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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1886)
ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1886. ARTISTIC IMPOSTORS. A HUNDRED THOUSAND BEGGARS IN i THE FRENCH CAPITAL. Territory of the Professional Mendicant ! The Thousand and One Trials of Street i Impostors Hideous Sights and Pathetic - Scenes Refinement of Infamy. What, indeed, can be done with the mendicants of Paris? Arrest them. What then can be done with them? The depots de mendicite are full, the hospitals are fall; the prisons are too small for the as sassins and robbers. It must not be forgotten that among the professional beggars there exists a species of tacit conventions. They divide Paris between themselves the arrendissements, the quarters, and even the honsej. At a ' certain yard or court, for example, there will come every Monday a blind man, very Tuesday a paralytic, every Thursday a one-legged man. It is not chance that regulates that. This particular place be longs to them, and if an intruder is found in possession the three "proprietors" join forces and turn him away, with a warning not to come back. Or, in some) instances, if he is humble and modest, they may au thorize him to glean after they have gath- - ered the harvest. A beggar's location is a property it is sole, it is trasferred, it is left .as an inheritance to his children. I do not know how many mendicants there are in Paris. Statistics would give you the exact figures. It would even de compose the latter into the number of men, women, boys, and girls. What I can gay is that at the lowest estimate there are certainly arcasineurs (house beggars), ramaaliqueurs (court or yard beggars), and beggars of the street, or tendeurs de demi nune, something like 100,000. PROFESSIONAL "ABTI8TS" OF THE STREET. Of these there are more than one quar ter that are worthy of sympathy the - aged, the maimed, the indigent; the others are "artists." I will not stop to relate all the stories about The "false cripples," the beggers that feign epilepsy by putting a piece of soap into their mouths, the "false , one-armed" impostors who stretch their arm down their body, hold the hand on the hip, and" leave the empty sleeve flapping: . the humbugs on crutches, who carry a leg as If it were paralyzed. There are ahun 'dred tricks. There are substances, plants, that have a blistering effect on the skin and produce hideous sores everything that can move the public these rascals never fail to employ. The arcasineur who forms the elite of mendacity in Paris resorts to the most in genious schemes. He does not weep for a sou. He must do better than that. He demands pardon, he accepts assistance. If he does you the honor to apply to you it is because he esteems you. He does not take everybody into his confidence in such delicate matters. So if you give him only 100 sous he puts on a wry face. "My dear friend," said one of them to me, "I have a splendid offer. A deputy wants a man to run a newspaper. It is a place worth 5,000 or 6,000 francs, in the country a fortune. But what am I to do? I must go down there to see him; that takes money. With a louis I am saved, but I have no louis. Oh, if some friend would come to my aid." I give him the louis; the next day I met the same fellow, who imperturbably accosts me with: "My dear fellow, I missed the train." Those that the police are most occupied with are the street beggars. Look at them displaying their hideous wounds in the full gaze of everybody! Ugh! And what is the saddest of all, see at the corner c ' the square that woman with an air of suffering, a face on which are writ ten the traces of want and despair. In her arms is a baby, at the right lies a little girl, at the left is couched a little boy. The whole form a group knowingly ar ranged, and pathetically interesting. Well, all that is sham. The woman is a fraud, the young ones on hand for the oc casion. Frightful, is it not? Yet it is trua. They hire these children, the wretches. They hire them to make vaga bonds and thieves of them. The child is trained to assume a sickly and woe-begone air, to weep, to beg. Who has not been moved to pity at the sight of a little boy or girl of 5 or 6, who was weep ing bitterly because, as she said, she had to take home. 20 sous as she had not been able to "make them." The