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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1887)
KOSEBUliG REVIEW an FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, IS, 1887. ROSEBVRO LOCALS. to Beautiful evenings. and not let it be in idleness, like the The sun has made its appearance. unjust steward we read of in the now " 1 . ; . I Master Elbert Hermann has been Testament, but use it in schooling the sick for a few days. children and not have that amount of Mr, f W. Johnstoon leccived a money in the state treasury unbeknown to line piano tLi3 weet. Miss Delia Partio returned from the metropolis last Friday. Mr. Reed, paymaster on the O. k C. R. R., went south yesterday mora wao T W t Tni-mi rf Sun h itinfiscn. !. " v .1 .1- 1. -C M. - was m mc city uie iore pais 01 me week. Mr. Milton LMienowcth swart a few .!, 1 days here last week. He leaves short- ly for Arizona. rr . r . . ifn . "T-. .1. - Mi. waiter JVnott. 01 x.asc rort- 10 land, is in our beautiful Burg visiting I or with his aunt, Mrs. Binger Hermann, The Junior Band discoursed some of at its sweetest music in honor of Mrs. 1U Keinhartand son last Saturday eve- ntDg. "VrieJ SfiTtnfrvn T?ai? tiAt'f irl crn rf , . . , eastern Uiegon, were the guests of Mrs. J. B. Horner lefct Saturday Sunday. . . and Mr. ana Mi-s. liapp, ison anti daughter went to Eugene Thursday morning, they are expected home this evening. Mr. Merrill, cf Portland, agent for lin .;!. mvi week and will pav the highest casu . price for grain and wool. IiEsolved: luat there 13 more pleasure in pursuit than in possession, was discussed last Friday evening. The decision was in favor of the affirmative. Resolved: That the North 13 mote t j blame for the Civil war than the South, will be discussed at the next meeting of the Adelphian Literary So ciety. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs J ohn Chase will be sorry to hear that they left Roseburg Thursday morning for Salem to remain a few weeks and then go to California where Mr. Chase will enter into business and settle. T x , , ... . hOimd train Ml-norl fi-rm Tf .lonhnrn I tit- f nr r. i i i-.r- -r , have been teaching in the public school. VV hue here the young ladies made many friends who will be sorry to hear that they have left us. May success crown all their eQorts and their bark glide smoothly over life's stormy ocean. JBA1A' ITEMS. Dr. Tayton is reported slightly ill. The snow is again falling thick and fast. The literary society is processing nicely. . L. McLallen left for Eugene Wednesday morning. Kev. 1. L. Jones is expected home this evening for a short stay.- Walter Butler is quite low with lung fever at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Ed. Haines. Rev. Dr. Freeland of Salem delivered an ex cellent address at the M. E. chapel, Sunday- Three children of Mrs. A. Hicathier arrived here from San Francisco, Tuesday evening. Mrs, Green is visiting her two sons and daughter, Messrs. Robt. and Roscoe and Miss Rosa,whoare attending school here. An insane man by the name of James Wil -liams, was brought up from Coos Bay Tuesday and taken to the asylum at Salem the following day. A supper will be given by the ladies of the Christian Missionary society on the 22nd of this month. The proceeds to be devoteJ to the Home Mission fund. A valentine parly was given at the resi dence of Mrs. McLallen on Monday evening by the Misses Cora Stark, Cbrdia Butler, Anna Drain, Mercy Applegate, and Nellie Apple gate. Numerous friends of these popular young ladies were present and a most enjoyable lime was had. Hackett and Giroin's "Pure English" now in use in our Normal school is a work of stand ard merit, and a book which should be in the hands of everyone. That the majority cf words comprising the English language arc mispronounced and misapplied is evident and also a fact greatly to be deplored. A suqirise donation party was given our pas tor, Rtv. R. M. Diramitt and wife on the