too nuuicr
on:s In cold weather they crowd Into tho
burns ainoiiL' domestic fowls, hotnotiincs
barnyard cocks on their own
dutijrhills. and uiukinp themselves ns oh-
noxious r.a mo "ueatneu 1,1111110. uos
ton Budget.
A Ni'ichbof Corrcctcil.
The Bloomington Telephono tnnkes the
thrilling announcement that "Enh Iluches
has added n Inithing department to his
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partaeut" is very ordinary language for
u prof rt --isivo newspaper; it should havo
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itioji. anil I1A4 trfin In enktaut iim, rnr llfurir a
am iulijust nioro Ultrtwlui; tlian Miru eytm, nxvl
T t-.
11 r' i
mm m m
nuftv. r i. for wlilcli iimro miiiwlici uaro twi
lrlt wltlmut iuimvw. liitlammatUn
itf Dm dim It U an Infalllblii reinmly. If tlin illrt
ttai art) (MIuwhI It will miverfall. Weiiarlloularly
lque ttit) Htlnnttnu of vbritetatu 10 IU ii-rlu. Kor
N. I. N. U. No. 871-8. F. N. U. No. 448
..tiikow riivsir T( tiik miiis.1
I'.lt'rt rii-MtiRtiPtlt'
feet nil llie
Inlliniui- mill It
1 1 II li i:l It S Mem.
As the uriii ,m mice in aae atid the
peop'e beomnr more enlightened, the old
schools of uii-(ticlii gradually ve njr t.
i modem s ieice. Tne (.ind-jii n l ower l
electricity and uixKiiettsui - .iplnnt the
, rtrastic 1rng of the i)mriimioHMa Tne
; "noMrutn infernal" are tnly kept for liu
1 inaiig'iritoyl . Ainntigth niot prominent
fiMifesso:'-" of the nev eiirative age m e lrs
Jarii i. Won irou to relate, t hey are en
J pecial'y "tucessiul in curing clironic, aeif
I nd pr'iyateiiiseasex.ileiifnensan.ieatarili.
Iris not long since thev reitored to health
! Mrs Olind (Hseii of this eit. She had
' leen sore nlllieted with rhiotili- iheuina
! lisniof the l;n e joints, and not l.uur mure
; that Mr. Cor!ee II. IVpnbere, a German,
incident of Tualatin, Or., who bad Iwen
a most totally ilivt ten ear, was cured
so he rould hear is well n ever in his life, ;
ami the cure is prrnitmciit, as shown by
manv of his neighlors visiting l)rs. Dirrln .
lobe cured of all their chronic diseases. 1
The certificates of cures made by these j
celetirnieii pnvsici ins wouiu nil a volume,
i They i inliraee every disease to which hu-.
tun nit v is exposed. I lie remedies are tutu
less, almost plea-ant and in'alliMp. Drs.
Diirri'i are entitled to great credit forthelr
almost miraculous diTovrrlcs in the art
of electric healing. 'I here is no known I
curable nialadv that thyr nt.ot conquer
if pitients will give the D.ictors a fair
chnn-e. 'I heir oitlres, 70J Washington
street., I'orllind, are hesemed wiih the
Innif. I nlt. ilcif nnd blind from 10 a. m.
toS p in. Thev vivi' f-ee examination
-ndchtirce about half l li- ordinary fees
of other physicians Thousands are isivee
home treatment by mall or express. Par
ties not able to come cm send for ques
tion bUnk and circular free.
Orown peotile feel mo truth, but U Is the chil
dren who tell It.
lluiit In rltlt trnnii v. .Hull nf cnillltrv where
! irmlHrlRl dlsciie. either In the form of dill Mind
lilltons ri'mlttrnt. win nnrtli ulnrly rife
whnt would 1k about the het advice yim could !
plvi him? We "111 tell you to ram hIoiik or i
procure on nrrlvlnir that potent inellcltinl sufe i
cuiird, Hotetter's Stoimich Hitters known
thronjrhout malnrln-plHirued roHlnns. here nnd j
In o'hrr eountric. ns the s'irot means of dU
nrmliiit the inlainatlc sPoiirRe nnd robbing it of
Its feu dostru."lve lnliuenee. mh on iv noes n
frt i f v the svj.tin hv Inerenslnv! Its stamina, hut
overcomes Irregularity -of ilUi'MInn, the liver
ami the bowels, nnd counteracts tho uufiivoinble
cll'.'Ots of overcxcrtlo i, bodily mid mental expos
ure tn roucb weather, or orcupn'lon too eden
tnrv or lnlKirlons, hiss of appetite and excessive
nervousness. The function of alimentation,
billons secretion and sleep have In It a most
powerful and reliable nu.xllhiry.
It Will liecover. "lie's a dlitrco to I1I5
nanie." "What Is his naiue?" '"mitli."
