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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1883)
f HE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 188?. XHGLAHD AUD THE UNITED STATES- Ma. Editor: In view of the fact that England is no w engaged in build ing a fleet of ironclads taring equal destructive power as the Inflexible and Jjer c'asg, but of superior speed, some pt which when completed will cest four taillien dollars? and also viewing the great actirity in her arsenals at Wool- j Vicbj Portsmouth, Chatham and the J camps of Aldershot, might we net rea onblj enquire for what purpose is all this preparation! Why are her mili tary stations in the West Indies being strengthened and her corps of engineers Increased and quietlf sent to BermuJa, Halifax, Barbadoes and Bahamas? Let lis a!s enquire for what purpose English engineers have taken maps and dia grams of our principal fortifications and have the same now on file in the office of the first Lord of the Admirality. Prom Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Zulu land and Egypt comes the victorious troops of England. In what direction will he strike nextl They are net needed at home new for Ireland has been struck dumb by her mailed hand and the spirit of freedom is rivited to the grouad wija her bayonet. Our minister at London (Mr. Lowell) tails us net te be uneasv, that England is a friendly nation ann loves us, -but we well rememVer twenty-two years ago when England was also a 'friendly na tion" and resocnized the Southern Con- federaey within twenty-seven days of the first shot of our civil war. She waa a "friendly "nation" when she built, equipped and in part manned the Alabama, Shenandoah and other war cguisers t(? destroy our commerce and wound eur honor on the high seas. Quite fresh in my memory is the swarm mt ViWIrada runners sent out from England carrying guns, provision?. shot and shell to tear asunder this gov ernnent, ard comrades, we who hare fellowed Sheridan in the Shenandoah fyben wt rode down on British guns in tVa kamda i of our brave but misled countrymen, will never forget .thatj was tf riendlv" England that furnishe( those guns. Mr. Lowell had better eome home or become a naturalized Englishman and stay and thereby bless his country, but come or stay we sheuld not act like the foolish virgins. Let us tri our lamns. Everv State should rffanise a National , cuard in accord ance with existing laws and then if nerfidious Albion should menace our border or try to crush the liderty of any republican people on this continent, let teach her that we are a united peo- fU aj?w, fifty million strong. Tilden Still Harrows the JBepublicans! Sammy Tilden is a greater bugbear to the Republican party than the hand writing on the wall was to Belshazzar. It will be remembered that about four years ago the leading Republican pa pers were filled for many months wit BtatAtaftnts of the enfeebled condition of the old man, in which the country was led to believe (if they placed any reliance on their statements), that , his days were few on earth. So Boon as the nominations were closed we were given a rest and heard nothing more of his illness, but we read of him as Reading attorney in numerous import ant lawsuits, when he seemed in the full possession of a vigorous intellect. ' As the time for nominations is ap proaching the old stories ot his enf ec. bled health are beiBg rehashed by the Republican press. A New York spe cial to the Chicago papers is made to 'ear that c,He ' (Tifc'en) cannot lift either hand to his mouth, both arms being paralyzed. He has to be fed and his food has to be literallythoved into him "Whea he goee out he has to be sup verted by two attendants. He is liable to fall down dead at any time.' If it. because their Bins aj-e equal to hatof Belshazzar that they are made quake before this eld batch elor, or is it remorse for defrauding him out of hia right tc the office to which the people had elected himl Be it as it may, their doom is equally as certain tad the signs as emphatic as tho hand frriting en the wall. Wells, Fargo & Co. Notes. New Agencies have been established recently hj Weels, Fargo & Co. , as follows: Bammeryille, Uniaif county, Oregon, k L. McKenzie, '"agent; Island Citr, Union county, O. Kirkpatrick, agent; 0nyonvillef Douglas county, (re ppened) M. Colvig, agent; Heron, Mon tana, W. J. Quirk, agent W. B. Wright has been appointed agent at hedd, Oregon, vice C. R. Wheeler, re signed. . DnowifER-i-In Elk creek, Wednes day, the 20th, Robert Yjrgil, son of L. Brown, in. the 10th year of his age. lt was playing en the saw fogs In Jhe mill pond near Henry Beckley's jtaw mill in company $ith other little boys, and accidentally fell into the water and was drowned. He was at tending Miss Parrott's school. Virgil jras a, good and obedient boy, and will sadly