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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1887)
ROSEBURG . REVIEW FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 18, 1887 COM31VSICA T1UX. Washington D. C , Jan. 17, 187. There are ten books in tho Secret archives of the United States Patent Office for which patent attorneys in Washington would he willing t give SI 00,000.' They are the bool.s con taining the names and auditsse of inventors whose cases have been re jected during the past ten years. There has been an average of 28,000 cases filed in the Patent Office every year for the Jast ten years and a year ly avciage of 18,000 patents granted. Last year there were 35,000 applica tiona filed and 24,000 patents issued the largest number in any one year On this showing something like CO per cent of the applications have been patented. So there have been during the last ten years about 100,000 re jected cases. These in part include cases defeated in interferences and ap plications allowed, but on which final fees have not been paid. How good attorneys get fully 90 per cent of their cases allowed and patented; hence there must be some (nil AnllT A nflW Iflll f g-LQ I l . 1 lications being allowed. The reason is this; fully 8,000 inventors every year make out their own cases and try to get them through the Patent Office.) Not knowing the routine thoy almost invariably get involved in the meshes of red tape and the intricacies of Pat ent Office procedure. - Tho difficulty may le slight, a mere informality, a defective drawing, an improperly worded application, an indefinite speci fication, or a slight interference requir ing a few amendments which a skill ful patent attorney could mike in half an hour. Cut to the inventor, tin se prove an insurmountable abstacle; his ' ppplication is rejected and he gives up in disgust or despair. Applications for patents in the Uni ted States Patent Office go first to the twenty eight principal examiners, ac cording to the subject matter. If they artf'rejected, two years are allowed in which to amend them or take other necessary action. If no action shall have , been taken at the end of two years, such cases are treate.1 as aban doned, and are sent to the division where they are entered in the books which the Patent Attorneys so much covet. Fully 50,000 of the rejected cases of the last ten yeara fall under these conditions. At a low estimate "25,000 of these rejected cases put in tho hands of a "competent attorneys fees on such conditional cases would ! nltnnf rer case a eross sum of fc r u v o 025,000. Count out disgusted inven tors and those not able to pay, still an enormous number would get out pat "ents if they knew how. But the trouble is just here no one outside the Patent Office is aUowed access to 1, aba file books. And without them they can not learn the name and ad dress of inventors Then again, there are some 15,000 cases now lying in the Examiner's rooms awaiting the two years limit. These are still more val uable, for if they are taken up before the time-limit expires, the initial fees do not lapse, while in the other cases they would have to be repaid. The practice in the United States Patent Office was not always thus. - During Grant's first term, for a period of about a year, attorneys were allowed access to all letter books, and previous to that had been allowed access to the files of abandoned cases, but there was a constant scramble and not infrequent ly downright fishts over thein, and about 1875 the Patent Office made them secret. Lincoln's Proverbs. An autograph letter that 1 would like to own was shown me in a few days ago. "A Lincoln" was bonny signed at the end of it, end this wis dom was there, paragraphed in this wise: , .Do not worry. Eat three square meals a day. Say your prayers. Think of your wife. Be courteous to your creditors. Keep your digestion good. Steer clear of bilcusncss. Exercise. Go slow and go easy. Maybe there are other thing3 that your special cas3 requires to mako you happy; but, my friend these, I leckon; will give you a good lift. N. Y. Times. It requires patience, courage, faith, in