Statu ok Onto, Pitv or Toi.kio,I
I.vca ror.NTV, ( ' '
Fit ink J. ''llf.NKY makes oath that he Is the
'enlor p-irtnerof the linn of .1. C'iii:ni:y t Co..
doioK biittieKh in 'he city of Toledo, county and
Sinte aforessM. and I'ihI said firm will pay Ihe
sum of ONi: IH'N'DIii:!) DOI.I.AKS for each aud
every ease of Catarrh that cntinnt ho cured by
the use of IIam.'s Catauhh Ccuk.
Pwom to boforo me and Miberlboil In my jro.s
cure this nth (lav of December. A. I) lsMl.
1ki:U,. A. W. liLKAPOX. AVrtrj l'uhlif.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal1!, and
act. dlrcc'ly upon the blood ..nd mucous surfaces
of thosvMem. fptirt for totiinoiilaN. free,
K. .1 CllKNIvY .t CO., Toledo. O.
l3T Sold by PriiKRists, Toe.
"Who killed l'arncll?" "I." Mild Kilkenny.
"I'll bet 11 penny I killed PnrnoU."
Beware or Imitations nf the celebrated Foal ol
North Carolina Plus cut Tobacco.
Try Gurmka for brenkfaBt
This ricturo, Panel sh mailed for ! cents.
J. F. SMITH & CO.,
Makers of "Ililo Deans,"
255 & 257 Greenwich St., N. Y. City.
Now Store. Gymnasium and Athletic Goods. Now Goods.
Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Sporting Goods anil Fishing Tackle,
Itlurlm, Colt".
Ki pi utlnj; Itllles
Til I Kit ST., r.5
-MANl KACTl'IthltH OK Till-
Lance Tooth, Dexter, Simmons
U'i iIki'k 11111I Slcil-cs
I A.TE5T patfmt vniinrn saw
iOfir., sAw.o.-.
v., , 1 f, , l
uu ,1 '.s t.
nt. 1 - . t 1
f, 1 ) t,.- v. ..
1 1 1 1
I. . 1; I.
1 .t jmi.ii
t V. ll.l.l. I.
1. h-jini I Ims .Is, M..t
(fl.t to l'u-ltl.. Const htiitc.
11 M
hould Ifieir houses Iook5'l
iry dca.Ke myournexr-
ConBirnina many peoplo to hide tho dirt of their kitchens. Thoy males
tho kitchen a secret chnmbor, into which it is forbidden to outer; but hulf
tho trouble which thoy tnko to hido tho dirt and tho disgraco which it on
tailB, would kcop the kitchen clean, and all its pots aud pans bright as
dollar, that is, if thoy uso
ctit to use. ( hciijifst, Rcllif in imtntdiate. A
cure in c ertain. For Cold in the Iliud It has nu cual.
It is an Ointment, of which imnuill .ariuU' in ujipllnl
In the nfwtr.1 Price Hold bv druKfflsU r nctit by
mail, AdJmsi E, T, 11azll:im-, Wurrcu, Pu.
HAY Ii;Vi:i! AMI CAT.tltlSII. j
Those alllict d with either cr both
tmuti cs will aireclale thi lftter from'
.llum Harvey, of No. .MMU Klin avenue, ,
Philadelphia, Pa:
"I have lined Am i , k s Ponors !
TKiia for thirty yeai- and have always!
found them efficacious in roughs, coin-,
pulmonary comtjlaiuis, rh.-oitiausin and
lainsiu th Lack. I was also subject to '
loll m atiacks cf catarrh or hav fetei; to
cure ibis 1 cut a slrlp siilllclrnt to cover
the foreheart a'l oi er fti rt npuliud It on
goinn io brd. Slept well and it it up with
ii clear h ad and nose ntopptri running .
ey- k br glu, and all pain In the head and I
nose gone, sometimes I am atiacked j
with extreme hoarsenr, hut always ic
lieveil b an Ai.i.i ihk s lmous Pi.AsrKn j
around the throat." !
There Is nottituK like adversity to develop h i
mim'n urod points and whiskers. i
Cough", Colds, and Sore Thint qutrklv
relieve i by "Itrown's llroncliiul Troche?'
'Jo cents a box.
"Wtmt sro the scih nln.rnl products of
bind " Toiiinn- I'otati..- Hint IrNh lmll.
Bulk tho mothoil mp. rostilt3
Synip of Figs is taken; it ia plcawtnt
nnd refreshing to O10 tnMo, and actti
Ronlly yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver a-id Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem cQVctimlly, disjiels cold.s, head
iclies and ibvers and cures hnbitu.-I
eonstipatitm jirrtnivnctilly. For salo
in oOaruid $1 bottles by till druggists.
This interests You
For vet or sloppy wiatlier win need I'DHON'S
PA 1KXT W TKltl KiinKiiAHMKN'IM and PA1!
