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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1885)
jROSEBURG REVIEW. vThe Best -Way to Prohibit- Jnasmuch as the law makers of our '.State are thinking out plans, for suc cessful -legislation on the traffic of Ar dent Spirits, the following from the "Central" would not be amiss to con aider. Temporizing is not the Letter plan. ; "The Courier Journal, of a recent date, says: 'The Kentucky Prohibr tionists are arranging to call a State Convention to meet in. JLcuisvillo on March 18, to adopt a plan for an act ive . State canvas in the Legislative races next year.' We may not be thanked for the suggestion, but as we Ao not live upon thanks make it any- . -way. The Prohibitionists of Ken tuckyj who are in the lead of affairs, need just a little wise statesmanship in ' the management of so grave a trust. If "we are not worse. mistaken than we Usually are,,, this live and growing qucs lion needs to be saved, first of all, from v,the unwisdom of some of its friends. There is too, much effort at display; too great a desire, apparently, to carry this question through, while its barner is held aloft in gloved hands: a striving to do by wholesale that winch can only be accomplished in detail.. Moreover, somebody or goras organization, must be in the lead, and make capital, or not be found in the, harness. Let us sue;, gest: Do as we have done in Catletts burg, and m nearly all the towns and counties in this end of the State vote upon the question under Btrong local option laws and carry it ' When ; thie is done, to an extent to justify the -undertaking, ask the Legislature to sub mit the question of Prohibition to the ' jrniafified voters of the State, and at a time when no other election is held. Or, what is better- and surer, agitaie ' the question of a new constitution for 'the State until the people will vote for it Then rise up as one man, elect del egates to form the new constitution, who will engraft this question upon our organic law,- and thus settle it. What w need is to begin at the bottom and work up, and net at the top and work T .down. We are" the firm, unflinching friend of temperance and prohibitioh and hence claim the right to suggest what .we believe to be the conditions necessary to success." The unfortunate condition of affairs in Egypt is the outcome of a weak and vascilating policy on the part of Eng land. Gladstone is too liberal for a monarchical form of government anc1 the consequence is seen in the dy namite explosions in London, the discontent in Ireland and the vex.tiox8 staU of affairs In the East ke strong- arm of Beac pnsfield is needed at this juncture Jo make the English government stable once more." The great policy of Glad . atone has been in acceding to the wishes of the people and in consequence the throne of Great Britain trembles, Beacohsfield, on th other band ruled as it suits Bismarck to rule, by the stub born interpretation of the law. Glad stone is a benefactor to mankind, Bea consfield" was the strong upholder and ' defender of a system of government that sooner or later must give way before the true doctrine the equality of man. The many combinations formed to force legislation in regard to multi form pet measures, by parties from dif ferent localites in the state, and also participated in by the members, of the Legislature to an almost shameful ex tent, without giving attention ao the bill under consideration, that it justly deserves to conserve the best interest of all concerned, is we believe reprehensi ble, and should not under any circum stances be indulged by our Represen tatives. One Senator said in our hear ing, i those bills had not been pend ing at . that , time, we should never Lave secured the passage of ours. For we - told them they must help us, and then we would help them." You tickle in and I tickle you," is what they do at Salem Oregon. 