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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1885)
ROSEBURG REVIEW. FIUDA Y, JULY 24, I8S5. 19 duly authorized to transac all business Concerning the HosEburo Rx vikw J.. It N. Bell. The, Band Stand Fund. We append beiuw the list o new contributors to the Band Stand Fund. We Lope and expect t j be able by next issue. to announce that the 250 H quired has been raised. Our libetal a? d ent, rprising cit izt-ns should nut fail 'to respon4 to' this worthy object. Our business men are especially iuvitrfd to subscribe '. The Sum' will le erecteil in the Court House square, will be octagon in shipe roofed and neatly built Dmite adollar or two. Reported List week Frank Benson B. Brockway. B. T. Foster.... ....... Fred Tolles G. N. Frazifi Jess Clements .107 50 1 00 . . 1 00 .. 1 00 .. 1 50 .. 1 00 . . 1 00 . 20 00 ,. 2 50 A Lumber Contributiuu . Frank" Oerrier . . - . Robt. Pliipps ...... i . . ' , Aaron Rose . . . ...... John Aircen .. ......... A. W, Meusor . . David Aiken .... ... , A C- Jones ... . . 2 00 .. 2 50 . . 1 00 . . 1 00 1 00 2 00 i oo 1 00 I 00 1 00 Henry ALlf T."."";'. ... :John Steams-.-. ....... John Williams'. A. Slimmons ' NEXT,! " iieliffioui? Hews- There will be a I'niise. Service uxt Sabbath -t evening July 26th At the Pre.sbyleriau church, conducted bv Prof. Parvini Revs. B5T.'S!irp and E. G. Michael P. E. are holding meeting in the Co quilla country, ami rnsti.atii:g sotne- Re W. A. Willi.- will preach at Myrtle Creek on the tirst Sunday in August at 11 o'clock, a. ar. AU-are cordially invited to a tend. Rey.J. P.. Roberts sterte 1 fur the Coqu.Tle on Thursday and lias cancelled hi appointment at the Huds- n school liouse.for. next-Sunday (; he 2Gth.) There will be service- in St. Clem ent's Episcopal Church Oakland on this Saturday evening th". 25tii, and on Sunday inoruin ' tlio 26th. On Sun day evening theie will be service in Sr. Georjfr's Epipc(pai Ciumh of this city at 8 o'clock. All are cordially inviied to atr.-n I RostiUuig Circuit Jl. E Church first Sunday Cleveland 11 A. M; French Settletue-.t 2.30 P. M; Ten Mile 11 A. M; L-mkiitj; Glass 2.30 P. M; Cloak s;hooJ jro-isaCi) P. M; tloeburg 7.45 P. 31; Kecuiid Sun-lay, Riddle, 11 A. -A.I;-Ci 1111)11 v ill 7.45 P. AI; third Su idav, Roseburg 1 1 A. M; Pine Grove 2.30 P Al; Ros.iburg 7.4-3 P. M; fourth Sunday Canvonvilltf 11 A'. Al; Davs Cieek2.30 P. At;, John 'EobinEou's Ten Bier Hew Sho;73. ; Mr. Jul.n Kobinsoii n.a.i hu cess reward his enter prise bar tak?n the- field for hit fifty-ninth annual summer camjiaijrn, with an exhibition t!iat, in tha reil art of the arena fairly distances all its competi tors. He i3 psrticularly strong in acrobatic talent His trapeze performers arc unrivuled, and his riJirs' both Aiale and fema'e, aie in the front tanU of their l'r)fe;rtn, nhlle his educated elephant. School," '.and alone. A crowded liou:.e greeted their first perfurniUnce yenterdav. IScfoe the hand struck up there wass a s.lid embankment of humanity all around the circle, an J at act after act tame 0:1 and went Ml, the stream of sievtator stii flowed eea-e. e'lyi,j)ird., Tne vicinity w.w all astir with the ex. eitenwut of U10 show, and inside tle audience man . iteKteS the- heartiest approval of what the lila'iage. tneiit.b:yi-d'ne for them The entire show is filled t . repletion with the most wonderful novel Mid start, liny feats ond marvclou exhibitions of ath!eti ,) aci o batie,eiucttr.'an and j.V"m;'stio ptrftiniairrs evtr feen in a emus jin d menncrifc; and acknowledged by one and nil to ha the grandest of tl e hs ah ows . ever wiine-pei in our city. The paia;ie in the morn iiijt waa a pageant of Oriental tspleiidor ana barbaric P'tmpr-T'he long retinue, s It filed throrgh th principal streets of the city with tha srorgeoiu trap ping,'4br;iliant in saailet and gold, with fivo full militarj brass lands discoursing all the popular airs of the day, made up a spectacle that crowded and packed erery street with eager sightseers, who eheurctfahd applauded each feature as it came into view, with a heartiness and enthusiasm uever be fore witnessed in