The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, February 16, 1895, Image 1

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i UVrilVG!i(, Volume XXXV
NO. 23
ft W -! IT rUVKKB. X
ProfefciH3A! Carl.
Physician' and Surgeon
Room, over Ditlea Vationa- Btnk tffice hours
a in t 12 m. .ii.i tnim t to 4 p ni. Resi
dence tt's t End . f (bird .-treet.
. Attorneys at Law
Booms ii and 43 h piuai. E cck, Ti.e Dalle?, Ore.
j f,CTHtKLM . M I', t. M
Physician and i'-wyvn,
"Booms S . 'rt 4. Chapm n Mock, lh; D-lles
Practical Dentist
OfuC IIY-r A. '. B - i '
All .orb eu rat te c op-ve
latest ln-p'ovi-d u-e r.cdt ute
ir-- ce . Sercn ' S
ti-- ci n awl all he
in dt niu ierat rws-
in i hantjo's ".-l
:rtf . u .Lair. 1 Dr
1 i!fc
TIT ASCO LODGE. NO. 16. A. F & A. M.
ft tint ami third
Homlat of each month at e
P. M.
' t Meet, in Masonic hali tbc third U edneedi
each month at S V M.
OLl MBIs LODGE. NO. 5. 1. .
V. 'e. t
, in R. of l
j every Fridiiy eveninr at 7:S0 o'clock.
Ball, corner t ecod and Court aireet . 8-Journ
iw brother, are welcome. H CLoueH, bee .
T.IRIr.JiOSHIP LODGK. NO. ft., K". of P. Meets
P everv Mondav eveuini! t 8:uO o'clock, in Senai
oo'l buildinif. corner of Uour- and Second rftreeta
doinnrninir brother, are cortiialI invited
0. Tauei. K. K. and s. K lltCEr'EE, C.
V lil n eet every r'riiiay afternoon at 3 o'clock
at tiie rtanmv room Ail are invirea.
& Hoid Canp, No. 59, me every Tuesdav
rvenmir of eai h week at 7:30 ocl- ck, in A. Keller's
hall. All brother, and MiJourninK brother, are
nvited to lie Dreamt.
fTEMPLf LODGE. NO 8. A. O r. W.-Meets
J In KKclier,UallverThurs.iavevei.inirt 7::)0
'clock. t'Ai Li aitu i, u.
W. 8. MrBRS, Ffnancier .
ias. aesmith post. no. a. a. a.
R Meets
I every Saturday at 7.30 P. M. it, K of P
OF L. K. ll.ew every
K. of P. Hall.
Friday afternoon in
TT'AtCO IKlrF. to.
16 I.
O. K. M Meet.
Y t'r; Weciiittilnj e ei n.t in
K oi P. hall
'iERaXC FF.HrtN HAfiMoME.- Meet, every
J buiioav evelilna in Kelt, rs Hall
T1 .
n K.
l. oi P. bJI the 6rst and
aui month at 7:.J P. II.
hird Weduemlay ol
THK t H L Kl'll K.
I IhfcT EAlllbl CtilMrl Kev. O. D. TaTLOi.,
V l.ktor. fctrvieefe even Sabhatli at 11 A. M.
P. W. bbhboth school In-DiediaTt-ly after tne
OOrnr(! Mr. i rayer meellOK eTeiy inunu.y
evetiiuir at 8 P. M
E. fill hLii K. JnO WHISLEB, Paeur.
iJ berltei-ever bum'.J momma and tvenil
Sunday fcchool at 12:20 o'clock P M. A cordiai invi
tatior vr tendwi bv both tia.tor and people U alL
C- iiKOKEliATlf.NALCHlKln -ttev.tV.C. CtRTm
PaHr. bervn-n. ever bunda at 11 A. 11. mid
P. M. Sunday School after mormnir .erviee.
ST. PtTtK's Clll KCU Kev. Father Bhokbheiwi
Pa or. Low Hunt. ever Sunday at 7 A. M Hial
IS at 10:3u A.M Vesper-at If. M
i'AL'L's CHURCH. Union street, oppoaitt
Fifth. Kev. k:i L. sutclifle, Kecuir. oerviuee
tciwil at :3o A. X Prav -r on Friday
ran p. m
Miim nv VI1A. M aUU I . a,.,
HhlSllAS t'tllltt'l! KKV. J. JKSK1, pa-
tor. Pteac I. a -very sun'iai aittrooun i e
..r,l..L .n tiic loiiLTouuiim burn aii recur
tiajiy invite!
Real hla.e, Loans ii;d !iiMirai;ce.
Asei.t forth' fcotti.h I ni.-n an Natlotal In
OTnce ,H.uuy ot tdi, burjjh, cotlalrtl, dpi a
SO.OtrJ.t'On .
Valo.Die Furnis near the City to .e 1 on easy
torai. .
Otnce over Post 'fRce. The U .lie.. Or.
' XKevu-ter V. . l-and""" ce. 1 1.0 Io84.)
Business before United States Land
Olhce a Specialty.
Wall's Block Main .-1.. r Ciatls 0j , W ,sh.
1xf Pecoi d fireet next dmr nst oi
r qhe 1 fti1e Nat Bnk
JTinp jnt opcBd in hninrt. n'J having fall
an-urtuitrnt oi the latest d- In my line. J de
sire bhoru ol Vhr- ubli patmuaKe
ILaaidactorer of and dealer la
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., Bear Moodv'i Warehouse,
A Work
airaatrrd In tUlv at-
General Expressman!