order to wait well as a preliminary to working well. . ' ' - Er boy what is sassy ter hu fader is gwine ter be sassy ter de law. Colored .Brother. He alono can successfully wield pow er who holds himself ever roady to lay it down. '.. It is 'much easier for an ill na tured man than for a kind one to be smart and witty. Tho man who can't find any thing to do is generally afraid he will. He is a great man who can sacrifice every thing and say nothing. When all is holiday there are no holidays. Tllft lirtl'nr intdrocf. Imifmnnr. nm J - .VWVMW VVU,4liUVia ,t S UX- brace every favorable opportunity to demonstrate its unfitness to survive among a civilized people. Last sum mer saloon-men slew Rev. George Had dock in Sioux City, Iowa, for no other offense than assisting to enforce the civil law against their business. That seemed to some among us as a peculiar specimen of Western violence. STow come3 a case of much tUe3same char acter, and it is located in the South. Major B. K. Keiser, the editor of the Times, of Opelika, Alabama, has been combating the aggressions of the liquor men in that city, and as a result he found, when he reached his office the other morning, his type in "pi" and the gear wheel of his press broken to atoms. He has also received a note from "the club' ordering him to leave the county within ten days or suffer tho consequences. Maj.-gen. Sir II. T. MacPher.-:cn, commander of the British Array ef Occupation in Bnrmah, is dead. He died from fever after but two days ill ness. Another bundle of old letters wi it '.en by Aaron Burr to Peter Van Gasbcek was unearthed in Kingston, N. Y., Oct. 21. 1 ... . Sold, to Dec. 27, i 886. $o Other Remedy -in the World Can Produce Such a Record. This wonderful success of " Warner's mem 01 mo uemeay. Thousands of people owe their lifo Li Vis a 1 a- i . ZM. 1 1 -m tiLUilVXr M.KDWAD AUTHORITIES AS THE ONLY SPE- wo can produce 100,000 TESTIMONIALS to that effect. Read the following and note the large number of bottles distributed an tee these figures to be correct, as our sales-books will prove. Boston, 1,149,122. CAPT. W. D. ROBINSON (U. S. Marino In3p., Buffalo, N. Y.), in 1835 was suffering with a shin humor like leprosy- Could not sleep; was in great agony. For two years tried everything, without benefit. Was pro nounced incurable. "Twenty bot tles of Warner's Safe Cure completely cured me, and to-day I am strong and well." (Feb. 5, 1835.) Prcvidencs, 171,929. EX-GO V. T. G. ALVORD (Syracuse, N. Y.) in 1884 began running down with General Debility, accom panied with a sense of weight in the lower part of the body, with a feverish sensation and a general giving out of the wholo organism. Was in serious condition, confined to his bed much of the time. After a thorough treat ment with Warner's Safe Curo he says: "lam completely restored to health by its means." Portland, foV 441,105. MAJOR S. B. ABBOTT (Springfield, Mo.), in 1S71 was afflicted with lame back, Hheumatism and Kidney trouble. Consulted the very best physicians in San Francisco, and vis ited all the mineral springs there. Took a health trip to the New England States, but for seven years suffered constantly from his malady, which had resulted in Bright-s disease. After using a couple dozen bottles of Warner's Safe Cure, and two of Safe Pille, he wrote : " My back and kid neys are witliout pain, and, thank God, I owe it all to Warner's Safe Remedies." Bal. of New Eng., - 441,753. MRS. J. T. KITCHEY (5G2 4th Ave., Louisville, Ky.) was a confirmed invalid for eleven years, just living, and hourly expecting death. Was confined to bed ten months each year. Was attended by the best phy sicians. Her left Bide was para lyzed. Could neither eat, sleep, nor enjoy life. The doctors said ehowas troubled with female complaints; but she was satisfied her kidneys were affected. Under the operation of Warner's Safe Cure she passed a large stone or calculus, and in Nov., 18S5, reported, " Am to-day as well as when a girl.' York State, - 3,870,773. ASK YOUS FRIENDS AND NEIGHE0BS AE0UT "WARNER'S SAFE CURE." THE MOST POPULAR REMEDY EVER DISCOVERED. i if Cleveland, 682,632. KX-GOV. R. T. JACOB (Westport, Ky. was prostrated with severe Kidney trouble and lost forty pounds of flesh. After a thorough treatment with War ner's Safe Cure he reports, "I have never enjoyed better health.' Cincinnati, 873,667. fiEN. II. D. W ALLEN (144 Madison Ave., New York), scarcely able to walk two blocks without exhaustion, and, having lost flesh heavily, began tho uso of Warner's Safe Curo and says: "I was much benefited by it." t Sal. Ohio. State, - 633,158. nm Trwi7PTT ir TrioT? nton ( Cin cinnati, O.) in 1S33 reported that his daughter was very much prostrated; had palpitation of the heart, intense pain in the head, nervous d isorder and catarrh of the bladder. She let fiftv-five pounds. Other rem edies failing, they began the use of Warner's Safe Cure, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine, and within three months she had gained fifty pounds In weight and wa3 restored to good health. Tliat was three years ago, and she is still in as good health as ever in her life. Col. Thornton, himself, was cured of w t,. 1.1. 7i rvn nt eiffllteen years' standing, in 1S31, byWamer's safe uure. Southern States, - 3,534,017 O. II. ALLEN (Leavenwortb, an.j. eon Edwin, two years of age, afflicted with extreme case of brtghVs disease, and the doctors gave him up. By the advice of the doctor's wife, began the u30of Warner's Sate Curo, and after taking seven bottles he is perfectly well and has had no reiapgo. Canada, - - 1,467,824. 35 Every Testimonial wc publish is genuine. Write to the testators, cnclo&us sfcu3 fcr repl7 and lean for yowselres. The death is announced of Baron Frederic Ferdinand Von Beust, the distinguished Genu ui statesman. He wag in his seventieth year. Rev. Robert West, editor of the Advance, is dead. lie died suddenly at Sycamore, HI., where he had gone to deliver a sermon. vv v Lung Disease. If you have a Cough or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Remedy and prevent farther trouble. 4 It is a positive cure,' and we guarantee lt. Price 40and COc A. C. Marsters. is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi tively core all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds np the constitution. Remember, we guarantee it. For sale at Marster's drug store.' f A" and reliable Medicines arc the best VJ W depend upon." Acker's Blood El ixir has been prescribed for years for all im purities of the Blood . In every form of Scrof ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases? it is invaluable. For Rheumatism) hasno equal. For sale at Marster's drugstore. nVo vO q Blood Elixir is the only Blood Remedy guaran teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic 1 and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. ' For sale at Marster's drug store. Safe Cu o ' is du wholly to the real and health to " WarnM-'afcAin? Pm- anA Wo guar- Pennsylvania, 1,821,218. F. MAYER, (1020N. 12th St., St. Louis, Mo.) afflicted with tired feelings, dizziness and pain across tho back, and lost appetite. Was sallow and care-worn all tho time. The doctors failing he began the use of Warner's aee Cure, and reports, " I feel like a fighting cock." Chisago, 2,808,693. MR. R. BROWN (2221 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich.) injured his back from a fall. Was confined to his bed six weeks. Tho fall injured his kidneys, f reducing intense suffering. Warner's Safe Curo restored his kidneys to their natural condition, and lie writes, " I am now eighty years of age, smart and active." Oeiroit, 846,964. MRS. TIIOS. SCHMIDT (Wife of the Vice-Consul of Denmark, 69 Wall St., Now York) reported that her little 6on after an attack of Diphtheritic Sore Throat eight years ago, was afflicted with Blight's Disease in advanced form; by tho advice of Gen'l. Chris tiansen, of Drexel, Morgan & Co., Bankers, New York, sko described Warner's Safe Cure, with tho consent of tho physicians, and reports, "the physicians say that ho will be per fectly well." Milwaukee, 458,894. MISS Z. L. EOARDMAN (Quecheo, Vt., in May, 1832, began to bloat, thenc6 camo stomach trouble, terrible headaches, and finally tho doctor's opinion that it was DrigliVs disease, and incurable. Eventually