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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1886)
ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, A PRIL, 9; 1886. Prof, f-W- Benson's Address before the Douglas, County Institute, held March 3, 1886- In the language of Artemas Ward make them competent teachers, can without ;oing abroad receive that spe. cial drill with alight expense. For this boon to young teachers we are indebted to the fidelity of our representatives in the legislature, upheld by the broad farseeiug wisdom of public spirited citizens who urged with eloquence such action npon the part of the state. The is a prospect tbfi rrrpafc humorist nf r,t.hp r daVB. "Time I ...... . . . ii' 8cnoca witu emcient instructors is passes-it is a sort of way time has maWng-itll .:influtnce felfc. With all aud as this is in all probability the last flatterin? evidenccg of 8ultantial time that I shall ever stand before a in,provoniont it would be wrong not to Teacher's Institute in my official capac- . . , .atification th marketl ity as Superintendent of Douglas coun- improvemcnt in our 0wn thrifty little ty, I deem it proper that I should m Th& rapM gwth of ..v aulMa u.oV - under th(J skilfuI i,and8 of prof, i. i x i .i 4-1, i . iDHWim auu ... v,e.s ww IIorner anJ hj8 abe assi8tants e it.- .i i: l ..!, ,1.,.. 1 , cuucauomu 60urcc of just pi ide and the inguieroux years or my oinciai ,u an y fc nQw gcbool buiWi auB urn, um uu p w tu 1' enteroriw in other directions, warrants ent. in iw i entered upon my amies fa ft f t,)rift an(J 11 If? ? 1 v,.u. tent mu trc-.uo.ujg, rcaii . Urnsneritv is drawinir unon us. Yet we are not to be deceived by the mis I taken idea that notliincr remains to be knowing full well that 1 should fail to, . n it t . . ... .done. Our schools are far from being do eflicient work without tho full and , , , , . , . ... placed upon the most effective working and patrons of our district schools; and p safficient now with grateful heart I desire -to . e condit;on. Three make my acknowledgements and say monthg q j 1 i i 11 i " T 1 f 1 1 n I i Mia at ail umcs jl nav luuiiu scuou. some degree tho burden of responsibil ity that was to rest upon me, and officers and patrons keenly alive to the interests of $.he school work over ready with wise counsels and cheerful assis tance doing all in their power to light en tho burdens and speed the good cause of which I was the humble representa tive. Nor would I bo doing justice to myself or the cause of education if in this same line I should fail to acknowl- that can be had in many of the districts on account of the small amount of the public fund, are inadequate to accom plish any satisfactory results. Our sister State California.expends thirteen and eleven-hnnureuths dollars per capita for the education of her boys and girls while Oregon is negatively ctnspicious for expending' the puny MISCELLANEOUS KING'S EVIL Was tbe name formerly given to Scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cured by a king's touch. The world is wiser uow, aud knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purifica liou of the blood. If this is neglected, the discAsc perpetuates Its taint through eenfration after generation. Among its rarller symptomatic developments are Eczema, Cutaneous Kruptlons, Tu mors, Boils. Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tinue. Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. IpUltmiUJiE PALAGF, ,"; UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE ; r ! lias the finest stock of furniture south of -Purtlaud which he sells as cheap as it can he bought in the State. Tho new tangled ; DO UBL E BED LOVNG E. PATENT CORNICES. - ANY ONE CAN Become ao thoroughly pasted In ' three weeks reviewing with the COMMON SCHOOL SOHOO PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS Atathan ti h:nd a full assortment of beds and bed ding, chairs, tables, ; liUKEAUS AND COMMODES, .And all kinds f Chiklreua Chairs, etc. " J. O ILDEIiSLEEVE. As to tuccettstnllr pass the most difficult and technical legal examinations for teachprs certificates. By Its aid thousands of young people earn-an honorable and lucrative livelihood, it 18 tho must popular education al work published- Useful to everybody. Invaluable to teachers. Indispensable