The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 01, 1889, Image 3

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Fashionable life la aa hollow and
M artificial aa a crystal optic in a
mummy. Boston Globe
During a hard winter the plumber
and tho coal donlor usually have a soft
thing. Boston Gazette.
Ono curious thing about the soa
forpent is thnt it is always some other
man that sees it- Harper's Bazar.
Claim-jumpers are so unpopular
in Oklahoma that a man who has a
jumping toothache i regarded with
suspicion. Chicago News.
Tho girl with plenty of money may
bo homely, but unless some ono of her
girl friends tolls her sho will never
know it Journal of Education.
Eccentricity is not a virtue, but if
omo men would only bo ecceutrio
enough not to cross their logs in a
horse car, tho world would forgive
them some of their other vices. Sotner
viHo Journal.
"Mr. S. "Waiter, take this stuff
away; I'd just a3 lief eat so much gar
bage!" Walter (who has heard him
before) "Yessah. But dar's no 'count
in' for tastos, sah." Life.
Miss Travis -Don't you think my
now dress is too sweet for any thing?'
Miss Do Smith "O, lovely, exquisite!
I do beliovo your dressmaker eould
make a bean polo look graceful."
There was something more than
bad orthography in Josh Billings'
writings, after all. Some fifty or sixty
ambitious writers havo endeavored to
till his shoes, but they only rattle round
without attracting any particular at
tention. Texas Sittings.
It is stated that tho touch of a
lover's hand "restored a girl from a
twenty-four hours' attack of hysteria,"
It is possible. It frequently happens
that tho touch of a lover's hand a few
years after marriago throws a woman
into hysteria and it's a poor rule that
won't work both ways.
Dencon Godfrey "What a beauti
ful dispensation of Providonco it Is
that tho mind of man has been so con
stituted that tho memory of pain and
troublo becomes fainter and fainter as
lime goes on." Dr. Bowlegs "It's
pretty tough on us doctors, though.
when wo oomo to collect our bills."
Terro ilauto Express.
Mrs. Malaise "Doctor, I beg you
will not deuoivo mo about my case.
Believe mo, I am prepared to hear the
worst," Dr. Bismuth "Well, then,
mndnme, frankly there is nothing the
matter with you whatever. You should
really try some othor scheme besides
ill-bealth to excite sympathy."
A cio-n observer has remarked that
when n man marries n good woman tho
devil turns his back on him, because he
baa easier work elsewhere, and when a
man marries a scolding woman the
devil turns his back on him also, be
cause ho knows there is only one road
for him to travel. St. Louis Magazine.
Foroigner "This may be a free
country, but I don't see that tho free
dom has any.etfecton 'the people. Such
a patient, meek, subdued lot of human
ity I never saw in my life. I should
think a free-born American would act
as if ho were a monarch of all ho sur
veyed." Native "Wait until you see
a passenger oar brakeman who expects
toon to bo a conductor. N. Y Weekly.
A young lady broke off her engage
ment with a suitor when a wealthier
lover appeared upon the scene. She
wrote to her old lover requesting him
to return her photograph. Hero was a
chance for revenge, which ho took by
Bonding her ihu following note: "I
would gladly comply with your re
quest, but if I do it will spoil my euchre
dock. I have a collection of photo
graphs which I use for playing cards,
and I do not want to break it by giving
away the queen of diamonds." Waver
ley Magazine.
Max O'ltel) IHaeiisar-s the nnhjrct In
Mnnntliun hiiiI II la Continent."
If you go to a changer ho will givo
you fivo francs in French money, or
four shillings in English for a dollar.
But in America you are not long in
discovering that you got for your dol
lar but the worth of a shilling in Eng
lish money, or a franc in French.
The Hut that lets for -1,000 francs in
Paris, and the house that is rented at
200, . or 4.000 shillings in London,
would bo charged f 1,000 in Now York,
Boston or Chicago,
The simplest kind of dress, ono for
which a Parisian of modest tastes pays
100 francs, would cost an American
lady at loast $100. A visiting dress
costing 600 francs in Paris would cost
600 in New York. A bonnet that
would be charged 50 francs is worth
$60. The rest to match.
