The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 09, 1890, Image 5

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TLo people of Calais never sntva genuine,
living nnd moving millionaire till Uncle
Russell Sago went down there the other day
to buy tho Grand Southern railroad. With
true down east hospitality a son of the hotel
landlord hitched up a span of horses and
gavo Millionaire Sago a delightful ride about
town. Uncle Russ was profuse in his ex
pressions of pleasure, and after the drive was
over put his hand right down in his pocket
and gave tho young man a nice, round, silver
ten cent piece. The young man was much
surprised. Ho did not expect anything. He
has had a hole punched in that ten cent pieca
and will wear it on his watch chaiu. Lewis
ton Journal.
An Eye for Itusliiosn.
American Tourist Impressivo I Ain't it,
though What do you s'ikihi 1 could hire
the front and sides for to show our tonic
Huslnro Sngnclty In St. LouU.
. An old and very wealthy man of St. Louis,
'whoso eonstaut companion was a white and
black dog, had been in tho habit of coming
to tho sub-treasury at certain periods for tho
purpose of getting tho coutions of liis IkhkIs
cashed. One day lie presented himself for
that purpose, and tho cashier refused to give
him tho money. The old man demanded to
know why.
"I don't know you," said tho cashier.
"But I have been hero before, and was
.nover denied," tho man answered.
Tho cashier looked at him a moment and
then said: "'Where is your black and white
dog that always comes with you, if you are
tho same man?"
The old man's eyes filled with tears as he
told the cashier that tho dog was dead
"Well," replied tho cashier, "1 am sorry to
hear that, but you'll have to bring some
body hero to identify you now. I don't know
you without tho dog." Chicago MaiL
A Personal Illustration.
lion. Amos J. Cummings tells a funny
story about a printer named Austin. While
Cummings was setting typo in Tho Now
York Tribune ofllco a good many years ago,
Austin did "sub" work a spell. One day
Austin said to Cummings: "This ofllco is
moro honest than Tho Times office."
"Becauso when I went out today I left nn
npplo on my case, and when I camo back,
thero it was, safe and sound; nobody had
eaten it."
"Now, just to show you how different The
Times printers are, while I was working
thero last week, ono of tho boys went off,
leaving n:t orange on his case. 1 took it and
ato it." Chicago News.
A Sum Ileclpc.
Professor Pasteur Oui, I must admit it.
My plan for lulling Australian rabbits by
inoculating them with cholera of chicken has
American I'll -tell you what to do. Just
convince tho rabbits that they will have hy
drophobia unless they can get to you for
treatment and they will dio fast enough.
Omaha World.
Tho Very Horso He Wnntetl.
Stranger Aro you the superintendent of
the street car line?
"Yes, sir."
"I would liko to sell you a horso."
"Is it a good, lively onef
"It was used for a hearse horso for a year."
"Send it up nt onco and state your price."
Lincoln Journal.
lie Was No Horse
She John, don't you think tho horse needs
n new harness? Smith has an elegant one
for eco.
lie Sixty dollars for a now harness I Why,
I don't spend to exceed $35 for a whole new
She Yes, I know, John; but you're no
horse. Life.
A Lightsome Heart.
"Children," said a Now Jersey school
" teacher, "always bo cheerful. Whatover falls
to your lot to do, do it cheerfully."
"Yes, indeed, dear teacher," responded a
bright littlo Rahway scholar, "even the
skeeters sing when thoy aro at work." New
York Sun.
Not Ilullt That Way.
An Oil City boy of 12 gets up in his sleep
and plays the piano. Wo never hear of a 12-year-old
boy getting up in his sleep and cut
ting wood, or doing somo other useful work.
As tho old Greek philosopher says, "Ho isu't
constructed on that model." Exchange.
Not for Musicians.
Tho law allowing three days' graco on a
noto doc3 not apply to musicians; thoy must
take up tho notes at sight as thoy come due,
or tho whole will go protest. Dausvillo
Will Excrclso Moro Care.
A New York man recently dropped dead
through laughing so heartily over a joke ha
was reading. Wo will bo moro careful here
of ten Philip II. Welch in The Epoch.
One Chnnco for It.
Von Baboony I wonder if I can do any
thing for this mustache?
Barber Why, certainly, sir. You might
Bhave it off. Life.
True to Ills Principle!.
