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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1883)
.-r&x VV.-.& 3W3BESB WLll"-'iW"-' t ILIU-lllJIIteg TdE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8,1883. wuawt jom uum u tun rowni.riiifw The President's Message. Gonnon presented the uame of Keifer j with suck opulence that he can "wi and Lvman the name of Robinson of stand the abuse without beii Massachusetts. least disconcerted or loosing a single Morrison, Tucker, Reed and Calkins nights sleep. It will be remembered were appointed tellers, and the clerk that Colfax, after carrying off the odi- proceeded to call the roll. The result am of the Credit Mobilier affair grew was as follows: Carlisle, 191; Keif er, fat and sleek, his mansion grew -to FARMERS, LOOK! FOR TUB BEST WKARI59 B 0 0 . v' 4v. ... 11 a al-inna fur For men ana bojs na awaJt . , misses aiiu cnuux-eu, ujr ixxo --"' laOH-OLAD GOODS Manufactured by & CO. The President's message is a tame nffair. About the only startling devel opment which it brings to light are 112; Robinson, 2 (James and JLyrnan); doublH its former " dimensions and his the statements that Trance and Qer- J. S. Wise of Virginia, 1 (York); Wads- estates broadened Aand deepened many jaany have legislated, against the iro- worth of Kentucky, 1 (Ochiltree); Lacy fold. All" the result of legitimate spec Kriatioa of American pork; that the of Michigan, 1 (White of ..Kentucky), ulation of course. Grant was held ro imnattrtn n! f!r nr 1rnanw nf I The clerk declared Carlisle elected sponsible for the whisky steals and lorded to this government an occasion I and Randall and Keifer escorted the custom uovi.-e frauds, and public at l taaiiiyino- toits continued friendship I gsntleman to the ch.ur. His entrancdl tention directed to him and a clamor ly tending a special envoy and a repre- into the chambe was a signal for ap. raisad for civil service reform, while poftTER, SLES3INGER, sentativa of the navy to attend the cer- plause. The oath of office was theu ad- Chester A. Artuur, one ot the real ony. ininisteied. criminals, was triumphantly marching xr;nr 1 Mr. CrlislA. nn tflkinor the rtah'. into Dower. Grant could afford to wV km bwtvuuuvu l JJL.1U T ' J Kalakvia the government was repre- said, among other tilings: 'Radical stand by the whisky crooks and pardon eeatad. loth diplomatically tad by the changes in the laws and regulations ef- those who got in the toils of the law. forual visit Cf a vessel of war. fecting the commercial and industrial He never lost a night's sleep, or replied At Venezuela diplomatia and naval interests of the people ought never b3 to a single newspaper attack during the reDreaentatives of this srovornrnent at- made, unless imperatively demanded by time. It was a master stroke of politi- Uadl at Curacus the centennial cele- ae public emergency, and in my opin- cal policy by which the party of bribery bj-ation of the birh of the illustrious 'on, under existing circumstances, aucb and iculation was to retain power. Bolivar. At tho same time the iuaugu- changes would not be favorably received Dorsey and others of the ttar route rgQULLOCH & CO ration of th statue of Washinsrton in by any considerable number of those gang of thieves hold the public atten- . t , i. f ii i i . i. 1 ajuWfc wsrf tE ess th Venetuelan capitol testified to the u gve anJ attention to tne subject, tion ior mourns nue tenter arjmwkTJs:. dtvetion ia which Ida memory is held fApplause.l Many reforms are un- were being perpetrated upon the peo- OXLY THE BEST BIL1XDS w doubtedlv necessary, and it is your du- pie. And the strangest of all is that LOUIS BEIjFILS, WATCH5IAKEK & JEWELER Roseburgv Oregon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER TN WA ITCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY i i a. &r Win not IreaklM the back or rip in the All .romls of this manufacture nvad b wUite men. No Chmamea empioj ea. fc'or sale by FLOED A CO. BOOTH BROS. . G. YOLJJU . ROSEBURO. YONCALLA. OAKLAND METROPOLITAN SALOON, KOSEBURO, OREGON, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SPEC TACLES, OF ALL KINDS. Cull and examine our stock