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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1884)
'. ' ' : . ;', - : : '' -": :.''-."'!'" .' . - A V,' . ' : '' ' v '. -' - "' V . .. ':! ' '-'. ....'.;""'.... . " " :-; v -' ; .-. . - v " . " ; -. :' ''.'.',. '; ' -":' "" . .;" ; v ; ' '-''".'.,'1 -1-'-"-i- ',- : . ' , " ' - ' ' ' ' "-: y- y ' Lyy-: ' ;" ' 'r-'-y-y .". v v.'---' Mill f I l i li' J IjMV I 1 U VI i' x"6 1 11JU 11 -l-i- sav so SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1864. KATiO?i'.L DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ! fox phesidext: G ROVER CLEVELAND, t . Of New York. ' . ' FOR VICU M23IEXXT : THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, . r Of Indiana. t'wCcToas : I? B. ISOJT, ot Biker, f A. C. J0NE3, of Doui! is. W. D. FENTON. of YainVi'.l. VICTORY! VICTORY! To our Democratic antl Republican friends we send a heart-felt greeting. Cleveland and Hendricks have carried the Solid South, New York, New Jer Bey, Connecticut and Indiana, and ai-e electa! President and Vice-President of the United States. The lower Ifuuss of Congress will be largely Democratic and we may expect to see the country enter upon a new era. of prosperity and the dawn of better times before many snpcesdinor moons shall have run their course. We -may, indeed, all rejoice, Republicans as well as Democrats in this glorious victory, for it is the entering; wedge which will free the country from tho grasp of corporate power and a moneyod aristocracy. Tho time wi! soon cine when honest toil wiil reap the profit of its own exertion, when each and every freeman in the land can rejoice in th pride of his individuality and say in the strength of his own man. liQO&it is better to be an American citizen than to be a King. Cur Public School. The new seats for the Public hoino have arrived and will hs scho ol placed in position the last of the present week, By reason of insufficient funds to pay tlia teachers' salaries, ths Board 0LD1- rcctors at a meeting held for that pur pos3, have levied according to the pro vision of tho statute a rata bill on the patrons of the school, to pay the de ficit of salaries for the present quar ter. The rate for each subscriber is as follows: First grade, Prof. Maenner ; $2. Second grade, Mr. Caldwell; $1.8?, Third grade, Miss Kent ; $1.75. Fourth grade, Miss Fullerton 1.60. These ammounts can be paid to Timothy Ford, School Clerk, or di rectly to the teachers. "It is the fault of our present school pysteaa that makes it necessary to levy these rate bills. But the patrons of the Bohool will find the amounts compara tively light to the anvantages derived from the school, and it will be to the interest of all parlies to make prompt payment of these small sums, as in the aggregate they amount to considerable to the teachers. It is a Bad commentary upon the school system of Oregon, that it be comes necessary in a large and popu lous district like this that tho directors are put to the necessity of leyying these rate bills in order to raLso funds to carry on the public schools for the limited time they are maintained. A free school system should be liberal enough to maintain freo public schools in all districts from six to nine months in the year at least. The age we live in demands a reformation and revision of our school system that will place the opportunity for a liberal education ' within the reach of every child j raised in the State. 'Will some of our newly elected legislators distinguish i them selves in this matter and secure the blessings of future generations,! Prohibition' j , . i "When wo hear prominent Icitizeus prating aboui the evils of intemperance and contending with appareut zeal and earnestness that prohibition is the only remedy for the attending train of wretchedness and crime that follow in the wake of drunkedness. And then under the crack of the Republican lash walk boldy up to tho polls and vote for Blaine, and in opposition to St. John and the principals which they profess we are compelled to doubt- their sincerity. It will not do forthern to say that they expect reformation within the Republican party. The temperance organization is much older than the Republican party, The Re publican party has been in power for twenty odd years, and never in all that time have they place! a single rnouuuient on o-r statute books look JgJBAScgWiygBCM BiMTOM .