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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1883)
I- -I " " " ' ' THE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24; 1883. Tlie Civil Eights Decision. The opinion of the Supreme court of the United States in deciding the civil rights bill unconstitutional, has given i full recognitien and .effect to the doc trine '.of State rights, in it3 entire scope. Tbe decision should forever si- lence tho cavil of political shyster? who chiim there is anything dangerous to our institutions in a full recognition of State sovereignty. Those cavilers for strong, centralized government, yhere State lines are obliterated, should for ever hold tl oir peace. This decision of a Jletmblican uupreme court recojt- aiz3 in its fullest and most compre hensive acceptation"1 the doctrine of the trict construction of the delegated rovers contended for by the Demo- 1 eratic fathers. The decision holds that the pillars of our institutions rest up on the broad and fundamental juinci ple that a 'sovereign State has a right under the constitution to regulate its orn domestic sifairs, without, inter ference from the national government. It recognizes the fct that individual rights an privileges belong to the people'in J.heir sovereign capacity! of State governments. The decision is in itself a guaranty of the perpetuity, Strength and beauty of our institutions, and proves that the judiciary is a. check jpon hasty partisan actionby the leg; islatJve or executive departments; cf cur government, aud'that safety to our !f institutions lays in a court well versed iuthe constitution and laws. , "Bkck Bart " Sentenced- A Mokelumne Hill, C jl., dispatch of HTTeniber 17ih says: Charles E. Bol- on was brought before the Superior court of this county to day,, Hon. C. V. Gottschyll presiding for the ar raignjuent, and after the information had been read to hiui by the clerk, he entered a plea of guiity and waived time for pronouncing judgment. I Be- fore sentence was passed Bolton tnade - - m I a statements the court He denied bing "Black Bart," and declared that this was hia first and should be his last offente against the law. He said that clrcunmances over which re nad no entrol had urged him to the commis sion of the crime,' and that he had yielded to temptation after several struggles. He implored the mercy of th court. The court thereupon,1 after ttatincr to tho prisoner the crime of which he stood sell-convicted, and giv ing him a few words of admonition? entenced him to-six years' imprison ment at San Quntin. A "Washington dispatch says: Sher SianY speech to the boys in New York handed a around, read and comment . ed on in a way that may be said to be significant, in the usual way of putting ' it The soldier element in politics is yreW nigh eliminated, but for a consid erable tini there has existed an effort to try to revive it with Sherman, This, despite the fact that he declared ii t i lit- i it war, ue wianea to pe jet aione, ana nis intention to live henceforth quietly among his friends. It is perfectly well known that he is not averse to the nomination. The General himself, in hia Epeech to the boys, has done not a little to promote it Tha purpose has Actual body with life in it. The pro moter! of the idea hold that, as the time hai come when the Presidential question. roust be dealt with, and there var no prominent Republican or Demo cratic leaders who can rally the coun try, they believe the idea of putting Jura on the Presidential ticket is not an impracticable one. Old soldiers, including not a few Confederates, will rally for hijn as a candidate, and that -Republicans anc sundry fragmentary organizations, inarching under diverse burners, will center on him. Ihe prohibition idea seems to be op. rative in Florida, nd in many parts ef that State no liquor can be had for ither money or influence. The consti tutionality of the recent enactment for bidding