Mrs, Jenks (at dinner) Would you like
somo of this oyster plaut, Mr. Prim?
Prim No, thank you; I'm a strict vege
tarian. Life.
A Regular Hoy.
lie was not at all particular
To keep Uie perpendicular;
While walking ho either skipped or jumped;
He stood upon tils head awhile,
And, when he went to bed awhile,
lie dove among the pillows, which he thumped.
He never could keep still a bit;
The lookers on thought 111 of It;
He balanced on his ear tho kitchen broom.
And did some nice trapezius.
Which was wonderfully pleasing,
On every peg la grandpa's harness room.
From absolute Inanity
The cat approached insanity
To see him slide the banister so rash;
liut once on that mahogany,
While trying to toboggan, he
Upset bis calculations with a crash.
And since that sad disaster
He has gone about la plaster,
Net Paris, like a nice Italian toy.
Cut the kind the doctor uses.
When the bumps and cuts and bniffes
Onroome a little, regular, lire boy.
Brooklyn Staadard-CnlM.
kum:ts us all.
Mamtact ure ra of the Great Sierra Kid
ney and Liver Cure
Ge.nti.emen: Uend to you this tostl
monlal, and consider It no moro than my
duty. I have given your Great Sierra
Kidney and Liver Cure a fair trial. Alv
Kinney- were in a very bad condition.
verKlng on to Bright' disease and strong i
symptoms of diabetes. 1 had severe pains ;
In tny back; my water was very much 1
discolored, with heavy sediment! Since J
u-ing your truly wonderful remedy all I
uiese irouuies Have ceased, and I consider
mvself saved from a very dangerous as
well as troublesome disease. Your al
uable remedy I can recommend to all
that suffer from kidney, bladder or liver
troubles. Faithfully yours,
John J. Lennox,
115 Eighth street,
San Francisco Cal.
now the Crrinun Authorities l'unlsh thi
Crliuu of OMellvlvc Opinion.
Gorman editors aro so accustomed to
being arrested, fined and imprisoned,
that tlioy usually accept their
sharo of imperial discipline) without
protest or complaint. Tho Gorman jour
nalist, said tho Vossischo Zcltung rn
cently, is constantly doing an egg daneo
between "gross misdemeanor" on ono
sido. nnd "Insult of majesty" or "dis
respect of Stato institutions" on tho
othor. Two cases of brutal abuse of
editors imprisoned for political oilenses
in Germany liave, howover, roused a
storm of indignation in all tho radical
newspaper ofllcos of Germany and Aus
tria. Herr Boshart was editor-in-chief of
tho Gotha Gazette, a radical daily in
Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha. Ho was a keen
nnd courageous writer, and consequently
bad no ond of troublo with tho little
princoling of his province. Somo time
ago he was condemned to imprisonment
for tho fifth or sixth time, and was incar
cerated in tho Ichtershausen peniten
tiary near Erfurt. Thero ho was bar
barously maltreated. A few weoks after
tho beginning of Ills confinement, his
wifo was admitted to him. She found
him with head and face close shaven,
and in tho cast-olL patched and un
washed prison suit of tho previous occu
pant of his cell. When ho percoived the
horror of his wifo on account of his piti
able appoaranco ho began to weep. She
begged him to drj' his Jears. Ifo an
swered that ho could not, as tho jailor
had taken away all his handUerchiofs.
Ho had also been doprived of all his lin
en, underclothes and overgarments, as
well as of soap, towels, brushes and
slippers. Although ho had nn abund
ance of money, tho privilege of all othor
prisoners to buy a placo at tho keopor's
tablo was denied to him. Fran Boshart
was carefully watched throughout her
visit in her husband's coll in order that
she might bo provented from leaving
with him any articlo of comfort.
Tho Eiberfoltler Freio Presso tolls a
story of similar abuses in tho caso of
August Bolgor, editor and proprietor of
tho Westphalian Workingmen's Gazotto.
Bolger was Imprisoned last summer un
der tho drag-not press law, which con
templates "gross misdemoanor." Whon
his term was about to expiro ho was
brought in chains to court in Dortmund
to got another dose of imperial justice.
Tho insulting of a policeman and disro
spoetof Stato institutions woro tho now
charges against him. Ho was found
guilty andsontonced to ono month moro.
