The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 07, 1888, Image 3

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Ho Tells or tlio Way In Which tho Sixth
Comniniiilmcnt 1 llriikcn.
In a recent sermon upon tho Ten
Commtindmcnts Dr. Charles II. K.iton.
of tho Church of tho Divino Paternity,
took tho Sixth "Thou shnlt not
kill" as his text. Theso apo some of
tho things ho said:
"Among tho popular forms of mur
der wur must bo placed first. Tho
training of tho world - lias been such
that people havo como to think that
tho law "Thou shalt not kill" only ap
plies to individuals aud not to tho
SUvto. For an individual to murder Is
a crime, but for tho peoplo In a collec
tive capacity to devastate tho territory
of their neighbors Is considered per
fectly legitimato. Individual murder
Is a crime, but wholcsalo murder Is
civilization. Wars of defense somo
times becomo a nocessity, but tho
larger proportion of 'wars hnvo been
and still arc aggrosslve, being waged
to gratify tho ambition of some ruler
or 'to proservo the balance of power,'
as it is called in Europe. Tho pt-otoxt
is frequently' mado of defending tho in
terests of oppressed countries or that
tho wars aro waged for religion, but
such wars not only cause a groat sacri
fice of human lifo, but make many
desolate homes and undermine religion
itself. Howovormuch wo seek to glorify
tho soldier's profession. It is at best a
necessity and at tho worst a murderous
"Other popular forms of murder
arise from tho narrow attic, tho foul
basement and tho crowded factory,
amid tho cries of men, women and
children, whoso lives aro being
crushed out by a condition for which
somebody is responsible. Through tho
burning days o. summer, tho cold of
winter, in hunger and In rags, with
white-faced children crying for broad,
needle-women toil from twolvo to four
teen hours boforo thoir daily task is
flono. Tho greed which to somo ex
tent underlies modern civilization
shows itself in tho cruel disregard of
the ordinary mcan3 of protection to
"In refusing to put a roof over tho
heads of tho workmen, tho foreman of
tho shop said that men wore cheaper
than shingles, aud that thoro woro
dozens eager to take tho placo of any
man who should fall by tho way.
"Other forms of murder show
thomsolvos In constant attacks upon
tho happiness of tho home, upon repu
tation and in gossip which takes away
a good name a id broaks down health
by persecution.
"Tho spirit of tho commandment
also includes tho murder of tho soul,
and this kind of murdor may bo prac
ticed on ourselves or on others.
Thoro aro some things worso than
physical death.
"If tho spirit of tho sixth command
ment wero oboyod, tho greater portion
of tho world's sin would disap
pear, human sacrifices would go on no
longer, and plots, conspiracies, riots
and revolutions would ceaso; in faet,
tho spirit of persecution would entire
ly disappear, prosperity would follow,
science onlargo its boundaries, and
manhood and womanhood would bo
ennobled." X. Y. Herald.
Characteristic of Great Men llenotvnen
for Talking.
Patrick Henry was in early lifo an
utter failure. His father set him up in
a small store, which did not succeed,
and then tho youth married tho daugh
ter of an inn-keeper and for awhllo
tended bar. Lator on ho becamo a
potty lawyer. But It was a long time
beforo an occasion prosontod itself
which displayed his wondorful gonius.
Thencoforth, however, ho stood at the
head of tho profession, and soon bo
came tho leader of tho patriots of Vir
ginia. James Otis was tho only ono of tho
great American orators who suffered
tho loss of reason, which was duo to a
blow on tho head recoived in a public
affray occasioned by political discus
sion. During this unfortunate condi
tion ho destroyed all his papers, and
30011 afterward ho was struck by
lightning, being tho only statesman
that mot such a fato.
John B. Gough was brought out by
accident. Ho did not know what was
in him until tho hour of utternnco
came. Gough talked about that very
occurrence, and ho smiled at tho pict
ure ho drew of himself a miserable
drunkard who happened into a tem
perance mooting and was induced .to
speak. It was tho beginning of that
reform which ho advocated with such
fascinating oloquonco.