Uisdhools. CERTIFICATES CAU BE OBTAINED. A better review can he made from this book In one week than from Text Books la three months. In pr' tiartua for examinations It has no equal. i iwui , . d v ottt tb SDr nrrvD'tnu nrTi-n niTfT It does not deal In proof s or sin-uments. Questions are statcil, and short and (comprehensive answers riven It supplies a want loiw felt among teachers In reviewtute brlutly and compiiebeuslvely the dlfTcrent branches taught In our schools, without recourse to the tedious process of examining the text books from tie. elnnlDB to end. Tho arrangement has been carefully studied. The questions on caoll of the studies embrace all the leading and technical points. This work Is especially adapted to Normal traliilng. Institutes, or the ntivate library when a general review Is required to prepare for school certificates.) It Is only to be seen to bo appreciated. Many claim that the book can have no equal, considering the asslstaece It renders In review log and bringing back to memory the principal questions represented In couiuiuu school studies. C. W. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor. FlItST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brick Building L ISO ltooms. In the Center of the City J." Ayers Sarsaparilla y'Ypld dro fd fh M-iMiiMi(7 titty? J7mSJilO l7lYf7l? V ''' Is the only powerful and always reliable blood-mirifvina medicine. It Is so effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the svstem Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mcrcurv. At the same time It en riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs ana rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Honduras Will stand for the Season at Joseph Carton's Livery Sta hie inRoseburg. Beginning March 1st and continuing three months. 3SOO 3500 QTJE8TX0HS. ANSWERS. : Each branch lsdlvldodlnto (wo depart inents, one for auestlons and one for an swers. Each question Is numbered snd a like number la given tbe corresponding answer. V Civil GoTfrnment, Parllamcntarj Bales, Beading, Made Easy, Infinitives and Participles Penmanship Physiology United States History, y Qeogrsphy, Orammar, Written Arithmetic, Physical Geography, OrUtogrtphfr TBSTXM09rZis.ItlS. Ertraritifrom Letter to A. a. Craig, rtprettnling tkouiands of rtcommer utiiionjs. j - u Nkw Vohk I have sold over 10.000 copies, and the demand still continues. I have never handled a book which gave such general sat Isfnetlou. w. u. hauak, td. r jpu suouipanion. BvBAcrsa. N. V. Too have a splendid book for itcachera and reviewing Classes, auu 11 IS uounu to nave a very I'lrKecircuMium. !-mii i,uwny ireignt. U. . UAKUKts, yeaier in bcnuoi supplies. St. Albans. Vt. They sell at sight, and arc highly recommended by our auvauceu tcacucra. t i aldcu i x . ItBYAM, Tex. I have need your Book for several years, and am much pleased with U, WM. A. BANKB. A. M.. Bup't City bchools. CUll. FHOST AND MOKK1SON STS., PORTLAND E EI'HOI'EAN PON. One Copy. l.ftOi Two Copies. M8.SO Mix Copies. ae.OO. t f Sent by mull. S3 KM) SS CEXTS for canvassing book; terms and Instructions to agents; recommends, description, binding, etc. Thirty cents allowed U returned In exchange for yuestlon UooK. I As H. CRAIG, Caldwell, Racine Co., Wis. rtf Remit by Money Order or Postal Note on East 'Troy, Wis., or by Bogla. tered Letter on Caldwell, Wis. Email amounts by couiuiuu mall. First Class In Every Particular, CoKNKK KKONT AXO MmRKIHOX tTB POUT LAND, OKEGON Thomas Ct isKAs.ProprloUir. lingia, the Iodides of Potassium and ... pounded, its formula is generally known Iron, and other Ingredients of great po tency, carefully ano scientiucaiiy com- Kiim nf fivfi mid i ninfitAAn-riiinrlpol.rie tuuu tiiu puwci 1UC SUUU ncuuovi UJ -Jill j i ., . , energetic State Superintendent Hon. wisU it te be larger we can not incrcase E. B. McElroy. Ills untiring efforts ineduciblc 8chool uad to raiso the standard of efficient work, .. , .. . , , , . Every district in the county should on tho part of teachers, his zeal in , , . . , , .": . 