missed by teacher and scholars. parent feel his loss most deeplyf TAEirr roE . eeyehuej The Democracy are pledged to a'tar- iff for revenue only; a tariff based upon an ad valorem value equal on all com modities for the reason that it is right and in the interest of. the great mass of our people. The only right which a gevernmeut can have to levy an em bargo upon commerce is for the pur-r pose of its own support. When any discriminations are made the burdens are made fall uneqnally upon the cit izens, and are always for the benefit of he few, at the expense of the many, A protective tariff is a snare and a delusion and contravenes one of the undanental principles upon which ust governments are established and maintained. It takes the hard earn ings out of the pocket of the tiller of the soil to enrich the manufactures and speculators; and gives to the far mer no equivolent. ; Congressman George when making his canvass in this State, took pains to tell the farming communities that the question of tariff was a local question and net a party issue. That ho would favor a high tariff on wool in order to keep out of competition the importation of Australian and South American wool. How well he maintained his pledge to the farmers of Oregon the sequel has proven. " Were the tariff on strictly a revenue basis the duty on wool would be more than double what the last Congress placed upon it. The farmers of Oregon would be getting double the protection on that article afforded them by the unequal and un just tariff now in force. Will some of our contemporaries which advocate Mr. George's election on the ground that he would advance the wool growing industry of our State explain to our sheep raisers how his wolf of protection has cared for their interests in the revised tariff bill At an End at Last! The Governmental farce of trying the star route thieves is at an end and they are all turned loose upon the country with their ill-$retten gains, to lord it over honest people. Their peculations had been so open and notorious and uie proois so conclusive, tuat even a jury empanneled for the express puv pose, could not go to the extent of acquitting the principal " thieve3 until meir counsel advanced trio ingenious proposition that it is not kreeny to steal from the Government, as too many of the present officials had "eaten of the hog" to deny it. This left nothing but the bare question of the conspiiacy for the iury. Although two of their number had been found guilty by the former jury, and Reredell had, in open court, entered a plea of guilty, the jury promptly acquitted. After the verdict had been recorded and the other defendants discharged, Reredell ap peared before the court and changed his plea, which was admitted, the Court remarking that a man cannot bo guilty of conspiracy when a jury has acquitted the others, and that is enough! The Court then directed the Clerk to enter a nolle prosequi TV, T,ff 17.11 cbobiuov if eas .a, v xwxiv charged with receiving money in con nection with the mail conspiracy, was called. Kellogg appeared and waived the reading of the indictment. Kellogg is stalking about Washington declaring that it is a great outrage to keep him away from -his constituents, and that his presence in Louisiana is essential to the continuance of that State in the Republican ranks. With these single prosecutions will end the farce. Should any of them bo convicted they would instantly receive Executive clemency. as did tne wnissy tnieves who were convicted or aelrauding tne revenue, during the Grant administrations. To convict all who have conspired together and plundered the Govern ment, would dismember the Republi can party. To convict some and allow the others to egpape, would savor of persecution and shqw base ingratitude on the part of those in power, who have maintained themselves in position by money filched from the revenue. It is necessary for the party in power to keep up these farces, in order to dis tract public attention, while they are plundeiing some other branch 'of the public, service. Thus was public atten tion directed to Belknap and the whis ky frauds, while the postal service was being robbed. What branch of the service tho Republican party now have their hands imbrued in, remains to be seen, but from the recent count of the coin in tho treasury ard the. prepara tion for extended vaults, it is easy to infer. Tub Roseburcs fc Coos Bay R. R. The following is taken from the Orego ian of the 19th: A dispatch was re ceived by a gentleman here this morn ing from Cap t, Besse, who is attending to the business of the Reseburg railroad in the east, stating that negotiations for the transfer of the road and other properties were progressing favorably. It is expected the transfer will be made during, the present " week, in which event the company will enter upon the