Herr Bolgor had boon unablo to tell any
ono outside of prison concerning his life
in confinement, and so dospito tho pro
tests of tho court ho partly freed his
mind of tho complaints that had boon
accumulating in it over since he began
"doing timo." Ho was shaved clean, ho
said, his hair was cut close, and ho was
put into a convict's unwashed suit, al
though men in tho samo prison for fel
onious assaults woro permitted to wenr
a beard and their own clothes. Ho was
kopt in solitary conflnomont without a
word to read. Whon ho complained tho
turnkey would givo him a pile of stock
ings to darn. Lottors that ho wroto to
his wifo woro overlooked by prison offi
cials, and overy lino roforring to tho
maltreatment ho wus suiforing was
stricken out.
Tho roost aggravating fcaturo of tho
maltreatment of Boshart and Bolgor was
that it was unlawful, and could take
placo only with tho connivanco of high
officials who could havo no iutorost in
aiding and approving sueh acts of bar
barity unless thoy had been inspired by
RUDorior authority.
" In 18S7 my son, 7 years old, had a white swell
Iuk come on his rlRht let? below tho knee, which
became very much swollen and painful, ami
contracted tho musclca io that lilsleK was drawn
up at right angles. 1'hyslclnus failed to help
him materially, and I considered him
A Confirmed Cripple.
I was about to take him to Cincinnati for an op
eration, expecting his leg would have to betaken
ofT, and began giving him Hood's garbaparllla In
order to get up Ids strength. The medicine woko
up bis appetite, anil soou piece of lxmo were
discharged from the sore. Wo continued with
Hood' It seemed to bo doing him
so much good, and tho discharge from the sore
decreased, the swelling weut down, tho leg
ttrnlghtcned out, and In a few mouths bo .had
perfect uko of his leg. Ho now ruin everywhere,
auil apparently 1 as well an ever." John I.. Mc
MumtAY, Notary J'ubllc, Itaveiuwood, W, Va.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists, fl; six for 15. i'rvpured
only by 0. 1. HOOIl A CO., Lowell, Sins.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar
re oar BtUoauf. lick Hdsefc. CoottlpatUa.
HaltrU. Llvsr OraphUnts. Uk tha
s4 osrula raMr. SMITH'S
Cm lbt SMALL SIZB (40 HUM ksas to tha Wt
Us). Thar ix tha bhi 0MTaMsti ssit all iK
frloasr atlker IU, 2f oau sr bottia.
kissing u..-,:iB5?jn
aou (cwprs or Hxm(h
I r. smith a Co..
Mtksnaf lis .- Bu LouU. Ms.
tll illssi
The number of. convictions In KiiKland for
drunkenness last your was 151.4J5. Trulv England
is a "tight little Isle."
If you find you an wins downhill In point of
health. Falling treiiKth, Impaired digestion
and nsslmllatlou are the marks of decline.
Check thec and other indications of premature
decay w Ith the urand vltallzer nnd roMratultig
tonic, MoMottcr's Stomach Hitters. Heciutdug
at the fountain head, the stomach, the Hitters
remedies Its Inefficiency, corrects Its errots and
sets It vigorously nt work. The digestive organ
Is thus enabled to thoroughly f ciiarate Irom the
food Its nutritive principles, which the blood
assimilating. Is enriched. Thus Is the system
nourished, and being nourished, strengthened,
and abnormal waste of Its tissues stayed. Appe
tite the power to rest well.a regular habit arc also
re-established, and the various functions move
once more In their natural and healthful groove.
The Hitters, moreover, Is a specific for and pre
ventive of malarial complaints, rheumatism,
blllousucMi and kidney troubles.
The man who gets Into the lawyer's hnnds Is
generally both plalutitl' and defendant.
' William E. Rockwell, No. 512 West57lh
street, New York, says;
"I have beena martyr to bilious headache
and djspepsla. Any indiscretion in del,
overfatigue or cold brings on a lit of Indi
gestion, to Ins follwed by a headache last
ing two or thiee cliixw at a time. 1 think I
must have tried "over twenty dillVrent
remedies, which were recommended ns
certain cures by loving friends lint it was
no use. At last I thought 1 would take a
simple course of purgation with Bhan
IiltKTll's Pil.l.s. For tm llrt week 1 took
two pills every night. thn one pill for
thirty nights In llint. time I gum d three
pnuifds in weight, nnd never have had an
ache or a pain since."