- . , ; ; ' 1 1 n 1 1 I. 1 1 11 . . . It will not do X, nuu"-""v- .:;" 0 that Prohibition is a local issue, for long iis the manufacture of4ardent spirits is fostered and upheld by the National Government prohibition is practically an impossibility. To sei the loud advocates of prohibition march up to'the pofTs at the dictation of fedoi:al oliicials and vote the Repub lican ticket as they did ou Tuesday re minds ne of the "sow returning to its wallow" and tho "dorc returning to its romit Court Proce3dhg3. The following are the court proceed ings which were crowded out last week : ; ' F. H. Lncavisli vs. Elizabeth Lu cavish suit in equity for. divorce. Decree granted. State of Oregon vs. F rank Lehnhorr : unlawful gaaung. Fined $25. and costs. I 1 ine paid. Stats of Of ?gon vs. V. 3L Fined E, uuiji; unlaw uihgimmg. -d "J, anl costs. Fine paid. State of Oreson vs. Lou Reed un- i w lawful earning. Fined $50. and costs. Isaac Lehnherr vs. Roselia Lehnherrj Divorce granted. Custody of child awarded to plaintiff. S. E. Baker vs. D. Baker ; divorce Decree granted. State of Oregon vs. Ilarrv Lvnch lai'dsny from a dweilms:. Convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary fo one ve;ir, and that ho -1 ' pay the cost of prosecution. Vt IS. Lucky vs. S. Bailey; action to recover personal property and dam ages. Settled and dismissed ac the plaintiffs cost. Lqus Beifils, Isaac Velzain and John Rafctjva John Steplidu1.; suit inequity tor a! dissolution of co-partnershm'and - I - an accountmsr. Continued. Iaiy C. Wells vs. John Applegate, administrator of Chas. Applegate ; action to recover money. Verdict for $1800 27 in favor of plaintiff with 30 days for def6ndant to file bill of excep tions. Iii the matter of the arrest for con tempt of H. Ttloonev and August ller- man, defaulting witnesaes discharged- In tho matter of tha assignment of G. B. Barr, insolvent debtor. Re port of assignee approved and sale of real; property coniiimed. Report shows that the preferred claims amount fo "2,170 exclusive of costs, and non preferred claims amount to $3,528 25 and. that the total cash on hand amounts to i,-190 oi. Ordered by tho Court that the assignee pay the pre feired claims and costs in fuil, and balance oe cusmouted pro-rata m pay ment of non-preferred claims. i State of Oregon vs. Lou Reed ; as sault with a dangerous weapon. Con victed as charged in the indictment and. 5 o'clock P. m. Tuesday fixed as time for passing sentence. I. R. Dawson, assignee of Anlanf Bi-og. vs. J. W. Krewson and J. Cel lers ; action to recover money. Non suit; granted plaintiff without prejudice of a new action, and dismissed at plain tiffs costs. Willkm Hudson vs. O. &C. E. R. Co. ; action to recover damages. Con tinued by consent. Abraham Wheeler & Co. vs. Lean- der Col ; action to recover money. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs. . .. Lane &, Lane ; allowed $30 for de fending Itarry Lynch. Hannah Kinnicutt V3. F. O. Kinni cutt ; suit for divorce, Settled by par ties and dismissed at plaintiff costs; Douglas Oounty Escord. D Cow Creek Canyonville Kiddle Myrtle Creek. Ier Creek . Camas VaKey. Tea Mile Looking Class Mount Scott Wilbur Cotes Valley Calapooia Yobcolla Pass Creek . Klkton Gardiner Scottsburar . 53 3 14 IS 6 Kepublecan majority 91. j Bucklen's Arnica Salve- 'V The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruise3, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corus, and all Skin Eruptions, and positivelv cures Piles, or ho pay Tequired. Jtis guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale; by S. Hamilton. j A Etui on a Drug Store- Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at S, Hamilton's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. Kmg'a New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, All persons af fected with Astliuia, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs or an v affeetinn of ihfi Thrnfit an? T.nn.T nm I " 0 ' free a imi uoiue oi this irreat remelv ' w . 