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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1885)
ROSEBURG REVIEW. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 h 1885. tiu: rnoi'Lr.'s roitvM. We Invite short, pithy and suggestive art:c!es in the ilerot of Douglas county, of any section there- or more general articles in the interest of great and abstract ti uths. Ihe same will appear in the ''People's Forum." SU C VLA It JO UltXA L IS ST. The power of the press is an nckn owl eciged faster iuour modern civilization. Whether it shall be wirlded for good or for evil is a question of the utmost inpoiti.iVe. Shall it merely voice public stntiment, or had and contiol lti Shall it be master cr slave? Those are quertions that ought arouse find interest the general pulJis. If the daily press is merely an echo of the in tellectual and moral condition of the people then it becomes us to use all mean3 that will improve the status of our people. But if our spcular editors are the leaders and manufacturers of public -opinion then it becomes our most important duty to choose and fol low safe leaders. It is SJifeto say that the means k1 pur ifying and uplifting the tone of the secular press to a large extent lit s with the general public. There are certain fact3 we do well to remember. We tolerate sentiments and prin ciples in our daily and weekly lilera . ture that we would scorn to have di rectly Fpoken in our presence or in our families. We even pay our money for that kind of literature that corrupts and poisons the minds of the young under the gauzy pretense that we must have the news, cr that the paper rep resents our par'.y, or that it is cheap, We take up our weekly paper and the lirst thing that strikes our' eye is a recommendation of a new board of whiskey, or a direction to go to Mr. 0 s and test his excellent Leer. We look in the news column and there we .-have a description of a Sunday horse . race, or a prize ii"ht. Divorces and murders must occupy whole columns. Every sickening de tail is highly colored and seasoned to suit the deprave J rugate. While every scandal i3 eagerly sought for, and devoured as the buzzard does the rotten carcass that has fallen by the roadside, on the other hand the unsclf , ish attempts of better men to elevate foeio'y must often be volunuu-ily and gratuitously furnished with the answer that there is no room. This does not surprise us whoa" the press is controlled by men who have no regard for God or man, but the re sponsibility lies with the patrons. We need an arousing of conscience in this matter. Tt is high time for all upright men to spurn with righteous indignation the corrupt newspaper that would under mine the highest interests of his family. An editor has no more right to print and publish the demoralizing stuff that he has to utte" those same vi!e senti ments in our family circle when our invited guest. It is rather a condemnation than a justification to say he does it for money, It only classes him with the thugs and fakirs of tin roadside. If it is impossible to get a pure sheet representing the party of our applica tions so mum the worse for the party. Either the party should change to prin- 1 v lit cipies, or we snouia cnange our partv. But there are pure high minded editors i of tho secular pres3 (may their number i greatly increase) and there are reliable newspapers if we wnl tako the trouble to hunt tlem up. These should com mand our support. Sooner should we nurse a basket of rattlesnakes than '-patronize the vil ) sheet? that pander to the worst elements of society. Next to the minister of the gospel, the Editor should be a man of sincere heart, of clean, lips, and upright life. A secular newspaper is not a reli gious or tempetanee paper in the tech nical sense, but it should not therefore be irreligious, intemperate, or immoral. It is a farce to supposn that as the paper is for the general public it