before purcuasing elsewhere. Doiit forget the old stand of T BELTIL3. STAGE LINE! P P. HOG-AH's THROUGH TO Coos Bay In 36 Hours, Thia linn Is now nrenarorl to carrv PMsenrer ftlid freight, bein? supplied with comfortable stupes and nd carelul driver- SUsre loaves Uoseburg every mornm" at six o clock. Othco ai HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. Faro to Coos Bay $5. SALISBURY, HAILY &CO.. Propl- HAVING PURCHASED A COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL WILL SELL THE SAM3 CH11AP FOE C AGO! MERCHNNDSE PRICE LIST: OF There is good reason lobelieTe that tf, after a careful emamination of the this party of exalted moral ideas never wlneSj Liqnora to Cigars elaw restricting the immigration of subject and all its bearings, to decide punish any of their political miscreants. Kftpt on han(I and cll9tonier8 win fllld ti,i, pieawnt u..v -.i -.J ll how far thev Rlmil,l axtcincl. whn . place of MHort. tjivp mo caJl. the Cfeinew has been violated, intentionally how far they should extend, aad when 9 pr other iriae, by the officials of China, a m what manner it should U made, apoa whom derolres the duty of corti- there be any who fear that your ac fying that the immigrants belong to the tion on this or any other subject will jwempted classes. actually be injurious to any interest, ! That if the reyenue for the fiacal r evei affords a leasonable cause for year, which will end June 30, 1885, be aIar I aK qite sure they will be estimated upon the basis of existing agreeably disappointed, laws, the secretary is of the opinion What the country has a right to ex thafe fr that year the receipts will ex- pect is strict econony in the administra stxty millions, the ordinary expen- tion of every department of the gorem .dituree, including the amount devoted raen, jt and equal taxation, upright U tiie sinting fund. Hitherto the sur- public purposes, a faithful obBerrance plus, as rapidly as it accumulated, has tlie limitations of the constitution, toe deroted to the reduction of the and scrupulous regard of the interests FARMS FOE 4y One door bouiU of tho Metrojiolltan Iloter HUBEAE HENRY L BENSON, A. M. MISS ANNA E. DEISEi DOFFER, DR. J. W. STRANGE, MISS ADDIE E. SMITH, - Principal. Assistant. Principal Commercial Department. - Music Teacher. Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per ,yriL Corsets, 50 cents. Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 lbs. for$L Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per yard. Suitings, 12 cents per yard. Fine Japanese teas, 45 cont9 per lb. Six spools silk threadj 25 cents. Other articles in proportion. My motto is cash sales & small profit. F. P. HOG AN. SAIiID, Ore sis Mills! CLAUK & IS IKE IS I'UI'. New buildings, first-class surroundings, low rates of tuition, cheap board. For particulars apply to IIEMfcY L. BSXSN, al8tf Principal. The undersigned lias for sale the following Ileal Prop erty In Douglas Coun ty, State of Oregon: AFIHST-CLASS GRAIN FARM NEAR TTIK Town of Wilbur, coutai'iin' 3S4 acres. Ha ircoJ tlwelliiiu- hoiU'e and out-buiiiliiiijs. and a fine or national debt As a result the only of the great body of the people, ia or- EfShS? fcmdanow outstanding which are re- uer t,iat tne7 niay be protected f rem deemabie at the pleasure Of the govern- encioacunien iruiu every uivecuon. j which i8 ,,iow Iaild in cultivation, baianc. pas OF LAND NEAK THK TOWN SO acres river bottom, boUuet till .i Wfc.t.F .n Ju. ihn .?.- i ure; all fenced; well wtereu; nova luiprovemcnis went, are me inree per cenia., amount- i nd orchard. ing U $300,000,000, and the 4 per cumstances surrounding us, it i mett 8ECTI0N cento., wneunting to $250,000,000. that this expectation ought to be real- JV TKa 17S7 000 000 in 4 nar cents, are IZ6"- Qt gentlemen, without detain- fn6f(a(,uuu,uuy in psr cents., are i farm near -wilbub, contaixing 9i3 rtt narnW until nd 1507 rA- ing VOU further, I am ready to take the j acres; 125 acres in grain, the balance gplondid Otpayaie Until lOyi anu lU,re- e ' J . grazing laid. About 30O acres level, well watered nAnrivAl Tf rrj Riirnlus shall heraf oath OI Otnce prescribed OV the CeUStr and well