child was ly ing; she was repeating her role. Her pro prietor was near by laughing in his sleeve at the young one's falsehoods and well simulated distress. THE REFSE1E-TS OF CRUELTY. It id children that most move us to pity. They know it, the wretches, and abuse it. Would you believe they torture them in order to excite the sympathy of passers by? Recall the story of the little Nanitte Lollier, stolen from her mother. She fell into the hands of one of these professional beggars, who used her to good profit. She put a bandage over one of the child's eyes, under the bandage the shell of a walnut, in the shell a spider a great black spider, the constant crawling of which over the child's eye wrung from her the most ngohikjng shrieks, and frequently threw her into convulsions. Every beggar does not have these refine ments, but all of them resort to pinching their children and pricking them with pins to make them cry and attract atten tion. What is to be done with all these Impostors? How can these infamies be suppressed? If you wish to see a curious sight go, for instance, to the gate that leads to the St. Quen cemetery. The beggars calculate that the affloted are the most chantable. You will see a singular scene there. At the foot of a post which bears the inscription, "Begging forbidden in the city of Paris," you will will see a group of mendicants, one pointing at you a stump eaten away by a loathsome disease, another exhibiting a cancer, a third invoking sympathy for a doubtful blindness, the fourth thrusting out two legs of wood. Opposite are a paralytic, a man with no feet, and a horribly-deformed cripple. Further along are epileptics, and . persons affected with the St. Vitus dance. The entire length of the avenue is a series of maladies of all sorts, one more repulsive than the 6ther, a verit able display of the the human infirmities. All this abhorrent throagfgroans, weeps, cries, out, laments, and when the evening comes they go away arm in arm, the blind dragging the paralytic, the epileptic dragging the St Vitus dancers to drink at at the wine shops of the route de Revolte, to count their receipts, that vary from 5 to 10 francs, and to go when drunk to sleep pel m?ll men and women at the Petit MazoS 6Y the Femme en culottes. This is what the prefect of police wishes to destroy--the beggars of Paris an army of wickedness, a legion of Infamy that livos by imposing upon the purest senti ment of the human heart, charity. Paris oHrrible nd Original TTnen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Kiss, she elans to Castoria, When she had Children, she gmrt them Castoria, Savs an exchange: "Staid Philadel phia papers are advising women to carry revolvers aud learn how to nS3 thein.' The editor of tho Oregonian should at once apply for tutorship. General Loo ax has great faith in the f atuve of Oregon, and predicts that it can sustain a population as hrge as the State of Illinois, which is over 3,000,000, KING'S EVIL Yi 1L2 name formerly given to Scrofula ti.-iMU-fi; of a superstition that it could be cured by a kins's touch. The world Is wiicr now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purlfica tiun of lbs blood. If this is neglected, tha disease perpetuates its taint through E.-ii "ration after generation. Among its earlier . symptomatic developments are Kczenidj Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu mors, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tinue. Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and Ldver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and rati on other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. ;---. fiyers Sarsaparilla '. the only pouerful and alKays reliable blood-purifying medicine. It is so effect h:iI au alterative that it eradicates from '.tie system Hereditary Scrofula, and ihff kindred poisons of contagious diseases au-l mercury. At She same time it cn rich? -and viiaiizei the blood, restoring healthful a:ion,to the vital orjraus and rejuvenating the entire system. This great fiegsnsrative Medicine Is eompoW of the genuine Honduras Sfir.wpariUc, wiih Yelloi!) Dock, tit it liny ia, th: Iodides of Potassiuvi and Iron, and o'her ingredients of great po tency, carefully and scientifically com pounded. Its formula is generally'known to tho medical profession, and the beet phyi.