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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1882)
T iJV TXFTPPT? TMrNT J liu xiiiuj. ijxviuJ-. 1882. 1 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, CIVIL BEEVICB BILL. TheKeonUiean uressis frreatlv in- med at some pf th Democratic mem- fcers of Concress in their disapproval of Senator Pendleton's civil service bill, and charge that their hope of electing the President will not allow an v civil i I -r -ervice rule to interf ei e ; with distribution of the offices, ; Would not the charge be equally applicable to the stalwart organs that the certainty of their losing the next Presidential elec- tion and the public offices ha3 worked the change of gentiment in the same journals and causes them at this late for no relief from the present Congress self, who, being in the rebel army, day to manifest anxiety for the passage uutil th newly elected members are could not personally appear and pay. of a law which they and i their party sworn in, The folic wing is what Con- Under this decision the estate was sold . have persistently opposed and defeated gressman Page says in reference to the for taxes, the United States becoming ter sixteen long years. subject: the purchaser, for $26,800. The Gov If the law as contained in Pendle- "Chairman Page, of the commerce ernment, so coming into possession, con tea's bill is a good one it ought to pass, committee, says that when the bill for verted the land inw a soldiers' ceme and if it should fail to become the law the revival of American shipping comes tery, and appointed two commissioners the Republicans and not the Demo up in the House it will undoubtedly to hold and manage it. These com nns eiatic party will be held responsible for be passed, as reported by the select sioners are Kanfiman, Superintendent its defeat, for it must be remembered committee. He says the House will of the cemetery, and Capt. Strong? that both at the last session, when the not agree to the free ships and free ma- Commander at Fort Whipple. After bjll was introduced, and at this session terials of the minority committee. It the war Lee brought suit in the United hi Congress they have had a majority might as well agree to abelish the en- States Circuit Court for, the Eastern ia each house and coiild at any time have passed the bill, if so inclined. The appointing power rightfully bo. j longs to the executive, and it is only an abuse of the privilege that can excite any apprehenaion of danger in the jainda of the people or call for an abridgment ef the power. , Any lav sfrri awmmea to take the. Dower from ne President and : transfer it to any ther department of the' government is jrerelntien in itself, and fraught with j uere danger to the people than any American hull of even a second class trial went on upon its merits.. Lee's abue'of the pri vilcge'by the executive, vessel floats on the .briny ocean, and counsel admitted that the property It will be remembered that upon the we are forced to call upon the mari- had been sold for taxes, but they iiw death ef President Lincoln and the ac- ners'cf other nations to'carry our pro- sisted that the decision of the tax essien of President Johnson; when he dace to the markets of the world, commissioner not to accept payment declared his policy in reference to the whilst our forests of the finest timber of the taxes from any one but Lee was government of the late Confederate are left to decay or the ravages cf the unlawful. The court ruled ii favor ef States, wkidi waa at variance with the fire fiend. This state of facts have this plea, and gave judgment for Lee. ptlic? of Caagrees, that they abridged leng existed, not only to the shame of From this judgment, on error, the & oriTilaga ta sacn. an extent that it ont nation but to the material detri- cause went up to the United States su eempletely crippled the powers and imentof the great farming interests of preme coart, whose judgment now is abridged the duties of the executive to our people. Under these conditions a that the property was wrongfully ith lueaan extent , that it led to aa open few monied aristocrats in each of the held from Lee and his heirs, that its rupture between the President and numerous ports along our boundless possession by virtue of the tax sale Congress. It will also be remembered sea coast are ' enabled : to charter this was equivalent to confiscation, i and thai upon the inauguration of President i foreign