evening of the iSth inst. by the younger mem bers of the M. K. church.' - The donation was in the form of a large cake the constituents of which though very rich we are quite sure will not in any manner interfere withrihe digestive organs of the recipients. The presentation was made hi a graceful manner by Mr. O. C. Brown. Among those present e note the following: Misses Myrtle Russell, Mollie McAllister, Lizzie Underhill, Dora McAllister, May Boots and the Messrs. Cartwright, Brown Boots and Green. The evening was spent pleasantly, conversation intermingled with popcorn. . Oksixi. DISPATCHES. J HE 31 ICUIOAX FLOODS. Terrible Ilnroc Played by the Raging Water. Lyon, Midi., Feb. 11. The flood here is terrible. A panic has existed among the peo ple and it is impossible to get estimates of the losses. The water is four feet deep in many residences and the same, state of affairs pre vails in the store rooms. Everybody is mov ing, or preparing to move. Last night was the most exciting the village ever experienced, and advices from other points are to the same effect, but Lyons seems to be the worst. A TOWN St'RROtTSDED. The town of Three Rivers is surrounded by water. All the shops have been closed at that point. Immense lumber piles are afloat. The lake Shore railroad track is in great dan ger of being washed away. Editor Review; I want to make inquiry if it would not have been a blessing if we would have had a good democratic governor eight years ago, have put that 126,000 at interest the republican oincers. Kepubiican ,, iL ,,. ,,ow 'ue u,ucan S"v" ernor uiu in regard 10 mar, money, ue the verv oue that ought to have found that sum of money was in idle I tor ness and had it put at interest, that amount of money is no small item, the 1 . ,i, , , t - interest woum nave oeen neanv aouo- " le(1 at least 100,000. There is another tlnno T rnf. tlio vnfora tn nnticfi i L,rm UnA l,o .lflfivn. L r 0r Pcnnoyer is in office a new leaf has been turned: their rascality is brought 1: -.1. 1. . 1 ill a "l I ngnc anu we nave tne ngat govern now. Although some of the smart men all around sling their smart jokes hit tbo Governor is the right man "Sut l"ilC3' m llQltis uie uorl,or i 1.. 1 .. . atio ,level and tue ""S3 can't do a the right kind of laws and they will get the signature of the Governor or I 0 ? T , , I am mistaken I am getting too lengthy so I will close. . G. W.Gexgeu. tub itEAnzr FOOL. Under the law, as it stands at present, the homicidal fool who through "the didn't - know - it - was loaded"act at Albina on Thursday afternoon, can not be banged for murder, and more.s the pitv, Yet the law ought to be put in form to meet such cases as this with a far se verer punishment than it metes outnow. It was his own gun and he was go ing out to shoot ducks, but he "didn't know it was loaded," and ho pointed it at the woman "in a playful mood to scare uer, puiieu me trigger ana sne fell dead. And then he was so sur" I prised and so sorry, and loaded the air with lamentations. The deadly fool frequently tries the patience of communities in this way; but his case is not incurable. If the legislature will just enact a law declar. ing that every homicide of this kind shall be punished as murder, the hang- ing 01 a tieaaiy 1001 or two win be a i no law, too, ougut to prescribe a nmntin- it nt another, nnd anv ininrv lfcS3 than t1eath resulting from such act should be punished as a murderous j assault. Though the legislature is approach- ing the end of its term, and there is little time for new business, it would bean excellent thing it it could give us an act to protect human life against .till t . m tne cieauiy loot, ana 10 punish the uvjui ( awvi avwiuiu uv itig ucui id. Oregonian. The spirit shown by Congress to resent the insults and injuries inflicted upon our fishermen has alarmed Can ada to such an extent that her Miu- isters and newspapers are now disclaim- ing any intention of brutal conduct, but nnlv .a desii-P