William Henry Soward's speeches
iro remarkubly complete, and aro ud
ailrablo for tho oloquonco of stylo ns
well as for argument Thoy woro
written out with elnbonuo'caro beforo
John Randolph was noted for his
withering surcasra, and was by somo
considered Insane. His speeches wero
icldoin reported, and his famo uhiolly
rests on tradition.
Tho most finished of American bra
xirs was Kdward Everett, but ho
kicked tho magnetic power by which
Itoscoo Conkliiig held an audience
Alexander Hamilton's speeches were
lot fully reported, aud his fame rests
:pon tradition. Ho was, howovor,
ilghly eloquent, and his last olTort In
jolmlf of tho liberty of tho pros invoke
i guttural admiration.
Vulitor' oratory was ohanu'torliod
jy robust thought, attuplo but jumvi"
!ul lunifUHtfu, mill u Ixild jiroxt'iituUoii
)f national ittutturs. Ckicuyu .Wws,
Old tally (In l'HHiylvHiila ruilroiul
ituUon) - "U UiU Uiu omi Uf Slum...
(III. IHlaU r?" UrHkOiHAII "No, ll I urn.
you want U muktf, la kg U ir
UiwmJ. AJi.
Two Inquisitive Scribbler's DUcoTcr the
Queerest Man In Dakota.
Tho Eastern papers had been circu
lating tho roport that nearly ovory
farm In Dakota was plastered with a
mortgago and that nil of them woro for
sale. Chip and I wero determined to
break this report if wo had to visit
every quarter section in tho Territory
in order to find tho exception. Wo
had traveled fifty-soven days In this
pursuit, nnd our iron determination
was fast turning into lead, when wo
rodo up to a largo building with a small
farm that evidently belonged to It.
A man sat on tho fenco whittling a
"Wo aro collecting a fow Items,"
said Chip, as ho drew out his note
book. "I suppose this farm raises tho
usual 60 bushels of wheat to tho acre?
corn, 125? 'titters, COO and "
"Holds on!" cried tho man, staring
at him with a strango look in his eye.
"Yor'll havo ter rovlso them flggers a
bit. Set tho wlieat nt 10 bushels per
acre; corn at 25; and tutors at 50."
"Wh what?" stammered Chip, as
his noto-book and pencil dropped to
tho ground. "Say It again, friend, kind
o' slow. Mobbo my pard can catch on
to tho racket." ,
Tho man repeated his statements.
As soon as Chip could rally ho wont
'.Yo'll excuso tho question, but, coi
fordenshally, tho amount of mortgage
on this ero farm is "
"Nary a cent," camo promptly from
tho man.
Again Chip was about to collapse,
but ho roused himself for tho final
"And tho price?"
"Not for sale."
I raised Chip from tho ground nnd
propped him against a post. Just then
a man camo running from tho house
with a pair of handcuffs, and took tho
man from tho fenco. Wo had struck
tho lunatic asylum and had been talk
ing with an escaped lunatic.
"This poor fellow onco owned a small
farm which ho would nolthor mortgago
nor soil," explained tho overseer.
"Peoplo flocked to soo him from all
parts of tho torrltory, nnd 'twasn't
long beforo wo had to bring him hero.
Ho Imagines that ho owns this placo,
and still clings to his old ideas."
"But, pard, wo'vo struck a placo that
ain't for sale, anyhow," cried Chip, re
covering tho use of a tonguo that seldom
failed him.
"Well, I don't know 'bout that," said
tho man. "Wo'vo had this asylum horo
for sovoral years, and now our neigh
boring town wants it for awhilo. They
offer a kit and now buildings freo. It
is probablo that this placo will bo in
tho market in a fow days, if it is not al
ready." Chip was getting nervous. Ho ex
plained our mission to tho overseer,
whoso kcon oyes, meanwhile, wondored
constantly from ono of us to tho other.
Suddenly a change of his features
showed that his doubts had settled into
At tho samo instance strango suspic
ions flashed into our minds. Wo
leaped to our horses and set off at full
Wo gave up tho search. Our labor
had been In vain. But wo woro thankful
to know that wo had escaped tho Insano
asylum. And when wo camo to rofloct
on tho mattor, It gavo us no small
plcasuro to bo ablo to Indorso ono Item
concerning tho West, when found in an
Eastern paper- ft L. Hill, in 2d
Bits. Teaching by Example.