'Out upon' such pro cedure. ' ' a . Josh Billings was asked: ; IIow fas7does sound travel?" His idea is that it depends a good deal .upon the noise you are talking about "The sound of a dinner horn, for instance, ravels talf a mile in a second; while an invitation tew get up in the morning T have known to be 3 4 quarters uv an Hour gom 2 pair of stairs, and then not her strength enufflef t to be heard. Amid the fragrance of Orange blos soms, roses, heliotrope and hundreds of tlooming flowers hero m Southern Cal ifornia, it is hard to realize when read fag eastern exchanges, thaton the other side of the Rockies, ice-men are doing a land-office business cultivating the ice crop, which has been very large this Season. Los Angeles Censor. - Good wedder for Church-goin' 'pends mo' on de milliner dan it does on de saoon. . A Great Storm. ; Chicago,' FK 16. The weathar here ami throughout the northwest generally is, intensely ; cold. At 8 o'clock this morning in Chicago the mercury indica ted fifteen degrees bel ow .zero. ; The weather is clear but the air is filled with little particles of snow that are be ing blown around by the keea wind which prevails.- Trains were somewhat delayed by snow, but the . situation is not regarded as serious by the . railroad officials seen today. All time, South eastern lines are subject to d lay. The prospect is not encouraging1 for warmer weather. Storm signals are flying and a futher drop of the mercury is expected. At Omaha it is 13 below, St. Paul is ,10 below, DesMoiues 1C below, Du bnque 18 below, Fargo 28 below, .Ta Vi do f Aim Art. I o fr WiiiTiinart 34 below. Further and later inquiries develop the fact that the Chicago and Alton and the Louisv'lle, New Albany and Chicago and several smaller lines are blockaded.- The- former sent out one train abbut noon, but expresses lit tle hope of being able to get it through. The Grand Ti unk refused consignments this morning, Denver, Feb. 1C At 1 o'clock this afternoon a heavy wind storm struck the citv, and from that time until 6 this evening it blew CO miles an Lour several houses were partially or wholly unroofed, and a number of plate fronts were blown in. The damage aggregates several thousand dollars. At Monu ment, fifty miles south, several freight cars were blown from the track. Tel egraphic communication in the South ern part of the state is interrupted, St. Louis, Feb. 16.- Chicago trains are abandoned out of here, on account of th ijjsnow blockade. The Burlington arrived seven hours late. All trains east of the Mississippi river are late, Tha Wabash, the Illinois Central and the Chicago and Alton are all aban doned -Oregonian. The Boston Evening Record thinks the time is sure to come when people will be astonished that fathers and mothers and those in official station tolerated for a moment the presence o immoral books, papers, and pictures, in the shop windows and news-stands which sow the seeds of a fearful har vest ' It would be as wise to giv young people dynamite asja plaything as to allow them free access to wha may ruin then. A line of boys and men standing before a newsstand and staring at pictures which suggest im purity or violence is like a line of pos sible recruits, who gather about the handbill which, oners favorable terms for enlistment in the army. Every shop and news stand which distributes this literature is a recruiting office for houses of ill-rapute and for our peni tentiaries. , Joseph Cook and Miss Kate Field are both lecturing against Mormonism and in the main they agree as to th magnitude of it iniquity and the meas- ures to be . taken. Hut on one point they disagree. Mr. Cook thinks he knows more about the subject than Miss Field, but Miss Field thinks she knows more than he does. "I spen nine months it ere,'" she says, "and Mr. Cook spent nine days. Which of us is mo3t; likely to be hoodwinked He called together thirty prominent gen tiles and apostatss and asked them questions, while I took several months for independent investigations." Th Springfield Republican thinks Miss Field does not make-sufficient allow ance for Mr. Cook's original omnicience. Too Many "Appropriations. We possibby may be mistaken, but we certainly think that this present Legislature has been too extravagant. in appropriations. At least $300,000 surplus money was found in the State Treasury. And to get it disbursed pro perly was a question and the easies way found, was to appropriate. Some money given was well directed, but we think under all the circumstances, that the whole people would havo realized a greater benefit from the surplus, i the Legislature had relieved the vari ous counti33 of state tax for about one