1 , . ' , , have at least six months public school bo wirrinnt. t.hft linsar.iRfnotorw "vatn heads of families together in institutes for comparison of notes and exprcs tsion of views has been an incalcula ble benefit, and has produced results which those most interested will only feel after the lapse of years. When I first assumed tho duties of my office there were sixty-five school houses in the county and the same number of organized districts, many well organ ized and some In a state of confusion and demoralization. Local strifes, neighborhood feuds and bickerings, in many places rendered the Superinten dent's position anything but pleasant A great many questions in dispute were referred to my office for settlement whose only proper place for adjudica tion is in the court room. I have at various times been called upon to act as Counsel, Judge and Jury for the adjudication of disputes which, ought never to have arisen. In all such cases I have sought to perform ray own duty in the premises in accordance with the law governing my official conduct with out regard to any personal considera tion. If any hardship has been wrought it has been because the law by reason of its universality was not sufficiently applicable to particular cases, and my equity jurisdiction was too limited in its extent. I have good reason to con gratulate my successor, in this respect upon his relief from this source of anxiety and worry, by tho untiring energy and practical sense of our worthy bills" and special district tax levies. This could not be done at present with out an increase in the county levy for school purposes. The development of the county, immigration, public spirited enterprise and the consequent increased wealth of the county will materially though gradually increase the revenue for public education. Another matter worthy the attention of the people re fors to the office of County School Superintendent, (which will bo occu pied by some one else in a few months.) The importance of the office should engross the entire time and attention of the incumbent. A fact not realized by many is the great extent of territory over which our school districts extend, The area of Douglas county is five thousands square miles. ' In order to realize what this means let us compare with other places and mark the result. i The area of the state of tlhode Island is only ! one thousand three hundred square miles, Douglas county is there fore nearly five times as large ay Rhode Island: The area of Delaware is two thousand one hundred and twenty square miles, Douglas county is more than twice as large: The area of Con necticut is four thousand seven hundred and fifty square miles, Douglas county is larger: Massachusetts is scarcely a third larger than our county, while all Belgium would not make more than two counties like Douglas. When one considers these facts and recalls the to the medical profession, and the best physicians constantly prescribe aieh s Sarsapabilla as an Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by tho vitiation of the blood. It Is concentrated to the high est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effect9 are claimed, and la therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medl. cine, In the world. ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Analytical Chemists. 1 Sold by all Druggists : Price $1 ; Six bottles for $5. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Is a thoroughbred Jersey Bull, pale j red, short horns, weighs 1100 pounds,! is five years old, and has all the char acteristics of the Jersey Stock. Insurance - - - - $J.UU i To insure sex of Calf, $6.00 N. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. CAN MAKE UASTllstys JfliUM UiMi. ounce to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castings. Money rciunueu u work Is not satisfactory. Portland prices I j Save telegrams and cxpressaKC. If you knew how cheap I sell BEixsfor Farms, SciroorLs You would surelyjhavfi one. WAR IN EUROPE! Removal! Removal! Removal! LANGENBERG'S Umi acid) Sh Btoxe, Jackson Street,Opposlte Post Oflioe, Bosebnrg, Oregon. KEEPS ON HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST assortment of Eastern and San Francisco and nth.,- m.M nf ROOTS SIIOKS. GAITERS. SUP PERS and everything in the Boot and Shoo lino, aud ' SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Lcathor and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS M USIUAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANOENBE HO. Churches T milE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Charles