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About Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1885)
c .XifkJJLjUJ WJLVVA JLJL4 I 1; y " '" '; - T" ; " SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1855 The Eailroad Commission. The Plaindealer of last week contains ft communication from Hon. 11. ; B. Miller State senator from Josephine pounty in which ho complains bitterly of our criticism upon the bill to estab lish a Railroad Commission in this State, of which he is vhc author, 1 To the charge of ignorance of jthe subject raHroad laws we have no answer! to "snake, but be" leave to correot his state fcnent thar, wc said "the highest judicial authority has decided that the states have no right to delegate to a commiss ion the persons to regulate freights and fares." What we did say was, that! the highest authorily had not yet passed upon Jhat question and that it was still tn doubt. Mr. Miller seems to think Vhat an act of the legislature is supreme, 'and by a section of the same it can vin. es a liability for damages upon a rail "road company for which it is no wise responsible. With such a profound constitutional lawyer we admit our legal inability to cope. Our opposition to tho bill was not "based upon its illegality, about which we simply expressed our doubts, but that we believe it contrarv to nubli policy to pass such an act in Oregon at this time. .The establishment of rail- ' yoad commissions by dilTerent statesmay proyerly said to be an experiment, and 'sufficient time has not yeti elapsed, to 'determine the general utility of suck n Jaw. In Massachusetts tho law ijskid "to have been productive of much good, " while in California we know it to have been unmixed evil. It may be like the proscription of the quack doctor which 'cured an Englishman mt killed a G'er 'nian. He interod in his book, "good for Cornislunen but death on Dutch" Such a bill may be good in New Eng land but our expeiience does not yet justify introducing the prescription west of the Rocky Mountains. Mr. Miller admits that his bill "s not intended "to prevent the passage of one fixing fares and freights, but as access ory thereto. It is then clearly unnec- esary at this time. Either the iudic- " . - T ary committer or a special committee of both houses can obtain during the session all the facts that can be obtained -by.-the commission in .the next twb years, and weuld be fully able to frame . I 111 i! . rni ! h proper uiu on uus siugecc. XL1S IS ' what the people of Oregon demand and ' will bo satisfied with nothing less; but Miller's bill can sleep for two years, if hot the sleep that kcows no. waking, As to tho style of Mr. Miller's com- - municalion we have nothing to say, but when he says he notices our criticism because it comes from 'his', portion of the State we beg to remind him that '. hi presumes too much upon a residence the term of which is so shorfc as to make it doubtful whether he is en titled to the seat he now holds in the Senat. We now relegata Mr. "Miller and his bill to the tender consideration jpf the legislature. . ' As there were about 10,000,000 votes ,East in tna late election, the paper used counting waste would have been enough ; for 260,000,000 , voters. This pajer . would .weigh about 000 ton?, and would Acost, with printing at, say, $1.50 a thousand, about $525,000. . If these ballots -were put end to end they would sufficient, within 5 000 milerf, to twico around the earth. go Soudan is the homo of the canard .The Arab's imagination is fertile ! in lies, and even the truth, after passing through it, receives a strange" transfor mation. Gordon "has been killedj a jiaif-dozea times since he undertook jthe