Horo is a dressmaker's bill, which
fell under my eyes in New York:
Robe de chamhre , !oo
Cloth dresH j75
Opera t'loak 5IO
lUdinB habit ISO
Uonnet :ja
Theater tHiiinot U)
Black Mile dress S40
HaU dress ao
In this bill there is neither mantle,
linen, boots, shoes, gloves, luce nor tho
thousand little requisites of a woman's
toilet, and it is but one out of the three
or four bills for tho year. I am con
vinced that an American woman, who
pretends to the least elegance, must
epend, if she bo a good manager, from
16,000 to $8,000 a year. Add to this
tho fact that she loads herself with
diamonds and precious stones. But
these, of course, have not to be re
newed every three months.
great number of Americans come
to Europe to pass three months of
every year. This is not an additional
extravagonco, it is an economy. They
buy tholr dross for a year, and the
monoy thoy save by this plan not only
pays thoir traveling expenses but
loaves them & nice little surplus in
A process ot tottering bono of
ivory, by sinking tho letters into tho
material in a pormment fashion, ha
recently been introduced. Those ivorv
plates nre taking tho plncaof engraved
metal plates for signs, checks, badgoa
and so on. Electrical engineers havo
nlso adopted the new plates, which can
likewise be applied to organs and
Sir John Lubbock has demon
strnted tho curious fact that certain
kinds of ants are unable to oxis-t with
out keeping other ants a slaves, though
why this is so he has not found out. On
removing tho slaves from a net of tlftv
sli.vo-holding ants ho found that the
latter immediately began todieolT. and
were speedily reduced in number to six
Vi lion the slaves were returned the
mortality ceaed.
M. Coruu. a French scientist, re
cently expressed tho opinion in tho
Academy of Sciences that the light
omitted by shooting stars is not due to
conflagration or the heat of impact. In
-.uoso mgn regions, no said, our
atmosphere is too unsubstantial to
render tho explanation satisfactory. It
is much more probable that tha phe
nomenon is ono of static eloctricitv do
voloped by simple friction, and it is
well known that rarefied gases can ho
made to glow Intensely with but very
little electric fluid.
The number of (louring mills in En
gland Is estimated at about 7.000. with
a total capacity of a little moro than
61,000,000 barrels per annum. This is
quo-fourth larger than the require
ments of tho country. The mills could
not bo run to moro than eightv pur
cent, of their capacity if no Hour was
imported. But largo quantities are
received from the United States and
some from Hungary, and the produc
tion of the home mills is not much more
than half of what it would be if there
were no competition from abroad
What are known bv the nnmo ol
iron bricks have been satisfactorily in
troduced as paving material in some
parts of Germany. These bricks are
made by mixing equal parts of finely
ground red argillaceous slate and linely
ground clay, with the addition of I! vi
per cent, of iron ore. The ingredients
thus mixed together are then mois
tened with a solution of tweuty-tivo poi
cent, of sulphate of iron, to which lint
iron ore is added, until the mass shows
a consistency of thirty-eight degree;
Baume. After this, the compound is
shaped in a press, dried, dipped once
moro in a nearly concentrated solution
of finely ground iron ore. and thoi
baked in an oven for about forty-eight
hours, in a reducing flume.
General Lee and Stimulants.
From an anecdotal and personal ar
ticle on "Gouural Leo After tho War"
by .Airs. Margaret J. Preston in the
Century we quote the following: "He
hud the gentlest way possible of giving
counsel and administering rebuke. 1
remember - hearing him say, in a pres
ence where such testimony was worth
moro than a dozen temperance lectures:
'Men need no stimulant; it is some
thing, 1 am persuaded, that thoy can
do without. When I went into the
field, at the beginning of the war, a
good lady friend of mine gave mo two
scaled bottles of very superb French
brandy. I curried them with nie
through tho entire campaign; and
when I met my friend again, after
all was over. I gave her buck both
bottles of brandy, with the seals un
broken. It may havo been some com
fort to me to know that 1 had them iu
case of sudden emergency, but the mo
ment never came when I needed to us
He Saved the Ship.
' "Captain," reported the officer, he
he came up from below, pale with fear,
"the water is gaining on us. Wo must
lighten the ship!"
With tho presence of mind that dis
tinguishes the true hero from the
craven in the hour of peril the Captain
instantly called all hands on deck.
"Men," he said, and his deep voice
rang out, clear and strong over th
wild waste of waters that threatened to
engulf the stately vessel, "throw those
things overboard!"