Heilmax, Proprietor. The very best in the Market is set , before you. , " THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Cor. Third and E Streets Portland, Oregon. I also deal in Tiiuesheus, Engines, Mill Machinery, :5umps, Inspirators (The best Boiler feeder known) Steam Fitting Goods, Belting, Oils. xYlso General Aw.nt for. Tlio SmrMAN Engine, Coal Oil for fuel, No Dust. No Dirt. Send for circular and prices. Office Foot of Morrisd Oregon. CJIVK ME A CALL. ! REDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME mills LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE JL offers suiKiritir a-.j,.n.iMl.iti.n at popular prices. Meals 25c, Rooms 25c. and 60c. Only three blocks from all DcrNits and Simmer landings. Free Buss to and from the Hotel No Chinese servants. No overcharges or deviation from rejfular rates of 81.00 lr hay. maru-lt K. LEUTISI Un. rropT. n Street Portland H 1 JL 1 ii UP! WRiOIIT. Dr. IIEREiBOLI, , lUj-Staiis over L. He fd Jewelry Stor RGSEEURC CRECON. 9'P O'M ALLEY, Propiielor of the iOKEBURU; MAKLJ.E WORKS. And DeaK-r in j ToOMBSTOHES, TA1U.1 -.8, ETC. Shop Kcsr if Hi tr. i.'sf t,.re. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS ANB CCPYRICHTS Obtained, and all other luisincws in the U. S Patent. Offlco attended to for MODERATE EKES. Send MODEL OR DRAWING. We advise as patentability free of charge; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. We refer bore to tbe Postmaster, the Supt. Money Order Dlv., aiid to officials of the V. S. Patent office. For circular, advice, terms an references to actual ciientn in yonr own Stale county, write to , A.SSOW&CO., Opimsite Patent Offleo, Washington. D. C. BLACKSMITH ANO WHEELWRIGHT BOWEN BROS. '' . llaving diasolrcd Iho copartnorship exiat- infi between Bunnell & Boweu Bros. nd are now prepared to do all work iu tlieir line in a WORKMANLIKE 1 MANSER, AKD IT REASONABLE KATES. O. tSs 3E1.. 1Pci,rl5.JS A Full Line of Staple aud Fancy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Glassware. : Crockery Quecnsware, Etc. Goods Delivered anywhere in tho City limits, Free "of Charge. But before you do that come 'pound W. G. WOODWARD'S to On account of our removal into our new Store we propose CIVIL BEND - STORE to offer our entire stock of Gen eral Merchandise to the Public at such low prices that notwith standing the present hard times and scarcity of money, will en. able everybody to buy our goods. V. I. ARRINGTON, dealer iy ; Dry Goods Grocoies etc mi PMC ii Mi -AND- Estaldished 1852. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or, THE LEADING AND OF OREGON. THE PLACE TO BUY.J Drain Hotel! DRAIN - -i OREGON. at Buy a New Set of Harness OB A SADDLE All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange - . CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. , , . .: , , , , . xl duties of t no Superintendent it requires ded in the published Yiume of the . , . , . , ' sir amended school law a compilation of divisions upon almost every conceiva ble point upon which disputes are like ly to arise in such clear and succinct form that school officers and patrons can now settle such points at home, or what is better, avoid such disputes no special intelligence to grasp tue truth that the entire time of the 'in cumbent is absolutely necessary to tho fullest efficiency of the office. This has never been tho case nor can it be while the office pays a salary which does not compensate for half tho time o ti il lalini vnnriflnl Tn mnVinnr a aitogetuer. if or tnis reiier. tno super- . , , . A, , , . , x . t single tour of inspection of the schools intendents of our counties owe Prof. McElroy a debt of gratitude. There are now seventy seven all organized and at work. The spirit of progress and enlightenment in school work and its methods has been inspired in teachers and school officers to a very gratifying extent, and this has been owing chiefly to the wholesome effects of teachers institutes. In my successive l'ounds of visiting the schools of Douglas coun ty, I have seen more than enough to convince me that such associations as the One now assembled are of practical aud lasting value, to the children even who attend school in the most remote and obscure districts. It is gratifying to note also, the farther fact, directors are beginning to realize this value to so