should therefore echo ail the phases of modern society down to the hoodlum, the rake and barnburner. The sceuLr press should be looked upon as one cf the most powerful conservators of society. It should be tho praise of all good men, and the sham? of bud cms When it is obliged to chun:cle p tinful news or wrongdoing the shortest and simplest way of conmunicating the facts is the bqst. On the other hand it should be pn the alert for everything that will .advance the interests of society. We look upon the pulpit and the press as the pillar s of our modern society. They each require for their greatest stability, an acute intellect, an indom itable will, integrity of purpose, and an active lift Tubs. A Sur;frtlien. Editor Review: I simply wish to .compliment you on the many improve ments in the Review, not alone in its typographical appearance, but also in the manner in which it advocates what- ever is "OO'i ior me commnnitv. its advocary of the Band Stand is a special instance in point. Further, the remarks of "W. F. E.," concerning the public Bchool in last issue weie well taken, also the suggestion of "Katie'' in regard to the Literary Society. Please push this Litter matter to thorough comple tion. At the proper tune, I would suggest that the Ulview bend its effort toward a County Fair. Say commence to agirale next sprim?. lor one 1 will aid to the extent cf ray means. Bespectf ully yours H. A. Roseburg, Sfpt. G, '85. It has been decided that the second piortgage bonds of the Oregon ahd Calif- r aia "railroad are of no value, for the reason that they are not in accord ance with Oregon statutes, which say that a mortgage oa real estate in two fpuntics is invalid. AS areauar The fatal rapidity with wtvkli slijjut Coida and Coughs frequently develop into the gravest maladies of the throat and lungs, is a consideration which should impel every prudent person to keep lit hand, ss.s a household remedy, a bottle of AYKK'S CHEERY TECTOitAL. Nothing else ftives such immediate relief and works so sure a cure in all affeetien-; of this das. That eminent pliysin::n. Prof. F. Sweet zer, of the Maine Medical School, lJnmswick, Me., ays : 'Medical scioneo has produced no other ano dyne expectorant bo good as ATER'S Cuekhy 1'ectokal. It is invaluable for diseases cf the throat and lungs." The sumo opinion is expressed by the well-known Dr. L. J. Addison, of Chicago, 111., who says : "I have never found, in thirtj-fivc of continuous study and practice of medicine, any 1rcparation of bo great valticcs Aran's Cuekky 'ectobal, for treatment cf diseases of tlie throat and lungs. It not only breaks up colds and cures severe coughs; but is more effective than anvthins else in relieving even tho mn?t serious bronchial and pulmonary affoclioue." AVER'S ; Cherry' Pectoral I not a new claimant for popular confi denee, but it medicine wtueh is to-day saving the lives of the third generation who have come into bng since it was first ollered to the public. There is not a household in which this invaluable remedy lias once been in troduced where its use has ever been abandoned, and there is not a person who has ever given it a proper trial for auv throat or lung disease suscep tible of cure, who has not been made well bv it. AYfclt'S CHEERY PECTORAL has, ia numberless instances, cured obstinate cases of chronic Bronchitis, Laryngitis, and even acute Pneumonia, and has saved many patients in the earlier stages of Pulmonary Consumption. It is a medicine that only requires to be tf.ken in small doses, is pleasant to the taste, and is needed in every house where there arc children, as there is nothing to good as AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL for treat ment of Croup and Whooping Cough. These are all plain facts, which can be verified by anybodv, and should be re membered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maes. Sold by all Druggists. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Memoval! MemovalJ On account of our removal into our new Store we propose to offer our entire stock of Gen cial Merchandise to the Public at such low prices that notwith standing the present hard times and scarcity of money, will en. able everybody to buy our goods. THE ENTIRE STOCK Must be sold before we move Our Stock is larger andbct ter assorted than any in the City, CO 3212 AKD SXAliniE And be your ownjudge, Before purchasing Elsewhdrs. We guarautee our clothes to fit in every particular. WE MEAN BUSINESS And no mistake. Our placcof business is olc door north of the Post Office. CARD BROTHERS. H. C. Stanton DEALER IN TAMMY GOODS! Keeps Constantly on Hand a General Assortment of 1 OOD AY ILL0W and GLASSWARE ALSO CROCKERY, CORDAG E A Full Stock of: sonooii booss. STATIONERY, TOYS, & FANCY j ARTICLES. Furnishes Checks on Portland, and procures I Drafts on San Francisco. POST-OFFICE STORE ROSEBURG WAR EUROPE MISCELLANEOUS JPURAIl U RE PALACE, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE Has the finest stock of furniture south of Portland which he sells as cheap as it can be bought in the State. The new!ed DOUBLE BED LOUNGE. - AND PATENT CORNICES. Also has on hand a full assortment of beds and bed ding, chairs, tables, BUitEAUS AID COMMODES, And all kinds of Childrens Chairs, etc. J. GILDEliSLEEVE. Attention SJtcclianios. mrnwm book SHOWS how to proportion cornice?, to make mouldings How to make Eave and Itake mould- ding; gauge a ta pel ing stick 8 square; make a top mitre box; get the length of hip rafters; get the backing for the same, get the length of jack raftcis: get the length of valley rafters; get the hip for a concave rcof; get the 1, ami pitch roof; cut the top end of mould- for rake; strike a circle with a souare: draw a spiral. Also the 47 th problem of Euclid explained in a new way; for the beneht ct (Jarpenters. Pkice 50 cents. FOR SALE AT THE EE VIEW OFFICE. GHJIHSE WASH HOUSE. -AND- LABOB. AGfENCT!. Yung Sam .Pi onrietor. THIS POPULAR LAUNDRYMAN HAS OPENED business at his old utand in Kosobursr, opjo(it Carlou's Livery Stable, la prepared to contract for Chinese !Lafeo2e2s, And furnish COOKS, FARM HELP, OOD CHOPPERS, RAILROAD HANDS Or C inese Labor of any description on short notice. gUNJSLL i- BOW EN BROS. FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. CAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONE oana to three tms weight. Smali Cu pola for small castings. 3!oney refunded if work is uot satisfactory. Portland prices ! Save telegrams and expressae. LAFGEIBSEG'S teat-'sad Sha 3 Jackson Street, 'Opp-eiUe Post OlEce, Hcselrargt Oregoa. KEEPS OX H AND THE LARGEST AND BEST assortment of Eiistem and San Fraiiciscu and other makes of BOOTS, SHOES, t! AlTEltH, .SL1P- Fts ami everything m tho iiootana blioe line, ana SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Ma.le to Order, ami Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Ehort Notice, Alao a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANGENBERG. CIVIL BEBD STORE DEALER IN Dry Gooio G-roosiss oto At! Kinds of Produoa Taxe.i i.i Exohanga CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. T. L. Gannon, C. A. Blackman CARRIAGE, WAG02T, AND iLAGHSMIYH SHQPIIJ Adamson's Old Stand, Jackson Street. MANUFACTURERS OF CAHFJAGE?, HACKS, EOaOiESI All Kinds of Renairiug Done, Terms ar Reasonable. Gannon & Blackman. GBANGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION. of roseburg. owens, : : : ; W. F. Manager. -DEAL IN- ain! ooi an K ALSO, AGENTS FOR AgR T RiCULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALi, KINDS- w JE TRANSACT A GENERAL Busi ness in our line and nay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and Grain. A fall Hue of Agricultural Implements kept con stantly on hand, or furnished on short notice at Lowest Trices. Otiicn and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give ns a