The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 23, 1887, Image 7

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ain Epitome of, the Principal Events Now
Attracting Pablic Interest
Advices from the Orkney islands
report the loss of twenty smacks in a
At the election in Dakota a majority
-of about 3.000 was given in favor of
division of the Territory.
Gov. Calican, of Mexico, has offered
a reward of if 10,000 for the capture of
Erachio Bernal, head of a formidable
band of desperadoes.
The American Baseball Association
lias re-elected Wheeler Wyckuff presi
dent and Chris. Von dor Ahe, of St.
.Louis, vice-president.
At Montrose. Iowa, Thomas Ellis,
Jr., who was being sued for divorce by
his wife, went to her house and shot
her fatally. He then killed himself.
Mrs. John Evans, wife of a minor in
.Scranton, Pa., killed her 5-year old
son. Just after her husband had left
for his work the woman procured a
hatchet and literally chopped the
child's head to piece's.
The Government of New South
Wales offers a reward of $125,000 to
American inventors for any process
which will exterminate rabbits, which
have become a pest throughout Aus
tralia and Now Zealand.
At Urookville, Kanias, the Lawrence
..hotel, six business houses and three
dwellings burned. Four men burned
to death. The guests of the hotel
wore obliged to jump from the second
story windows.
Jumping Dog, the Indian who
''burned the agency building at Port
Bennett, Dakota, was captured ami
lodged in the guard house at lrt
Bennett. Ho attacked the guards
with a pair of shears, killed two of
them and then killed himself.
The last mail advices received from
Upper Congo say that Tippoo Tib had
not yet sent the promised carriers to
Stanley's rear guard at Yambuya to
convey the stores for Emiu Bey, and
that Stanley had proceeded without
them. Many of the men had died
.from starvation.
The farmhouse of Michael Harris,
fourteen miles from Wessington, Da
kota, burned. The entire family of
nine persons were burned to death.
Another report says that Mrs. Harris
and six of her seven ehildien perished,
and that Mr. Harris and the oldtst
child, a daughter, escaped, severely
A sheriff's jury assessed damages
amounting to $2,191,500 against Guz
man Blanco, president of Venezuela,
in a suit brought by George Wilson, in
New York city, in consequence of the
revocation of a lease of 1,000,000 acres
of land in Venezuela. Judgment for
the amount was entered. Blanco did
not defend the suit.
A gentleman writing from Bavispe,
tho earthquake-destroyed section of
.Mexico, paints a startling picture of
tho condition of the people. Tho en
tire town was destroyed, and many
were killed. It is s.iid earthquakes
were of daily occurrence, except in
tervals of two weeks, during which
time the people built temporary shan
ties. The National Republican Committco
decided to hold tho next convention
in Chicago, by tho following vote:
.Number of ballots cast, 47 ; necessary
to choice, 21 ; of which Chicago re
ceived 25, Omaha 1, Cincinnati 111,
Minneapolis 8. Tho time for holding
tho convviition was fixed for Tuesday,
the 19th of June. A resolution was
adopted allowing tho Tereitorics of
Dakota and Washington to elect four
contingent delegates in addition to
two regular delegates, whose admission
will bo decided by the convention.
While a passonger train on the Kan
sas City, St. Josoph & Council Bluffs
road was standing at tho depot at
Percival, a freight train ran into it,
telescoping tho sleeper and badly
wrecking tho rest of the train. A
printer named Clarence Wright and a
tramp, name unknown, wero killed.
There were ten people in tho sleeper,
nil of whom wero bruised more or lets.
Tho accident is said to have been
caused by a denso fog which prevented
Ihe freight men from seeing tho pas
eenger train until it was too late.
A horrible holocaust occurred at
"Wausau, Wis. Tho building occupied
4is a residence by Carl llonikel burned,
and llonikel and three children per
ished. Two other children have since
died of injuries, and tho mother is in
a seriotiB condition. Firo started in
tho kitchen, and tho family doubtless
Miffocated before tho flames reached
them. The casualty i ono of tho most
dreadful that has happened in the
vicinity, and what makes it more ter
rible is tho discovery that tho lire was
of incendiary origin.
