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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1887)
ROSEBURG REVIEW ISSUED FRIDAY MORNINGS BY THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. R. N, BELL, Editor FRIDAY, JULY, 29, 1887. THE STATE PAIR. The Oregon promises, we state fair of lbtt aie assured by Hip managers, to be one of the most inter esting and successful in the history of the State Agricultural Society. It will begin on the 12th of September and continue through the week follow ing that date. It is certaiuly a good indication to seo liberal premiums offered for special exhibits of cereals, grasses and vegetibles, while some effort is evidently being made to arouse the long slumbering interest that used to nuke the plowing match at the fair a thing for tli3 eaer com petion of farmers' boys. Another en couraging feature is the tearing down of the old weather-beatf n booths, where games of chance and huckstering were carried on for many years in a way that robbed the unsophisticated country boy of his cash, and taught him his first lesson in gambling. But few booths will be rented upon the fair grounds this year, it is said, and these will be restricted to legitimate uses. As usual, how'ever, the races will be the prime feature of the fair and will secure- the highest premiums and draw the biggest crowd. A number of horses are already in training. There is no question but this feature of the fair is necessary to its success, financial and popular, and when the manage nient give the attention that is due to the agricultural part of the exhibit, that is an inilisxnsable feature to an agricultural and industrial fair, the farming public will hare less com plaint to make of the way the thing ia managed and will show a greater desire to aid it by their presence and patronage than has been the case for some rears. The society ha3 for several- years been having the hard experience of living down the bad reputation acquired by indifferent and careless management extending over a period of a dozen or more years. Its honest effort in this direction are worthy of encouragement and to the extent that the exhibit this fall deser ves patronage we hope that it will receive it Telegram. Of Ml WASUISGTOX IE ITER. The salutary effects of the lessons taught by the recent exposure of the rascalities of Bacon in the Patent O rices, and Harvey in the Treasury, are perceptible in many ways. The heads of Bureaus are , more diligent j and vigilent as well as exacting regard ing the methods of conducting the public business, and the clerks appreciate the "state cf affairs by in creased activity and thoroughness in performing their allotted tasks. In all the Departments there is an ill concealed feeling of apprehension, not to say suspense, as to what a day may bring forth, and your correspondent feels safe in predicting that the end is not yet that others in high places aro cowering in abject fear of an im partial investigation of their doings, realizing that the result would be ruinous to them. I have good reason to believe that a general but' qiret examination of the accounts of all . disbursing officers is being made by direction of no less an authority than the President himself. irostmaster uenerai V Has was partly engaged this week in the much needed work of revising the postal regulations, which have not been amended since 1877. The Postmaster General also found time to reply, in the negative to the letter of the postal clerks askini permission to Hold a convention to discuss the needs of the service, and advising them that the proper way to secure those aims and ends would be to make such suggestions to the Department as might occur to them in the practical performance of their duties. Up to the present this month. Gov ernment receipts amount to about 11, 000,000, and the expenditures, in clusive of 12,000,000, in pensions, to 18,561,102, making an enormous excess of ilisbimements over receipts. It. is estimated that the receipts for the balance of the month will be 1,- 000,000 a day, and that the ex j -end itures will be fully as large. The total amount of bonds redeemed under the call, which matured July 1st, is 1S,' 090,250, leaving still outstanding of the call 1,626,C56, the whole amount of called bonds outstanding is 5,300, 450. At present the Tieasury finds itself unable to supply the heavy demand for notes of small denomina tions, but orders have been issued to do so as soon as practicable . To prove that President Cleveland, who has probably received more abuse and adverse criticism from the soldiers than any of bis predecessors, is