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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1884)
iy.-."'"' , V i'-'-'m- i '' Sw' '" '"' -' ' " ' " - ' - i iiw li 7-i t8&&& fjATUHDAY, NOV. 13 1:, 1?S4. Judge Peady, Pie-ddet of the Board cf lleger.t?, i.: hhs ii'M-rttn lli i- V .?.,. - P .of a new b?iiluiir for. tho new. State o0,0bl. "Wileur F. Sroiiv, proprietor and for many years editor tf tbe Chicago Times, tho moiit successful a;yl tending Sensitioiial jcmm'l I thti we.-teru States, died last week. lie had been demented for some tiuu?. man c-f Col 'A cir cn?, TV ii o' wu-j iced irider - i , bonds at B-.uti eUy, M.-snrt, iai-cJ i to nniteraii'iJJ at the recent -teun ox thH when G rover Cleveland was norn--court, forfeiting his I .-?;;'. Col i pnv j irKtled, it sr.ignuuissd his 'noniination arj ui) i tha cash for tlio swind'er. " ' . . -y Idundci und earnestly., predicted his i ' j ILr.i Hos. C. S dected to '-CongTe-su frovn Vi"afvl;-;t-a j Tiri'i, brv bv n h !ir.ds:mo .mi liiis s!')Hai: we ell for tlio vhh;;; Washi.i-ton h.s h4bi beon reliably I i i Itepubiica: Illinois, it is sai-.I, still, h : ..-.11 , other States; in mis or r:ii." ar, ss iv.n 12,832 'milc5.. Ohio js -iu-wi '.!. :l t),C00 mi!i-; Kew lork tbitd, .7,230 mile?;. Pensyiyasda fuurth, In diana -fifth, Mis-souii nixth,. - Yi'i:; ssyentu, ie,.as Oig.-.i.J, i----ninth. . A reivvoot ' tree no:.r F!--mia Rva, - ChL, furnished :ili ths 'dumVu-. i'or-tho jjap'ist chutch f-t that place. T1m? i;- tenor1 of the building :s . finished in w.ood, then) being no -pl-istered wallr,. After the lnmb;r for. tha ehurch v.;;s tahen 60,000 shingh: were madi? from, what tomainedj;:f the tie?. OitFJo:-; mav be very very lonesome, o;i )vner of' the w'cn; . . in this extreme c but when it comes to fast running horses it is decidedly up to the. times. C)j-egon hoises . have the best tim.e. at tho following dilutees- Hickory Ji:r., 1200 yanlsinl:lQ; Jim Reuwiek, mile, 'l;00i; 'Blues Mountain,J)elIe, mile and repeat, 0:R, 0:18; Olivpa, by imported Lesxtningtem, h;is the credit or tho best I mile, but in fact 8usi S. of 1 biker City, Oregon tnade the. distant in 0:-!7.-, Olilipa'a time. bvingOilT Sa:u'Ei. BEAr.of(;;r,'a noted joursial- ?f drl in Kvn T'l-anclsco. Got. ZUt. ' , . ,r , .,r!gr:t good result. Among Democrats lo rd C2 ears. Ji was a native oi , . Pcnsvlvania, and engaged in imritiits in early years in llarrisbarg and Philadelphia. He engaged in ed iting papers in California ncaily this fcy yeais sigo, first editing the .weekly 'Granite Journal .at- Fok-onr. in IBou. Ife afterwards edited the Stockton In dependent, and then for some years was cditor-in-cliitf of the yacramonto Union, lie was at a later period con nected with the xUa, and during the last few years was n editorial writer on the San Francisco Chronicle. THE1 ficre storm that ravaged the coast of Ontario a few days Hgo, is-said) At the proper time Mr. Kelly an 10 havo been the most severe known in j uoll!iCi,;i to tlt, W0l-J Hlub he intended that section during the diei-t century. ; to ipport Cleveland nul;. would excr 'The record of tho tide that