ti tuntcrt. trpatv l-iwhrsVL j i F "o The people of the Dominion arc likely to protest in the most emphatic and peremptory manner against the bung- Hug policy of their Government which has brought them to the verge of com mercial ruin, which any retaliatory measure on the part 01 the United States would imply to them. S. F. Examiner. Senator Sherman was one of tbe sixteen Senators who voted for the woman suffrage amendment when it was before the Senate the other day. This ought to make him strong with the Republican Nominating Convention in 1S88, A presidential candidate who has the support of the women would have a tremendous boom in a national can vass. Whex the present call for three per crat. bonds is in, there will have been paid in the first half of Mr. Cleveland's Administration $154,000,000 of the three per cent, bonded debt, and that saves to you, gentlemen tax payers, 4,620,000 per year in interest; enough to build the best man-of-war that ever sailed. Tue bills passed by the presont leg islature, and signed by the governor, and all those bills that will become laws without the signature of the gov ernor, and all important acts of this session will be compiled ad published in full in The Review as soon as pos sible. "G'AHVEyour name on hearts, and not on marble," says Mr. Sptirgeon, the great Loudon preacher. Thac doctrine exactly suits the young maa ambitious of winning a tender remembrance from his best girl. "What is fame to the masher? Tue Ltgislature will adjourn to night at 10 o'clock p m they made some noise and did some good things, and did some things that were not so good. A. Hol man was rather officious this time. Soother at hand. It is the only safe medicine yet made that will remove all infantile disorders. It contains no Opium or Morphia, but gives the child natural ease from pain. Price S3 cents. Sold by A. UMarsters. OAKLAXD ITEMS. S. K-Raymond is very Bick And still the snow hangs on. Butter getting more plentiful The band is progressing finely. Valentine's day passed off quietly. Valentine's day passed off quietly. Hav very scarce at fifteen dollars I peiv ton. flfS Enterprise came out veiy dim last week, Dr. DeVore will occupy the trank Crouch property. . Oakland is soon nn rick vard- Dr-. HeiUT UJS visit to Roseburg Monday .night. . . - . 1 t; tt i j .i i c r 1. xir a. inu w uuu wii uiuiiuay . . .. when S. li. got after him. winia vn,m t,. mnvl l,;a'' tnnV .1.. M ulSlW,ur.c.,lw lugw.. Mra Deardoff Iiad her shoulder hart u , faii;ni, fmm a l-uesctay s ireignt m-ongnt tne sr,ocK of hardware for the new Store. Mrs. G. A. Tavlor snent several days a- a ai 1 1 . -vU I visiuuu Rfc iuii niautJ last vuti. Mack Kelley had the misfortune to fall and hurt his shonlftor Tuesday. I Prof. Boggs informs me that he will teach the Old Town school as usual, Pat Gallagher, of East Portland, spent Sunday with his family at this place. Willie and Milt spenf Sunday look ing after their claims in English Settle ment. - Rev. J. R. N. Bell preached in the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. Robert and Fannie Dear sent Sat- urdav and Sunday visiting relative? in Old Town Mrs. Miser of East Portland, a daughter of uncle Harry Pinkston, is visitin 1.A Walter Knott, who has been viriting his aunt, Mrs. llambiin, went to Jtiose- bur" Monday 1 sJ Dr. Han-is returned Sunday from Shoe String, where he has been for the past two weeks. E. G. Young & Co. are feeding a large nnmber of cattle here in town during the storm. Prof. Tapp will shortly move to Yoncolla to break horses at which he has been snccessful. Mrs. Chas. Morris, who has been visiting down in the valley, returned home by Thursday's train. Reports from near Elkton say the loss of sheep in that section is great, sheeP wer6 founJ dead in one Place It is rumorod that Jas. Starr of the CalaPooia, is thinking very seriously of gctting a ckira 5n Smith8 arjdition - 0 to poverty mil, how is it Jim? - r Tin , . p , . . .. - ivir. Jiiiioitt, lormcny 01 tne nrni 01 Devore fe Elliott, returned last week from an extended visit through Cali fornia and will remain with us for awhile. The funeral services of the late Mis. J- C. Young was preached in the Rap list church on Friday morning by Rev. VV. A. bimck. lhe tuneral wasl.