really their best friend, having done better by them than any other President, it is only necessary to refer to the records of the Pension Office. During the first two years of his -term, President Cleveland has approved 863 private pensions bills. Gen. Grant in eight vcars, only approved "485, Hayes in four years, 303, and Garfield and Arthur but 736 in the same time. In addition to this, President Cleveland has approved three general pensions bills March 19th, 1886, increas'ngjto twelve dollars the pensions of 79,787 widows, minors and dependent rela tives of Union soldiers; August 4th, 1886, increasing the pensions of 10, 030, infirm and inaiine l Union soldiers of the civil war from 21 to 30, from 830 to $30 and from 30 to 37.50 to be placed upon the pension rolls 8,455 surtivcrs of the Mexican war and their widows, and during the present fiscal year that number will be increased at least 25,000. The Pension Office records demonstrate beyond ttie shade of doubt, the aster tion of Republican correspondents to the contrary notwithstanding, that 131,180 more' certificates of pensions were Lss-ied durinsr the first two years of a Democratic AdminBtration than during the last two years of Republican control. And during the sumo time the um distributed to pen- Biouers by the Democrats exceeds by 16,617,026,99 Uho amount distri buted by the Republicans for the same purpose and time. It is also suscepti ble of proof that in the matter of new names added to the pension list, the Cleveland Administration is T,408 names ahead of the last two years of the Republican regime. Such strong arguments as these arc sufficient to put to shame the Republican charge tliat President .Cleveland and the Democracy are unfriendly to the sol diers of the Union. The disbursing officers of the Treasury, were somewhat surprised the other morning when a duly authorized committee of expert accountants called unceremoniously to count their cash and see if the books would bal ance. Similar action will be taken with all disbursing officers. Their accounts have never been overhauled, and it will be a great wonder if much crookedness in high places is not un covered. z-1 guts axi sit a von s. Life to some men is as shady as the brooklet's water coursing down th t ough the dismal swamp. The existence of others is as bright as the apex of Mt Taconia on Sunday morning in eaily springtime. After seven years alsence Roscoe Conkhng revisited Chicago a?out ten days ago. People crowded about him as they never did before, and hundreds sat around all day with their mouths open, anxiously waiting for his to open. When Mr. Conkling was last in Chicago he was a senator; now he is a lawyer. Then he went to the wild anu winery metropolis ot tne prairies and the lakes as the leader and the spokesman of the third term move- ment,an unparalleled and in every way a most remarkable incident in Auieii can politics; he went this time to make the closing argument in a case about seme waxed paper. Then he cooly sucked a lemon while the men tried to haul him down, and, when order had returned, celebrated the fame of the conquering general of the civil war in the most audacious bit of doggerel ever uttered on such an occasion. Now he rises to defend in mi'sty legal terms the patent rights of the Hammerschlag manufacturing company. Now, with his retainer in his pocket and his fee pledged, his triumph cannot be affected by the decision. Before he got 306 votes and went home a beaten man destined to be beaten a'year later and driven from political life. But what boots it? Who bear the palm of the victory Of 1880? The4cold sods have been heaped upon the tomb of the chief pimcipals in the presidential campaign of that year, Gar-field is dead aud: Grant is dead, Hancock is dead and Arthur is dead iiiaine nas been beaten again ana Windon delivered a temperance lect ure down in Connecticutt the other dav, Edmunds is no more of a presidentia quantity than the man in the moon, Elihn B. Washburne, who gave his old townsman, Grant, the Brutus thrust, is utterly lost to public view. There left only a single player in thatjsttange ly stated game who has not had his second inning, John Sherman is his name, and he seems bent on defeating himself before the next contest begin?, But Conkhng, the first of all the lot to be overwhelmed, is growing gray and hearty on a 100,000 a year, freed from the duties and vexations of polit ical place, while still in the enjoyment of the nation's curious and watchful interest. It id Conkling's existence thitis as bright as the apex of Mount Taconui on a sunny morning in early springtime. Taconia