call. W- F- OWE2i3. $200,000! ItX PRK8EXTS GIVEN awat. Send a '5 cents postage, and by mailyou will get FR5 a package of gooda of largn value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you in money faster than anytbiug else ia America. All about the $200 ,00c in presents with each box. Agents wanted everewhere, of either sex, of all aires, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their ovn houies. Fortunes for all workers absolutely as ured . Don't delay. II. Mallei & Co., Portland Maine. ' " . - - MISCELLANEOUS. THE CLYBE ! gcOwned by Jos. Carlon, the noted Horseman. This Famous Horse is 16i hands high, weighs over 1,400 lbs., is of Ma- hogony Bay Color, bix years old. Per fect in Form, Limb and Body. (IjYDE was sired at Salem by the noted imported Gleneld, winner at the Centennial 1876, and imported into the United States by Jas- Burrows, purchased in 1876 by Mjor Bruce, and by him bi ought to Oregon. Glen eld was sired by the great Scotch prize winner, Johnny Copp, that won more piszes than any other horse in his day. His dam was by the justly renowned, Glenald. CLYDE'S dam is the noted Henry and Humiltonian. brought from llii- , nois to Oregon in 18G8, and purchased by Je.5se Cornelius. The attention of all Farmers nnd Horsemen is called to the above partic ulars, and they are asked to call and see this beautiful nurse and get terms. Good pasturage furnished at leason able rates. Every po -silly care will be taken to prevent accidents or escapes, but no responsibility assumed. For further particulars see or address J. W. CARLON, Roseburg, Oregon, who also keeps the best Livery Stable in south ern Oregon. Bill 1 fjrworkin III' I 111 ta-c' "4 ' iing people. Send 10 cents pos- we will mail you fkkk, a r-y?.l amj)!o box of g ooda th:it put you in the way of nuikmir more moi e.v in a few days than you ever thought possible atanv businesa. Capital not required. You can liva at home and work in spare tnue oniy, or an ino uuie. ah ui bolh sexes, of all a-res, ffrandiy successful. 50 cents to S" easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this uu paralleled offer: To all who fire not well satisfied we will send$l to pay for thetrouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't de ay. Address Snxsox Si Co., Portland, Maine. il UOlT 8e9 s'x c,11t9 ,or postage, bJ ft I 1 S I iSireceive free, a costly box of goods 11 2 i I liJ 1 J which will help all, of either sex t more money ri-fht away than any thinjf else in the world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure At onie address. T'iUK and Co., Au.'mU, M.inn. IICAR UU ESS I W 4 . Twelve miles from Roscburj, on the Coos Bay Wagon Roncl. f Any amount of Lumber Sugstr Pine, Cedar, Yellow Fir, Flooring, Rustic, Mould inry, etc. WILL BE USDERSGU). We have arpoi.itoi A. J. BELLOW'S and HKNItY GATES a-;enUfor Eofeburs, wlio will have lumber always on hand. . Will deliver to ny part of the city from the Mill at reisoiiable rate. IBICES AT MILL; n.wth L'i-n'r f 9 CO per H i lo.-ing Id CO par H Rustic. 13 0:; per : titti CLARKE & RAKER, Having purchased tho above named mills of E. .Stephens ; Co., v.-e are now prepaped to fun:Ll; any amount of the be t quality cf ever offered to tlie public in Douglas County, will furnish at the mill at the following priees; So' 1 rousrh lumber $12 No, 1 floori ug, C inch $24 No. 1 flooring, 4 inch $26 No. 1 finishing lumber $20 No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $24 No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides-26 J-'! CLARivE & EAXEB. Wo XI M M M M 5t i DEALER IN laiiiiloi f-ftxfili, Doors tincl 3Xoii.l(liii(s OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL. COME AND GET TERM3 BEFORE PCRCIL'.S iujj elsewhere. ' Office near Depot, Roseburg. Agent for J. J. Whitsett's Lumber. Ags & II n.ii a. ii. Hew Butcher Shop We keep all kinds of FRESH and PICKLED meats. STISFACTtON ASSURED. Hides of all funds bought. THE