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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1880)
V I 2 , V. J 4, RESOLUTION OF ENDORSEMENT WrlKH&AS.'TBSDoVOt.AS iKDKPERDKKT a neuhpnper publiithed in Kot-eburg, liw r-e n putiuaueu in ttileeounty tor tbe period of ilir- years; sad WiiaBtua. mKi newspaper Is now wel eMnllihi. and during a three years' trial It baa tailhltllly aerVrd lb ltereta of lb pr-ducer aad tax-payer; then-fore b it . Jte$ulctd, We, tua nicmbera of the Ilmp. quatlrHiitfit No. 28. do give Tutt Douglas InoM'KMDkht our ouqua'ifled ei dieni-Di. ni1 wiuld recommud it m a aewspapet worthy the peironaire of every farmer and as yeria Southern Oregon. t tin). W. Joncs, Master- .;. i J. P Ptjkcah. ecriary. SATURDAY.. SEPTEMBER. 18, 1880 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. ; Salbm, Sept: Hi 1830. ' 1 have bat kittle t write this tveck. 1 Titere are reveral ineas wr-n f interests to Southern 0-. ton talked ot, -and each will 1 r .i.siJered by the tegietatare; L' i-r ft nhicu bss been B6ggted b: etcr Smeleton" 61 ' Coos c uit-y oTidnyt-elf and ttat i that a t ehill-bo parsed - ttllowing r .-rporation to build a railroad tois 15aT,wkhirt- six years "'tn the paesHcje of th bill, and llifti alter tt bo exempt from tux Mon for the period of 'fifteen ye. r. Broclcway has roncl uded n inlrodiice a measure changing h rnis of pfficfl of county com- mis :inere. lie was a cimimii'iu ww once and knows where f he u hju-nking, and he would urge that .. he commif 6iom rah old be ''eittvitMtdy one in two yer and thw A.h commissioner so elected th -wit hold office tor three years iSna arrangement, the comity iMiurd would never meet without having an old member to instruct 4ind point the vay to new one. Thieiii be alaos bill mtrodu.vd to mcreMse the alerie of c tunty fudges and treasurers; All favor the iwll tor the reason that :t is thtiMght that it the slary u sufiictt ntaoo4 lawyer may now and then be persuaded I to take the place, and if the salary will jtiry a firs t-class bookkeeper niiItt coasent to become eonnty treaiurr. There is an effort being made to havo the insane ylnai a Etate inatitution. The whide matter ii an efioft on the (tait ot specolatora who thTnthey s an make some'liing outot it'. Dr. Hawi-hUrne treats his patients , f. charges nd ; more ' for t'i' r kt-eptte than, la paid by the oiaie 01 ew wrK.ior tnT tarae ,l?orpoH we'caitbot See 'why the Mate, will pay a quarter of million of money f rmild an a v 1 nm , and id t he en d em ploy vt. I law 1 borne to look arts' it. Mrs. J.Mavkay, nf Consolidated v irfiima, recontfy "gave" break "fast to a select number of Ameri- can friends at net cottage at Trou ...TMe, the Cost of franca. On this occaicjD-4&e, costliness of Um table service and o&oratione tt ;ttif S o .e of theVArabiaii liigbt. Not only gold, and prkeless procrlain wre daed, But amber, coraV and preci stones were, pressed into the eer :wv jvet were ervsa on cyrs- iKi plate inlaid with bticct gems; wme anil, liquors sparkled ' in fia-ks of amber, brrejre Contained Aflg'"of jgold, inlaid with NjeuH and enamel; while the tiny cups i t which tea end cofle were piobubly each worth a uogget. " - - . - - - ' '" ' The IVaohiiigtou-monameat is to have H- memorial stone of a nique character,.-, Tho United States con'stti at Zarich, Bwitzer land has informed the btate de partment tht the ATOvernment ot Switzerland has effered ' hint a -meneiib of the ' father ,of their freedom, lVilInua, Tell. It is a etotio from the ihapel erectetjt r-vted on tba spot; where hre Hfle Ihs ccafiraru tHeyrsnl fedtlor. lie wants to know of lr. Evrats if our government il' accept itatid give-- it a place the Washington monomeut. r State tepartment, afar con raMe consideration, has de I to Mocfpt he gift. 1 eui-erintendent Peaslee, ot 1ti, in a recent address; .iy's education has been ader than his business tions; his happiness s a d his worth as av citizen been taken intoaccoui t. niicipiefcare too narrow ?e that is locking ; jor n. as well