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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1883)
THE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1883. The Contest in Ofcio. The olection in the Sjate of Ohio, es pecially in the year preceding the pres idential election, ia a matter of great in terest to ,thj country at large, for the reason that the result of the latter con test depend in a great degree upon the expressed opinion of that great Sjtate. The ' present contest therefore ia watched by the statesman of the coun-j try with more than ordinary anxiety. The Republican convention was divided on the subject of the liquor traffic, and hat part of their platform was so framed jthait it displeased the prohibi tionist while i gained no yotes from the conservative members. Jn order o divert attention from this vexatious question the convention declared for a is protection tariff. There aro no Con gressmen to be elected from Ohio tliis yeaf1aiVfhequclOttras ih abstract one, but the leaders hoped by its dis,7 pussion jtp distract attention from the Jiquor question and to unite the party under the old wi.r cry. The same pol icy dictated the nomination of Mr. Foraker for governor, a young man of ability but who had no public record to explain. The action of the Democratic convention which met last week at Col umbus was in striking contrast with $ho wavering policy of their opponent!? On the liquor question, which at this election is the absorbing one, it de clarcd agaiust sumptuary legislation m pvery form, in favor of Jthe largest lib. orty of private conduct consistent with hs public welfare and th,e rights of pthcrs and of regulating the liquor Jaffic and providing against the evils resulting therefrom by a judicious and properly , graded license system. On he question of the tariff it was equally put spoken and emphatic. It declared hat all taxes collected beyond what is necessary to carry on the govern ment was robbery of the people, and .hat the tariff should be for revenue onry. The candidate for governor is JuuEre Ueo. 11. Iloftuier. a sound statesman, a brilliant orator and of unimpeachable character. The success of the Democratic ticket s no longer a matter of .controversy. It is already coneeded by the Republi cans who strive to parry the weight of the blow by declaring that it will have no effect whatever upon the presiden tial election. Let them lay the flatter jag unction to their souls. The next President of the United States will as pertainly be a Democrat and will be pht next governor of Ohio. "5 with the piineral The Mercury's informant in last week's issue under the above caption was wrong in stating that " One lady who was compelled to do sewing in or der to make her living was incarcer ated in the city jail because of her fail ure to pay the sum stated." The facts are that an ordinance had Josg b,een in force in the city of Rose, burg requiring a license of tea dollars for dressmaking and also a license of ten dollars for carrying on the business of milliner. The lady in question was engaged in the business of dressmaking pnly, and in order to test the validity of a tax upon her labor refused to pay the license fee. A complaint was made by the Marshal and a warrant issued fyr her arrest by the Recorder. The matter was compromised by the Jady paying the license fee under the promise from the City Trustees that they would refund it at their next regular meeting, which they accordingly did and rr pealed that part of the ordinance relating to dressmaking, where no goods aro sold as merchandise. The statement of the Mercury's informant that the lady was incarcerated in the jcity jail, is without any foundation. Pt the City Trustees retained the part pi the ordinance referring to milliners and exact the license of young ladies engaged in that business, when every mercantile house in the city are engaged selling millinery goods without pay ing tbis special tar. The city fathers are truly to be pitied for the magna nimity they have shown in this matter, n taxing these young ladies for their Ijoedle-work. Tariff for Revenue Only. Notwithstanding the desire of the Republican leaders to escape the issue, they saay as well make their minds up 9 the fact that the next Democratic national platform will have one sound plank in it, a tariff for revenue n r7iT7ause it is right and the great party of jthe people cannot afford to do ptherwise. In all the State platforms where be -Democracy