mission to Khartoum, and there is no more reason for believing the latest report than the first. Nearly all the mills that have been shut down for months in the East have been re-oponed. The Cleveland J ad ministration means an era of universal pro8ppritj and revival of business. Tin 4th of March this year will be pnly second to the 4th of July as a day for general rejoicing throughout t'ie Jengtb and breadth of the land. Garland appears to have gained the confidence of the President-elect. He is a safe adviser and Mr. Cleveland has again shown his good judgment. S ' The election of Stanford to the Sen ate is the beginning of the era when the railroad kings will go in person and not jind their hired attorneys. j Gex. Haxcock is being urged for Secretary of War. It would be a well desprved recognition of tlq Soldier Saesman, ', ! The present session of Congress is 1 an orderly and quiet one. True busi &e33 will commence with the next ses- Medical Legislation. I have before rue a copy of tbe bill introduced by Mr, Flinii, in the House of Representatives, "which is a bold attempt tc class legislation and so dic tatorial that I deem it fitting to notice a few of its provisions. It invests in the Governor a pewer sutversivc of the rights of every citizen of our state and which may at anv time , interfere! . , v .. , , ..., . , . nun laiiu u"ii, ui inuivt; vx j tho class or school of physicians. It provides for a Stato Medical Board of examiners to be appointed by tho Gov ernor, without any restrictions as to what school of medical men this -board is selected from, whether all .of one school, or whether from all tho differ ent sehoobj of medicine. So the Gov-, erner can appoint a board cf eclectic- physicians, or if he chose, he can point a hemeapathic board, and give then unlimited power over every other school of medicine. Cut the, hue in tent of the bill, is to give the old"re"UT lav" school full' and complete control of all the medical practice of the state. The Board, so appointed, has full power to pass upon tho qualification of ali who are not graduates, except those who have been in praetice ten years, who are to be licensed whether they know any thing or not" The' Board 'is re quired to grant licenses to practice med icine to all graduates of legally charteied medical colleges; Provided: the colleges granting surlrdiploinas are, in the eyes of the examining board, in"good stand ing". No college is in'.'good standing"' in Allopathic eyes unless it is an Allo pathic college There is not a reformed medical col lego io the woild, .which Allopathy doe3 not positively refuse to recog- - . I . 1 . T nil uize ua ueuig in goou scantling. liiey pledge their students on receipt of their diplomas, not to aShafe with irregu lar practitioners. - A'. graduate of a medical cllege, in good standing with the4 board after having been licensed, may ; have his license revoked if the Board consider him guilty of of what! "unprofessional conduct" to treat with gentlemanly respect and pro fesssionel courtesy jfractiiioners of other schools. Oh! howdo Allopathic bowels of companion y an over the burdens imposed upon the "dear people" of our btate, m being compwlled io chocse fcr themselves, the class of physicians, which they desire to treat -.them when sickness overtakes them. The neonle are expected to sui render the interests they have in their own bodies and lives to the Governor and the board of his own creation. This bill, 'introduced by Mr. Flinn, would be pompletci and a model of jrfectioa in arbitrary, leg islation, if it had a little amendment tacked on to it, giving the Governor and his ben id, the jiower to choose our preacher and dictato the church to which wo must adhere, and what class of men m.nst sail mis dry goods and groceries. A FiiEE citizi:n. It U strangi how blue some men g t. To haar them talk nothing short of death and destruction stares tho coun try in the face... The other extreme expect gvsat things n big year, nothing too big for their imaginations. They predict booms, rolling right in on top of each other until everybody is able to retire with a fortune. All to take place in 1885. It is pretty hard to get along with these two extremist?