OLD RELIABLE Established in 1867. .1 IB cob Bifscr HUMPH REY k FLINT, Iwoneturc; - - - - Oregon- TEANSACT A GEXE3AL BA17ZIHG BUSI2TSSS Siglit Drafts Drawn en Portland, Sau Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accessable points at reasonable rates. mm, 1 IhtA MISCELLANEOUS. Spanish 32crino Backs. I have on hand a number, of fine Bucks, from one year old and upwards. Price 10. Where a number jre pur chased a liberal discount will be made. Call at my place, five miles west of Roseburg. Henxy Conn, r. For Su'e CJieaj for Cash or approved creilit ThoroiighrEicd Moriao Sbeep Malo aud Female, at our place, six miles north of Roseburg, near Wilbur. Correspondence solicited. jul3-6m THOS. SMITH k SON. L. EELFILS, Wutohniakei'. H' AVING HAD 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS Watchmaker in Oregon, I feel confi.leot of giving satisfaction m all work entrusted to uie. l Hive the Ooiiiity natont right foi s:ile of Concreta Cement Pipe for conveying water t; any place de sired. L. &KLKIL8. J. JASKULEK. Pracical Wutchmakc-r, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WOliK WARRANTED. Dealer in Watt-he?, Clock?, Jewelry, Spectacles auJ Ejcglassei?. A FUJLL LINE OF CI'.JARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODS. rnHE ONLY RKLIA.ELE OPTOMER IN TOWN X for the t.roTKsr.ij;ist:nnt of bpolacles. Depot ol the Ge;iUi!ij urasiiia;! i ebijle S;'-cctacles and Eye glasses. Olii'jo in iiauii;lo:i'a Lrlck lUock. H. PAKRY, MtrchiU.t First r'glit-liand room, up stain, over Afariis' Store. Repaiis and Alterations neatly 'one '4 M ILLINE UY BTOIl E! Oalcalntl, Oregon. L" ADI! V.'ILL r.:r My STOCK LAUGE AN1 Couip.eU;. Prices tuudcixtc. ilns. S. A. II;tc:iim3 s. 1LEARISOCK, Oakland, On eg on. and Undertaker, EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A lino Hs.sortn-.eut of Coffius aud Burial Caskets, which ho will sell at reasonable prices. Also keeps a lare stock of all ma terials necessara tor repairing and makiuu Wajjoiis, Bii;;gitf, Plows and Machinery of all kinds. Hi VALUABLE TO ALU WUV be mailed PJ1 n SW to all acDlicants fKilCi arid to custoaers of last year without crderinijit It contains illustrations, prices, descriptions and direction: forplanting all Vegetable and Flower SEEDS, BULBS, etc D.M. FERRY &GO.DI2S2,T The BUYERS' GITIDB i Issued Slarcrt and Sept., each year. &S 216 pagea, 8Xxll lncrc,witn over 3,SOO Illustrations a -wnoie ricum ubuct, GIVES Wholesale Prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, tirlnh, wear, or hare fun with. These INVALUABLE BOOHLS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. Wo will mall a copy FREES to any ad dress upon receipt of IO cts. to defray expense of ma&lng. Let us hear from, you. ) Respectfully, '. MONTGOMERY WARD &CO. 27 Oc 229 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111 Land earners. milE FOLLOWING LAW W AS PASSED CY THE i Into Lejihlature: To e.'tblish ail coruars of Government surveys. whore tlia witness trees have beencut, or have fallen down, and wncro there the stumo on whioh the XiatUv inarki or blazes can till be seen, or w htre other evidences of the Government comers mav or i-an bo found, whereby the said corners es- tablishiHl bv Government surveys can be positively located bv any cf such or other decaying evidences, said coriicror comers to be reestablished in the man ner prescribed in this3ection foretabhshinarcorners, and shall keep a scperats record of the same in book ciilicd liuariiisf 'ireca oi U a. aure, muu " the d vto. aud names ol persons present, ana turn said rrionrd over to bia successor. When so re established, they shall be recognized thereafter as the legal and oermanent corner or corners. tWM. TU1EL, County Surveyor. EOSEBURG SODA WORKS. "I fAXUFACTUEES A SUPEUIOU QUALITY OF It I S.:1j. Water. Sarsarrfirilla and Ginir er Ale. Or- ers from abroad filled with promptness and at casonublc rates. nTTDDmiTni? FOE THE REVIEW and O U JjOVJil'li-)JJ be Ilajw Vtev re wm m crv i a - r a PORTLAND ADVERT ISERS C. W. KNOWLES, L. D. BROWN. 