Yes, brother, you should teach your
child obedience; teach him that your
will mid word is law, and Instil Into his
mind that profound rovorenco for law
which ovory citizen should feel. And
if you will just keep on lying u llttlo to
tho assessor about tho valuo of your
property In order to eyndo certain tax
laws, and vlolato tho law about tiding
on tho platform overy tlmo you rido on
a street car, and defy tho ordinanco
respecting tho ash-barrels and snow on
your sldo-walk every timo you havo tho
opportunity, and keep on breaking 1
overy municipal and Stato law that it '
isn't convenient for you to oboy, tho i
boy's rovorenco for tho law will grow
deeper every year, until It will bo so
dcop that ho enn't reach down to it
when ho wants to uso it. Tho wuy to !
teach a boy obcdlenco is to bo just as
disobedient as you can bo. Just sit
down now and think; try to count up
how mnny Stato laws and municipal
ordinances you violated yesterduy.
Then call your children around you
and tell them If thoy over disobey you
In tho slightest particular you'll break
eveuv bnck In tho camn. tturdcttc.
Cuticcha Riuiotit Cur
rsou Pmnul noruuu
NO rev ex no jCbtick to the esteem in
which tho Ci'Tici'iu Hemkiiikh are held by
the thousand! upon thousands whose lives have
been mode happy by the euro of sirenizing, hu
initiating, itching, scaly and ti.mply diseases of
the skin, scalp and blood, with Ug of hair.
Cuticuha, the (treat Bkln Cure, and Ctni
CUHA Hoxv, an exquisite Bkln lleautltler, pre
pared from It, externally, and Cl'TICfltA ltfcv
bglvicnt. the (in Wood i'urltler, internally,
are a posltlre cure for every form of skin and
blood dlac from pimples to scrofula
fold oimwluro. I'rlco. Cl'ticuha. too.!
Bo 25ai IliuwiAKXT II. I'ruiMirul by the
I'OTTBItllHUU ANU (.'I I KM It A I. ('-l..loaton,MUM.
f jrtfend for "How to Cure Pkln DUraseo."
tV l'implr. blockhtads, ihapiied and oily 11
skin prevrnttu ,r i nuiiu boat, vi
ItliemnnilKiii, Kidnvy funis and Weak
rim ilvuiii) cuird ti) I'llllilu AMI
I'iis riAsrt u. W.IJ lu kill u 4iw
Mr. Mnckay, who hns been seriously 111 in
Loudon, has regained her health.
iiKi.riNo Tin: uiniiT sink.
To help tho right side Is not only commend
able in a general po nt of view, but Is Judicious
and prudent when that help is enlisted in be
half of the right sido of tho body, just over tho
lower ribs In the egion of the liver. The most
ctllclent help is afforded I y Hostctter' Stomach
Hitters, on anti-bilious medicine of incomparable-
clllcacy. Inaction of tho liver is accom
panied by constipation. sick-heudAcho, furred
toniruu. nausea, occnrlonal vtrtliro. nnd tin-
Eleas-mt breath, yellowness of tho skin and
all of tho eve. Tho author of theso symp
toms, liver complaint, routed by tho Hitters Is
accompanied by them in its (light. Fever and
ague, which alw ays in olvts the liver. dy pep
sin, rhtumatlsm. debility and kidney troubles
aro all maladies to tho early relief and flniUcuro
of which this standard medlcino is adapted.
Don't use it by tits and starts, but systemati
cally, that its full effects may result in a per
fect restoration of health.
Each farmer in Japan has a patch devoted to
tho growth of indigo.
White Klcphnnt of Slm, Lion of Eng
land, Diagon of China, Ciw s of Switzer
land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Kgypt,
Double Engle of HussU, Star of Chill, The
Circle of Japan. Harp of Erin.
