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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1885)
T H E 0M E W I E.T7-- HAS THE ' FINEST JOB OFFICE IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CABDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANIS, And other Printing; Including - Large aai Eearj mm anl Siawy mi-Bills, Neatly and expeditiously executed AT PORTLAND PRICE S. 13 ISSUED " , FRIDAY MORNINGS, . ; BY -: '' J. R. N. BELL, - - Proprietor. One Year -Six Months , -Three Months $2 50 1 60 1 00 These are the term of those paying In ad ranee The Review of? era fine Inducements to idrertiaerB. Terms reasonable. VOL. X. ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1885. NO. 6. -Review t- F. LANK. JOHN LANK. LANE & LANE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J. C. FULLERTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Office -In Marks' brick, up stairs. A. F. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i OFFiCENext door to liogan's Store. , W. N. MOORE, General Insurance Agent. Ofilrr at Conrt House. ROSEBURG, : : : : OREGON. It. ii. HCROUGH, JRq Xeal Instate Agent, Office with Lane & Lane, opposite the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Rosehoxg, Douglas County, Oregon. A LL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE AND CITY J A. property Bought, Sold or Leased on Com mission. Exchanges or ileal Jtstate effected. mar20-tf J. JASKULEIC, PRACTICAL Watctaater, Jeweler ... and. Optician, ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer In Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, (Spectacles and Eyeglasses. AND A TUIA UHI OF Cigais, Tobacco & Fancy Goods. Th only reliable htomer m town for the proper adjust ment of Spectacles ; always on hand. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Speo . tacles and Eyeglasses. Office In Hamilton Brick Block, JtOHEIIURtt. OKECOHr. LANGEOERG'S Boot and Shoe Store ItOSKBUKCi. OltEGOX, On Jackson Street, Opposite the Post Office, Keeps on hand the largest and best assortment of Eastern and San Francisco Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, And everything In the Boot and Shoe line, and BELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and Porfeet Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best ol Leather and Warran all my work. Repairing; Neatly Done, on Short Notice. I keep always on hand TOYS AND NOTIONS. Musical Instruments and Violin Strings a specialty. LOUIS LANGEXBERG. IIfc. MINTIE, THE SPECIALIST. Kearny St., San Francisco, Cal. Treats all Chronic. Special and Private diseases with wonderful success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 9 A NRVER FAILIVO ore for Nervous De- illity, seminal Weak less. Exhausted Vifcal i ty. Spermatorrhoea, LOST MAX HOOD, Impotency, Paralysis, Prostatorrhoea, and all i-he terrible effects of lelf-abuse, youthful fol iesaad excess in ma urcr years, such as .joss of Memory, h&sn tune, Aoctufimi iiinooiuns. aversion to society. Dimness of Vision. Noises in the Head, ex cesses In drinking Intoxicating; liq uors, the vital fluid passing unobserved In the urine, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity and death. Dr.Mintte, who ia A Resrular Physi cian. Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, will agree to forfeit Five Hundred Hollars for a case of this kind the Vital Restorative (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure, or for any thing impure or injurious found in it Dr. Slintie treats all private diseases successfully without mercury. Consultation Free. Thorough examination and advice, including analysis of urine, $5.00. Price of Vital Jte storatlve.Sl.dO a bottle, or four times the quantity. $5.00; sent to any address upon re ceipt of price, orC. O. D.. secured from observa tion, ana in private name if desired bv Dr. Sfintte. 11 Kearny Street. San Fran cisco. Cal. Send for lists of questions and pimphlet. - SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE. Will be sent to any one applying by letter.stating eym ptoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy in re gards to all business transactions. Dr. 3Iintle?s Kidney Remedy, XE PIIRETICUM. Cores ail kinds of Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Leuoharrhcea, etc. For sale by all druggsits; $1 a bottle or six bottles for $5. 