fleet and by combinations, as is that the government could not coins ti Grant the barriers were all swept away ! the case on this coa3t, to held them at tutionally confiscate the property, of a i annulled or repealed. It was only their own figures. Thus a very tew man who had never been tried and ten th frauds perpetrated by the band of monepolists are enabled to regulate and victed of a crime which carries confis Jhievea with which he surrounded him- J control the price of farm produce o cation as a part of its penalty. Justice elf that led to the agitation of the re- the entire country. Millei delivered the '.opinion of a ma teria measures, and yet W ' . " j jority of the court, the Chief Justice iralief haa been obtained. Each sue- and Justices Woods, Gray and Brad-, etding administration and Congress, The Oooa Bay lailroad ley dissenting. Justice Gray wrote an while pursuing and whitewashing the It is quite fashionable with a certain elaborate opinien, but as it is not Fub- ' f abuses during their own terms. It is eta law to abridge any of the privi- leges of any ane co ordinate branch of the government that wanted, so much at to punish peculation and thievery in office and n5ure its enfercement against the wrong deer. If the tempta- tien to sin is removed and a'suiepen- alky imposed, there will be less crime ia affice. , mmimmmmmimim ' , , 1 - . Effect Jetties- , . Captain Chas. F. Powell, U. 8. en- gineer, returned recently from a' tour of , inspection of the government works at Coos Bay and the mouth of the Co- quille. ' He reports that notwithstand- Ing the severe winter season, work has continued without serious interruption at both improvements, j At the mouth 6f tho Coquille tho influence of a short and incomplete jetty has been beneficial ta a most marked degree. Formerly the channel, on the south side of the en- trance, was tortuous, and ran through a vest ef rocks. So near were these feeks to the channel that vessels enter - -t i i . ! ...... ug or leaving had to remove their jib - . vwv' vi Btuue ruuing out fro tha main shore was built, ancTit Selected the ebb currents to the oppo- site side of the entrance, which is free from recks. Aii increased kdepth of w feet lias been secured, and where the seuth channel was jtwo years ago there is now solid ground, above high Water mark, washed in by the action of &a: sea. The results, ihoueh nlainlv 'hawbi the efficiency f the jetty, are cerrwptiens ef the preceding one, have .ring in this State to sneer at the pros blindlf or intentionally permit greater Jpect of building a railroad from Rose- whea the work is finished. Cost of tlfe unsettled arid covered by the primeval work se far done is less than eight per forest. Work is now in progress un cent. of the estimate of 'the work when der charge of United States engineers i to improve the bar at the mouth of vooa dslj tne cnannel has been Coos Bay, the minimum depth of water l. il. ! .i .... y i-nejeiiy, in tQatitu deep - i.ri.i- i r, vriguisr ana easier of entrance Ad it appears that the aaaproveroent is r.n T . , r"1 l tormer :yeara tflere has - vmmm W but only at ahort .awun, ana present dltien ' has ' remained jaontha 1 'Th Cnnnilla viv i im proved c6ii- ger eiihtean bordered by the I finest fir ana cedar lumber in the Stale. . There is considerable rade with San Francisco, but ns the freight on lumber from the Cocjuille is porn 2 to $4 f .piofe per thousand feet than troni Coos .lr, only twenty miles further north, Profits not 80 Vge. When the en- trance trance shall have been improved so that ! vessels of deeper draught may enter, a large and profitable trade must spring j up: Two vessels have recently been launched on the river, the Nora Har built at Parkersburg, and owned by CaPt Harkins, and another at the Myrtle Grove sawmill. Ilie former u 8raa11 but staunch and finel7 modeled cn& an immediately enter the San I xiancisco iumoer iraae. une or two t i i; x vessels are on the stocks all the time, nd there . is active business life in every quarter. Our EMp Building Interests- Our ship building interests can hope tire tariff list Ho thinks the commit-1 tee went as far in this direction as was I advisable. Of the bill reported from the committee he says it was a pretty good job. The committee, in framing it, had consulted the iron interests, the shipping interests and the ship owning interests, al' combined, for the revival of American shipping." j The present unequal and unjust tar. iff