she bo came nearly blind, pronounced by the doctors to be tho last stage of Eright's disease. After having been under treatment by Warner's Safe Curo for one year, sho reported, "J am as well as anyone." Minnesota, 648,017. HON. N. A. FLYMPTON (Worcester, Mass.), in May, 18S0, was prostrated by Gravel. Under the operation of Warner's Safe Curo alono he passer? a large stone, and subsequently wrote, " I have had no recurrence of my trouble since Warner's Safe Curo cu red m e." Sal. ft. W. States, - 1,767,141 St. Louis, 1,530,527 CAPT. GEO. B. WILTBANK (919Sprace St., Phila., Ta.), prostrated in Central America.with Malarial Fever.caused by congestion of Kidneys and Liver. De lirious part of the time. Liver en larged one-third. Stomach badly af fected. Could hold no food; even water was ejected. Using loss than a dozen bottle of Warner's Safe Cure, he writes, " I was completely cured." Kansas City, - - 717,860. MRS. (PROF.) E. J. WOLF (Gettys burg, Pa., Wife of the Ed. of the Luth eran Quarterly), began to decline with Pulmonary Consumption. (Over 50 per cent, of all cases of Consumption are caused by diseased kidneys.) De spaired of living. After a thorough course of treatment with Warner's Safe Cure, she writes, " JT am per fectly well," Bal, S. W. States, 743,789. EX-SENATOR B. K. 4JRUCE (South Carolina), after doctoring for years for what ho supposed was Malaria, dis covered he was afflicted with Sugar Diabetes, and having obtained no relief whatever from his physicians, he began the use of Warner' Safe Diabttet Cure, and he says : " My friends are astonished at my improvement." San Francisco, - 1,242,946. J. Q. ELKINS (Elkinsville, N. C.) Buf fered for ten years from Gravel, which attacked him every six months. lie lost 45 pounds in three months, and his strength was nearly gone. After thorough uso of Warner's Safe IXabctet Cure, he Teports, " I am as well as I ever ivas, after using fourteen bottles." Bal. Pacific Coastf - 732,316. luiaiuiisuuiu ji, lias ncen AiIi,xJliUt Jil Tilt: 1 TUa papr is kept ra Sle at tie esee ef YERSOa DVERT1SING " TIMES BU1LD1N3 gjjglg pM3Jm FwIEWSMm iOTESTKiSS at Lowest CaH Rates Bead IV rn a CflVP f !!! ttoptbr hi i.u w gun 0 !.. tAl DR. JORDAN'S! iUUSEUM OFlVATmrv 751 Market Street f O JS IJ T D 1 n. n " III &ni AND LEARN HOW To Avnm .Ml' VI J IT disease, aud lmw .,.iiii,. uunreuiauc mvaie umcc, 211 Geajy Street Consultation on lost manhood and all tiltratcg men. Send for Books. Established 1332. ' . A. ROBERTS, ; Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING GLQTOtER HOTTER AND OF OREGON. N. P. BUNNELL, , FOUNDRY, - Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. pAN MAKE CASTINGS FHOM ONE V oniH-e to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castiuga. HJouey refunded if 3SJ "i 8ati8fct"y- Portland pSLI .v4vSmiu aim exprcssage. SUGAR Pil M LUMBER (0, Wholesale and Retail -DEALERS IN L 'timber. Sugrar Pine, Yellow Pine, Fir and Oak, Well Hea soned in Our DRY HOUSE When Desined. ' .. ALSO Manufacturers or Sash & Doors in all Sizes and Quantities. Our Factory ia now in full oporatioa and wo can offer a a specialty all kinds of Store jfituoga, iowjino aud Scroll dencc which i3 assured prompt attention. j . DEV0RE Successors to DEALERS IN- DRUGS, PAINTS, JEWELRY, hW: JEWELRY, w " ' COMBS, EIC, ETC. w e expect to do a strictly cash business, and will endeavor to make it to the interest of all to deal with us. We also invite a continuation of the pat ronage of all former patrons, and solicit new ones. gT GIVE US A CALL. j5 ro. M. PRIOR Camas VhIIcv. Wm. FERGUSON, Camas Valley, JWJB.-rllBL LUMUER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CONSTANTLY ON HAND ... l c i i i uuu lurjiuucu on snort motico and at tho LOWEST GOING PRICES. RUSfIC AHD FL00RIIIG A SPSCIflLTY. Furnished in any Dimensions, to Order Address, PRIOR & FERGUSON, Camas Valley, Douglas County. Or to, F. P. McDEVITT, Rosrhurg. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationary Photograph and Perfumery, Autograph albums Crockery and I Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND-EGGS BOUGHT. WJXT'BJoore Importers and Hardware, Stove, Tinware, "Champion" Mower, CiUHS. PiatOlH ailll th Inrmll Ct.ll nf fouud in Orcron. AULTMAN & TAYLOR THRESHERS. THE STAR CHILLED PLOWS "AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED BY ANYONE. WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, THE INTERNATIONAL Cor. Third and E Streets, Portland, Oregon m SEDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME a1IIl LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offers superior accomodations at iH.,ular prices. Meah 25o, Uooiua 25c. and 50c. Only three block from all Uejxjtn and Steamer landing. Free Bags to and from tho Hotel No Chinese Kervants. No overcharges or deviation rom rejjlor rates of $1.00 maro-tf E. LEWISTON. Prop'r. C. W. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire roof Ilrick Luildinjf ISO Bourns. In the Center of the City COIl. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND JOSEPH SIIINDLER. PRO PHI ET 0 R ' Of Tho CITY BAKERY -AND f5 KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A full stock of lircail, Cakes, Pies, Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of French and American Candies and Choc- j late Goods work at lowest figure. We solicit corrcspon Sl - uab Fine D.ob & Lvhisku Co. Grants Pas3, Oregon S ELLIOTT PAGE $ DIM MICK orixiaoia: OILS, WATCHES. F. P. McDKVITT, - Roschurs. "XisiiBSjy WARE, and TEN TIIOUSANL Dealers in Reaper anl Binder. Yomg America Feed Mills, I r.f all Aa.rn'i,..,. Clnnii mln..n Tlnn-m t.. 1 1 ' ' I WE CAN NOT AND Samuel Marks S. MABKS Sc Co. DEALERS IN- HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Itf' D Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought - AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM MARKM CO n , Roseliirg, or. Makes The Very Best Lumber. ROUGH iM. ..W.00 RUSTIC per M . . m m FLOORING per M si - nn i Sik.ated 15 miles from Roacb.u-g on HITCH But before you do that . come 'round to W. G. WOOBWASD'S AND Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Biggest and Rest Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town. 1 uso nothing but the best leather, and Lava' got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME VJ. Cr. Woodward Moseburg. SUCCESSOR TO -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, losobiirsj Oregon. Has On hand COnstnntlv ti lrtrn-n nml mmnlnln xcenplmn.,t General Merchandise and will be pleased to see his old friends and patrons, as well as new ones, who in eo nsitforntinn nftlm scarcity of money and tne present depression in business, will study their own interests by calling on h'm and examining aaQD Aim prices Reforc purchasing elsewhere. . I do nnr rlnim in oll cr,! m. CJ rt f rtM.f lit c. Wisi, ui 1V,-S UUU1 COSl, DUt, Will !lSSIir n whft nntrnnT7n m . - iu,L ui;y win gei incir goods At Tae Lowest Living: Profit. Produce Of All Kinds Taken At Market Trice, Sol. Abraham. Drain & o,f Drain. GENERAL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Hardware, Crockery, o- -O- &ATS,CJl&S, BOOTS JimJD SHOES. ers will ltnd our 6tock complete, comprising many articles it is im pos riblo here to enumerate. Would respectfully invite an examination of stock believing all can be satisfied that it is for their interest to make purchases here as we buy and sell for cash only. At. JOSKPLISOlSr. II W 01101 Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of eveiy variety and Shade. A full line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. - A full line or Clothing. o w A o 20 A full line of Furnishing Goods. , A full line of Hats and Caps, Coots and Shoes. M A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos A f nil linn nf Crrvlrprv anrl Hloiuiviira And last, but not least, a full line of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all kinds of Indies Hat Trimmings and Hat Shapes of latest pattern. COMB ADJS SXXI M JOSEPHSOIST. Asiier Mahks -CiMIDS, 'GllDCIIllllS CameeoxA-Co. Managers. North Uiupqua. Good roads in Summer. P fl " viu ,w wvn &vvug 11 t . W - " ...w '.v. w'.A. U1V Douglas Co,, Oregon, O 0D O US o p UP! 3S.' MvCracor' o!d clsod, Jackson Street : Roscburg. W. B.