1)R,M1KTIE'N DAMDELIOX PILLS are the b-st and cheapest D1TSPEPSIA and BILIOUS cure in the market. For sale by all druggists. DR. LIEBIC'S WONDERFUL 3erman Invigorate Mes who are svffkr ing from Disease and Weakness b orient on hv early immndence or ooijsos. causing nervous debility, premature decay lost manhood, etc. having tried in vain every known remedy, should procure immedi ately DR. LIEBIGS INVIGORATOR NO. 2. Til E DOCTOtt will agree to forfeit $1000 for a case undertaken, not cured. The reason why sa many cannot get cured of weakness and ahoy diseases is owing to a complication called PUOSTATORRHEA with Hyperesthesia, whioh requires special treatment. DR. LIEBIG'3 INVIGORATOR NO. 2. under our advice and special treatment, is the only positive cure for PROSTATORRHKA. DR. LI EB 1G & CO. for the past nineteen years have made an exclusive specialty of the treat ment of diseases of men. - If pimples appear on the face, if you become listless and despondent, look out for the compli cation with Semianl Weakness and loss of Vi tality known as Prostatorrhea. Hundreds of . lives have been lost, and thousands have lost their property and pleasure in life from its ef fect. Varicocele, or wormy veins of the scro tum, often the unsuspected cause of Lost Man hood. Debilty, eto. DR. LIEBIG'S Invigorator. No, 2. is the only known remedy for the above complication, and a perfect and permanent cure will be guaranteed In all cases undertaken undo -our special advice and treatment. Most powerful electric belts free to patients. To prove the wonderful power of the IN VIG .ORATOR, A $2 BOTTLE GIVEN FREE. Call or address, , Dr. Liebljc A Co's Private Dispensary, .400 Geary St, San Francisco, CaL tj HEALTH Samuel Mares. Asher S. MARKS & CO., DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHAIDISE HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND Ml, Dry Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. Wool and Produce of Every Description Bought ASD THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S. MARKS & CO., - HITGH XJI ! JBut before you do tliat come 'round to W. C. WOODWARD'S HWHESS . t AND Buy al New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE. Ona of the Biggest and Best Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town. but the best leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME ! "YV. Gr. Woodward, Roseburg- Or. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OREGON They would announce that they have just received and now have on , v hand one of the largest stocks of GEKTERAI, HARDWARE i - - ' . - Ever brought to Douglas, and, when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinware, They are prepared to declare they have the best supply in their line of any house in South ern Oregon, wh ich they propose selling Cheaper than any one can purchase elsewhere. In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way of Locks, Butts, etc.. we can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Try us. ' We can give you bargains in the following brands of STOVES not equaled elsewhere : BUCK'S BONANZA, CLARENDON, FARMER'S UTILITY, OCCIDENT, And other The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our TINWARE, and buyers should learn our prices. We have also bargains to offer in GUNS, such as Winchester, Sharp and other Rifles, as well as in Shotguns and Pistols. We are also Agents for the White, Peerless and New Home SEWING MACHINES, which we sell at lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect. We can also supply Averill and Rubber I?ints5 The best in the market, at lowest rates. Give prices, ana we promise to JOHN FRASER, Home Made Furniture, WILBUR, OREGON. UPHOLSTERY, SPOT MATTRESSES, ETC, Constantly on hand. FURNITURE I have the Bent STOCK OF FURNITURE South f Portland. And all of my own maanf actur. Xo Two Prices to Customer. Resident of Douglu County are requested to gie me a call before purchasing elsewhere. ALL WORK WARRANTED. The BvTRSr Guide is issued Sept. and March, each year : 224 pages, 8 J x 11 J inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole picture gallery. Gives wholesale . prices direct to consumer on all goods for personal r fml7 use. Tells how to f sm wder, and gives exact f f .VV.-l cott of ev erythingyou I J Bse drink,' , eat, weaj, or hare fun with. Thesa N. invaluable books contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail s copy Free to any address wpoa receipt of the postage 8 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & C0w SJtr A as Wtswk Atim CkUaa. UL Marks. W. I. Friedlander. - Roseburg, Oregon. IU1 n I use nothing DEXTER, PACIFIC, IRON KING, Stoves and Ranges. WIDE WEST, EMPIRE CITY us a calL inspect our stock, inquire as to our J suit you u any one can. CHINESE WASH HOUSE -AND Labor Agency ! SAM YOUNG, - Proprietor. rpHIS POPULAR LAUNDRYMAN HAS X atrain opened business t his old stand In Roseburg, on Main street, two doors south of Bo M en's blacksmith shop. He is prepared to contract ior Chinese Laborers And furnish COOKS, FARM HELP, WOODCTIOPPERS. RAILROAD HANDS Or Chinese Labor of any description on short nowce. . L. BELFILS, W II 3IAKER. HAVING HAD 28 YEARS' 'EXPERIENCE ILft Wft tbm ft. Vfr in Orprnn T foalAAnAlAM of giving satisfaction in all work entrusted to me. itusu nave a large srocK or Watches, Clocks and Jewelry which will be sold very rea ftonahlv. I have the County-patent right for the sale of Concrete Cement Pipe for conveyingwater to any piaco uesirea- u. UlLUi lLM, - GRANGE;. BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBURG. W. F. OWENS, : . : : Manager. DEAL IN Wool and Grain Also, AGENTS FOR - ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Of All Kinds. 