Goods hauled with Che greatest care to all
oart. of the oirv ,n hort notice).
' Denny, Rice & Co.
'Yool S Cammis!CP' Dereham
' 1H0 Atlnntic Afc. Snst.on
To Whom it Mai Concern: All wrrants
ma e omou -i-d re I' be is ue-i
by she cou it cerk payatiM i4 d r( i.nd n tnnty
warrAji will le ,ldin ! or -tcl b the conmy
trea urer nnle.e end ra-d by lie pirty tboni
Ol OJid county v.riaut i, t u&i. Dy onl.
O. 0 Klazs'T,
County Jude.
The Dalles. Ore., Nov 24, 1804.
TTIREHH milch esws. fw miles went ot 1fa
F Diiim. A. HELu, Ifea iMllss Un,
"flc Regulator Line'
The Deles, Pcrtlar.d end Astoria
Navigation Co-
Frelgiit EEff Passesgs
Through Daily trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between the Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m.. crtiiiectini at the Cas-
cade D-tks with Steamer 1'allirs City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Oak street ai.rk) at 6 a. m , connecting
with steamer Uc;iilatr tor I he Dalles
( .
U.I ...
d ti .
.S2 P0
. 3 00
rreih? Ft3s Creatly Recced
Shipments fer Portland receted at
any time. da or nn;l,t. Shipments 4tr
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments Solicited.
Call i n ol address.
Gcicra! iieiit
Precllcal watcte
links, Wa'des, Jmtlrv, Ft;
Alwiys keep on file the iatvut mrf n- I flyli o
Tiiiif-pittt', oinnuiDil t.niK", tow-Mio Hi: vs, b.l-
finif fiin ro'fuj
Wi 1 aniP fc f o.'
J i
.1 am now prepared to deliver
Eosljir Coal
To any part cf le ri" fr Sf.B pa
tuD. Ili S in n nrh cnem er thnr- wood
tod a gteat de moie cot vtDi. u'. Ap
uly to
E E. Lyt ile,
As in for O. B. A N Co
R. E. Saltmarshe
HitrliestCasli Price for
Hay and Grain.
mm m mn mm
SoBDial Prices to Cash Buvers
Charles A, Baldwin & Co. j
Accounts of Banks and Banker received
vii lavornBlcl terms.
Bonds and Investment Securities.
DsJIj Financial Letter Killed oa ApplicaUon.
The Merc act $ Tailor
Suits Mftd? to Order and a Fit Cusrante?J
Clotlies It- Did ov tbv fai.wit
mi ouce
N &r C'vr- Thixd end "'ahirgion S
8ooond and Union Streets.
A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor
(Su-cessor to P. KREfT ft CO.)
-Mall papFr,
Ar'it' Ma'prinl nnH P;rt"r8' 8nin'i-
A I orders for imin'mif. papr1noj BDfi
kal-ominir.e promptly atfeDdfCl to.
We're Here to
And Want Your Trade
Have yon ever seen Aunt Jemina's
Pancake Meal ?
Or Pettijohns' Breakfast Gem?
Oar Eastern Buckwheat Flour ia fine,
and you know what HeckePs Self-Rising
Buckwheat is.
Our Slajde Syrnp. Maple Sujrar, Comb
Honey and sweet things are just as nice
as you could want them.
Call and see us, or ask Central for t2
A. KELLSFl Prip':
ain p.apared to furnish fatrilieu, orlt and res
Lanrancct with tbf choice 8V
Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Fresh 1 ysters Served iD Eiery Style.
lepiiiKl Htrrrt, Next door to The Dalles
tional Bank,
Gommercidi mm
K rst-c'vs Win-. Liquors .and
A ways on Haod .
C rmr Sec'od and Court Sireets,
Tba Dalles, Oregon.
Sample: Ecoms,
(Nearly opposite Umatilla, House,)
The Best Wines.
Liquors and Cigars
Watches and
And All Kinds of the
Andrew Velarde,
The Dalles.
A..1ilresa: I-ork Box 181.
Pau Odrsitt Pills wilt reduce jnor wdght
PEKHtK.liTI V f'om 12 to 15 puma a
mouth nosttrvinir sirkness or Intury; notnblie
ity. Thev boil up hi health aid b antiiy the
enmplexion, leavins; no wrinkle. r flaobinesa Stout
and imena and riitflcu't hrsnthinr -urely relieved.
IV a KKfHIHKl ' b t a ementie. si.d posi
tive n lief, adopted oi ly after years of experience.
l orders supplied direct from eoroffiue. Pries
H 00 per packaff or three picka8;es fur S6 00 by
mail po tpaid. TcatimoBtals and parliealan. (sealed
Jets. -
A I Gnrr" tpaadrsr" Htrrf ly CoBfldeu.
- tial.
Children Cry
for tltCHEB'i
Castor. a
Cantorii I no trell adapted to children that
I rc'ijinr-nij it hm upei i.r u swiy prewripuoa
kuown to me." H. A. Archer, SL J
HI bouth Oxford 8c Brooklyn, N- T
I Tie Cantor'a In my prartfoe, and And ft
mtsUAXij auaLiiea to autxrciuns ok cnuurea.
