The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 12, 1888, Image 3

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Vhcro ami llmr Her Urjlit-ltrnrlcil
rem Spend Tlielr HvcnliiRi.
Vionnu is not only a benutiful city,
but is a most charming one to the tour
ist. Here he has beautiful drives and
delightful promena.lo--; a magnificent
opera-house in which the opera is gen
erally well rendered; tine theaters, one
just finished by far tho most elegant 1
have seen; fine hotel? and in large
numbers, and the best of all garden
music. The Prater is a park of fo
odd hundred acres; on one avenue in
it and all cloio together are somo six
or eight beer and colToe gardens, with
tables and .eats under line trees, with
the fragrance of (lowers filling the aft
and with bands of music, military and
stringed, of so good a character th:$
they can satisfy tho most cultivated
ear. Hero are accommodations foi
sovornl thousands, and on afternoons
and evenings of summer days many
thousands of tho nicest people
nro promenading or seated, tak
ing their evening meals, listening
"!.. .1
l"l,,u ",1U lmlslu waicmng eacn
other. In another avonuo not far offi)
aro cheap amusements of every kind
li),t (i,.,(., .,,.-, ...,,i i
light theaters, games, puppet shows,
nying uiucmnen in lact, every possl
"bio kind of fun to be given for a fow
kreutzers. Here, too, aro thousands
of those who seek much pleasuro at
little cOst. Hero a thoughtful tourist
can learn a vast deal of lifo and hu
man nature in a short timo and at
small expense. Vienna, one would
think, is till on tho Prater in tho late
afternoon and early ovoning; but Vi
enna j ti city which claims about
1,200,000 population and no or stays i
at homo up to ten o'clock. Tho town '
I seems to shut its mighty jaws nt ton
ami tho streets nro comparatively do-'
sorted, and all becauso of tho porter
and his tip.
Tho tip (trink-geld) is as decided a
feature in this city as is backshish in
tho worst town iiOtho Oriont. You go j
into a cafo; a waiter brings you coffee, !
ainQher bread and a "paper. Each ox-1
pects a tip. When you aro through
tho head-waiter comes for tho pay. j
lie expects a tip. You go into a res-1
taunftt; ono waiter brings you food,
another your wine, a third yor bread,
and a fourth collects tho change. Each
expects a tip, and thoy all wear such
nico full suits of black and such whito
cravats that it is hard to resist their
polito smiles. But woo to tho man
who, failing to tip them, returns!
Their memories nro wonderfully
tenacious, and the forgetful man will
find it out. When ho sees three or
four waited upon who camo after ho
had been seated, and sees si nico,
juicy pieco of roast on tho next table
whilo ho is wearing hi3 tcoth away
on tho toughest gristlo of tho
toughest beast that had roamed tho
fields, ho will swear and resolve to re
sist tho villainous custom; but after
awhile ho will do as tho Viennese do
jiay and quarrel not. They all say it
is an outrageous tmstom; but thoy
shrug their shoulders and ask: "What
aro wo to do?" "Why, resist?" "Ah!
sir, lifo is too short." Xow, what litis I
this to do with getting in early? This:
livery hc$so with its Hats has its ;
porter, and this porter closes tho front
door at ten, and tho lodger who is
then out stays out or pays tho porter a !
half-gulden to lot him in. In cheapor i
houses a quarter-gulden. Now a half-'
gulden or a quarter-guidon is a great
deal to a man whoso day wago is only 1
ono or two gulden, and that ono or two
has been loft at tho thoator, tho gar- j
den or tho cafo. Ergo, ho goes homo
boforo ton. Curler II. Harrison, in
Chicago Mail. I
IVllut Salaries Mm Most Noted or Them
Coiiiiuniid Nowadays.
A rod-fncod follow with a big cano
and a wido mouth stood front of a
flaring building on tho llowory. Thoro
was a fat woman whoso picture, in it3
amplo proportions, covered fully one
third of tho rout of tho houso.
Snakes and impossible nnimal3 hi rud
and bluo paint hung on canvass from
ovory window, and tho man with tho
wido mouth and hollow throat shouted
outabiQit tho wonders that wore within
tho walls. A reporter stood wondor
ingly for a timo, and finally ventured
to ask him about tho freaks ho de
scribed so rapturously.
"Wlt do we pay for thorn? Woll,
that doponds. Now, thoro's tho great
and only Miss Ellon Morgan. Sho's a
doublo-hoaded lady with two tuRsful
voices, and bho has a salary of $100 a
weok.OOf course, tho bills say wo pay
her .1,000 every Saturday night, but
that ain't quite true."
"There's Mm. Tom Thumb what's
sho but a freak? And all she got hero
whon on tho stage was ?200 a wools.