1ST. OHAKLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN fLAN) BROWN &. KNOWLES, Proprietors. ' FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Gcod Restaurant Connected With Ths House Fire-proof Brick Buildinff ISO Rooms. In the Center of the City COR. FRONT AND MORRISON STS., PORTLAND EUROPEAN PLAN. jgSMOND HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, COKKBK FaONI AND UoRRIUOH STS. PORTLAND, OREGON Tuomas GuiKBAsr, Proprietor. ESMOND RESTAURANT, . II. MfLLER, Proprietor, Corner Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Special Arrangements for Wedding and Diunor Parties and Banquets. rpHE ST. CHARLES RESTAURANT. Charles IIeilman, Proprietor. The very before you. best in the JMarket is set " THE INTERNATIONAL Cor. Third and E Streets, Portland, Oregon. REDUCED RATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Tills LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offers Buperior accoinojations at popular prices. Meals 25c, Rooms 2'c. and 50e. Only three blocks from all L'efots and Steamer landings, Fre Bus to aud from the Hotel No Chiuese (servants. No overeliarges or devia.tiuti from regular rates of $1.00 bav. taaro-tf E. LEJVISTON. PropV. THE NEW YORK COFFEE KOUE - RESTAURANT AND Oyster aloon THE LEADING CHECK RESTAURANT IN CITY SIFERD & hackney, prcp s. Open Day and Ni;ht. Private Rooms fur Ladies. 13J Strost Portland Oresron. Established 13."2. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Aider Street Portland, Or. THE LEAD? HQ AND OF OREGON. g"THE PLACE TO BUY. j r cojSt.le Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, 15.LEATHER AND SADDLERY HaEDWARK 103 and 110 Front Street TORTLAND OREGON The Portland Business College. Portland, Ore gon, offers superior private and class instruction to the yOung and middle-aged of both sexes who desire to obtain a practical education in the short est time consistent with thorough work, and at tho least expense. Day ana evening sessions tnrougn oul the year. Students admitted any time. Cata logue on application. A. P. Akmstboxg, Principal FOR A BUSINES3 EDUCATION OO TO TKE N. W. ccr. Becord aud Sclmon Sta. SeeCCC. JOUFfNAL. for information. Address W. S. JAMES, PrincipL Uention this paper. J Box 583. Portland, Or. MRS. E. F. HOTCHKISS mm mum mw ANL Neat Dressmaking' ROSEBURG- OREGON. WILL FURNISH YOTJ TIIE BEST AND FINEST Goods in the Market. Ladies Wear, Laces, Iluchings, Hosiery and Jewelry. MISS SUSIE LEWIS HAS CHARGE OF THE Dressmaking Department, which insures a Good and Fashionable St. Near the Depot M RS. HOOVE n, Dealer in FINE MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Ladles will find my Sfock Large and Complete . Prices Moderate . MBS. II. E. Iloovnu. . . !tt "! MARBLE WORKS. Mrs. It. Breckenridge AGENT FOR W. 21. IoOOB2JIOS, Importer and Manufacturer of " ' U0HUHENTS2 HEADSTONES' Of American aud foreign Marble -antl Scotch Granite. J'imates girea for Coping in Saud Stoue, ' . Also Agent for Walker's Iron Fence for Cemeteiy Eoclosure. ROSEBURG . - - OREGON J. " O'MALTjKY, . Propii-tor of the EOSEBUlia LIAHBLE WORKS. And Dealer in ' Toomestoncjb.Taeleis, Etc. Shop Rc.t of Holm's Store. iiOSEBUllG GnOCEUY STORE ROET. EA3TOX, PROPRIETOR. Jackson Street, o;ic doer South of ifrs. CoyapUa HIS JUST A 8TOCK OF --. - : L . .. CANDIES. NUTS, v CAKES, CRACKERS, TEAS; SPICES, SUGARS, CANNED GOODS COFFEES, ETC., ETC., ETC, Exchange Goods for Good Butter and Fresh Ecs. MY GOODS ARE ALL FRESH, KOUT. EASTOK. O. C3 St. lpL323LO A Full Line of Staple aid Fancy Groceries, Table axd Pocket Cutlery, Glassware, Crc2iery Qnconsivare, Etc Goods Delivered anywhere in' the City limits, Free of Charge. Jim AND VARIETY STORE! A Fall Stock of Family Gracerie. TAUalEit!? WILL KIND IT TO TIIilR ADTAJT purunitre ther urote.