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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1880)
unknt 1ULY 3, V JXTION OF ENDORSEMENT. 'j'.eas. tub Docglas Isdepkxdkst jjmpe.r punished in lioHiliurit, has busked in thiseouaiv lor the period years; sad : " , UZ.OS. Said newspaper Is bow we! ted, and curing a three year trial i!liiul!y s-trvcd the Interests of the t and taj-payer: therefore be it tf, We, members of the II in p. etr So, S, iio give Tub Douglas SoRSTVJt unqualified eudosenteot. lo'd. tvrotumeiid Hut newspaper ,j the pairounjre of evgry farmer anil yer in Sout iern Oregon. . KR-i . J.j,ks, Afaster. , . 3. I Vcxc.wi. Secretary. THE I' US AGAIN. jja our lat itnuo we spoke in favor jMAtouwy fair. From different parts r;f t!a country cooks wjrds of encotir- (v ..went, ami: tti pr osHioa evident e.?U with gouera.1 favor. The meets to-uuy, (igu we nope It Vtiifee thd nuttier under careful yidt.-rationv 'The lime of the tneet- ..i;n proposed Is o le week iroin the I rt-!t Saturday, audlf the Grange Ml lend iU Influence we are of the . ailmtive -sueceMS will be-assured, 'and Vt III have & comity fau this fall. I.vt all our stocKrsisters ami farmers tit- nd the meotlug next Saturday ,and la shis let thoe who have the interest of the ct Duty at heart fail not. The Portland Telegram says: A per son c.iUing himself "Coon," of Coos Bay, and having but one arm, has I en for several days days begging lu the neighborhood of East Portland. His attempts on the person of two Utile girls, 9 and T years old, proved him a lecherous scamp of the wret kind. He is described as a' man with one arm, gray beard and hair, large and coarse, and talks profusely. He claims to he of the ; Vnlted Brethren Church und "brothers" every Christi an. He iauts to raise money to pay a mortgage on his twenty-acre farm and bTing bis family to this 6tte. jae mijts ui going to ran ranfitsco. because he can make more ther - --..u c UUIBE i alurge t.usiues in thfj-grfayg. Tal klllflyF" u7i lit Brooklyn tabernacle a i wwk aeci read the names of 410 new . niombcra who had been received Into I the church dafing the recent revival. Tht y ranged in age from the child of . Of these, lid Wf re baptized, Mr. Tal mase forming them In a row aud then sprinkled each on the forehead and ptonouncing a blessing. The majori ty of the converts were young women , ''ere seenis to oe more la the nom (- it. j?weME?.ttck than was at first ui;po9edJTfciiirif Sherman has en dorsed his nomination, and it; would seem that Hancock is the favorite of the army. 'Jbe truth (s now apparent to every jone that the presidential race it will bi a close one,and that to win It " will be newsisary for the republican patty to strain every possible nerve in the action. One day iftst week, Mr. E. B. Smith, who was engaged In running a steam cnll at the Big Cut, near Preachers' Eddy, on the Upper Columbia,; met wiln a fatal accidenL He was Wash' ! Ju& preparatory to eating his dinner. t when a blast was fired four hundred 'iH-i from where be stood. A frag- 1 thrown high into . f struck Mr. Hmith, J and killing him : U - . V-....: MiM T ral estate boom the last three s have been re- heen transform" long barrack n constructed, eral families ' tew houses are indowa an al- a generation protect a man Motiy. an ae nlst and iu after a day's Teturneti to 1 dinner at rries. That indigestion, tors called States to- eurrlng American uch In favor tnd the c in all it y oratois 11 to-day aage bor- not par it causes a -tues of $1 , been in com- moo use now for six years, and last ; yer the number consumed was 248, 00,000. The manufactory is at Hoi yoke, Mass., and hat a capacity of a mliliou cards per day. . ' .. ' .; ; It has long been said of the ' Bour bons of France that tbey never forget or learn anything. . It seems that they : have learned one peculiarly American method of securing political support. They are accused of buying the ftiend ehip of numerous Influential French republicans. , The wheat king of Maryland ex pects to harvest CO.OO0 bushels of his favorite cereal this season, which will , make a nice little crop, but wouid not be thought ery much