development of the road as sum as possible. It is alo understood that a well defined policy has existed for some time, and that Tn the completion of the transfer soma important work will be done in Coos Wmty, -CLEVELAND- Hot weather. Health good. People happy. Game law in force. Grain crops looks well. L. T. Thompson is improving. Hay-making the order of the day. The bridge question is quiet, from the fact that everybody wants a bridge. The Spring term of school taught at this place by E. T. Woodruff closed ast Iridavv It was a success in every particular. The community that em ploys Mr. Woodruff in the capacity of teacher is certainly fortunate. : Republicanism is below par in this community. The people must look to the Democratic party to redress their many wrongs, for in that party remains the last hope which the American peo ple have for right, justice and honest aws honestlv administered. 14 bin iiii-" tATf ' nf r SYMPTOMS OF A Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Fain in the Head, with a dull eensation in the back part. Fain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eatinp, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Xiow spirits, with a feeling; of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Biin, Headache generally over the right eye, RoEtlesanosa, with fitful dxeazua highly colored Urine, and TUTT'S PILXS are especially adapted to inch cases, one dose effects such a chongo of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase ttie Appetite, and cause the body to Take on FleuU, thus the system ts noartsheti. and by their Tonie Artloti on tha ltiEliv Orcan, lit'jralnr Stool are pro duced. Prico 2a cents. 5 Blarray 8U, K. Y. 9 wmuu EHCaa Gray Hair on WtrigRERs chanced to a Gi-ossy Black by a single application of tnisDy. It Im parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 81. OSTTICjK, S3 nt'BBAV ST ISXW TOI1IL Dr. TCTT8 HARCAIi ef TalaiMs bforaiitloa n4 VCMftU SMaUtti Ui HU4 tUI u a; JONES' MSNE51AL WATER! TciEmt For tho benefit of those suffering with catarrh I will state that I have been afflicted with that disease for the last three years and after using various remedies . without any benefit, was finally induced to try the Eldorado Mineral Water, from" the spring of Geo. V. Jones, which I will sUite has effected a care, and I have no hesita tion in recommending it to those suf fering with a like complaint. J. S. FiTZHUGH, County Judge of Douglas county. April 13, 1883. G. "W. Jones. Sir: During last Summer I was suffering with consti pated bowels and general ill health. I procured two bottles of mineral wa ter and used it and am entirely cured. I have no hesitation in recommending the water to all who are suffering with like derangement of the bowels and general debility, j Henry Bo wen. City Marshal of Roseburg. April 13, 18S3. George W. Jones. Sir Having used the Eldorado Mineral Water for some time, for dyspepsia and catarrh, I feel safe in recommending it to the public as a sure and reliable remedy in those afflictions. W. S. Humphry, City Recorder. Rosaburg, April 16, 1883. This is to certify that during last Fall I was suffering seriously with con gestive chills and fever, and was in duced to try the Jones Mineral Water and am happy to state that one bottle cured me entirely and I have enjoyed good health ever since. W. G. Cleveland. Roseburg, May 5, 1883. The Eldorado Mineral Water can be uuuuHseu ah any uuio at tuu Drug Store of Dr. S. Hamilton, Rosburg, at 50 cents per quart. Testimoxaxs. G. W. Jones, dear sir; Having been troubled with, dyspepsia for many years I was advised by W. F. John son to use your mineril water. I did so and do unhesitatingly say it did me more good than anything I had ever used. It had an immediate effect. Yours, 1 JOHN HOWARD. Roseburg, April 1, 1883 This ia to, certify that I have used suc cessfully the Umpqua mineral water for six months, for nervous dyspepsia aud debility of the whole system aud I have found great relief and I might say am entirely cured. I have no hesitancy in believing this min eral water to be of great curative value. Respectfully, W. F. JOHNSON. Roseburg, April 2, 1883. DRY'S SALOON, J acksOD Street, Roseburg- The propretor of5 this vrell knwn and popular resort wonld thank hia frieuds for their liberal patron ape in the past and would ask for a continuance of he same in the future. The public is Informed that 1 keep none but the best brands of wices, liquors and cigars and that I sell over the bar the cele bratwi Jesse Moore & Co.'b Kentucky Whiskies A good billiard table will be found in the saloon; also tho leading papers ft tho world. Capt. F. B., ef Bath, Maine, who has examined the country through which the Coos Bay railroad will pass was in town last week and left for Portland on Monday. His report will be favorable to the construction of the road. ELDORADO