the Queen City. We cordially be poakn warm welcome for John Robinson and his Ten Big New Shows this teasou, for he has actually "out Heroded Kerod" with his mammoth combina iien this year. Cincinnati Enquirer. Syrup oi Fia Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. ia Natures Own True Lnxativ. This pleasant liquid fruitoteincdy niiiy lie had of lr S. Hamilton . t iifty cents or one dolfar per 1'ottle. It is the wort pleasaut, prompt ami effective reraody. known, to e'eanse the systpm; to act otf the; Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gen ly biii thoroughly; to dispel Headaches, Co Id "and Fevers; to enre Constipation Indiguiii and kindred il. fetter than 8e Expected- 'Your letter received, la rt-ply I am happy - to say ttiat Parker's Hair Balsam did much niorelof me tlian you said it would, or than I exftpeti-d. My hair has not only stopped . falling ouf but the Laid spots are all cuv- eredtai)d all my hair has pnmn thicker, softc.t'-and woro lively than it was before my sickness a year ao. Thank you auaiu and airaid,.. Kitract from letters of Mr. H. M. T. Wait FiftyVthlrd street, New York. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tab Best Salve in the world for Cuts- - Bruises, . Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheafny. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,1 Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin, Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no"pay required. It is guarantee to give perfect satisf iction, or money ref uuded. Price 25 cents per box. For .. ale ljy S. Ilamilun. ' HERE A KB THERE. Lovely weather. Be enterprising. Don't be a Mossb ck. RoseLurg is improving. Correspondence solicited. Advertise in the Review. Bobinson's Circus ii cuminrj. How about an extra session! Times ppear to b improving. Ht lp the BandStand Fund along. Snbscrilie to the Band Stand Fund. Robinson circus has b ile 1 the town. The city needs a sewer sys.em very much. Several rusticating parties have re turned. Nashville Student next Friday evening. S nnuel ALnrks, of Canyon vil'e, is in our city. - Jihn Robinson speaks of Cold's as a Vgood little show." The Iowa paers are full of good things aUmt Oregon. J. R Dodge of Oakland was in town Thursday on business. Go to Aid & Waid, photographers, in the tent near the depot. are very pfentiful and many ha e been killed ;iear town. . Air. Benj min, on Tuesday went to Grant Pass to visit friends. The growth of the Band Stand Fund is encouraging. Give it a lift. Judge Afo.sher has joined his family in rusticating in Camas Valley. A strert spunkier has been much needed in Roseburg this season. Rev." 'J. R. N. Bell is in Grants Pass attt-nding the Teachers Instituc. If the water can le spared our hose boys should sprinkld the streets. Caio Bros, w 11 soon make their brick tower toward? the heavens. Charles Koh.i, of Portland, has been in our city a day or two this week. Airs. H. C. Stanton relumed Tuesday from her extended trip to the East. W. L. Record, the irrepressible tomb stone man was in town this week. ltie VJolor-iao excursionists are m Ptu tland and are beiny well entertainetl E. Wimberlv of Mt. Scott was in town this week and purchased a new hack. Fred Zijder is engaged on the Plain deal ir. A marked improvement is no ticed. Air. and Airs. Alonbeim are spending a month in Ashland, the guests of Air. Aaron. Jonn Sheridan and Frank Ogier returned Saturday from their trip to the coast. Attend the jew.-dry sal at the Cour llimne door on Saturday August 1st at 10 o'clock. Thi Asliland woolt-n mill hs an or- d-r from a Portland firm for 1,000 ptir of blankets. H. S. Strange, canio to our town and remained several davs this week on business. Young men and women remember the Umpqua Academy. This is an ex cellent schod. v Bring your job work to the Review office. We are making a specialty of this department. The Review is an intensely local f aper. It believes in Roseburg and is b und to boom it. . J. McMullen of the . San Francisco Bridge ComKny was on Wednesday's south bound train. We have received the annual report of the Oregon Humane Society It is worthy