Tho annual report of First Assistant
Postmaster General Sthophenson
shows tho number of postollices et
tablished during tho past fiscal year
was 30JU. JTlio increase in tho whole
number was 1543. Tho whole number
of postotli ee in operation on Juno 30,
1887, was 55 157. Appointments of
postmasters during tho year wero as
follows: On resignations and com
mfssions expired, 0,8(53; on removals
and btispen-ions, 2,581; on death of
postmasters, 589; on establishment of
. new otlku-e, 3,013. Thoro woro seven
states which on Juno dU contained
more than 2,009 offices each, as fol
lows: Pennsylvania 4.114, X w York
3,248. Ohio 2,831, Virginia 2 355, Illi
nois 2.2(3(5. M sjourt 2,117, ami North
Carolina 2,110. Tho oxcess oi expen
ditures of tho department over rovo
nuo was $5,459,103. Tho total nurn
bor of postoflioes July 1st was 55,157,
bo sides 613 branch offices.
Everything of General Interest in a
Condensed Form.
The county jail at Tho Dalles has
no occupant.
A $75,000 woolen mill is soon to be
erected in Union.
Tho U. S. Lighthouse Tender has
placed a largo buoy at tho mouth of
the Siuslaw.
A young man named Wm. McDon
ald, residing near Grant, had ono leg
badly fractured by being kicked by a
A man named Ha?comb had his
feet badly frozed on Dixie mountain
while driving a band of sheep across
to Long Creek.
A dispatch from Yaquina says :
The gale increased in severity last
night, and this morning at 2 o'clock
tho stranded steamer Yaquina City
parted amidships.
Tho Grace Roberts, which was
wrecked on Shoalwater bay, was built
at Benicia eight years ago, and her
carrying capacity was 300 tons. Her
owner valued her at $20,000.
C. J. Riley, a brakeman on the O
R. it N. road, was accidentally killed
at Quinn's while uncoupling cars. In
some manner he "-tumbled and fell,
and a car passed over him, killing him.
The dwelling of Mrs. Jane Howell,
on her ranch near Centerville, was de
stroyed by lire. Supposed to be the
work of an incendiary, as no ono was
in the lmnso at the time. Loss on
house, $2,000.
Thirty-two tons oi concentrates
from the Sierra Nevada mine have
been delivered to the East Portland
Reduction Works. The ore is of high
grade and will yield quite a sum for
tho stockholders.
Scarlet fever has taken away thrco
members of the family of A. A. Boyn
ton, of Camas Prairie, two daughters
and ono son, aged respectively 12, 14
and 19 years. Their deaths occurred
within the short space of three weeks.
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Mayer,
of Ashland, have been visited by a
triple ailliction. Thero were seven
children in the family and three of
them died of diphtheria within twelve
days. Isadore, aged 13 years ; Morris,
aged 12 years ; and Carrie, aged 4
A man named Sayers, stole a horse
which was hitched on the street, at
Albany, and took it to a livery stable,
where ho pawned it for $8, represent
ing himself as the owner. He then
attempted to leave on tho night train,
but was arrested and incarcerated in
the county jail to await trial.
Business men of Lebanon have sent
a petition to Representative Hermann,
which he presented to Postmaster-general
Vilas, asking that a daily mail
service bo established between that
place and Albany, to bo carried by the
Oregon it California railroad. At
present the mail is very irregular and
amounts to about a tri-weekly service.
Machinery for a now stern wheel
steamer now being built by Capt.
Deskin, of Keno, Oregon, on tho
Klamath river close to the California
line, has arrived at that place and it is
expected that tho boat will be ready
for use by Christmas or soon after. It
will be sixta feet long by fourteen feet
wide, to contain two engines, and will
bo used in carrying passengers and
freight from tho new town of Keno,
about ten miles down the Klamath
river to Meganser near Linkville ; and
also down tho lower Klamath lake as
far as Fairchilds. This steamer will be
a grout accommodation to settlers
along tho Klamath river down to
Keno, which promises to bo a nour
ishing little town in tho future, and
also to settlers around Klamath lake,
on both sides of the California and
Oregon boundary line, besides cutting
off a long distance for hauling by
teams and stages from the railroad to
Linkville, Oregon.
Washington. Representative Her
mann, of Oregon, will introduce the
following bills in the House at tho first
opportunity :
Various bills for river and harbor
improvements in Oregon.
Bill for a now custom house build
ing in Portland, Oregon.