rose, to the j c, hh lest 0ice3 w iud,1Ce. Tammany height cf fifty or sixtii feor, e-irrving i lo j do i;;i.,vise. He said what he devastation und ruin upon its crest recalls the story of the "Brides of En- i ociby as suns be Jean Tp''i'1i 'That ebb strffwe4l wreclcs aWni tho sboro Tln.t l!iw swept oat the iouUs to 8W." A wintry shore, ' strn A'ii -' with the debris of ruined - homes, was the pros- I itect that greetsd i!o hon;-iess pooi4' on the Gulf of St, Lawrence ou tho morn- j ing of thc'Sth - of Novembmv 'a scsno that it is hoped the next half . vent u ry ! vill not duplicate. J , .KTTm.m . ! A. T. Grekn has brought suit in lb." i United States Citcuk Court aaii.Pt t Coos Bay . AVagcn Road .Company to 'reciter $;823.' For cause of action plain tifF alleges.-that defi ndaiit was on of tho most exciting political con owner of fa toll road running from tesU that ever disturbed society. Bus Roseburg to Coos Ray, in Apiil, 1S75; iueUs ius in a measure been paralyzed that at the same lime, 'defendant owned j ov jiegbjct-ed by reason "of ths ex.eite 0,533 in fee, and was a!sj entitird to ; mehc. ; 70,700 acres upon which patents had j Now that is is ended we may expect jiot been issiied by .he' United States. to ec commerce settle back into itsac The defendant was desirous of dijmsiu ' ' c. loomed channels' ami trade become of thispepcrty, and employed-. Green j "fN act me than it has been for many . ia San Francisco, to c-usumate a sale, j Juohths. Specuhitioa will again Le in April, 1S75, For doing this he was lrf the laud. New cnterpi ises will to receive 03,000. Oa the following Iday Green h ul so workvid up the sns- i wojid will in the course of time be ceptabilities of una John iMUL-r that he thrpwn open to our farm products and purchased all of derend tat's property, j our, country will .start oa a new era of Upon this purch as a lirst payimjiit of prosperity. Instead of th oppression $33,535 50 was mad, and out of . this j wbieii had be.en predicted, labor and the nlamtiiT roelve.l only 2000. .Hev- i industry will ba rewarded by remit ner cral tiina3 sinca he' has demanded of ti prt-ies. And AiuerieA will again plaintillHlm remainder duo him, 03000, j takj a first rank amongst the eommer but has utterly failed in all Ids en-') eh I nations 'of the .'world; a4id our deavors to collect it. Therefor,, he i v..n r-Voo.- i prays to recover 3000. . wita .o-o ; iiaeiBsij Loyotoci. im uio vyjio. disbursements. THil EEPUELICA2J BLUEDEfc. Itlno doubt affords tbe Oreo-oman, the leading Republican paper of the Nurlh wiifct crust, a grain cf comfort in this thehour of their defeat and diseomfmt, t'Utt it opposed the nomination tf ; '.'bine at Chicago- and predicted his nlc-Vat if nominated. Hbof. fl..i4i. n.b..tmn if fit ..11 I T. I W j fc. C . 1 - ft J JnJ JI I 11 11 t j ft M . 1 ft V i i 1 a. ero'v it was possible for its capacious maw to hold; j: rostrated itself at th Fo.j-L of the plumed, doomed Knight, 1 on it", k.