cf perusal. Dr. Geonre H. Flett left Monday morning for Euene, where he will permanently locate. The Roseburg Land Office has ben deprived of the clerk hire formerly iaid by the g vernment. The students of the Indian school situated at Chemewa a suburb of Salem are to publish a paper. John Bo wen accidentally dropped some-hot iron in his shoe anl suffers now from a burnt foot. From Di. Hoover we learn ; that Bailey Singleton is much improved and will soon be about again. Tlie McClallen House is first-class in every particular. For the best the market affords go to the McClallen. Asher Marks, who has been quite indisposed for several days past is, we are grateful to say much better now. Our list is growing quite fast of late, we will tiy to merit such generous ap preciation by constant improvements. Mat Helringer presents us with some fine oats, eight feet and two inch es high. It will be sent to Portland. S. W. Stryker agent for the Oregon Bible Society is canvasing Douglas coui'ty. He is sellirg bibles at, cost. r w t 1 i.HXl aY. a e I -mr . Jas. Burnett paid us a pleasant call took the stage for home. He is genial S tturtlay and made the printer i heart as ever a' as a leg.slator is considera- the ce neiry' at O klan The -ad event taili g expense., regardless of the ac glad by a box of delicious peach plums. , bly above tie average,. j cast a gloom oyer the community. comodation of the public. K. Dr, Raffety, Mayor of East Portland, was in town Tuesday evening en route to the Klamath country for recreation. The Yank Ledge in Josephine county is still all the talk from that section. We trust it is a big bonanza. Col. T. F. Sho-maker, Government Timber Inspector, has- ben doing this section this week. He is as genial as of old. Capt. Littlefield, of Coos Bay, was in town Wednesday en route to the mouth of the Columbia with some government horses. Uncle Billy Hudson, Gov. of Myi tis Creek was in town last Monday. The oi l j-entleinan is a landmark in Dougl s county. The water works should be extended to the cor.-er near Abraham's stort Our city council should Lot hesitate in 8 grave an affair. - We know what we are talking about when we say, if you "want to reach a viOiOns, thorough uoing ptnipie, adver tise in the REVIeW. " . . S. Hamilton's brick is going up tap- i.ilv, and when comph-ted will in con nection with his other bricks make a very valuable block. Some of the machinery at-the foun dry took a sudden spell owing to a inisp'a:-ed nut last Wednesday and was. damaged alHm 1 100. r Pianos TuxEnby Prof. Parvin, Rec- comiuendatioiis fiiven when desired. Satisfaction given, and money s.ived bv those who employ him. Read the Rul.ts of Pardon for all ciimi.ials published on our tirst to day, as adopted bv the Pardoning Doard of the State of Oregon. Jas. L. McKinney, who has been liv ing in McMinville the last two years has returned to old Douglas, and hts many friends aiv glad to see him. A letter for the Review from Mt. Scott, dated July 1st reached this odice this wtek. Rather slow t me. Write aain, Faber and don't forget, to mail. With r gard to the Republican flag staff only on'f thing is certain. If it is unsafe i. hhould be taken down; if not unsafe, there is no cause for removing it. C. Hickok, Thompson, DeHart& Co's genial commercial traveler was in our kmrff this wek. He has a host of friends who are always pleased to greet him. Albert Smith i building up a fine trade at tlie City Bakery. For Can di s, Nuis, Tropical Fruits, etc., and even thing in the bakery line, give him a ra'l. The Nashville Students are the best Minstrel Company in the world. They rive an entertainment at SIocuiu's Hall i next Fridav evenin '. Do not tail to attend. The sidewalks on the way to the d -pot needs rejiaiiing. It gives strangers a nrcfsary poor opinion of the most enteipiittiig and progressive town in the State. L. O. Beardsley, the lumber man has been secured by J. J. Whitsett to act as agent. for his lumber. A good selec tion, good lumber ami easy prices, will lie s ire to win. The Ueview Extras issued through the week in the interest of the Band Stand Fund have been found splendid