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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1887)
ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1887. A SPRING GREETING. What is ttaig the blue birds call. Seeking mate and nesting tree. Flitting bright through forest hall. "It Is spring be joyous all!" This Is what the blue-birds can. . What is this the robins sing, Wooing from each leafing tree, ! Making all the woodland ring, f Merrily, cheerily? . "It is spring, gladsome spring !M X, "J This is what tne robins sing. -, ' What is this our blithe hearts say, As the wakened earth we see Broidering her robes so gay, ' Merrily, cheerily? X "Spring has come in spring's old way !B ' This is what our blithe hearts say. ;' "Spring's old way," and spring's old song, , Only sung in newer key; Gladdened lives to spring belong; ' Merrily, cheerily, Sing we then, sing loud and long, "Welcome, Bpring, in spring's old way !"' Mary Clark Huntington, in Good HouielMpiruj. , LIMEKILN CLUB. Y A Dastardly Deed Which Led Brother Gardner to Dellrer a Sound Lecture. The thirteenth dastardly attempt to destroy Paradise Hall was revealed at five o'clock Saturday evening when the janitor arrived to place the hall in order for the usual meeting. Ever since the attempt of last October bear-traps and spring-guns have been set at every door and window when the hall was closed, and this fact was generally -known to Iho public The human hyena who had resolved in his own base mind to destroy the headquarters of the club procured a ladder, mounted to the roof, and then cut a hole and descended alongside of a chimney. In this way he thought to escape all dangers pre pared for him, and ho no doubt chuckled with fiendish glco as he dropped down into the library. His first move was to demolish the bust of Cmkto. This was one of the first busts donated tothcclnb, and has represented Horace Greeley, Napoleon Bonaparte, Franklin Tierce, George Washington and several other distinguished nicu by turns. The villain seized a crowbar skuidinz in a corner of the library and demolished the bust at one awful sweep. Ho the started for the club safe, doubtless intending to drive the crowbar through and through it, and then vengeance overtook him. As he stepped into the passage behind the secretary's desk a bear-trap awaited his coming with yawning jaws and clashing teeth. What occurred is par tially a matter of guesswork. The trap was found -sprang and in its jaws was a bloody boot Bloody tracks led from thence to the ante-room, and there the dastard had raised a window and leaped down on the roof of the grocery and es caped to the ground. The occurrence probably took place Friday night, as the policeman on the beat remembers of hearing a loud, long shriek about eleven o'clock. It sounded to him like the voice of a strong man about to give up the fight for his life, and though he in vestigated the neighborhood he was made no wiser. How the villain suf feredhow he wrung his hands and vowed to live a better life hereafter how .the sweat of agony stood on his forehead and his ej-cs grew fiercely wild can be imagined by any one who has visited the scene. It is supposed that he had a "pal" in the alley, and that this man finally came to his relief and pried the trap open far enough to permit the foot to - be pulled out of the boot As soon as the meeting was called to order the janitor reported the case, accompanied by a war map, and Brother Gardner arose and said: "My frens, dis incident furnishes me wid an opportunity to address you on dc subiick of Goodness vs. Badness. If, when a baby was three days ole, he could reasota an1 calkilatc, he would reason as follows: 'Hcah I ar a sound, healthy boy, wid a big show of growiTT up to manhood. Dc more I kick an' yell an' misbehave doorin' my infancy de mo' spankin's I'll receive. Dc better I mind an' de goodcr I ar' as a boy dc easier will I slip along. As a young