as vgrjtul and gramarians. They warily narrow, Tbey 1 fields of noble soil of Brooklyn, eays hea half, a ton of i a million of dol oicked into peo trotted States, ie- gold ia ed In the SUFFRAGE AND EDUCATION. President ITayet, whi i now on his tray to California,1 and trill o 10 this citj shortly,! made a very sensible ana opportune leech at Cantou, Ohio, on Wed needajr. The occasion was a re union ufsoluiers and sailors, an ierthe auspices of thft twenty third Ohio regiment, which the preaideot then if colonel, nine teen years ago led against the re bellion into the tv lid s jot West Virginia. His theme was popu lar education; and with I Jefferson und Madison he took the grout d that government by thw people cannot succeed where tie masses are icnorant. We have 111 the United States four and a half mil lions who are mostly native and "to the manner born.'? But in addition to tbtm we have the re spon.ibility thrown npon us of providing for the education ot other million ho eame herelextraordii.ary tide of emigration from the Old World, ignorant of I schools and of the principles on which tree institution ret. Presi dent liajes earnestly expressed rivals since tLe 1st of January himself tor the widest diatnbuti.m a-uount to 135,336, which is 10, ot tree-schik)l svstem. I'hd jtr am- 000 more than the entire popp ple'ieaeral provisions for Mnca- catiou wit Li the ternlrias, be cave quoting irom jenerson 1 mnea populations or tue states 01 without instruction 1 tree U, aiUfOiegou and Kvda. Fntiun- the sacred flame of liberty .cannot be kept burning iu the beans t Aroertcaiis." There is no giKd reason for doubt that the repeated 1 failure of Republican experiment I in Fiance has been canned by the universal illiteracy of the French peasantry, not oue-fourth ol whom I can lead or write. On the othtr hand there is no doubt that con stitutional government in Ger man; is' one of the fruits of the Prussiuu sytem of universal edu cation at the xpeuae of the Slate. An educated nattou, as well as au educated individual, has far more power lit peace or war than en ignorant one. . tt i from . the bich the tee school tales in w ,Mt and has longest ex- . ...a .1,.. ..:.r ,i .n.r,.ri- nt Amrit tn,. iiibj u uunt an yi r lull)-,! canals, railroada and supplied ninety nine out ot ever one-buml- red or our in veauoos to. increase production, save Or ameliorate la. bor. advance scieutifio dieiyery. create great citwa, on ways into the wilderness; vntl they;; have proved jheoisel vea as poweriu I in the' art ot war, as ta tne arts on - at peace, and as patr.iotte as power-: m ,. Vll!rY . tul,;because th tree school is an TME W'". fAUCT MILLS instructor iu the benefits of hbeny and- the means ot its reaerva- tton. -'"-:- -j There is oonrtesy and there is Christian courtesy There i a courtesy that can bs -put 00 and lei off" to suit , circumstances. There is a courtesy that is an es sential part of theindivitJoal.-The contrast1 between the elegant toi let worn at an evening party ami the, slovenly one iu which the same individual appears at break fast tbble next morning, it often 110 greater than the contract be tween the manners of the indivld uai on 't&ei'two4 !obcaiotis. fn tact, the contrast berweeu society dres aad home - dress is otten not so great as between ' society manners and home man iters. t Mrs. .QovjJ Lew. yVallac, in describing a rtde in NwMexlco, ays that " the Mexican driver ' oo aaioually .leaped trotii l?is seat r a pneicettui ot stones, and throwing them at the heads of the mules, "at the same time raut tering, on tl o ledger lines below, sacred words mixed with uanu's of saiuts. The Mexican insists a male cannot be made to under stand without such uriug, and they have a pmverb, ! '.n ass's ears are made lone in; order to catcb oatha.' . i The fast mail service! between the East and the - West j is again toy be estabhsheu. The 1'ost raaferGeneral has just ' com pleted BeotiHtiona with the- New York Central and Hudson River and the Lake f- bore and Michigan Southern Uai 