-i vile knees bared its back to; the party lash, and in tones of sup lieatlon and adoiation, sung the praises of). James G. I5!aine, and, with seitii!" s;air: entries and sincerity, predicted his triumphant election. i'ii3 Oregotiian, when taking .to itsalf' credit of y.tiraeitv, should"' r.enemer defeat ara.l S lie overthrow and annihila- j , 0 iJt !,) i-"fnocriic party, and, whila i n 'cpnstantJy before its read ei l I'k; vu'ir and ' naticiatin rcandnls infentcl -'by a crazy preacher, ' wluch ! . i , ; ! . . . ,i r -ifVt'lt"t'r1 UiC egonian or aiy sns;oio journalist ever had the hardy hood to assume to bidiwve. it was not tho noiainntion of Rlaine j, tI, u0!!1(.a tlje Iloi;nl,nc, t'w Tiie fault m-i is in tile ora.nza- Cit. jt the principles a:.u o the party condemned it. iiiiuiit 'jroved himself a brilliant and able advocate of tho . principles and policies which his party cal'ed him to diend, and his p;ist record showed him lo ;be t!ie approiiate leader of iuch a 1 pojicy sa was marked cut by Jas party J at-jChicrtgo. ilad the editor of the Oregonian !)osess?d th moral con nigo of Georgo Wiiliiun Curtis and stood by and main tained the principles which he had 'pre viuu-ly advocated, ho could now con sistantly take to ;uiiusel tiie ciedlt not only of sngaeity, but of honesty, a ntP Oregon to-day would stand whh u, ' " T T T , Uf'V lork, isevr Jerscv, Indiana and n .. . - T ", i Conneticut m the vieforous eolurnu. and he would not be compelled to gt down to defeat with the Republican Rdss3s wlio have aKvays hated and tle spaed him. "TIMES" GH KELLY. The Jacksonville Times whilst .c joicirgat the success of the Democracy iuj tha late, grand national contest takes occasion to abuse Tammany and John Ko'lv, and seeminidv exult over I li::n.. v euiluw no lotirnal nor man jtojrtjoice ;tny more tliau we do at the ca!i i'c no urat-reuce upon tiiat ircdre. Wro are all glad, but the as sault nprn John Kelly was most un w.timute -i. If it were necessary we could give elaborate reasons for what we: ray but neither the time nor the oc- eusion require it John Kelly is not riii! hideous. monster he is painted. He is a ripe -scholar, a good lawyer and a iuauagt;r of excellent skill. lie served foi several terms in Congress with dis- i tinitruished abilitv, . and could have held that position for the past quarter of ix century had ha wanted to. Nor is he J treacherous. He fought Cleveland in leenvention bravely and manfully. i meant He sue'eeedud and our ticket ca4-L.;d K d New York. G rover Cleveland id no mow valuable supporter than Jdm Ivoily. IJo did his duty and that is Onouidi. He -sacrilieed Grant for malvor in order to secure Cleveland for 1 l'fsia,?llt- In usinn abusivo .words a l':liK1' ,ua' "I'lar highfalutiu but not wif ' lcver, .little journals in ust ha jo something to say. John Kelly is victariotis and happy and little he recks if all tho papers in Oregon unjustly ac- case mm. j UO-diitiiiitOii. Tho country has just arssed through agaiiu be devised. The markets of the ; hantmen will again be the pride am g'ory ot - tho (iigtusea; peace ami t wlil reign (throughou: the lanU ana America - win prosper us no other country in tho world. 