Animal freaks aro not, of course, olther
so costly or so attractive us human
onos. I daro say that tho six-fo otod
"cat could bo bou ght for .$50, and that
oven the olephantino pig could have
boon purchased fop $25. In this
country freaks aro chiefly in de
mand at tho dimo museums, though
occasionally whon a showman finds a
freak of a specially horriblo or start
ling ohnraoter, ho biros a hall sololy
for Its exhibition. Freaks of loss dis
tinguished peculiarity travol about and
dUapponr twenty or thirty time a day
In booths at fnlra, Uie charge for ad
mission being generally 10oHte. The
small sum mount up rapidly,, and
within the lt month u mt Udy of rery
upuUul proportion privately eouf-l
tO ! tft of1'-1 euni.ui $1'J H
weak f'"' "'' tu'i it.i j uiui'ii i..i .1 I.i i- IkuU i .HIIIH..I..I far
lHHj, i ... ' tl.O ' I" ' " ' '
lltflil "! UmairitMH iit. I'm,
lb. ti, U" ""' Ji tt
Loo Cabins can hardly
be couiiloretl ImniUnine
or olcvanr, but tiny were
lit ha it'tioiis for tho riiR
Bel ih iifis of America.
Our ancm, tis w re rttswd
sperhnenR of nob e man
la l, cnmpVte in health,
strtniith and ondunuice
( OLD '
Tli' ir wholesome rcmodWs
re reprKlurel Jo tM later aio, In
Warner s Lost C ibln Sdrsaphriila and
Warner's '"Tippecanoe "
Henry Clay, of Key Weil, Fin., tin a novel
shaped potato, Stmiditii; at a i.intance ot i
or Keven feit ore could not till it irum a wilt!
, duck wi-hh liwt tutu itepilved of lift boily
tuattiers. tunl to make Die (Illusion n.oie ir
ffot jy had inserted h lew tail feather..
Tin: t'.VTit hk K aia:,y it.:.'?.
Constipation leuils to a uuiltitude of
pin hIcbI trv utiles. It Is generally Ui re
vnit t-'f careh"Mio8 or iniHU'ereiuc to the
s molest rule of health. Ktigunc JUKay,
uf lir.ini fo)D, Out., writes:
1 had for ji'vomUvoars lieen a sulfiircr
fioim oiistfpation,Tid taken a yn-ut ti.any
diH'erei't rcmei!ie, oine i f wtiich did m'c
at'iod f' r a time, then my trouble eaine
b.iek ore thfii ever. 1 's iti'lueed ' by
u friend, whom LJUANnvnis Pn.i.s ha",
benetiii d, to trv them, i iiH tv, inking
tvvo eaeli night for a week, tlien one i'ver
nR,ir for alllt Mv SQce llIlt
timo I hno not oxpoiiencoii fin- sliuliteit
tlithcnlty wlitvcvtr, and niv howela uiuyo,
texnlarlv). try dav. I ' clievu ftr nly that
for Hltlt7flm. f ,he boWe(s andbflious-
nen BuaMikktii's 1'tl.i.s are far supeilor
to any othe .
White pine trees linve been tot out on Hojton
Pure. Potent, Powerful! Pallid Pcoi.l I'r.tUe.
l'rores-ivo People l'ur hiae! I'.-sltivil
Piert-t'H PJensai.t Purxaiive Pellets, Pn.imrlv
Pdi'tiiken, Preserve I'iijmuhI Powers, Produee
PeiinHnent l'liysical rurffction. Puiebaso,
A (Jreuk natned Dlmiti-im A ntippa lately died 1
t t'oiixtuiilinoplu at the turn- of 113. He knew
lohespti rre, and po!jttsvl several of his
"Oi'O'ii" ItroneOlat TrOelien" are
simple mi . coiivliiriiI for Hruiieiiial Atl'cctiuiiH
and L'oiiiihs.
Thcro aro now published in the
City of Moxico eight or ton papers do-
VOtod COAnsivcly to tho bull ring. On i
(1, n,P.,l tbp. l,f fn,,r n, I
fivo papers which servO as organs oi
tho working people.
Tho English Govcrnront can gel
horscOsQitablo for cavalry sorvico in
Canada for '5G, and haQto pay 74 foi
tho sanio aniinals raised in England.
An ciompt is being mado to turn the
minds of English farmotf) toward
Lord Duffcrin's now viceregal
lodgo at Simla is to bo lighted through
out by electricity; nearly 1,000 glow
lamps will bo cnyiloycd. j(Tho circum
stanco is noteworthy, inasmuch as
this is tho lirst Indian palace bo
Tho satisfies of tho working oi
tho now divorco law in Franco alTord
curious roading. Tho total numbcOof
petitions filed from 188-1 to 1880 o
coeds twenty thousand. Among those
who in 1886 ashed for divorco pure and
simple, twenty-foo had been married
fifty years.
English otiquetto has decided that
unmarried ladies should never uso a
crest or any thiag note papor, serv
ants' buttons, brushes or any other
articlo. It is usually found that
tho people best entitled to erostOioid
coats-of-arms mako tho least uso and
display of them.