To pet these buy a box of the genuine
Dn. C. McLanks Cklkhhatuu I.ivkii
Pills, price 25 rents, nnd mail us tho out
side wrapper with your address, plainly
written, and 4 cunts In stamps. V e will
then mail j ou tho above list with an ele
gant package of oleogrnphlc and chro
matic cards.
Flemino Bnos., PiTTsnuita, Pa.
A successful ell'ort is being made to raiso to
bacco in Ventura, Cal.
At tho time when Columbus at urted in search
of the Now World, nearly every man, woman
and child in Kuropo insisted that there was no
N'ow World to discover. Whtn ho catro back,
crowned with success, a lurgo propottion of
these good people adhered to their theory; and
If they were allvo to-day many of them would
doubtless ini 1st that America had never been
discovered at all. A man will givo up any
thing in tlio world more rcndily than u pet
theory. For example, look at tho individuals
who still maintain that consumption is incur
able. Dr. Pierce's (Jolchn Medical Discovery
has cured thousands upon thousands of cases,
and will cure thousands more, but- these people
can't give up their point. Nevertheless tho
"Ditcuvery" will cuto any case of consumi
tion, If taken in time.
Paris has adopted tho American ambulance
sj stem.
Debility. WhniIiie IHmciini'h of Chil
dren, Chronic Couglm unci lironchltls, can be
cured by the uso of Scott'M KiiiuInIoii of
Cod Liver Oil with llypophosphltcj. 1'i-oml-nent
physicians uso It nnd testily to its gravo
value. I'leaso read the following: "I used
Scott's Kmulsion for an obstinutu Cough with
Hemorrhage, IjOSs of Appetite, Emaciation,
sleeplessness, etc. All of theso have now left,
nnd I bollevo your Emulsion has saved u case
of well developed Consumption." T. J, Find
i.KV, M. D Lone SUir, Texas.
A tnrm illil SUM flftfl rinmni-n In croiis In
Huron county, O,
For constipation, "liver complaint," or bil
iousness, eick headache, and all diseases ails
ing from a disordered condition of the liver
and stomach, tako Dr. lierce's Pleasant Pur
gative Pcllets-a gentle laxative or active ca-
uiaruc, according to uzo oi uose.
The Pono is euderinir from liver coniDlnlnt
and is losing strength.
Summer is at hand tho time of year
when old heads and young becomo Impru
dent, get over-heated, cool off suddenly,
catch cold, headache, nervous disorders,
and a thousand and ono other troubles,
Preachlnir nrudence is nlaved out. The
only thing to do Is after you have con
tracted one or more of these pains to cure
yourself as quickly as possible. Small
paius are not to be neglected except at the
risk of serious consequences. Remove
them at once. It can be done by an ap
plication of ouo or more of Allcock's
Ponous Plastkhs. recognized the world
over as tho best external remedy ever
made. Minn you, clout neglect your
little ills. They outcrow everything else
and if let alone cost you more than you
can ever know. Remember Allcock's
PrnfrHsnr Ifp.rinnn Itonltz. tho Herman nhllo-
logl&t, is dead.
fihrnnln nnsHl riitnrrh nnsltivelv cured bv
Dr. Sage's Hcmcdy.
Uoulanger is determined to seek a re-election.
When vou visit San Francisco. Bton at
thn fnmnim niildwln. tho best nnnointed
and In every respect tho most desirable
hotel in the city. Everything is .first-class
and guests find every possible comfort and
convenience. Tho location, corner Mar
ket, Powell and Eddy streets gives access
to a half dozen street car lines, and is in
the center of tho but-lncss portion of tho
city. The honse has just been refurnished
throughout and is certainly a model of
Two industrial schools will bo started ut
Columbia, South America.
Via Northern Pacino Kollroad, to Columbus,
Ohio, nnd points East Tho Northern Pucitlo
Itallroad will, on Sept. 3d, tth and 5th, sell from
all points In Oregon and Washington a round
trip ticket to Columbus, Ohio, for $80, good to
return to October 31st. This Is the lowest rate
ever made from tho i'aclllo coast to tho East,
and tho Northern Paclllo Is tho route selecu.d
by the departments of California, Oregon and
Washington Territory. A special train will
leave Portland Hept. fth. carrying the Paclllo
cousi O. A. it. through to St. Paul, where they
will escort Commander-in-Chief John P. Ken,
to Columbus. This rate is open for everybody.