01 flOiTil GROWS J -.j. YIOTOBIOITS i? : cf tire Peoi-!e si Fni!re!' - Tho Host Gigantic atieapt at Eevoktica Het and Cverilirovrn ! TIIE RE-COUNT. IN NEW YORK IN FAVOR OF THE BE3.XOCRATS! A" Grand latification will take place in Roseburg Tuesday Evening, 1884. ijAiiIxll ' 10, Let Everybody Turn out and Kejoieeia the Vetry of the Pe!)!e. A OKAND RATIFICATION 13 CALLED FOit Till! KNTl KS STATU . ' IN" ' TUS CITY OF PORTLAND Wednt-slat i6x-'en ing, November, 19th. I.XCL 1ISION THAIXS WILL SiK HUN ON ! ALL T-1E ilOAXr. Sitice .the electi-ui 'the country has been ;:pt in a i'ovcrish stat of excite, went over, tho result.. in tho State icf New York. This has been occasioned, not on account ot any doubt ts to how the popular vole of the Empire State was cast on election day, but in conso ipieneb of certain reyolutionary pnd incendiary schemes devi-;ed by Rlaine and his managers to cheat the people out of their victory. ' ! It wjis kitswn by noon the day after j the election how the country had gone, and there would have been no doubt cast upon tho result had' not Blaine telegraphed to his managers in New York: "Claim everything until a new line of action' can. be agreed upon. ''' Tiie Republican managers' then issued a proclamation claimim the State. They done this at tho dictation of Blaine, knowina:' that there was not the slightest- foundation for the claim; i ,i . .' i witn the lignrss trom every ccunty m ! , c, . , , -j me oiaie ucio:e mem, snov.-'.ug a piu- !...!;.- ti,. , ,..f r.... t o,.l, tl,.. plan of action which they agreed upon was iirst to doctor tho returns in a numtjer ot tne counties wiiicii were . m ! b t . i - . tho control of their political friends, so I ' ' as tc show air apparent majjiitv for . . . V .I Blaine. Failing in this the next resort t j was 'to'- challenge tne returns from a j number ci utstrtcts, unuer the eiaim of defectb in the- cei tijieafces and carry the matter into ths courts, and from the C9urts into Congress and by some means or other cheat the people Out of their choice. The result of 1876 is too fresh in the minds of the peoplj to ad mit of these methods of proceed urt. The couutry can rest assured that ry. ... l i ? i r , . i . i.i -ii vicveiauu uns oet-iiieeieu ana uio win . of the people tuus honestly expressed j at tbe wt.l not again bp ie-, f Mated by' anv !iarn practices, and anv i " " : cittemnt at revolution -.will hi) met audi ! opjiosed as it deserves. - - You Oaa Have It- "My dear, what won! I I. give to have your hair is often said by middle-aged ladies to young ones. Mdam, ., i . i . ., i l t :. 5 yo,t may have jast such hair, l arkers Itiir Ril(ni wiil .ov. if in vnp -rt .( llair Laisam Mill gl.e it. to Ol It, will stop; your -hair fro m falling ofiy re- store the original :cdor end make it r long, thick, soft and .glossy. You need not stand heltd -ssl v envying- tlr? "iris. The Balsam is not oily, not a d ve, but i f- - - . . . . . J is mi Cifasii ui rr.-?5iu, una csjeeiauy reconiuiendevl for . its cleanliness 'and purity. 