3 V 7E TRANSACT A GENERAL BUSINES8 m in our line and pay the Highest Market Prices for Wool and Grain. A full line of Agricultural Implements kept constantly on hand, or furnished on short notice, at Lowest Prices. Office and Warehouse OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. Give us a call. W.F.OWENS. H. C. STANTON, DEALER IN Staple Dry Goods, Keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Extra Fine Groceries, WOOD, WILLOW AND GLASSWARE, . ALSO CROCKERY AND CORDAGE, A full stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, Such as required by the Public County Schools. All kinds of Stationery, Toys and Fancy Articles, TO SUIT BOTH YOUNG AND OLD. Buys and Sells Legal Tenders, furnishes Checks on Portland, and procures Drafts on San Francisco. HUBBARD CREEK MILLS CLARK & BAKER, Props. Having purchased the above named mills of E.Stephens & Co., we are now prepared to fur nish any amount of the best quality of ; ever offered to the public in Douglas county. We will furnish at the mill at the following prices:- No. 1 rough lumber .......$12 ?M No. 1 flooring, 6 inch $24 V- M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch. 26 M No. 1 flnsihiug lumber 20 $ M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides $21 V M No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 1 sides $2(5 M CLARK & BAKER. EL DORADO Mineral Water S. HAMILTON, Agent, Koseburg, Or. Geo. ir. Jones: j Dear Sir I have delayed answerinir your letter in order to send you the enclosed certificate. Mr. Bart Reeve declines to give a testimonial at present for the reason that he has been under the treatment of a num ber of Physicians and thinks that they might not like it if be were to make the affirmation of the effect your Mineral Water had upon him. I will describe the case to you as near as I can : . He had been sick about two years and an unnatural belt had formed around him Just below the ribs. He drank your Mineral Water three or four days and the belt went off in such a way as to cause his legs and feet to swell, but that soon dis appeared, and he is now in comfortable health. The doctors had all given up that he could not get well. There are a number of persons here who have spoken to me for some of the water to use iu various casen, and I would like to use a little myself. I think it is the best nervous remedy I ever knew. Please send me live gallons of the water. Respectfully, n. a. haaske. Jefferson, Oregon. ! SEEDS! SEEDS! ALL KINDS OF THE BEST QUALITY. - " Vr ;- ALL ORDERS Promptly attended to and goods shipped. witn care. Address, IIACIIE Y A UEXO, Portland, Oregon. DEPOT HOTEL, Oakland, Oregon. RICHARD THOMAS, Proprietor. This Hotel has been established for a num ber f years, and has become very pop ular with the traveling public. FIBST-CLASS SLEEPING ACCOMMODATIONS - AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. Proprietor of the CITY BAKERY Mi CANDY FACTORY. KEEPS CONSTANTLY" ON HAND A FULL stock of Bread, Cakes, Pies, Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc Also a fine selection of French and American Candies and Chocolate Goods. Roseburg Soda Works. JOIIX SEVILLE, rrop'r. - r A VTTr fTr'nTfl A RTTPlT.KTfYR OTT AT- 11 ity of Soda Water. Sarsaparilla and tiinger Aie. wraerg irom aoroau uueu wiui promptness ana at reasonaoie rates. 1 1 1 1 1 1 more money than tanythlng else by Ukln an i J 111 agency tot tb bent telling book out. Begin 1 a 1 1 1 nrt succeed grandly. None fall. Terms tre HAtunre Book Co., Portland, M&lni. , Growth of Mormon ism. . Mormonism is adapted to the in tellectual capacities of the masses, the multitude of the ignorant and poor, the wretched, the pariahs of soe'ety. To these are offered just what they aire sure always to hunger for, bold as sumption and boundless assertion, great show of authority,, these helping to certitude in faith; salvation by forms, by the legerdemain of rite, the hocus pocus of initiating and anointing; lit eral interpretation of the Scriptures, and profuse quotat:ons of texts, and specially such as are set in the poetical and obscure diction of the prophets. The same minds delight in prodigies. 