ndvertising mediums by some of our wide-awake citizens. Grand Master W. C. Tweeda'e, I O. O. F., on his recent official visit to this section made manv fri"nds both in and outside the ordr, as he is most pleasant gentleman. The improvements in Roseburg this year have been many and constant, ghe has never suffered from unhealthy iKKHninjx but has been Messed with a steady and continuous growth. Cronemiller looks too cufe in that go- cart of hi. If any lody h is any good jianuts and gives his neighlor none, he shan't. hav any of my go-d peanuts whf-n his grind peanuts are gone." Wm. Cleveland, the celebrated horse man, is again m our county, hailinsr from Coquille. He ornaments himsel with cmtches now in consequence of having hit foot run over by a wagon. The Roseburg Review has dis carded its patent outside and is conse I quently much improved. It is an e cellent paper, and Bro. Bell is to be congratulated on his success. Times, Saturday at 10 o'clock the sheriff will sell the moitgaged property of Louis Bel tils at the Court House door m -mm it consists or watcnes, clocks, s!.ow cases, etc. Do not fail to be on hand. The Colleges, Universities, and al the popular schools in th staie are now advertising to the jieoj 1, tha they may know the very best faculties employed for teaching the young mind how to shoot Hon. J. M. Siliu on his return from Portland gave o lr town a pleasant call last Friday eve ling, and on Saturday .TbeDaily Standard has this to say of s-l-4tTiie RTosebueo Review Kaadt. carded the patent' outside and is now a hand printed newspaier." It quotes our p atform on politrcal issues at some legib, atidcn Worses them. The Roseburg Review is a live and proessive nespaj)er.' It is devoted to the best interest of Roseburg, of DuugLs county and of the State ct Or.-goii. Constantly in proving. : Cii culttiou rapidly increasing.- ; The prohibitionists of Portland have organized. There is a ve'ry Urojg feel ing in this tin ecuou throughout the State. The result maybea third jKirtyj It would le Cvmposed of men of detei mined principli-sand why not? It always does the Review good to speak a deservedly good word in favor oi any of our patrons. It is therefore with the greatest pleasure that we call attention to the fact that iu Mr. H. Parry, Ros -burg possesses a Tailor, who is an artist in his line. D. S. E. Buiefe, Grand Patriarch, I. O. O. F., lett-4a-t Monday morning for an extended trip throughou Or.-gon on the odicial visit to ad the encamp ments of the State. He will be gone about six weeks and we know tho fra-r-ternity will treat him wellv . ; . Messrs John Aiken, A O. Rose, L Cv Whet hv and G us Taylor-, the four miichtv nunrds, armed wuh two "old iiouuds, and a tliutlock apiece' went to destroy varinints Tuesday .afternuO ., and as a result of, their, prowess, and marksmanship, Bogardus, might fuel proud. . . '; .; David Thompson of Olalla left Rose I urg last Friday to go tc his home. By .some mishap his t-'am took fright near Diilards Station and ran away and he Weing unable te keep his balance fell out ot the wuj;On and lbt one of li s ais, a id was severely hurt. -The I t -it t-p,ris s iy he is some better. Messrs Thos. Farqcer, John Farquer, M. Maulisena, R. Quihosr, E. G. Hurh, Tiui F,rd, H. Ganon, R. Hocl li, Lou;s Bellils and W. N. Moore re. compi-nied Grand Master Tweedale oi Ali a? y on a xisitto the Looking Glass oigrt I. O. O. F. Wednesday. Ti.ey enjoved themselves hugely and were treated to a tine supper. The cattle in the stock yard at 'the ejKjt last Sunday broke out, and it was with some dilhcuby that the railroad men could secure ilu-m and hold them until Mo id ty morning for shipment LTi3 cattle were t tkeu to Carion's lot for s tfe keeping. If the build ns etc. ire not hO-Jii improved about the depot the whole business will break out soon In his endeavor to keep up with th procession our literary editor cast aside nis usual cant. on this week in an arttcli on the fourth pae regarding the death ..f Richaid Grant White and ne"lecved to "raise the date." Helms taken a va atio-i t) the metrop dis ofJosephina county and will no doubt hire a hill and invite the public t j console him in iiis misery. . ' , . 