Disea-e in one part of the body will
eventually (111 the whole body with di
suse. Every jear or two homiq part tf the
system grows weak, and b'gins to decay.
Such part should be removed at once, and
new matter be allowed to take Its place.
There's no need rf cuttiiiK it out with a
-urgeon's scalpel. Purge awav the o'd.
diseased and worn-out arts with Bhan
dheth's Pills.
Just So. Fond Wife What rami's you to bor
row trouble so much, John? John The inability
to borrow anything else.
No coap In the world has ever been Imi
tated as much n Dobbins' Electric Soap.
The market iftdl of imitations. Becnre
ful that you ate not deceived. "J. B. Dob
bins, Philadelphia and New York," is
stamped on every bar.
When n man is walking on his uppers the pre
sumption Is that he Isn't well heeled.
For bronchial, asthmatic and pulmonary
complaints ''Jlroum's Bronchial Troches"
manifest remarkable curative properties.
2o cents a box.
Growing old makes men no better anymore
than the process of ripening alters or Increases
the quality of fruit.
We positively cure rupture nnd nil rectal dis
eases without pain or detention from business.
No cure, no pny; nnd no pay until cured. Ad
dress for pamphlet Iirs. I'orterfield A L.-sey, MS
Market street, San Francisco.
Never cast pearls before sw ine. Pearls aro not
very fattening.
finest -"Tansill's Punch"
For Bilious and Nervous Disorders.
"Worth Guinea a Box" but sold
for 25 Cents,
StOP tl
Chronic Cough Now!
For !f vnu it n nnt It mnv hiwvitnn nnn .
j suinptho. For Consumption, Scrofula,
General Debility anil .loafing JUseatei,
thero Is nothing llko
Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and
Of Zjtma nnd CSocIa.
Tf la lmn.t na nnl.lntil. no mIII. T." u
I . .v h. jiuinuiutu an num. i m
I bettor than othor ao-cnllod Emulsions.
I A wonderful Hush producer.
Scott's Emulsion
j Thero aro poor Imitations. Get the genuine,
We offer to close out stock of 1,'JOO boxes Horso
Nails as follows' t. Ks, Us. 10s at 11 cents pound
to the trade or to borseshocrs; Cs and 7k (few
boxes only), 12)5 cents. They aro the Judson
make, t ho best in tho world, and no morn will bo
manufactured. Order from your Jobber or from
Multli'N I'll li Store, 4 IS Front Mri'cf,
Sim I'ruiirlkrn, Onl. Bend rath or befit
city reference, payable on receipt of goods.
Name this paper.
abor's Golden Female Pills.
For Female Irrtfulst
I tics; uotliliiKllfcethen
on the market, titvei
ail. tiacceftiluijyuiec
iy prominent lsillet
monthly. Guaranteed
.to rellere suppressed
Don't ba hambnned
Bare Time, Health
ud money ;Uke no oth
Bent to aqy address
secure by mall on rs
celptol price, 1X00.
Western Branch, oxS7, VOUTLAMD, OB
-old by Wisdom Dbuo Co., I'orUsuC. Or.
yftvfffi? Bend for Catalogue.
Wiley B. Allen & Co.
Oenernl AgenU,
311 !t8t..rortUnrl,Or.
404 Kattrrr M., Sun fr'rttuclkce.
Jllchcit inarkvt pilco jmld (or Uldea, 1'clli
aud Tallow.
N. P. N. U. No. S5& S. F. N. U. No. 432
Cro V.j en, Cro Kye Mndr Straight.
Dr. Darrln, having just returned from
Europe, will treat eyes from fiitemberilJ
to October -I only. All tlione v ho nre'thus
alllictcd, take notice.
A Few ISrferencen N'niiic of Ciim Cured
of C."ro K) .
ftHs Fula Grepg, Seattle, Wah.
MNs Lillie Quentnl, Tncotna, Vnb.
Miss l.ucy Morgan, Monmouth. Or.
.1. H. Tlchenor'- girl. Sa em, Or.
Mis Fannie Kennedy, alia AVal'a,
Mr. Shea's girl, 34S Columbia street,
M s. M. Uebes' son, 1111 Wntcr street,
U. Ahlf, 100 Xorth Fourteenth street,
Mis- Sophia Gllrlc, 111 Market street,
Punlnnd Uross-ejed since birth.
