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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1886)
- - ' i t . - ROSEBURG REVIEW IS IMUKD FRIDAY MORNINGS BY THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. R. N BELL, - - Editor. OueYear - - '- - ' Six Months - - - - 1 23 i "- Three Months - - - - - - 1 00 GUJSESAL DISEOTOEY- Aa rS.crKi.AMD. ..........President. Tnos. F. Bay akd....... Secretary; of State DANiEfrT; MA5ixo,SecreUry of lreasury, t. rt n T inm SUrrtirv of the Interior vu n vr.rnrt . . . . .Secretary o W ar W. C. Wbiw e . . i-:. . .Secretary of Navv. W. T. VitAs .... . .". .Post Master General . a h r.ipt ivn Attorney General Morbihon K. Waitk. ..... . . .Chief J nstice. STATE OF OREGON. J.N, DotPH ....... . yjk Senators T. H. Mitchell..... i Kibmn. ......... .Conereaaman. Z.F. MonnY. . . . . ...... . ....Governor. R. P. EabhaKT. ... .... Secretaryof SUte. Enw Ann Himcb SUte Treasnrer. E. 8. McElboy ....Sapt. rub. Instruction. W. H. Btaks. . . ..... SUte Printer. r n i'iim n .T i ; Wm. P. Lord, ... .Supreme Judges. w. Y. Thayer, J SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. S. Bkaw. .1-. ... -Judge. J. W Hamilton.... Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. Joijw Emmitt, Senators. J. H. Shcpe. Wm. Masjuko, ) awflSS' RP Utives. C. B. Wrteox, J , , O. W. Kimball Clerk. U. A. Taylor, .Sheriff. D. S. "West, .Treasurer. F.W. BexsoN School Superintendent. E. C. Sacby Assessor. J. S. tfrrzHUcn -.. County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGee,. . . .Commissioners. Wm. Thiel Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Maksters .... .Coroner. CITY OF ROSEBURG. John Rast, tP. Sheridan, . C. Wheelbk, P. Benedict. T. Ford Trustees. .Recorder. . .Marshal. (t. J. LAVOEnBEBU. John Chase... Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chab. W. Johnstox. ....... Register. A. C. Jones .Receiver PROFESSIONAL- L r. LANE, . JOHN LANE JANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J. C. FULLERTON Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stairs. J. PAGE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oakland, - Oregon. It. CL HUNTER 4L D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CAXYOSYILLE OREGON - K. L. MILLER, M. D SUBGEOS. Jlomccopathic Physician. OfSice up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) IIOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Graduate Of The UIIVEnSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office & Residence at the house of Geo. W. Day, R. R. track, Rose burg. ' HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BAILEY'S HOTEL. Oakland, Oregon teard 1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, 43TThIs house has lately changod bauds' and o roughly renovated and rcfuruished. The travel . ng public will find tbs best of accommodations No Cbiuamcu Employetl. SJinU BAILEY. ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS MRS. D. C. McCLALLEN, Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSE. Large Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Coach to and from the house Baggage deliver free ol charge DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. Jllolt urd j Thomas, Prop . .First Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS A-0 THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad SIOORE'S RESTAURANT. (Priucip&al Business Street.) noseburar, Oregon MEALS 25 CENTS, LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the-BeBt the Market Affords. s VOL. XL GENERAL Samuel Marks, S. HARKS & Go. -DEALERS IN SBBBBAL HAVE CONSTANTLY Dm Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Wool and Produce (fvixmm tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. 8. 3IARK8 & CO - ISoMoWi's:, Or M. JOSEVPISON. IIW YOU CASH SI ill. - ! Keejts a full line of Dress Goods A full line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. - A lull line of Clotlifux. o o h A full line of Furnishing Goods. j A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, j A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries. and Tobaccos. A full line of Crockery and Glassware. i And last, but not least, a full lino kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and M JOSE13HSOInT. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationery Perfumery,' Crockery and Queens Ware, ABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. '. ' j . Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand, j BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. j WJXT Moore CORfflUTT,. . Successor to - IEALEK DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, DRUGS and PATENT MEDICINES, Cheaper than the Cheapest. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, Roseburg, regoii, They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of j General Masrciwaire, etc. Ever Bronght to Douglas, Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare they have tae best supply in their lino ofny house in Southern Oregon, which they propose selling Cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere ,!L. -u" ' uTTTTTfTsi m iTWHT a T5! in thp wav of Locks. Butts, etc.. we can offer superior Inducements to purchasers. Try us. . -111 . -JZV . . il. r-n: STflVFS nnf. nnna.l(r1 elsewhere We can give you Dargauus in iuo iuuu BUCK'S BONANZA. FAEMEB's UTILITY, r,twnA nrClDEST. IRON KISG. ISilf-lKKWil And other Sioves and Ranges. The best of workmen are constantly wi i.Kin a ftffpT in GUNS, such as Winchester. (Sharp and other fuflce, as well as Shotguns and Pistols. . . ( , .r V arc. 1ho Acrenta fo the White. Peerless and New Home SEWIMr MAC1IIN LS, which we sell at the lowest rates and warrant We can also supply Averill aad The best n he market at lowest rates. rices, and we promise Dr. THOMAS GRAHAM, A GRADUATE Of the University ol Pa. at riuladelpUia and of the BOYAL COLLEGE OF 8CB0B0S8. iiBTTAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDOS ENGLAND has located lor the practice of his pwfeseion in ROSEBURG - - - OREGON. Office and residence, Washington street opposite the Catholic Church. Rosebrag MERCHANDISE' A.SHUJi 'Mabks. ON II AND, - goods, - '(iwiwm Cigars, Boots and. Shoes. of every Descrip of every variety and Shade. 0 0 CO 0 of Ostrich Plumes and TipF, with all Hat Shapes. of latest pattern. Phtograph and Autograph Albums Stand, Hand, and Hanging Lamps WARE, and TEN THOUSAND J. D. JOHN SOX. IN- BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and OAl'S and. when added to their - -i DEXTEB, PACIFIC, WIDE WEST, employed in the manufacture! of our TIN WAR as complete in eyery respect. Ru'bTasr Paints. Give us a call, inspect our stock; inquire as to to suit you u any one can. MARRIAGE 260 PAGES. liluumed, Tn Cloth and GiH BSndini, 60c money or tiwnp. Suue, rT?r cover, 2M. Thit Book eon- t.:n. tl. the tiAtMU fkmbtfol or hwiiiritiTe W.ntto kaov. Fall of tot taterettintr and ndnable inforwtion. HKALTH, BKACTf asi H4PF1SESS are prorDittl by its wItIk vho m. M.rrr. io not. h t Medical Aid. whCT neMMnry. fcnltiV VadimtiwaIiI. m.n-tol nrnrnrl. irkcirwcll..hcntid Sgrtit. Sent naVfH hj DR. WH1TTIER. St- Lou re- Mo. Wash House. San Yoang"Prop. Opposite CARLON'S STAULE. . . . BulDE ROSEBURG, OREGON Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, RoseLurc ' - ' - - ' OrB TRANSACT A GENERAL BANIIIITC2- BUSINESS Sight Draft Drawn on PorUanil, Sau Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections maae on all access&blepoints at reasonable rates. JOSEPH SHLNDLER. P R 0 P R I E TO R Of The CITY BAKERY AND : KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A full stock of Bread, Cakes, Pics, Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of French and American Candies and Choc ate Goods. OREGON PACIFIC R.R Willamette Valley to San f ranoiaco Via. Yaquina DAILY TRAINS, TRAINS LEAVE CORVALLIS Uuily, except Sundays, at 2 T. M. LEAVE YAQUINA Dailj, except Sundays, at 7:10 A. M. ine company rertKin to ciianse sailing days. Fares and Freight at reduced and moderate rates River Boats cm the Willamette couuect Curvullis. J. 0. SHERIDAN TatSuccessor tojr" R. S & J. C SHERIDAN, DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves ami Tinware, Roseburjr. Oregon rpilE undersigned takce pleasure iu an 1 nouncing to the public that