imnrovfcd. The crop and 500 had of thp ppeCtlTeiy. AI ine SUrpiUS Snail nereai r . will be sold "with the land ii desired by puxcbaer,Rt tr teas large as the treasury estimates ation and laws, and proceed to complete a bargain. I , , T 1 I 9w indicate, the 3 per cents, may all organization 01 tna nouse. be redeemed at least four years before liie iron-clad oath was administered mj of th 4 J per cents, can be called b7 Kelley, the oldest member in eontin- ia. Tha latter, at the same rate of ac- U0U8 service, and Speaker Carlisle called cuahUton of surplus, can be paid at the house to order and il repreaenta- maturity and the moneys requisite for tivea came forward and qualified, th redemption of the 4 per cents will John B- CIark of Misawiii, who has be in the treasury many years before Deen a member for ten years, was chosen hwe obligations become payable. ckrk of the bou8e and John P. Leedom The aggregate amount of bonds new of Ohio, who was also a member of the on deposit in the treasury to support last house, was chosen sergeazit-at-arrc the national bank circulation, is about and J- G- Winteramith of Teis, door. 350,000,000. Nearly 200,000,000 keeper. Mr. Carlisle has served three of this amount consists of three per terms in Congress from Kentucky; was eent, which, as already stated, are horn and raised ia the district which payable at the pleasure of the govern- returned him to Congress; is 48 years went and likely to be called in within of aSe a Sood lawer and an bonesfc less than four years. right gentleman, and will make a good The foregoing admissions contained i Bl';,t'4-er' s HAmO PURCHASED THE ABOVE BAJ1EU mills ol E. Stephena and Co.,Ve are now pre pared to furnish any amount of the best quality of ever offered to the public in nong:la county. We will furniih at the mill at the following prices: No. 1 rough lumber .812 per M. No. 1 fl'Knt:sr, J inoh 4 per M. No. 1 floGfim;, 4-inch $'M jer M. No. 1 flnish'niK liiniber "2o ier M. No. I flnisliiiw luiabtr dressed on 2 siiles. .21 per M. No. 1 iliiistiiiij; lumber dressed on 4 sides, .io per 11. CLARKE & BAKER. iiiepora HOTEL. JL JJL UBSV -i.a.a. But Before UP Ton do That W. e. WOOBWAEB'S A FaRM NEAR Kt.WKCURU. CONTAINING 37a j. acres, all under feuc. Good farm or icraiuijf land. A FINE STOCK FARM CONTAINING 543 ACRES 12 milen from Uoo-burg; I'ii acres of food gnun land, at a bariri. A L ROE STOCK AND GRAIN FARM NEAR j Oakland, containing; 3230 acres. AtKUfc 700 acres plow land, well fenced and well watered. A STEAM SAWMILL AT DRAIN STATION ON CL Raiiroad. A FLOURING 2. ILL AT SCOTTSBURG. Tbis Popular House Situated n the cent ot the business portion of RoMburg, having racvntly changed hands, has been CO-MPIxETELY RENOVATED, And tWard for the reception ot guest. The dining room will be supplied with the beet the With grxxi attendance. As Mrs. Zig-ler has charge of the kiicben the cooking will be unexcejtionable. Rates reasonable, free coach to and from the railroad. LOU. ZIULUtt. AND BUY A NEW SET OF mi One of the biggest and best stock of goods ever brought to town nothing but the best leather and have got use A NO. ONE FLOURING MILL FOUR MILES from Oakland, on Calipooia creek. A NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS IN THE CITY OF Oakland. I will sell the above real property ou rea sonable fccrma. For full particulars enquire of J. C. HUTCHINSON, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon. AW T. I VI I III' I Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Eosehurg. :ERYTMS1G IN T Bont Fail to See Me! Lift w. o. w , Op. Tile Famous Unrivaled .Shaving anil Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike Marnier. Xotico oi " SAY ; CAM YOU SEE ? " in the President's message, demon strate the ruinous policy pursued by the Republican party in their partizan legislation of issuing the extended four per cent bonds, coupled with the protective- tariff, which locks up tho circu- Eepuhlican Ingratituda It seems to be a part cf Republican tactics for theii newspapers to abuse their leading luminaries so soon as they at (in flnwn nrl out. Thftlr Ipnrlinrr J -iames have been filled for tne last treasury