"vrf i iwotin i cvrs ui,
106T Hd Are., Kew farii.
"From rwrnTxi! knuwlarlge I can say
iastioi uisa rvomt axcouect medicine tor cou
i li. n. . i f
Lovell, lUstv
CastoHa promotes Dfp;esHo-n, and
overcomes Fltttuleucy, Consupation, Boor
Stomach. Diannosa, and Feverishneas,
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sieep natarsJ. Castoria, contilrj no
ALorpnlne or other narcotic property.
Ik Dalles National Bank
Presldenf,... Z. F. Moodj,
General Banting Business Transacted.
Sight Evohangea sold on
Noithwest Cor. Second andWakhuiftoDSta.
Sucoessors'to George Such.
1'lie Cheapest Place
tb bauis roa
All Kinds oi Groceries,
We respectfully solicit a eh of the public pat
ronage and ft. all endeavor to (rive entire aatiafac
ton to our customer otn o'o no new.
Kacofaeturtia Ui. Best Articles of
Soda, SarsapaiiUa and Ginger Ale
Lean Orders With Andrew Keller,
MoDDt Odd iknle Room
Best K(Mi(ls Whiskey
Very Best Key West Cigars, and Bea'
of Wines,
h Porft Ale and Milaanit
Beer ilays on band.
I. R. & il CO.
Choice of Tio Transcontinental Eontes
Low Rates to All Eastern Cities
STEAMERS leave (on and
days for -
For fall details callaaO. E. V. AnatatTHI
W. H. HTTRLBrtRT, Oea. raas. Aft.,
rmtead, Orafoa. , . .
Aatt-rferes Asaln.
rfASHlNQTOS, Feb. 8 Affairs in Ha-
traii have taken a torn that has CHU.ed
the interference of the United Slates gov
eroineot ajfiin, as is made evident by
two telegrams sent congress by 'he presi
dent today.
Tbe first is from United S'ates Minster
Willis to Secretary Greebatn, daied
Honolulu, January 80, and wired from
San Frsccieco, February 0, reading as
'The revolt was over on tbe Oth; tbe
casna:tt-8 of the government were one
of the royalists 8. A court-martial con
vened on tbe 17th has tried 88 cases, and
300 or more are yet to be tried, and dai y
arrests are being made.
"Onllck, the- former minister, and
Steward, minister and major-general of
tbe trmv. totb Americans, and Ricnard,
an Eogliabmao, have bten sentenced to
death. All were heretofore prominent in
"T B Welker, formerly of tbe United
States army, was set fenced to lmpr'sun
meat for life, and $5000 fine, O her
sentences are not diseased, bat will
prahahlv be deatb.
'Bitter feeljng prevails and there are
threats of vtnlenre which tbe arrival of
the fhiladelphia yesterday prevented
"Ltiiuokalania was made prisoner on
the 16 h. and on tbe 24'b .relinquished
all her claims and swore allegiance is tbe
republic, imploring leniency for Hawaij
In response to tbe above, Secretarv
Oreiibam, addressed the following tele
gram: "Mr. Unoper, United btaies dis-
p.tcb agent, Sao JfraoC'SCo: Forward
the following iiv the first steamer; AS
Willis. United S'ates minister, Honolulu
Ii American citizens were condemned to
death by a military tribunal, not tor act
nal participation in tbe reported revolu
tion bat for complicity ooiy, or if con-
iemoed to death by such tribunal for
actual participation bat not after an open.
lair trial witb ao opportonty tor deleose.
demand da'av of execution, and in either
care report to your government tbe evi
dence relied upon to support tbe deatb
At Che.trna'a Galea.
Chb Fo s Vet). 8 -Tne Japanese landed
tpioys ntar here last eveoiog with tbe
intention of capturing tbe city. A land
ing ra made about 10 miles eastward
from Che- Foo, and an immediate advance
op.Jtj tbe city oraered
As this dispatch is sent tbe Japanese
are attacking the forces defeudiag tbe
east part of Che Foo. Intense excite
meut prevails. It is expected that a se
ere engagenient will occur today.
Tbe Japaotse ship vbicb appeared thi
morning near Ning Hdi, a town between
Wei'Hai-.Wei and ibis city, and began
the bombardment of tbe forts on tbe
western side of tbe town, left soon after
ard without doing any damsfre. This
confirms the impre.sion that tbe attack
on Niog Hai was oulv a feint of tbe Japa
ueee. covering tbe laoriinir of thetr loices
at some other place. Every precaution
is ems taken to defend tbe city.
Another version of th appearance of
tbe Japanese ships off Nioir Hai is that
they were chasing two torpedo-boats.
apposed to contain Admiral ling, tbe
Ci'mmauder of the Chinese naval forc at
Wei Hal Wei, and Ctptain McCinre, a
merchant marine officer, appointed a-
aietant to Admiral Ting. These officers
were said to be escaping from Wei -Kai-
Wei on torpedo boats, and tbe Japanese
are reported to have sunk both vessels at
a point northward from Che Foo.
According to advices from Wei-Hal
Wei. only the Chun Yuen, ot the Chinese
naval squadron at Wei Hai. Wei was
snnk by the Japanese. Tne s'ster ship
nt that veasel, tbe Ting Yiun, is said to
bt ashore.