5,- 5.1 'f- .v . a H iJ m A Pm j .'"n v,, rc! r., 1 f? S-HA2!IIiTON! Eoaler in ii ! a H S J-f-i , ! w wsii B.aisea -. tanmr- O.iers f.r sale in Kegs or Tin; 4?tC nn::.4?s of Pioneer ITIiite , ! Le:y.!;nOK;i!oi!S:iIe:nOo!Ied rmJ? l-i pci:lSzie; A cciaplele oa Paints, ErK.sIscs, Tarnlies, and Ciisi Coissr. (11 you Je going to Io any paiat!ug ca!i jijid get" prices fjefore piirdins isgi 'Elsewhere.) '. lr compete ns'orlment of Sekool Bcolc, ; latioriery,; WntiKg Paper, FnvekiJes,':; etc., wlueli I wm' seli ycry; kczy., V:r ilvn Beecl, Piitent' MecSkiaes, an evejtbii tMt-'.is kept in ;t-eli5' Drugstore.' Li j m-dl- autl -.' Express : AT : hs Jk CiUkjii li&JJ? iL J. 11. BILL ABB would respectfully inform tbe public tliathe has ou baud a fine assortnieut of T' 'ffi.s'-'r .!''. jl eiH j -juicttie vLiutftiu, sua in fact everything usually kept at a flrat c'-'ais. store. Uive him a call. Gocds at Xiow Prices All KinJs of iVoduce r2,Al: enters prointJy attcmltd lo.'Zt CIVIL BEND : STORE! Aii Kinds cf Produce Taken in Exchange. CIVIL, BEX P, DOUG. CO., OREGON". ER:oriKto Hiiieriil Water. Eldorado- !, Gaily bedsght, a galiant br.i-lit, la suu.hine and in shad ow, , Had journeyed long, singing a og, Ia search of Khlor:xd..' But he grew old, this knhjht sa bold, And o'er Ida heart a shadow v Fell !s ho found no spot of ground 4 That looked like Eldorado. And as Ids strength failed him at length He met a pilgrim shadow. ( "6:'Ai:v," faid lie, "where can it be, ThU spria - of Eldorado?' - j Qaoth the shadow: '"For the benefit sr. tiering hiunasdty I wili state tart the El dorado spriiui is s-itii.-itcd three miles west from Ism- and alsapply of the kept couanuitly oa hand and fnr sale )v- Ir , l,, ., J , - , t t- liHnultou, ant, Ib'wcbur, prcgoa.'! JhJtin .trtse;:h, .f ths wsll la :nvn firm of HvlTman K:::y, ixura !h3 i.illi.w1,!- testi M N., T'cccnitcr '20, ISSX Cr. ) Vi T i v ir: i v.ouki iiort etata .!.. , ....1. !.. .. "Ll ' 1 " ' l u,- :" i. I'll i.( j-Iit liit;, lf HUM V.t-111 i. l.N)it!;i!:a to ot ro- rUl 11 u " ' i Uu- buiar. ' i v 1 -rs si-cia tho doctors t -Xr:' ?' 1 t Waier. itna ko and twd ciio ! 1 t i i i t i mi by AJ K. ( ri-.ii-i'trii1. 1 u.-d ne-,i.ui i :j i.,i!!e., ris-ht bt-fwi-e i-v- ery liic , v k o s lull. I nt tjuly was isVed i .lama i i tura by;wiut i.aej. ih-ui'-: liit1 i 1 suE'eted iiimre thou I vxr i 1 1 I o.,o was re ."J, a c ih !i-;e;isj ti ti-v vti:r ?.u:a;ril Vvatir. Wiadd .'Oi hiviM l t m t i i li is state: itcrrt do so. You arc at libu.av oa luv account. 1 Urnk this ii thoi least I ran (n for yo;', a.t I waa cured by it. lla siK-ctiaily your.j, JULIAN" JOSEPH. liO.iEUUaa, Pec.3, 18S3. -.' GEO. W . JON J:s: Dtur Sir. i'riin shcur itiriiuit v i as in luo ill ta ti-v LI dumb; V'at.-r and ws s njt or. iy ar; I but huaiiv yratitio j uth tha result. 1 b:tve lor nam- voar i-cwi a su?crr. from oysjicp-'ia an.l hav e triu-t tvtrv luiiJ ot ;-U!.:aii Lauwu to jili wii u y a-!'! wii -bout rc. u't. cvntrary t.- iy cspurietice imai tbe a.-e n! mineral waer. Ta- Ico-.j iv-'criiia t- uirw;-itiei it ju-oJucea raiU3 t 'iiroj.Kam it DroJticed uaiiioimle ndief stid tsusiiors time, if oi.ihihed, woyld secure UumHuu, I m iNiiJd it wia a-rove f y..iai,:S it mat cXl.c!aai. : l. f. lane. f . C'l-F.MlCAl. AN-Al.TS'SS. OirsucAi, l.AsoaT:! A3.?ay .mcc, Bctwex iijM'.s and su Uaij jff. 524 &u.tfafcimto ttiect, riaiv:isii, K-v.. 