News A thorough and honest invesli 'a tion ot all the affairs of the general government has been undertaken, and frauds are to be overhauled and reme died in the interest of the people. It is Mr. Cleveland's endeavor to protect the lights of the people that lias en deared him to them. Tnjp .early triumph of the Gladstone party in England may he expected. , CORRUPTION IX CAXADA. The Canadians are beginning to re , mark, with all the air of persons who make a discovery, that the action of their Legislature is a matter of direct pecuniary value "to a class whose num bers are not great, whose motives are in common, whose weans are large and who are impelled to close discipline and to an aggressive interference with polities." This is the language applied to those recipients of taxation known as protected interests; Canada has only begun yet to f.:el tho iiiiliumoo of the subsidized moiiopolit-s which put thtm selves -in a, close and natural alliance with other favored hilt-rests. It will not be long before she will be able to know from experience that every legis lative tool of the Canadian Pacific railroad is also a stanch protectionist and confederate of land grabbers. They all hunt together in o.-ie pack as surely and by virtue of as true an instinct as the birds and beasts of prey. to these class interest?;, Canada finds. is the great body of th people, whose j interests and whose rights are of neces sity sacrificed for the pioh't of the small and compact minority. I Quito so; but the Mtme thing had been going on for twenty five jears un- er Canada's eyes just accost the bor er. She embarked in the protection and subsidy business with her eyes wide open. And now she evinces a mild surprise to find that men whose money is involved in legislation will spend money to influence legislation; in other words, that, having conferred on a man the privilege of having his neigh or's pocket picked of money that the neighbor worked for, and handed over to himself who did not work for it, Canada is now astonished to discover that she has cultivated a new code of. political murals whose first command ment thou shalt give bribes. The pro tected manufacturers of ths Dominion openly furnished the money to carry the last Nova Scotian elections and aarried them, iust sis the American Iron and Steel Association furnished the money and an agent to fcpend it, to defeat Morrison of Illinois at the last election; and they defeated him. When the law makes a man's fortune or the amount of his profits dependent on legislation it is natural and inevitable that he shall protect both by all the means m his power. That system produces the whisky and Standard oil pools, the railway monop olies and iron and coal pools, all brib ing away riirht and left, the very breath of life in their bodies a breath of bribery; and so they make way for the Jako Sharps and for "boodle" in Legislature and city council, unal polities becomes a synonym for cor ruption. The law "thou shalt steal" cannot be enacted by statute without evil coming of it. And subsidy and protection would make men corrupt, if they did not' find them so. Ex aminer. The Now York WotM is ftngigml in the seeiiiiojriy ila.sant task to prove that it will Un impossible to elect a Democratic prrsulent in 1SS8. The erratic course of the Sun had prepaid tho Democracy of the country for its treacherous course in 18f0 and in 14; but better things were ex pected of Mr. Pulitzer and the World. The Sun has been steadily declining in inn ueitee and circulation ever since its unwarranted and unjustifiable assault on urn. Hancock and m the lan guage of Pat tick Henry the World may proiit by its example. By the way, it will stand repeating that Douglas county is hnppy. pros perous and contented, likewise the stale of Oregon and the United States of America, and all are enjoying the rich blessings of Democratic adminis tration. is warranted, ia because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution, itemember, we guarantee it. For sale at Marster's drug store 4A "v rYv always have IXVjJXVV Acker's Baby Soother at hand. It is the only safe medicine yet made that will remove all infantile disorders. It contains no Opium or iforphine, bat Rives the child neUural faa from pain. Price 25 cents. Bold by A. C, Marstrs. f A" and reliable Medicines are the best v depend npon. Acker's Blood El islr has been prescribed for years for all im purities of the Blood. IneveryformofScrof nlous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases,' it is invaluable. For Rheumatism! hasnoequaV For sale at Marker's dnu store. prp Kood Elixir