Special train will consist of Pullman Pulucu
Bleeping cars, l'alaco Dining cars. Palace Day
Couches, and Jrte tourist sleeping curs. For
Information and Pullmun reservations, call on
or address A. D. CIIAUIrON.
Ass't Gen. Passenger Ag"t N. P. It. 11 ,
No. 2 Washington Ht.. cor. 1'ront, Portland. Or.
Foi l.lver CoiiiplnlntM tnkn AIJoii'm
Iron Tonic Hitters. All genuine bear tip sig
nature of J. 1. Allen, Druggist, SU Paul, Alinu.
j. Mi. JK1MK, AHHuyer unci Analytical
ClietulHi, Laboratory. 108 First St., Portland.
Or. Analyses made of all jubstances. Itatus
for assaying gold and silver ores $l.fi0. PJ;
ages Bint by mall or express promptly attended
to, and returns madn.
For Tli rout Troublttx uuil CoukIim.
Uke "Jlrown'i Uronchlal Trochet." They possess
real merit.
Bee Antlsell llano advertisement.
Thy Ukhuka for breakfast.
What may bo of great vnl'uo in
ship-building and watchmaking is tho
diiwovory that Btool, mixed with twenty-four
porcont. of inanguueso becomes
Tho fabrlo known aa Chineso grass
cloth is mode from tho flbor of nottlos.
Tho cloth Js peculiarly glosity and
truuspnrotit, and as bolting for ma
chinery has doublo tho strength ol
Klectrio rlllos aro tho latest. In
stead of tho ordinary porousslou firing
duvloo, a dry uhlorldo of silver battery
and u primary coll will, so It was lately
Ktutud iMiforu tho AiuorliKwi Iimtit.ito,
tiro th i lilo Jj.tKW tlnitM without ro
Sold on Trial !
lnTt-stment rmall, prcnti
laruo IlluttratrU Ctl. euo
with full n.lliit.n. tr...-
:ufacture.t by
107 As 160 Luke St.,
Jocliclo o rttis?!.s-
It cures HltKUM VTlsM, NKt'KALOI, U.illn, rimples.
Bcrofula, Oout, CaUrrh. Tumors, Bait Itbeura, and
Mercurial MlAa. It PurtflM the IIKxmI, ltvotures the
Liver aril Klitnevs to healthy acUon. and makes the
Uouiplcxloii lltUni and (Jlrar.
J. R. GATES & CO., Proprlotors.
417 MntiMOitto Ht.. Hun FriiiiciHco.
ItJcrmnn AsthmiiCuro nceryuiitoinitm-l
tmerllaiertlitj lnmeworv caMW,insureHccuimn-
s bio deep ; effects cure wbero a I othorx tall, jt I
I trial foiti'nre iAmx( ;v,(ioi liiro(5()c. and I
IS1.00,olI)rnretstorbvmall. Bmiij.Ui K(i;i'.
Irorsinmp. nrt.It.HRHirrAtAN.Kt.I-anl.MInn I
113 Keaknv Htreet, 8. F.
Illustrated Catalotruoa sent free on application. I
Northern Pacific Railroad!
Columbus, Ohio.
Tho Northern I'aclllo Hallroad'wlll. on Sopt
2d, 1th and fith. sell from alt points in Oregon
and WushltiKton u round trip ticket to Colum
bus, Ohio, for
good to return to October 31st. This is tho low
est rate ever niado from the l'acitlo coust to tho
Kast, uud tho Northern i'uulllo is tho route se
lected lv tho departments ol California. Oro-
Kon und Washington TerriUiry.
A special train will leavo 1'ortland Sept, 4th,
carrying tho l'ucillc coast O. A. It. through to
nt. mm, wueie nicy win escort cotiuuuiKlcr-ln-Clilcf
John 1. ltea, to Columbus. This ruto
isoponfor everybody. For information and
1'ullman reservations, call on or address
Ass't Gen. Passenger Ag't N. 1. It. It.,
No. 2 Washington St., cor. Front, Portland, Or.