man I shall be upright an' honest As a middle-aged man I shall act on dc squar'. As an ole man I shall quit chawin' plug tobacker, read up on dc Bible an' go to bed airly.' "Wickedness doan' pay, figgcr it up as you will. Wo hev had many in stances of it in dis club, an' we ar' sui'r rounded wid 'em at home. When Whalebone Howker stole a whcclbarrcr bclongin' to Pickles Smith he at fust re joiced an' was glad. He felt dat he was two dollars ahead of de game, and he poked hisself in de ribs fur a smart man. Howsumcbcr, he hadn't had dat stolen vehicklc in his posseshun two hours when his game rooster died, dc dog-catcher picked up his dog, an' a man who owed him four dollars went into bankruptcy. He could figgcr dat he was eight dollars out of pocket, an' den Pickles foun' out who stole his wheelbarrer an' cum ober an' licked Whalebone widin an inch of his life besides. "Take dc case of Bermuda Jones, who libs nex' doah to Condensed Cun ningham. Bermuda sot down wid a piece of chalk an' figgered up dat wick edness paid two hundred per cent, an' lie went ober to de grocery; backed up agin a cracker bar'C an' while he in gaiged do grocer in a religus discushion wid one hand, he filled his hind pocket wid crackers wid de odder. Ho started out of dat grocery feeling dat he was seben cents ahead an' still gain in', but what was de result? A small boy, who was in dar to buy a cent's worf of taffy, seed de hull performance an' told dc grocer. Bermuda was fol lcred home, knocked down in the kitchen an' made to give up de fo' cane scat cheers in his parlor to settle do case. Did he profit by his badness? Did he make any two hundred per cent on dat? "Agin, take de case of Kurucl Lc fling well Kabar. I h jd six Leghorn hens in my coop, an' he coveted 'em. Instead of comin' to me in a frank, honest way an' offerin' to buy dose hens at deir value an' gibin' me his note due in thirty days, he steals upon my coop in dc gloom of midnight an' forcibly cap tivates my poultry. He chuckled to hisself ober his smartness an' he figgered up his two hundred per cent, prolit, but a Nemesis war' on on his trail. He left one of de ole blue patches on his pants on a nail in de coop, an' when I found my hens gone I walked ober to his humble cabiu an' took him by dc neck an' drawed him out doors. Some of you hev probably heard dat he went into a decline soon arter dat an' dat when dc post-mortem was held three of his ribs war' found stickin' out of his back. "1 hev figgered on goodness an bad ness, an' I tell you dat badness doan pay. Some of you ma' hev iifted a ham at de co'ner grocery widont bein' caught at it but yit how did you feci when a strange knock cum at de doah? Guilt was sich a burden on jer soul dat dc ham tasted like saw-dust, an' you woke up at midnight to sec spooks standi n' by yer beds. Dt? good man goes ai'oim' wid his hat on his car, afeared of nobody an' lookin" ebery body square in de eye. It he, happens to see de patrol wagon gwinc along he doan' turn pale. If anylxxly happens to lay a hand on him he doan' sink inter his butcs. "How ar' it wid de bad men? He's alius lookin' fur b'ar-traps an' spring guns. He's alius 'spec-tin' to be 'rested an' sent up. A strange knock at bis cabin doah sends a chill up his back. Go what' he will, lie feels guilty and af eared, an' some line day when he am out injoyin' dc balmy breeze 'long comes a detective an' claps de hand cuffs on him, an' away he goes to Jack sou fur ten y'ars. You can figger an' figgcr, but goodness am bound to como under dc wire a full length ahead." The president's address created con siderable excitement, and Waydown Bebec was ready with the following preamble and resolution: "Wbbhbas. Goodness ur' moa' profitable dan badness, an' also caaier on de conshisncc; now, dar'forc "Rtolrtt, Ddt it ar' do sense of thi i mretin' dat we stick to goodness.'' The resolution was adopted by a unamious vote, and the meeting" ad journed