1 He struck the town it a late hour, a- larmeil the inmate) of a private house wanted to know the whereabouts of th city hail. From there he found th steps of the lock-up where I e laid down to r.-st. " The night watch found him and locked him in for the m;ht. In his possessio.i were papers and receipt for large sums of money, showing hi ood standing as a citizen of Ft. Dodge Iowa. Too indefatigable Stite Supermten lent McElroy exchanged smiles wit some of his friends at the depot last Mou lay evening -while the drew 8 were changing. He, with Prof. Benson of the Drain State Normal School were on their way to Grants Pass the place for holding the Institute of southern Ore uon. No man works harder than Bro. McElroy in the cause of popular edu cation.' aud none more efficiently. The great universal hue and cry is no money and no reaction, but the wheels of business still roll on with dull staring us in the face. The natural re sult fallows tKat A W. ftfenVor, with his new store an new goods just new ly opened, with a full and complete toek of general oierchandise ia doing the business, and times are reviving. A'l purchasers will make money by calling; "S you will get value received. Lo e no tine. While the sun. shines don't forget the place.. Slocum's build ing. CI ivton McCoy a vouna man who was highly resjweted came to his death bv drowning on Sunday last about 12 o'clock, in the creek near Mr. Gi lam's house at Wilbur He was in company with Lewis Martin. It is supposed that he got his feet tangled in the weeds and brush and getting frightened lost control. He put his hands round Mar tins neck and drew him under water but loosed his hold. Martin got out an ! raised the alarm. The neighbor's gathered quickly and Mr. Britt hurried ' int the water and succeeded in rescu- ing the bo ly but too late for resuRcita- , , . t on. He was t une 1 on Monday m CORRESPONDED CE. -fTioiflr Oakland.- - Weather pleasant. . - Farmers are busy harvesting. - i Mrs. Judge Stearns of Portland . is vis;ting relatives at this place. Ambrose Young has gone to Coos county , on business. W. A. Perkins of Drains 'was in town over Tuesday night Vanny Smith the well known Fan mill man has set his tent at this place and will remain with us for several weeks. ' Young fc Co. are erecting an office letween their store and Pagw & Dim mick to lie occupied by James Cheno weth as a business office. P. B. Beckley made a flying visit to Yoncoi la Monday. The Bonanza meat market still holds it own with Morris at the Post. The Good Templars Lodge is, in a nourish? nil condition. J ohn Shup' is making some improve- nenis to his well at his residence. We are sorry to hear of George Sham brooks sickness but hope he will soon be.oiit on our streets again. The remains of young McCoy who was drowned at Wilbur Sunday while bathing, were laid to rest ia Oakland cemetery , Monday. Several finb hoi-ses b longing to John Crouch and-lAl Smith were sold at auction Saturday last. Our blacksmiths are so very busy hat they are compelled to work Sun- lays and nigh' s. Edgar Wairen of Eugene was a guest of Miss Maggie Medley over Sunday. Why was the festival like the present wea' her Miss Lillie Barnard is visiting friends at this placp Mis Lou Hall has returned home after a several months visit to Walla w..iia. . : 4; i . Mips Fannie Thomas made a visit to Ashland. 1 The dance given in the hall Thursday did not prove a success; whyt Gallon Page fe Dimmick for any color of writing ink, for they have them. ATiltrm rlnn'r. soiirl bnrntiv ninrn inn . . b V- . v. w " . - . v. a.y. ... a j . w w . v i ay ror it causea ner to Tisit a ueutisi besides her sufferinr. Mrs. Sehlbrede accompanied by Miss Smith has returned from Salem. L. M. McFarland who was thrown from a load of hay, some time ago is still confined to the house but expects to soon be on. . Mrs. Sehlbrede and Miss Smith are visiting Uncle Nick Day's folk?. Several of our young men intend taking a trip to the mountains for a few days- fishing and hunting. John Cannady took a trip to Shani biooks Ferry Sunday last, business unknown, i Erve Henderson is confined to his room from a seven toothache. ! Dr. Uutan is very sick. Page & Dimmick have now on ex hibition a Chinese white coon, ask Zena to show it. Observer. From Kiddle. ! Miss Miilie Nichols went to Grants Pass to visit friends for a fw days. J Will Q. Bron has gor.e to Josephine c ninry to look after the interest of his mine in that section. Headers and threshers are running at full blast Men who have threshed say that the giain does not turn out so .