Chinere inhabitants in this city are
leaving by thousands.
WarsikltM sanak.
Londoh. Feb. 8 A dispatch from
Che Foo tb;s aiternooo says tbe Japanese
have earned all Chinese positions at Wei
Hai-Wei and captured or sank tbe whole
Chinese northern fleet. The Japanese
duriug M'ioday night cleared Wei-Hai
Wi-i harbor of all torpepoes tod snbma-
rine mines by the skilllul nse of small
torpedo boata and steam launches from
the warships, wbiob grapp'ed for and cat
i be wires connecting tbe submarine mines
wnb the shore.
The fleet Japanese torpedo boats tbea
made a splendid dash for tbe harbor and
attacked the Chtaese flt with such skill
that tbe battleship Ting Tutn was sank.
These tactics wue repeated daring' the
night nf February 0. and tbe Chen JtuM,
Lai Yven and otbtr Chinese warship
ere biowa op, end tbe remainder of tbe
C' inef e fleet captured .
Following op tbis splendid success, the
Japanese completed tbe cap-ore of We-
Hii Wei yesterday by landing a larae
force and seizin e the island of Liu-Kong
Tos. which has made a sallant delense
eain.t tne heavy fire of tbe J.pxnese
Some of ibe Japanese warships paiaed
Cho-Foo eailv this morning and fired a
lew sh ts without cluing any d -mage In
fnirned attack made upon Ning Hal
view of tbe reports current regarding the
testerDay, tbe belief grorrs that tbe
Japanese are going to attack Cbe-Fun.
Rrpnrt tsihe Uc'alatnre.
Albany, X T . V- b. 8 The report of
tbe stat- board of mediation and arbitra
tion on tbe Brooklyn strike will be pre
sen ted to tbe legislature today. It is
very voluminous. It will say:
-Tbe piimary cause of this Brooklyn
strike end al kindred strikes, is tbst tbe
legis'aiore, in treating railroad corpora
tioDS. bas neglected to make necessary
provisions fur such stable and efficient
service id operating tbe lines as shall
utiserve the end for which tbeT were
c mhed with the state's piwer ot eminent
domain. The interruption of a railroad
in it service to tbe people, by reason of
a controversy or dispute be'ween the
company, and the operating force should
be made impos(ib'a.n
Hillabnra MaiUde.
FnxcBOBo, Feb. 8 This atternooo B
F Daot, a veteran of tbe civil war, about
50 years of age, and parahzed in tbe
right side, shot Mrs. John Mueller in the
right band, and Mrs. Manning, ber
drnghter, in tbe right arm, and then
blew bis brains oat.
Dant bad been boarding at the resi
dence of Mrs. Mueller. Tbe shooting
was caused by tbe refusal of Mrs. Man
ning to marry hiin." Manning's wife left
b:m las' fall, and abe bad instituted
tivorce proceedings, which are now
pending. Br port aaye Dant farnbbed
motiey for Mrs Manning to aecare tbe
divorce. Mr. Manning la a worthless
tcllew, and is sow ia Yamhill. He aad
Airs. Manning weie man lad over two
years a 8,0.
Dint bas been paraUcrd for two or
three jeajr. He recently received back
pension amounting to between 12000 and
13000. Ha bad lived here about 10
tears, and has a brother residing at
Rerdville. Mrs. Muellnr took the pin
t her daother in a qoarr.-l today, and
Danr shot both women. Mrs. Mannin
ia 29 vears of age, and bas two children,
NeiiPer abe nor ber mother are seriously
injured bv tbe shooting.
Dial died Instantly An inquest will
be held over bis remains this afternoon.
When the neighbors arrived at tbe
scene of the shooting, which took place
at tbe Mueller home. Dam's lifeless
body was sittirg in a chair, witb ibe
head looping over, and the pistol lying
on tbe floor.
One Thona&nd and One Insane.
Salem, Feb. 8 W Dougherty , of
Clackamas count; ; Suean Littlefleid, of
C.kii; A M Peak, of BeBton, and Dilph-
ioe Clark, of Portland, were received at
tbe iosaoe asylum today, Tbe total
number now in that in.titut.ion is 1001,
This is tbe first time in tbe history ot the
asylum that number b-ts been reached.
Oa Trial for Treason.
ViCTOBiA, B. O. Feb. 0 Hawaiian
advice by tbe steamer Warrimoo, to
February 2, were brought tonight, and
are as follows:
"There is a lull in tbe affairs bere and
quietness will probably relgo until tbe
military court now sitting will bave fin
ished its work. A large camber ot con
aplracv cases are yet to be tried, and the
probabilities are that tbe court will sit
for two or three weeks at least. Great
interest is attached to tbe forthcoming
trial of . tbe queen. Tbe government
claims t bave more than sufficient evi
dence to convict bei . Wbat ber puniib
ment will be in case of conviction is bard
to. coojeclnre. Her case will probably
come op next Monday. Sue Is charged
witb treason. Tbe charge reads:
" 'Treason, by eogigtng in open re
bellion against tbe republic of Hawaii;
by attempting, by force of arms, to over
iciow and destroy tbe same; by levying
war against the same, by adhering to ibe
enemies ot tbe republic of Hawaii, giving
tbern aid aud comfort within tbe Ha
waiian islands and elsewhere.