Bill for pensioning ex-union soldiers
formerly in confederate prisons.
Bill providing for tho erection of a
life-having station at Yaquina Bay.
Bill providing for a life saving sta
tion at or near the mouth of the Ump
qua or Siuslaw rivers.
Bill appropriating sufficient money
for improving tho chain el of tho Wil
lamette river at Corvallis.
Bill allowing second homestead
entries where the first entry was never
Bill for payment of balance of award
to Oregon Indian war claimants, as
allowed by Commissioners Grover,
Inpalls and Smith.
Bill increasing tho salary of tho
United States District Judge of Oregon.
Bill requiring tho Secretary of War
to contract for construction and ma
terial in government works on tho
Columbia river.
Bill establishing a United States
Land Office for tho Harney district.
Bill providing compensation and in
struments to voluntary signal sorvico
B.ll for a United States Poetoffico
building at Salem.
Bill for a United States lighthouso
at tho mouth of tho Umpqtia rivor.
Bill to authorize tho construction of
a railway, wagon and foot-passenger
bridge ovor tho Columbia rivor, from
LiC imao to the Sandy river.
Bill forfeiting the Northern Pacific
railroad land grant between Wallula
and Portland, Or., and to protect tho
rights of settlers.
Bill for uahip railway on tho .Co
lumbia river at Tho Dalles portage.
"Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and California,
Congress is to bo akcd for $150,000
to complete the custom house at Port
John Somerwell, a well-to-do man
of Seattle, W. T., committed suicide.
Jealousy is said to have been the cause.
Santa Monica, Cal., has been se
lected by tho board as the placo for
tho new soldiers home on the Pacific
At Winslow, A. T., a cowboy named
John Taylor attempted to rido into
Pago s saloon and was shot dead by
tho bartender.
At San Francisco, Cal., Charles
Howard, a painter, fell from a scaf
folding a distauco of thirty feet and
received fatal injuries.
There are one hundred ami sixteen
carter and drayman licenses in force
in the city of Seattle, yielding a reve
nue of over $2,000.
Bv the falling of a tree, tho cottage
of Carl Kieser, in the Lakeside addi
tion to Taconia, was destroved, ami a
small boy had his leg broken.
The two-year old son and tho three-
year old daughter of J. B. Millington,
a well-known citizen of Santa Rosa,
Cal., fell into a pool of water near
their home and woro drowned.
Intelligence reached Oystervillo, W.
T, according to an Astoiia paper, that
on the, Willapa a man named John
Thompson shot and killed a man
named Charles Lang.
Postmaster Morehead, of Oystorville,
W. T., has instructions from tho Post-
oflice Department to employ a steamer
at $20 per day to carry the mail on
Shoalwater Bay till the contractor can
bo heard from.
Tho body of a miner, whoso name
could not bo learned, was found in the
Carbondalo (W. T.j mines. 1 he body
was standing rigidly erect, indicating
that death had been very sudden and
probably caused by heart disease.
Tho Coast and River Steamship
Company sold the steamer Coos Bay,
which has until now plied between
San Francisco and Eureka in opposi
tion to tho Pacific Coast Steamship
Co., to the latter Company for $10,000.
Captain James Brown and Joseph
Anderson were drowned off Santa
Oatalina island, Cal. They wero re
turning from a visit to tho island when
tho rough sea capsized the boat.
Brown's body was found on tho beach.
At San Francisco an organization
has been effected of "Tho Tammany
Society of San Francisco." Tho club
is composed exclusively of persons
friendly to Christopher mickley, and
who have confidence in his political
Mrs. Wm. Carrington, aged 85
years, was found dead from HHphyxia-
tion, at han 1 rancisco. Ihe old lady,
when she extinguished the gas, evi
dently turned tho screw beyond the
center, and thus allowed tho gas to
It is reported that they havo struck
it very rich in ono of tho tunnels of
tho Treadwell mine at Juneau, Alaska,
They have struck a large body of ore
in tho tunnel running on a lino be
tween the Treadwell and Bear Nest
mines which yields $5,000 to tho ton,
md everybody is going wild over the
A quarrel occurred at Red Blufl,
Cal., between George Scott, colored,
and Bill Edwards, about some chick
ens, when Edwards drew a revolver
and shot Scott through tho body.