0 . i fre, by. calling at above dru stov R D K 36 SO 6 . . . . : S9 8S 1 35 23 9 49 03 ..2S9 272 13 30- .............. 3fl 30- 0 .............. 49 67 34 2d 8 .............. CI 2110 ......... 104 194 .. 63 30- 30 117 61 S3 ......... 73 35- 43 , 63 16 7 24 15 9 Z .Bcgular size $1.00. D&&0UEATIC PLATP032I The Democratic rarty of tho Union, through its represcuLiiivej in National Convention aseinV;eiii recogwzest thatasths nation grow Oidernew issues re 1 born of tiidc and progress, and oM issuer pensh, but tho tunUanteaUl j.-rijicipiea of Pt'nocr.icy, approve! by the UTiited voice of th5 people, reniHin, and w ill ever ren;im, at titc Duit itiw ojuy security ior me coii'iauimee of ties gov.rumesit. The preservation ol person ii rights, the equality of all citizens before ta Sii-A'.tisj reserved rlyhis of the utates, al the saprc- uiaoy ot tae eueri Uwrtromout w ithin the umiis 01 tho Cos1slUuuo:i, will ever fjrm th true basis of our liberties, aiul can never be surrendered w ithotit de stroy lii tjint buaanee of ri'hls vx powers wnxri en- ablej a eontuieiit to bo ueveiepeu tu peace au soeul order to be uuiiitakted Ly meiiis of VtsA 3cir-jrovtrn- went. . ; . ; . Bat it is inilisensahle, for the practical applica tion aad cut jive.sjent of these fiiudamental prin ciple?, that the O o vera men t tshouid not always be co.stroUe-,1 by one pi'iiie-l jarty. A fre.juent cliange of a lnunislr.ilici:i n as iieeisu,ry a the constant re current to 'the po;utr vv.ii; oihenviie, buej jrow, and tUa G.jve'iitne;it, ioitead of being carried on Cor theireueral welfare, boeaiuea a: ii3truaientalitv orun- posm heavy burd!t.o:i the many, who ere guverneJ " for the be:ie:it of tae f jW iio govern. Fut-hc ser vants thus bo.jiao ariAtrary ru'.or. This is now the eo;iiKi-., of the country. Deriee a change is deniindc 1. The Kepablie.ta party, so far as prlsuipie is coucerned, U a reuiiuUcenee: in practice, it is an or;raniza- tion for ' euriehia those who control . it3 ma- , chinery. The frauds iind jobbery which have been brought to liht in every department f the Oovsi-n-cwsit are s'l'Si dent to have called for reform within the Uepubiio-aa p.rty; yet thosa in auihovity, made rookies.) by the ioujr p-waessiiou of pawer, havo sua cumbeii to i.s tonuotin iiiili'.eace, and haiv phised in uotuiuathm a ticket aainl which the isde;eiiden.t portion of uij parly are in open revolt. -Xnerefore a citiiiife w ueiaaaued. bueu a chVi'c vas uuke neces sity va 1470, but the wiil of the peupie vs then ?o- feuied by a fru;i, vhi: 'i ca:i never bu f-iritie.i nor condoned. 'iin ia- LSiU the change demanded by luc wopie m defeitsd by the lavU ue of money, contribute 1 by unscrupulous eontra-rr3 and ijh.une- les-i j-.ibbei'J, had itar auiea lor uiiU. ;ui pruliU, or forh'uh ohioa. - The Ke.'ubiican party, dunng: iw legal, its stolen, and us bongnt tenures of power, has iexdily decayo-J in moral en.tracter ana potittcal caitaetty. its piavtorm proume are now a ot iti pat failures, ft .ucrandj . tha rcs,oratii)n of our navy; it na spi".n..crc i uunureas ot iii:ii:.ins io cre ate a navy that does not, exist It calls upon :o:irca toremovethe burden under which oierican-ahippir has been depressed; it iaipjiea aad has coutii.uud thoio burdens. It professes the policy of reserving tho publ.e lands forwmall holding by a':uul sjtUo.s. U ba'givCa away the psopleV heritage ti'l now a few railroads, and'r.on-resideut aliens, an 1 ojipi r.iio, pos sess a larger area than that of all our faruis between t lie sea i. . it p'rofsises a preference for free institu tions; it organized and tried to legalize a eintivd of .St.ite elections by federal troops. It professes a de sire to elevate lubori ithas huhjcted American wurk ingmen to the couipefttion of eouvict and imported contract labor. It professes yraliuulo to ail who were disabled or died in the war, leavia w idows and orphans; it left to a Democratic llouwe of Eepre-sen-tatives the Pry t effort to eiiuallxe both bounties