of : la ' Cali fornia. On large wheat crops are worth lra&j Inar about. V; Like the great statesmen of the country ha. f a century ago, uenenu OarOald is not Di&t i r. rich. Some months 1 Ms entire worldly -8j : y cf harvest hands : ; One thous - toymen t in f i -r month 30jhe tli relate at 1 There Is a ( in norther si ; and men ecu' "Sloou !j boai HAVING A GOOD TIME. Tn his dying hours John Brougham declared, with a satisfied expression, ' that be bad lived to have a good time and had had It. . It is well for a man to die contented, go matter from what source be draws bis convolution. Most men do not die contented, nor live contented, either. Those who have grasped at the most life affords. judging from a worldly standpoint. aud seem ingly secured tn ueh, rarely quit the field satisfied. There is al ways something more which they think they should have gained, but which they were unable to reach. Probably If they had gained every thing to which they aspired they would have desired to tarry a while longer to thoroughly eujnyit. Human ambition, Whether for gold, fame or power, is usually Insatiable. It be come a species of disease, that grow on what 1 feeds upon, like the drunk ard's rage for Honor, or the fever vic tim's thirst for Nature's cooling bever age. Every tusu has, or should have, definite purpose in life, In orJer that liia thoughts and energies may stead ily tend toward success. It is wise,, therefore, to indulge hi reasonable ex pectations and to aim at moderate goals. The man who acts out to have a good time has just as much of a fix- el object in view as the one who wears himself out, aud kills mUh'onsj of uuier people, in lounuiug an empirn that passes away as soon as he dies It may be objected that so man has a right to consecrate his existence to bis wa" personal enjoyment ; pat higher objects present themselves, and that the voice of duty Is more impera tive than the sluggard's desire fori re pose. ; This at onte plunges us iito a labyrinth of Problems around ua float the the cloud of philosophy aud the mysteries of religion, and a ltuud red startling Questions propound tiietn selves. What does a man live for? This will be auswered much according to ttie early or severe suusequem training each respondent Las under gone. A careful investigation will disclose the fact that a great jtnany men do not really know what they live for. and have never been able to find out. Those who believe they kuow what other men live for will be found to disagree so seriously on-numerous essential points that a unanimous con elusion on the part of listeners will be impossible. The investigation will end precisely where H begun unless. with the eve of faith, we look above and beyond mere tangible things, and unless hope lends the guidance; of I ts glittering star. , At the end of the ia- yuiiy the logiean may step iu and as sert that the aim of all human en deavors is to have a good; time, and he will be perfectly correct lu so"do1ng., WbatT'would constitute a "good time" for one man would prove a very bad aud distatefut time for an other. Animal or social) enjoyment may be the chief aspiration of one ua ture, while nobler and mibtler pur suits will engross another. A bauchee like Caligula and a conquerer liksCtesar where each follows the bent ot his ruling slmpl intent on having what he considers a good time. The business man informs you; that "times are good" when h is making money, and when he is losing money he declares that "times are bad.',' The religious devotee, with an elevation of soul that scorns seusual delights. dreams of happiness in a brighter and more beautiful world than this. It evident that most men are striving, like the ' recently departed comedian and wit, merely to have a "good time." each in his opinion Thkke are many who would have us take one side or the other in the Presidential contest juit commenced. We have as yet sften no reason why we should do otherwise than make the IsDBPBSDEHT a flrst-cln3S country newspaper, leaving to the politicians the right unmolested f working party machinery. 