Railway companies in Australia,
after oxperimontiii"; with various kinds
o& "quiok fencing for railways, es
pecially with a view to koopin"; our
snowdrifts," have sottlcd upon hedges
of tho "lloso of Providonco." It is
said that a fonco six and one-half foet
high and threo and one-fourth fQct
thick will check snow-drifts. Tho
blossoms nro salable, and so tho fonco
is printable.
A Royal commission appointed 1
tho King of tho Bolgians to inquire hi;
to tho condition of labor in Bolgium
recommends that in tho technical
schools practical lectures bo given on
tho application of art and scionco to
drjytry; that manual doxtority should
be cultivated in tho elementary schools;
that tho local authorities should intro
duce manual oxcrcisos into the primary
bchools, and found m9ro teeh'cal
schools and schools of design and mod
eling, and thnt tho government should
aid In increasing tho facilities by which
workmen would got technical instruc
tion ill subjects suited to their occupa
The result of issuing a jtibljjo
coinage hni boon to lay up in cablnots,
drawers and what not, somothing llko
half a million of gold. Who has over
seen a 5 pleco tondered in payment? i.
Vt tVisi mln f tastml ri mm ( tt rxf i mill-
ion pounUs worth of Lb pleooa. J ho 1
coinage of '2 pieces nmounted to tho j
valuo of nearly 209.000. Who has
en ono paid over a counter? cSover
eiyns and half-sovereigns will also bo
hoardud becauso they woro coined in
tho jubilee year, so that when wo say
that a half million's worth of gold has
beon put uselessly by during tho last
twelve months wo aro probably woll
within tho truth. Sheffield (Eng.)
In tho waitoof thwuo thr.t iirecodi soonni'nii
tton In tliu silk-lit ooiitfli at nlrfht or inormni;.
If Dujiirdiu i. Life Krttiiufi In tukun, a vvluuble
lift) may le fuvwl. Don't ru-icloct a eounh hut
tako 1 Jfo ItrtMince ami stop It ut unco, t'nee.
HM) a bottle. .MldrUh'Kibts.
II.V1Illi;it(. I'lCS are aoryHalledfrult
uthitio.XHilH)UMl of frullH an.t outuhl.
a ml, beliitf in Iomuko form, ar hndy to i-urrt
wlili you. Thy aet inililly but kurely. Hint h)
tlitur trrul(itu( Influwmti uveroomu tin- n n
iltiici Ui froui unr rnuav. I'M is
stMX'hsll) iruo lu all iusms uf . ttiikiien. i.i
r tsifclimM. hU-h U duo lo s dsn, miu .in.
iJUluii I'h' auiiwUK- iiw-iii'. utr :.i. i
ii. i
i.unf r 1st -
. 1 k. -HI. Hiul
I,1,.,,. I II- I
I' .11 r S)
. .,
f I I.
Ull ..-I... . Il
U'MI U III rfurl
lu 'l I
, . tl. L I !Hll!
ll..i..inirw I iw - 1
l.itl l-'l l ll ilaiimis su
Il I... I' l - in-' il In
IM 111, OI I
I I lull I.. I.I; U
l. .m' 1. I (
ll.ii. ui,
u . . H . . m i pi
Tho dtworriy b) ihelnbnhitanU of a locality
hitherto uii tailed hr the prtilent wxiutwo of
r.ver awl ami-, tlmt H cuwim in meir rery ,
midst, 1 (tecModly ctunllnK. Saeh diaeovortos
jre niHdu t cvfiy som. tti every nr ui ui
V'i Ion. Subs' qiiently. tien it U ertntne-l.
nsit inrariMbly la nl meh lime, t" rwKn m
vnluntilv evjicHiLeP o; win one ho ! own
bp:nn ted m.ti cure!, that Hivi-.etU r Ht-miaeli
li.ltcr is k thoroughly v'l-rarl.Mia i'rft"i ator
of t' e ie,tlnrial vn--nn, pi h incmnM of fortlfy
Inj; the myoteui K- init it. a fvellnic of mere
nrvurlty and tianqaiMty itivns tliiooitt out the
bole iieiclihvti-h'iil. le!idtv. the fe-trihi iiirnia
of it-A.Hiiil di'H-.p. dienb nue and au lufeu
r' miiovtd b ih-oti tit hi iliiu f the Hit
tera. to wht-.-h selnnr al-o (riven lm aimcticn aa
a remt-riy ftir rlu-uiiiatl'm. djiermla. toiotitw
Hon, liverWiiiMt. rtel.ili;). kuinev U-ut.tb.
at.d all clicHM-i4 li'ii')Viin: the orpins of rti
Ktion and assimilation.
There is n mountain of ?oal in Wild Horse
WalUy. VoniinK. vthuh liua bee:i bu. uin for
thirty yeura.