Tho sailors went to work with the
energy of despair. In less than an
hour thoy had thrown over the side
of the vessel tho private baggage
of a traveling actress and three
fashionable canes belonging to a Lon
don dude, and the gallant ship, with
her leak now high above water,
bounded on her course like a thing of
life. Her commander had saved her.
Chiviijl" iVin-jitc.
That Cantniikf rouM Old U'oniuii
Described in the uurxery ballad, "who lived
upoifnothlng but vltnuln und drink," anil yet
"would never be quiet." was undoubtedly
troubled with rhroule Indigestion. Her vk-tunlH,
like thoe of mauy other elderly ventolin whose
dleertlve power httvu become linpalrd, dldu't
axree with her. 'litis wan before the area of
Hootetter'H Stomach IlHteir. or wane one of her
numerous frleuda and relatlven would un
doubtedly have jeruaded Jier to try the creat
upeolue. for dyspepsia, cotmtiin lion and billions-nei-s.
Thin would have been a MicHNtire of nelf
protection on their part, for alio would mkju
have been cured and ream-d to disturb them
with her clamor. The most obstinate ease of
lndlceHtlou, with Its attendant heartburn, Ha
tulenee, eons-taut nueaslne of the Momaeh and
of the nervea, are completely overcome bv thin
wirereliai remedy, Chllla and fever aud bllloUA
remittent, rheumatism aud kiduey trouble are
aUo relieved by It.
Oetierally the bigger the inan'n heart U, the
Electrotype anil Steraotw
At the New Building, cor. Mrat aud Alder HU,
Complete Printer' H'areUotikf,
Portland, Oregon.
nil- tdiuhaiil l iaiii. l.ion nt Knir,
land, Dragon of China, Cress of wltier,
land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Ecypt
Double Eagle of Russia, Star of Chill, The
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erb .
To get iheso buy a box of the genuine
Dr. C. McLank's Cki.khuatkd Liyeii
Pills, price 5B cenu, aud mall us the out
side wrapper with your address, plainly
written, and 4 cents in stAmps. We will
then mall you the above Hat with an ele
gant package of olographic and chro
niatlc cards.
KutMiNoBnos.. PiTTsnuno, Pa.
Nothing is fo sextet but time and truth will
reveal It.
A Pocket Cigar Case and five of "Tan
sill's Punch." all for --'or,
It is the foolish aim of the athelat to (.can In
finitude with a microscope.
John I. Wood, of Stratford, Out., was
cured of cramps iu the legs by wearing
Ai.ixock's Pokcs Plastkus. Mr. Wood
"Some three months ago I was taen
very sick with severe pain in the small of
my l ack over the kidneys. The pain was
excruciating. I applied an Ai.i.cock's
Pones Plamkik over the affected region
and hid relief almost within an hour. At
tlie same time, In conjunction with this
trouble. I had verv great nervous ills' nr-
bance, niTecting my legs with cramps so I
could scarcely cleeu. Meeting with such
HUccess with my back 1 applied a plaster
under the knee on each leg, and In three
days was completely cured, and have
never oeen troubled in either way since.
ii Hie uueut-ss anil euro nil passions.
In all words and action.
He true
I puke
Ita flUDtirior excelleiioe Brotea In million of homaa for
more than a quarter of a oentury. It la uaod bj- the
United fltatea Government. Endorsed by the h tad ot
the Great Uulrerr 'ties aa the Strongest, Purest an 1 moat
Healthful. Dr. Prlce'a Craun Uakhur Powdnr dnu not
oontaln Amtnonla, LI mo or Mum. Hold onlj In o ma.
Swift's Hoeclfle has cured me of a malic-
mint breaking out on my 1-R, which roused
Intolerable Hln. It w nacnllod Kczemu by
thedoctorn rcdir of whom treated me with
no relief. I candidly confem that I owe
my present good health to H. H. H which
In my estimation Is Invaluable us a blood
remedy. Miss J I'M a DkWitt,
n. lOtll ht., M. I.OU1H, MO,
Onr bubv when two mnntha old was at-
Itarked with Scrofula, which for a long
time dedtroyest her eyeslitht entirely, nnd
I caused tin to ilespidr of her life. The doctor
tailed to relieve her, and we gave
Hwift's Kpeeltle, which noon cured her en-
I iirc-ly, uuu Mm is now mile and nearty.