ard pensions. It i.roflers a pie lire to correct the irreiru- iaiitiesof our tarifr; it created and haa cotitinuod thetn. Its own tariff couuuisaion enfesdud the need of more than 20 per cent, reduction; its Congress ga'. e a reduction of less than 4 per cent. It professes the protection of American manufacturers; it has sub jected them to an hit reasing flood of nianiti'ucttned goods, and a hopeless comjiet tion with mantif.ictwr inx nation:?, not one of which taxes raw material. It professes lo protect ail American iudustrio-j; it has iiniwverioned many to subsidize a few. it proteoses the protection of American labor; it h is depleted the returns of American asrri'juiture, an industry followed by half our people. It professes the equality of ail men before tne law. Attempting to nx tne s Jit us 01 colored citizens, tho acts of us Congress were overset by tha decisions of its courts. It "aeeopts anew the duty of leading in tho work of progre33 and reform;" its caught criminals are permitted to escape through contrived delaj s or actual connivance in the prose cution. Honeycombed with corruption, outbreaking exposures ho longer bhock its moral sense, its hon est snonibers, its i:iepeJent j ourr.a!s, no longer main tain a hUoeiffal contest for authority in its coaase.Ja or a veto upon bad nomina-, oii4. Ti-Jit change is nec essarily proved by an exist Uv surplus of more than ilOO,o6o,nOO, which has yearly Deeu collected from' a suiTeiinj people. I'niio Jesu.ry taxation is unjust taxation. We denounce the Republican party ior havinyfailed to relieve the people from crushing w ar taxes' which have p-vralyzei bttsiuera, cr.ppiea industry and do prived Ubor of employnjent and of j-ist reward. The i)eiiMeracy p!edj;es its-lf to purify Uie admin istration from corruption, to restore etoii o;ny, to revive respect for law tui.i to re duce taxation to the iowu-t Hmitcoiuistent it h a due rt-y-ard to the preservation of the faith of the uaiion, to its ere.iitors and pensioner; knowing fuil well, however, that legislation ttieelin? the .ccupatio:is of the people should bo eautiuus &;.d conser vative in method, not La auvance of public opinion, hut responsive o its demands, tho Dcm -er.ilie party is pledged to revise the tariff in a spirit ot fairness to ftll interests; but m making a reduction h; taxes it is tmt pr-iooscd to in jute any tlomsatic indus tries but rather to promote their lietithy uro w.h. From the foundation of this c oven: mens the' taxes collected at tha Custom-house hue been 1 lie chief soiirej of 1'eJerd revenue. Such they must continue to bs. Moreover, T;amy hvdnst.-ies have co.e to rely uj on le,'ihitioi'ivr a successful vonti:.iii.!e, go tiiat any change t f law mm-A he at crerysl-ep resarof j! of labor an-1 capital t ius invoivc'l. mo .r.x-o;,s of reform niiist be L-utijt:ci i:i its execution to liiis plain dh-tate oi jastice All taxation shail be limited to the re quirements or z.i ecouoinical Oovcriimvut. The necessary reduction ia taxation can and m'usi be af fected without depriving American labor of the fchib ty to compete successfully with foreijfit labor, and without iuipostiur lower rales of itucy than will be ample to cover any .-ncrtastd cotof prodKclion which may exii-t in consequence oi the Liylter rate of wages prevailing in this country. SufiieieDt revenue to rav f tu ?, ...i, ..... - - a.i tuu c.. i.iftt-j oi ... v o . iiuiuni, e;:').:oin- ieally adttrtidutcred, includi!ic pcailons, interest and principal of the public debt, can be got under our present system of taxalion from Custom house taxes on fewer imported article., bearing the heaviest on articles of luxury and hearing lightest on articles of necessity. We therefore denounce the abuses of the existing tarid and subject to I re-eedin limitation, we dcniauu that federal taxation shail be exclusively for jiublic purposes, aud shall not exceed the ueciia of the government economically administered. The sys tern oi direct taxation, known as the "internal revenue," is a warlax.and so long as the law continues the money received tnerefrom snould be sacrculv devoted to the relief