White. Klenhmtor SHm, Lion of i
land, Dinoi. of China, Cro-s tl Sitzr-:
land, Banner of l'e.tst, CrefH-mf oi KsVPN
IX.'it le Kuc.V of i-sli., Stt.rof Chill, The j
Clrele f Japan, 11 n p ot linn. ,
To get thine bu a Imx of the genuine
Ila C. JIcLanks Ci:u:iikatid I.ivnt j
1'ir.i s, pr'ce t' rents, anduinil u- the out
side wrapper IiJi your adiires.-, n'ainly
wiitten, and 1 ceni-. in stamps. e will ,
tVen mail Atm the alwne !it with an elc- j
uniit package of otflr.iphtc and chro
inuticeard. Pluminu Buos., PiTTUMtn, Pa. (
The twentv-firet ver(aof the Mvcuth ehnpter 1
of Kzra eontitinrtll tlio letter of tue ulphaett
exeepl J.
tii i:
la tnemiipstcr.t to eeieinnnii'ate the ineprrss-
iblu sutlufHethm tind iiudiiii ri Iieneible eoii-n--onenei's
ivaultiiiK from u jndlcimw a.Iml.d tni-
.1..,. it tip (i..rcii, Kiivoiitu lYvTriui . a
! ouraii'Mi (b): istn'd espn iKlly ioi the hptid
relief and iioimiiiient euiv of ull FemnU' t uk-
nouses, ;srvoitMieats mm iisv:kov:s ihiuwh
tlie felii'iiOscx. 'I'be only reined) for wiumn's ills, sold by dnipTKlsta- under a pu-Ove
jCUaranlee, to pTie fuusiaeuiiii. .i-u rtimiui.iiu
5!" WE,?!,1'
". " ' "',
on wmniier of ooimo. nus swuuui
. f. . f..n ..., ,.,. linn, t viuir, 1,1'
Rwnrms of Chinese nro landitip,' in Hritish
('olonibia end Bleallni;uuioiisi.lio border into lite
dated States.
A Womlerl'iil l'ood and Jledlclne,
Known and used by physicians all oyer tho
world. !"M-ott'.i llmiilhion nut only Klve nnil sti-eiiutli bv illtue ot lis own mini-
tious piopertlm. but ei cuti s an appetite- for
food that builds .tip the wasted body. , I l-avo
i..UMiKiiiu si-nii'n ir.innli.ioii lor sov. nil yt'tirn.
unit urn plt-a-ol ilh l' action. My lmthntu
say it In lilcasant nnil pnlatnliK anil all itioiv
s roller anil t,rl "?J; fr,!", J ' ,ls0 01 ,'v. .
iwc t In ull caws ot HHti ii; Kisrasis, i "
Hpocially usutul lor iliililrtn when ,im, I'rnt
in. illiinliu. Is l ioi.-.l. as in .larattHU8. - l.W.
il,..,.,.,, il ii tviiov vile. Ala. I
1 Il.KCK, Al.lA. IV1IIIM IIL, n.i.
Ono of Iho woiulors of Paris is a wcll'J.'MI
fi'it in depth, lltt uatrr rusl.t'o out oi thin
well In a stream 111 feet hiK".
a i,.u:ni: kstati:.
A broad land is tl.m In hieh wo Ihe, iloite.l
f.o ihlekly with thrifty citim, lown-. and yfl! Amid llnni all, witn evir-ineu-H-liiK
lOiiOnitv ,in(l lielptiilnebs ia lr. I'ieuea
(iuhien Mofiiel discovery, k'Miik hupo nml
ehter whi-re thuio is iliMiuo and d.wmlr.
Wherever there it luiuinnit ilu-to.i auilcrii KI
wi crover liioro is siiii.-ninr there Is tl.o In til
tle.M for thin rtlllet Amerunn licini'ily. Con--uniinion,
(wliirh i-i luiQ i-eiofi'ln), y.ulds to it,
it employed Pi .in-on ly slaxes uf too dlwaio;
Chronic Na-al CiiU'ih. jielJn U it; Klilmi
and Liver diicifos, yield to it! If-jou wuiit .tho
h. t know n reinulv for all die.'iseii of thu lilotd
a;.k lor Dr. INi-icis'b Coldcii lledloul l)Uooor:.
ami tako no othrr.
Tho value of tho annual output of buttor In
hehuid is eutiiinited at not lens $0,000,U 0.
SvMi-niMs-Moisture; 1. te ih itctliiK An.t ftlia-ing,
ruwt ut vJcht, iioree by w rtJb'ni. It allowiil M cim
tiuuu tuTiioM t.iim, wlii.ii ott.-n Mut-l i.nd ulniala,
UoimiiiK iry twi.e. Kwn,r'( Oimjibnt nti-ii ttio
lu-hhii; ..uOI'li'i'ihnz, taal ulo-rii: a, anil lu nmiiy
imsc3 leinoves tht tiunurs. Itummil) eihcutloiM lu
irlrifT Hritn lllMillfftl.
