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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1885)
- ROSEBURG REVIEW. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9ih 1885. LU7IES OF TEACHERS. Section 1 .Teachers shall be in at tendance at their respective school rooms and open the same for the re ception of pupils, twenty minutes be fore the time of cominencirg in the morning ami remain on the school premises until school closes in the af ternoon. Sec. 2. "When pupils are passing in or out at the opening ai.d closing of .school, at noon and at recess, teacher are required to give-their personal at tention to the preservation of order in their looms, in the halls and on the stairs. Sec. 3. Teachers shall seo that . their pupils do not gather at the school imildmg before 8:40 o'clock A. m., and that they do not remain about the school premises after the closing of the school in the aftei'noon, without spe cial permission. Sec. 4. It shall .be a duty of the first importance on the part of teachers to exercise a care and vigilance over tbeir jiupils on the play ground; and to hold them accountable for thtir con duct to and from school; and on all suitable occasions, to instruct and en courage them in forming correct habits, manners and principles. Sec. 5. They shall, ithin one day after the close of each School month jjiake accurate reports to the Principal according to the blanks furnished. Sec. 6. Any teacher wishing to resign, thall give in writing at least two weeks i o ice to the Board. Sec. 7. The pay of a supernumerary hall .be the salary of the regular teacher whose placo is supplied. This amount shall be paid to the supernumerary on warrant issued by the Board in the same manner that other salaries are ptid, but no teacher shall receive any pay whatever for lost time. Sec. 8. Teachers shall, at all times, exercise great care to secure as thor ough ventilation as possible, and never fail to open doors and windows at re cess, and especially during physical e jerciscs. Sec. 9. Each and every teacher fchall be requested to subscribe for, take and read, at least one periodical devoted to educational work. Sec. 10. Any teachtr absent from school on account of sickneas, or other necessity, shall send im mediate notice thereof to the principal vho shall ap point a supernumerary to take tempo xary charge of said teachers school room. Sec. 11. Teachers are responsible for the care of the property belonging o their departments. Sec. 12. Thermometers will he kept suspended from the ceilings. Sec. 13. Teachers shall not help, or assist pupils of other departments than their own without the consent of the teacher of said department. ' Sec. 14. Ech teacher shall be held directly responsible to the principal for the management of the department under the control of such teacher. Duties of Pupils. Section 1. Pupils whose parents or guardians shall create a disturbance in school, or shall censure, abuse or in sult any teacher in the presence of the class, or on the school premises, or who shall write abusive or insulting letters to any teacher, shall be liable to sus pension. : Sec. 2. All pupils shall be required ; to pass out of the school rooms dining the noon and recess pa except in incle went weather or in cases of delicate health. Sec. 3. Pupil shall not be per. mitted, during school hours or the noon pr recess to visit other school rooms than their own, except by special per mission of their teachers. . Sec. 4. Pupils breaking glass or in any way injure the school property shall replace or repair the same imme diately, or stand suspended until the rule is obeyed; such suspension shal . not take the usual course unless the refusal is prolonged. Sec. 5. For the purpose of enforc ing proper discipline and maintaining crder among the pupils, the school au thorities and teachers shall be deemed 1o have jurisdiction over them on their ?vay to and from school. " , Sec. 6. Pupils are required to at- j lend all examinations, and shall not be transferred or promo' ed from one grade pr class to higher one until they have passed a satisfactory examination in al the branches taught in the department