license for the salo of liquor, has been, affirmed by the Supreme oourfc, anjl the people of any election 4iatrict may declare absolute prohibi l&om when they choose to. JLn eastern paper interviewing Gen eral Sherman has the following: J'Ac fidpt a Presidential nomination? No, fir; not much. Don'tyou supposa I know what it means if .they nominate fuel The politicians don't care any thing abolit me j and' if they should nominate me it would only be because hey thought the.? couldn't win with any one else. I've got too old to be made a cat's paw of by politicians. I fcave had a good office, been for years at the head of my profession, have am ple provision for the rest of my days, nd I don't think I'd sell myself out for that bauble." The present ruler of China is 13 1 years of age. lie toddkd up to the .throne at the ne of four voars. 0ciai Vot3 cf Ohio- Tbe Democratic majority in Oliio at tho October elecion, as shown by tbe official count, is: TOR GOVERNOR. Georgo lloadler, d.. Jos. B. Foraker, r,.... 359,693. 347,163. Iloadley's majority 12,530. SUPREME JUDGE. Martin D. Follett, d.. .360,402. Wm. II. Upson, r. . 346,431. Follett's maj . .. ... 13,971. MEMBER BOAHDCF PUBLIC WORKS. I .TnTin P. d - . 360.707. Leo yeitz r : 346,806. Martin's maj....... 13,901. Cannot our contemporary - figure out some Republican consolation from those figures It succeeded in claiming a llepublican triumph issue, for New York . . - in last week's in November, - when the average Democratic majority is more than twice .what it was in Ohio i in October. John S. Barbour of Virginia, regard ing Mahone's address, savs: We all unite in saying that Mahone's address is a monstrous outrage upon our peo ple. Rut the Democratic State com- A - . mittee will meet at Richmond Thurs day next, when an authoritative an swer will be made. Until then Demo crats of V lrgima have asiceu a suspen sion of public opinion from friends at the north. The principal aspirants for Speaker tb(J Hous-of . Representatives are Cox of New York, Randall of Penn sjlvania, and Carlisle of Kentucky. The latter will be elected, as ha repre sents the free trade element of then U0US9. , - The New Vork World is surprised because Mr. Eeecher delivered a speech in Brooklyn the other night and said nothing about politics, but as Mr. Bcecher often preaches sermons and says nothing about religion, perhaps the matter is not astonishing, says the Chicago Times, jSTOTIGE. ! HAVING DISPOSED OP CUR BUSINESS IN thin place o Messrs. Chenoweth, Stearns & Co., we dwire to return to tho public our sincere thanks for their patrcnase in the past and ask that they will i;iVr ua new mm wi.u bkiuiiiuuw vi emi, and as we defir to cloe up all of our utstandinjf boik acconats, we would reTuest all parties owltif us to come forward at once and settle up, either by cash or note. All accounts unsettled January l, 1SS4, will be placed in the hards of an attorney lor collec tion. Take due notice and save costs. IV SMITH and CO. Oakland. Or., November 17, 1883. -. " PATENT METAUIC '' FOR -tASira Asa arssEs Boot and Shoe Ucds. Prevents rnnulEg over roaring off oa tho DE3. Absolutely Pure. For Sale. I have one span of good work horses and some others, which I offer for sale. H. CONN, SPv. Notice of Final Settlement. la the. County Court of tlie Stato o Oregon for the County of Davglan. In Uie matter of the estate of A. J. Dowuen deceased. . TmCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TTIAT THE UN Xi dersk'ned administrator of tho estate of A. J. lownen deceased, has tiled his final account of his administration of aiid estate in the County Court of Dourfa" county, State of Oregon. That said Court by an order duly made and entered therein on 1 ri- day, the fth day or uctooer, issa, appomtea Mon day. January 7. 