-trge- y a' tended. ! The brick is being fixed up fine, and when the firm of Hamiuitt"k Young occupy it, it will put on a much finer appearance, and it is now hoped that the public will get the beunfit of lower prices. tenual teutherun nau a very nar- vstivr ftonii iiO f stilt Pi'Ii-lo t --. y i- i r rt while standing under one of his poorly constructed sheds it gave way from the amount cf snow upon it, Mr. Sutherlin happening to be underneath the shed was crushed into the deep snow under neath, preventing him from serious in- ' 1 xt r.i. r jnry anu was laKen out wuii oniy a iew breises. . Duplex. School Jlookt. Ed. Review: Among the almost 300 bills introduced, there was one in the early part of the session for the pirposeof furnishing school books by bridge across the Willamette at Port the State. It was but a few days after nA. Th SsnMte and Honse nissed the introduction of the bill, when the "OregoniAii" had an article over three columns in length on the subject, tak ing the ground, that it wtuld co3t the state ioouiuch to publish its own school books. From the "Orcgoniau's" state ment, ii appears that books costing 617,073 in New York are retailed ut Portland for 27,849 (and luore than this iu other towns). JiV-v this ex plains what I often wondered, why school books of inferior binding, paper, etc., should cost moiethin other books Why could not (Le state superintend ent attend to the procuring if these books in New York and then distrib uting them to the county superintend ents or treasurers, who could sell them Would the patrons not save at least 60 per cent, if not 50 per cent on pres ent prices? Cut a3 this law would leiieGt J of the families of the state, there is bo one pushing it, and we need not look for its adoption. Wm Thiel. Wlieo Baby wm sick, we gave her Caatorta, 'When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, "When she had Children, she garo them Castoria, A DELPHIAN LITEEAET BO&STr- VTSIT TO 31 T. VESXOX. By Sciin-LBR Ukrsiass. On the 22nd of February 1886 at Q:i a. ml 1 a few friends and I left Washington City on an excursion down the Potomac to ML Vernon, n, the home and tomb of Osn; George traMM? fl'm : ,hnl rt ,l:'T'u, r"' 1.1UUI1, 1UC Marine band which b the finest in the United States, and many other Military Companies were there. A few minutes after oassinp the barracks,- the boat whistled for Alexandria. The passengers got off and we started for Christ church. The brick from which this church is made was brought from England. The church is 130 years old. In the church yard are many graves which are over 100 ytm 01 age. Alter looking at the graves vuntrn nra rr Aik . 1 mn .11 1 z :..-. 7"':"J" r inpton; and Roiert k. Ip? After 0 -.w church was out we all went and sat down in each of the pews just for curiosity sake . . We then started for the Marshall house where PlWr,rM, cW c h on. f .l down the flag at the time the troops arrived in Alexandria. After looking over the premises we tfnrtrl for iTio Irflfltlnrlr limit TK fire th; of im t3nce to visit here b the Blue Room where Washington assumed command I w of the army- Up to this day everything in I .1 ; 11 t j- it- lIie rooin is uiuc. in uie ua?cmcni was me 1 J UV.ll'llU dIV utes we heard the whistle and started for the boat. It being a clear day we could see Mt Vernon in the distance. We next stopped at that place . As a boat comes in sight the large bell at Mt. Vernon- is always tolled The boat began to slow up as we approached the wharf . The band and other companies were arranged in line and as they marched up the river path toward the tomb the band played the beautiful dirge "Nearer my God to Thee ' When we arrived at the tomb every man lifted his hat. On one side of the tomb is the marble casket of Gen. Washington and on the other side that of Mrs. Washington while on the outside, are the graves of Bushrod Washington and others. We then started around the premises. We first visited the old tomb where Washington lay for 20 years, it k U' "ner 8rour" with a door leading in to it. ve then came across tne 01a ice wen L.yd, ;s 7sft. cieep. It was filled with ice in the winter and used out in the summer. After looking at the hot house and other places of I ..... 