Scott then tired at Edwards, shooting
him twice, once in the body, and tho
second shot sent a ball through Ed
wards' brain, killing him instantly.
Capt. Larson, of tho wrockod Graco
Roberts, tells that ons of tho Oyster
villo, W. T., school children found on
the beach a hatch cover, and seeing
tho mon in the rigging the cute little
fellow wrote with chalk on tho hatch
covor, to encourage 'the crow, "Boat
soon corns, tako you off." and tho cap
tain says it did encourage him.
A boy working on tho ranch of T.
J. Dale, in Northwest Visaha, Cal.,
discovered tho remains of a man who
had been torn to pieces by hogs. His
hat, coat and boots wero found also.
His skull and other bones worp found
in different parts of the Held, and wore
stripped of every shred of flesh. The
body was, that of James Callahan, who
had been on an extended spree, and
whoso friends had been looking for him
for several days.
Owen Falowsky, a photographer,
was ai rested at Chico, Cal., on a charge
of having obscene pictures in his pos
session. A number oi pictures loumi
in his gallery wero displayed in the
justice's court. Thoy included photo
graphs of men, women anu clulclron
of Chico in a nudo state, and also
photographs of several young ladies of
Hitherto respectable standing, in vulgar
attitudes. Falowsky pleaded guilty
and was sentenced to six months' im
prisonment. A Walla Walla dispatch says some
years ago a loud explosion somowhoro
in tho Salmon rivor mountains shook
tho wholo country thoro, and reports
of a volcano breaking out and lava
flowing over mountain trails aston
ished tho country. Tho San Francisco
Chronicle and The Oregonian son! re
porters thoro but neither could find
any traco of a volcano, but wholo for
ests wero ablaze. Joseph Baker, of
Mount Idaho, an old minor, reports to
the Statesman that ho has discovered
the scene of tho explosion near some
new diggings. Tho country for half
a mile around is full of fissures newly
cracked, but there aro many others
covered with moss, denoting previous
How n Nevr York llulnr Man Ilrrorm
ltrokeii-UniTii Merchant. ,
lhi'tiieso men of enterprise frequent
ly have novel Ideas, but probably tho 1
most curious mode of conducting trade
that has eoiue to light even in this city
of odd freaks, is that adopted by a
wholeale dealer in notions and dry
goods throughout tho country, and his
store is probably one of the largest of
this kind; but, as his secret was con
lideil to me under promise not torrveal
his identity, 1 feel bound to withhold
it, at the same tiino vouching for the
correctness of the story.
My friend became acquainted with
this merchant's peculiar idea through
a business intercourse. A week ago
ho entered the store, intending to pur
chase some dry goods that had been
advertised very cheap. Ashe stepped
over the threshold he was accosted by
a clerk, who at once attracted his at
tention. He was a man pat middle
age, with a shabbv-genteel air that was
very striking. His face was rather
bloated, his eyes blinked and wero red.
his hand trembled, and his breath
was redolent of strong drink. My
friend was amazed, and looked around
to see if some salesman of more pre
pososin,j appearance would not pro
ent himself. To his intense sur
prise, of tho half dozen clerks in
sight all had the same air of dilapi
dated gentility. Before he could col
lect his seizes the man beside him had
began to inquire as to the particular
style of goods he desired to see. His
voice, although harsh and discordant,
had .-onie pleasing and attractive qual
ities, and it was evident that his under
standing of the business was thorough.
A few days later he met a person
who was thoroughly acquainted with
the proprietor of the dry -goods store,
from wliom he learned tho secret of the
salesman's appearance. It seems that
the merchant conceived the idea of em
ploying as salesmen as many broken
down merchants in his line of business
as he could find. He discovered that
most of the ex-employers who had
failed, and whom ho could expect to
secure at such salaries as he was willing
to pay were men whose downfall was
mainly due to intemperance.
lie discharged all the sober clerks
and employed a new batch of broken
down ni"rchaiits. Then ho gathered
them all together and told them the
conditions under which they would
have to work. He first reminded them
of their failing and told theiu that they
would have to curb it.
"Now. gentlemen," he is alleged to
have said, "it is not to bo presumed
that, inasmuch as you could not keep
sober when your own biuiness interests
were involved, you will be able under
ordinary circumstances to stop drink
ing because I want you to do so. Even
if you don't get drunk during business
hours your bats at night will probably
incapacitate you for work the next day.