Andrew Anderson, J'ort Townsend,
Wash. UroHS-eyt (1 from pnrahsls of the
outer muscles of the eye; cured by ono op
1 he. alnjve are only a few names selected
front a list of hundreds who hao been
successfully treated by Dr. Darrln. No
charg- is iniuli' unless tho cure ii perfect,
and the treatment is almost pa nless.
Dm. Dnrrlii's l'luro of llnnlnen.
Dr. Darrln can 1 consulted dnlly at
tho Washington building, corner Fourth
and Washington streets, Portland.
Hours 10 to 5: evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays,
lit to 12. All chronic diseases, blood
taints, irregularities of women, loss
of vital power ami early indts.
cretlons permanently cured, though no
references aro ever made in tho press con
cerning such cases, owing to tho delicacy
of the patients. F .laminations free to all,
and circulars will be sent free to any ad
dress. Charges for treatment according
to patient's ability to pay. All
private diseases confidentially treated and
cures guaranteed. Patients at a distance
can be cured by home treatment. Medi
cines and letters sent without tho doctors'
name appearing.
aby Humors.
blotchy, oily okln, red, rough bunds, with
eltapi, jialnhtl finger ends and shanoleKs nails,
and simple babv humors prevented and cured
byCi'TK'UKA Soap, A marvelous bcautltler of
world-wide celebrity, It Is simply Incomparable
as a bkiu-jiurifylng ,oap, uncqualed for tho tot
let and without a rival for tho iiurtry. Abso
lutely pure, delicately medicated, exquisitely
perfumed, Cutici'ka Soai' produces the whitest,
clearest skin and softest bands, and prevents
Inflammation and clogging of the pores, the
cause of pimples, hlackhcads and most complex
iotml disfigurations, while It admits of no com
parison with the best of other skin soaps, and
rivals In delicacy the most noted and expensive
of toilet and nursery soaps. Bale greater than
the combined sales of all other skin snaps.
Bold throughout the world. I'rice, 'JSc.
Send for ",How to Cure rkln and Wood Dis
eases." Address 1'otteii Dmto Atcn Chemical Conro
ration, proprietors, Ilostou, Mass.
Aching sides and hack, weak kldnevs and
rheumatism relieved In one minute by the
OleDrateUt-'UTICUKA antw-ain I'LAHTKkYJ&C
a specialty. Im
mense stock of all leading varieties at tho very
lowest market rates. Hcnd for price list, and I
will please you. Address E. K. JONES, Carpar
XurreriJ, Ft. IIkauo, Mendocino county, Cali
fornia. OPIUM
curd. Trial free. Confiden
tlPlly address INDIANA
Box 13.
Siirnor Libcrnti'H Military Dand of Fifty Selected MtiHlcIann will furnish tho iiiumIc
Six and one-half acren of floor npnco filled to overflowing with tho wonders of thin
wonderful age. A world of Mccliauicfl In Miniature. Not to vlait thin (rcat KxpoHt
tion and view its wonders in every department of art and science will be to miss an
opportunity Buch as ban never been presented to the people of thin Count before.
Will open September 25 nnd elope October 2. ?5,500 Ih offered in cash premiums in
this department. Stock Department open to vlaitorH from 0 A. M. until 5 p. m. Kxpo
nition from 1 i. M. until 1U I. M. One adtnlnaion ticket admits to b ith. Price, adults,
50 cents; children, 25 cents. Reduced rates ou all transportation lines leading to
Portland. For information address K. W. ALI.EN. Sttpt. and Sec'y.
If you wunt a first-class mnchino, do not purchase until you have
looked up tho record of tho "Advance," as it is the only machine .in the
market that will givo ahsoluto satisfaction. Send for deBcrijitivo cata
logue to
Z. T. Wright, General Agent,
Foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon,
Also dealor in General Machinery and Supplies.
ogrnphers of both sexes, attribute their success to a course at the Portland Busi
ness College, Portland, Oregon, or the Capital Business College, Salem,
Oreijoti. Both are under the management of A. P Armstrong, have same courses of
study, same rates of tuition. lUisitics3,SUarthnml,Typc'ritinf, Penmanship iimlHnf
lish Departments. Write to either for Joint Catalogue and specimens of penmanship.