great an extent that very few of theso officers now require teachers to make up by extra teaching as "lost time" the days so profitably spent Another indication of the progress of education in Douglas county is to be found in the unusual prosperity of the academies and high grade private schools which in spite of the universal cry of hard times, have exhibited a larger attendance this winter than for several years before. The Umpqua Acadomy of Wilbur long famous for the good work accomplished in bygone days has for nearly two years been considerably oyer one thousand miles must bo traveled. Right here I beg your indulgence to present some sta tistics of our schools, which although rather dry may be of passing interest to those who do not care to hunt through official documents for such in formation. The number of children in our county is four thousand two hun dred, about equally divided as to sex. The number enrolled in our schools during the past year is two thousand six hundred. Of course it does not follow that nearly half of the boys and girls are not receiving an education. Many! are attending high schools and Universities abroad, and others have completed their education as far as the district school is concerned. However this can not excuse or palliate the fact that the average daily attendance falls so far below the enrollment. In this fact there is food for reflection to teachers and parents. The average number of months of public school taught in our county this year is three and nine tenths an against four and one seventh months in the year preceding. This falling off we are led to believe is the result of the law framed by the last legislature giving 50 of the coun ty fund to each district before making the per capita apportionment. While this law was designed to help weak iTiflrr lliA ffli(Mi5.Tif. rrniilannA rf Pivf W. C.Hawleyandhis excellent wife districts we believe that some other who have been doing heroic work to- method might have been devised which ward the elevation of the cause which would not have crippled other districts so vitally-interests us all. The Oak- whose amount of free school has been thoroughly competent control ot froL wuviu-huu wvu iaw iu G. T. liussell, who ably seconded by felt thanks to teachers, officers, pupils his wife, has given the people of Oak- and parents and again to our State land and Douglas county, good cause Superinttn(ient' for kindly greetings, for sincere gratitude; and then in more . , s . . . , direct association with the pu,(Uc and the hearty c(Hpei-ation that have school work we have a State Normal made ray burden light and have given school at Drain, where those who de- to my administration whatever success sire that special training which shall it may have attained. THE ENTIRE STOCK Must be sold before we move T. L. Gannon, CARRIAGE, WAGON, ' AND I-V-I-L BLACKSMITH SHOP. Ad,im9on'a Old Stand, Jacka w Sttcst'. ; - I . MANUFACTURERS OF ? One of the Jiiggept. and Bent Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town. Hsu notliiii!' but tho best leather, and havi got C.'A. Blackman EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME W. Gr. Woodward Moseburg. htar JS9 1 a J B CONGLE Manufacturer. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, 3,L,EATHER AND SaILEUT IIaRDWAP.K 103 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGON Malanssene and Clements New Furniture Store IN MARK'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL INSTANTER. SUCCESSOR TO- Our Stock is larger andbetter CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGI&S! assorted tliail any in tbe City, AH Kiuds of Repairing Done. Terms ar Reasonable. liANNON & KLACKMAk. III! GBANGE BUSINESS -DEALERS IN COME AND EXAMINE And be your own judge, Before purchasing Elsewhere. Weguarantee our clothes to fit in every particular. ASSOCIATION GENERAL MERCHA OF ROSEBUKQ. I W. F. OWENS, ; : : -DEAL IN- I 00, NDISE, Manager. Rosoburec Oregon. VJ fl fl I OnH fi fa . ll 1 1 " Ias 011 llan(1 constantly a large and comple IlUUI UllU Ul 111 II 1 General XWImndiso and will be pleased to sc WE MEAN BUSINESS And no mistake. Our place of business is one door north of the Post Office. CARO BROTHERS. Coos Bay Stage Linel LAIRD & CALVERT, PROPRIETORS. THROUGH TO COOS CITY IN 14 HOURS' WHERE connection Is made with