4 .in,l fn. V.a A it-.1 1 1 nrr hnucai Everything u just as tliey ,eft it. We visited the rooms where the Gen. and Mrs. Washing ton died. : After looking at many things of in tercst we had our photographs taken she wing the room in wh'ch Washington died and after gathering many relics started for the boat. It wa s such a clear day that we could see up the river 1 6 miles and also we could sec looming into the clouds, the dome of the capitol and Washington monument. At 4:30 p. m. the boat started from Mt. Vernon for Washington City, and after listening to the sweet music discoursed by the Marine band for a few houra we arrived at Washington City where we al started for our homes well pleased with our day's journey VAX Till! 1'HlSOXEll ESCAPE? A Puzzle That Proinrsra to Rival the Pa tnoita Fifteen Fuzslc. From the Oregonian Here is the latest craze that has struck Portland, and as yet 110 one has offered a solution: A I A prisoner is stfpposed to be confined in a prison, of which the above is plan. Each cell opens into all eel's adjoining it. Supposing the prisoner to be in cell A, and to be offered his freedom if he will from that cell I go through every oilier cell, and out atB going through no cell more than nee in passing from A to R, could he thus gain his liberty? A writci in the. Scientific American savs ho believes it c m be done, but does not offer the kev. Several sen , , ,ft munt Mei.ciiants I x t. , . ., . .. . , ,,.i, ... ., , ' . ... . . I illy nu X( UlieU U13 W1LIIUIII SUWtCJ, Onn of il a slate, scratched lints as per above d agratn, and has already worn out tw soapstone slate poncils. . , Gov. Peimoycr vetoed the R tho bill over the governor's veto by a large vote. The bridge will be built, and Portlau I will bj Batisdovl. This bridge will cross the river below where the old Clarendon hotel us 'd to Ktiind. We . had hoped that the governor wou'd sign this bill. " Cry for PITCHER'S Health and Sleep without Morphine. Children nun a OBtflfl The birth of Secretary Withney's daughter Sunday is the fifth instance in the last twenty years of an increase in like manner of a CdbinttTamily. During Johnson's administration Secretary McCulloch was presented with a daugh ter, as was also Posf master (Jencral Denison. In General Grant's second term two cabinet babies were born one the daughter of Secretary Belknap, the other the daughter of Secretary Robeson! Why all cabinet babies should bo girls is a question which naturally suggests itself from the above fact'-Ex f is- H O o r-1 CO w w- o CO CO W M 13 H tC . Z-i v w -f CO r-J 3 0 1 -3 c H 'cc' W 'Z - w - o o o O in tr. 1x3 U u U T. a CO n. I 0 o 5 on tr X a Pi o LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS In the Ciicuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas. bol. Abraham, 1'l.untill va ( Suit in equity to fore- Owiwe Tarrant and An- f cloie a luortj.-airo. na i. Tarrant. Ief't8. ; lo George Tarrant and Anna J. Tarrant, defen L danta above naincl, in the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby renuired to appear and answer tne complaint mea u-'amtt vou in tne aoove entiiieu court ana cause oy tne nrst uay 01 me next regular term of court, to-wit. tho tirst Monilav, the 2nd day of May 18'i". And you will take notice tnat 11 you lail so to appear and answer saiu coin plaint tho plaintiff will ap,)ly to the court for the relief demyided therein, to wit: That the mort jra:je mentioned in the complaint upon the follow ii.