with much gd feeling. De troit Free Press. WENT BACK TO MA. A TVould-Ile Dlme-N'ovel Hero's Misery and Kepentance. He was a little fellow not over t welve years old, and he was fitting behind a box over at the - Omaha depot the other morning softly crying and looking very dirty and forlorn. What's the matter?" we asked. "Haint nothiu' the matter," lie said, defiantly, sitting up straight," hastily brushing away his tears and pushing back his jacket a little so as to display the handle of an old revolver in his pocket. Then ho looked off across the river at the strange buildings ami lost his bravcrv, and buried his heart a-jain and sobbed through his (ears: "O, mister, I've been a-niiiiiiti' away an' I want 'o go home." "What made you run away?" "I thought it would be nice, but it haint, no, it haint," and he rested his face in his hands and looked (he picture of woe. "Dick Dagger had heaps o' fun, but I haint had a bit." "Who was Dick Dagger?" "Didn't vou ever hear o" him? lie was the boy scout of th; Rockies, an' I wanted to be like him. There haint Indians what'll hurt a feller round here, is there?" "No," "I wouldn't shoot 'cm if there was. Dick shot 'cm, but I don't want to. I want to get back home, but mebby I never will agaiu," and once more his tears flowed. "Where did you live?" "O, I live down at Marion, in Illinois, and it just 'bout killed me riding in that old freight car, a I hurt my knee, an' I'm cold and haint had no break fast, nor supper, neither. I wish I'd never heard of Dick I don't see how he got along so well and if I ever get homo again and see my my :ny ma ," but the thought of his mother was too much for him. "I don't waut to hunt Indians, or bears, or nothiu' nor rescue no maid ens, an' I'm tired of that old thing!" and he pulled a rusty revolver out of his pocket that hadn t been tu od oft for ten years, and threw it across the track. "Please, mister, get me some thing to eat, and I'll work all day for you," and he looked up pitifully and straightened his little cap on his curly head. We took him along and he ate three or four meals in one, 'but even after that hedidn't say a word about extermi nating: the Indian. The next dav a grave-looking father arrived looking for a very liomcsicK boy, ami tncy went back together. So the Government lost another scout, but an anxious mother got back a boy who will never run away again. Dakota Bell. A MAN OF JUDGMENT. An Arknnsatr Gentleman Whose Business Principles Are Above Reproach. "Regardless of a previous engage ment a man should attend to the most important business first," said a man who claimed promptness as one of his virtues. "Do you know Bill Aikers?" "Yes," some one replied. "Well, Bill is a shining example of this principle. Some time ago he had an appointment to meet, a fellow who had promised to box his jaws. The time came, but Bill had not -arrived, and the fellow had begun- to cast re proaches on Bill's courage, when, a note from Bill, whiclf read as follows, was handed him: 'Just as I was coming to have my jaws 1xxed, I got a communi cation from a fellow telling me that if I would come down to his place immedi ately he would shoot me. As a fair minded man, you know that I could not neglect a case of shooting merely to attend to the slight matter of having my jaws boxed.' O, yes," the old fel low continued, "Bill has a wonderful judgment in regard to business. Takes up the most important matters first, and is consequently never very badly left." Arkansaw Traveler. Two Excellent Mottoes. "I am very sorry, Mrs. Hardtack," said the new loardcr, "but I'm a little short this week, and I'll have to ask you to wait a little for my board, though my motto is "To pay as I go.' " "Can't "do it," replied Mrs. Hard tack. "My motto is, "Pay or go." A. Y. Sun. Warmth of Drained Soil. The curious paradox is presented in nnderdraining land that it freezes more deeply in winter, but so soon as spring comes it