SPRINGS. To all persons suffering with any nasal ca tarrh affection of the throat or stomach, I will str.te that last Fall that myself and mem bers of my family were Buffering with ca. tarrh in the head and myself with an affec tion of the stomach. That I purchased a galon of the mineral water taken from the spring on th South Umpqua, 3 miles weBt ef Rosehurg, of 'G. M. Jones, Dr. Hamilton agent, and can testify that both myself and family have received great benefits from its use. My son Andrew Willis was suffering very much from nasal catarrh and by the use of this water has entirely recovered and is bow welL I can unhesitatingly recom mend it as the best medicine I have used in my family for any of the above named com plaints. - Rev. W. A. Willis. isroTiois. TJNDERSIGNED nAVTNO BEEN AP- mHE Dolnted Ii.sDcctor ot Sheep for Douglas county. by the Hon. County, Court ol wild county, and hav ing filed the necessary bond, is now ready to perform the duties appertaiuhnr to- said ottk:e, w henever called upon. THOMAS SMITH, Sheep Inspector for county, Oregon Wilbnr, Oregon, Deceinbar 2, 1882. Administrator's SALE OF REAL Notice. ESTATE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT N PDR suance of an order of the County Court f Doug las County, Oregon, entered therein on the second day of April, 18S3, the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Woodson Patterson, deceased, will, on Saturday, the 11th day of Auguat 1833, at 1 o'clock P. M. of eaid day sell on tho premises to the highest bid der for cash, the following described real estate of said deceased, to-wit: The south half of the north half of the donation land claim of Abraham Patter sou and wife, being claim No. 40, in township No. 29, south of range 8 west of the Willamette meridian, Bituate in Donglas county, Oresron, containing 100.45 acres, excepting therefrom one acre of the northeast coraor said land. A fee simple titlo guaranteed and possession given after harvest J. A. KIItKENDALL, administrator. Herman & Ball, attys.. for estate L June 23, 18S3- JASflES DEARLIM, Blacksmith and Farrier, 9 And well-Vnown to the ceonle of Douglas county, would respectfully announce that he is prepared to do all kinds ot worn in rus line ana guarantees nana faction. . "I ' J HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY - , -; .. - t ' Any fanner having a plow to sharpen or machinery to repair will do well to give mo a call at my old Rt.jinr! I have a full stock of iron and steel, and having nnrphased the same at a low price, can do work, so far as prices are concerned, cheaper than any who will attempt compeuuon, jas. u.aivli1iw, Oakland, Oregon, R.S. & J. C. SHERIDAN (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALEKS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVET, GUNS, CUTLERY, AND TINNERS i'UB- TIN STORE, 11SEB1TZ:, Or, TTavinur Secured the aoovc business, we are pre nared to keen ud its former Bood name for work and Iirices. We have the best of material aud always a full stock "hi roods on hand and it is our aim to fur nish customers with ftrst-eiass articles at live and let live prices. A full stock of Iron, aiifl Steel TTov ale Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention, B. S. & J. C. SHE1UUAJ. METB0P0L1TAN HOTEL Tills Popular House Situated n the center of the business portion of Roseburg, having recently changed hand3, has been COMPLETELY RENOVATED, And prepared for the reception of guest?, dining room will be supplied with the best the The BIARKET AFFORDS i With good attendance. As Mrs. Zigler has charga of the kitchen the cooking will bo unexceptionable. Rates reasonable. Free coach to and from the railroad. LOU. ZK.LER. R. R. THOStPSON, R. U. THOMPSON, B. J. BE HART. WM. HONEYMAN. Thompson, Do Eart & Co, - " V" Importers anc Dealers in Coal, Iron, Steel, Hardwood Lumber and Wagon material. : ' . 184 First St. 173 & 175 Front St-. rORTLAjfD, OREO OK. Carriage Hardware Etc- RMERS, LOOK! FOR TUB BEST BOOT For men and boj s and the most durable shoes for misses and children, try tbe celebrated GOODS Manufactured by PORTER, SLESSINGER, & CO. San Francisco: Thev They are guaranteed to pive satis faction. Will not break in the back or ri IP in the side. All roods of this manufacture made by white men. Mo Chinamen employed. For sale by FLOED & CO. .: BOOTH BROS. E. O. YOUNG ROSEBURG. YOXCALLA. OAKLAND METROPOLITAN SALOON, KOSEBTJRG, OREGOX, CuTiLOOH & CO, ONLY THE BEST BRANDS . : :' . OF ' Wines, XJIquors & Cifjars Kept on hand, and customers will find this a pleasant place of resort. Vir me a call. t3" On door tooth ot tha iSetyopolitaa Hour I As I will out business sixty days, immense bargains can be had by and often. 