'Si, Hit. I Me-vr. llDihrcol:, Merrill and fc'itsmi. Gentlemen. I have submitted 'to qu..litalive suialysis the s jinjilo of KIdriraili) wi'.fr hriiula trie titr n:i'iiiinit i.m a ra find it t cimsist of ths f.jliovr'm substance: Cblo. ! T'He, J;ki!hc, "ttrb..uie Ai-'ui, In-n, Alutniita Litae il tucsia, ciodi.aiivlor'aaic matter.- t;kmas rrtici.. ?Ir. GEft. XV. -'-.Jomw. Dcnr Sir: I have been trmib'oa with nenral'-ic rntiH in My had and cheek boae., f.r vcveral year, a-i:l bad give up all hopes of eirer getting cured. I waat to your ir.cdic d Sirii!jr? ' my sj u Barnes ana sexoe oi tue- water, ana drant: it fweiyan-Jt f.,.vi tv-jt it wanid phytic. t cl it three -law day fc a .little taore than two tl,0ath a::d th, p.a !e;t if,es.rf 1 have ns fait u,e;u siu;:e' b f 17 u"h! cux, SR.' arj, Jan, i?3i j ; ; ,. , DALLAS, Dee. 2, 1SS3. From Mr. if. W. PronL last. August, I received fine brittle or the.y.?.v.'? Eld'-ra V water, from Dr. Hamilton -f li.yM-fey.:. , bi-;. hslf a- bottSe for ca tarrh and c-an faS r . 'i.hki.J i f-.r that dreaded diieaae, a I h.-.5 a.i- bwja'itrjwlJcd'-'warh the eom- plaint sine. i . D. T. SEARS. : i huve lo the T'i.i-l"Ad .Rrrinir .water r.-n 1 Jonc' 8riri!.A Dtfi-la'.-,, oreiwn, f;sily ; smisaed witn the rejutt, a I w-s botheied with e ' fei-rb. W. G, BKOWK, uiereiiant. t - ulll OB ' ,. Tt T;-" "T3i7 We' arc in rcccij)t of i new an rJl kinds ai:d suitable Tor all k "-tO. i r 'A f--r.-' "-- r n f IT" r? "wo rr9'f?5'ir tr vrft - , Most Osiiplete Vfo tire determinod to reduce - 7 X '3!;.wd in orJcrlo do so have greatly reduced our n.-.: "NJ -C?,V ccs in every department and to show ycu that ' -?V P':Mior good; whinh will .vnnnV fnt tl.nmcr.1 .. - -. ... .j .. -1.1.111,1 l!Vl!!l !!( Cri(lSfST. lllVOP 1 Slit. XV n say. Vvrc will send sainjdes and tJ "pr rr rr. -r. y. u r ii i i feAii-: ;iio !i ' C:' ti J' r; "", t-. e 11 AND BUY A Que of the biggest and V-st stock of 'nothing but 'tho b;;st A -V ' u -Ii. i f. ' ??' a p le J -'. jp; " SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce that they have Ever brouubt : t: Do-' rT .'., :-n 1 wh?n -adleU to th-ir STOVES OF Abb IT TiaiXS nni I!E,DY-' -MA DJ TIN W Aii u. they r ;rvpar-d fid- -,:rt!y hAV,, ' th.-Im-Si . p!v ia iheir Hue- oi a.iy houaa in SoaihiTn Op.-ou, which they ' pro;;i-sn can purcbae dse.vber. ' Iu Aw shau( of bu.Miujr rial? .is.:ei-'or tndiuceiuents to ptircf lasers, --i m... '- Woiioi div j l-arpiinu in tu to. twins brands of wovcp, r.r.t equalled else-vh.-r lackV. B.-hhizm. Ftrm-r 'Utility. l)xtr, Pat-ilic, "Vv H... Clarem" Occh!t lriit. litr-y, Kuipir I' tht-r suves hik! tm: Tin b.-"t of wca kinvn ui constatitly -nJilyed ju the- iUAinUhcture ' ainl buyers shouiit b-atu our prices. V liHV'ah'. bars ins - toloffor ia puns, stich &s Wsuchfpirr. S.harp and a-;',' rs we-1 xr in'-Sho-;ti an i IMsito'p V. nre also A'Jtvr.i for tb White Peerles nnci New Iloiae trVn-inp Mac! , we sell ratffe aud warrant as Co iu ule te ir every respect. ' We cjn ho nj p.'y , 'J e best bi lh TO:irkrt, f.5 . buvept ratt-. tiive it;, a ci! !, iisject uf iock, inquire 'as t our jiric-n, and we promise lo suit s if any on i- can, R, S: & J. C. SH ERI DA N (Sufcesssora to Tlios. P.. Sheridan) SEALr.ItS IN' ITABBWARE. TIXWAH.E, STOVES, OU-'S,vUlUl:Ky, ANOTLNNERS t' t'U- oooos. 