-.ell as usual. Everybody goes to N. Cornutt's for bargains. We read a letter from J. D. John son a few days ago stating that he had sold his cattle and was still on his way to Montana. He expects to reach Rozeman about the 15th, of August A. J. Calkins a merchant from Wis- consul is in our neiinibornoou. lie a a w ' came to Oregon to find a location for a start but like most persons his tirst im pressions are unfavorable, he says how ever that our cltmate and fruit are far superior to any in the east. XXX From. Myrtle Oreefc. t.;, Pleasant harvest weather, and har vesting in full blastj with prospects as near as we can learn from leading far mers, of about two thirds of the usual crop of wheat. Jame3 W. Weaver, son of Uncle Hans is seriously ill with chances of lecovery very doubtful. G. N. Yokum and J. F. Baily two ot Jut rtle t :re.-!c s ysports departed - j this wek for the Pine Creek mines, Bilker county. Miss Hamilton of Roseburg is visit ing friends in town. "H Hon. D, S. K. Buick depa-ted Mon day morning on an extended trip in the luterent of the I. O. O. F. to be gone several weeks. A. Andrews route agent for Wells Frgo Ss Co. was in town Tliursday last, and transferred their office to the R. R. DejHt to the detriment of the .eople of Myrtle Creek g -nerally for the reason that th.-v could not afford to pay the drayage from the dejidt. $10 jer monih. The.weMlthier a corjlai-a-tion becomes the mor jtenurious they get and Well. Fargo fe Co. is no ex ception to the rule. It seems they I IMIC all UASICIIl UJU'l " BU CI IlllOIIUCIIb ' ,ih j t f cur - h e an Eastern man as superintendent His Loss was Her Gain. "Well madan ciaa to a wealthy lme inyprescnpuons, pernaps you naa oeuer i t . - . i . . ' -" rtn trv Parker s Tuic or- aouie Other qaack stuff, , . , ... . i " You don t mean it doctor," she answered, but lea huv Kb rood frr all that uue your aa vice may ie gooa ior an mat. Sometimes what you call 'quack staff is the 1 oeat and moa,. scientihc medicine after all. I She got a lKUIe of Parker's Tonic and it j cured her of neuralgia ansin2 from disord- ered stomach and nerves.; She told her e frieuda and now they all keep a doctor at borne in the form of Parker's Tonic. Photographs. . Get your faces into shape and be eady. " Aid & Ward, traveling photo- i-aphers can make you a picture quick- r than a wiuk. Copying and enlaitriug lone to order, viewing and outdoor roupes made to 8 x 10. ' Call and see samples of work, learn prices and know that we are doing; work very cheap. ill remain at Hose burg, - near the lepot, two or three weeks. July 21st 1885. To Thbeshek Me.v and Machine Men. . you consult your own interests, you will efore purchasing threshers, engines! inspir ators, pumps, farm, church or school bella. belting, hose, lubricating oils or anything in that line, address Z. T. Wright, Portland, Oregon, for prices and term. All coods fully warranted. I ! BORN. --M-.-V CHASE Ia Hoseburi on Moudy, July 20, to tin wife or John Ullage son. Us ual Weight. Mother and child duin; well, bat do hpea are entertained for the father- 1)1 EUROPE, Hemoval! Removal! Removal! Oa account of .pur removal into our new Store vre propose tO OLter OUr CntirC StOCk Of Weil- eial Merchandise to the Public at such low prices that notwith standing the present hard times i . - . and scarcity of money, will en, - t able everybody to buy our goods. : THE ENTIRE STOCK Must be sold i before we move. i Our Stock is larger and better assorted than any in the City, COM AND EXAUHJE . . . - ' And be your own judge, Before Purchasing Elsewher. We guarantee our clothes to fit in every particular. WE MEAN BU3INE33 nd no