from which they go, except by permis- sion oi ine principal. Sec. 7. Nopupil who shall leave school, or be withdrawn therefrom for a supposed grievance of any kind, shall be permitted to enter aain without the consent or the principal and board. Sec. 8. A limited numler of ad vanced pupils by and with the consent of their parents or guardians may make arrangements with theprincipal where by their presence may be necessary at the school house only during their reci tations and rhetorical exercises. Young men. plant a home. In this rich land of ours choose some fertile spot and make it your own. While you are travling from place to place for a job, you are losing time. When you do get good wages it does not last Jong. Soon you will spend it in hun ting another job. Buy a home some where. Don't spend your best days in looking for the best place, x ou can not get cheated anywhere on .this coast at the present bargains m land. Set tle down and be your own master. You can work just as hard as you please sleep as long as you want to, and be as happy ami independent as any man. To bo the owner of a nice little home is one of earth' greatest blessings. You should think of this, and act tmeedilv. anch. Tho English language is coming into usrtbv the natives of India; and, owing o !nv- a ur- "s f 1 nmrg, they leave nt aii-J put in H'a like Englishmen KING'S EVIL "Was the name formerly given to Scrofula because of a superstition that it could be cured by a king's touch. The world is wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA ...... i can only bs cured by a thorough purifica tion of the blood. If this Is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Among its earlier, symptomatic developments are Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu mors, Boils, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca tarrhi Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari ous other dan;erou3 or fatal maladies, are produced by it. flyers Sarsaparilla Is the only powerful and always reliable blood-purifying medicine. It is so effect ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the same time it en riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs ana rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the eenuine flbTidttrns Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, StU' lingia, the Iodides of Potassium and iron, and other Ingredients of great po tency, carefully and scientifically com pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, and the best physicians constantly prescribe Ayer's Saksapaiulla as an Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood. It is concentrated to the higt est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi cine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lows, Bait. Analytical Chemists. Bold by all Druggists: Price ' Six bottles for $6. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. u Removal! Removal! Removal! On account of our remova into our new Store we propose to offer our entire slock of Gen eial Merchandise to the Public at such low prices that notwith standing the present, hard times and scarcity of money, will en able everybody to buy our goods. THE ENTIRE STOCK Must be sold before we m ov c Our Stock is larger andbet ter assorted than any in the City , COME AKD EXAMINE And be your ownjudge, Eefore purchasing Elsewhere We gu antce our clothes to fit in every particular. WE SIEAN BUSINESS And no mistake. Our pla ceof business is one door north of the Post Office. OARO BROTHERS, H. O. Stanton DEALER IN 111 Keeps Constantly on Hand a General Am rtment of TVood Willow and Glassware ALSO CROCKERY CO RD AGE A Full Stock of: CKOOIj books. STATIONERY, TOYS, & FANCY ARTICLES. Furnishes Checks pn.rortland, and procures, Drafts ou San Francisco. POST-OFFICE STORE ROSEBURG WAR EUROPE, TAPLBMY GOOD MISCELLANEOUS JFUIiMl URE PA LA GF, . UNCLE JOHN GILDZRSLEEVE . Has the fi!ic3t stock if furniture south cf Portland which he sells as cheap as it tan bo bought in the State. The new fangled ; DOUBLE BED LOUNGE, AND PA TEN T CORNICES. Also has on hand a f ull assortment of beds and bed