1 roads, whereby , the ast mail service, which j was pat in operation on those roads iu 1875 and 1876, will be a rain " given to almost the wbolu territory ot the tTe-t. It An other wine estimable young man l tms city, wuoj recenuy joinfd an archery club, asked the- tMir leing whose striped hose he some time ho ed to have the houor of buying, if she would not t become a toxophllite, bat she said her family hnd been Preibyterians so lonsr that she woold teol quite last is any other denomination.. ! In Texas a herder ' oflsred to surrender to the sheiiff in case he should , be provided , with a square dinner, This was refused and in the tight that took place three men . were killed, two wounded and the herder escaped. There can be no lodger any doubt that the alligator does ex ist la the old world; as two fine specimens taken from the Yang teeskiang are now ta the Berlin zoological museum, ; . - .- i Accord tug to the Kansas City Review remains ot a gigantic race ot men, considerably advanced in civ lization have been disooaver- ed in a cave on the old Smitufarm in Tiffliu Township, Adams coun ty, Ohio. The cavern had at one time been a burial place, and con tained many tombs adorned with has-rvliets of a very htgli artistic character. One ot the tombs. when broken open was tonud to contain the mumv of a man nine test ont iuch in leng'h. Several tools and weapons of copper were found 1.1 the tomb, hardened to men a decree that a file will bate- ly scratch the lance. It is to be hotted that further examinations will be undertaken by fully qaali tied persons. Perhaps at lat 1 light will be thrown ou the early liutory of the western .hemis phere. There is u abatement m the from Europe. During the month lot May, 55,083 people landed at Castle Harden, and the total ar latiou of ibe Bute of Delaware Und about as many as the, comf ate'y a large majority : of these ftigttives from poverty and mill- tary oppresion of the old world are sturdv, iiidastnous, well meaning people, who will readily assimilate with the native element Und perform their full share ot the work of developing the noun try. A handsome writing-tab'o has been made . at the command of the Quen, out of a tortion of the timl er ot the old Arctic ship Kepule, which was Intely brokeu up. Her Mgenty intends to pre' sent it to the President ot the Uniteil Stales "a a memorial ot ,ha cou"ep)r ,,d ;vin WttdnM I ... 1 I. -1 ! a 1 - S At a. . t r)mc" oner ot ine ttweotu .o. xt, W411, 01 coun-e, oe hite House. w nen oars a magnetic na jture are coiiipreesed, twisted or t retched, they have a tendency aays M. Ader to resume their J primitive molecular disposition 1 when they are subjected to the J action ft a magneticing currant 21177 I J3P S O BS V I THE BEST If! THE BASKET" ' Addnwa A. W.STEAKNS.CanronvilU uremia. ; u(t4 . ; Louis Belfil8, WATCHMAKER AND JfcWELER : Front St., Kosebusv, Oregon. Who'eealr and retail dealer in Watches .Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Fens and Monica! Ipstruinenta. Watclies. Clocks aad Jew el y repaired. A i my work warranted. THE STAH SALC02T 4T. Jaekeon Street. Roaburg, WM. HEFPR OK, PROP I hereby an nee to the puMlo that etui? reiurnianea cms TPOPUI, AS RESORT Z ':' '..) keep on band fine Wines, liojior3 & Cigars PEKKS & CARLL ; HAVE FITTED UP - THE : ROPOUT'N SUM In a Metropolitan Style, AMO ' THKT HAVE OK HAND LZQU0ES & CIQARS FINEST AND BEST ANQE1TBEEG- SHOS. This Era has constantly oa hand the finest atock of Boots and Shoes EVER BROUOHT TO KOSKBURG. Best of Soots and Slicea fade to order and Repaired. ZiTODT'S PATEaT BtTAUJC 8TIFFENER3. POB Sasos ara asanr i- Boot and Shoe Beelt. ! Pievants raaBaf weaiaia eC oa the TXDXS. The firm has on band the finest stock of of Leather in the ttatl, and is prepared ta do all kinds ot work in- a first class man ner, gpoa tbn most reasonable terms. ' Par ties aeedingia their line, should callepoa then first, aa they fully . QUARASTEE ALL WORK T anted oat of their shop to ba A 1 sad earuia ta wear well. All kinds of MosJcal