vaults at the expense of the ... .. .. , , . " ' r . weefc with vituperation and abuse of laboring people and the ruination of . . ... - Keifer. To add insult to injury their trade, that monopolies may fatten and , . , jt,- r J leaders went so far a3 to demand of him grow rich off of the bone and smew of he should decine thQ em honor l&d peep C. I rancHH nnminfltion for Hnc.sikar an1 wlian Via incicforl rr raAAiutnra 1 - Th nrfir- V.i (Thth llnnorrooo I . . . o time-honored etiquette as due to the Th Donaocratic representatives 1 position he had occupied, many of the ave shown much good sense in choosing leading party organs go so far as to say ohn Carlisle speaker of the house of that "in the nomination of Mr. Keifer representatives. The unanimous sup- J for Speaker the Republican members of port he got in the Democratic caucus Congress have repeated the mistake Tks Eardman Hano, A sti'ictly first-class instrument at,, moderate price; Also Tli Popular' Pease Piano! JTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDER 1 signed n&a Hied his final account in the County Court for Douglas County, State of Oregon, jw admin istrator of tho estate of Elijah P. Connolly deceased, and the Judge of Haid County Court, by an order duly made and entered, has appointed ar.d fixed Monday, January 7th, 188-4, at ton o'clock A. m., for the heaiii of any objections, if any there be, to said final account and the settlement, of naid estate. By order of J. S. FlTZIIUtiU, Co. Judge. U.S. maksh, Administrator. Roseburr, Oregon, Oct. 20, 1S33. Heevakn &. Ball, attorneys for etate. SEE WHAT? WHY, THAT THE LEADING MERCHANT W. T. PEET, W. S. HUMPHREY, A. Y. HOVEY, II. C. HUMI'IIKEY. HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF DOUGLAS CO. BANK, Peet, Humphrey & Co. 3 . .TO L. BANCROFT & CO., 721 Market st, San Francisco, Sole agonts fcr Pacific Coas" Administratrix Koticc. rPRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS JL Draw sight drafts ou rortland, San New York and other points. pruic.paJ points in Kurope. Francisco, Bil)$ of exchange on "OTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT may concern, that the undersisned has been duly appointed by th County Court of Douirlan County, Oregon as administratrix cf the estate of J. M. M. Venable deceased, and has regularly qualified an such; now, therefore, all persons bavin? claims , Deposits Keceiyed Subject to Sight Check- FUSTE FARMS FOR .SA-LE. EVER BROUGHT TO ROSERURG! INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES5 DBJES3 GOODS,; Bhow. to the ceuntry at the cutset the which they made in his election two at fE FARM containing si and reform in lesislation which will be in- years ago, notwithstanding the em- SSts curat ed by the Democratic house phatic rebuke administered by the peo- niake J'e'iwte payment thereof; in J I I cunts to uii4ersiSrned and partnershijj durmj the present sessien. pie xn tne election list year. How Tha leetion of Mr. Carlisle to the this is ungenerous, unkind and cow- xalted position of gpaker is a promise ai-dly in"the extreme. Mr. Keifer is the country of a revision of the tariff the same intelligent, whole-souled gen- nd internal rrenue laws to a strictly erous individual that he was when individual ac- accountfi to Pr. J. E. Pace, of Oakland. ; Oakland, Oregon. Aucnist 25, 1883. JANE VENABLE, Administratrix. Hermans axd Ball, attorneys for estate. sl-5 reTtnue baais, and such ' chango in the civil service as will secure honesty and economy in the administration of the jorernnaent. The election of Mr. Car lisle is not a triumph for him but the principles which he represents, and jhowi thai there is healthy action in the body politic of the Democratic party, 0 A spirit of aggression that will secure ar the peopld freedom of choice and of tr&da, which will liberate them from the oppression of monopoly and give to the farmer, artisan and mechanic the ben efit ol bis own production. In the caucus Carlisle received 10G otaa oa first ballot, Randall 52 and Cx 28. Tho nomination of Mr. Car lisle w&a then saade unanimous. On Monday morning the house wg failed to order by the clerk McPerson. The