HHPS l'A ll- NT WA i'i:i!l'i:00F Dlil'SS HlIOKS
f r ladle- and I'i'tit letiieli ; fullv (TiiariinUed or
money lefunilid; nnthlnir eiUiils them. Semi
slump and nddic-F for full particulars.
111. All! ,V DIMCIIY, (Ii iikiiiI Aircnts,
Kooni ,,, (iiccn lilillillor, I'ortliinil, Or.
Aceiits ivHiiteil- ladies or neiitlcmctl
STEIN WAY, Gabler and Pease Palnos
Meani.'K Hu' l.fsT P:vo Miiik, and tliu f.irorlld
hr-l-cr r utuk nil Mt,tLat iiintmnientit; KnniU hup-
lien mr.'.- KMi n or r nnum hti.inwav ut,
P-pi hire.; Ma-itiiiah (Ir.AV On. Ca!
1..1 ne.v riMimR inul rii.iv Htjirk
rhti to Obtain a Paltnl,
i. r.i.
t V
at bin
i i:icu ot ttiti:i,,. At
Washlmrt in. II
CURE Biliousness,
Sick Headache,
I'll rlier Ilro.,
Ii. '. Siiiltli,
Colt'S SIlOllMlIlls,
r. - r raHF-
I'OKTIiA Nil, (lit.
antl Champion Patterns Saws
for AVonili'lKippi'rH, I'ortlmiil, Or
wpi vr in i n.,
.1 Ltm Im. 1 ru.
1 Olill . ,Uil, m'.1C
mill . I. tfii HI,
- h, .1 In Am. i', .u
. .1 ..h, t IkI II.
pil.l, buuiiita. .
'Ai Ml. the nu ,v J7 (lay Ibullin .
1 111!
n & crown Lwalllk
u sw rfT w UR.Um
I U f
III whol
flKiirlm'. '
r. i h1 .
litnr. th
It sk sU,
i ..a intf,
u , im
V i weS
. . II
: i " is or
ai .i iu
. . I ID'f,
holder tnruirini; .11
Iti hiiiK l-nrnii'ir. liUdiir
ply or lilit. l,j. MHii ).
to tho nn t i!i-tri siiii' o
inor of the t IoikI, ethel -Imi
K'MIIII , 811'
nercnirsri , H t.otsiu, i.i-riiioin ir i
romii'iilly ii.reil h the I'mhiiu 'i
I-Ollsisf lllrf of CI TH I BA. the Kll'ilt
(.TTtrrn.1 Soap, an exquisite hi. In vli
ii 'id
hemulfier. iiiui
1 l TH en KEK01.V I ty
blond and tln purifier ami arcaiest
remedie. hen the Nt lihlrlnns nn.,
i t.'iinor
i other
remoilifii fall. Tills Is tn mi lani!i:in.'.- I nf trim.
1 crotrinl tetirnotiia ft. mm ntii y
to aire attt-t tl. t .'. underfill, imrmlinv ana iu
eoiiituritliie 1 1! . .
Autl vvori 1 1 u .' Ii Ice. OfTic fRA. . Ot . H.iAr,
2..c; Kk-oi.vkst, . Cri'iareil by lvti.-i tuns
and Chi'tiilcHl i oTpi ratlon hi.i..n, M .-.
Hond fur llu to tuio iklu ami l.lood Ills
eae. '
ft?" Mini I. .. h,nkh.;.I7t:fipF,:'' ' 1 by "W
.l o'-v iili'd I.' ri ti I'll i s,M).
1, pains anil muHiilar
. ri ll. e.l In one nun, t.' t tl.o
v Anti Pun I'umm:. -k.
Fair's Golden Fernalo Pills.
For Female Irroc't'ar
Itlos; nutliiiihkct'icm
on tho miir.i t A'etcr
faff, fuecess:ul!v iiseit
ly nrouiuiet t la H'M
lnontlily. O iara. .cd
to relievo a ipj.r tseil
Don't lio liumhiiRreif.
Suvo Time, Health,
nnd mouuy ,tuke no oth
er. Pent to anr ndilrcs,
tecuro V-jr ma'l on re
eclptof prkv.f- 00.
Western llrauch, IiosS7, 1'UIlTt.ANl), ore
Hold by WiKiuilt Mkco Co., Portlan ' Or
I'AVts i.i'i;.vr
laniiloleailier Roofing.
The cheilpost tiling in Ihe mnrVet ior houses,
barns, Icoiimiies and i'Ui'jull.l!ni;s. WrI"o for
chIiooaUo mid siunpli's.
PACIFIC ROLL PAPER CO., Pacific Const Agent
SO and First street, sun Friui. ls. o, C a.,
i;oll ONK liOM.AU sent us by mall. ve will ilo
1 liver, free of all f-lnires. to nnv person In the
I'ulted .states, all Ihe following tirtlcnii arcful.y
packed In a neat box.