Selected with grcut care from the choicest t(
bacco regions or rsortii uurouua.
Smokes Cool LnBts LotiR-Doea
blow out tlio Plpo.
It Is tho undisputed leader of Plug Cu
Smoking Tobacco throughout tho world.
issuod March and Bopt.,
oach year. It is an oncy.
clopodia of useful infor.
matlon for all who pur.
choso tho luxuries or tho
nocossitios of lifo. Wo
can olotho you and furnish you with
all the noooseary and unnocossary
appliances to rido, walk, danco, sloep,
cat, fish, hunt, work, co to church,
or stay at homo, and in various sizos,
stylos and quantities, Just flguro out
what Is roquirod (o do all thoso'thlngs
COMFORTABLY, and you can makoafalr
estimato of tho valuo of tho BUYERS'
GUIDE, whloh will bo sent upon
receipt of 10 conts to pay postage,
111.114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.
I nig has fiven ohlTSf.
I sal satisfaction In the
I cure of Oonorrhua and
Oleet. I prescribe II and
SumtMl sol Ul
feel safe In recommend
Inc It to all suirerera.
Decatur, IU.
I'ltlCE, 81.00.
rsl Bold by SrucUU.
S M V rlC.'J o,
t'M s?flAjs rUKllANDBUSINtob
fyfy lCcAtX COLLEGE.
Rather than the Ctofxtt
I'.,. II. m.I. Ilr.i.,,.
i-eiit t iiuipinriii, nu ii'ii,.!! iiitu uiiiuii, "iiu.
iMud reiutatii)iiigr'iv,niu Mipilurlty. Buiinttt.
ShbithanJ, Common School and Ptnmanthlp Dtpirt
MtntM, riiudriils admitted ul uny time. ( al.i
luttlin nnil rCi"liiei s nf li(MIMIihli sent flee
J. A. W:s('l. 4.1'. AtHSTIKIMI, I'rls.
Ol LINWAT H.1C1I. Oabler, lloenUh
111104; llurdett flrssas. I ud laiUuiiuxiU. IjuiwI ,
tuck tf khv4i Munle and lluokt. (lauds aapulUd at
K.uu I'rla. MATTHIAH IIKAY (., V futl
ft r To UH w Uny. tUmpUs wuith II.M, Klti:i.
H-Jh IJimm nut uiiJr tltw bersesfrrL Write llsi w
I N, 1 N. U, No. .to B, K. N. U, No SO. j
rvn iMsinNsr. stooic or st Jisir.n ii.vt.nmo.
OA.V VSftU.1WE.Vll, at $1 and $l.SO per suit
Utcst OnIrim In I'EUCAl.!: SIIIUTS. three latest
Btj lo Collars and one )atr CufT?, $1.S0 each.
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
232,-Keamy St,, noarBusli.
LB" Send lor Illustrated Catatoeue.
wanted In each renin I v for thn
two best camnalun books in tho market-Harrison
ami Morton, nnd Cleveland and Tliur
man. For terms and territory address V. PKIt
SON, room 77. Flood llulldlnir, corner Fourth
1 and Market Unlets.
2- Life of General Sheridan": HtMimilarheru:
a popular book st a popular tirlce. For leniM
and territory address F. PKItSON. llootn 77.
f lood iiuuiUuk, cor. ! ourth anil -MurKet streuts.
URS3 Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache,
NeurutRla, Nervous weakness, Stomach
and Liver Diseases. Rheumatism. Dvo-
'pepsla.nnd all nrfections of tho Kidneys. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop's
1 SO D A
Dwight's Cow-Brand Soda Saleratus.
Bo sore- that thoro is s picture of a Cow on your packaco and you will have
tho best
3b llounekrtptri anil
Farmert. His Impor
tant that the Soda or
Ealeratus you ubo should
be White and Pure same
M all similar substunces
esedforfood. Tolniuro
obtaining only the "Ann
ft Hammer" brand Soda
or Balerat is, buy It In
"pound or half pound"
cartooni.whlch bearour
name and trade-mark, as
Interior Roods are me
ttmeasubatltuted fiths
"Arm & Ham mer" brand
when bought in bulk.