I'roi.neti.ra, l'n. a.lrliLU. MVAYNi;' Olntm.N! cui
i, UUUI1UW. lit m, "
.1. 0. KlMBi,.'HMJ'iui(t Aualytloiil
ilici0lMt, laboratory. 101 lin.t tt., rortluml.
Or. Analyses mado of nil jub'tancei.
Thy Gkkmka for breakfAit.
...... D,...r...D n.,n.
Cuticusa RcMioits Cuns
Skim aho Blooq DistAua
FROM PiMPtlSlO M0rlll
ft rfiA tho CMcft.PRu.MwiPivf a ft4ti ln-t
tho thousands upon thousands whose lives have
been u ado huppy by the cure of lurniixiiie, bu
inlllnUtiit, itching'. K-nly mid P mply um. wen of
the skin, hculp and blood, with Ihmj of ha.r.
Cf'llcuitA, tho Bruit 8kin Cute, iintl full
CUHA fc'OAl' an exipiinlto Skin HcJiutlllur, pre
pared from it, extorniWly, ami Cl'tutha Hk
sni.VK.vr. tho now Mood I'urltler, lniornally.
aro t positlvo euro for every form of akin anil
blood di-eaie. from pimples to scrofula
Sold ovorvwlnro, Pnco, Cutiouiia. S0o.t
SoAl-, 2Sr..; Hksoi.vknt 51. Prnpii rod by the
PoTTKiilJaua am CiiKMii'Ai. ro..Hoton.MuBs.
itrsind for "How to furo Skin l)lwe m'."
tif I'lmpli'H, bliickhiads, ihappm imu oil) i
liT Hkln prevented by C'u-i in'KA Hia i TSS
ay Hheuiiiail.-on, Kidney Pulns and Weak
JC Ai.csit epoodlly cm "I b. ( I'TlciitA AMI
yPlN n.AHTi n, tlmcnly ilii-lhlnK lUr
UIB oss Riven oniTor-
at En.l.f.nllAM In 111
to b daT8. euro of Gonorrhcpn ird
uru.tMrS not W V rnA, i u n
xeei bamiurtiwujuii'uu
r u fy tbi , t t0 ol) ratretut.
Etisi Cheiktl C i . j. si o-s nt. m.i..
SV CiaclnnstlMV3i4
.tzR&ZSPivfl Bold I.I"
Ciaclnnstl,W!7CL. n,.i. ill.
E SJ.OI). .
Sold on Trial !
Inv --nncnt null, profits
j:e t , uu til- for mailing
sriro 1 itiBlrstiid Cstal- ifuu
mitli fun t artlcuUis. lli-
fwlureJ by
1U7 ts 100 Luke Ht.,
Van Monciscar
Vojnr, uJdn4di ami'
14, slot la ur Difcmad Bun)
ajl ill laluiaiiffto toltli
xienoua inwiiijr. oim
turihM. Uu.lusJ luiix
!, iiva r-JVt
KumKy, !
HIikmI Isfcd
. hmi..lltj
I raitts. .11 Wal
.1 Ms
. 4 t t i
i i
rz wit
1 Tub I .,1 ..", ,1111 Hlll1MT1 rt 1 A M-
i . , ' , A,
i comuotitor In the toa-niarkeia of tho
world. A fow years ago an Kugllsh
settlor in Natal planted a few acres
there with tea. His first crop, pro
duced in 181, amounted to no moro
than 600 pound-, but tho production
has so increased since then that lat
year Na'al put upon tho market about
100,O0) pounds of ton. Tho industry is
spreading rapidly, and it. seems likoly
that boforo long South Africa will lo
como a serious rival to China and India
In thi-t ticidi
---rrr aj nTeTi
Votali" a til 7ff
tyyv tit
1 TK ."-t ."ka-v I
Z1 RFEfil
Pji mjir r!or i xrcllcm e j.r T n In million uf h.iir.n for
mnrelhui u .iiiiuter .'f !i - n ny it U imil hy Uib
1'nltf.t litiit'-3 llovrr-uiH-nt l.inlMr .1 l.y lit. ht-mUof
tin- (lnt t'nlvcrri 1. UK tl .' StmiA ht, l'uut aud m.wt
!li':t!if',l l)r 1'iuv e t'-iam lial. n,: P Jtr J h not
coulttlti Amiu'iuU, 1.1m, or Alum Hnld ..n.y U, c-u..
nun; uakinu i-owdku ru.
M' VW1I. ellK Vim NT IOL11.
Dr. Spinnoy &Co.,Ms:lSS
all or
fi VRlVffa 1 1 tX Debility, I.ona ot Vlrir. Hmnlnnl
ilcncy, &r.,ilnot.ii0''i'K6iMornbiin',cure.
vnHMO KnntO Pitttrln from the ciTcrtii
YOODPtS CtSiW CfjviVthfnllJlli
rrctlon nhouht avail tho.iiu'lvi-H rt orr trrntm.-nt.