-o!nrv &CV'. H-CHEST MARKiT PRlut PAI3 FOR HIDES. THIS MARKET is always supplied with the choicest qnahtv of " ' Of all kinds, including, pork,: veal" and mutlon; also, corn beef, .Kausap.e, lard, etc. The most favorable jiiduct iin nis ..fli red to patrons, and no effort will lc p .rtxl toward' giving satisfaction. BLACKSMITH AND WKEEIWBI6HT B0WEN BR0S Having dissolved the copartiu rship exist inp; between Eunncll & Bo tn I ros. ayd aro now prepared to do all work in the line in a WORKMANLIKE MANNEJt, AND AT KF.ASt)NAliLK RATE O. eft? JEL. IPnx'lsLs. A Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Table axd Pockkt Cutxerv, Glassware , Crockery Qnecnsware, Etc. Goods Delivered anywhere in th City limits, Free of Charge. BARKER & WILLIS, DEALERS IN GROOEBIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. Produce bought and the highest cash price paid. ROSEBURG OREGON. New Stage Line. ROSEBURG TO CAMAS VALLEY Leaves Rosoburjj, Mondays, Wednes d tys, Fridays, and returns Tuesdays, IhursdayH, and Saturdays. Time of having both terminal points 6 o'clock M. and anivcB at each- point at 6 o clock p M. RODT, T. McCtLLOCH, Prnn 1 . EUnoi'EAN TLAN. ; : E HSMOXO HOTEL, " - , First Class In Every Particular, - Cokker Frost ajd Uokbisox Sn POUTLASD, - OREGON Tuoxah Cii-i.NKA.N, Pniiirietor. JSM.EMSH 11 Kbarn&t Strbit 8 FR45CMC0 CU . - - - -.'i .n,.... . t l.i.wt?, mniomo italitT, Spcrra.ilorrhi, LOST MANHOOD, Imtw toncy, 1'araij-sin, 1'nmatoirh.m, nd all tt lernble pff.rt ( if K.lf-a Kiian tn.l l . . . Vi rvn-i. TV.JTIt Inniliul v..L.. n ... 1 . -u . v. m ... uiniiMDi Ivors, uch u Lom of Meinorv. LMsilude;KotanMlKmu- Buniis Tcriou vu wmiioct. aimuvna ml rMcm, AmMS in the head, tb vital fluid paasin nnobsorrvd in the nriliA. and nLinr ntlww 1. 1 1 . i . ' - ' " ' J "1.1 iuu . u- wmty and death. OVKO II EK SufferliiK frum any 1 the abore symptoms, ahonld consult m at once. The drlu can be itpied, vital ity restored, and life mar no again pleasant Instead of a bunion. There may be MIDDLE-AGED MEN ' who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the bladder, often accompanied bra slight amarsliig or burning senaation, and a wcakciting of the aveteni in a manner ther cannot account for, ISuny' aedi ment in the nrinc, etc Many die of tula difficulty ignorant of the cause, which if the eoennd eMge ( seminal weakness. CtRES Ot ASASTHm) Iff AI.Ii Sttft 0n. . - - ....... uu.uu.. vMininsviUU and adrioe, including chemical analrtts and micro scopic examination of the urine, 8t. Aa honest nfilnlAtl iri v.n in vmw r The followinif Medici nesupled at the wi, f nmd 81K ASTX.Y COOPER VITAL BESTOKATiVE, (3 a bottic, orfonrt'mcatheqinntitr. tlO. j . -ryj "j lww., wHtig b. ui o- toma. sex and am. Ktritifc nurn in mmiJ a -,i STlt IDT DM Knnlvtm. k. -. .1.. business transactions. Thm CKlAhrAtiwI k'mm Hnfi Vntnomttm for all kinds of kidney and bladder complaint, Roa orrhesa, (fleet, leucorrhtBO, etc. Forsalebv all dram gists; tl a bottle, cr 6 bottles for t5,00. me Eiisiisn UANDKUUS. LIVER AND DYS PEPSIA PILL is the best in the market. For sale by all druggists; price 50 eta. a bjttie. ' Address ESUUSH MEDICAL DISPEKSARV. No. 11 Kbabxbt Street, Saw Fiuticnoo. Cai LANGENBEEG'S Boot and Shoe Btere-, Jackson Street, JOpposIte Poet Office, BosVbnrg, Oregoa. KEEPS OS IIAKD THR LA ROE ST AND BEST aesortment of Eastern and San Frnneiseo and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, OAITEHS, BLIP- tuiris in ma via biv line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boot and Shoes Ma,le to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather ami Warrant all - my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Vhort Notice, Also a full stock f TOYS, NOTIONS Musical instruments VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANGErtBERQ. jpunmiviis PALACF, UNCLE JOHJf GILDEBSLEEVE Das the ftnost stock of furniture south of Portland which he sells as cheap as it can be bought in he State. The new tangled DOUBLE BED LOUNGE. .' ASD PATENT CORNICES. Also has on hand a full assortment of beds ind bed ding, chain", tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kind, of Childrens Chain, etc J. CILDEI16LEETE. t I v. .hv jj -.i-.', ,