Instrainents sold at Bast Vraoelaeo prices. Tiolin aad otber striaca a specialty. Coan aad see as. - rTITMd jr I Ilafffl mUt a A King of the Blood Cares all Serof nloaa affections and ditordeia result inf tram Impurity of tin blood. It K neadlaas to aponfr ad, om the auffsreraan araally percwir tlww caiuaj but Salt Mnm, IHmpUl, Plwrr, Tumur: Gttirt, BmtUingt, an., ars tlie nut ooouboii, a weU aa raaay iff tiom el the Start, jtted, Artw aad flinata. SCROFULA. WondsrM Curs of Slladneit. D. Bavsou, 80a a Co. : For the benefit of all troubled with ttarafula or Impure Blood In thaur mtsma, I harabjr recommend King- of tba Blooj, I aav bam troublad with Sarofuia for tha pant Ma yaora. which ao aSaatad tar 7 that X waa com. Knmij diibq for aix mootna. x waa rarommaoaao tj King of tba Bleed, which baa provad a gnat m TJ auaf; tilmiar to a IahottfuUr to aa, aa 1 aaa eompirtair auraa n(t ana asaatttoau mtDiaaaax itara Taara tewlT. Kaa. B. WXaxukmw, ftarllnla. N. T. 2. CZ, 0 O will ba paid la aar IabUa Hanital to be anta ally aaraad a poo, for crary aartinnataaf tbaaaatdip aa paBtianan bj aa wataa ta not -vmiaa. Its Ingredients. Taabewaar faith la tba aafarraaS esaateeaaf atiated that aa tatpaaiUoa ia iataadad, wa wiU WaakaaHumMof au tu taTuaata, or amaam Tba above oSan ware ami auda baton r tba pro. aMaref aar ether Vamilr bfadiaiiM Hiar taatltala.farthar mil Meiuatne ia ua world, rthar mforatatioB.aa4 faUdhwUaaararaaiaewUl bafoaad a tba aaaa wbiabeaehbattlelaeaeloaaS. MatSSOTbsaUaaew. ia it . or tsuM um. BoidDrera L D. B i .Sua Q,yWBta.iSala.W.t Thouch sbakinit li i an aapea leaf with the chill and tvr, the victim of ma'ar.a mav still rrcover r uinz this eelebrnte l pec'fic, which not only breaks np in uioet airirravatea attscse, 0111 preren-.i their reoccurrence. It la Indeflnite'y pre ferable to qninine. not only beeauee it d-e the bttsinese more tortiaiihly, bat also on ascnunt of its perfect wholeenmeneeS end invigorating action spun the entire rjf tern. For sale by all druggists and draleas generally. FOSTER, WILMERDINQ CO, Importers aad Wholesale Dealers in FH7E YIIIE & LldUORS. 314 aad 813 Front Btrees San Fraxtciso. Sa Ik J. O. SBERIDAH, (Saccessora to Tlios. P. Slwsndsn) 1ALBK8 K HARDWARE, TINWARi', STOVES Guns, Cutlery and Til tier? Fur niahiuar Cooc'. ERICK ST0E, ROSEBUD, 0SN. Baring secured the above business, we at j preparvd t keep up its former jr-iod name lor work and pr oes. We have the beat ot material and always a full stock .ot Kud on hand, and it Is our aim to fur nish customers with firs:elaes article at let llva pricee. A full stock ol Iron and Bteel lat . Orders from abroad will receive pi' a'teotiou. It . s Js C. SHE HDA Tba finest and best seloon in Roseburg JOE AIKEN, PROPRIETOR. The best of liquors, the finest of clears, and a quiet retreat. Qcntieinen are invited to ffire me a call. JOE AIKEN. -EXCELSIOR JttEKRIIHAN & CO, HORSE SHOEING MADE SPECIALTY And all kinds of work . - PROMPTLY UXmiiTEQ. GIVE THE FIRM A CALL. And you trill cone again GO TO DR. S. HAMILTON'S NEW DRUGSTORE. for - Erutrs, Paint. Oils. Varnisb, Window aap rietnre uiaes, stationery, rertumery, if yon wish to pnrchaae tbem clieaper than at any place aoah ol PORTLAND. Full lines keept of EDWARD TOD & CO'S.QOLD PENS, PENCILS. ETC, SCHOOL E00K3,r NOVELS, LEGAL BLANKS. Ctath. Hatr, Nail & Taotb Windsor and Mewtona tube colors, Wia dow and Picttue Ulass, every rise, at Lowest Price, by box or pane. Blank Botka. Writing Paper, envelopes, peoa. All- new Patent Medicines in stock aa demand will warrant. OUSS CUT TO ORDER, free of charge. Agent for TEHEE MIXED PAINTS The celebrated and thoroughly tested PA CIF1C KUBKEK FA I. NT, The 1M- PKK1SHABLK PAINT, and Tka ENAMEL) PAINT. : Agent for It. Gray, Maais Dealer, Ran Fraaciaeo. Prescriptions filled with divrateh. at taa lowest rates. Store is aeoradbU at right wiadow on back street at all bears of Om ht. Remember lb pfcea. Brick bailit ag ajpaalla MatfapoUtaa Uotsl.aWsanr. 