destroyed our ship building interests to such an extent that scarcely an burg to Coos Bay. They have de- nounced the scheme as visionary and have asserted that no capitalists would take hold it. It is with pleasure therefore, that we eopy the following article from the San Francisco Alta of Dec. 19th: '-Under the name of the Oregon Southern Railway and Transportation Oomnnnv. a (inrnnratinn iinnw furminn 1 ' r ' in this city to build a railroad from Coos Bay to Roseburg, and also to run a steamer between the first-mentioned point and San Fiancis:. The pro- posed road would be about ninety miles in length; would pass through a num- ber of rich valleys and connect the on- ly good harbor on the Oregon coast south of tho Columbia river with the principal distributing point for South- western Oregcn, viz : Roseburg. It ia believed that the initiation of this enterprise would divert a large part of the trade of Southern Oregon to San Francisco, which Is a good reason why it should receive attention here. Bv 1 the raute proposed the road would I i i i i " .1 J start at deep water on Coos Bay, be I vricu uuiu-easterly to uae Voquuie river, thence along thnt stream toMyr- tie Point, and following the Middle Fork, pass through Camas, Ten Mile, Loeking-glass and Umpqua Valleys in Douglas ceunty, to Eoseburg. Coos county has been favorably known for its lumber, and coal products, but its agricultural capacities are also large, thouffh undeveloped. There is a ioiu. lotion of 6000 in the county at the pres- I .t . ... line past season navmg oeen eianteon l . . . . - . J feet. A large part of the business ok I the railroad, if built, would come from I . , '.'.. . j the vast coal fields in that part of the State. These fields cover hundreds of square miles, and contain reuiBof mer I chan table coal from thrf tn fir a fWt. thick. The house in which Thomas Jeffei-T son wrote the declaration of independ ence is to be demolished next month by the directors of the Pean national bank of Philadelphia, who are to erect Ja bank building upon it site. A SIGHTEOUS UEUISIOI. On the 4th inst. the United States supreme court decided what is known as the Arlington case. The particulars are as follows: On the 7tb of June, 1862, General Roberfc R Lee thgn fche owner of wLat is known a8 the Arlington estate, in Alexandria county, Va., embracing 1,100 acres and improvements, was in command of the Confederate arlsy, in Virginia. Under an act of Congress of that date, this property was sold for taxes. Ih'e taxes delinquent were $92 07. Payment was tendered by Lee's agent, but the Tax Commissioners' de eided that they could not recieve the amount from anyone but Lee him- District of Virginia for recovery of the property. Attorney-General Devens appeared for the United States, and moved a dismissal of the suit on tlia ground that the United States, being a Sovereign Power, cannot be sued in its own court without its consent. The plaintiff demurred, on the ground that suit was not brought against the limi ed States, but against its two agents in possession of the property. The circuit court sustained this demurrer, and the lished his views cannot be further stated than as dissenting from the ma jority. It is not possible to restore the Arlington estate to the heirs of General Lee, as one part of it is occu pied by the bodies cf tens of thousands of soldiers killed in the war, while a Uniled States fortification covers an other part, but the government will bs obliged under this judgment to .pay them ajust compensation for it, what ever that may be. , We are proud of the fact that the supreme court of the United States, thoush jQOst of the members are Re publicans, can decide a law case with out political prejudice. When the ju diciary becomes corrupt there is no hope for porsonal liberty except by revolution. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LfiVE. Less of A cpetite, Bowels costive, Fain in -"0 araa. Willi a utm bcumudu iu vuv back part, Pam under the Bhoulder clinatioa to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Diazlness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Bestleness, with fitful dreams, highly ooiorod Urine, and CONSTIPATION. 'I L'i'T'S PILLS are especially adapted to inc. onsen, one dose effect such a change of f ecMiiRr as to n.tonixh the suffbrer. Tbvy Inrrease th Appetite, and cause the body to Twite on Fiesta, tbns tue system is ftoarfelicMt. and by their Tle Anion on-the IMceeiiv Orsana, Keul-r SMoola are pro duced. Price i cents. 