ding, chair, tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And all kinds of Childrens Chairs, etc. J. GILDERSLEEYE. CHINESE WASH HOUSE. -AND IABOE AGENCY! Yujto Sam Proprietor THIS POPULAR lagxdkyhan has opened business ai his old stand in Roseburg-, opposite Carlon's Livery Stable. Is prepared to contract for Clunese Laborers, And furnish - COOKS, FA11M HELP, WOOD CHOPPERS, KAILPOAD HANDS Or Ctinese Labor of any description on short notice. gUSJELL S- BOW EN BROS. FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. CAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONE oune to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castings. 3Ioney refunded if work not satisfactory. Portland prices ! Save telegrams and cxprcssae. LAFGENBERG'S Boot and! Sho.ft Store-, Jackson Street, Opposite Post 025co, Rosoburg, Oregon. KEEPS ON HAND THE LARGEST AKD BEST assortment of Eastern and San Francisco and other makes of KOOTS, SHOES, OA1TEKS, SL1P PEliS and everything in tho Cvotand Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use ths Best of Leather and Warrant all my wort. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Kotice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANGENBEKO. CIVIL BEND STORE V. I. AXIK.XN GTON, DEALER IX Dry Goods Qr-ocsiea oto All Kinds of ProJucs ' Taka.i i.i Exohango CIVIL BEXD, DOCO. CO., OREGON. T. L. Gannon, C. A. Blackman CARRIAGE, WAGOH, AND BLACKSMITH 5B3?J1$ Adamion's Old Stand. Jackson Street. MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAQE3, HACKS, EU53ZI3! All Kiad of llepairiug Doup, Terms ar Reasonable. Gasnox & Blackmam. GDANGS BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, OF ROSEBURG. W. F. OWENS, : : : ; Manager. -DEAL IN- and also, agents for Agricultural Implem ents of all kinds. TITE TRANSACT A -GENERAL TiTTST f V ness in onr line and pay the Highest warKet prices for Wool and Oram. A fn 1 line of Agricultural Implements kept con- Btaniiy on nana, or lurnishea on short notice at Lowftst Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Givens a call. W- F- OWENS. $200,000: IK PEISIXTgOITlK AWAT. Send n 5 cents pontage, and by mail you will get ruts a package of goods of large value, that will gtart you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anything else in America. All about the 200,OOoin preoents with each box. Agents wanted e vers where, of either sex, of all age, for all the time, or snare time only, to work for us at their ovn Homes, fortunes for all workers absolutely as- urea. Don't aeiay. a. uallu & Uo., For Hand Mai lie. JJf MEARTSOCK, Oakland,- Oregon Wagonmaker ana Undertaker, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A tine assortment of Coffins and Burial Caskets, which he will sell at reasonable prices. Also keeps a large stock of all ma terials necesaars for repairing and making Wagons, Buggies, Plows and Machinery of all kinds. 1 I)') I fJl 8eni mx 0inU 'or postage, and t I 111 Ji':receh'e free, a costly box of ttoods II 1 i I Lii whieh will help all, of either sex U mora money ri-ht away than an thing-else in the j world. Fortunes await ttie workers absolutely sure At once addreoe TiUE and Co.. Augusta, Maine. I Woo Grain! Awarded Premium at State Fair! n i JSP C NlL. V sr iST JS.t.'.?N?CN. 13, ItMlllw.ll,,!,,,..! .1- if-- Xjc'Cj T V) R 3- inordinary chiiiinev can be nseil. lljr.s ;3Ti f 4iBtV U IJ ' II16 ,aHlJ'l.)arnsat eobtofi center hour. n.V'f J I 3 ;sS S' The wick w furnished free with every lamp ; XftJzijc:S wit;k W1,J last C 8 months. -Wsif J?l?-.Vcn 7, T!'e. l0m V9 bcil1- nMle ot br3ss nnot It .A XSgas. i .-.tSSi--: ri jreik. but one lamp will last a life time. l inCJi f.'fel,,,(ffX 8- wbat 'WM on chimney s in one year J" 'y'-m-ZZZS? ir V- V !ne will si'ffioe to pay for a lamp, I: V a - i:--"'.- N 0 " This ,J-t! has beonly wick movement that t- V '4V f'-Ol. Xi'Wfi'1 -t" requires m, tiein- of i,k, and also the only 1 -P-K eV - " iE- ,Vu- - ft movement that brings the i. k up perfectly e eii. '&3J'&-2t? X'l 1. Th wiektnmsiUcU if turned do n until itrSr VJpSJ"8!."? -r.ifrvw fr -i&ty&Si 1 the stop work acts and permit! e.l to go cut with 'i Jj. . - &a . 