'Treason by aiding, abetting, procur
ing, counseling, inciting, CuUuteoanciog
and encouraging otbers to commit treason
and to engage iu open rebellion against
the republic or Hawaii, and to attempt
by .orce of arms to overthrow tbe same.
and to adnere to tbe enemies ot the re
public of Hawaii, and to attempt by
foroe of arms to overthrow tbe same, and
to adhere to tbe enemies of tne re
public of Hawaii, giving them aid and
comlort in tbe Hawaiian islands and else
"There are six specifications in tbe
charge. Tbe mi 1'ary commission has
brought in findings in 24 caeea. Those
In whose cases verdicis were lound are
"HW Wilcox, S Nowlein. H F Ber-
telmao, Carl Widemann, W H C Gretg,
Loon Marshall, W C Lane. J C June, C
I Gulivk. W H Richard. W T'deward T
B Walker. Solomon Sauia, Pel ah u a. Lot
Lane, Thomas Poole, J Kaiakokoa.
Hubert, J W Kipikaoe. Ehiona,
Joseph ClarK, D Jan Qua, W Widdifield
and Juea Kt.kabi.
Hew Ifork In leebunnd.
New Yobk. Fho 9 Today New York
was practically icebound Tbe bay. from
tbe Narrows to Saony Hook, is almost a
solid ffeld of ice. The upper bay would
not be as bad were it not that a number oi
toga are at work breaking tbe ice to per
mit tbe passage ol craft and tbat small
steamers are pitiog in tbe .North aad
Eut rivers. Tugs are constantly at work
clearing a passageway for the Siaten Is
land ferry-boats. Two boars of tbe Lev
bigb Va ley were stalled in the East river
for over an boar and a tog tbat went 'o
their assistance was also stopped by tbe
ice. Reports from tbe interior of the
state tell of tbe continuance of tbe great
storm Trains on the Central Hudson
river are from five to eight hours late.
Tbe Danneaburg and Mecbanicsville
branch of tbe Deleware & Hudson canal
road have been abandoned, and do effort
will be made to operate them antil tbe
storm abates. Ibe uenesee Draocn oi
the Erie is blocked. Tbe Port Jarvls &
Mooticello railway and branches are so
badly blocked by snow tbst they can
scarcely be opened be fere next week
Tbe main line of tbe Ene Western is
closed, no through trains having passed
since Tburnday. All trains on tbe Rome
Watertowo A Ogdenebarg are abandoned.
A Lyons telegram says a second bin
sard began at 0 o clock, and wilhin
couple of hours it was snowing and blow
ioft harder than at any time since tne big
storm commenced. Four New York Cen
tral engines are off tbe track in tbe Lyon
yards and traffic there is at a standstill.
jrnrawgh t-ewaaylvawla.
Philadelphia, Feb. 9 At tbe Penn
sylvania and tbe Philadelphia & Reading
stations all trains are from five to ten
hours late. Tbe roads, however, are
iteing cleared up and trains are expected
to be tunning regularly belore long. The
bituatioo in 'be country districts is prac
tically unchanged.
At Catlisle, at noon, tbe Cumberland
Valley railroad called in all bands and
announced all trains would be abandoned.
Nothing will he done till the storm
abates. The Philadelphia A K admg
aiao abandoned all trains in tbat section
Four trains and five eng nes are in tbe
nl'S in that neighborhood. A' Sunbnry
tne rat 'road, are still blockaded and the
Mtuation is not improving. The first
mail from Philadelphia since Thursday
arrived at Bunbury today. A passenger
train aod seven engines are snowed In at
M C ore on tbe Sunbnry Si Lewis on
PrrrsBUBB. Feb. 9 A blizzard swept
Ov- r his sei-tion furiously all night caus
ing mscb suffering among tbe poor. Tbe
thermometer . registered below zero.
Trains ariive from one to lour hoars late.
A Very Qaiek Capture.
Kansas City, Mo, Feb. 9 A special
to tbe Timet from Newkirk, O. T, says:
The Black well overland coach was held
op and. robbed this afternoon by two
outlaws named Johnson aod Stratum.
Tonight Joaui-on a corpse Ilea in the
city and Stratton is betind tbe bars It
was the result of act ve work on tbe part
of tbe city marshal. Word was first re
ceived of tbe robbery late this aiternooo.
City Marshal Ans'io, - Deputy Sheriff
Masters snd a few other Deputies were
started in pursuit. ' Although tbe out
laws were sighted within so boor and id
another boat were in tow, tbey were ex
hausted from tbeir long chase. - Tbeir
parseera finally came dowe upon tnrm
and although tbey showed resistance tbey
were easi y overcome' A short fast lade
of abo s ended Johnson's life. 8t rat ton
'best gave ep and both were taken back
to Newkirk None of the posse was io
jtired. It is aot knows bow much booty
was seoured,
Two of Them Heacned.
Fire Islano. Feo. 10 Two men who
cluog lor 40 bours to tbe rigging of tbe
vessel off Fire island bescb were rescued
at midnight by tbe crew of tbe Lone Hill
life saving station. The vessel was tbe
schooner Louts V Place, Captain Squires
coa'-laden, from Baltimore to New York.