he selling everything in his line at prices that DEFY COMPETITION! IF YOU WANT- STOVES, AGEIOULTUKiL TOOLS IE0N. STL. NAILS, , . HOESEHOES, TINWAEE, 0UTLEEY Or anything in my line, call and examine my stock and learn prices before purchasing else where, as I am selling lower than ever. I C. SHERIDAN J. IASKULEK, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Opliciau. ALLWOBE WARRANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clocke. Jewelrv. Spectacles and Eyeglasses. A FULL LINE OF CTOiARS, TOBACCO & FANCY OO0D3. rjlHR ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMER IN TOWN X for the proper adjustment of SpictacU-s. Depot of the Oenuinc Iiraiciliati Pebble Spectacles and Eye glasses. OUiue in Hamilton's Urick Block. A GIFT Bend 10 cents postage, ami we will mail you free a royal, val uable, sample box of goods that will nut. rmi In tun of making more money ut once, tluin anythinir else in America. Both sexes of all ajjes can live at hoin anu worK in spare time, or all the time. Capital no0 reuuireil. We will start yon. Immense pay sure for Maine. O.P.TOMPKINS I PURCHASING Agent of ALLKINDSOF MERCHANDlSL! A., orders from the country filled on short uotico from Every Class or Kind of Gooda from First-Class Stock. , Absolutely no charges or commission. will be charged for filling orders. OFFICE: 107 first street, Ar D. W. Trentice's ; Portland.Or L. BELFILS Xrr.XOSC3VEalXZ&. I feel confident of eivlnsr satisfaction in nil wk entrusted to me in watches, clocks, and Jewelry . I also repair musical instruments. T I have the County patent rljrht for sale of Concrete Cement Pipe for coureyin f water to any place de- wreu in uougiagt;ouuty. - I will also teach any kind of instnnncntal music. Anyone desiring instruction will call on me at my au.-nmaKinjr suop. itEbriuh CITY DRAYING DONE WITH OISPATCH. CALL ON JOHN VAX BUREX. STATE AGRICTLTRUAL COLLEGE Corvallis Oregon. The next Session i will begin on Sep tember 8th, with a full Faculty as last year. CL, Arnold, PRES. Review, FRIDAY, JULY, 30, 1880. Central Hotel! liOSEXJUltG. OREGON, OITOSITE CAKLON'S LIVEUY STABLE. Boar. I and Lodging pec day ........ $1 .00 5.00 4.00 .. . ; Avtek . . . . Without Lotlging... Meals, 25 cents, Lodging, 25 cents Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally, j ; MRS. E. GARRISON. ''!' Joas Keneuy, Clerk. .7.' r ' U. C l'ERKl.NS, SICWaiu. No Chtiese employed . L1ILLVJ00D LULLS v OS III 15IM1U) CREEK OLA UKE & r BAKER, Pi opriotors. 11-. nn.r.i tj furiiisli lumber of the f V .1, Ut" invit.i. -' in nnoiititiri tn suit tlio nurchascrs. MVO, .J L1UI11J ... "1 -- - , ., 1... i,.n;i h ir-r.t Mtoek of any null B M ry - iu Douglas County. Wo will furuUU lumber at ourmill at the following , : PRICES. No-1 rough lumber..- $8 to $10 So, 1 flooriug, 0 inch D & M f10 No. 1 flooriug, 4 men BiJI 13 No. 1 finishing lumber....... $la CLARKE k BARER. Agee & MILLER. New Butcher Shop We keep all kinds of FRESH and PICKLED meats. SATISFACTION ASSURED. Hides of all kinds bought. THE OLD RELIABLE . Established in 1867. Jucob Bitltzer H PARRY, Merchant Tailor. in the Red Front, next door to A. C. Marks ! More. Repairs and Alteiations neatly done MRS. S. A. IIUTCII1XSOS, MILLINERY STORE! O'ultalml, ADIES WILL F.KD MY STOCK LAItCE AI i . Ctnnnleto. rriccs moderate. Ci-r l s Oa.ll, Mns. S. A. llinvHissos. The BUYERS' GUIDE Is tuned march and Sept., 1 each wear. 880 pages, 8xll Inches, wltla erer 3.BOO Ulnatrtlona wnoie lecture wueir mmat0r GIVES Wholeaale ifriees direct to tontuiMra on all gooda for personal or family sue. Telia how to order, and glYes exact cost of every thing yon use, eat, drink, wear, or have fan with. These IXVAIiVABLE BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy FREE to any ad dress npon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. st su hear from yon. Re spectrally, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 & 220 Wabash Avesme, Chicago, III. T AM PREPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS Work in this line, and ask a share the patronage of Roseburg and viciti ity. ELMIXA V. CIIOIP Next door to L. Belflls Jewelry Store, Rosbeurjf Or $1,000 Reward! Mrs. Gen. ' u Wilson, of parsons, Kansas, who was appointed by the State of hansas lady com miuinnM- to the World's Fair at New Orleans, in an wer to the inquiry of a reporter, said: "I can not speak too highly of Dr. luittns iKtAi JiE r. My Bufferings nearly distracted me. My stomach was deranged and my nervous system was complete' lv broken. I suffered from partial paralysis, rheu matism and neuralgia. Added to the above symp toms were loss of memory, voice, appetite and lack of nerve force. My family physician did me no good and by tne advice ol a rriena, l Dougnt ut. 