1334, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the court room of sajd Court, in the court house in Koseburj, a time and place for hearing objections, if any there bo, to naid hnal account anil the sett lement of said estate This notice is puoiisnea oy Jtion. j. S. Fitzhugh, County Jude. F. P. IIOGAN. administrator. A.' F., attorney for estate. Xotice of Final Settlement. TN TOE COUXTY COURT OF THE STATE OF Orezoti for the County of Douslas. Notice hertby given that the undersigned adndnistrator of the estate ol Joseph tisbertr oeceasea, has mea m the aboe entitled court hu flnaJ account of the ad' ministration of said estate. That said Court, by an order duly made and entered therein oa October 5th, 1S83, appointed Monday, January 7, 1SW, at 10 o'clock a. H. of said day, at the Court room of naid Court, a time and place for hearing ob jections, if any there be, to said final acount aiid the settlement of said estate. Thi notice U published by order of lion. J. s. 1 itzhtigh. County Judge. O. K. P. CAIN, Administrator. Dated at Roeebur,;, Oregon, Oct. 20, 1883. Hebmass asd IiAit, attorneya for estate. Notice ol Settlement VT0T1CE IS nERF.BY GIVEN THATTHE UNDER J3i signed ias filed his final account in the County Court for Douglas County, State of Oregon, as admin istrator of the estate of Elijah P. Connolly decease, and the Judge of said County Court, by an order duly made ana entered, b.n apuinted and fixed Monday, January 7th, 1S84, at tm o'clock A. - for the heating of any objections, if any there be,, to caij final account and the settlement of t-aid estate. Uyordtrof J. S. FITZlIUuH, Co.' Judge. " H. S.- MAKlIt AdujiuhATAtor. Koseburg, Oregon, Oct. 20, VHS. IlEiuuyK & atxraeys for estate. ' DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, Koseourg- The propretor of this well kn wn and popular resorVivonld thaub htatfriends tor their I ibe al patronage in tbe past and would ak for a continuance of be same in tbe future, Tbe public js infrined that 1 keep none bat the best brand r wires, Jiquora anu cigars and that I sell over the bar tbe eele bratd JeSie Moore & Co.' Keiituoky Whiskies A irood billiard table will be found in tbe saloou; also the leaJing pauers of the world. Creek Mill ! CLARK & H AVISO PURCHASED THE ABOVE NAMED mills of E. Stephens and Co., we are now pre pared to furnish auv amount of the beat quality of over offered to tho public in Douglas county. We w-U furnish at the mill at tho following prices: No. 1 rough lumber -12 per M. No. 1 flooring, Oilieh S'i per M. No. 1 flooring, 4-inch.-. ..S2tt per M. No. 1 finishing lumber. .820 jer-M. No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 8idea..$24 per M. No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on i sides. .$2ti per if. CLARKE & BAKER. IP -w VI. TS NOW PREPARED TO DO ANY 1 kinl of work iu his line. Headstones and Monuments of all descriptions, at -very low prices and warranted to give ample sat isfaction. W. T. PEET, W. S. HUMPHREY, A. Y. HOVEY, II. O. HUMPHREY. DOUGLAS CO. BANK, Pcct, Humphrey & Co, rPRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. X Draw sL'ht dntftd on Portland,-- San Francisco, New York anil other points. Bills ol exchanife ou principal ponita in Kurope. Deposits Eeceived Subject to Bkht Check- T FAS.MS FOE : SALE, 4V jl linfi frsr cola Jl Ally lil.lll l iSlnUVU AiUtJ IU1 the following Real Prop erty in Douglas Coun ty, State of Oregon: iV To t Town of nilbur, coutarunir 314 acres. Has a g.od dwelling liodse.aud oiit-buikiinus, and a fine or- cnara; an-wc-u ionceu ana watereu; zau acres in grain. A desirable home and very cheap. ONE FAK51 CONTAINING 352 ACRES, 125 OF Which is plow lund in cultivation, balanco pas ture; all fenced; w-ell watered; good improvements and orchard. ONE SECTION OF LAND NEAR THE TOWN of Scottsbunr; SO acres river bottom, balance 1.111 and timber land. A FARM NEAR WILHUR, CONTAINING 823 acres; 2o acres m gram, tlie balance splendid srrazinir land. About 300 acres level, well watered and well improved. The crop and 500 htad of beep will be nuld with the land if desired by purchaser, at