-, and as neither one are congenial, it is best to bo influenced by neither, but to keep pegging away, not too feuful cr too over-sanguine. We predict a good business for 1885. A good story cornea from Ooos Bay reardinrj the Hand Grenade fire extinffuisner. appears tuac ine appears agent had built a large fire? to bo put out by fire grenades. Tho boya "doc tored" tho gtenades, filling two with water and two with coal oil. Ot course these-four but added to the flames. The true grenade carao la?t and to the surprise o,f all extinguished the fire. , The Supreme court of the State of Oregon has decided the mortgage tax law to to .constitutional, which it wil be remembered J udgo Boise gave his opinion ab being the fact some time ago. it now remains for he legislature to do tho right and wise thing by slightly amending the law and allowing it to stand on the statute books. It seems to us to be tho means of compelling cap ital to pay its just proportion of. taxes. If capitalists cannot have their "cred its" exempted fro.h taxation, they .will try to make the debtor class pay taxes on their debts as well as on their pos sessions. That is .vhat ther call mak ing taxation "equal".. - It 13 a cold day when they get left. Ges. Bcell will be marshal of the day on the dedication of Washington's monument and Gen. McClellan. on in auguration day. Divide Texas into four states and admit the territories is an unclaimed fragment of political wisdom. GLIMPSES. Of lien and Things, as Soea Through Our Owa.Ojlorsd Glassss- In the forrmtion. of his Cabinet the only difficulty for President Cleve land will bo in tho, host of able and i safe men from whom to select. Ru. 1 mor has already set apart for Cabinet , " ., , , . tuer than this a I appears mere cuess worif. It is sate to assume that there , -r- - m . , . are men wnatn tno wnoia u jiuojratic party would love to honor, Among these I can recall notie. who is so strong! v-' entrenched in the heart or Democracy than Gex. IIancocil A peerless soldier-statfsman, a hero and a patriot. No man ever went through tho heat of a bitter Presidential can vass and came outgo well as Hancock the Superb. ' Gallant and true .o his country, a patriot in the highest and broadest sense, tUa namo of Hancock is imperfs'iably": I upon the his tory of America. I notice hi? name occasionly mentioned: m connexion with the War Department, and Cleve land could do no mcie graceful act than by appointing him to that position Jo& Pulitzer, the editor of the New York World, is one of those bril liant men who succeed .under great lifiieulties. He is pre-eminontly a newspaper man, 'and his caieer in this sphere is something marvellous. From a poor boy to one of the most success ful business men in ths country he has all through his carder made honesty and thoroughness his mottoes. Pulit ZEit first came into national promi nence in 1S7C when he was tho news paper partner of Caf.l -Sciiurz. The latter supported Hayes, and Pulitzer, with the enth'usiam of his nature es- 0'iie 1 the cause of Tildes'., From that dtiy to this ha ha!i been high in the ranks of Democracy,' Jounaiism has been his profession, and after bringing the St. Louis Post-Dispatch to a safe financial basis, a year or vwo ago he purchased the New Y ork .World and in so brief a period has made it recog nized a3th leading Democratic jour nal of the country.' At the late elec tion, he was chosen a Congrgessnnn, is a close friend and adviser of Presi dent Cleveland, and the Demoe.iac? owes much to him for his untiring eSbrt, great ability and the general nack he has of doing the right thing at t'ie right time. There are few moiv brainy men in America than the editor- statesman, Jos. Pulitzlk. 