One two-onii , 0 bottle of Pure Vnscllno lo rts.
Oik tiio-ouuco bottle Vaseline 1 omado lfi "
One Jar of ViiH'llne Cold Cream 1 "
Ono cake ot Vaseline Camphor Ice 10 "
Otic rake of Vasellvc Soap, uiiK'onted 1" "
One cake of Vaseline toap. i-eeiitrd. . ..:""
One two ounce bottle of White Vacliue,'J! "
, U 10
Or fur ataiiijH any hIiikIc nitlclc nt thf il. c ratnrd.
If jou li.oii . cciinli'ti lo use ViihIIiio in any furm bo
(Hiflul In ioc.'1't 1 nly 1(1 inline go tin put i.p l.yuii hi
iuIkIii.iI imrkuKi s. A .rout iimm ibiiklsls ure tijlni; to
pviwiiidr l.uj t ih to Inki' VAHI.MNt' put up by them.
Xoirr jli'M to udi iiitmiuhImu, im tht' lotloli In an Imita
tion without ihIi.c nu.l in, I iMeyoii tit. iimtlt you A bottli. of nine VasWIiie ij will by all
Chesebrongli M'f'g Co., 2 1 State St.,New York.
Apply to Mil O II. STKVKN3 .t CO.. Attorneys,
1UJ F etreet, Washington, I). C. llrauch olhcea
'ti" .'noil im, nit, ('blcairo.
uiiualjleluforiuatlou to nil Mitlcrlucfrnm
iiiso. iiotno treatment. Portland nis-
t or :id and Aider, Portland, Or.
praj7?tsa n ITI.-aiittiiarknoTvlpdRC(I
W&J'wia,.t-1 Ii mlinir reineilv lor rill tlm
f in YB
l n 1 10 J
In -ifi nnnatiirat illicluircea nnd
I piHcieillneaKcsiif men. A
ocr; 11I ti cure for the ilrtillp
ta.lii(r wunkui'ts peculiar
- . 1 oinrn.
lll, ilvlr T t ri.ucr hnlf nnrt nri
I THT tVUNSCll' M"l Pi III ri'COlnroiiUdlBU It to
M'Vti,o.IjK3TflS ail Miiiurera.
HI . J. PI Until, M U.,l)ICATUB,ILL
loni ny iiruKKiata.
tltl4JI2 01.00.
St rlarhTi
IIOIV TO U IV A'lW'lllllll
. Hire, etc. A Hiiro th.i'ir.Seiitlri'e
jionujronui 11 ruccipior-lc.iilmniio
'In ncrsoii. lit- r . si'Viuu.
a .w in, .vj jiii,,... .oi.iri'HM or n i
1 ...u.. ,.iunir, inn 1 nrK,
Send to Smith's for your winter outfit.
Tl.ev lmvp the Mireest ktorli of unilen lf thlnir.
I bey lmvc the bent boots mill Hioes, They linvo
Ihe chenpesit hosiery for over) body. The)- Imvo
the t rentci, vnrlety of ilrv kooiIh, Thoy havo
faintly urocciU's of nil klmts They have dried
fruit of tho new crop. Thuy hno cniiucd k'ooda
nt wholemlu jirlcus. They Imvo warm mittens
and kIovch. I hey have bliuikcU from U.V up.
They Imvo cninforbi from UO cent each to to.
They have ovcraPi of even- i.lze. Thev r.av hrio-
elul iittciitiou to all orilem. Addrcas for full
piirtlculam 11 ml copy of Home IHrclt ffreo)
Siiiltli Cusli miit, 11H front Street,
I V 11 I I'll lll'lklt, I'll 1.
ho"c no other Jobaccu
Wh- orce L-i'es
Plug Gut.
the secret of Its
r'rt'" s'p
! Jhis
Will ponltlvclr euro Ncrvounc, I)s of Man
hood, lmioteucy, Lumo Hock, UhuumaUam, ln
Ulguktlou. tuiieral 'Jcblllty, etc.
I'rli n M5 MIO unit SIR. . . .
Alio Drugi, Trutte. Crutches, Elastic Stockings
Shoulder Braces, Electric Imolei, Etc.
Tho llellnhlo Druck-Ut,
Tlilril unit Taylor, I'ortliuuli Or.
W.ikn.nof SodTtoiKIoa, ttfrtU
lllll'llllllof ErioriorEiMtHilnoiaor iwas.
lUbutl. l.l CiMIUIIU fullf l'.l ! nlMf tM
i InIII Ami M kUln u4 Hontt I "lJf . V,'','lfr
, rnrr
1 vr l ' r
nwls ckuio f
sU I..
ii .'v 1 rsijc