1 1 might be j tbat after all we shall yet have sometjhinir to say in the contest, but it will not be so long as the campaign is conduct ed fairly, and the proof is not furnish' ed that the candidates of either party are deserving of opposition. ! We would prefer, in this : presidential race, to look on, note the speed of the rival candidates and chronicle their time at the end. But it may be, we shall yet take one side and urge upou our people earnest work for its success; if we do this, the reasons will be fully Kiven why for the time we abandon our announced neutrality1 ; ' The Albany Pemocrat! says: Mr, James B. Sperry has tried an- experi ment In sheep shearing Which is ; so important that we give It publicity. For many yean wool growers in Cali fornia and Texas have taken two clips from their sheep one in the spring and oue in the fall. Mr. Sper ry tried this experiment on a lot of nts wethers, ana tne result was tnat the annual yield from them excelled that from sheep which were only sheared once about one and one-half pounds to the head. j The number of seals kilted Is ra -idiy decrea ing the herds. In IbOfl one ship the steamer Camperdown--ob-taiued the enormous number pf 22,- 000 seals in nine days, i In 1871 the Newfoundland sealers obtained on an average about 21,000 each, and in 1S70 the new Dundee vessels obtained in all 90,450. There have keen many complaints that this spring good car goes wera lost by too conscientious ob servance of the law, and that thj seal might well be attacked a week earlier than the 4th of April, which is tje date fixed for the expiration of the 'close time.'' " j . '. j Washing sheep under' the present system of buying wool will perhaps be the prevailing practice. If care lis taken to keep the sheep! so that the wool will not be filled wth dirt, it lis better not to wash. Fleeces should be done up with care, nicely rolled and securely tied with light twine. When it is known that a farmer puts up his wool in a neat shape without any tags, etc., he will obtain the highest price. Everywhere, but especially here, "honesty is the best policy ' The angler's theory that a fish doss suffer much - physical pain from a hook in the gills, or mental agony either for that matter, is supported by the recent experiment of a Stafford, Connecticut, fisherman. jA large trout took two books in quickjsuccesslon from the line, and was finally pulled up on the third, with the first two lu his stomach.. : 1 . ; The French scheme of a railroad aero -a the desert of Sahara Is begining to as-turne a practical shape. 1 he par tial development of Africa would be a great triumph for modem ciTilbatlon The fisher's business is a hard and dangerous one, and ought to eulisl sym pathies of those who live by less per. ousoccupatlons Two more of these ad veuturous men, Jumes CI irk and John Carr, have been Utt in the breakers at the mouth of the Columbia. That makei tweuty-eight men who have perished. A farmer who tried the experiment of raiaiujr putalotes from large and small seed reports as follows. "I har vested 280 bushels to the acre from large seed, 240 from small seed, mak ing forty bushels In favor of the large seed." This corresponds with tue the general experience. . . The enlightened and sympathetic city of Oakland, Cal., has been greatly Interested over the advent of a one- Dound babv. The smallest coHin at the undertaker's was only eighteen inches long, but It was far too big for the poor little remains. Queen Victoria's daughter Victoria, the crown Princess of Germany, la credited with remarkable force of character, and, it Is said, will rule flermany herself when her husband, Frederic William, succeeds the present aged Emperor. The democratic politicians of Sau Francisco are talking about a great morning paper, with ever so much capital. They are frequently talking in that way, but never come out with the motiey. James It. Doilge, in his mvestiga ion of sheep husbandry in the south reports more than 800,000 killed by dogs last year, or more than five per cent of the entire number lu that sec tion.' " An Iowa farmer estimates that the profit of raising one two-year-old steer for market is equal to that on eighteen scrub sitter which