-; premise", tow it: An undivided half interest iu all that iwrtion of the northwest quarter of the uortl west quarter, the south half of the north west quar ter, and the south west quarter and the west half ot the south east ouarter of section number tour (4) in township thirlh-three (S3) south, of mure six ((1) west 1 vini? south of the lino of the track of the Oregon & California Railroad Company containing aJO acres more or Ifss. Also the west h.11 ot the north west quarterof section thirty -one(31) in town thirty-two (32) south cf rane si:; (0) westconUi'niins; 105. 1(1 acres. The cast half of the south west iuar- ter and south cast quarter of section thirty one (111) the nortn nail 01 the south west qurj-ter auu to tit 11 east quarterof south west quarter of section nuni ber thirty-two (32) south of ramro six (O)wcstcou- taing S60 acies. Also the south west quarter of the soutu we ;t quarter, tne north oast Quarter 01 the south west quarter, the south west quarter of the north east quarter and tbe east half of the norm east quarter of section three (3), the we t half of the wost half of section ten in town. No. thirty-three (S3) south of range six (C) west containing 361.21 acres. Also the north west quarter, the west half of the north cast quarter, the east half of the south west quarter and west half of south oast quarter of section two (2) in town, thirty-three (S3) south of range si (0) west containing 404.32 acres. Also south eait quarter of the north west quarter, the north east quarter of the south west quarter and north half of south east quarterof section five in town, thirty-three (33) sOnth, of ranc six (0) west containing 1 GO acres. Also lot number one of sec tion eijjht (3) and lots three and four and the south west quarter of tho north we3t quarter of section nine (0) in township thirty-t hree (33) south of range six (6) west containing 100.71 acres. Also lots one and two and south half of the north cast quarter of section (5) in township thirty-three (33) south of range six (0) west containing 160.93 acre. Also the north half of soiit h east quarter, the south east quarter of the north west quarter and the north east quarter of the south west quarter of section nine i:i town, thirty-three (33) south of range six (i) west contain ing 160 acres. Also all that portion of the north west quarter of the north west quarter of section four in town, thirty-three (33) south of range six (fi) west lying north of the track of the Oregon & Cal ifornia Kailroad company containing- thirtv(30) acres more or loss. And also all that part of the north cast quarter of the north west quarter of section four in town, thirty three (S3) south of ran-re six () west Willamette Meridian lying and being south of tho hue of the track of the Oregon C California Railroad company. All said lands and premises are sit uated in Douglas county, Oregon and csntain in all Two Thousand three hundred and fort v acres more or less and embrace their interest in the heretofore un sold town property at the town of Julia, sometimes called Glendale, and also the saw mill situated at that place. Together with the tenements, heredit aments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Maybe foreclosed and the said premises ordered to be sold and the proceeds aoplicd to the payment of Slid debtto-wit, Fourteen Thousand Dollars togcthii with interest on thirty five hundred dollars thereof from the 22nd dav of January 1SSG and on two thousand dollars from the 22nd dav of May 18S6, and on three thousand dollars from the 22nd lay of January 1387 and plaintiffs costs aiyldishursemcntsin this suit. And that plain tiff have Judgment against the defendant George Tarraut for any b dance that may remain unpaid and that he have execution therefor. This sum mons is published by the order of Hon. R. 13. Bean, Judge of tho above entitled court made and dated the 12th