"When slovens gel
t A f. i t
Dorroms of rnepans.-wnen
0 r-
1 1 mm i mil
bxz diverreifiasiiiaisrfhev
I mf
never nred of
Two servants in two neighboring houses dwelt,
But differently their daily labor felt ;
Jaded and weary of her life was one,
Always at work, and yet 'twas never done.
The other walked out nighdy with her beau,
But then she cleaned house with SAPOLIO.
To Tit Epitor! I'lesjo Inform your readers
that 1 have a positive remedy for the above
named dliease. Hy Its timely ue thousands of
hopeletis cases have beev permanently cured. I
shall bo glad to send two bottle of my remedy
free to any of your readers who have consump
tln If they will send me their express and post
office address. Respectfully,
181 I'earl street, New York.
All persons rapidly and safclv reduced by Du
Hols Alitl obesity Tea. A. II, Smith A Co., agents,
(iraut avenue and (ieary street.
Howareof Imitations of the celebrated Seal of
North Carolina Hug Cut Tobacco.
H afflicted with Sore Kyes, ue Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Kye Water. Druggists sell It. 25c
Thy Okhmka for breakfast.
Both tho method and results whon
Syrup of Figa ia tnken; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to tho taste, nnd acts
gently yet promptly ou tho Kidneys,
Liver nnd Uowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
.iche8 and fovera and cures hahitul
constipation permanently. For salo
in 50c and SI bottles by nil druggists.
Bright, Active Agent rVeW0!!?
Fluid. It's harmless. Will keep the hair In curl
one to seven days. Money In It to right party.
Address at onco J b SCOI IEI.D, General Agent
l'aeltlo Coast, 87 Post St., Sail Francisco, Cab
Weakness of Body and Bind, Effects
af Errora or Ezoenea in Old or Younr.
ib.olutflr nnrllln IIOJIK TIIKiTnKNT-llf nrdll In a dij.
!! iMtlfj from AO Slllri and frartlf n C'onatrtM. Writ ihtm,
Uftfriptlt Hook, tlnlinatlon and proofi raallrd (If atfdl frra.
New Pension Law.
flltes all Mows and dliaUcd soldiers nnd
sailors n pension; no erldenco to furnish; no
dlxchargH imiiers required; advice free; no ad
vance exiwnso or fee. Authorized retftater d
U. H. l'einlon Attorney CM years' exvilence),
Cait .1 II. HIIKI'AHI) and Maj. W. ii.
NOItHIK 31U l'lne Htrect, Itoom 47, adjoining
tT H, Pension Aeency, Ban Francisco, Cat.
Kefereucea, A J. Iluckle, Commander O. A.
II. Dept. of California, and other deiartiuent
r A TP C Ikl C talued Fees mod
JT M I EbHI I O erale Inf.rmation
a da Ice FltKK. J. It. i,:TTKM.,opp. ratO"tOf-
flee. Wash ne on. I). C. mention Mi
i paper).
Apply to JULO H. STKI'IIKNS A CO., Attorneys,
1411) F street, Washington, D. C. brunch otllecs
Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago.
Engines, Horse Powes, Self-Feeders
and Strawstackers.
13 the kind thnt pays, bcorcs of
vouhl' business men. nnd luiti-
clredH of book-kecnors ntul sten-
Hdy they polish foe
a. II
cleaning up
rn.rn.M0 m. iiiivm Ksm
- nam m.
For all forms of nervous wate, decav, ex
haustion and debility, whether due to diseases
of certain organs or not.
Also the new and direct method 'of arresting
abnormal urinary discharges and restoring to
the Impotent their departed vigor.
Successful Where All Else Has Failed. The
La Salle Method and Its Advantages.
Our iireiiaratlous aro called "Tho I.u Sallo
Itemedles,' from the fact that we procured tho
original formula of the celebrated Dr. I.a Sallo
of l'arls. under guarantee that rhnuld we think
proper to introduce at any time his remedies to
1 the American public we should do so under that
1 Some ears ago Dr. I.a Sallo conceived the idea
I of treating nervous and seminal diseases hy
reciai mcuicaiiou, ueiieving ne wouiu gam tno
following advantages:
(1.). Application ot tho drugs directly to tho
scat of the diseases.