a bargain. A FaRM NEAR UUrSKBUUO, CONTAINING 323 J. acres, ail unjler fence. Uool farm or grazing land A FINE STOCK FARM CONTAINING 640 ACRES 12 niiiefrom Koseburg; 125 acres of good grain land, at a oai-gain. A LRGE STOCK AND GRAIN FARM NEAR Oakland, containing 3230 acres. Abfut 700 acres plow land, well fenced and well watered. A ST El. lUili STEulM SAWMILL AT IRAIN STATION ON Uilroad. FLOURING KILL AT SCOTTSBURG. A NO. ONE FLOURING MILL FOUR MILES from Oakland, on Calipooia creek. , Anu: Oak MBER OF TOWN LOTS IN THE CITY OF Oakland. I wjll sell the above reai property on rea sonable terms. For full particulars enquire of J: C. HUTCHINSON, - Oakland, Douglas County. Oregon. The Famous Inrivaled ' Tha Sardnan Piano, . A' strictly first-class instrument at moderate price; Also The 'Popular. Pease Piano! A. L. BANCROFT & CO., 721 SJ.trkct st, San Francisco, Sole agents fcr Pacific Coasf Administratrix Notice. "VTOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM" IT Dl may concern, that th undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of PouerlM County, Oregtyi as administratrix of the estate of J. M. M. Venabie deceased, and has regularly qualified as such; now, .herefore, all persons having claims against paid estate are notified to present the same, duly verified, within six months from date hereof, to the undersigned, at her residence in Oakland, Ore gon, and all persons owing said estate are required to make immediate payment thereof; individual ac counts to Uhdersiirned and partnership accounts to Dr. J. E. Page, of Oakland. Oakland, Oregon. August 25, 1R83. JANE VENABLK, Administratrix. Herman and BAtt, attorneys for estate. sl-S The Btjter3 Gtjtde is 1 sued March and Sept., each year: 216 page 8jrll I inches, with over 3.300 illustrations a whole pic tore gallery. Gives whole eale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or family use. Telia how to order, and gives exact cost of every-thing-yon use, eatj drink, wear, or have, fun with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mai kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. i til it 999 Wsbw Aveoroe, dOwc 1ft j nff JM A f ) FARMERS, LOOK! FOR TUB BEST WKAKIXa 00 For men and boj 9 and thomoqt durable shoea lniuaes aiid children, try the celebrated for IH02T-C LAD GOODS Manufactured by PORTER, SLE83IN JIER, & CO. Sn Pmnnivn. Thev are traaranteed to trive satis faction. Will not break iii the back or rip in the si.l. All Pofxl of this manufacture made by white men. No Chinamen employed,' tor Bale by FLOFT) & CO. BOOTH lv(W. E. O. YOUNG ROSEBURG. 'ONCALLA. OAKLAND KETROPOUTArJ SALOON, i McCULLOOH & CO. ONLY THE BEST BRANDS OF ' ' Wines, X-iiois fc Cigars Kept on hand, and customersV.ll find this a pleasant place of resort, tjtve me r call. S3" One door south of the Metropolitan Hoter JAMBS :DAHLXNGt. ikd-'P Blacksmith and Farrier, ! -OAKLAND. OH; And well-known to the people would respectfully announce that do all kinds ot work iu his line and faction. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Any farmer havinc a nlowM to sharpen or machinery to repair will do well to trive me a call at my old htand. I have a fall stock of trou r.nd slseel, and havinar purchased the same at a low price, can do work, so far as prices are concerned, cheaper than any wno will attempt competition, j JAS. PEARLING, i uaKianu, tjreon. HBTB0PIII1TAN HOTEL. Tliis Popsilar House . I - Situated n the center of the business portion of Roseburg, having recently chaued hands, has been COMPLETJELY RENOVATED, And prpard for;th reception of aruestf. The ditiuig room will be supplied with the best the MARKET AFFOllDS With good attendance. As Mrs. Ziifler has charge of the kitchen the cooking will .be unexceptionable. Hates reasonable. Fre coach to and from the railroad. . i i , LOU. ZIuLEK. i j CUV CU UU Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Eoseburg- Shavinsr anil ISair Cutting in a Workmanlike Marnier. R.S.