4 ' Quod ignotwn, pro mirifico. " he more mysterious the more true. The secrecy, too, of the endowments has a charm, and as well the offices and titles which each one may possess. U- suck gewgaws and tinsel this church has un limited store. And who is not flattered by the assurance that he. is of the few wise and blessed of the race, that the many outside his coterie are foolish and doomed? No' doubt, also, by setting the standard of morality so lamentably low, and offering salvation to the worst on such easy terms as external obedi ence and service, thousands have been captured and held. The promise, too, of land is a lure to mamy,Bibliolkeca Sacra. It has been discovered that crows have no less than twenty-seven differ ent cries, "each distinctly referable to a different action. Sugar Pine 11 Twelve Miles from Roseburg. on the Coos Bay Wagon Road. NEW MILL! Any amount of Lumber--Sugar Pine, Cedar, Yellow Fir, Flooring. Rus tic, Mouldings, Etc. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD We have appointed A. J. BELLOWS and HENRY GATES agents for Roseburg, who will have Lumber always on hand. Will deliver to any part of the city from the Mill at reasonable rates. prices at mill : Rough Lumber.. 9 03 M Flooring 18 CO 0 M Rustic 18 00 Tfi M TSIy-h. HOOVER, DEALER IN Fine Millinery AND Fancy Croocl, ROSEBURG. : : : : : : OREGON Ladies will find my Stock Large and Com plete. Prices Moderate. i MRS. H. E. HOOVER. THE CENTRAL HOTEL. HAYING AGAIN ASSUMED THE MAN asrement of this well known House, of which we are the ownerw. we take this method of informing the public that it will be First-Class in Every Particular! Meals and Lodging per day .... $1 00 Meals v . 25 Lodging .. -. . .. 25 Satisfaction Guaranteed, i Free Coach to all Evening Trains. ! H. T. &-13. ' Garrison, THE PEOPLE'S Grocery Store. O. H. FLOOK HAS JUST OPENED A NEW AND NICE stock of Family Groceries in the Belfils Building, where he will be glad to see all want ing Goods in his line. Country produce taken in cxehantre. Orders from the country will receive careful attention. BUNNELL. & BOWEN BROS., FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, "Wagon Shop, BLACKSMITH SHOP. CAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM 1 OUNCE to 3 tons weight. Small Cupola for small Castings. Money refunded if work is not the best. Portland prices! Save telegrams and expressage. . ' ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS D. C. McClallen, PROPRIETOR Or THE McOLALLEN HOUSE, Roseburg, Oregon. Large Sample Booms for Commercial Travelers Free Coach to and from the house. Baggage delivered free of charge. ROSEBURG Marble Works. J. H. O'MALLEY, DEALER IN Tombstones, Tablets, Etc. Shop Bear of llog&n's Store. H. PARRY, erchanf Tailor, ROSEBURG, OREGON. First right-hand room, up stairs, over Marks '. Store... Repairs and Alterations Neatly Done. CROSS-EYED . PEOPLE. The Peculiar Sensitiveness Which Usually Accompanies the Infirmity. "You would think that a cross-eyed person would overcome his sensitive ness,1' but he seldom does. He broods orer it. It grows on him.. He imagines that every one he meets thinks as much about it as he does, and life loses all at traction for him. Did you ever notice across-eyed man walk? No? I can tell cne as far as I can see him. It im parts to his gait - a certain movement peculiar to the whole class of cross eyed people. But it is not altogether bashfulness which causes him to avoid looking a person squarely in the; face. If he retains the power of sight in each of his crooked eyes, as is cften . the case, it would do him no good to look the ordinary way. He would be very likely to miss the object altogether. The lines of his vision would probably cross a foot or so before the object was fully comprehended, and all he would see would be the faint and shadowy outlines of a pair of ears of the rim of a hat ; The place where the face ought to be would be a dismal blank. Many bright features are ruined by this fear ful misfortune. Some sensitive victims neverpluck up courage enough to mar ry. They often become selfish misan thropes, grow stingy, and leave a fort une for a horde of straight-eyed rela tives who totally ignored them while they were alive to light over. Others, with that natural yearning for the love and svmpathy which are almost uni versally denied cross-eyed men, take what they can get in the matrimonial market. They spring at the very first chance which offers. Thus often- a soulful, but cross-eyed, esthetie finds himself joined to a lbving, but unsym pathetic, helpmeet, whose ambition rises above the kitchen and the laundry. He loses his hopes, descends to the level of his mate, and what might have been a talented career is ended on a large box in front of the corner grocery in re tailing neighborhood gossip. Occasion ally you find a man with sufficient strength of mind to live down the ma lign effects of strabismus and come out a victor. When once a man has over come his diffidence he becomes as bold as a sewing-machine agent. When he is courageous enough to look a woman obliquely in the face without stammer ing an apology for having been born he can fairly le said to be superior to his misfortune.