K. v. Iki.k, ui'a i-omi, l exas.
H" Bond lor book uivliiK history of
IMood Dlwases and ud Ice td HUtl'erers.
mailed lY(-e.
Drawer 3, Atlanta, On.
The Celebrated French Cure,
to eiiu!
Is Soi.n on i
to cu re a ii y
foimof uenoiis
disease, oi any
dlsoider of the
ucucrutlvo or
mins of eltliet
...V ll'll. .Mi..,
villi' (mm tli.. At-IER
oxeehsKe iiei nl nilninlui ,to T..I
. . . ...... ... lJt in, JWIMIIIW ,11 VS1MIIIII
orthiouBh youthful indUcretlon, over fmliili;.
v. , , aiirn ns oi nraiu rower, Wake fu
ii it'll l'nliin fti ! llu'il k!..... i .
-- . . ..i, a tat in an tllC llUia, frill I M II
Weak-new, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Noetuii
ul hminMoiin. l.eueonho'H, Dizziness, Weak Mem
OrV. llhsof Pniviir nliil I iii,.irit..i' ,.-lit..l. It ....
Kleeted often lend to lireniiitureoldnirennd Iiimiii
ity. Trice 11.00 a box. 0 boxen or J5.U0 Beut by
mail on receipt of price.
A lVltlTTK V i: I! i it AVTirir !,.......; rvi
order, to refund tho mouev if a I'ei iiiiinenl
cuie isnotell'ecteil. Thousands ot tentlmouliils
from old and young, of both Mixes, pcrimtneutiv
ccn'i by Ai'intODiTlNK Circular free. Addiess
o:t 27 POKTLAND op.
Knlii hv I mum Dtiiacfaty c.r tit.f.
oud WHhhhiKlou 8t8., l'orilaiul, Or.
mlth'a Caah Btora, 418 Front St., B. F Oai.
kaneat creoera! dealen west ot the Miaalulppa
Uar. Dry Gooda, Notlom, lottery, Undar
waar; Wall Paper, Stationery; Blanketa, BV
aUac; Boou, end Sboei; Canned Ooodi, Dry
tralta; Wooden, Tin, Crockery, OUat .araalte.
ad Hardware. Meat, Pith, ProTlilona, Uoaary,
ratn, Feed, Groceriea, Pure Splcea, Seeda, Bv
auiDran, UedeclDea; Clocks, Ammonltiea,
Babber Ooodf, Teota, and qmantltlea of otlMt
(oodi at loweat prlcei for Caah only, Bern
tamp for full bat by flrat mall, and ltaiB hew
e lire chap and well at tmall coat; 32 yeanta
ksaalBeaa; Coatomer In every County weatef
ckj MasanUlaa. aavlmaay aliawk
1 . .
.-mum inu jiaraaRo onr Daughter had con-
cation of the kidneya, which developed into
rlRht'a Her body was swollen to an
enormous siie mea.urlnc " Inches around
the walat. and 18 inches below the knee. After
phvMclans had Riven up her cae. I determined
to have her tr' Ir. Kenmslv's "Kavokitk Hi.m
l.lY,"of Itondout, V. Y. tlradually the swcll
ini;was reductnl from v to inches. 8he be
pan to Rain strenRth, and wan able to walk
without fatlRtie. We do not know how to ex
press our Rratllude for what it has done fo- ous
child. We are confident the Favorite ltemedv
will do Rll that Is claimed for It surely Unit
has blessed it In this case, aud we earnestly
recommend It to all sullV-ritiR from kldnoy ills-orders--'.
I). Van lluskirk, Demurest, N. Y.
Dr. Krnnkiiv's Kivohitk Ur.MKiiv, made at
Itondout, N."Y. tl ; 6 for 5.
...s''u.lli,r ,.,ok MOW ,0 c"rL' Kidney, Liver and
HIcmmI disorders.
The mo't painful way may be the right one.
but It Is not the rlRht ime because It is the most
'Stick to your business," Is very Rood
advi e, but still there are a :reat iimnv
people in the world who have no regular
and nrotltAble busine to stick to; and
nnd there ftro othera who are following a
line of business which Is manifestly un
united to them. Now, when such Is the
ct-e. you had lietter write to 11. F. John
son Co.. Hiehmond Va., nnd seoif thoy
cannot give you a pointer. Thev have
helped a great many men nnd women
along the way to fortune, and now stand
ready to assist j ou, too.