made the most unprecedented gains," in Jast October and November elections, there was an 'emphatic declaration that they favored 0, tariff for revenue only The Republican leaders may as well make their minds up to the fact that they will be forced to meet the issue, and it will not be 9. mere local question, c$s V". THE HOODLUM. Seme weeks since we perpetrated, through our columns a definitia of " hoodlum," and to out utter conster nation man persons, eapeciallj among the young and rising generation, took the matter home to themselves. Many have been the importunities to know exactly who was intended by the al lele. As it was but a sample defini tion of a class of beiDgs we are unable to point out any one in particular. Since the term "heedlum" is under stood by many persons as-being appli cable only to the young, we take this present'opportunity to state that this a great mistake. Children fresh roni the hand of nature, have none f he "hoodlum" in their . composition. The Original Sin. does not Consign US tO I . , i nat state oi utter depravity mamiest by the outer actions of the genuine From whence comes this evil and 1 I how is it to be met and eradicatftdl It is a malignant Contagion, festering On me ooay onue, wrecsing tne lives oi .... i- .. ... . , many of the young and rising genera tion, destroying the peace and tappi ne3s of homes, dismembering families and throwing society into a chaotic state. The young catch it from the example set them by older persons licly parade their nasdness before thei children, they cannot expect their lives lobe pure and undefiled. When an old gray-haired father will lead his son irom tue siaewaiK to a saloon oar to guzzle down a villainous compound, amid the fumes of tobacco, the stench of "ffin," and tlie curses, soncs and rougtl ICSES OI a arUUKen nib we. ne Can- . , . ,1., . , - , I aot expect tne boy tO grow Up a SOber : J, -i: i Or lnaUStl'lOUS CltlZen. wi,ln it. mntUa. :iT 1i- I VVnen tilO mother Will neglect her in aimless wanderino- or in tha narlnr ia ainuess wanaenng, or in ine parlor amusing the nnnii o dro- wlnla k. fT? infanf 1 a 1Airap nun kitchen bv the Chinese heln. ah. can- not expect that love r nd affection which go to make the perfect bliss of home life. When the mother before the eves of the daughter publicly parades her- - 1 sen in trie marts 01 vanity J? air and innocently indulges in the. little, harm less (?) amusement of flirting, she can-;,ia rt ta; . 1 .A , greo 01 wumaaiy aignity wnicu nature aesignea tuey snouia. To obviate the condition to which society is drifting, older persons should r.fnrm fW0W TW ol,l , . 1 . uw.Y. wi uppvuBuoe ot evu in xneir own actions and the younger members of society will readily conform them- selves to a mora correct standard, and the world will grow wiser as well as better. 8YIHPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVEH. Iios3 of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain n th Head, with a dull eensetion ia the back Dart. Fain trader the Shoulder blade, fullness alter eating, vnth a disia- cii usitKjjji vo e;ruua.ti uuuy or uuaa, Irritability q tatnpar, TjOW spirits, with s feohes of harinss ne sleeted tome duty. Wearinoss, Dissziaess, Fluttering st the r . r..-t..f i L T.i 1 Heodache generally ovar the right eye. iiesLiewnesg, xnin cuui orcains, msmj colored Urine, aad Kismet--- wwjwargnawiBa llirs are especially adapted to ch rjasoB, oue doso effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. Tiiey Im-waao (!)" Appetite, And cause tb bq.1y to Tube on n5, thus the eystt-ra Is tixirt3;U. an't y thfir Tnnle Action 011 the IlffeBtlr- rsai'-, Ecjrular Slitcl are pro duced. Price ceuts. 33 flZurt-a,? St, H. Y. CM ?? 61 Si 'a neii Gray Haul oe Wittrtckhs chantrert to a Glossy Black by a single application of tbis Dyk. It Im parts a natur&l color, acts I nstuntancousl v. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of Jl. orrtcE. zi ncaBA.? ktm stew tobk. CDr. Ttrrs of Tla,l,l. UftmnatioB aadX CmIU 8i Ulb Bail f&as u UartlaaJ ELDORADO SPRINGS. Te il'persons suffering with any nasal ca tarrh affection of the throat or stomach, I will Btnte that last Fall that myself and mem- bers of my family were Buffering with ca. tarrh in the head and myself with an affec- tion of the stomach. That I purchased a galon of the mineral water taken from the spring on the bouth Umpqna, 3 miles west of Roseburg, of ,G. M. Jones, Dr. Hamilton agent, and can testify that both myself and family have received great benefits from its use. My son Andrew "VVillia was suffering very much from nasal catarrh and by the use of this water has entirely recovered and is now well. I can unhesitatingly recom mend it as the- best medicine I have used in my family for any of the above named com plaints. Rev. W. A. Willis. MGTH0P0LITAN This Popular House Sita&ted n the center of the hnsiness portion! of Roaeburg, having recently changed hands, has been COMPLETELY RENOVATED, And prepared for the reception of guest, dining room will be supplied with the best the The MAREET -AJFJETORDS With good attendance. As Mrs. Zigler ha cha giof the kitchen the cooking will be ooexcepUonabU. Kates reasonable, jfre eoach to and front the railroad. - L0y.,ZUiSB. W OTI R.S.& J. C.SHERIDAN (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEA1ERS IK HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES' UUNS; CCTLERY, AND TINNERS FUR ; , ; NISO OOODS. TIX STOSE, ROSEBURC, Or. Bavin? secured the aoove business, we are pre pared to keep up its former good name for work and prices. We have the best of material and always a full stock of goods oil band ftnd it is our aim to fur nish customers with first-class articles at live and let live prices, A full stock of Iron and Steel JToir Sale. Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. K. s. S J. C. SHEKIDAJS. JAMES DEARXZNG, Blacksmith and Farrier, OAfDLANIK OR; would respectfully announce that be is prepared to KnA wH.1rnnwTt tft the rwvmle or Doutrlaa countv. do ail kinds oi wont in nis uno ana guanuiiees sans faction. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY "P wU1 ttu weK to flve mo m old stand. I ve MI stock of iron and steel, and harins purchased the same at a low price, can do work, no 1 as prices are concerned, cheaper tHan any who ... r. , J AS. DEARLING, Oakland, urvjfon. R. B. THOMPSON, I K. H. THOMPSON, B. J. DE HART. WJl. HONEYMAK Thompson, Be Hart & Co, Importers anc Dealers in Uj - -j 184 Firt St. & 173 & 175 Front St Portland, Oregon. Carriage Hardware, Etc- Administrator's Xoticc. SALE OF REAL ESTATK 1 Buance of an order of the County Court of Dousr las County, Oregon, entered therein on the second day of April, 18S3, the undersigned, administrator of the estate oi Woodson lattcrson, aeceasea, win, on Sotnnlav. th nth Hav of Aumist 18S3. at 1 o'clock P. M. of 3aid day sell on the premises to the highest bid- der tor cash, the following described real estate of t: The south nan oi tne norm land claim of Abraham Patter 80,1 and wife ing claim No. 40, in townahip No. Ug iBouth of 8 west ot tne wuiainette meridian, bmuw iuugugnroupij, ura., wwiu..K iw.w 1 nossession riven after harvest . J- A- kirkendall, administrator, I Herman sc. Ball, attvs. for estate &ne 23, iss3. JONES' MINERAL WATER! Testimonials From Prominent CitiZCUS Of KoseDurg ! For the benefit of those suffering witn catarrn 1 win state tnai x navo been afflicted with that disease for the lagt three years an(J aftering various remedies without anv benefit, was finally induced to try the Eldorado Mineral Water, from the spring of 150. V v , tiones, wnicn 1 wm s-ate naa effacted a cure, and I have no hesita ti in recommendin2 it to those suf faring with a like complaint. J S. if itzhugh, County J udge of Douglas county. April 1000. G. W. Joes. Sir: During last Summer I was suffering with consti ipated bowels and, general ill health. I procured two bottles of mineral wa ter and used it and am entirely cured I have no hesitation in recommending the water to all who are suffering with like derangement of the bowels and general debility. Henry Bowes, City Marshal of Koseburg. April 13, 1SS3. Ueorge W. Jones. biR: Having used the Eldorado Mineral W ater for some time, for dyspepsia and catarrh, I feel safe in recommending it to the public as a sure and reliable remedy in i those afflictions. W. S. Humphry, City Recorder. Roseburg, April 16, 1883. This is to certify that during last lall I was suffering seriously with con gestive chills and fever, and was in duced to try the Jones Mineral Water and am happy to state that one bottle cured me entirely and I have enjoyed i good health ever since. W. G. Cleveland. Roseburg, May 5, 1883. . The Eldorado Mineral Water can be purchased at any time at the Drug Store of Dr. S. Hamilton, Roseburg, at 50 cents per quart. Testimonals. Gr. W . Jones, dear sir; Having been troubled with dyspepsia for many years I was advised by W. F. John- son to use your