-iam constantly prescribe AYE It's SiK-iAl'ARlLLA US an Absolute Cure For a!l.d:ascj caused by the vitiation of th? MjoJ. It i-j concentrated to the higli-- pravt!.-.-flJ!o decree, far beyond any , ii;-r p-rpaVation for which like effects t v oli'ined, :;n J is therefore the cheapest : ; wfll a tii j best !!ood purifying wedi ;;: , in th; world. Aysr'3 Sarsaparilla, prepared r.v o. 0. Aj-er & Co., Lowell, Mass Analytical Chemists. Scld by all Druggists: Trice $1; Six b'lttles for I AM PREPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS Work in this line, and ask a share of the patronage of Roseburg .and vicin ity. ELMIXA V. CRUMP. i-ext door to L.Eclfils Jewelry Store, ltosbeurg Or. Central Hotel! KOSEBUUG, OREGON, OPPOSITE CARLON'3 LIVERY STABLE. Board and Lodging per day .....$ I .oo " " " week 5.00 " Without Lodging..... 4.00 Meals, 25 cents. Lodging, 25 cents Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally. MRS- E. GARRISON . Trop. Joiix Kenedy, Clerk. O. C. Perkins, Steward. No Chinese employed . THE GR.ll'E CUKE. SAL-MUSCATELLE In America WITHOUT THE EXPFN3 OF AK EUEOPAN JOUfLNFY! The crystalizeil salts, as obtained in a pure state from grapes and choice fruit,, in a portable, palat able, simple form, are now presented to the public of America as the grandest resolvent of impure blood, corrector of the liver and regulator of the bowels the natuial promoter of HEALTH AND LOXUEV1TY., Eminent ohvsiciaug claim this achievement a new era in the allied science of medicine, as it furnishes the blood with its natural salines that arc lost or eliminated ery Uav. SAL-MUSCATELIjII A POSITIVE, NATURAL SICK HEADACHE AXD DYSrEPSIA CUHE. Sal-Muscatclle is Xaturc's own product. It sup plies to the Hvstem the want of sound,- ripe tfrapes and fruit; it is the simplest and best preventive and cure for all functional derangements of the liver and kindred ailments; prevents the absorption of mal an al diseases fevers cf all kinds; counteracts the ef fects of bad air, poor drainage and impure water; a powerful oxidizer of the blood; a natural specific for all skin eruptions, sick headaches, biliousness, nervousness, mental depression, and will remove the effects of accidental Indigestion from excessive cat ing and drinking. Have it in your homes and on your travels. It is a specific for the fagged, weary and worn-out. Prepaired by the London Sal-Muscatelle Co. tOXDOX, E50LJSD. . Beware of imitation;. The genuine iu "blue wrappers only." jarSend for circulars C. EV NOVITCH, General American Manager, r. O Box 1!K3, Xew York City. Mention this paper. For ealc by S. Ilani'lton Rose burj Oregon. Of interest to Laities- The new treatment for ladies' dis eases diicovered by Dr. Mary A. Gregsr, the distinguished English Physician and nurse, which has revolutionized the entire mode of treating these com plaints in England is now being intro duced into the IT. S., under a fair and novel plan. Sufficient of this remedy for one month's trial treatment is sent free to every lady who is suffering from any disease common to the sex who sends her address and 13 2ct stamps for ex pense, charges etc. It is a po ititre cure fcr any form of female disease and the free trial pack- aje is many times sufficient to effect a permanent cure. Full directions ac company the package (which ia put in a plain wrapper) also price list for f u ture reference. Xo trial package will he sent offer Oct. 1st 1886. Ad dress, Greoo Remedy Company, Pal jivea, y. H. O. Stanton DEALER IN STAPLE DM GOODS! OF THE BEST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, ' HOSIERY, TRIMMING &c. Boots & Shoes OF THE BEST QUALITY. ' a full iSSOB it BiULeBA'O; of GROCERIES ! Wood And Willow ' WARE. ' CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONARY. Subscription AGENCY. Subscription received for all Eastern and European Publications. THE OLD RELIABLE BU.TOBBR "SHOE1. Established in 18G7. ! Jacob Bittzcr GENERAL MERCHANDISE. LOOK OUT! JPoJEl. OAROBros' Bran New Coos' Bay Stage Line! L1IRO & CALVERT, ! PROPRIETORS. THROUGH TO COOS CITY IN 14 HOURS' WIIERK v-ouiKi'liou is made with Coos Bay Steam era for all point! on the Cay. Stages leave tbe Post offic at Krsehurst every morning', except Sunday calling at the hotels before leaving;.! THE BEST ROUTE TO COOS BAY Particular attention given to the comfort of pass senders. Careful