5: x. out being blown, a minute or less bcina-all the tj "5!5S"r'..:i -i?".JJ?f?' , timcrecuicie-i. FOUNT LAMP. : . " - It.- The top of the fv.nt U so constnirfed at bold any email quMtlity uf oil that niiijht a lentally run over, thereby preventing damage furniture, carpets, etc. 12. The insurance compnieTocf.Trmend'tl.t use, because they thoy nie iiOH-c-yploiive. t tc. THE rRHL'AHT AND STEADY L!CHT Produced by tlnee lamps becaiifse of the'r ret' liar codstraction, the nwin principles being double draft, the outer air tubs giving ubiindf supply of oxygen, which is reresyprv to iiiFu perfect combustion (and thereby biWing tl odorous and poison o ou mai ter vhich esea-8 i other lamps) and the ir.nrr or "srreiiiU'r" ; tubes steady ing the ftime anc presenting its con ing in contact with the chimney. -! Made by a prominent authority givea the follow ing lcsull: i THE TEST CF LIGHT ! Ordinary lamps, 811 candle power. ! Gas lamps, 20 candie power. i Improved new Chicago Metric lamps, C2J can die power. j Are made and can ba had cither in Brass, Kicke or Gold Bronze: i TME FeLLGW-SC "STYLES; j FOUNT LAMP fan he attached to any gas o oil fixture, side bracket, etc.,'l qr.arvofoi and bums 7-8 hours. I'rice S2..W to $3.00 STA.KD LAVP-Fr table or desk use. Hi.h s 1 ruart of oil and bums 7-8 hours. 3-to fcS.fO LIBRARY FOU.NT-Jiade expressly fibraryex tension hangers. Holds l quart ef oU and bun 6 T-S hours, i-'rice f2.V5 to S3 i ALL KIGHT FOUNT-Samo as Fount Lamj only has a laager oil reservoir and c'uniequcntU wi,l lurujonger. Prico, $3 to $3.25. t Send For One. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! Can nly be Obtained from Us. HITOH Eut bsfbro you lo tliat come Vouail to W. . "'WOOD WARD'S I P IS F P III ii Ei A - AND- Buy e n a w Set H A SADBLE One EVI of tbe Biggnft and Btst Stock of Goods ever Biought to Town. I uho nolhing but the leatlier, and have cot 0 " j 1RYTHING.IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME OjJ'"ll"lSy" I , j llh ISIIHlMldSflBIWrWTi tm-rl u I ,--ri-r. MiMii iwumii mi ijuLi Vr J3 1 v K-rzy x. ; irs-S--1 l?-?&'&JtSl V E. W. Woolsey cL Son, Breeders and Importers of Thoroughbred Spanish Merino Sheep.- Fulton, Sonom ci OOiz.xit3r- CScl. 1 w E n.WEOX IIAXD FOR SALE TI!lS SEASONT and Ewes, which we will deliver at ItoMburtr at 0 UR Flock is of Ilimmond and Atwood sttek oriyii - yeany new strains 1 0100a irom tne oeBt rioiKs OR purity of blood, absolute freedom from all oft tne coaatanu nas taKen rirst frcm urns at Address as aboye or Frank Woolse Represented in Roseburg byjW. F. or direct will receive prompt attention. Fx' Sale Cheap for Cash or approved credit Thorougb-Bred Merino Sheep Male and Female, at our place, six miles north of Roseburg, near Wilbur. Correspondence solicited. iul3-6m TilOS. SMITH & SON. I -iPTin -1s-3 FOSITIVSLT riON-rSPLOSIVE! HE CHICAGO iur,uiiuu JjAlur! 52-CANDLE POWER? "GEi: ONE AXD BE CONVIXCIID." ADI'i: I-'ES: fiKTnJr.A rT.rrtTTTM T mm nr Cor. x Hit & Vt'iuL.njton M:.ela, .i'oilland, Or. An;org its maxt- a;la:ita-'es may be enumerated l tne fviluwin; x. . u . lug liiwM ci nunirft its Unci. STAND LAMP. T o- 3 U SO!) YEAKLIQ AND TWO YEAR OLD RAMS prices to suit the Co!Tegoi:dence soli -ited aily, p.r.d we have sparwl no expen in introd icing or iieiruterto u k hi Vermont st;ite. disease ao l Ciiref ul brccdnjr it stand sceon 1 to none siaic ana uoanty i-stirs, wherever exhibited. y, cop. 1st and A. streets, Portland, Or Owens, and all orders received bj him Spanish Merino Ducks. I have on hand a' number of fine Bucks, from one year old and upwards. Priee $10. Where a number ire pur chased a liberal discount will be made. Call at my tlace. five milns wpst of Roseburg. - Ilcnrv Conn. Sr. w V , H ;7 II LA 1 t r;v. .-;kt TBI rl ti f LI f PS1P d II U r I ..... jMsaBmti4 PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. C. W. KNOWLES, L. 1). BROWN. ST. CHAELES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN ) . BROWN & KNOWLES, Proprietors. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-proof Brick Building 180 Kooms. In the Ceuter of the City COIL FROXT ASD MORRISON STS., PORTLAND EUROPEAN FLAX. -gSXlOX'D HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, CORNS Front and Morbisox Stb. PORTLAND, OREGON Tiiomas Olisean, Proprietor. ' T7SMOND RESTAURANT, II. Mlllek, Proprietor, Corner Front and Morrison Streets, . PORTLAND, OREGON. Special Arrangemonts for Wedding and Dinner Parties and Banquets. . . . HE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Charles Heilman, Proprietor. The very best in the Market is set before you. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Cor." Third and E Streets, Portland, Oregon. REDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME Tills LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED ITOUSE offers superior accomodations at popular prices. Heals ?5c, Uwms 25c. and 50c. Only three blocks from all Depots and Steamer landingrs, Fre Buss to and from the Hotel Ko Chinese servants. No overcharges or deviation from regular rates of fl.00 per bav. laai-o-tf E. LEZVISTON. Prop'r. Established 1S5I. A. ROBERTS, Cornsr First and Aider Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING - AND OF ORECON.- ? !"THE PliACS TO BUY.Jg3 J B G0NGLE . . . Manufacturer, Wholesale and ReUil Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, LEATHER AND SADDLE RT HaRDWARK 108 and 110 Front Street PORTLAND OREGON The Portland Business College, Portland, Oro pon, ofFcrs superior private and class Instruction to the yOung and middle-aged of both sexes who desire to obtain a practical education in the short est time consistent with thorough work, and at the least expense. Day and evening sessions through outtheyear. Students admitted anytime. Cata logue ou application. A. P. Aemstrono, PrlncipaL FOR A BUSINESS EDU! 1 OO TO THZ M. W. cor. Jieoovd aid Salmon Sta, SmC.CC. JOUKNALrorinformatloit Addrens W.S.JAMES.Pi-incipsL Uentioa this iimt.y i.ox 4s, PorUtnd, Oe. MES.E.F.HOTCHEISS AND INFeat Dressmaking! EOSEBUBG OREGON. WILL FURNISH TOU THE BEST AND FINEST Goods in the Market. Ladies Wear, Laces, Rucning's, Hosiery and Jewelry. MISS SUSIE LEWIS HAS CHARGE OF TEE Dressmaking: Department, which insures a Good and Fashionable fiu JSear the Depot FOR SALE I W m TERLEY OFFERS FOE SALE . . IV his tine farm of 407 acres of No. 1 Grass and Farm Land, 8 miles north of Oakland. 150 Acres of as tockJ Plow land as there is in the State. A Good Spring on every 40 Acres. Also for sale with the farm 24 head of Thoroughbred Short Horn Dur ham Cattle, 70 Tons Hay, Horses, Cattle, Wagons, Hoes, Milk Cows, Farming Uten sils, Seed Oats. Terms made known ly applving to W. T;KEiILEY, Oakland, Or. Rl t f working people II III ui-'e. ui we will ilflil valuable sample b ople. Send 10 cents pos- l man you fkbb, a reyai box of foods that will put you in the way of makinsr more money in a few days than you ever thought possible atanv business. Capital not required. Yon can live at home nd work in -spare time only, or all the time. Ail of both sexes, of all ares. fi-randly successful. 60 tents to 95 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the busiuess, we make this Tie paralleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied we j will send Si to tm.y ror thetrouoie 01 wrmngr us. r un particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay ! absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't do- j ay. Address Silk son & Co. rortlaud, Maine. I - -.j- - - . -. . . . . . . a cm MARBLE WORKS. Mrs. JL Breckenridg AGENT FOR W. H. MoCOH-HIOS, ' Importef and Manufacturer of BOHUBEHTSaHEADSTOHES-. Of American and foreign Marblo ami Scotch Granite. Estimates given for CopiDg in Sand Stone, Also Agent for Walker'a Iron Fenca for Cemeteiy Enclosure. ROSEBURa, - - OREGOTT n p ,q T II. O'M ALLEY, 0 . Propi Irtor of the KOSEBUKU JMAHJJLE WOEKS. s And Dealer in 1 TCOMBSTUNES, TABLETS, ETC. -I Shop Rear of Ilojjau's Store. ROSEBURG JrlOCEUY STORE i IiOIlT. E ASTON, PROPRIETOR. Jaekson Street, one door South ot Sirs. CompUi' illS JUST RECEIVED' . A STOCK OS" CANDIES, NUTS, CAKES, CRACKERS, TEAS, SPICES, I SUGARS, CANNED GOODS ; COFFEES, ETC., ETC., ETO, I Exchange Goods for Good Butt and Ffcbh Eggs. MY GOODS ARE ALL FRESH, ; KObT. EA8T S O. Cib XI.. TIIIZXS, j A Full Line of I -----I - 1 j Staple aid Fancy Grocerie, 1 Table and