The only way to prevent, that is to keep
you from temptation even when you are
not actually at work. That will be for
your interest as well as for mine. What
lam going to do is this:'. I am going to
lix up rooms for 3-011 on the top floor,
where you can stay at night and sleep.
I will havo your meals sent from a res
taurant near by and you will bo well
fed at my expense. You must not
leave this establishment, except with
my permission, but I will see that you
get plenty of fresh air and out-door ex
ercise. I will pay you well ami will
expect you to do your utmost to sell my
goods just as though you wero your
selves the proprietors. At any time
you want to quit, of eourso you need
only say so. In t.rdor to satisfy your
cravings for drink, you will receive
regular rations of whisky every day.
lly gradually diminishing the quantity,
tho grip it has upon you will be loos
ened. You can save money and with
perseverance you will bo able to give
up your bad habits and once more be
come respectable members of society."
Nearly all acceded to tho conditions.
Some have dropped out sineo by break
ing tho rules, for tho proprietor is very
strict, but most of them have observed
them faithfully. A few have been ablo
to overcome their passion and have
started in business for themselves
again. As they drop out, their places
are filled by new men. As far as the
proprietor is concerned, ho is said to
have found it u profitable plan. iV. Y.
Processes of Burglars.
Burglary is not usually classed among
mechanical trades, but it is neverthe
less an "industry" in its peculiar way,
and very numerously followed in cities
and largo towns. S01110 one a safe
manufacturer, we believe has been at
tho pains ot compiling a summary of
tho processes which burglars employ
in the present advanced state of the
art. They aro said to bo: 1. Tho
driving of wedges into door-jambs, by
which tho tenon is forced out of tho
packed groove, and explosives inserted
around and into the rabbet or stepped
flange. 2. Tho application of tho
drill on material represented as drill
proof metal (?). !! Tho application
of the Harris stripper, in peeling plates
from their rivet and machine screw
fastenings. I. Tlio application of tho
Morton pulling wrench, by which lock
and bolt spindles are drawn out of
doors. . The application of tho
Maou rippur, a late and ingenious im
plement of burglar", used 011 safes or
vaults with Iron surfacas. 0. Tho aj
pllcatinu of the powder pump in forc
ing explosives around tho jambs of
safe doors anil into crevices created by
wedging and In tho use of jaekscrews.
7, Tho explosion of dynamite on tho
surface of the door, by which tho bolts
and bolt frame aro dislodged by cuu
cusslon. Doiton Umlgct. ,
A rUlm Tlmt Modern Society In n Sound
in Tlmt of runner Act.
There is a vast amount of twaddlo
talked and written about the bad man
ners of the period. The critics of our
times are however, only tho superficial
observers, for manners are as good as
they ever were, only thoy are less con
spicuous and obtrusive. That positive
rudeness from men to women are more
noticeable now than formerly, is truo
enouuli. This follows naturally the
appoaranee of women in tho active con
cerns of life. When the gentler sex
goe5 into business it must expect to be
dealt with on business principles, and
it comes into contact with men wluv
have had no relations with women aside j
from those of their own homes. Men j
who are polite at homo and who are
well-bred, carry their politeness into 1
their ollices, and the atmosphere ofj
many places of business is the better I
for the presence of women. But it is
also true, that gentle women aro now
meeting with more ill-bred men than
the used to see in the days of tho
"gentleman of the old school."
We believe it to be the fact that the
class of people from whom we expect
fine manners is larger ihau'it ever was.
It is also true that the other class is
more numerous, and it unfortunately
constitutes an important part of the
human family. It occurs to us that age
and weakness aro as tenderly cared for
as they used to be, that there is as
much deference to superiority, although
there is not so much servility, and po
liteness is less elaborate. We certainly
would not return to the formal lan
guage of compliment that obtained in
the last century and thj century before,
and, while wo speak or the "gentle
man of the old school" with a certain
reverence, we do not imitate him, and
we would not have any of his traits ex
cept tho kindliness and self-respect
which are the foundation of all line
The excuse for the current criticism
of superficial observers is furnished by
two classes of tho community. The
man who drives a hack and the man
who blackens your boots have not the
politeness of the old day, simply be
cause they have not tho servility.