drivers ind g od stock. NEW STORE AT DILLARD, OB. 1 would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Cioods, CIroc cries, Ready-Made Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a liist-class store. Give him a call. Goods at Low Prices. J AH kinds of froduc Taken in Exchange for Goods. nAll orders promptly attendtd to. k Store ft" ISCELLAN EOUS UIimi ORE PALACR UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEYE Has tbe Sliest stock of furniture south ol" Portland : liicb he sells as cheap ai it can fee bought ill the State. The new fanjled ' DO UBLE BED LOUNGE. ' ' AJfD PATENT CORNICES Also has on hand a full assortment of beds sod bad- ding, chairs, tables, - " ; , I BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kinds of Childrcns Chairs, etc. j " J. OILDERSLEEVE. J PHILIP SATJTER, merchant Tailor J IrEKPSa Inrgpi and coinploto assortment of Mint. !L pies of tbe very best materials and latest stylos. . . ) CLOTHING MADE TO 0RDEB A perfect FIT Guaranteed ' vr Cleaning ami Repairing done j at Reasonable jratcs. SIIOV Op osits MTSJZH'S Meat Market, on Jackson Street. i , . ROSEBURG, OREGON. N. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, Machine Slto, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop, "1AN MAKE CASTINGS FROM OXrj J outinc to thrco tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castings. Jloney refuuded if work is not satisfactory, rortlaud prices ! 5ave telegrams and expressae. LAFGENBERS'S UqqI and! Sfia Btord, Jackson Strcct.OpposIte Post Office, Bosoonre, Oreeoa. KtErS OX HAND TUE L-VUCEST AND BEST assortment of Eastern and San Francisco and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, SLIP PEKS aud everything in the Boot and Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOB CASH.) Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit G uarantccd. , : I use the Lest of Leather and Warrant all my work. f 1 Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. ZOVIS LANOENBEHOi CIVIL BEND STORE V. ARRINGTON, DEALER IN Dry Goods &rocsic3 etc All Kinds of ProJuca Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOL'U. CO., OREGON. T. L. Gaxxon, C. A. Dlackjian CARRIAGE, WAGON AND tlBLAGHSMITH SHOP! &1 Adamson's Old Stand. Jackson Street. MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGIES I All Kinds of Rejairiug Done, Terms ar ReasouaLle. Gasnos & Black ma ji. GBANOE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF KOSEBUHQ. W. F. OWEXS, : ; : : . Manager. Wool and Grain! ALSO, AGENTS FOR ; v Agricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS- i WK TRANSACT A GENERAL BUSI- f ness in our line and pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and Grain. A full line of Agricultural Implements kept con stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give us a Call. W F. OWENS. THE New York Coffee House And Oyster Saloon1 Leading Check Restaurant in the City, SIFERD HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS" 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND OREGON. fJTrixnte Uounig of tlio LaU'st Desirns (or Ladicr OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. i f MILLWOOD LULLS OX HUBBARD CREEii. CLARKE & BAKER, Proprietoi-8. We arc now prepared to furnish lumber oi the best quality in quantities to suit the purchasers, always having on hand the largest stock of any mill in Dmigla County. I We will furnish lumber at our mill at the following PRICES. ! ' No I rouj;h luuiber...... No, I flooring, 6 inch D 4 M No. 1 flooring, t inch D & Jl No. 1 finishing: lumber ....8 to W M m m ..... 813 M -. ..810 31 CLARKE k BAKER. DO YOU ROUGH At Fair Do you want to buiMjiext season? OR Luniber that it may bo thoroughly seasoned. It will coat 110 in u'j. - ADDRESS; J. O, Booth, 'Crevcfaml, Or. It. A. Hoot h, Drain OP. fyo'.i knew how cheap-1 sell Bells for Faums, Schools or Ciilrches You would surely have onf. I also deal in Threshers, Engines, Mill Machinery, Pi jirs, Iuspirators (The best Boiler feeder known) Steam Fitting Goods, Belting, Oils. Also General Agent for, Tie Shipmax Engine, Coal Oil for fuel, No Dust, No Dirt Send for circular and prices. Office Foot of Morrison Street Pol Hand Oregon. . (JIVE ME A GALL, 74 T. WRiUHT. HITCH UP! But before you do that come 'round to W. Gr. WOODWARD'S mi a IfilHui -AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Diggcst