of the people from retraining' burdens of the war, and be made a fund to defray the expense of the care and comfort of worthy soldiers, disabled in the tine of duty in the wars of the Kopublie, mid for the payment of eueh pensions as Comrress way from time to time grant to such soldiers a like tuna for the sailors having been alre.idy provided and any sur plus shouid l;e paid into the trea-ury. We favor an American contiueiiCal policy, based upon more intimate commercial and political relation with the fifteen sister Itepublicsof North, Central ana South America, but entangling alliances wiin jionc We believe in honest money the gild and si.ver coinage of the eonstititution a'ld aciremating medium convertible into such money vilhout los-'. Asserting the equality of all men before the law we hold that it is the duty of -ttie Oovcniment, in dealings with the people, to mete out e p.;U ami e::a. t justice to ail citizens, of whatever nativity, r.we, col or er persuasion, religious or political. We believe in a free ballot and a fair count, and we recall to the memory of the people tho noble struggle of the Democrats in the Fo.ty lh'lli anil l-'or-tv-ixh Congresses, by which a ro.'uount Republican opposit-lm was compelled to 'absent to legislation nuking everywhere illegal the presence of troops at tne polis tne conclusive ' proo - mat a Democratic administration win liberty with order. The selection of 1-eUeral otiicers for the" Territories should be restricted to citizens previously resident t'nerct f. 1 We oppose sumptuary laws, wineh vex the citizens anu in. cure w.tu mdivotual l.berty. We favor an honest civil service reform in convoen gation ol all United States effljea by fixed salaries the separation of Cnuron and titate, an 1 ihe diffu.-ion oi free education by coiumni scoots, so that'Very child in tne land may be taught the rights and duties of cit.zeiisnip. i. Vv iuie we favor nil lsgishtion' which will tend to tho equitable distribution oi proj-er.y, to the prtve-n-tion oi inoiiopoiy, and to tho strict " enforcement of iiLlmUuat rights against corporate abuses, we hold tiiat tne v enare oi society uujjeuds on a scrupulous regara for tiie rights of properly as by law. We bene vi tnai, labor is test rewarded w here it is freest anu inosv ei.ligntsned. Is, should be fosu-red ana ehensiied. Se favor the rejal of ail the laws restraining tho free action of labor, ana the enact ment e-f laws by wnieii tebor organisations may be increased, unU of all such legislation a will tend to eniigiiien me people as to the true relations of cap ital and labor. We believe that the public lands ought, as far as possible, to be kept as ho.uesteaus for actual settlers toat all unearned lanas heretofore improvidently granted to railroad corporations by the Kepubiicin party shoula fce restore a to the public eiom an, and no more grants thall be n:ade to corporations, .r be al lowed to fall into ttie ownersinp of ti:en absentee'. We are ooposed to all propositions wmtii, upon an, pretext, would convert too general Gorernmcut into a loaeaiue tor tiie collection of taxes to be distribute J among the states or citizens thereof. In reauirmii'g the declaration of the Demecralic platform of k$oo that "tne liberal principles embodied oy Jefferson in the Deciiuation of liidej.endeuce, and sanctioned in the Constitution, which makes ours tne land of liberty and the asylum of tho oppressed of every nation, nave ever been cardinal principles in the Democratic faith,, we nevertheless Uo not sanc tion the importation of foreign labor, or the admission of servile races unfiled bv habits, training, re.igion or kindred for absorption into tiie great bojy of our peo ple, ir to Uie eitueuship whi.