- Such a man would make a heroic soldier. Unfortunately, there are few who can do this. The ordinary man melts under the affliction like a cake of ice in a July su . ": N. Y. ' Commercial Advertiser: AN OLD TRICK REVIVED. The Way Some People Make Six Bank Notes Oat of Five. : 1 There is an old swindling device which consists in cutting bank notes into strips and then, in putting them together, save enough from each to make an additional note. This ingewous pro cess, technically known as "sweating," has been applied to the United States silver certificates. The discovery was made yesterday at the Sub-Treasury by Mr. Marlor, who has charge of that department, A batch of ten-dollar certificates was received from a Wall street bank Friday and was redeemed. Yesterday it was found that several of the notes which, on a cursory handling, appeared to have been accidentally torn ana afterward pasted together, had in reality been subjected to the "sweating"' process above al luded to. The law permits the Treasury Depart ment to redeem a mutilated bill at its face value if threerfifths of it r ;main. The sharpers have taken advantage of this law. The certificates were first cut to five pieces, and then, by taking one piece from five different certificates, a sixth certificate was made. Thus the five genuine certificates would each lack one-fifth, but the sixth or bogus certificate would apparently have enough pieces pasted together to make it com plete. All the certificates were there fore, until the trick was discovered, re deemable at their face value. Unfortu nately for the swindler the ten dollar certificates have the numbers of each engraved in various places on the note in "very small figures. Of course the doctored notes were made of fragments containing numbers which did not cor respond. It was this discovery which exposed the fraud. N. Y. Herald DOCTORED HIM. The Pseudo Physicians Who Were Mis taken In Their Diagnoses. "Were you ever taken sick put in the country?' inquired a well-known at torney on Saturday afternoon while himself and three or four friends were indulging in the wild recreation of tell ing stories. V They all frankly admitted that they had never become so reckless as would be indicated by an affirmative answer. "Well, I've been there. Not long after I was admitted to the bar, a client of mine about the only one I had at the time employed me to go up into the country to look up the, title to some land about which there was some dis pute. I was stopping at a country ho tel, and one day I was taken sick pains in the head and high fever. There was no doctor in the place, and the landlord brought in three or fonr old women whom he declared knew more about sickness than any doctor did. "One of them said I had taken cold, and she stuck my feet in a tub of hot water, and kept pouring in- more from a teakettle until my feet were par boiled. Then she slapped a big mustard poultice on my chest, filled me up with' catnip tea, and put me to. bed, with a hot fiatiron at my feet and a bottle of hot water on each side of me. Then i she smothered me with blankets and went away.l 4 "After , she had gone another one went for me. She said I had got the fever and ague, and chucked a lot of quinine down my throat "A third said I had tvphoid fever. and she swaddled my head up in cloths soaked with cold water, and gave me a 1 . 1.' l i: TM T uub wins v Bung. Aiie next morning x was as red as a beef-steak." "What caused that?" "Scarlet fever." Detroit Free Preis. MIXED METAPHORS. The Lndlcroas Ideas Which Follow the . Unskillful Use or Khetorloal Fig ares. The examples of confusion of meta phor ascribed to the late Lord Castle reagh are so absurd that it might have beea thought impossible to rival them. Nevertheless, the following, though in somewhat quieter style, seemed to me to approach very nearly to the best of those that were spoken by Castlereagh or forged for him by Mackintosh. A recent Cabinet Minister described the error of an Indian official in these words: "He remained too long under the influence of the views which he had imbibed from the board." To imbibe a view seems strange, but to imbibe anything from a board seems to be very dillieult I mav ohsprvfl t.rir triATriroca of Castlereagh, whica-Tis 'now best" known, seems to suffer fronTmis quota tion; we usually have "an ignorant im patience of taxation," but the original form appears to have been "an ignorant impatience of the relaxation of taxa tion." v !:-..;.. The following sentence is from a vol uminous historian: "The decline of the material comforts of the workinw rl rssau from the effects of the revolution, had been incessant and had now reached an alarming height" It Is possible to ascend to