More hearts pine away in fecret for
the want of kindness than from auv other cal
amity iu life
"llrnwti'M Itrouohlal Trorlien" are an
eilvetlve I'ollRh Kemisly. Sold mify In boir.;
Price '5 etn.
Tho country la flooded with poor imitationa of
"Seal of North Carolina Plug Cut Smoking
An Army Veteran,
who hns probably RUflercil tnore tlutn any
man or woman In America to-day. Taken
hick while in tho Army, lio has endured
untold agonies rinee. Describing his
symptoms ho said; "JJy head ached nnd
my aiipetlte was poor. 1 felt a falnlness at
the pit of llio tttomuch, and bad tanto iu my
month, while my skin was sometimes hot
nnd sometimes cold. I uuxt felt pains in
my buck and around the lower iMirtion of
my body, and noticed u peculiar odor uud
color In tho water I paMd, which was
Mant V at one time nnd free at others. Some
time t pained me to void it, nnd aculn it
was almost impossible to do so at all. Fi
nally 1 Iwrhii to pass clear blood nccom
innled witlithugrcatesthtraln imdnRony."
No lees than SiO eminent physicians at
tended Mr. FurbuKli at various times, but
not ono of them could help him. llo was
near death's door. And yet liu nays: "I urn
nllvo and well to-day, wholly through tho
wonderful iMvcrof limit's Jiemctly which
took mi! from tho verge of tho grave."
This (Irent Hemedy iboUiMy cures nil
Kidney, Liver and Urinary
1'or Snlo by nil Denier.
C. N. CUITTKNTON.t-Jonertil Agent,
115 l'ulton St., X. Y.
-iJ i.f im.Mrt to 1e urtr'f Krmrtlf Cn yv.-.
Free of freight on 'M daya trial. xiirranted fl
years, only $37. Oivo iib u iriul mid wo will
convince ou thut ourS:ulo In the moat aimplo,
rcliahlu and durable manu'aolured. Address
Aliiiui.v. Or.
Dr. Spinney & Co.Saffi
N ER VOU.8 "Wa'rffif;
dency, tic., due toexceaaea or abuae, cured.
YOUNC MPWeiiJferlniifrom the effnete
JLY v V, TT . vt yoiitlifuUotllea or India
cretlon enonld avail themwivea of our troBtmijnt,
A punitive euro guaranteed In every caws, HniMllB,
Urinary and Venereal Dlwnneu oil unnatunj die
chargea, promptly and safely cured.
and restored to healthy vlior,
. fll.1' J eraona unablo to .visit tie may be treated
atttiplr bomea, by commpondenoe. Atndlclnna an
iri.tructlona aent by mall orexprrm. C'onaultatlon
r ive. Bend cent In atampt for 1 he Yonnc Maul
t rlcnd or Uuldu to Wadloclc
wIluani BECK & SON,
Wp anlute mnm uU1lnolt- at, i i i
n . '-."J " nviiuniuiiimu iii
Carriage than a friend on foot.
Fishing Tackle,
Foot Halls,
lloxlng Olovex,
Indian Clutw.
MaskH, Folia.
nco caoaa diamond brand. A
Th..l r.Ubli,l
abd iur. Vmdtt,
ins ulaaaeM II r
ulUs La i ... M-ftld
Take n othen All plll U ltrJ
buxas ita Dlck vraDMra ara diRarrsui
rauatrrftlta. Hd4 4c (ilnDvulur par.
tWulr,, uailaMlala, U., aud "lUllff
fur La4lea,ii UUf, lf rs-tara aaalL
lklkOTUlkMbCsKa4iMa asw ralUk, ra.
iblafllllorsalj. NatViaFk
4lt, aik UnifxtM (urvClO
I flraad, to red, G
alJ IUi tlua rlltua. V
Rkwaho If von nave au Old Horn that ncedl
healing, and that other remedied havo failed to
heal; or a breaking out or itching of thearalp
or body, or a Doll, Hum, Cut, or any ailment for
which a Halve la xultahle, buy a 'ZVcent box ol
Mexlruu Halve, which la Warranted to
Cure when everytlilntcelae falls. If uot kept by
your druintint aend i'i cents Iu atampi to J. C.
DKMENT, AgU, Aatoria, Or., uud receive a box
by mall.