Parties using Diking
Powder should remem
ber that Its sole rising
property consists of bi
carbonate of soda. On
tempo on f ul of the "Arm
k Hammer" brand of
Boda or Baleratus mixed
with sour milk equals
Packed in Card
A singed cat drcadu tho (lro. I pload guilty. I am Belling a "new-fangled" machine
I Kuaranteo the New.KuiiKled Ailvuiirn Ni' para tor to bo the best grain-saving, fast
est 'Ihrcsiier and most durablo Heparator over made. Uut, rcuicnber, itls not an experl
uieutul machine, as the ld Foicy muclilnes are. You are well aware of the time lost (that
you havo lo pay tor) in onjM'rlincnlliur with
TlircHhcr It-nilH tho wsy, Thu growllnir and
by the amount of grain kicked nut in the straw by thu O d Foxy machined. Of course. If you
wisli u ciieap machine, Old KokIcs will supply you at your own price; but their machines arc
dear ut any prico. You cannot uH'ord to buy a Ihrcsiier without examining the AUVANVK,
Do not bo talked 'nto buying a machine botuuso It is cheap and Old Fogy iHh. Ask tho Old
Foif' ugcutM If they will But hl-sldu tho n w-rniigli'd tnachlnu and let jou see which Is the
exiiurlmciital muchlne. und sold on its hiitiIk, 1 havo never yet had to call on any court to
help decide the merits of the new-l ungled machine. Please examine tho court records In ref
vri'iiro to the Old Fok1'n tilun. Slum' years ago a man built a new-rnHglrrt machine,
culled a steam engine. Ola PoglrH then, as now, stood back and said they would rain the
country. Ilayou not uaiit to bo ruined In the nuih wuy) lteiiienibcr, Uienisw
funglt'd machine is past ail exiMU'liiieut lug, while Old Fogy'n mschlnca arc being ex.
perlinentcd with all thu time, und ut your expeuite. lio not fool with them any longer, while
your grain Is going to m ante.
Iti'meinbtT the nuu'-raiigled uinrliltie In Hold ou It merit entirely. Re
member, your whole ilepcndeiicii Is Ukii ynur crop proceeds, and If you allow Old Fegy ma
chines to Muwtn jour uriilii, you ure Just thut much out of pocket. To urevaut this, sea
that the party thutdocs your threshing procures a nnw-ruiittleU AI V ANCK Tlirralier.
as they are constructed so as to save your grain, und have a better record than any old-fogy
machine. Write tor further particulars. I um prepared to prove all my statements-!, e.. The
AllVANCK Mmrlifim Mill do morn and better work than any other.
I hereby cliullenirn uiiv iild foitv uent to sssin AJiv rase wkrre tke
Al VAN'J'K murlilne Iium failed to do
.... Il,lu tf..M !.,.&' .... n. uli ill u
ltemcmber that old. fogy ugents saying the contrary does not make it so. It will pay yo to
investigate. I ran tiroveull I ssy.
1 also sell the well known JIIXKF. M OOIIKIIKY I'llWKH. A number of mana-
IHVIU1 LID in... ti..:.. uil u . j . . j w, . n. a, Mil b .HI Mr. m .am-
cllned to look out for those that talk of Imitations. I also deal in I.UMudry and Marine
Mnchtnory, Farm, Church and School Hells. General Mnchlnery, Hwlft Oilers, Orwe (safety
Vulrcs, Jllller i'limps, 1 Uncock Inspirators, I'ark & Keiintdy Injestors, Acme and Alligator
Wrenches, illocksmlth Drills. Belf-lleutlng Hath Tubs, the Wtjslliighouso Kngtnes. 8 tb
prices; ItMiortuou wheels, $1U); Traotlon, 11075; lihorso Traction, lltU. tipeclal dUcouat far
rash, (leiieiul Agent for (,'cluuiu's UyuuiuoM and lmp4 for Klectrlc l.lghtlnn-a tm
Your village cannot Ho without one. You must have cue for yuur mill. You MUMtqi wHVrt to
bo wltligut a nimll one la mir bouse. Kur irlloulm, uddrwm
Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison itrtiat, PertUnrf, 9ri. 1
Coll or nr Cninnn X. C.n 183 First 8t
address "l opilWey Of wUilUand, Or
N ERVOUQ ftcDlllty. Issof Vlffor. Pemlnal
YOUNG MEN suffering from the effect
v , , . ' yon t lit n I f olllcs or I ndls
I Tt'0,?, shonld avail thrmrclrr of our treatment.