is the only rVV,V.VA Blood Remedy guaran teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the whole system, and b&aishes all Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. For silc at MarsterVilrug store, YYTyv trifle with "any Throat or .tT Lung Disease. If you Lave a" Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedy and prevent further trouble. It -is a positive cure,1 and we guaranteeit.Jl Price 10 and 60a Marslcrs drug store. DEPOT HOTEL. ItOSlilliritG, OKKGON, loard $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, tsTtliM house 1ms lately changed hands and ia urouhly renovated ami refurnished. Thctraei- iK p.iWic will una the tost or aeiummouauou No Cliiimmen Employed. SMITH BAJLEY. , Effects of Rail tc 3 if HtnMlng j Does any one stop to carefully consider, says the Chicago Journal of Commerce, the wide effect tho building of a thousand miles of new railroad lias upon the country? The 150 new towns that are located andjthe 10,000 new farms occupied, the 100,000 people thus permanently located in new territory to produce .md consume! The creation of 15,000,000 to 25, 000,000 of new wealth, whore none existed before? The employment of 60,000 men and the expenditure f 25,000,000 for labor to build this road, and the distribution of that money throughout the industries of tho coun try, io uie provision cieaier, mo grocer, the clothier and these goods? The to the producer of further expenditure of 10,000,000 fJr rails, rolling slock i : .i .1- .i ami ii'tiuiiiii uiiriuuiuu to tue iroil workers and orcminers and trans- potters, and agaiji distributed to the -i original producers of the necessaries of life? (.Jiving employment directly and indirectly to half a million of the country's population? Then multiply this by the cost of 10,000 miles and there is;350,000,000 of money put in circulation tj pay labor,, move in dustries, quickeuthe nation industrial pulse, give" life to what was stagnant, and profitable employment to every done and smew ot the land, mat is the effect ot the present new awaking of tho nation's railway industry and confidence. When Baby was sick, wo gay her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Ilic-a, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gare them Castoria, GRAND PROHIBITION RALLY AT COUI.T HOUSE MONDAY NIGHT, AUGUST Sth i Children Cry for PITCHER'S Health and Sleep without Morphine. SELLING OFF AT COST ! ! -FUR 6o DAYS! 6o THE ENTIRE- -iliSTOCK OFtl- J. C, Sheridan's HARDWARE CONSISTING OF titotes, Iron .0 pter-l, fthovd Pitch fork, Bat-ley Forks, Axes, Guns, IistoIs, Cut' lery, Augers, Cross-cut Quit's, llaml Saws, Planes Braces, titts, Kyitarcs, Hammers, Lochs, Btitts, Screws, Files, Tinware, Stovcwarct lute. THE New York Coffee House RESTAURANT SAnd Oyster Saloon Leading Check Jicstaurant in the Citg. SIFQRD HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS j l-2 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - - . - r OREGON. 3TmateK.H..Hsi.f the Latest Kesljfi.s for Ladiei OPEN DAY AND NIGUT. STATE AUISItTLTUlAL COLLEGE, ICORVALLIS, OREGON. THE EXT SESSION WILL BEGIN on September Sth, with a full Faculty as List year, 3. L. ARNOLD, Pres. NEW THIS WEEK. Constipation jj a universal and most troublesome dis order. It causes Headache, Mental De pression, impairs the Sight and Hearing, destroys the "Appetite, and, when long continued, causes Enlargement of the liver, Inflammation of the Bowels, and Files. Constipation is speedily cured by Ayer's Pills. For a number of months I was troubled with Costivenesa, in conse quence of which I suffered from Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, and a disordered liver. Mr eyes also troubled me. I was compelled to wear a shade over them, and, at times, was unable to bear ex posure to the light. I was entirely CURED BY USING three boxes of Ayer's Pills. I have no hesitation in pronouncing this medicine to be the best cathartic ever made. James Eccles, Poland, Ohio. 1 I suffered from Constipation, and, con sequently, from Headache, Indigestion, and Piles, for years. Ayer's Pills, which I took at the suggestion of a friend, have given me effectual relief. I commenced taking this remedy two months ago, and am now free from Constipation, the re moval of which has caused my other troubles to disappear, and greatly im proved my general health. W. Kecler, Amherst, Mass. I suffered from Constipation, which assumed such an obstinate form that I feared a stoppage of the bowels. Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me, com pletely. D. Burke, Saco, Me. tt Ayer's Pills, Prepared y Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cold by kU Druggist Md Dealers In Medicine. The South Urapqu Mil MANTFACTIKES THE BEST FLOUR SOLI) IX til' A RANTEED EtjUAL TO THE IJEST "New Process Flour." c CHOICE WHEAT KTOKFD FOR FAUMEItS AX1 Doiwht For C :sh. LINCOLN & HASH KK, Proprietor!. the America: Fruit Evaporator. REST AND CHEAPEST Drier iu the Worhl, A PREMIUM WINNER M'hercvor : Jxliiitod I W. C. WINSTON, Agent, C! AMTLES O THIS MACHINE ARE NOW ON Exhibition at Barker & Willis', Koscbunr and Shupe & Winnilord ' Oakland. OTJK tKUITjr TRF.KS iOUt "IT INKS I 'KUITO- 1 KF.ES iT OK IXliSl i FliOM - OF SOUTH UMl'QUA .MILLS. HE LS AtJENT FOR lOl'i:f,AS 'I NTV Foil . -a.THE CALIFORNIA NURSERY COMPANY, of Nilcs, Alanieiln county, f ulifoniU. A corpora tion bavin-.- llio Acres set out in Nurscrv. CALL ON 1HM, OK WRITE FOR DESCKIITIVE Ciitalosuc. and prices to his aildrees, llox U), Koscbui:,', Oregon. iiavix; PU'KOHASEU Tho Entire Htojk of -o of o I- R. DAWSON At- OREGON Consisting of ROOTS SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Etc. Etc Etc Etc. Etc. Am now oiTcriug llie same At Prices That Deftr Competition. FOR At Riddle ! - Oregon. F. Gornult. ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES IN deh ed to Noah Coroutt n il! pi sue call at my office at Riddlei at the store and settle at once. F Cornutt, CASH THE GRAPE CVKE. SAL-MUSCATELLE : In America WITHOUT THE EXPENSE OF AJH EUB0PEAN JOTJfiUFY! j The crystalizcd salt, as obtained in a pure stute from prajics and choice fruit, in a portable, palat able, simple form, are now presented to the publico! America as the grandest resolvent of impure blood, corrector of the liver and regulator of the bowel the natmal promoter of HEALTH AND LONGEVITY., Kiuiiicnt phi sicians claim this achievement a ijew era in the allied science of medicine, as it furnishes the Wood with its natural salines that are lust; or eliminated civrv day 8AL-HUSUATBLLK ,1 POSITI YE, NA TV UAL SICK HEADACHE AJSH DYSPEPSIA CUBE. i Sul-Musciitcllc is Nature's own product. It sup plies to the system the want of sound, ri grapes ami lnilL. tt IS Lilt: Mlllj'IV dim "VO. -ivivii.iivi.' cure for all functional derangements of the li er and kindred ailments; prevents the absorption or mat an al diseases fevers of all kinds; counteracts the cf fects of bail air, poor drainage and impure water; a powerful oxvilrzcr of tiie blood; a natural spocuic for all skin eruptions, sick headaches, biliousness, nervousness, mental depression, and will remove the effect? of accidental indigestion from excessive cai inland drinkinsr. Have it in your homes and on your travels. It is a specific for the fagsjed, weary a nd worn-out. rrcpaired by the Loxdox Sal-Muscatei le Co. LOXltoX, ENGLAND. Beware of imitations. The srctiuiuc in "blue wrappers only." Se-idforcin-ulirs G. EV NOV ITCH, General American Manager, P. O Cox Vi'ii, New York City- Mention this paper. Fo sale by S. Ham lion nose- bur;? Oregon. Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, " Rosefourj; - - - Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING-BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Rills of exshange on the principal cities of Enropc. Deposits re ceived subject to, check. Collections made on all accessabk-Doints at reasonable rates. Great Overland Boute THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ONLY LINE KUNNlMi Pullman Palace Sleeping Carr, Masmificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, -WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST, -FROM WASHINGTON AND OKKGON TO -TELE EAST Via St. Paul ami 32 iimra polls. ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNING 3 Palace Dining Cars; (Mjals, 75 Cunts) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST OVElt TIIE C4 NORTHERN PACILIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Klufls, St Jo&fpli, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kaunas City, ltttrlifig'toii, luiiicy, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, AND ALL POINTS O , o i IjAS I AND boUTlIEAs l O O Via St. Paul and Minneapolis. Emigrant Sleeping Cars Are hauled on regular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length of TriE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 P. m., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or SO, Paul 12;30 r M , third day. Connection made at Sr. Paul and Minneapolis to id points East, South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION, pain leaves Portland daily at 11:13 A. si., arriving at New Taconia atG:30 P. 51., connecting with O. II. & N. Co's hoats for all points on Puget