& our laws eom'er.. .iiierioaii civilization ueir.ands that against the iamd gfatwa or Iuiportaiion of Mo:.gonaiia to these shores our gaes should be closed. The Democratic party insists that it is the duty of the uoveri-iueut to protett with equal haeiity and vigilance the rights of its ciiizeas, native or iiatuiahiied, at home and abroad; and to the end that this protection ma-f beassurA', United (,ates papers of nataraiiZitioii issued by Cifw of compeoeut jurisdietiuti, must be respected by the executive aou ieoisiativeiepattiiieots of our own jovernment, aud by all foreign power.!. It is an imperative duty oi this iioverunient to enieiently protest all the rigirts of persons and the pniperty of every American vtuzea iu foreign lauds, and ete-maud and enforce fuil re,aration for wry invasion tbereof. An Amenean citizen is only responsibie to his own Govern uie.'it for aiyr atdoue in his country, or under her.tlag-arid 011I3 to-be tried tbere'for on her s-Mi, anu a-coruing w ner laws, iso power exists in this to exiatriate an American e-itizen. to De irieu ia Ii!:ja tornvj su 11 aa. Tasseountry n. ine. er liaJ any ven-Joil.ieil and e. ' cut li p-jlioysive u.iJer a L-emoerat-.c 1 la:nL. ! 1 tracion; taat pjiiey has ever been, in regard to for- J !a;a nations, so long as they do no act detrimental to he interestfi of the country or hurtful to our citizenr, to let them alone. That as the result cf thi3 policy we recall the acquisition of Lou isiana, riorhla, California and of the adjacent ifexican territory by purchase alone, and con tract these jrrana acquisitions of icmocratie statesman ship trie purchase of Alaska the sole fruit of itepubiiean auuuuistration of nearly a quarter ot a century. Tiia General Government should care Tor and improve the Xlississppi river and other great water ways of the Uupublie, so as to seeure for tne nterior iitatei easy and cheap transportation to tide-water. Under a long period oi Democ utie rule and policy our merchant marine was fast overtakins. and on the poiut of oatitripping, that of Greet Uritani. Under 0 years of iiepubbcauru'Canu pooey our conimerco im tier Iwft to British buLLoiusand almobthastheAnieri- an fij!' liuen tweut off the hicrh seas. Insteau of the IteputiUcan party's British policy, we demand tnrthi: txrtoio of the I nited States an AiiK-ritan policy. L'r.der Ucmocrutie rule and policy our merchants and sailors flym- the staraand irie3 in every port, sue- ceaniiily searcneu. out a marie! ior me varieu piu Under a ouurtcr of a century of Republican rule and policy, despite our manifest advantages over all other nations in . high-paid lalor, favorable olimates aad . teeiuinir soils oesmt9 the freedom of trade among all tiuse United States, despiie their TMtmiatiuu lv tlio foremost races of men and an an Hind iiumi-rration of t!ie vouui'. thrifty and adventur- hi t.i a naiioii::: liiwoita our freedom here from in herited burdens of life and industries in tho oil world nionarchie-r,tuorcO!.uywaruaies,utersvM 1 consuu.:ng uon-j louuciug rtadlrig.arcies,des1)ite 20 VCK.1SOI lKace, Viiat itCPuOUcaa rute a:u Kucjr um? i iuaua"ed to surrender to tireat Britain, along with our commerce, the control of the markets of the f.rld. Instead of the Keni' tiican party's British policy, we demand, in behalf of the American Democracy, an .American poikv; instead of the llepubliean i):.rty's diserclited sebeuie and false pretense of friendship to amwmui hilifir. :. !.-:! bv imo osinsr taxes', wo de mand in behaif.of the lIeuiOcnM:y, freedom for Amer ican Uh.r, by reducing taxes to the end that these United states may coaipete with unhindered powers ior primacy atnong nations in all the axis of peace an d 1; uiis el hLerty. , Wiin profound regret we have been apprised by the venerable a .esuian, through whoi-e jierhon was struck that blow at the vital principle of ilie repuoiie ae (piieoCLii a in the vid of the majority that he can .t it. R-p.ln to ulaco in his hands the leader ship of the Uemocratie host, for the reason that tho ...hie omenta of lei.uuin the administration 01 tne j-cderal Ciovernmc-at is an undcrtaKing now wo neavy ..r ,; n-re. .-.11,1 f:.ii;n,r stre'rrth. Kejoieiusf that his li.e has been prolonged ur.tii the general judgment of ,.r fi-ilo x n. en is ui-.itad m the wish tnat tne rl.-,r were ri-litd in his person for the Democracy ! of the L'ni'.ed Mates, we offer to him in his withdraw al from those taiei r.ot oi ly our lespected fympatny tu ieem. but also that best homi'trc of ireemnn, oi th Domoeratic iartv. the creatiast e ot L. .n.l ,.!.,,., in ration is submitted to the pc onle in' cairn con!ider.ce, that the popular voice ' 1 ' . . . .....1 .mi. ftr il ,,. il i,r,-.