'turners Treatment. Two packages completely cured roe. I think tne treatment is wonuenui in its enacts. and recommend it in all cases of general or nervous debility, and diseased condition ol tne stoinacn, kid lH . I . 1 l H neyv, uver wiu uiuuu. To The Womenl Younir or old. if vou are cufferinsr from cencra 1 dt billty of the system, headache, backache, pain in one or both sides, general lassitude, bearing; down pains in the abdomen, flashes of heat, palpitation of the neart, smotnenng in tne breast, fainting sensations, nervous aeniuty, cougning, neuralgia, wakefulness, ljsa of power memory aud appetite, weakness of a private nature or barrenness. We will guarantee to cure you witn irom l to 3 packages of tne treatment. As a uterine tonic It ha no equal. i oung, middle aged ana old, single or married. It is a sure cure for dys pepsia, malaria, nervous or general debility, nervous prostration result- ; ing irom muiscretions ox youm or ex ' . ceaaea of matnrer vears. or overw k I ol the brain, and it has no equal for curing all forms of nervousness and bashtulness, caused by over in dulgence, excess or impotence. It has been used successfully in thousands of cases by both men and women, and lathe best medicine know for the re pairment of the p recreative powers and restoring vitality. We will guarantee that three packages will cure the worst ease of debility, causing dimness of sight, defective memory, aversion tosociety, want of ambition, loss of power, kc Each package of Ti araa's, Trkatxkst contains all medicines necessary for over one month's treatment, with full and com plete instructions how to exercise, diet, batne, etc, One box cures catarrh. Price Turners Treatment per package, $1 ' three packages $2. tent nrenaid on receiDt of price. Thou sands of eases ol diseases mentioned above have been cured with one nackaim. and knowing as we do its wonderful curative effects, the Tkratmut naving Deen usoa in private practice tor over winy years in St. Louis, we will give tbe following written guarantee: With each order for S boxes accompanied Dy ti, we will send our written guarantee to refund the money it tbe TaRAmxt does not eft act a cure. , Send mouoy trv postal note or at our risk. Address E L. Blake &Co Sixth and Market Streets St, LouiiMo. . II ! v. s 1V1C11 t'pj. I - n'ASJIlXGTOy LETTElt, mm L CJR9YAL f tVS J XI 7: I Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and whoiemmeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot lie sold in co petition with the multitude of low test, shout weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold ouly iu cans. ROYAL BAKING rOWDEB CO., 100 Wall St N. Y. MRS- E. F.H0TCHKISS FINE MILLINERY AND JnJeat T")bessmakisg ROSEBURG OREGON. f ILL FL'BNISII YOU THE BEST AND FINEST Goods in t he market. Ladies Wear. Laces, Kuchingg, Hosiery and Jewelry. The dressmaking department is. in skillful hands, and under the immediate supervision of Mrs. Hutclikiss. . CALL AND SEE. NEAR THE DEPOT H. C. Stanton. DEALER IN STAPLE DM GOODS! OF THE BEST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING &c Boots & Shoes OF THE BEST QUALITY". ,.a full -of:-' 'j GROCERIES! Wood Aud Willow' WARE. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONARY Subscription AGENCY - feu bscriiition received for all Eastern and European Publications. Brewster's Talent Beta Holder Your lines are where you put them not uuuer iivnes- mi, une agent sold is aoz. ill 6 days, one dealer sold 6 dna. In 15 days. Samples worth tl.50 rasa. Write ibr terms. E. E, BKEWSTKIi, Holly, Mich. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. - And Connections. TIME, 2 DAYS. Fare from Portland to San Francisco SJ2; to Sacra ucnto 430, Cluse connections made at Ashland with stages of the California Oregon St Idaho Stage Comiwny (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) . East Side Division. UtTW KEN PORTLAND & ASHLAND Mail Train LEAVE. Portland ..7.30A. M. Hoseburg......25 P. M. Ashland !.80 K M. Roseburg 5.30 a. M. ARRIVE. Roseburg... .6.15 P. M Ashland...; .4. lr, A. M liueburg....S.25 A. M Portland 4.25 P. M Albany Ixpress Train LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 4.0T P. M. Lebanon 0.20 P Lehanon 4.45A. M. Portland .... 10.05 P, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars daily between Portland wiudjuiunu. -The O. and C. R. B. Ferrv makes cunnRrtum with al the regular trains on East Side Div. from foot of F St West Side Division. . BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS VailTiain. LEAVE. : Portland 9.00 A. M. Corvallis ..8.30 A. M. ARRIVE. Corvallis 4.30 P. M, Portland 8.20 P. JI Express Train- LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 5.00 P. M. I McMinnville. . 8.00 P. M McMmnville....0.45A. M. 1 Portland...... 8.30 A. M. Local tickets for sale and bazzasre checked at com pany's up town office, or. Stark and Second streets. rickets for principal points in California can only bo prucurea ana oaggage cueoKed at company s omce. Corner K and Knmt St... Portland.Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on either the East or Wert Bide Div. R. KOEHLER. E. P. ROGEIUi. Manager. G. F. & Pass Agent. This paper is kept on file at T.K C. Dake s advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts for advertising can be made for it. . mi i i -U i NO. 17. Washinutojt, July l2th,.188G, The llepublieans in Congress arc i . - i tiyiug very hard to make political capital against the Pj esidtnt on ' count of his pensioD vetoes. But the vetoes are too well supported by . facts and common sense to furnish material for partisan appeals. It was to le ex iceled however, that the 'private pen sion yift Senators and Representatives would gnaw wrath y ns the,, kind of work they weic engaged in was brought to lisht The failure of their little schemes together with then" exposure invited tlicm to a reckless . pitch of de- temiinalion to secure the adoption of these bills anyhow, though there is ittle prospect of their success. Th(Dmocratiii .leaders ai-e resolved to slay here all summer, as one of them said, before abandoning their position in tbo matter. But tlie Republicans iiave ; proposed a compromise which will probably be accepted. Under its terms two hours will be allowed for debate upon such of the vetoed bills as may be selected, and at the expiration of the time an aye and nay vote will be taken the result of which is to be 'uaiueu Hum u to uvi otner vetoes. .. i.l r? 1 . L. -AV A - .. The report, of the Senate Pension Committee upon the vetoed bills, was ittle more than a long and ill con- ceaica nowi ot uaniea rage, it even ac3use l the President of casting a slur upon the chastity of woman and of sneering at wounds received in the ser vice of the country. But so ftianv of these private measures are obliviously without merit, and mere attempts to bestow gratuities upon favored per sons who have no real claim upon the bounty of the government, that the President's action will ba more ap plauded the more attention is called to the grounds upon which it is based. The Republicans of the ; House of Representatives madv speeches" upon this le'sue that were intended to be very severe upon . the President, but they were more plainly bids for polit ical support than evidence of patriot ism, luey proceeded upon the as sumption that the vetoes of private pension bills are unpopular and will not be sustained by public sentiment, One answer made by Representative Matsou to some of their complaints was interesting. He called attention 1 . 1 - .1. .- A. C it - vo iue luct uit many oi uie casus e- jectcd by Mr. Cleveland had already been vetoed bv a l.rmihlienn Coinm.R. , -r, - ,. .