There was no genuineness in tho old
fashioned servant of tho people, and
there was in tho breezy manners of the
old-fashioned fireman. Our hack
drivers are quite as polite as the cab
bies of London, and as polite as all
rudo men will be who feel that they
are independent of their employers.
We can't consider the manners
of tho street when wo are talking'
about the manners of the day.
Wo must seek our examples
among people who protend to govern
their relations toward ono another by
the code of the polite world. The
second class which give an excuse for
criticism is composed of tho dudes and
Angloinaniaes the people who are the
ostentatious members of an osten
tations and thoroughly sham society.
It is not ploasant, we own, nor
encouraging, to hear wide-trousered
and large-bustled youth address 0110
aoother as if there wero no difference
of sex. "Old Chappie" is well enough
in its small way, but "Old Girl" is not
well at all on masculine lirjs, for it be
tokens a familiarity that Is' damaging
to the femininity of the woman ad
dressed. And yet even dudes have
better manners than they seem to have,
and are entitled to much more respect
than they receive. Thoy have manly
virtues, and underneath their rudo fa
miliarity they have elements of good
breeding. They aro often kind and
charitable, and, in serious matters, they
aro considerate. It is trim that thoy
havo an insolent toleration for those
who are not of their set, but they aro
appreciative of tho talents of tho lower
orders, whether they bo intellectual or
muscular. Tho world can afford to bo
amused by tho dude, for, after all, ho
does not set the fashion of his time.
The bet society of our modern Amer
ican life is outside of him and beyond
his comprehension, and that society is
sound to tho core, and its intercourse is
as agreeable and polite as has been that
of any previous age. N. Y. Mail and
m m
I'lBUrea Showing tlmt the. flrrnt Iiovert M
by No .Menus lliirren.
The Desert of Sahara is by no moans
entirely barren. In tho Lower Sahara
the number of cultivated tracts is in
creasing very rapidly, there boing no
fewer than forty-three oases in thoOued
Rir., which, after a period of thirty
years, 13,000 inhabitants, 520 palm
trees in full bearing that is, which
have been planted more than seven
years 120,000 trees between one and 7
years old anil 100,000 fruit trees, while
the value of tho dates grown each year
average 100.000. Tlio oases of Lag
houat and Oiicd-Mi.puid those of Yery
villo and Aiu-Saua have 100,000 palm
trees, and those of Figuig 110,000,
while Mzab, with its 30,000 inhabitants,
nearly all shepherds or merchants, cul
tivate 200,000. Hub, together with tho
Sahara slope of the Aim, has fifty oases,
which grow 900,000 palm trees ami
jUO.OOO fruit trees. Sout, with a popu
lation of 1.0,000, has 160,000 palm trees
of the choicest kind and over 50,000
fruit trees. Lastly, tho various oases
of Ourgia havo over 400,000 palm trees
and 100,000 fruit trees. All those re
sults, to say nothing of the trade in
wool, tho cultivation of tobacco, veget
ables, corn, tho vino and other things
grow beneath tho shelter of the palm
trees, and of tho raising of ostriches,
which it is considered might bo made
ns profitable as it U at the Capo, have
boon arrived at partly by tho nutlvos
and partly by thu French. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
Young Simpkins "If the devotion
of a lifetime will prove to you tho
strength of 1113- love, Gladys, it shall bo
Yours. Can you desire more? Can
you " Gladys " That will bo
all " Young Simpkins (instinct
ively) "Ca-a-sh!" 7Y(- Hits.
An ingenious woman is working a
novel scheme for getting material for a
crazy quilt. She has written to many
postmasters asking for a piece of silk,
satin or velvet, anil setting forth that
sue hopes to get pieces for her quilt
from every State in the Union.
Tho members of the Moyamcnsing
Hook and Ladder Company, of Ches
ter, Pa., are mourning the death of
Budd, tho dog of tho company. Ho
was buried in a neat coflin, wrapped in
the Stars and Stripes, and tho truck
has been handsomely draped in black
and white in his memory.
A t,welve-year-old lad living in
Maine dreamed that he stood by tho
death-bed of his mother in Boston, she
then being on a visit to that city.
Thirty-three years after the dream was
fulfilled, not only as to tho ovont and
locality, but as to certain minor details
in the chamber of death.