1 prescribe and fully en.
dorat. Jtljr (1 aa the only
kperlflc for Ihe certain cur
of tills dlaeaae.
U.ll.l.NdltAlf AM.M D,
Aiuaterdam, Nt V,
We have sold Dig (J for
many yeara, and .t ha
riven ttin beat of aatla
D. It. DYCIIF.fO.,
Chlcaru. 1IL
1.00. Sold by Druk-Klata,
to oari.
ATafafaWBaaraaiMa' al taW
WgW aaaaa Bulatua. "
El MrdaalrktU
ltllltiU CilKkal Oa.
Wi-aterii Agents for
A. G. Spaldiog 4 Bros'.
Ilioycles, Veloclpeitea, Tiicyulea.
103 at 107 Meroiul Mt.. I'ortluud, Or.
Itlreraldr Ai RpolcAne Fklla, W T.. W HUU Ht.,Halm.
I do not mean merely to atop them for a time and
then bate them return atalu. 1 tneau a radio! cum.
1 ban made the iUW ul rm, criLKPaV or FAtL
ISO hivknum allfe-lunc atujjr, I warrant tuy rMueily
to cum the worst camst. Ileeauae othera hate failed la
no reaaon for not now reoeUuiva cure. Hud atonoe
fcjr a treatlae and a free botUe of uy lufalllUe rtdnedj,
Uire Klpreat and l'nat Offloe.
11 (I. ItUOl' M O. lsJIWIHt., New York.
MM allavy!r HOW TO ACT I ADVICE fill I
n5iT .ri.MCr rfrrvou. Uoblllly, ir-
Restored v
malure im'Jinr, atan r
a uiUag rrfrm liMUMraUwa.ciiMMsa,
fe iirtd wltlioutMluw
ii rua-Kiuar, ir
N. P. N. U. No. KM-H.-.P. N. U. No. b7l
Nnvn That NwrrtHJIrl !
i P"?' 1,t.h", "Utlful Klrl fade and droop
into Invalidism or alnk hit-an early crave for
n ant . pf timely care at the moat critical ataee of
ler life. Dr. j'len e' Favorite l-rescrlotloti will
Ud In rcKUlytliiK her health and establishing it
111 & Arm tlASllt O, lit torn. ...... I.. . . iivr uniii ill
chronic kUflVrlug and consequcut uuIikpiiIuckk.
A more pleasant physic
You never will mil
Than I'lerce's small "relicts,"
The 1'urKative kind.
1r,MC,l?iii0.llPib?iIy.wortl' 'r .lhsu yourself, and
!ancic!l yU BrL' 'r "ir,,ia"5u
Conmiiniptlnii Mirely Cured. !
To the KriiTnn'I'lo... i.,f.
,1,:: i v . i.iiu.iii jimr rvauer
that I have n unsltlv. rM.,..t.. r... . I
nameil dlscane. My It tlmclv use ti.nii,,,.i
of hopeless cases have been permanently cured.
I shall be glad to send two bottles of my rtme- I
dy frkk to any of your reader) who have con- ,
tllmnt nn If tlm.. ...Ill ....... "
mi.X' . "t"" meir express
and postoftlce address. ResiHctfully,
i. a. bi.ui;u.m. ai. u.. lsi rearl at., New York.
At natiootsTsi and
Ho M ho Is nevttr viitlt,-..r rlll.w I.. ..... , .
as he Imairlues.
The neniillnrltv nt n, .l.v,i r.i..i.. 1
""IMiiiiaiaacH ngui on tins ftrf ami
.-...i.i.-. in UIUI.IIUK mm iiiaKCN inein nitre a,
snoir. nnd nt tin, uninii fit,,., tl . .
the clothes, and make them keep clean
xinvts your crtctsr Older It-
say no Cure for Con
autntitlon is TIIK 1IKST
for keetHurf the voice
clear. 'J. cents.
fl aw to H n rtay. Hamples worth mt.lli
JSu KlthK. Mnes not under horses' feet
Write Itri Hster Murety Keln
Holder 'o Holly, .tllrh.
And cximnes to represent tho
Pacilif Land and Loan Co.
In this county, llest of references reoulrcd Ap
ply at Home OtHce.