- . . ii.C" i-,.e-r r - . i . i - . c .1: -i mo ocnute ot iur. uooue to ue coucuor- General wa the subject of much dis cussion at the Capitol on Saturdar The unanimous verdict 'was that the O '1'UJlliVil flit VVUvtlll All 11iAV.V1 ilJ.v none, anu tuc vote ot tne. Ki publican was their way of helping the thwarted, scheming little . politician - to assert himself in Virginia. As no Domon-at ennosed tin, nnminafi.m. rvw fw Qvujiiiwii vuuta unv i VI 'Ul tltlli tne .president to do would be to re nominate Mr. Goode. He midit have done this if the Senate had merely neglected to confirm, but since the Senate had rei ectcd, he will not be likely to renominate. lhe Senators Were determined to have Mr. Goode's case all to themselves for when it came up they held a strict ly Star Chamber Session lasting six hours. The Sergeant at Arms ' visited the floor on which the calleriep. the rWmnmt on.l o ia,. ,i1 t O mittee rooms are located, ordered the employes aud visitors to vacate. These rooms were locked and then the cor respondents, telegraph oppcrators, and representatives of the Associated Press were driven out of their portion of the building. Deep and Icud com plaints were heard on all sides at be. ing so aumarily ordered away from posts of duty, and much inconvenience was experienced by the sudden eject nient, but all had to go. Sentinels were placed at the stairways aud doors leading to the galleries which had to ! be left open in order to prevent the Senators from suffoca ting. The new broom of this Administra tion is sweeping clean every where. The expenditures of the Government Departments here have been found to be $22,500,000 less during the fiscal year just past than in the one proceed iiig it, and better results may be ex pected for the fiscal year which has began.- ;-: - ; By the persistency of several Dem ocrats in the House of Representatives the latest . attemped, salery grab has' just been averted.! allude to the gratuity to House and Senate employes who are. paid liberal salaries for easy work an less than half time. ! It had been agreed to give them a months extra pay because they would like to have it, but Representative Reagan f Texas, Price of Wis., Hampbill of S C, McAdoo of N. . J, Holnian of Ind. and others emphasized theirdisapproval of the theft in such a manner as to de- 4V... I TO,. 1 1 -i , 11- .am. m.uciu'j woma nave ex torted at least ?200,000 from the tax 1 1 . puyens to given as a gratuity to men who were, already rcccivin hi"h salaries, ROSEBURG . REVIEW FIIIEST JOB OFFICE ixN ppyGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And other Printing, Including Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand-Bills Is'catly and Exj-cdltiouily executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. PITH AND POINT. : The rreneral ' complaint alwnt the eelf-satisiuod bachelor is, that he is too much "a man after his own heart, in stead of some woman's. LifeK proverb has it mat interest bunas some people. It never blinds the man who hohU the note upon wuicn tao in-, tcrest runs, we believe. -V. Y. Graphic Alrernon: Your poem 'The rain fell down in torrents," is declined.. One about the ram "falling upward would at least have something novel in it -Philadelphia Call. , A writer describes a beautv as hav ing 'an exquisitely molded face, cf wfich two dark hazel ejres are the cen tral feature." Where is the nose situat ed? Burlington Free Press. It is 'said that a girl who can shed three or f onr tears at a critical mo ment, and follow them up with a quiver ing sign, can marry all arounu a good looking blonde who does nothing but try to blush. X. Y. Ledger. , "Sara." von are not .honest. Whv did yea put all the good peaches on the . .r " j - -i-j.i - IUIJ Ol IIIU UUCitSlUU, HUH 111(5 lllUC UlU'B below 'Same reason, sah, dat makes de front of your house marble, and the back gate chiefly slop bar I, sah. A. x. Times. Employment Airent Want a srirl who can cook? Distressed Man Guess we'll try onc.who can't cook. All we've had lately were experienced in the busi ness. I don't believe it's safe for a man to be starved longer than three weeks at a stretch. -Tid-Bils. Strict Seereev! Dentist: 'Oh, madamo may be perfectly easy in her mind. We dental surgeons always make a point of observing the strictest confi dence. Only last week, for instance, I supplied Countess Pampmann and Bar oness Borghclm with a complete set each, and not a soul living knows a word about it" Montreal Witness. "What kept von so late last niht, Archibald?" demanded Mrs. Spoteash. 