She was wrecked durit-g tbe gale. Nine
men took the rigging when tbe vessel
went down, about an eighth of a mile off
shore, aod thev clung it the rigging dur
tng tbe blizzard until, one by one, seven
r.f them slipped into tbe sa or hong life
less, bound to the rigging. Two only
were able to endure tne terrible exposnre.
Tbey are J S Nelson and William
Stevens. Tbey are badly frozen. Tbe
story of tbeir rescue is a trrhute to the
life-savers who bave for the past two
days been making almost superhuman
efforts to reach tbe wrecked schooner.
Troop to tne frontier.
City Mexico, Feb 9 There is no
change io the Guatemalan matter. Tbe
Mexican officials will not give any infor
mation, deapite all reports to tbe con
trary. However, it is learned on good
authority tbat Guatemala has not receded
rum ber orignal snswer to Mexico, and
is still rushing troops to the frontier.
The Mexlcsn watshi p Zaragota, which is
the best of the Mexican navy, ia waiting
orders at Acapulco. witb steam np.
Mexico is s:ill sending troops 'o tbe front.
and is also perfecting a telegraph line,
It Is reported that she is buying arms
and ammunition abroad sad in tbe
United States, From tbe present out
look the delay is on tbe part of Mexico
lor tbe time needed to make preparations
lor possible war.
Fn ana t Iseatla.
Pabxebsburo, W. Ya Feb. 9 Tbe
suffering among tbe poor is intense. Tbe
body of James Wick wss found tbis
morning on tbe roa i below Elizabeth,
fjozeo stiff. The telephone reports say
two men bave been frozen to death nesr
Burning Spring, R C Arthur, machinist.
of this city, was so badly frozen while
going to bis shop yesterday morning that
he tell aod was carried to bis borne.
bere be lies in a critical condition.
G W J- bus'-n, SB old citizen, became zed witb tbe cold last night on bis
way home, and fell and froze to deatb
within sight of his bouse. John Wood,
while riuiog for physician, had bis arms,
hands and ears ao badly frozen tbat bis
condition is serious.
In Sew tills: Harbor.
New Yobk, Feb. 11 Neither the
Dania nor La Normandie, which arrived
here tbis morning, nor tbe Dutch steimer
Saatdam, from Rotterdam, saw the over
due La Ooteoyn. Manager French, ol
tbe transatlantic snip Company, says
the fact that tbe Normandie bad not seen
La Oaieogne need not increase anxiety for
the safety of tbe latter vessel. After so
long a de'ay. be hardly expects to hear ol
La Oateogne in any port of the United
Slates. Ii she 's disabled aod proceeding
under sail she wonld not be in the course
of the ordioarv Hirve line, and it is
probable that tbe first news from ber will
be received from tbe Bermudas.
The agent hopes tbat one of the steam
ships due from Gthralter today may bring
Dews 'Of La Oateogne. The steamers
are tbe Aleatia. Valencia, Stoeuold, Bo
livia aod .
Cib'egrams received from the Azores
and Bermuda tbis afreroooo state tbat
La Quteogne has not been beard from.
A diepatch from trire island at 1 P. U.
s'ated tbat La Oateogne had not yet been
sighted at thai puiut. At 9:80. 8ndy
Hook reported that tbe only vessel in
sight wa tbe Oibtrt, from Rio de Janeiro,
w icb hss been delayed outside waiting
for a pilot. '
La Uaaensrae Is Safe.
Quabahtihb, N. Y , Feb. 13 Xs 7t-
eogne is sate. Tbe big French liner, eight
days overdue, dropped anchor at tbe bar
j i8t before midnight, all well on board,
aod a stgh of relief goes op from two
continents. Tbe delay was due to a
b-oked piston rod and te terrific gales
which bave swept tbe North Atlantic for
the past wiek or more, snd brought dis
aster to many a staunch craft. Captain
Baudelon and tbe officers and crew of
La 67 ttngnt brought the ship and pas
sengers tbiough the galea and made port
ithout help, from tbe time they left
Harve. Janoary 26, antil yesterday, tbey
spoke no trans Atlantic vessel and saw
only a four-masted schooner, the one
which reported at St. Pierre Klqnelon,
Nova - Scotia, as having seen a large
seamer off tbe banks apparently in dis
tress last Satnrdsv, A press tug was the
first to reach L Gtteogne Tbe disabled
steamer had :etl JTire island 85 miles
astern snd wsa eight milts fo tbev east
ward of Sandy Hook lightship. It was
9:49 r. x when tbe big liner was limping
into port at bait speed, witb two big red
lights, signals ot distress, at tbe fore
mast. Used fr Overcoats.
Lawrencebubo, led., Feb. 11
George Hayes, a stock farmer, living near
tbis city, missed two fine steers Saturday
and observiog smoke In his woods, went
to investigate. He found two tramps.
each of whom wore an overcoat rudely
fashioned from tbe s'tios of tbe dead
steers. On tbe cempnro before which
they lav, was a bags haunch from one of
tbe dead animals Tbe indignant farmer
asked tbe thieving itinerants why tbey
bad killed bis catt e. (Joe of tbem re
plied, "Because we were hungry aod colo
and tbe animals could furn'.sb as with
bulb food snd covering and prevent us
from freezing snd starving to deatb."
He added tbat if tbe farmer made tbrm
soy trouble, tney would burn nts nam
and destroy other property. Mr. Hayes
retreated and summoned a posse to go
after the miscreants, but when tbey ar
rived the thieves bad gone. They bad
taken their overcoats witb tbem.