and Best Stock of Gootls ever Drought to Town. 1 use nothing but the best leather, and have got EVlillYTII IN IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME W. G. Wopdward9 Roseburg. SUCCESSOR TO -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Kosebur Oregon. lias on hand constantly a General Merchandise and will be pleased to see Ins old friends and patrons, as well as new ones, who in co nsideration oftlie scarcity of money and the present depression in business, will study their own interests by calling on h;m and examining QQQm m& prices ; Before purchasing elsewhere. I do not claim to sell goods at cost, or less than cost, but will assure all. who patronize me tbat .tlioy will get their goods At Tiie Lowest Living Frofit. Produce Of AU Kinds Taken At Market Price, Sol. Abraham. Drain & Co,- fBain. JDouglus Cot1 Oregon, GENERAL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Teas- Hardware, 0- -O- UATS, CAPS, BOOTS AETZ SHOZJS. trswill iind our stock comiIe'e, comprising many articles it is im possible here to enumerate. Would respectfully invite an examination of stock believing all can be satisfied tbat it h for their interest to make purchases here as we uy and sell for cash . - ' only. ' MARLIN . ... pJet.pcuTT guaranteej all sizes, all weishU. Prices reduced. m L Tl A .T. AT?Ti ;ol,rr?' plwtln and Tarcrt Rifles, world TMKTml. The tUndard for hH Hull fcii t.A taiuet sl.-oling, tiuntini. and shooun (Mllcrfrs. All cnllhrps from Zi U tk. j'aSwTfisa , mm fire arms co., kew umt cokx. WANT DRESSED Prices? If so have your lumber sawed now In 9 large and complete assortment of Crockery, 3 ... ujbui; iuMVsuimrtWBiHii miwi iwi. aad the only abolutcly safe rlflo made. All styles, PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS C. W. KXOWLES, ST, CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, roprictor. FIllST CLASS IX EVERY UESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Firc-ruvf Brick EuilUinir ISO Bourns. In the Center uf ll:c Citv COR. FRONT AND MORRISON T3., PORTLAND EUROPEAN PLAN. JgSMOXD HOTEL, First Class: In Every Particular, C'OUNr.R. KKlT AND JI'r.RlS: Stb rOUTLAND, ; OREGON Thuuas Gi inean, Prui-rktur. fJlilE ST. C1IA1JLES HESTAUKANT. Charles Heilman, Proprietor. The very best in tie Market is set before you. : THE " INTERNATIONAL Cor. Third and E Streets, Portland, Oregon. REDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME THIs LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offers SUttCrinr At TMinulur 1 iriitm Meals 25c, Rooms 25c and 50c. Only" three blocks irora au uextg anil Steamer. landings, Free Buss to and from the Hotel No Chinese servants. No overcharges or deviatiun from regular rates of $1.00 nurd-tf E. LEWISTON. Tro.'r. EsUblishcd libi. A. ROBERTS, - Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING GLQTOIEE! HOTTER ASD OF OREGON. THE PLACE TO BUY. Jj J B CONGLE Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, t3J.LE.VT 11 EK AND SaDDLEHY HARDWARE 103 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGOS Malanssene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED S OLD ST011E. A full line of first class Furniture. A nythinj; repaired or made to order. CALL IXSTAKTEIt. Great Overland Route ! THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ONLY LINE RUNNINC- Pullman Palace Sleeping Oaj, Magnificent Day Coaches, and .Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, WITH BERTHS FREE Of COST- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul and Minneapolis ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNING PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST -OVER THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council lilufTs St Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, . . Kansas City, Burlington, Quiucy, vj. t , r: ' AND ALL POINTS- IASrn AND CjOUTilEASrn !iASl AND OOUTIIEASj -O Via St. Paul and Minneapolis. Are hautcd on rcijular Ex- press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD- Leave Portland at 3:00 P. m., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St Paul 12:30 P. ii., tuml day. Connection made at St. Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 A. m., arriving at New Tacoma 6:30 p. m., connecting with O. R. k N. Co.'s boats for all points on Puget Sound. A. D. CnABLTOX, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., . v Portland, Oregon. Or. IICHRCOLD 6aUp-Suirs over L. 15c Ill's Jewelry Slor- ROSEEUKC ORECCN. rs Ft, JU. Oil ALLEY, Propiiftor of i he ROSEBUKG MARLLE 'AVORKSS. And Dealor in Tt'ojiusi-OSES, Tai-u-.ij:1;tc. Shop Ecsrct Hcgtn't Hi re. ' m sua kw CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS ANB CCPYRICKTS Obtained, and all other Iiosidcss in th V. -' Pateut, Office attended tw tnr MODERATE FEES. Scud MODEL OK DRAWJM1. W advise as patentebility free ut cIuikc; and we make NO CHANGE VXLESS WE OBTAJJf PATENT. Wc refer here to tbe Postmaster, the Suj.t. " Money Order Dir., atid to officials of tbe U. S. Tatcnt office. '. l'tr circular, advice,' (enns and references tu actual clients iu pur own State comity, write to C, . SXOW A CO., 0.posite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. BLACKSMITH ASD Vi'HEELV.T.lGHT - BQWEN BROS. Uarios dissolved the copartnershio exist- iuR between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, and are now prepared to do all work u tie line in J- WORKMANLIKE MANSER, AND AT REASONABLE KATtS. O. Ct WL- T,3TlS.J3. X A Full Line of Stajrlc a'.id Fancy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Glassware, Crockery. Qnecnsware - Etc. K Goods Delivered anywhere in the City limits, Free of Charge. Drain Hotel! DRAIN-- OREGON. Coos Bay Stag OJfic at th Hot I. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- n.VHOACK IlAMUSD FtiEE Or CniBOK. MRS. BLACKWOOD Peoi kietbess. MEDICAL- Dli. 3X1 1ST 'TXJb. ; THE SPECIALIST. ' No. 11 KEARNEY ,T., SAN FKANC1SCO, CAL. Treats all .Chronic, Special and PriTate : , Diseases ith Wonderful Success. I THE GSEAT BimSIl REMEDY. I" 111 'HA NEVER FA t LI SO i. L lit. tor Net vrnis Oebilty -;sunnal Wwkiwf, Ex naustd ViUliti- Snrrm nrrhta, Lout Jlsnhood il nixteiicy. Tar a lysis, I rustatorrtiea, and ail the .temblo effocte of Self abuse, youthful folliesand )c vcesscs in tnaturcr rears, 'uch as Loss of Memory iLassitude Nocturnal m. ...Jirisians. avArMiftn arw-ia4 v liuiiiceoi tsjoii. Aic-ikis in the Ilcad, EXCESSES IN DRINKING ititoxicatin r liquors, tne rital fluid pasn unobserved in the urine, and many otner dia eases that lead to insanity and death. KK. MIXTir, WOO IS A KBT't LAa PIIT8ICU.V, CuAOr ATBOF TllR VMTKKKITT Or PEXSSlXTAKIi. will .rr toforfe't Five HcxonKD Dollars for a case of this kind the VIT L RESTORT1VE (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, tr for anvtuinr impure or injurious found iu it. Da. Uitni'tnat. all private diseases successfully without mercury Cossultatiok Fbeb. Thorough examination and ait vice, including analysis ot urine, SS.O0. Price of VITAL RESTORATIVE, Jl.tO a bottle, or four tims the quantity, (S.00; sent to any address upo n receipt of Price, or C. O, 0., secured from observation, and in private name if desired by Da. Uixm, 11 Kearxt Street, Sas Fraxcuco, Cau Send for list of ques tions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any oneapntvinir br letter, stall nr yniytonis, sex aud aee. Strict secrecy i n rcgnrds to all business transactions. DR. Mixtie's Kinxmr Rivmr. VPPHIiFTin-u Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaint Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leuchorrnca etc. For sale by a drnggists; $1 a bottle or six bottlos for fiTcdollart. Dr. Mixtiks Dandkliox Pilu arc thn mri. nH th cheapest Dthi ei-sia and BiLloi s curs in the market. For sale by all drussUts. SltZAIiI. POX . MAEKS 0il9 HE EEMOVED. Lot.don, Perfumers to II. U. the Queen, have - ted and patented the world-renowned OBLiTEOATOR, which removes Small Pox Marks, of however standing. The application is simple and har eauses no inconvenience, and contains nothing" jurioua. Price 82.60. STJPEFLTJOUS HAIR- Leon & Co.'s D SPILATO RV Removes Bupcrflottus Hair In a few minute without pain or unpleasant sensation never grow azaio. . bkuple and liimilf . Fa direction. Sent by mail. Price l GEO. W. SHAW GENERAL AG EXT 210 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Mcuticu This Paficr. CofTooHouGO. - A GOOD MEAL Por 2S Cents. Located on Jackson street 3d door nortb from S, Marks' store. ' John Kennedy, r Proprietor. BARKER & WILLIS, DEALEliSIN GEOOSRIES, PKOVISIOXS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. Produce Ixiur' aad the hiprliest cash price paid. itosEBURG ouxgo:?.