'lakin inventory, ' replied poteash. 'Iknowed it," she replied: "smellcd it on your breath the minute you came in. You'll keep on takinV it till you get ... i, . IT , , ' e -1 in uic lockup anil uisrace vour lauiu v, and then I hope you 11 bo satisfied." Brooklyn Eagle. Miss Clara O, Ethel, I expect to have the loveliest spring liat, and all it wilTcbst will be the price I shall have to pay for the ribbon.- I shall trim it my seff. Miss Ethel Have you the frame? Miss Clura O, yes. I was rummaging in the store-room this mornuig, and what do you think I found? ixiss Ethel I have no idea. Miss Clara One of last vear's peach baskets. Clacago Tribune. Bo observing: If you your lips Would keep from slips Five things observe with care Of whom you speak, To whom yon apeak. And how, and wiien, and where. If yon your ears Would save Irom Jeers. These things keep meekly hid "Myself" and "I," And "mine" and "my," And how "I1' do or did. 3f j A VALUABLE DOG. , Enables m, JIarter to Spend Els Days . in Bitesfol idienea A Detroitcr who was skirmishing along the river Kouge the other day - i tritri n mm. mtt a. tnrmpr anil it rino- on I r the r-oad ncar- the Woodmcre ccmetcrv. and as the two nien stopped to speak the dog ran down the highway about twenty, rods, sat up on end and began to r I lTtri . j the snArtsman. "Oh, nothing. Ho is simply getting ready. ' "Wiat for?" ' "oryou to shoot. hencver any I X Mill UU b inCUtt IUL U Utti - ter a shot. 'You do, eh? T ell, -you can say goocUbye to him at once, for I'll kill him at the first shot. Hero's your quarter." "Off-hand shot, you know?" , "Of course." '' - The sportsman got read v. nnd the farmed chewed away at a twig nnd gently whistled: "Mollie Darling." The rine cracKeq, tuc smoso new awav, anu the dog frisked around in high glee. "Better try another," suggested the farmer. '; "I'll do it! I'll try a hundred! Hero's a dollar, and that dog has seen his last spring break-up!" it was a repc&ung rine iue man uaa. ana ug Diazoci away again ana again un I f,l tut rinil ' ran inn fntir dintj Th dog chased his tail around a circle, and the farmer said: - "Mebbe it isn't your day for shooting, you know?4 - - "Mebbe it isn't, but here's another dollar!" He cracked away another four times, and as the last shot rang oat the dog came toward him on a trot, cars cocked up and eyes looking around for rabbit tracks. "Well, I guess I must be joggiu along," said the farmer. 'Tni very much obleegcd for " "Not by a dura sight!" shouted the hunter. "I've got five dollars left, and I'll blow every ecnt of it in on that pup! Send him back!" ' t "Stranger, the limit on this game is two and a quarter. You've struck hard-pan."- - ' i Tl) give you fifty cents a shot-"- - "2fbt to-day. In fact, John Henry won't' stand over nine shots without bolting." , ; , r "Say a dollar a shot," shouted the hunter. ' "Can't do it I'm making eighteen shillings a day oil that dog, and I don't want tp play dirt on nun. 11 you are down this way to-morrow whistle for " me and mebbe Til raise yer bluE Come, John Henry.". "Fife doijors for a shot!' desperately shouted the hunter. - ' "Jfot at present ; Come out to-morrow. Come heeled to shoot all dav-Good-bye, stranger!1' Detroit : Free. Press. . l i i. . :.. A horse-thief was hanged tlie other day by lynchers tn Arizona, and the local editor, in describing the event, re marked: "Jim departed this life with his accustomed lively snap." .. " "!' 1. ..... ,' . Eackkns Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, ' Bruises, Sores, Ulcei, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. lis guaranteed (0 give perfect satisf action, or. money refunded Price 25 eta ubox. Fll iftlcl;? Ma&sters 5; Co 'i ft- Ka . ' i 1 .t-1 5