have to be kept three ye;ir before they were saleable. Zing of tho Blood Can. aU Scrofulou. aSactioaa and diiordm nault vtg from Impurity of iha blood. Ix is bwUw to ; :ffpeeifrall,a tfeulferucan tuaalir peei tlieir i tame; but SaU Mhtum, ttmpU, cinr, Tumart, I Goitre. StM?tittffif &c, ata tba mot kdubod, aa jweU a many a&otioaa of Um Hevi, Utai, iivtr ad Slamack. SCROFULA. vTonisrfal Curs ef Bliadneis. D. Sxitaosi, Sob tt Co, : For the benoflt of all troubled with Scrofula or Impure Blood la thfir st tm, X hmnby noomnunil King of tba Bkjod. I fiar been troubled with Barofula for the put ten yeT.f which so affected my tyu that Ivu com pletely bliad for six month. I wh neommended to try Kiag of the Blood, which ha proved., gnat Bteeantc u ma, a. it ui eoaipieteiy eurea me, and I cheerfully recommend it to aU troubled aa 1 hart I our. truly, Mb.. S. WKaxuaiow, Sardinia, N. ?. JL to Tv will be paid to any Public Ebepital to ba mutu ally agreed upon, for every certificate of Una medi tiae publiabad by ua which la no "-wuin. Its Ingredients. To ihow our faith in the aafe'y and excellence of the K. B., asoa proper peraooal application, whea ei.'tat th.t no impMitiM. ia mtwded.we wiU riTe the auunaaof all it. ingredienr.,by amdav?t. The abore Oder, were never miide before t r the pro prietor of any other Family Medicine ia the world, llaiy testimonial.. further information, and full direction, fur unne; will ba found in the pam phlet " Treat iM on jDneaaes of the Blood," ia which each bottle iaenelOMd. Price $1 perbottleoan. tainina 12 ouncn, or 40 to M doeM. Sold by drag. tiata. P. Kaann.8oii it Co.. Prop'ra.Baflalo.M.Y. ZD -FL-3T JSAJ ROSEBURG, OREGON. ALL BUSINESS IN MY LINE WILL ) promptly aiteuded to, and charges mod rate. Can be found wheD wanted. Ia uiretor rue at Howburtr hotel. NOTICE. U. S. Lind Office, Rosuburg, Oregon, May 10th, 18i)0. No lice ia hereby givt-D in pursuance of an actot t'oogress, of Jnna 3d, 1878, fur the &Ir Lao.ifl in the States ot t ali -mi l, Or-goo, Nevada and Washinc; it n Teniiory, that Oeo. W, Jones and V ui. (i. B. Uixnu hut filed their a plica' lion lo purcliaae tlie north-liatf of lh "touth-ii;f of wetion 5, in township 27 sutii, of ran ire S west. Any no'", all ptrsons ' 'min(r adversu-lv ili al we desvrioed Ian1' -oust file their - -'m i t ih Keifiter's offl w thin sixty days from .bis date. ;W. F. BENJAMIN, mytO-6Wys Retr s', r. -tSlw, sit y-smil - B.sra w DO EUURG. OGN Appetite, refreshing sleep, the ac utsition of flesh atul color.are blessings atendaut upon the reparative process se which this priceless Invigoranl speedily Initiates and carries to a suc cessful cont'lnsion. Digestion is re stored and sustenance afforded to each life-sustaining organ by the Bitters, which is inoffensive even to the fem inine palate, vegetable in composition aud thorougly safe. For sale by all druggists aud dealers. -a31OOIX FACTORY 1. XSSAULT, Wishes the public t UDderstaad that he has estKblishcd a A BROOM - If NUFftOTUfilNG ESTABLISHMENT At Oakland, and on the shortest notice will supply the trade and private partie with any number of brooms, of all style and sizes, cheaper than tbey can bn pur chased elsewhere. He has had long expe rience in the business, and fruaracU-es satisfaction.- Orders from abroad promptly filled. Give him a trial. Notice- F WISH TO ANNOfJNCK TO THE pubblie that 1 will pay no bills of Mrs. Kitcheii hereairer. C. L. KJTCHELL. Roeeborg, Jooo 15, 1SS0. . .4. X Vt j ,r V STOMACH 3et CA2iYONYILX.E, OREGON, ; BLACKSMIT11ING & WAG OK REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Horse-shoeing a socially, and satisfac tion guaianted. Tvrms low for casli or approved credit, and work clone when wauti-d. Those indebted to meare hereby Q'jliiied that all ouiftaoding debts uiual b,? paid by January lt, ItitiO; b sodoinc all old 'i!fctruns;;wlli do uih a'favur, aud find w nlile lu pat ia a brgt-clna suica In ie coinlotf spring. tue asms will Le there ; but 1 wisli a settlrmctit witlt old friemls. aud with a lull stock be able to still ihriu work cLeapex than ev-r. as. Vormoiit lOCorso. riT S5 f--;:A Ji e Vermont was aired by Carlon's Mor gan horse ; dam's Bid, hunvix and Whip. Jot- is a fnil devuloped lour year old hvau tiful bay. lie will make the pretest Sea son. pjiumeiini at Itnsebunr Frltlay ami SaiviriiaytCtli ana 10-U). aud at home on D.