mistake. Our place of business is OLe door north of the Post Office. CARO BROTHERS. : -'.THE ' -1-- FINE STALLION, CLYDE ! j0 wned by JosfCarlohj tlie noted Horseman. ' - ' - This Famous Hor-e is 16. hands hish, weighs over 1,400. lbs , is of Ma hogony Hay Color. Six years old. Per fect in Form, Limb aud Body. CLYDE was sired nt Salem by the noted imported Glkxeld, winner at (ItnYlnHliniu'di 1 ftT (X llltTVIflOil ftl Vk -jt f.HO VvlllA XA. 1 1 lO Jy aa..v& l-'vi vvm III W United Sia es by Jas- Burrowg, purchased in 1876 by Mijor Bruce, and ly him brought to Oregon. Gleneld was sired by the gre it Scotch prize winner, Johnnv Copp, that wort ''more piszes than any other borse in his day. His dam was by the justly renowned, Glenald. CLYDE'S dam is the noted Henry aud H miltonian, brought from Illi nois to Oregon in-1868, and purchased by Jesse Cornelius. The attention of all Farmers nnd Horsemen ia called, to the above partic ulars, aiid they are asked to call and see this heautiful hrse and get terms. Good pasturage furnished at reason able rates. Every jio-si 1 car wi'l lie fuVan -. tvpaVo n t. a rnirl -n f Q Al" OfifOiiM hut no res.Kwsihilitv assumed. For further psu-ticulrs ee or address J. W, till Hll AHlt Vl.-U. hvj.. .a ... .va. . .- v . ) CARLON. Roseburjr. Oi-eson. who also keep-. best Livery Stable in south ern Oregon. " said a. fashionable thTsl. ATOTICK IS HERKBY CIl KJS. liiAi i.ut , saw a lasnionaoie pnjsw i iv f jjbur , hoxilda3 COunty. Oretrun: v Assignee's Police. IIEF.R3Y GIVEN THAT LOVii . under tbe provl onof the taTut of Oreyti, cnt of n lua rroe 1 entitled .'An act t ,?ure credits a juut dimioa o4 the estate o debto r whu convey iO atiffneei for the benefit of ere ..tor w nicnde. Jbv &u act eu tita " An act ta snje-ul seitioii 8 ar.d 15 of au act -ntiti.,! OAb nia-KiinindM m fai'd!viidoa- - of the estare of debton who convey to a-igneei f vr -' , Htld provlue tor xUe of deUon." . i'aere2orr all pers is havii,K claim a-aint tha ?M "ItJM'Z - tore uf Bro.i in li.burgi liouj;. uiraui, y, uregon ; wit. .in inre nioutn mau- t lis di. All per j .a indeb eil the aid LouU - iJjtili:),' are requirej to make, lm-uediate pajment to uie. ---.,-. - Isiucaa Cabo, . - -A am. Dated, Rxeburg Julv 3d. 1SS5. - . . la Justice Court for Laapooia Irxslnct, Polaa county, State of Oreg.m. . E. J.Paee, PluintiS, ) Civil Action ... vs. ' V to John Fiaser, Defendant. ) recover moa f To John Fraser , the alx-v; named Defendant. IN THE NAME OK THE STiTE OF ORECOIC : you are hereby required to appear btfore th uadersigncd, a Justice ut the fence tor tallpoul pre.jDci, Douglas .ountj fctute of Oregon, at the office oi said J usuce iu aid precinct on aaturuaT vie i .th day of July. 18sft at the hour of 2 oVlock in tha afmoon of i.a.d day to answer t. J. ng;9,lbm ubove named riuintift in a civil actloiu t Trie lx-feiid.tnt Wilt lake Dotice mat u he fads 4rO arnrtur the complaint filed herein the Plain till 1H take judijiiiem. a.uiut mm i'r tne uvu oi 9117 tu lojreuier with the cosu aiU uisbureiu.nti. This Suumions U published by order of said Jat ice Court, duiv xmtde aud entered ii iaiU Oourtnd action ou the 4th day of June A, 1. 1886. J. 11. KAit - Justice of the Peao ' For Sale. finiE FAMOUS JtHSEY LULL, BEN BUTLFB. A He s of the Mier ' Jirei svotk. of Jackson .-, biia ne' color; weisfiis 13uo pbui.ds; U peaceable and ki jd . WiU be. . mui rvoi,j9.e; tU4Uire. at. 6I ; piuoe, one aud one bail miie touih of Kusebunr, on CJt hiae oi lue river. inAna jicviiin. Notice ot fiiiml Proof, Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, June 10, 18S8. YfOTlwK fs HtdtuY utVtuS THAT THE FOL .oiiif niuueu settler bus nleu uotiee ot htsin- .U..C10)) to iuiiHe -."n proof 111 oupporv oi nis ciami, and hat said pivoi win bo iiiue ieioi-e the lvcgilw r or l; teener oi i.. laua ouiv,e, i iwoeoui, vregon on Friday, AufcU. i, is6, viit; iiu V. etprsgue. Uomeieua- ..o. da.u iur tue t. ii. j oi . t, o-t oI.. E. t.auu j. is., i 01 s. r t 01 ftvcvwii 9U, A. U oouth ol ivaue 7 Vv vt. ' ' : . He tuimesi tna fullowimr witnesses to prove his con titiuous rcaiueue uiou, and euiuvuilou of said laud , viz: 1.. voiuau, .iuuie4 bvaub, &uiu UiuUard and . t'. ji.