33 Murray At-, W. T. ITS llT1fC HBliK 11 Okay Raib or Wirrsirjrns changed to a Olorst Black by a single application of thisDrs. Itkn part a natural color, acta Instantaneously, Sold by Druggists, or seat by express on receipt of ti. OFFICE, 35 BCRBAT ST HEW TOBK. CPr. TtlTS BJsTAL sf Toliahl loforattloa amt CkW Rrai4 mm k suUa VUKS ea arvliaiUiiaJ CITATION. I - - 1 ia 'te county court a poukim county, orejon I To next of kin of V. D. Williamson, minor, ami TI j perM interested in fo I a 'c. yo'cxo. gcardiav of the person I J. nd estate of V. D. WilUamson, ininor, h-vinir filed m petition in the county court W n order ta vu 'iQ described premises to-wit: Bcjdiminjr at point 25 chains south and 80 iegtets eat of Uie northwwt corner of acction 4. iu township 25, south rtinge 3 west, running: thence south 1 degree ami 30 min., east 20 20-100 chains, thence cast Ave chains, them north 1 degree and 31 minutes, west lg 40-1CD chains, thence west 3 62-100 chains, north 1 8-100 cliaius, thence north SO decrees, west 1 3i-100 chains to the place of beginning, and containing Sty acres more or Jess, situate in. Oougbs county, Ore gon. It was ordered tha a citiition isxi;c tothe next of kin and all persons interested iu the estate and guardianship of V. 0. Willinson. Therefore yau and each uf ynu are hereby cited to be and appear in said court on Monday, January 8 1833, at ten o'clock a. m.. to show cause, U any there be, why a lien should not issne as praved for iu said petition. - Dated at Roseburg-, Nov. &), 1882. J. S. mUIUUH, County Judge, AHrt: 0. V. EUlBALh, County Clerk. CONCRETE PIPE. HEXKY CATERMAX AND LOUIS BELFILS have obtained the right fur Douglas county for laying Continuous Concrete Pipe, for conveying 'water, and Louis) Belflls and George Protsman hart obtained the right for Josephine find Curry counties, and will sell farm or individual rights and lay pipe at the cheajHsst figures. Any size from 1. to 22 intthes furnished. This pipe is much Cheaper than Wood, Iron or Lead ! It is also well suite! for Irrigation or Mining purpose andean be laid any distance without Joints. TTJ1? T7"T?ATA a T C ifYVT Talking ton & Jolmson Props. OPPOSITE THE METROPOLITAN HOTEIj, koseburg. WHERE CAN BE FOUND A FINE BILLIARD I V Tabic and thu bait brands of Wines, Liquor, and Cisars. Leadinz periodicals on the table. Con cert and freeluuoh evory evening, but positively no free whiskey. .... nsz-tl ' BUY THE UMPOUA VALLEY MILLS THE : IN THE MARKET.SS Aldresb A.- TEARNS, Canyonville Oregon. ep4 BUY LY UAN YON VIjLE MILLS Manufactured from only the. best of viheat, I have for sale also Bran. Shorts and Middlings. Bacon. Hams, Lard, eic. cured iu the most scientific manner Purchasers will do me a favor to in spect my stock at the Canyonvilie W. KUAMER. , BUY THEV.UMPQUA VAL'EY GSILLS " 'G? S CD EH. B THE BEST jIN THE MARKET Aldas A.W. i$rt5A'tS, urn I i JAMES D2ABL1NO," Blacksmith Farrier. StolkSL H Sana to t Ai.d welli-known to the people of Dou Ur evenly. would resnectfuilv nn.uncH that lui U prrar;d to do all kinds of wofk in Lis line, and guarantees sausu faction. HORSE-SIIOFJNO A SPECIALTY. Any ffirrn' r liavinffa plow to pharpen or mac'iinery to repair-will ' do well to jrivo me a ctill at my old stand. -I have a full tuck of iron and Bte-1, and hiivinjf i urchased the parse at a low j rice. can do work. s'f&r as prices are concerned, cheaper thau an v who will at tempi competitiou, JAS. DKARL1NO. Iel)l lui Oakland. Oft gon. ai' CLARK 15 A BAKER, Proprlctois. Having purchased the above named mills of K. Stephens A Co., we are now prepared to furnish any amount of the . DUST QUALITY OF LUMBER Ever offered to the public In Dougias county. . We have just purchased one or the Weatherly, Rugg & Richardson No. 1 Planers and uiathers and are pre pared lo do better work than other mills in the county. We will furnish at the mill No 1 lumber at the following prices: Dressed " rustic $10 per M Flooring (dressed & matched $15 per M Lumber dressed on one slde14 per M Lumber dressed on two 6ides$16 perM Uduifh lumber. ....... $8 to $10 per M VN e have an extra quality of lumber equal lo any found on Coos .Bay. and will guarrantee to give satisfaction to all those favoring us with their orders Petu office address, Umpqua Ferry Oregon. CLAHKE & BAKEK. CELEBRATED CLEAN SWEEP CIGAR, THE BEST V BITb X G- XL IX llOSElilliG, Manufaciured expressly for, and for sale only at A. C. MAllK'S CIGAR STORED Quality not Quantity is the Desire IF YPU WANT PURE Drugs and Medicine Chemicals, stc, do. not forget to call on HEELER. H. GABBERT Mi'UTLK CREEK. Also keeps on hand the J. H. Cutter wbiskiep, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, and tue njest VYices and liraudies or medical osa. Phyb'iciana PerscripUona picialty. ' " . t'..