Pocket Cutlert, Glassware, Groc2iery Qu3cnsware Etc. : Goods Delivered anywhere in ttt City limits, Free of Charge. i AND VARIETY STORE! TV.S. ICOTCfilUSS, A Fall Stock of Family Grocetie. FARMERS WILL FIND IT TO TMEIIt ADTAK Inge t urchae their Cii OcenK. &er the D ;t Ciive uio & Lad. H, fc. llorcMKWs. T A. 3 UVll. v . - rroprk'ior of the CITY BAKERY AND ! CANDY FACTORY. KEEPS CONSTSTLT ON 11AXD A Ft Li Cra :Uers, etc. - Also Snc sc'etti'ti. of rtnea aa4 juuo;icui cuuu;u& aria inoconae Uttflt. MEDICAL. WONDERFUL Grm.aD InvijoraUr Men Trho are sufter'mjr fraa Disease and Weakness br on by etrly hupruUede w excesses, cauinr uebilitr. premature decay, lost losnhood, etc., bat ing tried in vain eveiy known remedy, should pro cure inameUiately DK. LiKBIG'S 1V1GORjITOR No. 2. :- - - - THE DOCTOR will tjrree to forfeit $1,000 fr ense undertaken, not cured. Hie reason W 1 many cannot tret cured "of weakness .and the aWT di-ea-wH is owiny to a coinj 1 cation calied WiOSTA TOKHHEA wilh My cia.;.thia, unicb, reuuixM seecial treatment. . - DR. LIKlUii'S IXViGOHATOR No. S, under ad.ioe and swc';i the niiy tosiUTeur for l'KOkTATOKllHKA. DR. LU Bid & CO the past r.betcen years have made an exclusive specially of lhc tieat.Btf tiiKeases of men. if pimples appear cn tbe face, if you became list. les and dopoiidcut, look out for the coinphcat-M with Seuiiiud Weakness tnd loss of Vitality knows as Pmstatorrhea. Hundreds of lives bav bees leet and thousai.ds hare lost tlieir projjerty and plcasore in life from its effects, Varicocele; or wVrmy TiH of the scrotum, often the nt.supectcd cause of Ler Manhood, Debility, tstc, et., JiR. LiEBlti'S iBTlf. orator, No. 2 is the only known remcd yfer above complication, and ft.r-erlect and perm a cure will be guaranteed in all eases undertaken dcr ourspecfal adTice and treatment. Most powerful electrie belts free to our patient. ' To prove the wonderful power f the IN Y1UOKA TOi:, A $2 BOTTLE GIVEN KEE. Call or address, '.. Dr- Liobig & CoV Private Ulspensarjr. 5 400 Geary St., Sa Fraucisco; CaL"' ' 1 THE SPECIALIST. No. 11 KEARNEY ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAi. Treats all Chronic, Special and Private Disease's with Wonderful Success. THE GEAT ENGLISH REMEDY. -l IS A NEVER FAU,Iia JOUREfor Keivwws Dbi!w . heminal Weakness, fee -Viiorrhea. Lo.t . lfaak. .Utnpoteey, Paralyslt, 4 I'roetatorrhea, ud all til f.erribla effects of 9Mt i tbuse, youthful fellies ta4 W pxecsses in matur.r years. ucb as Less of Mery, Lisssitude Nocturnal E Asians, aversion to soeicty Duiiuessoi Vis..n. Noises in the Head, EXCKStO IN DKINKiXO intoxicating liquors, tne vital flsie wssinj unobserved in the urine, and many other die eases that lead to insanity and death. , :- Da. MiXTix, who is A beoi lar Phtsictas,' Gu at or ins UsiVEKsiTT of 1'i.sKSTi.viKu, will re to forfeH Fivs Hi nprkd Doliass for a ea of tk! kind the VITAL RESTORATIVE (under his special advice and treatment) will oc4 cure, cr for anytfei impure hr injurious found in it. Da. Uistis treats all private diseases successfullv without strrv;, t,o8ULTATIO Fkeb. Thoroufe-h examination aed 4. vice, including analysis of urine, $5.00. Priee 1 VITAL It ESTORATIVE, $1.0 a bottle, or four tim9 th quantity, $5.00; sent to any address up rsi? of price, or O. O, D., secured from obtervatien, mm in private name if desired by Dm. M liens, 11 Eaissy Strket, Has Fbskcisco, Cau. Send for list ef e, v'ons ana painpniei. i SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any one applying bv letter, statJtj symytoms. sex and a are. Strict secrecy i n reyards m all business transactions. . Dr. Miicto's KiDxrr Reuse v, NEPHRETICT Cures all kiix Is of Kidney and Bladder Cecanplaiss, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Leu c-.orrnea etc For sale by 2 drngjri'sts; 1 a bottle o' six bottles for fivedollar Dr. Mi.vhks Daxdeuoh Pills are the best ad U " cheapest Dtsj ErsiA and Daious curs in Uis inxi kst For saleby all dnijnfists. ' " - iyT"jVTniore moncr than at anything else by I f ;J 11 taking an agency for the besteellin bk4 out. Beginners succeed grand) v. Nona fsiL Irn free. Uaitrrt Boo Co. Portland, Maine, " L0ST f .1.