-er er-k. Ti-rms caa be had br applyinsr th pro prietor. tiE J. W. GENUtt- SIXEE? WANTED.: Tro to 2170 Thousaaa Swes, ftda. 1 to 2 Year3 01i-r CLEAN AND W'ELL-BRE!. Give urice aud full particulara. Address C. . FAKHAR, 622 Pine street, St. Louis, Mo. Oakland, Oregon. B. F. ELLSWOHTH, PUOPlUETOU. The nronrii tr would announce that 1" has onco morn aasumt i e ntrol ol tliia pop ular bouse ( Intel UuUor tUo uiaivamm; ul Mrs. tiiiisoo) and that be will ittti n 1 to th wanla of natron in a firelxtlas .' Thetn'j'a will beUPtiii-d with bff" ih tnrkc-i. ailontg. tb beds of the house are well furnished neat and clean, and pains will be spared to render jrnewiaeo.'O fori able. B. F. EhLSWOitnl TUB ST AH SAuOON Jackson Street, Roseburg, TO XISFPRON, PROP I hereby announce to the public that I have refitted and refurnished this POPULMt BBS QXIT And shall keep on band fine . Y7ines, Liors &Sars. Sab For Sala suns GEORGE "W. GENGER, Anuounuea tuat ue will 3 II ma uoe iiirti, situated on the suth fork of Direr creek on il:e eminty road, seven imies eai ol koseburo;. Deer creek iuuing entire place. lESCRIPTION OF FARM : Weil Improved, good orchard, two dwelling house, a convenient baro. Tlierv are 200 sens of 'arming land, and 100 ucrts in (rrain. Will sell all or ptrt. bur particulars icqnire of 1E0. W. 3ENUER, Eot buril, Oregon, ilay 23. KEV B 4lKERY Oregon J. HIEDERSTADT, (La.o of San Francisco) Would anaounce to the public that he has purchased rtie interest of 11 r in ROSEBURG BAKERY, And that he has bad hlteen years rxoe- rience in first--lns bakeries in tiie city of Man irancisco as a bakur. Me, tlieruiort Is prepared to conduct tlio bukerv in a first clas wanner, and will warruut all hie work as first-class. The Best Of Bread, h.nlier wheaU-n. oaten or rye. always on band. Cukes, pies and erackers of the fin- trslquaiity for sale; and whether lor balls, partita or private fam'lif-s, all orders will be promptly filled at lite lowest rates. In connection with the Bakery I will keet friuts and vegetables, candies, nuts and notion?, and with this regard 1 will not lie unilrrso!d by any one. (iiretf-B trial. Then if I cannot suit you as to quantity and quality and pi ices no one can. J. MKUllItM AU1 NOTICE OF FINAL 'SETTLEMENT. In the county court of ths State of Ore gon, fur tiiu county of Douglas, In the matter ot thu eftate of diaries Vail, deceaieetl; o A. C. Young, administraior of the above estulo lutTins; tills iilal day of May, 180, filed bis final account, for seltlemem, and also praying that a tiny be Set apart for the heurmg of t! sumo, t' erefore no ita ia hereby Kiv.-u that the final ac- Ouut will be beard and nvteruiuied Iu said curt on Tuesday July 0th, at which time all persons having any ob jections to Wild una! account and Scttlea ment must ami there make tin. same. Pjbiis ed in th- Douglas Indkpesd ENT tor four cousecutive week, by older of Hon. C. (inddis, coiititv judjfe. T. K. SHERIDAN. Clerk. By W. T. WRJtiHT, deputy R06EBUHG, May illst, a. o. 1SSU TOALL FAltlfl K S Preserve Your- Fruit and Pay Ofl" Your Mortgages. Read the following testimonials from some of the best citizens of Doug county who speak from exrience only: ,-. Vkzv Cheek, May 7, 1880. Thin is to certify that we have a Pluui roer Frtfit Dryer. During last s-ason we dried Dearly all kinds of fruit. It will d. all that is recommended and more. Our apples brought nine cents per pound early in the season and are worth thirteen cents at this date. We do not believe it can be excelled by any other dryer in th Statu , MRS. S. ADAMS. Wilbcb, May 4, 1888 , I used a Pluinuier Fruit Dryar bought of Grubbe & Co. hwt year and dried nearly 10,000 pounds of apples, fur which I real ized leu cents per pcund. It did better wori than was promised and I made more money than I could from any other busi ness. I only run the machine two months. J. FRAZEH. Harvy Jones says : I have a Plumnu-r Fruit Dryer, aud it has ooae all recom mended