4Orga. Wlsliea. tb poblio to nnderatand ibat h bas establlslied a II- ESTABLIrfUMENT At Oakland, and on the glinrtt-st notice will supply llie tradt) and (invntn iariii witU any uuinW nf bruouia, id all Biylu and cixe, ciioapur tlian tlmy cun ba pur ciiaatid elaewltore. IIk has had limit expe rience in Vie busintns, aiul KuarauWt H dut isfuclion. Orders fi"ra abroad iMUitl7 filled, (iive bun a. trial. Vormout SCorso, J Verm out w air-d by Carb'nW . (ran horse ; dam's sid Lom:x and Joe is a fall developed four year old tiful bay. He will tnnketlie pnen son, eommencinif ai Knsebtirtr Friday snd Satnnlay (8th ana IO1I1), ai.d at butne on Deer creek. Terms can b bad brapplvinp; ie pro prietor. GEJ. W. OENUEH. SSEEP "WAITTSD To to - five Thousand Eves. from 1 to 2 Tears. Old. - CLEAN AND WEIX-BHED. -Gife price sud full particulars Aihires b. a. fahrar. 632 Piuo street, St. Luain, Mo. Oakland, Oregon. B. F. ELLSWORTH, I'KOrtUUHi, The ntonrietor would atimmoce tliut ! has once more aesuni'ti &mttv) oi tin" V"lv nlar houRe llately uii'irf w mitiaiirmt'..t of Mr. Uibsoii) end tt I win stiirnu i) wanta of tatnn- in a ntxirlax- m ner. The table wiU W tllt!led wiuV' the tuirkei affords, the iwl of the u- are well neat ami eUan,n'i pains will be spared t. render ifwc fonahle. B. F. ELLSVVO it IT! For Sale Tor Sale l gaaa e?&mia. GEORGE , W. : GEKGER. AuUKUuctw tUat he will B H nie tlu. Ihi.i.. situated on the south lurk taV I-er creek, oa the C'Hinty t(d. aven milts eal l Koeeburir. Deer cr-i-k luumorf tiirougiitlie entire t lace. LESCRin'lON OF FAHM : Welt itnnroed. cotd orehnrJ, two a'f'ry d we! Hoc houae, a convenient burn. Tlierv are 200 actva of aruiinj land, and 100 acres in urain. Will anil '.! nr port. K.r particulars Inqnire f GEO. W. tJENOEU, BoseburjI. OreKoo. May 22. NETT BAKERY J. N1EDERSTAD T , (Lbmi of Saa Francisco) Would anaaunce ta llie putilic that he has purchaaed the interent ot tl t li in R0SEBDRG BAKER? And that he baa had ntteen veant txpe rience in Brat cla-a bukerirs in the c.ty of aa r rauciaco aa a buk-r. Ho, thtreiiv. ia prv pared to con laci Hi" oakery in a tiraiclae- manner, and will warrttnl all bis work aa firei-claw-. : T2io Best Of Broad, Either wbrau-n, twti-n r rye. i way a am hand. Cak e, lr nniT crackers of the 6o eat quality fur sale; a d win t ier fur balls. tiartiea or tuivate fiini'liiw. a-I oidera will tie promptly filled at li l weat rat.-s. In enoectio with the Bakery 1 will keen friuts and veovtatiW s, caiiili.a, nuts and n-Hioue, and with this repaid 1 wiii not be uiii(-n d by any unt-. Uive dpi trial. Tben if I nuot suit voa as to q tanlity and quality and pi ice no one can. J. Mi UiiHSTAD l'. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the county court ol the 8iate of Ore gun, for the county of Dsiuif las. , In tlie matter ol the estate f Chanes Vail, deceaaced; " - A. C. fount;, administrator ol the above estate bavinu; tii'S 81. dav of May, 1880, filed his final accounts for ettlement, and also praying that a day be aet apart for the hearing of the aeme. t ereforu notice ie hereby. ci veil that the final account will be b-ard and dftermined in said eoort on Tneed iy July 61i, 1880, at which time all person hnvinir any oi jections to said dual accouut and settle went must and there make the SHti.e. Pulilis ed in the D Miirlas Indkpesd KNT for four coi.secutjve week, by older of Hon. C. Garidig, eotiutv juiie. T R. M1ERIOAS. Clerlt. By VV. T. WRWHT, deputy Rosbbubo. May Slat. a. D. 1880. ; . toto pot a TO ALL FAR.HKS Preserve Yoor Fruit tatiJ Pay Off . our Mortgage. Read the following testimonials fromaomeo" the heat ci mens of Doug' outinty wno apeak . from experieuce only: . - . . Deef Creek, May 7, 188a Thw Is to certify that we have a Plum, mer Frail Dryer. Daring lasv -8.n we drieu nrariy all kinaaof fruit. It will do all that ia r.-conmVaded ,aod more. Oar spphS brouvutiilue Ml per tiouud earlr iu tlie season and are wnrcn tltirtei-n e-nts at ilil- date. W e do not believe it can be excelled iy any other dryer iu the State. MhS. . A Da MS. Wu-ncB. Mr 4. 