Tarawa Frwas Hla Harae.
Jacksonville, Or, Feb. 11 A fatal
accident occurred bere yesterday evening.
Eiward Nnnan and Waiter Williams
started ou horseback to Medtord. accom
panied by two' young fiiends from
Ashland, in a boggy. When about
m'les irom town, young Nunan's horse
threw him in such a manner tbat be
strnck on bis bead There were no ex
eroal bruises, and the skin was nowhere
broken. Nuoan got np it a little wbt e.
and returned to town In the buggy, bat
wa king nearly balf a mile tn bis home
He appeared not to be seriously bun,
but alarming svmpt-ims soon developed.
and be died tbis morning at 7 o'clock.
from concussion of the brain. He was a
native of Jacksonville. 20 years of age,
and the eldest son of J Nooan, a large
merchant here. He was a young man ol
great promise aod one of tbe principal
clerks Id bis father's store.
Against Bis Brother Harry.
Muibeapolis. Fib. 11 Adrian Hay-
ward testified against his brother Harry
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. 3. Gov't Report
today in tbe latter's ttial for the m- rJer
of Catherine Giug. He repeated the con
fesdon previously made by him regard
ing bis brother's statements to him show
log he intended to kill -Miss Gtng, an
get the insurance on her life. Attorney
Erwln objected to Adrian's testimony on
tbe ground that be was insane. "I don t
see," saM &urt, "tbat be is more tban
some of the attorneys In Ibis case."
After court adjourned tbe mother who
had heard her eldest son s testimony.
torn by conflicting emotions, pot an arm
around tbe neck of each of her sons and
attempted to drsw tbem together, tears
streaming down ber seamed face. Adria
'ore Himself away from the motherly em
brace aod left the courtroom sobbing,
while the deputy handcuffed Harry and
lea mm back to jail.
La eaaeoaraa la fare. -'
Fibe Island, Feb 11-4.15 p u
There are three steamers off Forge life-
saving station. One is a French steamer,
moving slowly. Will not reach Fire
Islao-1 for two boars.
The observer here, while be cannot ssv
aetlDltelv, think tbe French steamfr re
ported off tbe Forge lifesaving station is
La Uatengne.
The French steamer has two mssts snd
two red slacks with blsck tops. Tnt
answers the description of La Oateogne
She is now off Smitn's Point and moving
very slowly. She has signals out, but
tbey cannot be lead.
Two other steamers are now sooth of
Fire Island. One. looks like sn Ancbo
liorr, and the other Is a tank.
5.80 p. it. The steamer La Oateogne it
sooth of Fire tsland.
Veiled the Treat.
Chicago, Feb, 11 The laundry com
bine, comprising all tbe big firms ia the
business, undercook to freeze out little
Mis Mary G Heoneey, because she wonld
not join the srsoctation. Tbe combine
sent agents to Miss Henorsy's customers
and to some case did washing free, to
drive her out of tbe busioess. Miss Hen
nesy retaliated bv sntng several of tbe
coosairatore for $10,000 damages, snd
lurv bas awarded ber fBOUU. Tbe case
ill be appealed bv the combine, bat
Mis Heoneey will fight it to tbe last
K-w Orleans' flrat Mayer.
New Obleahs, Feb 11 Charles Gay
arre, tbe venerable historian and littera
tear, died this morning,' aged 90 'He
was a native of this city, of noble birtb.
and famous in this state for having intro
doced the cut 'ore of md'go snd sugar
cane, aod as tbe first mayor ot this city
He wrote a "History of Louisiana,"
Influence of Mechanic Arts on the
Desnoles of the Human Race,' and
seteral ether works.
Oled Krrsa F.attac Fetsenerl 11
Seattle. Feb 11 Hszel Flynn, tbe 5
year old daughter of Thomas Flynn, of
Ballard, died this evening from tie e fleets
of eating poisoned canned plums Fridav
evening. Two children of Mrs. Rav and.
another of Flyoo's children, and the
mothers, are also sick from tbe same
caose, bat tbev sre not considered io dan
ger. no inquest will be belt, as tbe
death is plainly accidental.
tinder a While Illanhet.
Atlantic. G., Feb. 11 The sunny
south woke op this morning to find itself
covered with a blanket of. snow 8
inches deep on a level. All tr.las
are delayed. Ed Flynn, co'ored, wa
frozen to death on bis wsy to Angusts
from bis borne in tbe country.
Coolants' Shortage-
A few dava aiio the Times-McCktainexb
gnblisned from an exchange a statement
tbat there was t.0 shortage in t' o aocoant
of Mr. Coblents, who committed auiolde
while warden of the Walla Walla penitent
tiarv; but yesterday the Statetman of that
eity printed the following:
C. ti. McLean and 8 E Dean, who ware
appointed by the direotors to expert the
penitentiary books, made their report about
a week g but nothing cur be haraed
from them exeept tbe ahortage in tbe late
warden's a com nts will amount to some
thing over $12,000. They state that it ia
almost an impossibility to ascertain tbe
exat'P amount of tba shortage, as most of the
books have been destroyed and those tba'
are left are in auch a state that nothing osn
be made cf them. By taking, however,
the a moat of the material oaed in the firs
seven months Mr. Coblents had charge of
affairs as a guide, the estimate is plaoed at
the amount above slated. It was not
known, however, whetber t place the
value of the mlasiog sacks er the nam bar of
aacks that eould bave been manufactured
from the jute received at 6) cents, the sell
ing price, or at the aotoal cost to tbe state.