year. , Three medical celebrities" meet to consult at the sick-bed of General X. After they go, the general rings for his man-servant, ''Well, Jacques, you showed those gentlemen out; what did they say?" "Ah, general, they seem to differ with each other. The big fat oae said that they must have a little patience, and at the autopsywhatever that may be they would find out what the matter was." A well-known public man is com mended in a certain quarter for a place in Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet because he is connected with a particular Church A man whe seeks officaon that ground shows thereby that he is unworthy. No man is to be trusted who will trade upon denominational influence in the political market Hard Times ' What makes hard times Some say too much rain lasS harvest, other's say, not enough in other sections of our country, aud still others say it is a want of confidence in the science of political economy as administered by the American people, N,0w the fact is the times are not so excruciatingly hard as we are wont sometimes to believe." Necessity usually compels retrench ment and we see but little evidence of retrenchment in governmental affairs, or social rcquiremeuls, or in pleasure or dress. Our luxuries are about as they have been, and so on all along the list We possess a good deal of pent up energy, both in muscle and brain, but unless we can get a very big price for it, we do not care to expend it. Our opinion is a just and living compensation should be given for all kinds ef labor, and more, we should seek for employmeut, and not wait for something to "turn up." Luck is an ignus fatuus, a misnomer, and as our much lamented Garfield once said in his speech to a graduating- cless, at a certain college: "Young men, luck is deceitful. I would rather have, one pound of pluck than" a ton of luck.'' And that is the principle, and the only one, that will give - prosperity to our great and peaceful country. Tiu-ee f the greatest actors of the time Booth, Barrett and Irving will deliver address at the unveiling of the Poe Memorial in New York next month. Foe did not write for the stage, though the son of actors, and, as the dramatic element is so strong, in his works, it is curioud he did not; unless the reason is found in the coedi tion of the popular taste of his day, which was content with old English. Were Poe living now, when American dramatists are so loudly called for, it is not unlikely that he would have found congenial employment in play-writing. We are satisfied there is but little, if any, difference between countries, and that the various avocations of men give greater or less contentment as they are more or less energetically and judi ciously followed. Success, wherever found, is the creature of energy, and whatever be the avocation of a man, if he will put his whole soul into it, he need not fear failure. The man makes the country, and not the country makes the man.' Many of our people have sought the philosopher's stone in Tex as, and returned wiser, though poorer. It is the man. The Rogers local option - bill, giving the people the right to pass upon the sale of all alcaholic liquors'at each bien nial electiou in their respective coun ties and precincts, has passed tho house, and the Oregonian does not want it to pass the senate, or bacomo a law, for the reason it assigns is, that it will well nigh destroy the Republi can party in Oregon "O consistency thou art a Jewel." Policy, is the inetto of that journal it seems, and not princi pie. The Socialists of Chicago ate rapidly reaching the point where they should be restrained. There is no knowing what a cro wd of ignorant men will do when led on and cajoled by the specious and subtle arguments of demagogues. Tne world does not owe a living to men who are not willing to work for it, but whe drag back in the harness and nurse feelings ef hatred and envy for the more industrious and fortunate. Sarah Winriemucea, daughter of Old Chief Winnemucca, of the Piute tribe of India ns,-has settled down in Boston and is said to be writing a book. The book-writing epidemic is of course fa tal to all who are exposed to the Bos ton air, but it seems as though this poor daughter of nature and old Win nemucca might have boeu spared. Syrap ot