Coo Bay Steam ere for ll points on tho Bay. Stages leave the Post office t Rcecburst every moniliij?, except Sunday calling at the hotels before leaving. THE BEST ROUTE TO COOS BA.Y Particular attention given to the comfort of pass scngers. Careful drivers md g od stock. WEW STORE AT BILLARD, OK. would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-Made Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a tirst-claas store. Uive him a call. Goods at Iiow Prices. All kinds of Produc Taken in Exchange for Goods. taAU orders promptly attended to. THii-' ; New York Coffee House .... - ; . ,' -. - j ., And Oyster; Saloon,- Leading Check Restaurant in the City e assortment-of! General Mevchandise and will be pleased to de his old friends and natrons, as well as new ones, who in co n scarcity of money and tlie present depresioh study their own interests by calling on vm Before nurchasinff elsewhere, I do not cl st. or less than cost, but tfcat thoy will get their goods At The Xovrest Living Profit. Produce Of All Kinds Taken At Mar Sol. also, agents for Agricultural Implements of all kinds THE TRANSACT A GENERAL RUSI- ff noss in our lino and pay tho Highest Market Trices for Wool and Urain. Ji. tun line of Agricultural Implements kept con HLintiv on haml. or furnished on short notice at Lowest Prices. OflSce and Warehouse at COSt. or less than cost, bllt Will assure all OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, tiivens acaii. - . ' . . . , W P- OWE"8: w Drain & Co,- Drain. Don SIFERD & HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND i ORECON 3fPri ate Rooms of the Latent Designs for Ladioi! OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. i ... - I'.V INSURE IN THE STATE IHRAKCim OK ! ' SAT.tttvt OZS.X30-OS3-. Capital ....... 1 ....... . $100,000.00 Insures only Farm Property, Private dwellings, School houses and Chorcbes. Also Detached dwellings In Cities and Towns with contents, j I have also a few CHOICE FARMS and stock ranches for sale on reasonable terms. . . : David S. West, agent Officc,at Court House, Iioseburg Or. DRY GENERAL DEALERS IN GOODS AND -Teas; Great Overland Route THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD -ONLY LINE RUKNINC- Pullman Palaoe Sleeping Oars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and .Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul and Minneapolis- ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNN1NC PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) im to soli goods FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST OVER THE- NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, CQiiucil Bluffc, St Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, AND ALL POINTS- O tidcration of'lhe in business, will and examining io patronize me eel Price. Abraham. Coos Ray Stage Office the Hotel. r SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- Baooaoe Handled Free of CuaRue. W. Ro MOORE, PROP. MEDICAL-, DR. LIECIG'S ONOEKKIL German Iuvioratur Men who are milTcriiif Disease and Weakness bro on by early imprudedeo or excesses, csasimr nonron debility, premature decay, lust manhood, etc., hav ing tried in vain every known rcmedv, should pro cure immediately DH. LitBIO'S l.WlUOKATOR No. 8. . t . THE DOCTOR -will affreo to forfeit 81. 000 or case undertaken, not cured. The reason wlir bo many cannot get cured of weakness and th aimve diseases is owiiiir to a complication called 1'ROSTA TOKBHKA with Hypencothcsia, wbich require seecial treatment. DR. LIKUIO'S INV1COUATOR No. S. under our advice and special trcatmcnl,is the oniy positive cure for PROSTATOKRHEA. DR. LIEBIO&CO. for the past nineteen years have made an exclusive apcvialty of h trcatnientof diseases of men. If pimples appear on the face, if you become list less and dcs)ondent, look out for the complication with Seminal Weakness and loss of Vitality known asFrostatorrhca. Hundreds of live hare been kt and thousands have lost their proierty and pleasure -in life from its effects. Varicocele; or wormy vein, of the scrotum, often the unsuspected cause of Lost Manhood, Debility, etc. etc., DR. LIEBIU'S Invig orator, No. f, is tbe only known remcd ylor th above complication, and a perfect and permanen cure will be guaranteed in all cases undertaken une derourspecial advice and treatment. Most