&J.C. SHERIDAN (Successors to Tho3. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARDWARK, TINWARE, STOVES, UUS, CUiLKV, A.NU TLNKEKS iUtt GOODS. I - . TIX ST021I2, KOSEBSIRG, Or. Having secured the aoove buwmess, we are pre pared to keep un its former good name for work and prices. We have tho best of material and always a full stock of goods on hand and it is our aim to fur nish customers with first-cliss articles at live and let live prices. A full stock ol Iron nl Stool ITo SjvIo. i - " Dealers froni abroad will rm eive prompt attention. K. 3. & J. C, KUEK1UA3. ;EUY THE tT3IPQ5JA VALLEY IHILLSr THE' BEST IX THE 32AEKET! Address A. W. Stearns, Can- yoimile, Oregon. XIjSTE pakms FJORDS FABM CONTAINING 431 AND 391-00 J acr acres. 18 miles from Koseburjr, on the Coos Bay stage road, and known as tbe "Eighteen Mile House." Has good dwelling:, larcre barn -nd outhousee, with orchard and good garden is we I fenced. A good sized creek o s t ir u'h toe piace, near the house and barn. ar 'eve r -xnce rolling1 land. Grain, grass and t jcnty of timber for fuel, fencing and build ng urposes. Is a good tavern Rtand, be ing near th foot of coast raiifre of mountains Toll gate and stage station adjoining. Climate healthy, water pure. Tonus, part cash and part on liberal inie. : A1 ISO ADJOINING A FARM OF 199 ACRES, with eood dwelling and barn and outbuildmgs- with a bearing orchard One-half plow land and bal ance timber land, and all well watered. These farms will be sold either together or separately, to suit purchasers. Apply to . Hermann & Call, Koseburg, Orejjon. A1 THE TOWN OF Lookinsr Glass, H Douglas county. 125 acres of plow land of the best quality, balance pasture land. with plenty of oak and fir timber for fuel and fenc ing. All well watered, with dwelling barn and good orchad. Price $4,000. One thousand down, balance on easy terms. A fee simple titli gnarantoed. En quire of& Hermann & Ba Koseburg, or A... F. Browu Co., Oakland. A -50, A FARM OF 525 ACHES, SITUATED 11 J. miles northeast of Boseburg, in M"unt Scott pre ciuct. One hundred acres plow loud, the balance good pasture land, well watered and all under good fence. Plenty of fir and oalt timber for fencing and fuel. Good farm house and barn and other outbuild ings, and 600 choice fruit trees bearing. Trice $d por j acre. Inquire of C H. Oden, on the premises, or of j Hermans auu ttAhh, attornej s, ttoseourg. . Bissolution Xotkc. mHE COPARTNERSHIP HEUETOFOUE EXIST JL ing between K. 1 . McCulloth tnd M. A. F.rentano of the firui of K MeCulloch and this day dis- j solved by mutual consent. . l . ixet.mucn remains .; j in the busine s and will f-eltle all liubilities, and col- '' lect all o itstandiiiif accouurs oum toe arm, ai. A. lirentano retiriiiif from the busfiies.x. K.T.KaULLOCU. i TS, of Douglas counv. I .- T"S he is prepared to guarantees satis- I r Y Y I- mm i -1 JL.OUIS BEL.FIL.S, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER Roseburg, Oregon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER TN WAJCIIES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY "A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SPEC TACLES, OF ALL KINDS. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget the old stand of L. B2I.riI.S. HENRY L. BE&SON, A. M. MISS ANNA E. DEISENDOFFER, - DR. J. W. STRANGE, - -MJSS ADDIE E. SMITH, - - New buildings, first-class surroundings, low rates of tuition, chean board. For particulars apply to L. B&XSON, - alStf IITC M efope '51';' W. . WOOBWAED'I AND BUY A Oue of the biggsst and best stock of nothing but the best p81 IYTHI Do lit Fail "BAT., CAN fairness a SEE WHAT 1 - WHY, THAT THE LEADING MERCHANT f o www HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF fct? EVER BROUGHT TO R0SEBURG ! INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' DBjUSS GOODS, OF THE VERY LA EST STYLES. ALSO GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' READY MADE , LOTHING! Do TVotlTtiilto Call find Etamino Uist Stoclcl Pis motto is Quick Sales ami Small .frolics." Eemssi'bsr the Plaeo. ITew York Store, P.oso'burg. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce that they have just Largest Stocks of Ever bronglit to Donurla, nfl when TKltNS and HEADY MADB TINWAUR, L-s supply in their line ot any house uir ki rii l C can purchaae elsewherH. In ,he eliape of buildinj? materials ; the way t aur-vrior inducements to nurcliaeers. Titus. We t&D cive you bargaing in the to', iwinflr brands of stoves, cot eqnalled else whrre Buck's, Bonanza. Farmer Utility. Dexter, Pacific, ide WeBt. Clarendon: Occrdei Iroii Kinvr, Empire Oity, and other stoves and ranges. The b.-st of workmen ar constantly employed io the manufacture rr our Tin war-. and buyers should (earn onr prices. We have alB'i taratjins to offer in gnns, such as Winchester, Sharp and ther B te?t f.s w I hs in Shot-unf and I'isto's v - V Hie also Aireis for th White Peerles and New Home Sewing Macl ixi sruci we sell at lowest rates and warrant ascouinle te in every respect. We can alao suppTy - - - j . . - -. vcrill 'J e t'8t in tht nihrkt. at . lowest ratef. tiive us a call, i aspect ur atock, inquire as to oux priceu, and w promise to suit aJ aayone cau, , - . ! BHEK1DAN pKOa Coos Bay STAGE LINE! THROUGH TO A Coos Bay in 38 Hours, This line Is now prepared to carry passengers and freight, being supplied with comfortable stages and and. careful drivers. Sfcaire leave lioseburjf every morning at six o'clock. Otlice si - II AIILTON 'S DR UG STORE. Fare to Coos Bay $5. . SALISBURY, HAILY &CO.. Tr. Principal. Assistant. Principal Commercial Department. - Music Teacher. " Principal. Ton do Tiia,t 3 111 NEW SET OF goods- evftr brought to town. I use leather andhave got LIN mini m to Ses Hoi T8i TOU SEE? 55 lis received and now have on hand one of the Genorar Hardware added to their STOVES OF ALL PAT they are prepared to declare they in Jr?oui,heru Oregon, which they have th propose tb&s ahy mm ,, locke, butta, etc, we can offer Y UP &m -J- r: PS Of. 3 R"fi t3"a and Hubbir Psiints, mm HAVING PURCHASED A COM PLETE . ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL' MERCH!WD!SE WILL SELL THE SAMS CHL'AP FOR CAGaj PRICE LIST: Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per tm-J. Corsets, 50 cents. Genuine kid glove.s, 75 per pair.1 Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 lbs. for $1. Persian Casbmere, 25 cents per yard. Suitings, 12 cents per yard. Fine Fapanese teas, 45 cents pr lb. Six spools silk thread, 25 cents. Other articles in proportion. v My motto iscasli sales & small proSU. F, P. IIOGAN. T. W. MORGAN, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSES APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MARK'S i CO., OFFERS FOR SALE THE FINEST VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED I ROSE - BURG, AT PRICES ' LOWER THAN THB LOWEST. CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY. A FINE - SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY GOODS. CONCRETE PIPE. HENUY GATERMAN AND LOUIS 8ELFIU have obtained the right for Douglas pouatjtot laying Continuous Concrete Pipe, for conveying water, and Louis BelCls and Gsoore Protsinan have obtained the right for Josophins aad Curry counties, nnd will sell farnor individual rirt and fay pipe at the cheapest figures. Any sise froos 1J to 22 inches furnished. This pipe is much Cheaper tlian Wood, iron or Lead 1 It is also well suite I for Irrigation or Mining purps andean be liid auy distance without joints e Gs?es.De! jS.t in tho world- Getth. e)Bl. Evprv T acLapo ha. our and ia marked Fraser'.. SOLO CV. XKTWHXRE. buy cxNxry CANYONViLLE MILLS OUR THIS FLOUR IS MANUFACTURED FROM ONLT thobertof wheal. I have for sale a'.so Brant Shorts, whI Middiiuca, Ciicjn. llaius, Lard, etc- WW A WW ITU- tured la tlw most s- ientiac manner, rurcuaae -io tse a fowar to Inspect my stock at the Canyon vi, 1 f V-'. ...