A lioMtlve urt'lfnaranU'i il liiQVCry eve. SyihillK,
Ur nurv n. 1 VViinr....! ll,,.y ,. .. .ml ..Vnl ,1U.
chniKt's, promptly anil lately tnr-M.
TOrn"of Kidni'Vn or lllnilifcr.
Webllity, W iunj of hixu..l
unit rmtorrd to licnlthv viirar.
iM-nic linCk, JSerioni
bliuiiKth, ttc.fcnu'.t
Ii. ll. l'lrfor.K nnnblo to vlnlt nn may lm tronteil
ntthoirhoincs, by corr.-rnoniltnei ile.llcli.i-rt niu
instruitloim sent by ninil orrxiirwu. CuimiltutQi,
1'rin, SOnl-1 ctuto in ittninps Jur Ibo Youiib .Mim'i
t'rlcuil or (QtiiJij tu V t-Ulnck.
It cures KiiKUMATiMt, Ni.i hai.oia, ltoils, l'Iuiii-
Scmfiil.i, Omit, li.Uirli. Tuii.'irs. K.i't llhriini, uml
Wirciirlul pilim. It rmltli-ii th lllnoil, Itaftoies te
I.lvcr mil Kli'rifyi tu healthy iwtlim, illul liifckafl tin
Uuiiuihiiou llrlulit uml UU-ar.
J. CR. CATEQ & CO., Proprlotors
i 17 MutiHOiOe Ml.. Han J'l'aQulxi'n.
iHsuotl March and Kopt.,
1 ouch yoar. It la nn onoy.
lolopodla of useful iufor.
'inalion for all who pur-
chaso Clio luxuries or tho
nocossitioa of lifo. We
can olotho you and furninh you with
nil tlio nocossary nnd unnocoosnry
nppliaucos to rido, walk, danco, sloop,
eat, fish, hunt, work, ro to church,
or stay nt homo, and in various BizO.
stylos and quanti.tio.i. Just llRuro out
what In required to do all thoHo'thlnRs
COMFOrtTADLY, and you eniOmako a fair
cotimnto of tho valuo of tho BUYBHB'
GUIDE, which will bo eont upon
rOsoipt of 10 conts to pay postages,
111-lM Michigan Avonuo, OhlcCko.UL
orens Oct. 4-Cte OCl. 27, 1888.
Half Knre Ilnten over tlio O, I!. & N Co.,
O. &C. li. Jt ami Oregonian Kutlwav Co.
Ono m il one-tlftli over N. P. If. H. lines.
Special excniHloiiH ovor tlio O. Jt. & N.
linen at Ichh than half nPun, Oci. 8, lo, ti.
A H. II ITIXi;. Supt.
fellli , HH First htnet, I'oithind.
B liermaii Atliinui'iiroiicitvi jtii-.v Wnj-I
E CT.ii.i'iri'kintUoworitruKw,ii!snTHti tort-!
w ajilortii,ilMUruriwwlicroilp;hcrHfail, M
D. iriolririiOiMjiAtnuuUAf.linil, 1 'i loo Ollr. (
Hm.OlliOtliniwlstanrlivmall. Hnuii'l" l'UHI.c
orthern Pacmc!
.5J.A.3 LIW VI, j
The ON'IA' LINK Htinnlni; Piillmati Pulaeo 1
SlrepiiiK Curs. MuuiiUh ent llay Coaehos, I
unit Kli-ifant Ki.iixrant Slcepini;
Can (with beitlia frtoof i
ehnrwe) i
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
at Line,
The Only
li.l: ii 1.
Heals 75c
fruiii tlio
J'liMteHt Time liver Jlnile.
'ohm over tlio
R. R.
''coUNCll, IIMU'KH.
111 Itl.lNdTON.
hT. Ull I.
Ami ull xuiu lliroiKl"" ) m1 Uouth-
tiUU, tU M. I'HUl HUll illUU4MI-lll.
Through Emigrant Sloopiiiy Cnrs
imriuM u'-ii of ma
Au4 UuM i ii hmuUm !' w I "M Umi
Kltlim llirf li III lhu MM
i 1 11 i I.i flM i.. vii " I'f . M t
fw i VSMMi4 '"iU4.
For XjtinVbng-o.
I'rompt. fort Byroi. ill . Mr 11, 1115.
Lftit Spring we talo.ii with lAnne bacX unit inf.
frtd rionlht vftictiredtyBt J.ob Otlind hxxt
hi no t.lurn ot j-!n JAUK OILLIflflE.
Suif. r7nrr. Ill Vy M. HJ.
X ii2rl with pila in tack About 19 mli
ftffo vrl.UU Ut,d two month!, t nlcard St.