roll call disclosed 316 members who imswered to their names. Tho nominatiqn of speaker being in rder, Geddis said: -'I nominate for speaker of this house of the forty-eighth jDongresK, Carlisle, a man acknowledged as pre-aminently qadlfied to fill the elected two years ago. He is no more responsible for the had legislation of two years ago, which received such a stunning rebuke from the people while the acts were treidi in their memory, than every other Republican member of Congress. The legislation which proved so ob noxious to the people waB strictly partisan legislation, and in its enact ment Mr. Keifer done nothing more than carry out his party principals, the same aa did every other Republican member of the last Congress, with but few exceptions. There is however, method in the mad ness of the Republican politicians in saddling their mistakes upon some prominent individual, and, directing public attention to him by vituperation and abuse thaf the party may escape from the odium, of its own acts. It not unfrequently happens that the indi vidual who is selected as the "scape goat" to carry away the sins of Ine party is selected in advance and well fattened for the sacrifice before the ti rade is opened upon him, and ia clothed O The Buyers' Guide b lab Bued March and Sept., each year: 21 pages, 8jxlU inches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole pic ture gallery. Gives whole Bale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or "family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mar kets of the world. "We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you, ' Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. . ar A 999 Wsfraa. A Tease, CMc II, . 391-00 Vios Bay Ioubc. Ua good dwelling, larce barn ;nd outhousee. with ' orchard and good gt den is wel fenced. A good sized creek omt tiu: ujh tne pmce, near tho houte and barn, ar 'eve ..vice, rolling- land.' Grain. grass and . 1 xenty of timber lor fuel, fencing and build rig urposes. Is a irood tavern atand, be- in? near t,hi fott of coast rane of mountains Toll gate and stage station adjoining. Climate healthy. water pure, leriiw, part cash and part on liberal line. ; OF THE YERY LA EST STYLES. GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' ALSO READY MADE 1 LOTHINGH ALSO ADJOINING A FARM OF 109 ACRES, with eood dwelling and barn and outbuildiwrs- with a bearing orchard One-half plow land and bal ance timber land, and all well watered. These farms will be old either tog-ether or seperately, to suit purchasers. Apply to Hermann & Call, Koseburg, Oregon. A LSO. 427 ACRE3 J.. NEAR TIIE TOWN OF Look in Glass, in Douglas county. li!5 acres of plow Und of the best quality, balance pasture land, with plenty of oak aud lir timber for fuel and fenc ing. AH WA'.erel, witn dwelling nam anil goud orchdi. f'nje il.OfH). 0:ie tiiousaud down, balance on easy term. A foe B'niple titie guaranteed, in quire oi& Hermann & la Koseburg, or A., r. liruwii Co., OuKlalU. For Sale. I Lave one span of good work horses and sotno others, ' which I offer for sale, JL CONN. SR. ings, and 500 choice fruit tree bearing. Prjce $6 per acre. Inquire of C H. Odon, on tha premises, or of IIbrmixm and Ball, attorneys, Roseburg. iO, A FARM OF 525 ACRES, SITUATED 11 X. mili northeat of Roseburg, in M-unt Scott pre cinct. One hundred acres -plow iand, the batanc Vi-rf o nf Flnnl of fl oniinf I good pasture land, well watered and all under good -i OliCt, Ol lliai at 111 CSMCHU fencerrienty of fir and oak timber for fencing and fuel. Good farm house and bam and other outoiuld- Ia the County Court p the Stats of Oregon for ths County of Douglas. In the matter of the estats of A. J. Downen deceased. -"VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN" designed administrator of tlie estate of A. i Downen djeeased, ha filtnl his fiiml account of his administration of said et.ita in the County Court of Dougla enmity. State of Oregon. Thv. said Court by an order duly made and entered therein on Fri day, the Cth day of October, 13S3, appointed Mon day, January 7, 1S84, at 10 o'clock . u. of said day, at the court room of said Court, in the court house in Roseburg, a time and place for hearing objection, if any there be, to said final account and the settlement of aid estate Thi notice ia published by Hon. J. S. 1'itzhugh, County Judce. F. P. HOGAN, administrator, i A. F. Camtekll, attorney for estat. i R.S.