an alarming height but it is surely difficult to decline to an alarm ing height "Nothing could be more one-sided than the oointof view adrmtfld by the speakers." It is very strange to speak of a point as having a side, and then how can "one sided", admit of comparison? A thing has either one sine or unas not; mere can not bo de grees in one-sldedness. However, even mathematicians do not always manage the word point correctly. In a modern valuable work we read of "a mvre ex tended oointof view." thono-h we know that a point does not admit of exten sion. This curious phrase is also to ba found in two eminent French! writers Baillv and d'Alembert I imrmose that what is meant is a point which com mands a more extended view. "Frnsiv hammer wishes to approach the subject irom a pmiosopmcaL standpoint " It is -imnossibia to stand urirl yet to approach. Either he should survey the subject from a standpoint vr appruauu n irom a starting po.nt. ?ine most scienunc ot our continental theologians have returned back again to the relations and ramifications f the old paths." Here paths and ramifica tions do not correspond, nor is it obvi ous what the - relations or paths are. Then "returned back again1; seems to involve superfluity: either, returned or turned back again would h ive been better. A large school had lately fallen ' into difficulties, owing to internal dis sensions. , In the report of a council on the subieci it was stated that measuros had been taken to introduce more har mony and good feeling. The word in troduce suggests the idea that harmony and good feeling could laid imJiko era a rtf xxro f ni- hir nrnnor ttioaVi rifil H. justment, or could be supplied likefirst- ciass iurniture oyajuonaon upnoiscerer. An orator speaking of the. usefulness of a dean, said that "he wastes his sweet ness on the desert air and stands like an ' enoine virion a sfdino." This is a strange combination of metaphors. Macmillan''s Magazine. r CIRCUS NOVELTIES HIRED OUT. Sleek Horses, Lions and Other Animals That Make ; Up the Required Perform- . t has always been a puzzle to the circus-goer hew such mammoth shows as Barnum's and others can be maintained v all the year round. When one reads of any person having so large a racing stud or collection of. wild animals that even the transportation from distant lands costs a small fortune, he marvels at the outlay required not only to pur chase but to maintain such j retinue. Barnum's show when it visits the me tropolis, has ; at least a dozen of the finest race-horses and hunters,' and the ' general belief is that the sleek and! cet-footed animals belong to the great showman. Such, however, does not appear to be the fact , A reporter for the Mail and Express recently met one of the members of the largest import ing firms ' in the country of wild ani mals, birds, and in fact of all kinds of eurios'tics. Referring to the matter he said: "The race horses Barnum exhibits in his show are not his, or at least a num ber of them are not You want to know where he getsi them from? Well, I will tell you. Th animals are rented from parties in the jsame business as myself for the time being. Or, in other words, when a large circus, so to speak, pitches its tent where jit is to meet the eye of a critical audience such as to be encoun tered in New! York, it is compelled to appear in a very fine suit of clothes. All the curiosities. within reach are gathered together, and what the ordi nary costumer does for the habitues of fancy balls or masquerades, even to the silky swallow-tail coats we do for these great showmen to whom we rent our animals, race horses and many fancy birds, as well as many other curiosities. In making our contracts we are com- Selled to be very stringent in the con-, itions, so as to enforce as much atten tion, if not more, to our property by the lessee than, if it were really their own. Take, for instance, the racing stock. Accidents are liable to happen to Loise running round the ring or taking the hurdles. To guard against any los3 and protect ourselves, it is clearly stipu lated that should any of the animals sus tain injuries from which, they may b3 incapacitated for a time, or their useful ness in the ring impaired for good, we Elace a good round sum on. their eads ; , so large, indeedV that we at once compel the lessor to be ever care ful and mindful of them. . "It is precisely the same with lions, , tigers, and other valuable animals, j which even the careless feeding might 1 cause us to lose." . When a man stipu-: latesjto pay $2,000, $3,000, or $4,030 for van animaL in case anything hap pens to it while in his charge, he is morally certain to exercise the utmost care m its behalf. The rent of precio js show animals is not so much but ve can afford to let them out to t parties during the year. If- Y Zf&S and Xxprta. ,