Pigs Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the Palate, acceptableto the Stomach, harmless in its nature, pain less in its action. Cures habitual Con stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and kirdred ills. Cleanses the system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and, acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fevers, etc. Strength ens the organs on which it acts. Bet ter than bitter, nauseous Liver medi cines, pills, salts and draughts.' Sam ple bottles tree, and large bottles for sale by S. Hamilton. One Bote instead of a Dozen. "And it took only one bottle to-do it," said a gentleman, speaking of Par ker's Hair Balsam. I had a run of fever, and when I got well of that my hair began to fall out so fast as to alarm mp, I really didn't know what to do, until ene day a friend said, Try Parker's Hair Balsam. That was some months ago. What surprised me was the fact that one bottle was enough. I expect ed to use up a dozen." Clean, highly perfumed, not oily, not a dye. Restores original color. "W. 1ST- MOORE," GENERAL HJSURAHGE AGENT. Office at Court House, roseeurq : oregon ROSEBURB MARBLE WORKS. DEALER IN TOOMBSTONES, TABLETS, ETC. v.- Shop Rear of Hogan's Store. THE CENTRAL HOTEL Corner ef Caj and Rose Streets Xtoftoburg, Oregon. Board $lpsr Day; 'Single Meals, 25 cestt. 43" This bouse has lately changed : hand and is thoroughly renovated and refurnished Th traveling public will find the best accommodations. NO CHINAMEN EMPLOYED. Free 'Bus to and from the T Train. Dr. Edw. Bicdricli, VnYSICIAN" AND SURGEOX. AND . Dr. 31. J. Pattcu, DENTIST. OFFICE Corner Cass an $ Jackson Streets, ove L BclQls jewelry store, Roseturff Oregon. . PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. THE ESMOND will op cr 1st of Slay or sooner Xew House, New Furniture, New everything. All modepi Improvements : Hydraulic Elevator, etc. European or American plan. Established 1252-3 A. ROBERTS, Comer First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING QLQimm, mum ' AND " ' MIEOHAHff TMhm OP OREGON. ggTTHE PLACE TO BUY. 7 J B C0NGLE Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In SADDLES, HARNESS, IsXeatiier akd Saddlery Hardware. 103 and 110 Fiei.t Street PORTLAND, OREGON. Louis Eppinger, Manager. EUROPEAN PLAN. Sample Rooms for Oommerciai Travelers. PORTLAND, - OREGON. THE NEW YORK COFFEE HOUSE, RESTAURANT AND Oyster Saloon-, THE LEADING CHECK RESTAURANT IN CITY . SIFERD & HACKNEY, PROP'S. Open Day and Night. Private Rooms for Ladiei. . 132 First Street Portland Oregon. Holton House E5 S3 a T -A. TCT JSl. IS" - SOL. Sliinager, No. 69 Alder Street, near 4th, PORTLAND, Oregon KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. TAPE WORM Infallible Cure in one-half, to two hours time without any pain, or danger whatever to the patient. No interruption of business. Dose:' 2 table? spoonfuls. For particulars, apply to John Wilhclm, Agent 67 Alder Street, Portland. Masonic Temple, I Gr Dress Got Fane- N o D CLOTHE Boots S Hats C C Trunks a Everything in the will be sold from this Give us a call and BARGAINS at the fcfUC Would Hespectfllly Annou Tha Ev taJEVEItfcV Till HAVING lately added a New J. A. Fav 1 ot the VEliY BEST Flooring a X FINE STOCK OF MOUI' f t. AND SUGAR 7?INE CEDAR RtSTIC, GRAIN SAWtD f LOOKING FURNSilED Q SHORT NOTICE; BARN X LUMKtKana t liNClNu lurnigtiea at HAiiU PICKETS, &c., lor FINE FK-VCING a specialty. TT'OU Reference see Residence of Cy. Smith, 4 miles X' bound to make the best Lumber ana to give satiwatuon. uivo us a w-uu. A' 11 orders left with Thos. Sheridan will be promptly filled, and all Lumber delivered on short notice aitcrMaylst. All orders shouid be Adoressou ITCH UP But -Before A R W 1(1 AND BUY A One of the biggest and best stock of nothing but the best YTHJWC JDont Fail SHERIDAN BROTHERS, R0SEBURG, OR'GN. They would annoaacd that they hare just received and now have on hand one f th Largest Stocks of General Hardware Ever brought -to Douglas, nd when ndied to their STOVES OF ALL PAT TK11NS and READY MADE TINWARE they are prepared to declare thy hav th bfv supply in their line ot aoy house in Southern Oregon, which they projxjse ZsU&lEQ OBSATSn KB&H'AST OITS can purchase elsewhere. In 'Jie Bhape of bU'ldinj? materials Il the way . locks, butts, 