-.- . SXJSCZOXS DOUGLAS INDEPENDENT! THE -IN- DOUGLAS OOTJK Suh3cripiion Pries I J ; . '. INCL i - M - co: LADIES' o y THE xx I nxr STYLE. Styles." of all Variety and Shades - -AT TIIE -OF M. BETOHK PUUCIIASNU ELSB WHEHE, BY SO DOING GOOD BARGAINS CAN BE SEC "JRED Sheridan Bros., "Rosbur' O r They woo-ld annonnce that tbey have just rc-" ved and new jn hand one of th Evr brought to D uiorlas, r.o.1 wh?o a'Ue I to their STOVES OF ALL P T TEliNS and HEADY MADE TINWAUK, they are prepared to declare-thny bavoh l-8, Kurply in their line ol a.iy Iiousa in Southern Oregon, wLicli they propos mmm mmwmi rgm amy "mm can purcliaatj elsewhere. Iu .ho ahapo of bu.ldinjt materials i le ay t locks, butts, etc, we can ofler superior inducements to, purchasers. Ttj up. We an ive you bargains in the io'.': w nt brands of Btovps, not equalled else where Buck's, Bonanza, Farmer, Utility. Dexter, Pacific, Wide West, Clarendon Occidei lrn Kinjr, Empire l.'ity, and other stcvfB and ranges. ' " The b-Bt of workmen arc constantly employed in the manuimure r oar Tinware' and buyers should learn our prices. We have also taragins to ofi r in guns, each as Winchester, Sharp and therBit'es r-s well as in Sliot-yuns and I'ieto's ' We are also Airenis for the White Peerles and Xew Home Sewing Mac! ine twhiu we sell at lowest rates and warrant as com nle to m eTtry respect, 1 We csu also supply- AvcrilS and Eubbcr Paints, K 1 1 e best in tlie'market, at lowest ratep. Give us a call, inspect mf slock, inquire any one can. METROPOLSTAH 'SALOOSI, KOEEBUltO, OltEGoN, McOULLOOH & CO, ii OJfLT iTHE BEST BRAND . OF. 'WINjsS, LIQUOBS AND CIGARS Kept on hand, and customers will findth'8 a pleasant ploo if res rt. me a chII one door south oi the Metropolitan Hotel. DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, Koseburg. The propretor of this well kn wn and opular resort wonld thauk hislfriends 'or their libe al patronaco in the oast aud would ask for a continuance of h.esaQie iu the iuture. The public is Informed that 1 keep none but the best brands of wires, liquors and cigars and that! sell over the lar the cele brawl Jtsie Moore & Co.Je Kentucky vnisKie A eood billiard table will be found in the saloon; also the leading papers of the world. - SHSaiDM, (Succesbora to fho.f. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IK - HARDWARE, TINWAUF, STOV G ana, Cutlery and Tiroer Fur : niahiug (oo?f. TIN STOR RQ3E3U!G OQr Haviug secured the above btiBiness, we are prepared to kep up its former koc name for work and priCrB. We haveth best of material vnd always a full stock of goods on hand aud it is our aim to fur nUn customers with nrsiclas artiok-s liv let live price. " A full stock of iron ar.d eteel for faV, dealers from abroad will receive m;t attention. V, S. t J. t SHEKll'AN A Small Farm for Sale. Having become tired of batching, I ofler my place for eale, with or without household aud kitchen furniture, on reasonable terms. It contains 73 acres, more or less. 11 of which ar under cul tivation, a nice young orchard, n gnol zed barn and box house, with four roorm; also, the out-door improve ment." It is Hituated" in a Rood weigh -horhood, whhin a half mi!e of a 'arue school house, sven and one-hair nii'es west of Kcseburg, in what is tall d ihe French Settlement, in Douglas county I Oregon. Inquire of me on my farm. T.S. O'Brils. FOB TJtSE: ONLY a I JTZ, OR EG ON $2:50 Per Year. dise, ere nan Y OF Bm GOODS, JQSEPHSOM, txxro 1 j as t? our prices, and we promise to suit all SHKHIDAN BJlOy. GOLDMAN &MDRT0N 123 rront Street, PORTLAND, OREGX. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Karsfs, Butter, Bacon, etc Special attention given to coiiaig-nnionta of Wool, Hides and Crain. south irapauAniLLs MAKB THE In Eoseburg. J. W- XIHCOLIif, Prop'r r.. It THOMPSOS, U. H. TUOMPSON, EJ. DE HART V M HONKYMAN Thompson, De Hart & Co, Importers and dealers In ' S3! sttis? oaw-saB? Coal, Iron, Steel, Hardwood Lumber and wagon material. 