In any event, however, Meii'l, McLeao
and Dan. state tbe dets 'cation will amount
to from f 11.000 to $12,600. .
Expert D. Younir, who waa sent here
from Seattle by U iveroor MuGraw to look
through the books aod figure out tha short
age, finished hia labora laat Saturday and
handed his report to the eoratniaiiooers to
day. It was learned from the director
that in his report Mr. Young placed tbe
amount ahort at something over $13 000
The reporter made an effort to aee the con
tent ef both reports but without avail.
They am to be forwarded to Governor Mo
Draw before anything ia made public.
Hoyt Will be Tried ia April.
There have been a great many aurmiaea
s to what will be done with the conviot
Hoyt, who ao foully murdered a fellow pris
oner some weeks ago at the penitentiary,
and for the beiefit of all we might state
that from Proseentii g Attorney it
is learned that the prisoner will be arraigneg
at the Aoril term of tbe aopciior court for
murder in the brat degree, aaya tha Walla
Walla Statetman. Tbe proeedure is not yet
learned, but it will not be necessary to par
don the oonviot before he can be tried for
thia offense. Although in the charge of tbe
warden ot the penitectiary his body can be
demanded t-y the court for trial, and when
the law gats throunh with him be again re
turned to the warden to deal with accord
tog to the deoree of the court. If sentenced
to be hanged th sentence will be fulfilled
that official.
who care to pay a little more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the
- Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf
grown iu Virginia, and are
To Property Owasrs.
Tbe Dalles, Feb. 10, 1893:
Editor Tiaaa-VoDavaiiiaaa: ' . '
I desire to call attention to the fact tbat.
a considerable amount of real estate, both
city and country. Is not on record in the
names ot tbe present owners.
Hill's Code, page 1964, section 8027
provides that "every conveyance of real
property within tbe stale hereafter made
which shall not be recorded as provided
in tbis title within five days thereafter'
shall be void against any subsequent pur
chaser in good faith and for a valuable
consideration of tbe ssme real property,
or any portion thereof, whose conveyance
shall be first duly recorded."
Now, since tbe county court has or
dered a record of present owners
made, it seems to me that aside from tbo
consideration of litigation and annoyance
which is likely to arise, every owner
ought to bave some interest in having his
property properly recorded sod correctly
listed. Of course everybody understands
that the primary object In having a pres
ent ownership record is to assist tbe as
sessor in making up tbe assessment roll
each year, aod it goes without saying tbat
unless tbis record, shows present owners
it will confuse, rather than assist him.
My contract requires me to show tbe
volume and page where each person's
title is recorded together with the date
nd consideration named in tbe convey
ance. I bereiore all 1 can do is to show
the last recorded deed to each piece of
property, although I may know from
other sources tbat it belongs to some
other person.-
I would, therefore, suggest tbat all per
sons owuing any real : property in tbe
county, look carefully over tbeir deeds
and make sure that all h ay e been re
corded as required by law, and tbus in
sure a correct listing of it on tbe present
owner record which Is now being pre.
pared. J. M. Huktinotoh.
An Important Measure.
Smith, of Sherman, bas introduced a
bill for "an act to regulate railway traffic
between Celilo aud Tbe Dalles." .The bill
provides that, "whenever any person or
persons, company or corporation shall
grade and furnish with ties, without cost
to tbe railroad company, a switch, siding
or incline from tbe line of the O. It, & N
Co , at or near Celilo, to the water line of
the.nvrr adjacent thereto, and from the
track of the said company's Hue at or
near tbe city or The Dalles to tbe water
hoe adjacent thereto, it shall be the duly
of the company . -, to furnish with
rails . . connect wiib track . . fur
nish with suitable cars for transporting
such freight . . . . as other freight is
transported." Tbe bill further provides a
schedule of freights, and such restrictions
upon the railroad company as seems
Tbe bill was held In the committee on
com merse and navigation, and was then
referred to the committee on Judiciary,
where it will perhaps "sleep the sleep
that knows no waking."
Tha Lata Arehluald Bull
Iu a conversation with Dr. Leavens,
who has resided in tbe vicinity of tbe
Locks since 1958, we learn tbat he became
cqiiainted witb Mr. Bull, who was found
dead in the cellar of Lis bouio which
was burned Tbursdsy night, ia the winter
ef 18C1-02. In tbe early part of tbat year
be came to Dr. Leavens' place and passed
the winter with blm. The doctor wss
then living where Wtrreudale is now lo
cated, and communication east and west
was closed by Ice io tbe river. Provisions
became scarce, and Mr. Bull subsisted
uring the winter on shorts. Dr Leav
ens speaks In complimentary terms of the
old gentleman, aod sys tbat be always
found bim honorable in all transactions.
Mr. Bull was about 82 years of ager-and..
bad resided near Stevenson for ever
htrty years. He came from Indiana to
Washington, and In 1862 settled en the
farm which was the scene of his death.
Highest Honors World' Fair.
K pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frrt
from Ammonia. Alum or any otner aduJtmnL.