Jiieobi Oil, And thr2i.' bn ao rfti(jDf Mia.
rrrnmnent. rton. Mlth Vr "
About tM R p-ti fr of 'ST Wftl ttkn with ftc&M
aad pAtni In hV1 ad 1' 'V v i . nrpd by on bot
tle Rt Jacob Oil htfA hi r n-Mn.-A TtrrmAnt
rtritnct o CR Kit : (JNM.LL.
at nrttpoiprV ANn ptAi.rKS
THE ClUr.LES A. VOf.ELEK CO.. Baltimore. Ml
CD u J1 " S8 n na-v- '"l' '"Tt'i ?t.w. i tir.r.
JjjQ I.m.s uu l.rth.- how-Vot Writ.- H(w
V N. IT. N.-
V X I v., .w
If you nro in neod of a GOOD FIRST CLASS JOB PRESS, we
ask you to examine into tho merits of our '"OLD RELIABLE," with
TAIN. Q'hose presses aro mac5b by ourselves, from the best ma
terials and by first-class workmen. Read below what ono of our
largest printing con&jrns says abcit our presses, after having them
examined by an expert.
Messrs. rainier k Key, l'riutors and Stationers,
Sun Francisco, Oal. S.m Fr.uioisco, June 2G, 1SS8.
C'tiileinon : Our iniiohhiery expert, Mr. Burton, has pxtiinincd your "Old
Ki liiilile" JtibbtM nt our requrM, nd we :Qh pleasrd lo .y his icp"it is
that yi'tir "O'd Reliable" protwes arc much better built than tl.o Chicago "Old
Style CinnloMs," ir "Cluilleugf" Goiilons. This being the ens, wo uliull ur
rango to put in a lino of ijotir pieces at ony.
Per J'arisi-r, Supt. Printing Drp't.
I- ii o o a
7UU COW 1511AND,
BSLI610U3 llSeaiPS on WH8RaS8SQ MEm
O o
Bo f urn tint thcro la c jilctnra of Cow on your lOajo uii 1 yon irlll ha to
tho best 8oda laaCu. TaK co. jjaUND.
Qt! aru liustlirij; avotind for your share of the world's
good giftj, and it's hard work: thinlc of something else.
This constant work will tell sometime perhaps it has already
and nervousness, sleeplessness, neuralgic and lhoumatic aches and
Pains arc part of the "good gifts" your hustling has won.
If you arc that way, let us give you a prescription no charge
Tor the prescription, though it will cost a doilar have it filled by
yojir druggist.
filrf, Uho nccordltirf to dlroctlonn.
All druggists keep it. It will strengthen your nerves, tone up
your whole system, and make you
iTfnn tnul. He mte tott the genuine,
- - - - - -
A Hinged cat droadri tho fire. I plonil sullty.
I K'innuiico tho Ximv-I'iiiik11I Ail vnnee Keiinrntor to bo thu bent Kruin-savlrar, taut
est Tl.n'Hher and niont ilurnhh lujinri tor evi r mude. Hut, rtMiirmlirr, it U not ru xirrl
iiMMital iniichino, tin tho Old F;j nini liltit n aie. Yon aro Well aware of the llnio loot (thnt
von hao to jiuy foil in ojm rlmeiitii1ir v.ith lil Kory niaehliie. Tin Aow FiiiikIHI
'rii ri-hlH-r leailii tho nay. The Kroivllnir Kir kln: of the Oid Po;. auenlH U only cntmlutl
by tho aiiioiint of (ra n liirked nut In thu atrmv by the tl Voixy luaehl'iCH, Of courw- If you
wb-h u cheun t.iaehirc. Old Po-im m ill BUiipl cii ut yunr own iirlm; but their machines aro
dear at any lineo. You lannot ullor.l to Lilly a lliroBbf-r wllhoilt exuintmi'n 'ho AllVAlVUK.
Il.iiiot he. tulki d ntu buyiiwu ti.a' I mi bwajfoit iHelieapanil Hl Fcj IhIi. AeU tho Olil
VtHf hki'iiIh if tin-y v.ill m t hooido tho iiimi Jniiuleil niHcliiiiu and lot you oo which U tho
! exiieiiliii ntul innehlne. and iiold on IIh nierilri. I have never yol hutl to call on any court to
holp di cldo the iiii-riH of the iirtv-fuiiKlYit niuuhiiie. l'lmirio eui..lnu tho court recordain ref
creiui) to Hit Mil I'okIi-'h iilnn. .Muni yearn ux a man built a iMMv-tlintrleil machine,
culled a Hteam engine. Olil I oulei then, a-i now, utood buck anil nulil they would rtilu tlio
eomiti'i . lo oil not nut lo hit ruined In Ui iimiiim iny t Ueiiu niber, tho iiow
fancied iimclilni' in no,t all '.tiei'lnieiilliiK, while lil 1'oj'm machines aro bulug er-
I poriiiietiti-d with 1 11 tho time, anil ut your exieiie. Do not fool with Uicin uny lonsor, whilo
yournruiii UttoliiK to UMt. ... .. ....