9 AND BUY A One of the biggest and best stock of nothing but the best 46 IAY ; OAIf -ii- 6 TCB Donfc Fail to See MqZ I g " 1 SEE WHAT 1 WHY, THAT THE LEADING MERCHANT msfj vsy pg; tasai es , eies! rw; ym eb. HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF S4 sir; EVER BROUGHT INCLUDING .EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' DRESS- GOODS, OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES. ALSO GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' ; READY MADE CLOTHING! D o WptFailto Call ana Examine Jib Stock! Fis motto is Quick Sale3 and Small Semembar the Place. HW York Store( Boseburg, SHERIDAN BllOTHERSOSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce that they have just rccgiyed aud now have on hand one of the Largest Stocks of -General Hardware Ever brought to Douglas, and when added to their STOVE3 OF ALL PAT TERNS and READY MADE TINWARE, they are prepared to decjaro they have the best supply in their line ot aay house in Southern Oregon, which they propose 'v.eSZSflimS'CBBASBB SBAB-jGLBT HI can purchase elsewhere. In the shape of butldinjj materials ic the way t locks, butts, etc, we can offer superior inducements to. purchasers. Tiy us. We can give you bargains In the ioli-jwins brands of stoves, not equalled else where Buck's, BonaDM, Farmer, Utility, Dexter, Pacific, vYile West, Clarendon Occidei Iron King, Empire City, and other stoves and ranges. The Lt of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our Tinware and buyers should learn our prices. We. have also baragins to offer in guns, such as Winchester, Sharp and other BSfies. as well as in bhot-guns and Pisto's. ' We aie also Agents for the Wrhite Peerles and New Home Sewing Machine .wfclcli we sell at lowest rates and as couinle fe ia every respect. We can also supply - m Averill and Bcibber Faints, 1 he best in the market, at. lowest rate?. Give us a call, inspect )ur stock, inquire gany U Ml U LJ cxzJ r '-' in positively close within the next calling" early FLOED. 'OOBWAEB'I NEW SET OF goods ever brought to town. I use leather and have got Os. TOU; SlES ? 95 : 1! V ad n TO ROSEBURG ! .Profits." - as to our prices, and w promise to suit all SHERIDAN BROV HING IN THIS LINE EIOG-AW's HAVING PURCHASED A COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL ; ERCHiiDSE WILL SELL THE SAME CHEAP FOR CASH! .Vsssas-MaHSKss PRICE LIST: Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per janL Corsets, 50 cents. Genuine kid gloves, 75 por pair. Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 lbs. for $1, Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per yard. Suitings, 12J cents per yard. Fin Japanese toas, 45 cents per lb. on. pui xu&. bureau, io cents. Other articles in proportion. s My mocto is cash sales & small profits. V F. P. HOG AN. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! CAR BRO Will ssll goods AT FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS: Best brands of prints, 18 yds. $1 00. White Rock and Lonsdale Mus- lin 10 yds........... .1 00. Canton Flannel from 9 to 16 cents per yard. . . . Lad ie3 Brocaded Dress Goodd, 11 cU. per yard. Cotton Batting 20 cents per yard. Brooks', Coat's and Clark's spool cot ton, GO cents per doz. Ladies' Calf Shoes, $1 75 per pair. Ladies' Clc th Balmorals, $1 50 eaclu Tafcle linen from 35 to 60 cts. pr. yard. Costa Rica Coffee No. 1 guaranteed, seven pounds for $1 00. Tea, our own Brands, 37 cts. per lb. Sugars from 1H to 13 cents per lb. Toniatees 1 75 perdozen. . Rice No. 1 Caiolina, 8 cents per lb. And all other goods in our line in proportion. We have given you these quotations and hope that one and all will take advantage of our price list. CAB0 BB0TEEB3: T. W. MORGAN, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSES APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MARK'S k UU., UK FlillS FOR SALE THE FINEST VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED VS ROSE BURG, AT . PRICES: LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY. A FINE SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY GOODS. CONCRETE PIPE. HENKT GVTERMAN AXO LOUIS BELFILS have obtained the right for Douglas oountjr tor laying Continuous Concrete Pipe, for conveying- water, and LouU Belfils nd Oeorge Protstnan have obtained tho right for Josephine and Curry counties, and will soil farmer individual rights and lay pipe at the cneaviest figures. Any size front 1J to 22 inches furnished. This pipe is much Cheaper than Wood, iron or Lead I It la also well suited for Irrigation or inning purpose andean be laid any dwtancfl without Joint. Axle ;;GffQaaeI Best La the world- Get the genidae. Every package lias our trade. max k and is marked Tracer's. SO'LS EV ERYWHEKE. no 85-1 BUY ONLY CANYONYILLE MILLS FLOUB. THIS FLOUR IS MANUFACTURED FEOM OSTLT the best of wheal. I have tor sale also Bran, Shorts, and Middlings, Bacon, Hams, Lard, etc. eared in the most scientific manner. Pure'iasers will do tne a Hvor W iBXWOt BIT KQ& a the Canyon rU?