miner U water. I did so and do unhesitatingly say it did me more good than anything I had ever used: It had an immediate effect. Yours, JOHN HOWARD. Roseburg, April 1, 18S3. This is to certify that I have used suc cessfully the Umpqca mineral water for six months, for nervous dyspepsia and debility of the whole system and I have found great relief and I might say am entirely cured.' I have 00 hesitancy in believing this min eral water to be of great curative value. Respectfully, W. F. JOHNSON. Roseburg, April 2, 18S3. DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, Koseburg The propretr of this well kn iwn and popular resort wonld thank his (friends for tbeir liberal patronage in the past and would ask for a continuance of he same in the iuture. The public is informed that 1 keep Hone but the be6t brands of wines, liquors and cigars and that I fell over the bar the cele braud Jesse Moore & Co.' a Kentucky W hiskies A good billiard table will be found in tbe saloon; also the leading papers of the world. Caro Brothers will sell their entire stock of milhoSry goods at 50 per cent, less Jkaa t:t. Convince yourself by easing. FARMERS, LOOK! FOJ THE BEST WXAR. 0 ,0 T For men and bo and the most durable shoes for iukdes aid children, try the celebrated IB027-CLAD GOODS Manufactured by POUTER, SLESSINGER. & CO. San Fmtjcisco. Thev are cruaranteed to srive satis faction. Will not break iu the back or rip in the side. All goods of this manufacture made by white men. ro Lbmamcn employed, forsaie uy FLOED &CO. BOOTH BROS. E. G. YOUNO - ROSEEURO. YOXCALLA. OAKLAND NOTICE. mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP- 1 Dointed Ii8nectnr of fehcen for Dousrlaa cotiiitv. by the Hon. County Court of said county, and hav ing filed the noueasary bond, is now ready to perform the duties appertaining to said o!Hce, w hene ver called upon. TxiUMAo tjJlilll, Sheep Inspector for Douas county, Oregon' Wilbnr, OrefoUj Decembers, 1362. r ETROPOUTA SALOD? EOSEBURO, OREGON, McCULLOCH & CO, OjYLT TEH BEST BRANDS OP Wines, Liquors fc Cigars Kept on band, awl customers will find this a pleasant 3T One door eovth of the Metropolitan Hoter TEJ place bl resort, uive mc a can. Sherman, Clay & Co 1 - Pacific Coast Agents for tlio Celebrated RGA17S The above cnt represents style CO .which vm will EellforS190. S23caBh.$10permonth vith interest upon deferred payments, one per cont per xnontn. uooa etooi ana doojc inciuueu. Address SBERMAN, CLAY & CO. Q q Cor. Keerny and Sutter Sts.( Ban Francisee, CaJ. Sherman, Clay & Co. Aff enta for tlie Celebrated- UPRIGHT, SQUARE g GRAHD Acknnwledeed by ail Musical Authorities to be the BEST PIANO now mannfactared, Prices as low and terms as easy aa consistent With thorough workmanship. Address . -. SHERMAN, CLAY Si CO. Cor. Kearny and Sutter St. San Francisco, Cal. MAfflAllYlORGAHEfflS , The onlr Instruments that children can as well as grown persons. Only flvo uiaute timo required to learn, how to manage them. Any kind of tunes can he played. Finest aecom. paniment for the- voice in.elnging. They are sold bo low that any family can easily procure one. Having ono no family could Ret along without Prices of different styles $3, SIO. $12 and $14, including twenty-five feet of music. Seed for catalogues and price list. Ad dress SDER3IAN, ' CLAY CO. t oto Ajjenta for the Pacific Coast' r -v3or. Kearny and Sutter Sts., Cj I San Francisco, Cal.' Foi prices and terms, addreaa- SHERMAN, CLAY & CO, i General Agent for Pacific Coat Cor. Kearny and Satter S(s. San Francisco, Cal. B. W. PRENTICE dc. CO., Portland, Oregon. General Agents for the North Pacific Coast. Oar Bp ring and Banucav Price-list No. 33, has made its appearance improved land enlarged. Over 200 pages. Uver5,uuu illus trations. Contains quota tions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Eve to Sitting Bull and Mrs. Langtry. It costs us 25 cents for every copy we mailnearly $50,000 perannom. It makes our hair red to think of it. We should have the cost of production. The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing1 Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Tg Wataak Areas IR 3 &u&mr y- - rwi k i As I will po3itivej close out business within the nest sixty days, immense bargains can "be had by calling1 early and often. HITCH UP lilt ;Mefov cm cm trwEH st im &z m W. a WOOBWAEB' AND BUY A One of the biggest and best stock of nothing but the best Bont Fail 46 SAY ; CAW SEE WHAT 1 WHY, THAT THE HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF EVER BROUGHT TO ROSEBURG! INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF THE VERY LA EST STYLES. ALSO ' GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING! D o TVot "Fail to Call and Exnmine IiIh Stools! F is motto is Quick-Sales and Small Sememljortho Plaos, ITs SHERIDAN BROTHMSROSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the Largest Stocks of General Hardware Ever brought to Dousrlaa, and when added to their STOVES OF ALL PAT TKKNS and HEADY MADE TINWARE, tuey are prepared to declare they hare the brs. supply in their line oi any house in Southern Oregon, which they propose can purchase elsewhere. In the shape of bmldino; materials Id the way t locke, butts, etc, we can offer superior inducements to, purchasers. Try us. We van give you bargains in .the io':) jwinj? brands of stoves, not eqnalled else where Back's, Bonanza, Farmer. Utility. Dexter, Pacific, W ide West, Clarendon Occidei Iron King', Empire City, and oilier stoves and ranges. The Ljst of workmen aro constantly employed m the manufacture of our Tinware and buyers should learn our prices. We have also baragina to offer In guns, suclt as Winchester, Sharp and vtherKlfJe? as well as in Shot-guns and Pinto's. We are also Agents for the White Peerles and New Horn Sewing Machine whicli we sell at lowest rates and warrant as coiunle teia every respect, ' v We can also supply - Averill and Hdbber Paints9 1 Le best fa the market, at. t lowest ratej. Give us a call, Inspect yt stock, inquire as to our price, and wo promise to suit all any one can, SIIEKIDAN BKO. E. FLOED. Y'on do Tlieit II NEW SET OF goods ever brought to town. I use leather and' have got to Seo Me! YOU SEE ? 59 LEADING MERCHANT B Frotita." - w York Stors Sossturg. Woodward, P P. HOG-AXf a fog HAVING PURCHASED A COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL UERCHpSE WILL SELL THE SAME CHE AP F O R. C ASH! PRICE LIST; Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per yard. Corsets, 50 cents. r Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 tbs. far $1, Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per yard Suitings, 12 J cents per yard. Fine Japanese teas, 45 conts per Ib Six spools silk thread, 25 cents. Other articles in proportion. My motto is cash sales & small pro St P. P. HOG AN. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! Will sell goods AT FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS: Best brands of prints, 18 yds. $1 00. White Rock and Lonsdale Mus lin 10 yds........ $1 00. Canton Flannel from 9 to 16 cents per yard. Ladies Brocaded Dress Goods, 1 1 ctaw per yard. Cotton Batting 20 cents per yard. Brooks', Gout's and Clark's spoI cot ton, GO cen ts per doz. Ladies' Calf Shoes, 1 75 per pair Ladies' Cloth Balmorals, $1 50 each. Table linen from 35 to 60 eta. pr. yard. Costa Itica Coffee No. 1 guaranteed, seven pounds for $1 00. Tea, our own Brands, 37i cts. per lb Sugars from 1H to 13 cents per lb. Tomatees $1 75 per dozen. Rice No. 1 Carolina, 8 cents per lb. And all other goods in our line in proportion. We have given you theso quotations and hope that one and all will take ad van :lra nf nnr toi'm li.f OAR0 BR0TEEBS; T. W. MORGAK, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSES APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MA RK'S k CO., OFFERS FOR SALE THE FINEST VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED IN ROSE BURG, AT. PRICES LOWER THAN THR LOWEST. CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY. A FINE SUPPLY OF HOLI- '. CONCRETE PIPE. HENRT GATERMAN AND LOUIS BELFILS have obtained the right for Uourlaa oounty for laying Continuous Concrete Pipe, for conveying: water, and Louis BslSla and Georgv Protsinan have obtuuud the right for Josophine rd Curry counties, and will sell farm or individual rirM and laj pip at the cheapent figures. Any site from 1J to 22 inches furnished, Tina pipe is much j Uheaper than Wood, 'Iron or Lead! It la also wall suited for Irrigation or Mlniny purpo and can be laid any distance without joioU Grease! Seat In th world- &et tit camls. Erory package has nr 'tradsvmuk and 1b marked FraMr's. SOLD EVm ERYWHEUE, bo 35-1 BUY OTXJLrfT CANYONVILLE MILLS ELOUB THI9I FLOUR IS MANUFACTURED FROM OlfLY the best of wheal. I have for sale aim Bran, Shorts, and Middlings, Bacon, Ilams, LatJ, etc eured ia the most scientific manner. Purchasers wil, do me a Hvcr U insos Vf stock s the Canyonvil'. 11