(J.) Avoidance of digestion and neutraliza
tion of the active medical agents.thcrc belugno
stomach drugging.
(.) Tlie patient can cure himself at very lit
tle expense without any physician.
(t.) Their uso requires no change of diet or ol
the ordinary pursuits of life.
(ft.) They are absolutely harmless,
(fi.) Close aniiroacli to tho lower anerturcs ol
emergence of the spinal nerves from tho verte
bral column, and hence ease of penetrating to
ine nervous itiild ami matter ol tli
spinal cord.
Feeble men. whose strength Is Invtmlrcd. will
find a sure and permanent cure In Dr. Iai SiiIIq's.
The word IlnUif Is a Latin name, and means
large pill.
In tho preparation of tho La Sallo Holus wo
uo t lie best cocoa butter Tor holding and pre
serving the various drugs, thus making their in
troduction a very easy matter.
They pass Into tho rectum with tho most per
leet ease by menus of a little prcsstiro from tho
This method of treatment leaves behind no
traces to excite tho curiosity of any one.
DIhciimi'h of the Kldni'yH, lllnddi'r, l'ros
tutc Cllund -Tliclr Treatment nnd Cure
Without Mtnmiioli JMcdlcatlim.
8 MfTOMH. Kreiiuent urliiatlon.rislng at night
to urlnato; iialu or scalding In passing water:
dribbling of urine after completing the act; en
largement of tho prostate gland; llright's Dis
ease of the Kidneys. Tho most decided benefit
Is derived by placing theso remedies right at tho
sjiot where they will do tho most good. When
tin-Dolus Is Introduced Into tlie rectum It rests
directly at tho neck of tho bladder.
Price Tor a Full Course of Treatment, $10.
For further information address
S22 llrmiittviir.
Nciw York.
Will hate r.o other Jobacco
Who once tries
Plug Gut.
Jhis Is the secret of its
Immense sale.
t m vii j.vj. j.i.nmx. in ui j.iiiv j i
Men's Suits to Order
S20 to S40.
Men's Pants to Order,
95 to 9 1 0.
Pit Ktiiiraiiti'cil. Semt I fonts In
Miiini'H for nniiiilea auil rules for
coiinkh or
Hoconil uuil Storrlnoii Hta.,
nco cnosa DIAMOND o
HiiruaKl alaa' rttlahk I h.iU
a.k iifu.uc Ur tiiumnnj iir.a In
ritual, TuLu m nth r. aiii.iii
lnit.iutj.iarl bota..tfluk wrarira aff
ilanv.Niu. fOUIltrrfVlfa. Kriid 4.
1iaiui4 lur i.ankeui'.r. talluioQUli aoa
ICtlUrrur I.uJIm,"! I.ll.r, br rrAir
null. Nat fuptr.
I hl.k-l.r I tVv'l I V. MadUaa Ha. fall..
Diamond Drill Work.
Tho Dflplflft PrncnprMntJ Tn conthaotous
luu l uviuv i luuf vvnun vvii( irOlVC(ltlg
wan iiiHinouu i;oro una mr on, iiiiuvrni or wa
ter. IlolcH Urol for vuutllatlou or ilruluagu.
AKi'tiU for Ulainoml Drill Machinery aud Blip
Iilhu. Corrt'ioiiJt'nco lollrltod. tflll nuh
kouic Ntrt'iUj Sau KrauuUco.
nruoinu katikiib and BYKoiMiri qy
I LnUIUIl Illank aud luforuiattoii free to
anyaddrvai. IMmlinii lllckforil, Wnililug.
ton, D. U luto of On. II., Mil fi. II, Infantry,
under NEW Law
Koldk'ri, Wldowa, t'arciiti, vend for blaulc at
tillratloiu aud ltiformatlou. t'atrlok 0'Farrn,
J'nl(m AKcnt, Wal)liiKtou, D, 0.
STEIN WAY, Cabler and Pmm PIum
Mumnlug tha HaWT Vumu MA OK, and tb fcToriU
cbrair rtauua; all MuatMl lulnHMnt; HaiuU Huih
piled; lajriM Uoek ot ffW( Mualo. 6tkinway Mall,
Sua ami 3Bi I'oat HUeHj MATTHIAl Qkav On. OttU
atid a out saw imw au4 Rw tiutk.
Irns Diseases
r la