rapidly grows warmer than land not drained. There are much greater extremes of temperature, and both heat and cold favor the disintegra tion of the soil and the development of plant food. In well-drained land there is no surplus of water beyond what tho soil will naturally retain. Its freezin"-, therefore, docs not make a solid stratum of ice, and when it thaws the water percolating to the tiles is followed by air which in spring is always Marnier than the soil. At night when the sur face freezes the expansion of tho soil expels the air, which is replaced on the morrow when the sun is shining brightly. Stagnant water in the soil prevents the circulation of air, and thus keeps down the temperature until the water is grad ually dried out by the heat of the sum mer Indianapolis Sentinel. 17k v. f.. The Red Corner Keeps Constantly on hand the Finest Cigars, Tobacco N UTS, TOYS, NOTIONS, ami Exeiytliing usually kept in a r'lliST- CLAS'S Notion and Candy Stum. C.A.TAYLOB Will sell by the motto "LIVE AND LET LIVE" Call and Examine our Stock --Before- PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. After Forty yours" experience in the preparation of more than One Hundred Thousand applications for patents in the ITnitad fcUt and Foreign conn tries, the pnbliaben of the Scientifla American continue to act aa solicitor! for patents, caveats, t nuts-marks, copy-ria-hta. ate., for the United States, and to obtain patents in Oanada, England, France, Germany, and all other countries. Their experi ence is unequaled and their facilities are umur psased. - Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on abort notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for eiamination of models a)r drawings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained through Mnnn AOo.arenoticed Inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the largest circulation and is the most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such s notice every patentee mnderetands. This large and splendidly illastrated newspaper Is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for ons dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If yon bare an invention to patent write t Mann A Co., publiahere of Scientific Amsrioasj, 81 Broadway, Wew York. - Vj9&2iF Pttsuts mailed free. 69 I II. O'M ALLEY, J . Propt it-tor of the ROSE RU KG MAR RLE WORKS. And Dealer in Tt'OMlSSTONES, TAUliETR, ElV. Kivr .'I Mean's Ktiru. o o H ft r o N to w o 'J s l op H o p. K SC -i .5 I y 9 H l sH ,5 h jj U2 EH t S s N I M I !j fl 2 II d w o 1 '? f J1 ASTON XAU Yatch-M.aker Jeweltr and Optician. DEALER IX WATCHES, CLOCKS, jewelry; spectacles and OAKLAND. OHEGON. OPTICAL MODS a SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED m 1000 REWA1(I Will be given any man ENDOHSEH BY entist of large experi- jr rfrtTTjSj" wjt'J win I'rijuuuc H 8C1 VIUUI.V KltflWII Lit ue nil uwivn&uie man. nn inr it i who Will assert that re fined cast zinc it) not one rfHlJH-MkLT f of the most eiiduni iprg) all known material)) withstand the actions the wanther. DETUOIT V OYZf IN V . RKONZE CO., Detroit, Mich 45.000 I. I 7 X 1 1 -KM III In mil-' MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, - Jacksonville, Oregon Just Read ilris! -0- Yott know what yood yoods are? Yoa h-noiv what a baryiiin is? Yon want to save lots of money? BEAD To the public generally. In order to meet j the first payment arising from the set tlement of our late trouble, we will offer, during the next 30 days, without reserve, all of our splendid stock of goods at Prices LOWER than You Can Get m San Francisco, Come and price the goods & prove it. May 13, 1887. CARO BROS. IS XOT A C A I t'll IS A (HlXllXi: IS AX OPJJX mmmutn J r DEVORE Successors to PAUE $ DIM MICK DEALKUS IN DRUG6, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, JEWELRY, j WATCHES, PUTTY, COMBS, EIC. ETC . "We expect to do awliictly cash business, and will ein.le.ivur to imiko it to the interest of all to Jcal .with us. Wcialtjo invite a continuation of the pat roiiagc of all former patrons, and solicit new one;--. t?T GIYK US a CALL. GEO.M. PlUOn Wm. FERGUSON,' F. P. McDEVITT, Camas Valley. Camas Valley, j Rosel.ui'. a. t , ,t UMRKR OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CONSTANTLY ON HAND and funiushcl on short Notice and at the LOWEST GOING PRICES. RUSf IC AND FLOORING A SPEGI aLTY. Furnished in any Diinciisions, to Order Ad.'