184 First St., and 173 and 175 Front st j v Portland, Oregon. Carnage Hardware. Jan7 Wo continno to act as solicitors for Dstents. caTeats. trade-marks, copyrights, etc. , for i united mates, ana to uuui paw in Canada, England, France, Qermanv, and ail otiier con other countries tlx years' practice. No charge for exanunaaoa oxxn Intra Ail-rfM h mail free. iOdolfl or draw- -Patente obtained thronRh us are noticed ia the SCIEBTIFIO AJStEKICJI, which has the largest circulation, and is the most tafia entdaL newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice erery patentee understands. - . Thin 1 arse and splendidly illustrated news paper is published wEKKI.Tf at f 3.20 a year, and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to sei ence, mechanics, inyentions, engineering works, and- other departments of industrial progress,.published in any country. Single copies by mail, 10 cents. Bold by all news dealers. ' ... . ; "' ' Address, Mann A Co., publishers ef BcieO" tine American, 261 Broadway, New York. Handbook vovoi ptst mail4 tste Sherman, Clay & Co, S Pacific Coast Agents for tlio Celebrated ''I Tvv.S -f i- 'V--' - r st y. . r .: STSELIiTG- rillBcll for 8190. $23 rash, $10 per month with Interest upon deferred payments, one pec cent per month. Good 6tool and book included. Address SHERMAN, ClAY & CO. . ' t Cor. Kearny and Sutter Sts., ;W San Franclaee), CaL Sherman, Ciay & Co. Agents for the Celebrated UPRIGHT, SQUARE IGBAHD the BEST PIAKO now manufactured. Prices as low and terms as easy as consistent With thorough workmanship. Address , SHERMAN, CliAT Si CO. v Cor. Ecarny and Sutter Sts. , San Francisco, Cal.! V HcTAHASY ORGAMfflS The only Instruments that children can play Mwell as grown persons. Only Ave minute time required to learn how to manage them. Any kind of fanes can be played. Finest accom paniment for tl.e voice in singing. They ara old so low that any family can easily procure one. Having one no family could get along without. Prices of different styles $8, SIO, $12 and $14, including twenty-five feet of music. Send for catalogues and price list. Ad dress . SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. Hsol Agents for the Pacific Coast f if Cor, Kearny and Sutter Sts.'f" "SaJtx Francisco, Col.'' For prices and terms, address, SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. General Agents for Pacific Coast Cor. Kearny ami Sutter Sts. San Francisco. CaJ. W. PREITICS & CO., j PORTLAND,. OR., Gexeral Agents for the Nobth- Pacifc Coast. Notice of F.iial Settlement. "VTOTICE IS HF.RKBr" HIVES THAT THE UH X'l dersiyned, ailiniiitftr.ttor uf the e-!tv.e of Jonn Keleher, deceased, Lite of Dousrlas county, Orejrnn, haa filed in the OounVy Court of Kai J cutrity his final account as sueh tt4liuifjLstr4(4r, oo.i that Monday, the eighth day of Janua-y, 1845, hai been apixrinted by 3. S. Fitzhiih, Juil'5 of said ourt, f-r the hearing of objections to said arount, if there he any, and final set lenient thereof. It. t. SHKIUDAN, Administrator (f ea:d estate. . D.ited tliis 4th day of December, 18 -i2. ! isrerrLCJE. ' ANNUALJIEETING ! TIHE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE BONANZA i Gold and Quicksilver Mining CVm;any, for the purpose of electing a Drard of Tnmtde t5 sve for the eiiRUin; year, will bo held at Brown's IIUI, Oak- lana, uougias county, urey.m, on Saturday, the 2ita day (A November, 18ii, at 10. o'clock A. M". Oiiice of H'uianza Gold a:i Quiokjih'ur Mininr Company, Oakland, Oregon, November , 1382. i J.J.NAPIER Sesrctary. ; s. k. kav.uoxd SUR GE02I DENTIST j Oposite Marks & C , Btoro. Offers Lis profe5eiWhl Burvrces to the pt opie oi lousias county, witu wiiom is bns beun acqiiHintert 8everal jears. Al work warranted firsi-clas!, and terms a moderate as any oilier in the profession: EOSEBUHO, - - OR 5GON Buy at dealers' prices. We will sell you any article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want; send for our Catal osue,ree con tains over 1,900 illustrations. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. MONTGOMERY WARD & G3 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., I CHICAGOj ILL. Next door to the Metropolitan 1 - ! Eoseburg, Oregou. The uriderslaneJ has opened a neat and cmtortable barber shoo at tLe place above descnbed,and hawlnar long experience in his profesaien, ' satisfied he can give satisfaction to all who may give him a call. His prices ate pep ulr, aud ati follows: Hair CuttUlg, 23 centi;Shav!nic 5 ct. AH I ask is a fair trial, and toat shall .T'l' my work as a barbee: I am willing ;o be put to the test. i nW CUABLE3 1IA0U2Y Jib- rate j -. -