1)k v Krw . ol: A Word to tha Wise-' Every Democrat should In-ar in mind that the task of reforming tlie government set before President Cleve land .is not an easy on,", Further an active, keen and carefully . manage:)-.: foe watcs anxiously to take advantage of every mistake, and to throw obstacles m the way of successful administra tion. Tiie Democtatic party is oftened lefenxdtoas very hungry and -very thirsty. We do not see why a Demo crat should not have an otlieo, und in fact hope and trust that Mr. Cleveland shall fill all vacancies from men in harmcny with his administration. However, what we heartily condemn is an unseemly rush for the loaves and fishes. Any man wli0 has stood true to the principles of Democracy ii its hours of defeat should not embarrass it now in its hour of triumph. The Civil Service Reform mu&t be respected, the tenure of oiEce act must be s'.r'.ctlyen- forced. It is enough for the Demo cracy to know that tho principles (f our forefathers have again been vindi caled. It is enough, to know that honesty and reform will again be the wacthwords of the administration.! Let the Democracy prove dtself worthy of its devotion to principles through the long, dark and dreary days of defeat. Let it be grand enough to prove itself worthy, of its magnificent victory. The office-seeker is the worst enemy that the Democracy can ghave.. Peace must prevail in our own ranks. All wdll csmo well in time. The large number of offices must be reduced,- tariff." reform must bo inaugurated, retrenchments every where made and reforms introduced. These are the problems now before the Democracy and the people, and when they are set tled all will be well and the - Demfle racy will enter upon a nev? era directs ing the government in the path of honesty and patriotism. We have every reason to believe that the oflice seekera will be repulsed, and so far we must endorso the grandeur of the Democracy. No throngs of lean and hungry politicians surround Cleveland as hounded Garfield to his grave. We believe that in its own good time faith fulness will be rewarded, but, the s-rambkr will lie incontinently bounced. No man will be" removed for partisan reasons. We have received EevernI corresion tlence this week with no names si:n d. ! We thevef c. e decline to publ ish the samp. Alwajs let us know who you I are. How E3 Got a Position- 'fl applied for a position in a bank, ing house in VTall street six months ago, and although I proved my com petency, they would not take me. I had been down on my luck and looked old and shabby. An idea struck me, I got up a new growth of hair with Parker,s Hair Balsam, raised a decent suit of clothe?, -applied again, and they took mo in a minute." So writes a clerk with 2,000 salary. The moral is plain. Parker's Hair B-l:am givea a person a new f'ce Ladies Medical Adviser Complete Medical Woik for A" "Women, handsomely ?bouncr in cloth and illustrated. Tells how to prevent and cure all diseases of the sex, by a treatment at home. "Worrh its weight in gold to e.very lady suffering from any of these diseases. Over 10,000 sold ahead?. Postpaid only 50ot?. Pos tal note 'or 2 -cc. stamps. Address NUN DA PTTBUSMING CO Nunda, N, Y. - Nov. 1st 3-m Encklen's Arnica Salve The. Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, ' Sores, Ulcers, Salt UhtniiUj Fever Sore?., Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblainsj Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, und positively cures Piles, or no pay required. . It is guaranteed to giv perffi-t satisfaction, or money ref unde-1. Price 2o cents pel box. lor sale by H. Hamilton. THP. T?K.V. GKO. 11. I'llAYEK. of Bour- , T,..t ,.n.;t. ...u .-.,i ,f., own our lives to SHILOll'S CONSUME, WHY WILL YOU cough when" 51iloh' Cure will give inuuediate relief. Price .10 eta. 50 tta. an J SI. B Smltli .Js Co. DEALERS IN MMJEJI IEEY l'WCY GOODS, Next door to. the New D.akery. X x" iocs o d o i !ite! CIVIL BEND STOKE V. li. AI2.RIITGTOIT, DSALEH IN. - Dry .' Qoo.Gwrics, oto. Ail Kinds cf Produoa Taken in Exchans0 CIVIL Bf-NP, roue, co., onr.GON, TriL"S Til? ifr'WtrFaWl SPECIALIST. Ci;r. -r' all Chr.;ii'.c .Oi leases. Catarrh, Atlma, Cufts nn"i!ioi), Neurali lilieumutiMii,' Paralysis, Brig!ts Dif use., White Swelling, - fckif j iivsf tte. Tlrs treatment thor vighly puriflc? the blioil. orivi: g a'l v'imiuritiesan i corniyt, matter f.osn the whole system aiiil briniri eac , and every nerve ami muscle tn a healthy -late and 1:3 uaturl ork. , ,-. .. , : , AH wl:o are sufleiiu ' from Caron c DiseascH are reciuesied to call. There will be no charge for crns:tlting with the patient, 'ieruis in all eses reason able. A. SKCOltD. . Cosmopolitan Iltitei. Kosebu r g . Creyon. Eldoruilo 32aiicii:3 Water. CHFltlCU. ANALYSIS. Chemical Iabortoky, As3y Oki'jck, Bcllio Uoom and orb li(n).n, 521 Sacramento utreet, San Ftanci-juo, Nov. as, IrtSa. Mor llolbrook, Slerrill and Stitson. Gentlemen. I have s u bmi tie J to ni:Uitabive auaiysis tu) tnaniet of Eldorado waier handoJ in for exiiiuiuation and tind uio coiu-iiit of ttio following sabstaaow-s: C'nlo, riue, Iodine, Carbonic- Acid, Iron, Aliiuiiua Liiiie Masrnsuk bwU and orintutc iimttor. 1UO.MAS PRICi.. Jnlim .Tn-r-nli rf tho v:A li own firm of Hi.ffm-i" h .. . . v a .11. ..-. . ... . ! ii.....:.... . . " . , :. ALBAN V, OGN., December 20, 1SS3. Gbo. W. Jo.vks. i'ear Sir;' 1 would liere utute U you tluit a year no I suffered untold agonies on ac c lUutolf I'i'eb (bluiO) and went to l'oi tland to-et re lief from doctors there. I met Jlr. Apple of Hose bur wlw adritea rue before (seeing tho dot-tors to try your E3lor;ido ilHieral Water. I tild so and hud one uozen bottle sent to me by A. E. Champagne. I tsaed ono-halt dozen bottle, taking right betore ev ery meat, one mnul yrlass f ull. 1 not only was re lieved, but 1 certainly cured by what 1 used, and thanVf ul for it, because I Buffoteu more than 1 can eypre-fS.- 1 would advise any one Buffering from this di'sease ' to try your Mineral Water, tilionld you ha v aiy occasion to Ube this sutemeut do so.. You are at liberty on my account. 1 think this is ihi least I can do for yo,t as I was cured by it. - it. sj'octtully yours,' " JULIAN 0&E?1.1. KOSKDlTP.a, Dee. 3, 1353. CEO. W. JONES: Pear Sir. i roui sheer cunoait 1 was induced to try Eldorado Water and wra not ot. ly surprised but highly jrrauflaj Wlth tilJ result. 1 nave for many years town a ufferer from lysfepia and have triu I every kind of oepsiu known to pharmacy and without result. The contrary Was my experience trom the ute of your niHieral water. Tar ken according to uireciiona it piodaced immediate relief and in a snort lime, if (oitUutied, would secure lietnianeotcure. To any who will avoid irritating stimulants, J Atu satisiicd it will prove of valuable comfort ami beneSt. As ft general roulator I found it most excel icut. - L. tV LANE. iitu Cbo. W. Jos S3 Dear Sir: I have bec't troubled with nour.i'ic pain in ny b aad and check boue. for several yz&rn, and h id give up all hopes of ever Kcttiiiff cured. I went to your medical spring with my son James and jj't some of the water, and drank it freely and found that it was a mild physic. 