Klooil lliillilluc. Nun KruiielHeo. C'nl,
iMOUiiwill. rianoaj Trordett Onana. band hutnunentV Laraaat
Thv Hicrmka for hiriHkfa-t.
took of Bhoe) MiiaTo and llooka. Ilanda auccUed al
Kaatern IMom. MATTKIAH ORAY OO.. t foat
or -
Are Offering First-Class New Engines at Half Price.
Write for Description and l'rlces.
20 & 28 N. First Street. Portland, Oregon.
lfYou Are Sick
With Headache, NcurolKia, Khi.unmtism Dyspep.
o, juuousncss, inooa Humors, Kidney Disease,
Couetipatlon, Female Troubles, Fever uud Acue,
Sleepkwneiw, 1'artlal Tarnlysls, or Xenons lYos-
tration, use raine'a Celery Compound and lie
cured. In each of these thu is mental or
physical overwork, unxiety, oxjiosure or malaria,
tho cfll'Ct or which is to vtruken the nervous tyt,.
tern, resulting in one of these diseases. Iicmovo
tho caI'hk with that great Ncrvu Tonic, and the
kehult wiildlsapiiear.
Paine's Celery Compound
Jas. I.. IIowh.v. Sprlnglleld, Mass., write.:
41 1'alne s Celery t'oiuisiund cannot he exi-elled ns
Rcne Toule. In my ciu-e a sIiikIo bottle
wrought u went uliungo My ncrviiusucsa entiri'ly
dlsnpia'aro.1, and ulth It tho n'Stililui; nllcction
of the s-tomitch, heart aud liver, and tho wholo
tone of the sj-Ktem was wonderfuilv invloratei).
I Icll my friends, If sick as 1 have been, Taine's
Celery Comiouiid
Will Cure You!
Sold by dniKirLsUi. Ji ; tlx for $5. Irepared only
hj VfuLXB, KicUAHimoN .t Ca, Uurllngton, VU
For the Aged, Nervous, Debilitated, j
I ipl
Wnrmntwl In mini- mnm nnA.1. I . i
dyes over made, and to kIvo moro brilliant and
durable colors. Ask lor tho Uitwunut, and taka
no other.
A Dress Dyed
A Coat Colored
uuriucmn nuilEWUU l r-cai-src
A Child can use them!
Unequalled for nil Fancy nnd Art Work.
At dnik'iilstH nnd Merchant, live ltmlr iwo
WELLS, RICHARDSON L CO,, Props., Burlington,' Vf
aaaaaaaaBEmiatll Wm& WjM.ZTKt mKMmkZ 't (H
mAm M
I KBmmmmj
mm Li-fw..,.m.Oini':"'i?AWd3R!-..- Ibsoloterr Fin.
" PM i 'Miir vlnimtri1rt FlafamWrfa,''r ' T"
iakci err aii
I toe ilea
?WfH 6t
Dr. Parle's Reieifj
The Great Cure
I'.MITlt St
A Regulator of the Liver Kidneys.
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
i Salt Rheum, Neuralgia,
j And all other blood nnd Skin Diseases.
31080 FM
m i-rtnaa
It li ii x)Hitlti ftiru for all lliowo I'nliifnl, Utillcuto
Oomiiliilntri arid coiniilkruliHl troiibliw and "WVakntmsoH
common uiiioiij; our WJvoh, MotluiM and DuughtorH.
Tlio tiruct irt immoillalo and laHtinjj. Two or tlmtu
down of Ir. Pardfo'M ICint!ly (aki'ii dully koopn
tliu Mood t-ool, tho Jivur und kldnovH active, and will -tirnly
timdicuito from tho Kyntom all tracer! of Koroula,
.Salt Ithoiim, or any other form of blood diwiUHo.
No incdlciiie over introduevd in tliin countr)' han met
with Htieh ready nalo, nor Klven mieh univereul Hatinfiiction
whenever used uh that of Ir. Iarduo'H Itvuicdy.
Thi remedy Iiuh been tiKod in tho hoHpItaln throurhotit
tho old world for tho junt twenty-flvo yearn, an u HjKXrlllo
for tho above dlheaHOH, and it Iiuh und will euro when all
other HO-callcd remodluH fa'J.
Send for iumthlot of toltiinonblrt from Hioho who havo
Ixien cured by its nw. DnigglHtH w.ll it ut $1.00 jwr
bottle. Try it and bo oMivincod.
Pardee Medicine Compaq, Rochester, N. Y.
And crcAi
3LC00 rimrFi
aMrWt it