&J.C. SHERIDAN (Suocestors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, OUNS, CUTLERY, AND TINNERS FUR NISHING GOODS. . ' TIN STORE, ROSEKUiii;, Or. Having secured the aoove business, we are pre pared to keep up its former good name for work and prices. We hare the best of material and always full stock of goods on band and it is our aim to fur pish customers with first-class articles at live and let live prices. A full stock of Iron and Stoel For Sale. Dealers, from abroad will receive prompt attention. H. S. 4. C SHE Ki DAK. Do TVot TTail to Call antl Bxamino bkkm Stooltl Pis motto is Quick Sales and SmaJl FroJits." EememTDsr tho Plaoa, llor York Stors RossTayrg. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OR'GN. Tby would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the Largest Stocks of General' Hardware &ver oroujriit to uouvriat, r.nn wnen auieJ to their SiOVEa OF ALL PT TKKNS and HEADY MADE TIN V AUK, they art. prepared to declare they have the beta, sur-ply in the:r line of any house m Coukhern Oegon, which they propose can purchase elsewhere. In the shape of hu.ldinjr matenaJ 1;, the way c locks, butta, etc we can offer a perior inducements to purchasere. Try ns. ' We van nive you bargains in the foT jwinjf brands of atOTea, not equalled where Back's, Bonanza. Farmer. Utility. Dexter, Pacific, iide West Clarpiirfon TheLstof workmen arr constantly employed in the manufacture cf our Ttuwar. and buyers ehoald arn our prices. .; We have also tarapins to offer in. gone, such as Winchester, Sharp and "jtherTrHwi as well as in Shot-gun f and Plato's. We aie also Agenis for the White Peerles and New Home 8ewing MaclJne wbi - we sell at lowtpt rates and warrant as coniT)le tern every reapec ' " We can also supply Avcrill and Hubbor Paints, 11 e best in the mttrket, at. . lowest rate. Give us a call, inspect ur stock, Inquire aa to our nricee, nd w promise to suit J any one eao. ' ' 6HEHIDAN BKOa O T. W. MORGAN, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSES APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MARK'S & CO., OFFERS FOR SALE TnE FINEST VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER -- OFFERED I ROSE BURG, AT PRICES LOWER THAN THB LOWEST. CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY. A FINE ! SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY GOODS. CONCRETE PIPE. HEN'ttT GTERMAN AKD LOUIS BELFILff havs obtained tho riht for Ltourlas oounty lor laying Contiimous Concrete Pipe, for conrej-iny water, and Louis Belflls and George Protsman have obtained the right for JosophJna aad Curry counties, and will sell farmer individual riruu and lay pipe at the cheapest flifures. Any six froM li to 22 inches furnished. This pipe U much Cheaper than Wood, lronv or Load t It is also well suited for Irrigation or Mining purpose , andean be laid any distance without joints. US Best in tlie -world- Get the genuine. Every package has our trade. mark and ia marked Tracer's. SOLD EV ERYWHERE. nS5-l NOTICE. " HAVING DISPOSED OF OUR BUSINESS IJf this place to Messrs. Chenoweth, Stearns C., we desire to return to the public our sincere thanks for their patronage in the past and ask that they will fvr the new firm wiih a continuance of the Bam, and as we defire to close up all of our outstanding book accounts, we would request all parties owinjr us to come forward at once and settle up, either bv cash or note. All accounts unsettled January 1," Wd4, will be placed in the hards of an attorney for collse tion. Take due notice and save costs. R. SMITH and CO. Oakland, Or., November 17. 18S3. NOTICE. XTOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN tha my son John XI Lewis has left home and that after this dte all persons are warned not to trust him on my account, as I do not claim any of hi wajres nor will not pay ot his billH. J4US.C. McRAJm . Ootoberft, 1335. r