1888. I need a Plommer Fruli Dryar bought rf Orubbe tt Co. laet year and drM nearly iu.uuv pounas oi aspire. lor whlcii I n-ai iz-d ten cents per pc und. It did bttttr work than waa promised and I made more money than 1 cou'd from any oilier bnsi oeea. I only rim lue uiachiue two months. J. FKAZKK. Harvy Jones says : I have a Plum mer Fruit Dryer, a ud it has doue all recom mended it would do ; and turns out the haDjd8oint-et fruit I ever saw. , I shall ran it this year to its full rltent. Win. Boon, of Calapooia aays- I hired a machine for $100 and dried on shares and made mora than Ieua'.d larmipg. Mr. Tipton, of Mt. Scott, say the Piam mer mscbine tlie best I ever saw and it ia all ibat ia recommendsd. and tuoro. . '. NOTICE. FOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned executors ot the es tate of 3. D. Willis, deceased, have filed a final account therein ; and that the 5th day of July, A. D, 1880, baa been appointed, or the bearing of objac'iona to such ace eoaat and the arttlement thereof in ibe soaaty oonrt for Dovgiaa eoaoty, Oregon. vv ai, n. w 1L.L.10, o.- waLu, Ssacatsrs, m Field tw?$m wr& f&yeNew stock w. (J wo o u -:y Would announce LEATHERS, SADDLE WARE, TRIBO&INGS, Etc. a- . .. ' I lrllk fiH Ifi . I w tv --'"ni Rt member this much : I prnnnaa to San Fruiciso, and no one can undersell me, from r. Marks at Co , brick atoro. This apaes is reserved tor o tu rn o Notice- T WIII TO ANNO0NCB TO THE A pnblie that t will fay no billa ot Mm. Kitchell hereafter. C. u. K1TCHIX. boaeburg, June 15, 1880. 4w. 2XTOTIOIU. U. 8. Lnd OtSc. Roaebnrg, Oregon, aiav iuib, leu. Nctica is hetvbvgivrn in parauancs nf an act of t'onirrexe, nf Juae 3d, 1878, for the aale or Tinioer Laands lu the states o. Ca tlomia, Orgon, Nevada and Waahing- ton Jrr.luiry, ;iiat Heo. w. Jones and VVm U. B. Uixn has fil-d their at plica' lion io purchniH) the north half of the Math-bait of auction 3. in township 87 a.iu'11, ol r ige S west. Any ami II persons cUiming advers-l the above escribed landi, must fil lb claim in b tteglater'a office uitbia sixty ia.. s troin ins aac. W, F. BENJAMIN lirlO-6 KOSKBUEG. OGN 113 CORDa Four Foot Wood 10 it SALE. I bava 115 cords of four-foot wood for tale on my place, 6 miles nortbwt-8C ot RtwebarK, oa the Coles valley road. The od wa cut Ian win vr; is of tba best sotiod oak; wiU- be a!d on my farm.. r weet rate. I haveaiso pleuir If atove wood, anil purciasria will und that I can give them S iperior bargains. Tuoet who deei:a a good- trade- cat not do better than give meacait, t. H. CONN, SB. Parties may inquire at tlie office- 'd the tBDErxsocNT if 1 ad not in Uwn, KOSEBcrtG-, oa.v. ZIKSMERIU.AM & FRAZER, PROS; Castings ol aav aias and IRON WOKKS Of evory deseriotion nea'ly and promptly executed. Grist, Quartz and Saw Mills Made to order. Portable and Stationary i ENGTNES Made to order aqd WARRAJS TED. r FOUNDUY: One block south of be Depo t. jy3 The CHICAGO LEDGER, a literary a:' family paper, can be had by at ndng t Chicago, Illinois. Price, 82 00 per year. The Ledger ia pablfahed weekly and ba eight pages, and the tone of Ita stories and other matter is pore and moral, aad well j calculated lor the family. ROSEBURO OR lOJL'-- vi mill. ATTEND TO ALL CASSS VV lntrtatud te sis aar. Office at aisraaldaao W ' i Sa w IRON F0tDIlY. that he has Juel received one of the most complete stocks of Kver brunght tn Kowburjf. and that he is ' dacptuenta id lti 10 Purchasers tiuiu ever ueiure. m nehr.s the lnrirest. beat and eheHtieBt slock Hi siidodit-s and hen en are rt-.dy made, nud thorn iu want of harness need not auffi-r d- lay. since lie bus all sizes end atyies, and on five miuatea' notice can fit any one out with from 1 to 20 Setts of Harness or None but the best of w orkmen employed All Styes in Wings, Buggy Trimmings, toTsss, Fancy and Common Bridles, And in fnct everything else kept in a first-class saddlery and harness store. fell cheaply aa do dealers in the city of Portland, Uepatiing doii with neatm-sa sin niptia'cn. HAFFBNDBH BROS. ! . , . HAVE TIIE