Annie K. Moore, of Winthrop, bids
fair to be one of Maine' most valuable
daughters. In IH8.r, when sho was but
thirteen years old, she took tho first
premium on butter at the State Fair,
and now she has taken the premium at
the Eastern Maine Fair for butter made
hy a girl not over fifteen years of age.
V two hundred and twenty-livo
ounce nugget has been unearthed by
Chinamen at Hargraves. Australia. Tho
news of the find leaked out through tho
transmission of it to the mint by Chinese
agents. The celebrated Cair nugget of
one "wt. was found at Hargraves in tho?
year 1852, and recently, a few inilos
away at theM iitland bar, a tliO-ouneo
nugget was found.
t?r- j - kt
According to Dr. Lucion Howe,
who rend a paper on tho increase of
blindness in the United States at tho
last meeting of the American Associa
tion for the Advancement of Science,
the population of this country increased
thirty per cent, from 1870 to 1880, and
blindness increased during tho sainu
period forty per cent., until now wo
have with us .lO.OOO blind. Contagion
and immigration aro set down as among
the chief causes. ,
Young Charlie Parinalce, of An
sonin. C01111., had a tremendous scare
the other night. Ho was walking on
the railroad track after dark and
caught his foot between a plank and a
rail at a crossing. While trying to get
freo he heard an approaching train.
As ho struggled it caino nearer and
nearer until, just as he made up his
mind for death, the headlight showed
him that Ins was on a switch and not on
tho main Hue. After the train thun
dered by a watchman released him.
He. was very lame for several days.
James Hughes, ot Lancaster Coun
ty. Pa., while eating a banana, on Sat
urday suddenly felt a sharp sting on
his cheek, and discovered a large,
strange-looking bug on tho skin of thu
banana. His face began to swell im
mediately, and in a short time was
swollen to twice its natural size. Tho
swelling spread to his neck and breast,
and the young man continued in thu
greatest agony until tho following
Wednesday, when he died. Tho bug is
supposed to have been a poisonous in
seet of tho tropics that was concealed in
the bunch of bananas when it wiis
shipped North.
A twelve hundred dollar clerk in
Surgeon General's Oflice at Washington
lias boon dismissed for trying to gull
oflice seekers throughout the country.
The plan which tho young man adopted
was to rout a box at tho post-oll'ieo to
receive his mail. Then advertise every
where that Tor a fee of ten dollars ho
would furnish information how every
body could obtain a GovorniinSnt posi-
tion. Whenever a victim was found
tho young man replied by bending back
a copy of the civil service rules. So
many wero taken in by tho trick that
hud not tho skillful swindler beep de
tected by tho postal ollieials ho would
have made himself rich in a short time.
- Boston Globe.
For all Diseases of the
LIvor, Eidnoys, Stomach and Splee-n.
This purely vc(;ntiililo pre-
Piratlou, now so celebrated as a
amlly Medicine, originated In
the South In 1HB8. It acts
gently on the Howell and
Kidney and correct tho
action of the I .Ivor, and is, there
fore, the t ireiarutiiry
medicine, whatever the sick,
ncss may prove to be. In alt
common diseases it will, un
nmiUteil by any other medi
cine, oluiot it apcrdy euro.
The ItSKiilntor is safe to administer to any
condition of the system, and under no clrcum
luncrH mil it do liurin. It will invigorate
like a class of wine, but Is no Intoxicating bever
age to lead to Intemperance; will promote ill
Kttlnn, dlsMlpnte livuduclie, mill poimr
iilly tone up tho nyiiteiii. The dose Is smalt,
not iiiipleaannl, and Its virtues undoubted.
No loan of tlino, no lutcr-
ritpllon or atoppiigu of
InoliicH white taking ths
Children complaining of
Colic, Ifenditelio, or hick.
Htonmcli, a tcaspoonful or
' more will give relief.
If taken occasionally by D
v tlenls exposed to MAUAKIA.
will expel the poison and protect
them from attack.
I have been practicing medicine for twealy yeary,
and tiave never been able to put up a yegeubla
compound that would, like Simmon Liver Kesu.
lator, promptly and effectively move the Uyer to
action, and at the tame time aid (Instead of weak
ening) the digenive and assimilative Pwer of lh
yttem. L. M. HlKTOM, M. 1. .Washington, Ark.
J. H. Zoilin & Co., Philadelphia,
1'ltICK. 91.00.