1 llavinjr fcairea the aoove buraness, Ave are pre pared to kcej tip iu f.nwer good iiamio .r wrk and '' prices. We li:tye the ' best ii material and n!rasii j full stock of srds on haa i and it u our aim to fur- j n5h etiitomers n ith first-claS'j ariioles at live and let ........ ! live price.. A full stocit of Iioii nsil Steel JToi Stle. Dealers from abroad wiil M-cive pronrt atfiritton. 11. d. ii J. '. SilElUOAX. a. f. CAMruF.rx.: E. V. WALSH. Heal;' Instate -A-jcreiits, ROSEBURG, OREGOX - i uipROVED' FARMS FOR SALE CHEAP AXD ON EASVTERiTS. - NTTFAIE HO l choice lot of spring goods,-of classes, mtikiiif' ourssteok-of, ---- i?s'Zg::b t'Tl l rfi G H 9 Si our immense stock of gooas u call at und prices, ' w ".OaX urn convince X. "V"-- X. - Nt. -;-4k- fy:, "h. mfton itT rtf ' . -"N prices o:i application " rr 1 Ja k Wtj S- 'ibr asa eLccUV tL - i?. u ., u jj j WOOBWA1B1 ' NEW. SET OF goods over- brought to town, leather and hive not 2s 5 V-5 - " rs! "VJ WT?' S3 I ! if i 2 reeeived aud now have on band one of the the ay t b; :;utls, otc, we can otl'ti ' J ; A BWTM Srprlelw i the i.i am! Ceflee SloTasr. Second Uoor south of Oakes' jjailcry, I MAIN STFiEET, - - ROSEBUIiG TrEEPS COXSTAKTLY O.V HAX1T A FItESU ! jt v. -. - - , - ... - .Survly of Pios, C;J;os, -Brad, etc lie also seta S-j(h luae!t, wt!i a rjp of co'i'ee, at reaiaablo rate lie bus swuM tiie K rA-ices of a firJst-cla caafe-j tioncr aad di tnufut-tarr . ?uef;; caubies alt binds. ; Give hiaj a t Jl. ' ;'i' T. O. MACKEY,t ; ,PH YSIGI ABj a SHIIGEOH Wt '? r-U-K SADDLES, WHIPS LN fact every thing " 'IN""' THAT , - - . . v . . :et es :es ' AND MUST BE Sold Clieap for Cash. Call and Seo me Beforo EuyixEg" ElsswSiero, ALSO AGENT FOR AND MOWjvRS, , OLDS' WAGON, STEEL-WII EEL HAY RAKES, OAKLAND, OREGON. -"",1 co -1 ) ? sSs? ciiEAr ion cash or approved A SUP.'dOR CLASS OF PUBF-BRED MERINO RAMS. On my Farni, nar Wilbur, Dcnrxlas Coaaty i . smith & sow. - Juiy 121b, 1231. - LOUIS FLS Wishes to Inform tin public that hi has a number ef etewaig machines fir bile at Ids store at reduced rice.s. 4 ... ' Tha Eldndgc, Springfield and Sinir, . . AND THE; LATEST IMPROVED HACHMES Call and tss at Ltjw Bilfili' Wateljmvkinj Store a rood ' baryiin to every one wishiusf to buy JSewiaj ilaeliiiifis. ., - Who have Spring Vvter to iatrjdnae tato thair bmt aud houses, for ttiaity use tr irrigatiiou, should nse ;TE C3MCHETE CONTINUOUS PIPE- lfavirr tbe County Right I can sell to fmier ClllLVP, wita aniAehine to jlo the work. Will lay tho aanis by coutraetor by the foot, as may be de- ti.ed. , Wa.rran'e.1 t.0o good work or no pay. Thotissndi of ii-et have been laid in California and Ai'oi'Uijijj s.ali..fa:lor;tly. lt js superior to any pipe, rood fr years, d-rn't rust. and ktpt.H the water ole&r t and pure U-U1 un 1 n HosGbui'S', Oregon. V ---lr.v.'- -y''.i L. F. Lane. johs Lake. LAXC & LANE, On-ICE. Oa Main Street, opposite Coa mopobtan Ilottl, IiOSEBURG, ' OREGOK.