Al oltlTocurf inmrnnt.d In every cne. Syphilis,
-Kr.ln?rr n'1 'nrel Dlfoaws all unnatural dls
enarges, proiopUy and safely cured.
Wn?LK$nf7r or JHMrr, Back. McrVo"
llobilltx. atln ct Sexuu Blreugth, etc.. cured
1? WF to healthy vlwr, " ' '
' . , ik'1 J e r"on." enable to vUlt us may be treated
pi tnelr homes, by correspondence. Medicines anA
l?J!.utilon.?nt.bml'orrxr" Consultation
ree. Bend 1 cents In stamps lor 1 ho Youne Man'i
i rleudorouMu to Wedlock. '
1st Premiums. 5TP000 tn use,
20 yvais ExtablUlicd. New
d lot tiitcd Ktcel Tutilntr Do.
Vice. In use In no other I'lauo. bv which our l'ianoa
etand In tuue 20 jmrii, pood l.,r 100 ; not affectcil
by climate. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink,
crack, doray, or car out; wo guarantee it. He
gant Itosewood Cases, 3 strlnp, doublo repeating
action; fin out ivory kojs; tlio Famous ANTISKIJ
Callorwrlto for CataloKUe, free. T. M. ANTIHEIXt
PIANO CO., Manufacturer,, Odd Follows' Hall, Mar
ket and Seventh Streets, S.n KrancUoo.
Faikc's CKLEnvCownisn Is a Ncrvo Tordo
Ulcli never falln. .Xintatnlnir Celery and
Coca, thomi oi'ilevlul nerve
f peojily cuiea all nervous disorders.
pAtsr.' fr-tcnr CcMroCNa ptiriUrs thn
blotxl. It dritrs out U10 lactic arid, which
cauix Uhpiunstlsm, ami rrsU'ros U10 blood,
maktmr omn.i to a nenlthy condition. It la
the true remedy for UheutuatlMii.
r ttVE's CEtrnv CoitrofMi ipitckly rotore
the liver end kldiuyn to 1 vrtect Iiealth. This
curstlvo ikiner, combined with IU uervo
tonn, mukrs U tho best remedy for all
Hilary complaints.
Paink's Crirnv rotrorNr strenn thens tho
stomach, nndnulets the nerves of thnitiiroa.
ttvo oruns. '1 11I11 Is a hy It cures e, cn tha
wors caies cf Uyciieiwla.
Paint.'s Ceinnv Comtocm) Is not a cathar.
tie. It Is 11 l.nativo, Klvlnif easy and natural
acUon to too liowels. Heaularity surely lot.
llccommeudrd by profewlonal and business
uenu xnr ikkik.
Prico (1.00.
fold by Druggists.
uuiti.iniii 1 irt. vi'
Boda made.
11 hiiiih'ii 1 n 1 1 .whip 1 4.H 1 l
four teaip oon full of th
beatllaklng l'owder.saT
ing twenty times lta
cost, boiildos being
much hoalthler, because
It does not con tain any
Injurious substanoe,
suchasalum, torraalba
etc., of which many llak
Powdors ore made.
Dairymen and Former
should use only tbe"Ana
it Ilammer" brand for
cleaning and keeping
Ullk l'ans Sweot and
Ciuno. Bee that
crcry pound package of
Arm and Hammer
Brand" contains full
18 ounces net, and lha
pound packageaWI
ouneti net. Bod 0
Baleratus same as apeeU
fled on each pockag. '
Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft.
ll roars' muchlnt's. ThnnewlasKlcd
kicking of the Old Foiry agents Is only eaualed
hm reureaeuted aluce Ita iMtrodaetlo-