1 used it three 'lines a day for a little more than two months, and the pain leit me aud I have not felt them since, and tht lias been 17 months ayo. H. COSS, SR. ' RoJCburj, Jan. 23, 1S34 I DALLAS, De!. 1SS3. ' TroTii Tlr. M. W Pardons, last, August, 1 reci ire.J one bottle of the Jones Eldoro-lo water, frem lr. Ilninilton ff Roseburc. Used half a bottle for ca ttrrh and can f ally reoinmeml it for that drcadei tli'Kjase, s I have not been troubled with the com plaint since. 1). T. SEAHS. . I hsve also used the Eldorado sprin? waer from Jones' sp.-insr, utfla" county, Oregon, und am fully swwfled with, the eu!t, as 1 was bmheicd with ca tarh. . W. C. BROWS, wcrehait. Dress Good3, Taney Goods, 1 ' Satins, 19 B CLOTHING, Boots & Sh.oes, Uata & Cap1', Trunks and Valisea 0 Evcryilihig in the line of dEESKAL JISRSmDISFi will be sold from this date osa, at HO per cent above cost, Give us a call and convince yourself of .u QKEAT BAKC.UXS at tlie SBtlCTLY O.'E PiJICE STOHK. Co) ' Would BESPECTFtLLY Announce to ; Than Ever Bef'oue to Iuunish - ' taJS V1SI2, YTHI3X G IZV THISIX XIIN" IC.Ti'i- , - -i..'. .v - ' ".r..' ' I.-- ...' :''. r '-:' '':'-',.'.' . 1 ' ."r --:; : :. V. -:.v. TTAVtNG lately added a Ne-.r J. A. Fay Jlouldin twd JJ Flouring' and A FINE STOCK OP MOULDINGS AND SUGAP. PINE LUMBER! - :.. " ; " I v-! ; ;""': : " : S-- . : "...: ' I7IIXE CEDAR llUSTfC, CRAIX SAWED I LOOUG FVRXT.SHED . 0 SHORT NOTICE- BARX LUMUKilan-.l KK.VlNfuraishad at HAKI 'lUUi PKlCi-.:i. Ootd sauaa Ciil Vi4 P'JaTiS, KAlLli'J, i'lCKKTS, kc., fur ilNli FliXClXU a Bpeeialt.v. " IOU Kcferenoe Fee Residence of Cy. SinUb, 4 milo above town cr Dr. Hamilton's, Roscburjj. . bound to liiuke trie Leit Lumber and tu five tAtibfautiuu. Oivo ua a tiial. A II order l-ft with Tbos. Sbtfiiuan wifl bo promptly Ked, und all Lumber delivered oa short r.ctica after May lai. All orders should be Aduruisod to ABHAHAI, WlBfc lit -Before KM $.; Qr. WOODWAEB'S AND BUY A One of the biggest and best stock of nothing bur the best EVERYTHING 1 Am XJ l i Dont Fail SHE1UDAN BROTHERS, R0SERDRG, OR'GN. They would announce tliat they have Just Largest Stocks of li.Ter broujilit to DoimIm. htn t vnX n,l liKADY MADti TINW AUK bt-8. ii ply iu their line ol la.iy- UQo can .puTchaa tleewhere. ' .. . Io ,he shape ofbu.ld:itr materials inniirptttf-nra to tiurcliasers. ; Tl VV ;rd triv you tarpainn in . thc: Io. . win;. brands of tovfP, not tqual led rise wh.-ro .Buck's. B.-n-inxa. Farmt'r. 'UtUiiy. Dexter, Pacific, , V Ho, .WegwClarnuJ'v Occidm Irot, Kin, Empire City, and oihvr atcv. si.d ran-t. y Tlie Wst of workmen ar constantly rmpk'jBd. in .the nianuiattur .: , -u' and bums should learn oar prices. , t .. .. - ye i,stvii a!so tarajrins to offer in uns, bucIi as luclieEter. Misirp and 'hfr . , wrt-1 hr in Shot-nan ani IMfto-a i ' TT , W mi also At'Biu for th White Peerles and Now Home hewing MscI .... wpscirmlowt-Ht rates &ud warrant as couinle te in ever jTeapecV H can alao supply ' ' 1 Avcriil ancl. Hubb r Paints, 1 e est In.lhft tnnrkrt, at . lowest ftes. G ve ns a call, inspect ur slock, inuirt cs ny one caiju Q 0 o 0 4 Silks, Velvets, Cloaks, Jerseys. n tsr-m the Public that They, ahe-Better Matchinir Maehinc we will keep ru immense htoz Eustio on EaRd. B ! WELL SEASONED CEDAPV We are "Vol fcair e Gkir iiy LOOKING GLAbS, UlifrA.CN. t"2 JUL 2TJ C3 "Yon. do Tliat. BLS- - a- m 