day of February 1SS7. Wa. It. Wilms, Attorney for Plaintiff... MINING APPLICATION NO. 48. IT. S. Land Office Roseburg, December, 21, 138fi. NOTICE IS 11EKEBY GIVEN THAT EU.SON Adams and llarvey S. Brown, Trustee, both of Oakland, Alamoda county, Cal., through their attorney iu fact Will t. Urown whose P. Q. address is Riddle, Doujrlas county, Or., have this day filed their application for a patent for thoOukland Placer Nickel & Chrome mininjr claim, euihraciiuf the S. W. J, Sec. 17, Tp. 30, S. R. C West, W. M.7 con tainingnne hundred and sixty acres, situata in Ex celsior Mining: iJistrict, Douglas Co., Or., a:i l desig nated ny the held notes and oillcml plat on file in this office, as Lot No. 3S. The location of this mine is recorded in tho Count) Clerk's office at Roseburg, DonglasCo., Or. in Book 2, pu-c 00, Mining lic-orus ol said Io'.i;rla3 Co. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said Oakland Placer Nickel & Chrome Mining claim a'-ovc descrited arc re quired to file tneir adverse claims with tho llcistcr of the U. 8. Land Otflce, at lioseburjr. Or., during the sixty d tys period of publication horeof, or they will be barred ' virtue of the provisions of tbe statute. ' Ciias. W. Joiixstok, Register. MM APPLICATION NO. 47. U. S. fond OITfco, RiKtburp, Or., Doc. 21, ISSfl. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIYEN THAT EDSON Adams and Harvey S. Brown, Truntee, both of (taklaud, county, Cal. through their at torney in fa-t Wiil i. Brown, whose P. O. address it Riddle, Douglas county. Or., have thii day filed their application for a l atent for the Noiimcite Placer Nickel & Chpmie minii-j claim, cinhracing the S. E. i, Se. IT, T. V R. 6 West, W. M. cont-iiiii" one hcndu d and sixty acres, situate in Excelsior Mining- listrict, Douglas county, Or. ami designated by the field notes and otlicial plat on file in this oiHcc, as Lot No. 37. The locntiou of this mine is recorded in the County Clerk's office, at Roseburg, Douglas Co.. Or., in Book 2, paee 759, Mining Records of said Douglas Co. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said Nou meitc Placer Nickel J: Cbromo mining claim above described, are required to 81c their adverse claims with the Register of tbeU. 8, Land, at Rose burg, Or., duringtl.e sixty days period of publica tion hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of tbe statute Ciias. W. JonsBTOx, I Register. Administrators Notice- TVTOTICE IS tlEREBY GIVES tUT TnE"ly. l dergigncd has been duly appointed by the or der of the County Court ef Douglas countv Oregon Aumliiistraior oi tne estate oi J. J. ntutsett de ceased, and that he h3 duly qualified as such Ad ministrator. All persons holding claims against the deceased are required to present them to said Ad ministrator duly verified as by law required at his residence in DecrCreck precinct, Douglas countv Ore gon within six months from the date of this notice or tho first publication thereof. And all persons knowing themselves indebted to the deceased are notified to' make iunuodiale payment to said admin istrator, liateu .ian. se, lifcf,' J. llr WnrrsBTT C. Bam. Administraor Atty. for estate; I ail road oule k.anges Fasttinio' Sui coimcctitms! New equipmctits i25 miles shorter; 20 Jiours less time; acuuuituoda lions uusurjiLijcil tut comfort untl safety. Fares will Freii'lit MUCH LESS tlian bv any other route Detwecn ujiiits iu Willamette Valicy and Sau Franeisoi Ou!y Kuuto via YAQUISA BAY to ; SAX FUAXC1SCO. The Oregon Dcvelopmt-nt t''s fine Stcamhiis sil Frmii Yarjuind Froin K:ui Fraiieiseo Y-iquina City Tucs Feb ltiYaquins City Tliu Feb 10 Santa Maria Mon Feb SllSanta KariA St Feb 12 Yaquina City Sim Feb 27!Yaquina City Tues Fth 22 Santa Maria Sat Mar 5Santa Maria Mon Feb 28 Yaquina City Fri Mar ll-Yajiima City Sun Mar 6 Santa Maria Tlmr Mar 17!Santa Maria Sat Mar 12 Yaquina Citj WeJ Mar 23Yatuina City Fri Maris Daily a3cnjer trains except SuiiJ:trs. Leaves Yaquina 6. 