Grocery I -STOKK OF fOUTLIERN Oil EG ON t: B.airJIf BR SIGN THE LARGEST AND SOUTHEKNGGN. Choice Goods LOWEST CI IA! IS IHi Forcira and Dcme.tio Fruit in Their Store, XTuts. CANDIEbf AND CALlFOIiNlA CRACKERS. Ererytbiug in tho shape ot Grocftriss to be found at tboir store IAN, FECK I CO. - AND WHOLESALE QROCXSRS AND DKALBB8 IN Fl AVAJTJTA, KEY WE3T NEW YORK CIGARS i Nos. 186, 1S!8 ft 132 Market Street, AND Nos. 23 & 24 California Street, SANFRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA j C9MHENCINC APRIU.T, 188. The Celebrated Stallions in a v. Will stand for the enaning mason as fol. lows: Kiws-lmrg on Fridays and Satur days; other tiieee at home, ix milc-a noru w.stoti the Coir's vail.-y rond. If cdsnne is made in il ee arranto-tiienta, due notice will be given. H. CONN, Sr.. Rate of Hervice: To iuetire, $10. Pioprietr. Ali communicatioas by m il must be ad dresed to the proprietor, Koseburg, Ore gon. the SAN FRftNCiSCO 3ULLE1IN. THE . , Leading Eveninff Newspaper West of the Rocky Slounuuus. - It is rt-eoenisl autho-ity in cimmereial aad financial circles as the beet family journal oa tba Pacific coast, Served by errier n Baa Fraacscn and the towns f the interi'r....2.!c per week. By mail, postsge paid, ....$12 per year. The Weekly Bulletin la mammoth twdveiiage LurnaL and in proportion to ii size the clieap ea; jonrtial in the coautry. ; SUBSCSRIPTION KATES. The Weekly and the Friilay Bulletin, forming together the must eotnplete semia Weekly published on the Pacific ouar, will le sent to uy address - oetage -paid, on tlie toiiowing leruiK Tbo Weekly and Friday Ballet in. One year . .3 00 8iz moatiis..... 1 50 . Weekly Bulletin Alone. One year 8ix mon'.us, 2 25 ltW Re mlttanoea by dra t Postoffice order, Wilis. Fargo Cy'a express, registered . ter at cur risk. i ' ' v FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Each subscriber will be presented with several varieties of rare and valuable tree, Vi-petaule and fl iwer eemls, equal in value to tLe subscripiioa price ot the paper. Bend lor sample copy, giviug lull par lieulars. Addreas, a F. BULLETIN CO., Ban Francisco Cal. oars s&.Qsn. JACKSON STBEKT, EOSEBUB6. Tba proprietor of. this well-knowa and popular reaort would thank bia friends for their liberal patronage in the past and aak tor a continuance ottbe same in tbe future. The public la informed that 1 keep none bot the best brands of wines, liquors aad cigars, aad that I eel! over tbe bar the celebrated ' JESSE MOORE at CO. H ; KENTUCKY WHISKIES A good billiard Ubie will ba foaad ia tbe saJooa; also taa leading papers of the . oiursworia. . .- . & it v . r.ow better prepared to offtr superior la ever tff-red f r sale ill Southern Oregon. 20 Fine Common Saddles. and patrons will find in my store I import my materials direct from " Store and aliop on the eornr west WOOni'ARD. LEADINQ Provision f FINEST DISPLAY OF --Low Prices PRICES. lOi M !L Y I Ej OQ H w a o ts4 t-1 H 00 is o CO C o r- af X H el . 1 H el a 11 Jj . e Z- id U i S o rt o 0 o 01 O o o -a ca o o s u dry o ha o i4 1 ts K 03 n B '1 B i s a. II a rS5 1864. 18S0. Insurance Company OF CALIFORNIA. PIUS 0 ITL Y. Income 12 Months, $238,563 73. Pretnluma Since Organisation, $3,171,423 19. Losees Paid 8ince Organisation, - $L521;402 15. Losses Paid in Oregon in 7 Years, 183.363 19 The HOME MUTUAL baa had for over feven Years, $50,000 Deposited with the State Treasurer of Oregon for tbe protection of Policy-holders. GEO. L. PTORY, Portland, Manager Oregon, Washington Idaho . supervisors : C. II. Lewis, of Allen av Lewis; P. Wasaerman, of Vt aserman A Co.; J. McCrakeo, of J. McCraken Co, The underdened takes nleaaure ha announcing to the citizens of Rose uurg aia vicinity that he has received the agency of tbe above 'leading ib surase company oftbe Paotno Coast, u. uuttiSU, Agent. FANCY ! - BUPERLAi'IVE ami,s ,owder. Best ia tLe Wort 1, ABSOLUTELY' PUUXe Tlie Suoerlatjve Baking Powder ia ths standard article of tba Uuittd tatea for . at'rensth and purity. Tba Sert article ii general baking purposes tv- r introduced, tt is the cooks favorite. Wiirtand per fectly pure and superior to anvibing of tba . kind now In the market, for heaithfulnesa and strength producing at all "iuiea. The most delicious cooking. . For Bale by grocers, or sent direct by mail en receipt of sixty (60) cents for on ponad ran. Sola in cans only. Full weight guaruteed. Ad drees. Superlative Baking Ponder Co-. 