Sound. A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. ni:m nil rNrTTlM.'A tn I This paper ia kept on file at the office of YE SON DVERTISlNf CCTII1 ITCC ForlEWSFMK 1DTFRTISII6 rprr CO I IMA I td at Lowest Cash RatosinXt radio, fa toatp for AYER & SON'S Notice. SEALED BIDS WILL EE RECEIVED AT THE office of thoCfiihty Clerk, until Saturday the 23d day ef July lb7 at 12 o'clock M of said day, For Keeping clear and in Good Condition for travel, the County Road passing through what is known as the Big Canjon, noma point near the old toll house to a point near the place of W. K. Benjamin's on said road. Bids to be for one yar August 1st l&h7 County reserves the right to tcject any or a'l bids. J 8. I ITZHLGH, County Jud. July 12th 16S7. THE CYCXiON: The Lightest Ruunins anl most Powerful Needs no attention, These Mills are the Best, Cheapest, Strongest and Lightest, AND ARK SELFHEGTJLATOKS. Pacific Manufacturing 934 & 936 MISSION ST., S. F. DON'T FORGET 12-fu MILLS 14-ft. . " $G5 75 90 10-ft. MI 16-ft. MILLS Order tliroudi TnK Review Sheriir Sale. l OTK.'E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIKTTE 11 of a wanaiit issued out of the County court of the state of Oreeoii in anJ for Ifcmslas count and to me directed commanding me to levy upon the poods and chattels of the dclinueut tax payers named on the delinquent tax roll for said county for flic vear 1SSO, thereto attached and if none be found th.':ii upon the real pfojierty as set forth and de scribed in said delinquent tax roll or so much there of asshall be sufficient to satisfy the amount of taxes charged therein tojrclher with cost and ex penses I have duly levied upon the following de- -I'wvl cc or parcel of land as set forth in said tax roil ! 1.: .-.iiur toW. . Owens lying and lciii in Demula- coun v, state of Orearon, assessed to the said v7 F. Owens :md d-ribed as follows, to wit: S 1 of Lots 4 and S Section 23 the N W of the S1V Section Lots 7 and 8. Sec, (22) all in town (27) S R6 West also hcifioiiiiig at a point 20 chains north of corner of Sec. ?, 24, 25 and 2 Tow n 97 S R 6 W" thence East C chains thence north 2".U0 chains thence south to south boundary of the John Leiser donation claim thence West 0 chains tlicn c south 2!.40 chains to the place of besrinniny also that portion of the donatioi claim of Thomas Owens and wife in said townshi;. and ranire which lies south of the Coos Bay Wagon Road also all that IKirtion of the donation claim ot W. K. Stark in saiil township aod range which lies south of the Coos Bay wajroii road containing 504. SO acres more or less and in pursuance thereof I will on rt ES:AY, AIOIST2, ISS7 at 1 o'c'ock p. m. of said day, sell at publi'- auction at the court house door in said state and county to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the aliove de scribed land and premises to satisfy the sum of $320.10 the amount of delinquent tax against W. K. Owens i it saideounlv for the year lSsii, together with the cost and accruiirr cost. I Jlilv 1, 1837. B C. AoKK, Sheriff. A. T. THOMPSON .!LHM THOMPSON A MILIUM PUOPKIEIORS OF HIE E0SEB0RG vUJUA VV MANUFACTURERS j AND .DEALERS IN SODA WATER, s iJINGERALE, SARSAPA1ULLA AND FINE SYRUPS. HEADQVABTEBS For all neighboring towns on dMot corner. Oregon 'pVicific "pj ailron nly Moi-ular 1 oulc 2Ji M1LK.S SHORTEll, 20 HOURS LESS TIME, Accommodations unsurpassed fur cumfurt and safety. Fares and Freights via Yaquina and the Orcgou Development Co's Steamships much less than by auv other route between all points in the Willamette Valley and S ui Francisco. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS. (Excepts Sundays ) Leaves Yaquina 7.00 a m Leaves Albany 1. ;S0 p m Arrive Corvallis 10. Mam j Arrive Corvallis 2.02 p i; Arrive Albany 11.10 a m j Arrive Yaquina -5, iu p lit O. & C. trains connect at A.Jlinty and Corvallis. "Fare bct?tn Corvallis and Albany and San Francisco,, Rail and Cabin ?11, Rail and jjteoagc $3.00 Wm. M. Ho.a, c. C. Hooi e, Geo. Mauagor. ActingG. F. & P. Agt. Corvallis, Oregon. OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. First class Steamship Line betw een Yapj:na and San Francisco connecting at Yaquina with tho trainsof the Oreg.m Pacific Railroad Compaiiy. SAILING DATES. From Ya.4an Fruin San Prauclseo Will'mette Y'Ucy Fri Au 5 Wil. Val., S it July 30 Eastern Oregon, Wed " 10 K'otcrn Or.Thur Aug 4 Will. Valley, Tues. " 16 Wi'l. Val. Tuoa " 9 Eastern Oregon Sun " 21 j Eastern Or. Sun " 14 Yaquina Citv, Sat." 27 Yaquina Citv Sat " 20 Wil. Valley Thurs Sept. 1 Wil. Valley Thnrs " 5 Eastern Oregon Wed " 7 Eastern Or. Tues. 30 The Company reserves the right to change steal ers or sail in:.' dates. S..B. Ti-bv, (Wn. i' It l Agt. 304 Xontoipcrv Mt., San Francisco, Cal. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIR tue of a warrant issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Douglas County, and to me directed commanding me to levy upon the goods and chattels of the delinquent tax payers named on the delinquent tax roll for said county for the year IsSo, thereto attached, and if none be found then upon the real property as set forth and described in said delinquent tax roil, or so much thcrcjf as shall be sufficient to minify the amount of taxes chatyed therein, together with cost and expenses, 1 have duly levied upon the fol lowing described piece or parcel of land as set forth in nnl tax roll, belonging and assessed to A. O. Houston, lyinjj and being in Douglas comity, State of Orearon, and described as follows, to-wit: North west quarter of section six (ti), township 2S, south range 7 west, containing 100 acres more or, less. Anu in icrsuance thereof I will on Saturday the 27th day of August, 1SW, at 1 o'clock r. . of" said day sell at public auction at the court hou?c door lit Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, to. tUe highest bidder for cash (u l'.ajid, sjl 1Kb above described laud and plenums Wrsatisfy the sum of 4-",40, amount of dclluquont tax against A. O. Houston for said county, for the year ISsO, together with cost and expenses of saiJ sale. Dated July 22, 1SS7. R. C. AOF.E, Sheriff. Iu successful operation since iSfrS, patronized irom all sections of the Northwest, endorsed by business men and leading educators. THE MOST PEBFECTLT EQl'IFPED St nOOL of i class on the Coast, it offers private r class instruction, day and evening throughout the year, m Arithmetic! Writing, Correspondence, Bwk-keeping Bankmg.Shorthand.Type-wTiting .Business and Legal FornuT ind all Common School Branches. Students of all ages and both sexes "dnjjtted at any time. Waukgue free, . Annilroug ud Wcsgo, Propnewn- U110 WBmm Windmill :iow before- tlie Public amllasts for years. 1 Co. THE -PRICEs. lG-ft. "Ii" MILLS 18-ft. " " 20-ft. "A"' SI 10 125 150 LLS 850 oilieeand save extra charge. Obtained, and all Patent Business in the t. g. Patent, Oilkc attended to for MODERATE FEES. Our ortioe ia opposite the V. S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those re mote from WASHINGTON Send MODEL OH DRAWING. We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make NO C1IAUOE I XI.ESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer here to the Postmaster, the Supt. of the Money Order Div., and to officials ot the I. S. Pat ent Ollice. For circular, :Hvice, terms and referen ces to actual clients in your own State or county write to i A. SXOW & CO., Opjxisitc I'te Office," Washington, D. C Wl LIA31 ETTE OI VERS ITY - DEPARTMENTS. I - College of 1 ibclal arts. II - College of niedicino. Dr. E. P. Fraser, dean. III - College .f law. Judge Wm. Ramsey, dean. IV- Woman's college. Mrs. C. C. Hawley, dean. V- Conservatory of music. Z. M. Parviu, director, VI I'nUcrsity academy. II - Art department. Miss Marie Craig, instrueto . 360 STUDENTS i ! 400 GRADUATES. Thirty teachers. Day l oard for young men. $1.50 PER WEEK, Ladies' board iu Woman's college ball, S2.50 with unfurnished room, jr.riO with nicely furnished room. First term begins Suptcinlicr 5. ' Catalogues and information sent free. Address.. rxiio. X'reKitlciit, Salem, Oregon SAW MILL FOll SALE. ONE CIRCULAR STEAM SAW MILL, BOILER, Eiigiuo. S.iwrtaiid M tchinc-ry nccesmry for a Complete Saw .Mill, now situated " the homestead of John M. Rowley in Deer Creek precinct, Doug- las county, Oreaou. All new, having been run only abou six months. The same inut be sold on account of the death of .1. .1. Whitsctt, and if not sold at privato sale before, I will i,u Thursday the 22dday of Septem ber l.v-7, at one o'clock of said day, sell the same at publi-i am-tion on said premises to the highest bid der for cash. . J. II. WHITS ETT, Administrator of Estate of J. J. W'nilselt. PAUL SGHLOSSER - Da.VLER In- STOVES, TINWARE -AND Drain Oregon. KEEPS A FULL STOCK OF NAiLS, CUTLERY Shelf and Builders Hardware. Also Rovolters, Guns and Ammunition All kinds of Tinn y re Made to Order. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE, D- T- PRITCH ARD- aO VEAittS WATciTir xgirtx. AND SHOP O.V JACKSON STRKET, OITO iite Sbcriilan Bros, hardware store. OREGON. file BEST P1AH0S and ORGANS IN THE WORLD Are manufactured and sold for the least money by to Ma I Ui X r- Ul CC Q UI ac I. A3 s f?WASMINQtON.WAyfeN Co7n!jx Ji,VTI0J? THIS FaJPU. i ..... - . j:1; J