.css, PRIOR & FERGUSON, Cauias Valley, DougUui County. 1 Or to, F. P. McDEVITT, Roscburg. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationary Photograph and Perfumery, Autograph Albums Crockery and j Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, i Hanging Lamps TADLE CUTLERY AND SILVER WARE, and TEN THOUSAND OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS To MENTION Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. B U TTEI t AND E(JGS ROUGI1T. Moore & Evans. FARMING IMPLEMEWTS- 'Hie Empire Steel Frame Folding Piindcr can .e fpldfd in ft moment to pass through a ten foot gate, the only binder that can be raised or lowered bodily while? the machine is in motion. The Sludebaker Steel Skein wagon, the Chilled plow, the Acme Pulverizing liairow, in fact a full line of agri culture goods. x t CAIILE, Ay en 1. MRS. E. F- 1I0TCHKISS J0SEPli 8I1INDLBK FINE MILLINERY P H 0 P It I E T 0 K -AND jSkTEAT DRESSMAKING KOSKDUKG OKHiOX. 1 WILL FVUMSH YOV THE BEST AND KINEsf Goods in the nmrket. Ladita We:ir, Law, Ruvr.uiKS, Kuaicrj- and Jet-!i j. The dressmaking department is in skillful hands, and under the immediate supervision of Mrs. Hotchkiss. CALL AND SLL. NEAR THE DEPOT WHITE BRONZE SUPERI0RT0 .MUXtiSIEXTS ill urur vn Monumental STATUARY Were awarded -GOLD MEDAL AT ; WORLD'S FAIR, - New Oklkasb, 1 8 H -A - G esigijs ana. j' prices on & ELLIOTT -Of The CI T Y 15 A K IC R Y i ;. and KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A full stock of Bread, Cakes, Pies, Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of French and American Ca'ndics and Choc late Goods 1 ON i i OFFER i Samuel Mauks, . Asuer Marks ' S. MARKS & Co. DEALERS IN IIIIM1 1I10IMMSI HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Cuotidng, Dry (ioiiDS, (iwm Crockery, Glassware Provisions, Cig-ars, Boots and Shoes. Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. MAKKH 5t CO JKotImi--, Or. Makes The Very Best Lumber. ROUGH lPerM RUSTIC ky M FLOORING ir M Silu;it(l LI miles from RohcImu o;i North UmjMu:t. Gootl iohJs in Summer. HITC But before you do M W. G. WOODWARD'S AND Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Riggcst'and Rest Stuck of Goods ever Drought to Town. 1 use nothing but the Lest leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. UON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME W. G Woodward Roseburg. SUCCESSOR TO V ' DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, liosobur&s Oregon. Has on hand constantly a large and complete assortment or Geuyral McrcliaudLse and will be pleased to see his old friends and patrons, as. well as new ones, who in co nideratioir ol'the scarcity of money and yOie present depression in business, will study their own interests by calling on h;in aud examining aacms iura beiges Before purchasing elsewhere. I do not claim lo sell goods at cost, or less than cost, but will assure all who patronize me that thoy will get their goods At The Lowest Living Profit. Produce Of All Kinds Taken At Market Price, Sol. Abraham. M. JOSKPHSON HEW 011 Keej'H a full line of Dress Goods of eveiy Variety and Shade. A full line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Rroeades aid Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. A lull line of t'lotliiiis. o Ji Pi o 0 b A f ill line of A full line of Hats and A full line of Stanle and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos 2 - A full line of Crockery and Glassware. f