powerful electric belts free to our patients. To prove the wonderful power of tbe INVIUORA- TOR, A 2 BOTTLB GIVEN FREE. Call or address, Dp- Lielig & Co'a Private Dispensary 400 Geary "Bt. San Francisco, Oi. GROCERIES, Hardware, rockery, ' o O -o HATS, CAFS, BOQTSAND SHOES . crs will find our stock comple,' comprising many articles it is im . , . po33ible here to enumerate. Would respectfully invito an examination of stock believing all can be satisfied that it is for tlieir interest to make purchases here as we buy and sell for cash . , only. t Zf MAGA Vi IJM33 33ost In Tlio World tot larce or small came made In 32 calibre, 40 grains powaeT;as cau ESoralna-iAni n n.i. . Tft .nrt RK fftalncl The tronecst sbooting nOe Dade.' Perfect aeearacy goaraoteed and the only absolutely afe rifle made. All styles. an sues, an weights, Frtcesredoced, TI A T-T.'f Tl T enr, Sportin and Tttirt RlfW, .world w.wnci TTnrtara aMtMMMlMkr target snooting, hontliig. and sbootim; Raiicnea, Made In f onrteen dlffercot styles, Prices from fiSjW pp,8eod fer lUMUatcd catalOfue, MRUS FLEE AMS CO.J aii nllhmi from S2 to S. KEW HAYEK, COSH. o rusrn AND QOUTIIEAKrn AND OOUTHEASJ DR. MINTIE, THE SPECIALIST. No. U KEARNEY ST., BAN FRANCISCO, ' CAL. Treats all Chronic, Special and Private Diseases with Wonderful Success. THE GREAT EfltUSH REMEDY. r- V;i"xi A NEVER FA1L.1NU CURE for Nervous LV biity Nominal Weakness, Ex- jc-; i-v VTi, jiiausieu vitality, ppcrnia, T-T W'lltorrbea, Lost Manhood- :MtmpotoncT, Paralysis, I rrostaiomica, and air the terrible effects of Self, jabuse. youthful follies and ;T lexecsses in maturcr years, Irach as Loss of Memory ; Lassitude Nocturnal Em- ,jiBsia!is, aversion to society lEH mihessof Vision, ulcs in the Head. KXCFKKra IN DRINKING intoxicating liquors, tnerrtal fluid passing unobserved in the unne, and many otner dis eases that lead to insanity anddcatb. Dr. Mixym, who is A fiBortA ViirsictAS, Oapr. ate or TBBUinrEBSirror Pesnbylvaxia, will airroe to forfeit Fivb JIcbdbko Dollars for a case of this kind the VIT L RESTORT1VE (under his Sixvial advice and treatment) will not cure, cr for anvfhioor impure or injurious found in it. D. Misns'treats all private diseases successfully without mereurfi . . . ... ...I'D ana aa vice, including analysis ot urine, $5.00. Price of viiAi,n.Hivr(AiiYK, fl.60 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $6.00; sent W any address upon rcceijit of Price, or C. O, D., secured from observation, and i private name if desired by Dr. M'Stir, 11 Kkarxt dtsiet, oak irAKCJtO CAU 'Send Lot list ol quef Uons and pampblt. ' SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any oneamilvinc bv letter, statins sj mytoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy i n regards to all business transactions. Dr. Minm's KmxET Rbmrdt," NEPIIRETICl'M Cures all kinds of Kidney and Bladder Csnmplaint Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leucborrhca etc. For sale by a . drngjrlsts; 91 bottle or six bottles for flvedullars. Dr. Mikthw Daxdexiox Pnxs are the best and the cheapest Dtsi etui a and Biligvs cure in the market. For jale by all druRsist. - Ci o- Yia St. lanl and Minneapolis. -rir SLEEPING CAJtSjsr Are hauled on regular Ex press Trains over the' Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 P. daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or, St Paul 12:30 p. m., third day. Connection made at St. Paul -and Minneapolis' to all joints East, South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 a arriving at New Tacoma 6:30 p. M.. connecting with O. R. fc N. Ca's ' . - . x i. 1 boats tor an pomis on jrugei. wuiiu. A. D. Charlton, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. SHALL POX MAMS 0138 BE BEHOVED- n,Eoisr & co . Loudon, Perfumers to II. M, the Queen, hare ted ami patented tbe arorki-rcnoa-iife't OBLITERATOR, which remove Small Pox Marks, of however standing. Tbe application is simple and bar causes no inconvenience? and contains nothinji furious. Price 2.0O. STJFEF LU0US HALS Leon & Co.s I)EIILATOBl,, Removes Supertlouus Hair in few nilnute without pain or on pleasant sensation nevpr. grow again. Simple and harmless l a directions. Sent by mail. Price 81 GEO W SHAW GENERAL AGENT, 219 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass, Heutii.n This Paper,