'etc, we' can oflVi saptrior inducements to purchasers. Tiy os. v We .an tfive you bargains in the fo'J.twinjr brands of stoves, not equalled ols where BiicVs, Bonanza. Farmer. Utility. Dexter, Pacific, Wide 'West, Clareuar Occidei ' Irou Kingr, Empire City, and other stoves and raufres. The Lsst of workmen arc constantly employed In the manufacture i our Tiiiwar , and buyers should learn our prices. We have also baragins to offer in guns, Buch as Winchester, Sharp and ther 11 f;V as well as in Shot-gun and Piato's. ' We are also Acrents for the White 'Peerles and New Home Sewing Maetin-. we sell atlowest rates and warrant as coumleie i?s every respect. " We can also supply- - ':r AveviU and Rubber Paints," J be best in the market, at. lowest rates. - , . , . Ove us a call, inspect )r stock, Inquire it te oar prieen, and we prmlas t ny eneeas. "" ' - . ' -I DISE YiU I EAT Jetteu PINE LUMBER! - ;ise stock GDAR lint, rtiivjiio.- uuou bouiiu i,tuin ivjitj,'.vr; above town or Dr. Hamilton's, Roscburg. We are u "Voltaire' Grtirny' ' LOOKING CLASS, OREGON. AM, WHSBLBE & GO- Yondo Tliat" . 11 il NEW SET OF goods ever brought to town. use leather and have got to See Me! U Hf D TO SETHIS LINE. -ri SADDLES, WHIPS, IN FACT V i 'l&ntrrytlxing. in tliat Line. AND MUSf BE ,; - . . S : . ; Sold Cheap for Cash. Call and See zue Before Buying Elsewhere. ALSO AGENT FOR EEHIHG SELF BIIIDHil AND MOWERS, OLIDS' "YAGON STEEL-WIIEEL HAY RAKE.?' I '.;?-f- -.: -;.'' OAKLAND, OREGON. R.S.& J. C. SHERIDAN DEALEES IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVE UlLSti, CUTLER y, A."U TWNEllS iXR- TIX STORE, ROSEHUn, Cr. Havmsf secured the aoove business, we are . f.ared to keep up its former good nasue for work k prices. have the best o material aud al-.tiys full stock of goocls on Larnl and it is our aim to tur nibh t'ustomera with first-c-la&j aiticies at live and Let ive price. A full stock of . Ii-oix anrl Stool JPav Stlo. Dealers from abroad will reseive promrt att . K. . Jt J. O. .saiiAiO J. C. FULLERTON, ATTORNS Y - AT.- LA7V- OFFICE: Iu Marks' brick, 'np stain, j 1 LOUIS XSlaiF' JL, ewinjf luacliiiies fur male at his tiore at reuaocl 'trices. - . Jhe Eidridge, Springfield and Sine, . and .-. . : TtlE LATEST IMPiiO ED filACH i FS Call and see at Louu Uu'.SW W:chmaUing: Store a yO'jJ baig'aiu to '.every oue wisumar t oex.tig W2o have Sprinj Wator inttjduua into t'-isir b ri aud lfouticj;, fur umilr ue of- irriutuou, vhauld e THs CD;i332T C3STIMJ3iJ3 P.FZ- IfaTfrjr the Oountr Riit I -.cHi'sell to firmer Clifc.AHj w it:. aniachin. to do th work. Will I'af tje simo by contractor by the -foot, as may be do aued. Warranted to Ho good work or no pxr. Thousands of feet have been laid in ;alifori.ia and ia working satlsfactontly. It i superior Ui u grxd lor year, uou t rust, aim Kjes me water clair t.ud pUi'tl 40 ii. BSinis.. Dr. A. SSC0212, -SPECIALIST.- Cur-a all Chronic Catarrh, Asthma, Caaaamption, Neuralgi Hheumatisin, Paralysi.-, UrijjhU Li vase. Dropsy, Vh:te aweliiug, sJuf joiu:s, etc. Th's treatment thoroughly puriil?- the blixd. driving' a'l im-usUie.s tin I corrupt matter f.oua ;t!ie vh syiitem und biinj? cac anl evry autl muscle t a healthy tuteand itG naiar .1 w ork. .. . All vl)o are sufletin? frosn Cimm c Diseases .ire requested to call. Tliew. wilibu do cliartre tor cons Iting with the patienn.v Terms ia all cases reason able. . A. Secord. - Cosmopolitan Ilctel. Hose burg. Oregon. GRANGE episs -ASSOCIATION OF ROSEBURG. W F. CiTcns, - SlJinsgcr.. DEAL IN Wo ol ANDGaiin. ALSO AGENTS TOR AGRICULTURAL IKPLEMEKTS, OF" ALL KINDS. V ' "ITTE TRANSACT A G EXES A'L BUSIXES3 IS. If Our Line and pay the highest Market HriiaJ for Wool and V rain. A FULL LIXE OF AGRICCLTURAL I.MPLE ments kept constantly on hand, or furnished on short notice at Lowest i'riccs. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE OPPOSITE THE Depot. Give ua a call. W. IT. Owens. 33. 2Z. 21 WO, OPPO.SITJS CARLOX'S STAELK, Biacksmlthin; and Shoeing. All work in this line will be attended to promptly at reasonable rates. J. A.. SjMXTH, - Proprietor of lh CITY BAKERY AND CANDY FACTORY. KEEPS CONSTANTLY : ON HAND A FULL stock of Bread,' Cakes, Pies, Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection ut French and American Candies and Cbx:olte Goods. 1T1 b ; ) t V .