-'e. Ner lb f mod Call. V, S. ll&TCIiKH. Ot OiV 7 a s ir a) . i'o't rieur t tho CITY BAKERY A ! D CANDY FACTORY. K1 Mock of -live ad, tuker. He?, Piain and FawcT Cra-.'lccrs, eU:. : Also a l'ii i-t-Iectitin of frtack aa4 Aiflericau Cuadies s.n J t bci-oice Ctods. MEDICAL- M OSDMIITL ' Gtrmau Iimgorator S?en who are suffsring frcM 1 incase and Wcakaea br' on by early 1 mprudedc r excedje, cousinf r.erTons debility, prcmsiturc cicay, lott iiif.til.ood, etc., hfcT ing tried n vain every known remedy, should pro cure immediately Dit. LlElUG'b IN VI G OKATO & No. 2. THE DOCTOR will aree to forfeit $1,000 fr v case undertaken, nut cured. The reason why many cannot fcfct cured of weakness ad tfc abv di-eaaes is ow:nw to a complication called PKOSTA. TOiinilKA with Hyperesthesia, wbicb require, seectal treatment. , DK. LIEBIG' INV.GORATOR No.S, under acl.'ice and a.-tcial tr- atmeut,is the oi;iy itoiiiv cr for mosTA'A LUHEA. " . Dlt. LIKKlGiCU. for the past nineteen ywrs have made an c-xulusivc specialty of th treatment ( diseases of men. If .phnples appear on the face, if you becom Ut less and despondent, look out for the complicat e with Seminal Vciki:fSt) aud loss of Vitality kaewm as t'r'tatirr!-.o:i. Hundr.'ds i:f lives hav been lock aud thouFaiitis hare let their pioj-crty and pleassr in life from its effects. Varicocele; or wtrmy rein of the scrotum, often the bususiec!cd cause of Lesk Manhood, Debility, etc. etc., DR. LIECKl'S Invir orator, No. is the only known remed yfor tm above complicr.tion, and a icrfect and perma n cure will be guaranteed in ail cafes uudei taken ue deroursiietial advice awl treatment. , Slost powerful electric belts free to our patlU. To prove the wonderful pewtrof the IKY1GOSA TOR, A $2 F.OTTLE GIVES J'UEE. Call or address, Br- XJeMs & Co' Private Dispensary. 40O Ocary St., San Francisco, Cal.. . D 1R. MT 1ST T I K , THE SPECIALIST. Ho. 11 EEARXEY ST., S5AX FRANCISCO, CAL. Treats all Chronic, Special and Private Diseases with Wonderful .Success. THE CHEAT ENGLISH REMEDY. 1 1S A NEVER FAILlJStt I ;UK DebUty teniioal Weakness, Kx ,aiiufArl Vitlft.. jtorrhe, Lost Uanheee, 11 nu3tcncv. ParalTtia. .-- Cli'rostatorrbea, and all tit '"f's'i erriblo effects of Seii. spy-m ibuse, youthful follietaaA xecse in maturer years. ucn as los oi uemery, ijRssitudo Nocturnal E- .ssiaos, aversion to socivty imi)nfcs,i ViHtoiH Avibe ui me jt'eaa, x.Atcss&4 , IN DKINKfKU iuti;xicating liquors, tte vital Hal4 passing unobserved iu the urine, and mauy other dis eases that lead to insanity and death. Ba. Mistiv, who is A IvKoi lak i'HvsictAX, 1!kav. ATK OF THR USIVEUHITT Or lKSX8TtTAKIA, Will ffe to forfe't Fsvb IIi ndrkd Dollars for a case of this kind the VITAL RESTORATIVE (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, r for wiytfcisuf impure or injurious found in it. Dr. Miktii treatd all private uiseaoai succestfullv without mercury. Consultation 1'bke. Thorough examination ind ai ticc, inclvdin? anslvsis of urine, 5. 00. price ef VITAL RESTORATIVE, $1.60 a bottle, or four tisnss, th quantity, $5.C0; sent to any addressupos reerj- of Price, or C. O, D., secured from obfervmtisn, 4 in private name if desired by Dk. Mitik, 11 KMt&Bf fcTSEKT, Sas Fbascisco, Cal, Send for list of eta tions and pamphlet. ' SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE., Will be sent to any one a)jlyii)g hi letter, stftUit symytoms, sex and age. Strict seerecr in regards all business trausoctions. - . . - Dr. Mi-riE's Kidxkt RsifEor, NEniRETICUK; Cures ell kiuds of Kidney and Dlsdder Cf omplaiat. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Lcuchorrnca etc. For sale by a'd drnggists; 1 a bottle or six bottles for fivedollara, Dr. Mintiks Dakdeuok Pills are the best and t"i choape?t Dysi btsia aud .Bilious cure in the piarjS, For sale by all druggists. j "ITrTTVr more money than et anytbiug else fry 1 it J. 1 taking an agency for the bcstscllinjr bocls V"" "'ri'. v: kvvvv. iwit.iiio, iuaiue, WBw .A If