And last, but not least, a full Hue of Ostrich Pluiuea and Tins, with all kinds of .Ladies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shanes of latest pattern. OOME S22X1 E ax ,rosi3ijirisor. WELL-HERE The largest Hardware house in Oregon is now can oiler you T -r K . . T -r O r- UnAMriUJN O 1 Tl... 1 Il .r.llT irJUi- If The Champion Steel Binder is a "daisy" Look at it and weep you mossbacks of ether machines To see is to buy.4 We Defy the world to produce its equal, ' Superior Stoves and Ranges-Firebacks warranted for 15 1 years-Cant be beat. Lansing Steel Skein Wagons-Look at tbenraud tell us what you think of them. White, New LTorao and Domestic Sewing Ma chines. Everybody knows them. Plows, Cultivators, Aultman Tayjor threshers, Hardware of every description. Tinware till you can't rest If it isa't cheap enough we will "ive it to you. WINCHESTER RXFIjSS Dont forget that we can sell you cheaper than any one in ihe Slate Ocly 14. Write for prices Wc Lave a Store, Cellar aud warehouse full of goods and wo must sell. If you want bargains come and see us. If you can't come wiite and we will save you some money, SIIEHIIMX BROS. .8S.00 816.00 . . . . . ?i 1G.00. Sam Ca.mekun Manager. UP! Mhat come 'round to OASI Sf OH. O a a a Furnishing Goods. Caps, Boots and Shoes. CC WE ARE AGAIN prepared to recicve you nith ojten arm We "Lij Bargains" in " t.h.Lj MOWERS , 1 1 TT 1 r nv 1 5 4' 6EE THAT THE fX flO 3 O if exact lable is om f t i fe S fi EA0H CH,MNEY A3 i i g"- 8HOWN IH PICTURE, 5j2 " " ' 'LsT' y'TCjiii ' f GE0i.MAGBETH PITT5BURGH! PA J R3R SAlXBTJEALERS EyCfTT WHERE. O. C&3 Irt- lPailSLS, A Full Line of . Stable and Fancy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutlkuv, Glassware Crockery Queensware, Etc. (itoils l)fli-r-d aiiywli.-re in the City limits, free of Charge. BARKER & WILLIS,; DEALEK.S IX GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK EUY, CLASSWAllE, TOBACCO, CICARS, ETC. ETC. c a int Intel nxyiTa A SPECIALTY. ProiliK-c lK)tight and tho highest cash price paid. ROSEBURG OREGON. New Stage Line. ROSEBURG TO CAMAS VALLEY Le ivcs Rorfeljiirg, Mondays, Wednes v..:.i i i ...... t.. j Ihursdays, and Saturdays. Time of having both terminal points 6 o'clock A m. and ariives at each point at 6 o clock 1 M. Rout, T. McCi lloch, Prop. jSMOND HOTEL, . . First Class In Every Particular, Corner Kkwt and Morkikox Sts rOKTLAXl), . OREGON Thomas Ucikeak, ProjirieU.ij'. LAFGENBERG'S Snot andj gtope, Jacksou 3trcfct,0iiosltc Post Office, -Roseburg, Oregon. TTKIirsoX KAMI TUB LA IK JEST AMI BEST V assortment "f Kastrrn and San Francisco and tlicr makes t lliKm, SHOES, GA1TEKS, HUP TEliS and uvcrj thing in tlic ItMland Shoe Hue, aud SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots aud Shoes Ma.le to Ordtr, aud Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Ucst of Leather anil. Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, AIs.i a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS M USICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STEINGS. LOUIS LA.NGEtfBEKO, JpUJIM 'JUJiE PA LA CP, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE Has tlic finest stuck of furniture touth of I'ortlaud which he bcll as cheap a it can be bought in he Slats. The new fungled DO UBL E BED L 0 VNGE. AND PATENT CORNICES. Aki 1Mb on h in! a full assortment of beds and bed ding, cliaire, tallies, EUUEAUS AND COM MODES, Aud all kimla of Childrcns Qiaiis, etc J. giueesleeve: Roseburg Flouring Mills RAST & CRITESER. This mill in turning oift CHOICER FLOUR, and THOS. CXCXO?Z3S3aZ& will sec that you are satisfied. Get your biscuit flour at the Roseburg Mills The highest market piice jtaid for wheat. ' " Sugar PineMill Is now running on full time and has 250,000 feet of logs ready for sawing 8ENDIN YOUR ORDERS AT ONCE. If you want good first class lumber of all kinds, come to the Sugar Pine Mill 12 miles west of Roseburg on tha Coos Cay road. Ago.