-bUeic, ad oi t'uiftjua r err;, oieon. . . . : JO the wood o..., e. of itoeburir tnat lie wUl furn ia.t tiiciu a iC' a. ucie ot woo a Kr ies ui juey tasn tbej e Voui a .y uther wood liuier id iMtag- .as eouiity at the uuhcaru-o' price oi &i.t per cum i-.r fooi-ioui, ood; $&ier uer for 10 anu 16 inch wood, ood -measure and saumaenou guarauiceu. uive ma t our order or leave it wiiii J. f . earner. For Sale Cluap. 0! NE WALTElt A. WOoDS KBAPER, HAS BEE3T run l.j. e. serous ia ail in good oruer is m six iojt. cut aud id jast uj ,rood as iew and ' win do mu m for tifvy iiit.3 ou the uou;' of cost price. - Eu4Uir I. ..,r..-.l. . . - .... . A 2 ii.ifnii. aftnlti uoadr on west side oi the river. F. McMullsth , FOU SALE. PROPERTY FRONTJNO ON THREE PRINCIPLE ftuciiwi, Pize Wxloo leet, uich will give FoLH ttiao good awei.iujf, weii furiikbed, tine well, with, puiu , alao Wood shed anu other-oui builoaigs, and nil well tenccu. tut i-arvicuiara enquire at avir oltije. . - CITATIOX. In the Co dnty Court for Dofslae county in the State of Oregon. To J. B. r.rown, John Browu. Emily Parker, Laura : WriiiUt, Polly tun-wilts, Kai-an . Adair, nvigt l arli, Nancy C. Hermann, Lois Brown, Masgi. Browu, Mary B. owu nd Joshua Brown, the heirs at la, tha uext of kin and all person interested ' . in lhe Kstate of Sarah Browii,; deceased. ? WHERK"AS,.UN THE 27th DAY OF. JUNE, 188& V. A. behlb.etie, odmiuistratol ot the abore named estate' having filed his sworn petitin prayimr tir an oider tti autuorize and empower bim to sell toe real rupertv teiunginic vo in eatabc wi browu, 6eccascd,sitU5ttu in Dougis county, Ure e h, anft wh6rea?t itvas orderea iy the court that K:" m,aw 7th da v of September. 1885. At 10 o'cloeK a, m. tbsuoW iue, if any there be, why an order lor the sale of sid real property should no. Le made as prayed for in said pelivion It was furtfer ordered that service of tne citation ! made , by 'publication iu 6ne ol the weekly newspapers pub lished in Koseburar and of general circulation in x i. ... . - r, tw.-i.ut nf tima - iruugtwi wuii viuu r required by law. - -" : ' Tnei-efore, you and each of you are hereby cited an. required to be and appear at said time aud plaoe, then . and there to show cause,if any you have, wny suoh an order and lieease should not issue, for the sale of. said premises. ' .. Wituess the Hon. J. 8.' Fitzucoh, Judge of aaii Court, my hand aud the seal of said Court tbis 2nd day -of July, 1835. " SBAL.l . O. W. KlKBALt, ..; , County Clerk. ' - EXECUT)R'S SALE. N OTICE IS HEREBY 01VE TEAT ON THKlSth day of Auut, 1SJS3, at oneo'clock p. u., at tho court House Ooor in Koseburf, Douglas county, Orcjro:i, I will8ellat publicauetion to Inchest bidder ii...ii :... ....-.. tf rho l-:titn af J. C fin ad Sr. deceased, to-wit: The warehouse on the west side of the s'.de track of the U- C R R at Roseburg, known as the Flood warehouse, toother with the enirine, cleaner, aud all its appurtsnaaces. -Tsiro of sale, one year's time, secured note or cash. F. r Hooak, txBciToa Last Willakd Tbsyamext or J. C. Floed, Sr. " - Dated July Stb, 1885. . ... , i O A fi A A A" PRESENTS GITM AWAT. Send will get fkek a paekatre of gtwda of lartrftyalue, that will start you in work that will at once bring you i tnouey faster than anything else in -America. All atMlUt the W.UOO"1 presem ii.u wai nted e vers where, cf either sex. of all ages, orall . f !... .r .nam time only, to work for tiH at their. -the ov n honies. Fortunes for all workers absolutely as sured. Don't delay. H. Hallw it Co. Portland Maine. ! -AT-- : I :iiLijAn&9: on. I'Vtt'K'fl I r SI Ma Jl J .1 l V'l 'IIVrtfl JA . -" ...- '- ' - v- - ' - wouM resiieotfally iufurut tue public tbth ' has on haud a tine asaortincnt of Drv Goods. Groceries. ; . . . .V ' - mT af J . and-in fact every thing usually kept at a riist-ciais store. Uive him a call. : Goods at Xott JPriccs, - AH kinds of Produce " " Taken in Exchange for Goods, taAll orders promptly attendtd to. Agee & Hanaa. i We keeP a11 kinds of I FRESH an PICKLED meats, SA7ISFAC ION ASSURED. . Hides of all kinds bought. x thi umtafl;i ear lmauw