Iti-inciuber the ne w-rniiKloil machine. Ih Miild on (h incrltH entirely, lto
iiibiuIht. your wl.olo ileiiendencn U umiii yiur cron prucociln, and If you allow Olil Voey ina
chliioa to val your urnln. you aro Jum that much out of povkuL To iirovunt thin, eoo
that ll.o purty thatiloeii )our thiohinK prociLea a nen I'nimleil AOVA.WK TUicUcr,
hn they arocoiutructed mi vjs to who your Krnin, and huvo a better roconl than any olil-fouy
niuehliin. Wrlto lor fyj-thor iiurtlculars. I am jirepartMl to prove all my BtHtemeuta-l, e., The
A OVA .VI li innelifiMi will ito more and he tier work than any other.
I neieii v 111111 icimn uiij inn iuur.v
AOVA.VCli iiiuelilnei Iiiin llilleit lo do
on t Ii 1h I'ouhI. Klnnv up OI hllllt Ull,
lleinemtor uml old rotry uiriuitii aityuiK wio comrary noea not iiiuko it o. ji win pay you w
liivellittte. I run iirovoull I hiiv.
1 ulo soil tht) well known OlM-lIU AVOODIUfHY 1UMVF.H. A numbor of maou
fadurera muko thriu on a royalty but I do not know of any IiiiIIiuIoiih, bntuni always In-
cliiiud to look out lor iiiouo ui laiKor iiiuiuiioiis. i also uoai m iiuuiiury mm jsrin
t..rl,iinirv. Kami. Cliurili uml Hi html IIlIIh.
Vulviw, lllli" I'.iiiipH, lluiKil; Irs.ilralom.
Wreni lum, iiiaoksiiiith unim, Heir iiuumnf
pi (cm; lulioixi on wletli, 'I'riu ttou, 1107 V,
raali. (JiiimU A went for ( olburii'a OyiiuHioit
Vr vlilMnirH' wlllmul una. Vuw iinisl iiim for yuunallU, VwuihOHiiH sltoti H
b mIUivwi xnall vliv In ion-Iiuimd Kof '(tlt "Ut, Ulr-M
I, Ti WHI0IIT, 0f Mrfl.H Mirit, ?iUnt, Or.
TtlK tA S5.-fCT 1st Premtuma. 9fi,0(M in tic,
2- WfA m B 5 Jf BawUlahMl. N. l
& inivVlKfial stml Toiin(f D-
'.V, in in n t other Piano, by whir!) "".r "ianoa
ft-ml in lutm ai jenra, -,-u."! fc't MO ; not utl' -tfd
-litn-itp. No ml to p!if, brwtlt, bh-bII, iLrlnk
, ra k, d. av, or nuitr out; e a-unraateo .t. PJi -
iit !;,. A ( ,.. 3 tt!n-, dmiUn r.-,''ini
K-t-ii'.; fli vst 1kts kpi; t!m Fnmi'U AN'li.-rtf
f.ll or rito f' t .Sita'i-vne, fr-pi. T. . ANTlSf ' lj
l-IA" .It'll . Mnmitrtiiii-., II. .1 rtlW II-il, Mr
i r and Sf).ian stf.-, n, ,.i Knn i n.
Ralher than the Creapftt
Pnrtlnn.l. ttreenn.
V i if i.- ,,. . . . ii. ; ruction, eM. -
, i"prt (i.-ii, ,'i ' u i '.til-irlty. Busine. t,
i t:ai,(i, C )-t i.hh: , V;r ( n -irf Pfnmimhtp Orpr t -
-. stu.: i.i ,.n i .- i ..t an,- time. ( i ..
"ii nnil . i s it ! I'sMp ent fn p.
A. Hli(, . K. I'. lUJlsTKOMI.Prio.
ul LllillM I . 1;Y1J. OUe:, Hrvniih
l-f.i,r, lip, ftr...f
tin hi inn
n.f-n Ta:v at
. t.K'1 ot M.'PMtwtr mid U.oi.
bless us for prescribing this great
picnarc.l only by WIXLS, RICHARDSON CO.,
ii.iriittt.rin v -
I am f clllnf! a "now fnnglod" machine
ugi - in so iiuiii runn iiHrrn sna
um roiirenen tutl taluco Km IntroilHCtleat
(lenerul .Mailiinerv. H 1ft Oilers. Unno Haftotr
1'nrk k Ki nnrdy liuenlora. Atino ami Alllrt-or
limn ruim, uiu ivimiiiiuiiouso juiiniies. ecu um
13 norsu rruciion, ainu, opreiai uiaoount. lor
and Jinp4 fur lllielilo I.ihtlt4tc-i tm
KV4 - .