'X 1 NEW SIIT'CW goods ever brought to town, leather and have got I U3e INTKISLli to Seo Me! v?T 9Vi i. received and now have on hand one of the . General k Hardware ncMed to tboir STOVES OF ALL T tUef rtp prepared io dt'cuir tlit-y havo th - - m o.uvhcrn .Ofton, which they., propose the ay i us. lock, butt, tc, w cao otI-i t? onr pries, and we promise to UP HARNESS, . SADDLES, WHIPS, INFACT Every tiling. .In tliat Lino. AND MUST BE Sold Cheap for Casli. Call an cl Soo mo Baforo Buying BlS3Wil323. .ALSO AGENT FOPw DEEKinG SELF BIHDBS AND MOWJiRS, O LIDS' WAGON STEEL-WHEEL HAY BAKES f .'.'.. ... JALXE5 DSAHLH7G. ' OAKLuVND, O BEG ON. R.S.& J. Ol SHERIDAN . . . (Successors to Th.o. P. Sheridan) DEALERS ' IX II Y3DWAVE, TINWARE, STOVES GUXS, CU 1XKKY, AN 0 TI.N'XEllS i'L'jjr Molll.Mi CiOOJJS. , TIX STOItE, ROSKBOJ, Oi Havmsr sesurart t!ig amive busnea, we are jp arcO to Kf!i up iUs farmer good name for work tn, .prices. Yh;iK iba best oi material mid always Jull Ktock ol goals on band and it is oar win ta fur n'wh cwstomew with first-ilas aruk- at liv and let ive friued. A lIljitock oJ - Iroi and .Sterol IPor, Sile Dealsra from abraxd will rucive prr-mt tt K. i J. O. .Siiti, TIIE CENTRAL HOTEL. Corsior jf Gak aad I&3s . Strast. Hcal)ur;, Ortgcu. Board $1 per Day; Sinii U3a!s, 25 ciats- fi3"Tlii house has lately duuijel Land, and is thoroughly rjm.v;tte.l atnl rufaruid:isd Tli traveling riuLIic will liaj t!ie best UCiUOIliiiiUtiuLlou' ' NO.CHlM-fi EM? LOYEO. rec lot aiij fyo the . . . . -! Bavin had 23yeirs exierteitce its r.twh!n: kr i t kiTvg'y.t, I fcei coiindciil. ( ti. iu MtUfauUou- a .l fo'ti euiruKea tu uis. 1 aU' nave a We toi.k o( atuhe. cK. kt a;i J Jewsier wuioa will be nil very rswsiiiniUly. 1 have tr.o Ciuntv pate it rlj'itf r thi o! Cf i creti vJj ij ti.j j." cj ivi.i .vivj: i, a sy jU:i oejire 1. . , ... "'"v L. U.Li'iLti. L. F. Lane. . Joux I..v. A.osr ja & iu a.nt;k, Orncrc. Ou Slain Street, opposite C'ia-. tnopolilan 1IU-1, LOUiri LANGL'NiiEiiU, '' Manufacturer and Dealer in . Keop on liaud a well cieetej gpclt f Ccit', 1. dic mid t'.hiiili-c.t's Uoot-j, shuoi S ip. c s; Musical In'Mt.-u:nen&, Shest U j-dis, .Nottani, Rw. AritcpairiSif neatly uoiie. :&.v st.-a. rilYSICI AN &n l SURGEON. OFFICE: Cw. Main au.l Washiiijtj., .3,1. I" 4 "3 CLARK & UimVLt PllttPS. HA VINO PURCHASED TUB ABOVE XAtfli mills of E. ijtej'hens and Co., we rc now pr IJUieJ to furuiah aay amount of the best quality u ver oSered to tho pnilie in Dtvlas county. Te .11 turtslv at tl:e mid t the fllowiug pries:! No. 1 rous;h lumber )r M No. I (.hM-iti;, ie:i.. .... .....;........24 per H- No- 1 rtihriiif, -inch , , ..S2tS per.M No. 1 finishing lumber .Jfiio peril No. 1 ttaistiiii; luinbtr dressed on si.le. per M No,. 1 rtniiiii. luiuuer drexed on 4 fciuea . .0 jer If CLAliKE & BAKER. LOUIS HELF JL, Wishes to inform th i pubiie that b-s a r.amber o e winy machines fur rale fct bu r.ure atredeei iri'ce. -... - - Th Eldrid Spi-i.gfieltJ and Singer, ..:., AXB THE LATEST IMPW.VEQ aACKES Call and sie at It m Ud'.TiIV VfaveluniScinj Stars a good bar-iuu to every one wis!iiju buj bwiy Jaaulunev. Who bate Sirinjf Water to intraduea into their brn and fjr i.-mily u a or irrijaviion, ultouid TAZ C3S!SiT C3T1,J3'J3 PiPZ- Itavirfr tbe County HiUt I crn sell to firmer CHKAf, win; aoivwiune tj d tli work. Wiil !y th;ame by contractor by the fjor, as may be de niretl. WaiTsmiei to t!o gfxid work or par. Thuusp.nds of fe t have beet) laid in California d working oatisfac xritly." It tuprinr Mtany ptao, good for yearx, dn't rust, and keei the water clyr and pure . OaU &:)d ua WILL YOU SUFFER with JOyspepsi and Liver CoQiplaint! Shiluh's Vitaliaer gnarantceJ to etir voo. : -