20 a ni Leaves Albany 12. 40 pm Arrive CorvailU 10.38am j Arrive tJorvallis 1.22 p ni Arrive Albany 11.20 a m Arrive Yaijuina a. 45 i in Oregon & California West Side trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. ' , ' The Conijany reserves the riglit t chaise eailin daya. Fares, lictween Corvaiiis and San Kraneiseo, Fares Rail 4 Catiin $14, Kail & Stcera; c Fol further information av'.v U C. C. Hoguo A. O. F. & 1. Aff't., C onallis. Roseburg Flouring Mills '. ' RAST & GRITESiR. This inill is turiiingout CHOICE FLOUR, and will Si?e that you arc satisfied. Get your bi.scuit Hour at the Roseburg Mills. Tho highest market price piid for wheat. The Red Corner Keeps Constantly 011 hand the. Finest Cigars, Tobacco NUTS, TOYS, NOTIONS, and Everything usually kept in n I'lliST CLASS Notion and Cai dy Store. Will sell bv the n:o; "LIVE AND LET LIVE" Call ant! Examine our Stock -Defote- purchasi to elsewhere. L. BELFILS I feci confident of giving satisfaction in all work entrusted to me iu watches, chicks, and Jewelry. I also re;ir muskvil instruments. I have tbe County patent right for sale of Concrete Cement 1'ipe for couveyin watci to any place de sired in Douglas Couuty. I will also teach any kind of instrumental nnii-ic. Anyone desirfng instruction will call on me at my watchmaking shop. L. Bblfils. H. PARRY, Merchant Tailor. in the Red Front, next, door to, A. C. Marks Repairs and Alterations neatly done GEO. F0R6A1 IX UNO. WASHING & IRONING. OPPOSITE CARLOX' LIVEEt &TABLE. Disolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho copartnership heretofore cxisiin-r between Thomas Criteser and Henry Gates has by the mutual consent of the parties Deen aistHved, ana all persons Knowing loran selves indebted to the arm will call a nd settle the same at the RoK'burg flo-irinj mills of Criteser & Rati. Thomas CaiTKSKK, Urcitr Ctes. - Jan. 23th, 18i7. Oregon "pacific ! T uly I 'opular 1 ver X ictures'iuc 1 G. A. TAYLOR 53 1 EXACT. LA BUI 18 OH f 6 8 f EA0H CHIMNEY AS V g 5 g BHOWN M IP10TUR& LElttOigALERS sirrirWHERg. Young . has this space etc. etc.-. Corner' cust streets, Oakland Oregon. ASSI - Dry Goods, Olo thing, Hats & Gaps, Boots & Shoes, Notions, Fancy Goods, Millinery &; Groceries, Crockery & Glassware, Etc. Etc. Eta TUESDAY NOV. 16TH. ON J- I will open the store lately occupied by CARO BROS, nt Koseburg Oregon and sell the stock at about ONE HALF ITS ORIGINAL COST. This is the best opportunity ever offered in Oregon. JIIX LASE, Assicnre. $1000 I'EWAUD Will Im given any man wno win produce a sci entist of larpe cximri once, and widely known to be an houerahlc man, H.rVtST own TtiTJ" ' "an, v re- fi who ill asert that fined cast zinc is not oue of the most enduring of all known materials to withstand the actions of the waather. DETUOIT DUOXZE CO., r Detroit, Mich m r r i w UCT1CALLYV " H. r.r,'- . i Pev i . .. X MONUMENTS J. A. Cardwell, Agent, 1 Sgj iff. FOR PARTICULARS INQUIRE AT THE REVIEW OFFICE. SOMETHING SEW. A Steam Cooker tuUuble for private families or hotels, cooliUig all kinds of meats, vogctablcp, fruits. piuMms elc. BY STEAM ' retaining all that is tisnally lost by evaporation and avoiding any offensive mell in the room while cooking onionss krout etc. Manufactured and for eale by G. V. J ojinso, Roseburg. Or. FARM FOR S.AXE. One Small Farm for sale containing 230 acres, 60 acres good farming land. The balanoe good timber and pasture well watered and all fenced. For par ticular? enquire of .: i F. CoiisuTT, Riddles, Oregon. Maniiiiitte for Hardware First and Lo GNEE OF - WHITE BRONZE as D STATUARY Were awarded lhe GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, New Oh m ass, . i s -a - n uNUMLntAu j mcesoa - Jacksonville, Oregon EXTERMINATOR. SaOIRSEL & GOPHER EXTERMINATORS At A." GREAT SUCCESS. THEY ARK CHEAP. INQUIRE AND SEE ONE p q.p q p q p T II. O'MALLEY, J Propiietor of the ROSEBURG MARBLE WORKS, And Dealer in Toobstones, Tablets, Etc. -. Shop Bear of Hogaa's Store,