143 Chamber!., New fork SHOW THIS TO TOCR OR v-Bft : ED. TOLLES; i House, Sign, and Carriaea , Graining, Marbling, Kalaominlng ajvd ' HARDWOOD FINISHES. PspeivbangiDgand wall-tinting prompa I attended to at low 'atea. Orders to ba be left at Or. 8. Hamilton's drogstorsv Farq.uar's Eestaurant OK JACKSON STREST, EOSEBURO. Jonn Parquar Announces to the public that lie ha reopened the restaurant 0aite. HttenJeJ Bros., and will KUKNISIi MEALS AT 25 CTS. And that he will supply his tables witn tne beat tn tue inarEet : JVo Chinese Cook Employed O Ir MOORE, s. - ... (Lata of Salem) . - ALL WOHH. careful ly per formed, ant aa rMiabl as ir rati mc rk r 1 j applied for the painless extraction of ttetii OSce and Dental Kim over Uarka Co.'a Building, Roeeburg. ASSIGNEES SALE. Notice is hereby given that fie nadea S'gned hss been appointed atiignea ot the estate of I. Caro aad 8 Cero. u-tder tlie nrm name f Cam Broe.. ao.1 til- rikn orsof said Caro Bros, are r quire-l to prav sent their claims, under oath, u hira 'at bia office in Kowrtartr. Orea-nn. eri.kla three months. And all persoaa indebted to the said Caro Bruaw. will save nsta oy calling at fciy office an j eettlitisr ih same. Dated tbla lith dav ol Aiuriet, 180. War. K. WILLIS. Assignee. I. B. RICE, iW. Physician and Surgeon, Offlea first door south of Dr. Hamilton's drug a tore, os Main vtret. SPANISH Me. KINO BUCKS FOR SALE! Thronghbrvedat.t offer. I will sell 40 riiwmeii M"rin bucks wuici uve tieeo. reared D mv plaoe". They are anperiiir baocks and w.ll amt tae ideas -of evry slieep raist-r. Tliey will lie sold very cheap for cash, and i invite the sheep raisers el Unnrlas euntv to fnsjX'Ct tbem. Thev will be found at my. farm, ait utile southeast of KneMlwrg. on ise Coles valley rotd. - - (Jj3io2) a. OJSfX. fB. at Fair oaks, Outsaom Sampson Sutherlin, Prop . ' MY NEW STORK AT FAfU OAKES 15 now completed, and titled with a fine stock ot goods embracing everything found In a firai-claaa country e-ore. I am pre. pared to to supply farmers with all kinds ot good, at lower prices than tbt V cas ba w-curvd eleewbere. Horses, ea lie, sheep -and bom and all kind f country pr. uce taken and highest market price paid for the aatna. Oiva me a call aud satisfy . yourtie'f. gAMlso.M SUTHKRLIN. a - . ia Cameron's Restaurant! ' CORNER JACKSiiN WASHINOT03T " . Uoseburg, Orejtco, Keats at Alt Hears,. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY SrYL ' The only 6rst clag eating houae In ths city. Tables supplied with 'be beat, aad eveiyy attention paid to gnests - 1 . i ROBERP CAMERON. FOE SALE CHEAP. . " "awaawaawaw - A Second-Sand Planer, - ( Weatherby, Riiliard,".u Ruggs " . machine.) A II bits and slotted j Loder fr mak ing rustio anr rrjouliliige4 with the machine. rmrticulerx in)U're of THUS. URI.-U.iALK, ' Roaebnrg, Ogu. " JAMES, W HAMIL.Qir, attomey-at-La-w. r OFFICE FIRST l OOli TO THB richt in tbe Court Houw. Kuak neas promptly atteudetf t in all the Courts of the Mate. - KOaICE Great Eeductions : AT riOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAY9 dk comma ncing August 1st, Haffen. -den Bros, will sell the follow) tig goods at very low-prices: A full 11 oe of Queens ware, glassware, lamps, plated caatora, atone jars, eharns, jags, pots; -fruit Jura, Infants chairs, baskets,' coal oil, brooms, lard oil, cantor oil, chiaa a nut oil, etc., etc hoap, syrup, can dies, lard, flour, canned goods, sr dlnes, oystera, coffee, tea, ai It, rat ua, bluing, beans, aUrco, hickory axe. pick helves, cigsrs aud tobacco. Call . and be convinced. Kewapaper AmVeiam Bareaa IDS Swwea arwacrvea. - ef--o "uLaiiiYEL be luaate t V