-nlll;i P. Ill ilV.lf OI r.CW niCii, anu ov.. f ivim!.io (.'! rib ion-4 for tne trrowtn 01 muustr; the e.tus;eii 01 trade, the ana oue re ward of labia and of ci-pital, ai.d the general welfare f the country. XTON in MAM Beal Ui tLa. fcl! iu2Vri for sale in Slegs or Tin; '" 4t0O pounds of Pioneer White S.ft S,!!i"alin foiled Liases;! Oil;- SS gals. Tin- pentino; A complete stock of Paints, Brashes, Varnishes, and 'Can Color. (II ycu arc going to do any paiatlisg ea!I irntl tret ?riees before nnrehas- ...... n . . Elsewhere.) A complete nig assortment .of ScIiosJ ESooks, 3 v Pancr. Enveiopes, etc Vt'hich I will sell very Cheap.' Car tel Seeds, Patent SJedieiaes, and every i king that is kept in a flrst-class Drugstore. Or ders . by mail and Express promptly attcn&csl to. AT J. M. DILL ARD would respectfully inform the public that ho has ou hand a hue assortment of rr 2V-4 J Goods, Groceries,, Ecady-SSadc Clothing, iind iu fact every thins usually kept at a first class store. Uive him a call. Goods sit Iicw Prices All kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. tILAl! orders promptly attended to."?a CIVIL BEND STORE! V. I. ARRIKGTON, DEALER INj Dxy GcodBiQrocories-, etc. All Kiids of Produce Taken in Exchange. CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. Eldorado Mineral Water. ? CHFHICAL ASALTS1S. Chemical I abwhtorv, Assay Oiticr, Bcllios Rooms asd f Jiie Hoojis, 524 Saeramento street, San Ft ancise., Nov. 23,1383. Messrs. Hoibrook, Merrill and Stitson. .Gentlemen. I liave submitted to qualitative analysis the nampln of Eldorado water handed me for examination and lind it to consist of the following substances: C'l-Io riiie, loi'.ine, Carljonic Acid, Iron, Alumina Lime Magnesia, Soda aud organic matter. TUOMAS PRICr.. . Mr. ' Ceo. W. Jok9 Dear Sir: I have been trouMed with neuralgic pains in my head and cheek bones, for several years and, had give up ail hopes of ever fretting cured. I went to your medical sprinpra wish wy sou James and gnt gome of the water, and dr.ihlv it freely and found that it was a mild physic. 1 used it three imes a day for a little more than t wo months, and the pain- left me and I -have not felt them since, and that has been 17 months ego. II. COS'S, SR. Roseburg, Jan. 23, 1334 DALLAS, Dec 2, 1S83. From Mr. M. W Parsons, last "August. 1 receired one bottle of the Joneu Eldorado water, from Dr. Hamilton of Roseburar. Used half a bottle for ca tarrh and can fully iwoinmend it for that dreaded disease, aa i have net been troubled with the com plaint sinci. D. T. SEARS. I have a'o used the Eldorado spring water from Jones' spri vs, Dou!a3 c -unty, Ure-ron, and am fully satisfied with the result, as I was bothered with Ci. tan-h. W, C. BU0WX, merchant. 'oe p'cJgc of our devotion to tne pr:r.eipia.tu i- cau.H now iuseperabie in tho history of this l.epublie from the labors and name of Samuel J.Tilden. v-!i!n iru-.,.v.t nf th hoi es. nrinciplcB and " '" J -'''' " 1 11 mi 1 .r-T,T''' y : -: ! yy 1-yy -, - -' '-'' ' , ". . . y ) Mi A 1 A I 1 . A ) Ui A 1 A H u a r MA 1 ly OA v y v v --..j-, a 1 .in.. - .. , 1 ." 1, .... ti v.i tjf t. OB We are in receipt of a new and all kinds and suitable for all mmm mm 'B8ra ABk B .31 W saaxaw wnuwwu .' . . determined to reduce even the closest buyer that we We will send samples and 1 WOO AND BUY A win One of the tiircrest and best stock of tj-j -- nothing buf the best Bout Fail County e are aad ia order to SSSS,V cc3 in pri w. X lhat we mean iNv X. "S0ur goods and .cur stele ard czuiiireNv $ffiyisj.- which will speak for themsel But B0fFe on W. G- Woodward AiW my Intd? W fac - , Hfffa'J"! Mi m K " mm M m Sheridan brothers, roseburg, or'gn. They would announce t hat they have just Stocks of Evor i.roairht to Dortjla-. nd when TKKXS unit KEADY M.Oii TINW besv iij ply iu their line or a.iy housd run nurchaae elsewhere. In ho ehape ot budding materials i sapfrior inducements to purchast-rs. In u-J. W e van give vou bargains in the fo".'.wing brands of stove-, not t-qnalled olse--lu.r0 Buck's, Bonanza, Farmer. Utility. Dexter, Pacific, AHc West. Clarrmlo Occidei I roii Kinjr, Empire City, and other stoves iud rangt-s. The b-Bt of workmen arc constantly employed in the manulttcture i, our :.ti ir and buyers should learn our prices. Wo have also baragins to offer in guns, such as Winchester, b'harp and -ther H . ns well as in Shot-gan and Pisto's. , We are also Agents for the White Peerles and New Homo r-'en-mg Macl. o. 'U.K we sell at lowent rates and warrant as coui ole t-s ir every reHpoct. Wf con also supply - Avcriil and Rubber IP:sisis, 'J be best in tha nihrket, at. Jotvest ratep". Give us a call, inspect ur stock, inquire as to our pric t-i, a-d iv promise to suit i' if any one cau. R.S.&J.C. SHERIDAN (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES GUNS, CUTLEKY, AND TINNERS k'UU N ISSUING GOODS. TIX STORE, ROSEBURtt, Or. Havinjj secured the aoovh-busiies, we are pra pared to keep up its former good name for work aad prices We have the best of material and al-vajsa lull stock of g-jods on haud and it is our aim to fur nish customers with first-cl-iss articles at live and let live prices. A full itock of Ivon and Steel For Stile. Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. It. S. it J. O. RHEIUDAN. A. F. CAitrRRLI.. a. r. WAXSU. CAMPBELL & .WALSH, Xieal Estate A.p:ents, K0SEBURG, OREGON. UiPaOTSD FARMS FOR SALE CHEAP AND ON IA3TTE&X3. WO JT an . choice lot ol , spring gouua, ui classes, making our tstcok ot Host Complete wmrt' BiFWi'W Ifi lWBlk . , 1 - o .1 , our immense stoc ol gujua do so.hivc greatly reduced our every department and to slioy ycu business, we ask u call at prices j convince mean wh at prices on application1 VrZSv arid ABKAHAM, WHEELER & CO. UF4H Tii d TSaat NEW RET 0 .?13 sfia rroods ever brought tqjtown. 1 ur.c huttusr ana have got to Sea Me! received aud now have on hand one of the General: Hardware - ad led to thoir STOVES OF ALL PAT theynrt prupansd to declare thi-y have th in iSou-Jit-ru Oregon, which thy propose the ay t locks, butts etc, we can' oS'r: J. A. 'SEVilTH, Proprietor oi tho NEW eAIOSHY ; and ofiec onse. Second door south of Oakes' jjailery, MAIN STREET, - - KOSEBUEG JEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FRESH Supply of Pies, Cakes. Bread, (ltd TT A ft 1 Cl CAta good hmeh, with a cup of coffee, at reasonable rates ; aic iiM m.uiueu me services or a Erst-class coulee tioaer and manufactures PURF CANDIES all kinds. Gire him a wOL T. C. MACKEY, PHYSiciAri&snaGEdrj U f3 Hi LY rt JBSia i. T J MRS St? Ik mm kA e ta-aai 1 SADDLES, WHIPS L fact everything IN- THAT AND MUSI BE Sold Clieap for Cash. Call and See me Beforo Buying" Elsewhere. ' AISO AGENT FOR DEBHIHG SELF BffiDEa AND MOWH.RS, OLDS' WA-G ON, STEEL-WIIEEL HAY HAKES, JAMES DEAHXZIia. OAKLAND, OHEGON. (TO 4i'-T '1 H TV " -n FOE SA.XiE, CHEAP FOR CASH OR CREDIT, Al'PROVBD A SUPERIOR CLASS OS PURE-BRED MERINO M!l On my Parm, a-jar Wilbur, Douglas Oountj, Oregon. SMITH 4 SOIT. Mtl July 12th, 1831.' LOUIS BEL JFJL.S Wishes to inform thi public that hs has. a tramoar at tewing inachities far sale at his store at rtduMa iriecs. ., The Eldridge, Springfield and Singer, THE LATEST IMPROVED EACHM ES Call and se at Liun Bilflls' .Watchmaking Start a good bargain to every one vrishia-r to buy Seirief Machine. Ea.3XTV,T23Xl.O Who bav Sprintr Water to introduce into their barat and houses, for family use or irrigatiion, shoula uee- THE C0MS3ETE CONTINUOUS PIPE. Hariri the County Rijrht I can aelt te farmers CHEAP, witli a machine to do the work. Will lay the same by contract or by the foot, as may be de sired. Warranted to do good work or no pay. Thousands of feet have been laid in California and 'S working gatisTa-rtoritly. It is superior to any pipe, good for years, don't rust, and keeps the water elear and pure. Call aad I.. BSLFILS. Roseburg, Oregon. L. F. Lam:. johk Lakx. . LANE & LANE, . TTOItlNriiiYS at X..W, OFncP1 On' Main Street, oppotito Cofl reopolitan Hoel, TlOSEBTJIlGr ORKGOK. i "'X .'" .-"- ' - i Mt.ZlmJ'yT'-- &S. t '-".3 .i . .. . , -.