it would do ; . aud turns out ths handsomest fruit I ever saw. I shall run it this year lo its full extent s . Wm. Boon, of Calspooia, says : I hired a mac-bios for $100 and dried oa shares and made inure than Icou'.d farming. .. Mr. Tipton, of Mt, Scott, Says the mer machine w the best I aver saw and it te all that is reeumniended, and mors. - ! ' v- Would aa&ounce tliat he lia jiwt received on of mysl complete utocks of LBATHSHS; SADDLE WAHB, TRIMMINGS, Etc. 1 BRITTLE! Rt member this much : 1 nmrnra to sell San Frfcncicc, aud no one cm undersell me. fr.,11. H. Marks A C V brick store. is Tot the Important" BreedinglSeason of 1880. THE THbROUCHBRED WILL MAKE THE COMINd SEASON AS FtiLLOWS : AT P.OSEBURO, MYRTLE CREEK AND CANY0NV1LLE comiuencirst April 1st, aud putting July Ut, 180. , . t the stin of Ntirfvrk and tlie irran Ison of Lexington. F.-rst daiu Nettie W.,' second Lady Davis. 8CAMPERDOVVN belongs to the skitiH fniuiiy of thorotfgbbred horses as Ten ' BroecS, .Mnllie McCarty ard the world-rtnownt-d horse, Parole For full pedigree f v Ainertraii Siud HtKife. R.TE.i OV -SKRVICK : Sing:a Leap, cixh at lima of swrvice 2o. Season, foo, payable within the season. ; Insurance, f50, payable When the ware is uwn to W with foal ' O.Mjd pttotuntt) and ai'.enttou at $J per looutb. Uares taken at owuer's risk. All comntnntCHtiona to the nrnprietor should be adtln-MKfi t' K. seburt;, ()nrKou. T. Ii. CtOUGII. Pr JUrietor. ROSEBDIIO. March ma. wr. This space is reaei ved tor Iook out for ths new advertisement. COMMENCING APRILIoT, 1880. - The Celebrated Stallions PHIXCS NAPOLEON Will stand for the enanlntr season as fot. lows: Koscburir on Friuara and Satur days; other times at borne, six miles norb- w, st oa the Loie s valley road, ll change is made in these arrangemnts, due notice will be given. - " H. OU."SN, ISR., Ratee of Service -To insure, - - f roprietor. Ali communications by mril must be ad dressed to the proprietor, Kosebnrg, Ores gon. ' -EXCELSIOR IIORSE-BOW SHOP ! j. ..... - -v-... - - - - ? 0 el Ix. 1 a. n c3L . HOBSS SHOEING HADE SPECIALTY : And all kinds of work GIVE THE FIRM A CALL. And yea ri21c:sL3 eaia eSESSESB&LGSI t I CO Ifi7pap)i W O O J) W A.-B D . Ever brought to Roseburg, and that he is flow better prepared to offur superior in : ( ducemeuta iu his lioe to purchaer tUau ever before. In Uuhas the largest, best and cheapest stork ever (.ffered f--r sale in Southern Oregon. His sudodies aud linruess are ret-dytt ade, and thoKe. in waut of harness need not sutler dvlay.siuce he has all sizes aud styles, and on five minutes' notice can fit any one out with from. 1 to 20 Setts of Harness or 20 Fine Common Saddles. Nono but the best of workmen employed and pat rons will find in my store All Styes ia Whips, Buggy Trimmings, Rotes, Fancy .and Common Eridlcs, And in feet everything else kept in a first-class saddluTV and harness store. as cbeaidy aa rlo dealers in the cit v of Portland. I import mv ma teria's direct from Repauing done with neatness a "ft dispatch. Vtore arid hoo on the corner west W. G. WOODWARD. . rMi itttf a at r-. m m w m m w w C-3lAVi TIIE LEADING- Grocery STOKE OF SOUTHERN OREGON- aa aa.2.1.'. Ss3 aSJslt &&SJLS TIIE LARGEST AND FINEST DISPLAY OF r SOUTHERN OGN. Choice Goods -Low Prices LOWEST PRICES. Foreign and Domestic Fruit in Their Store, Huts, CANDIES AUD CALIFORNIA CRACKERS.. Everytbing in tho shape ot Groceries to be round at their store HAVE 'FITTED CP ' TIIE METROPOLIS SALUOA In a Metropolitan Style, .' . - AKO 1 TI1EY UAVE ON HAND LIQUORS & CIGAF.S FINEST AND BEST i ZXT TSS MARKET. mm, peck & co. AJSD WHOLESALE GJX OCCIIQ ASD DEAXER8 IN ID CI jm ! OP; KEY WEST NEW YORK CIGARS Nos. 126, 12$ & 139 Market Street, ASO-i- Nos. S3 & 24 California Street, SANFRANCTSCO, CALIFOILNIA. STALL.OW, - - r w E3y t3m Provision Eil Y ma stag ttiLts The aodereigned would announce to the public that they have full lines of ths best an gar pine, cedar and other lumber- dry or green ver manufatured iu the county sod at rates lass than eaa be purchased elsewhere. Contractors wiU find that we can furnish sxtra indacentefita fur their patronage by addressing SUGAR PINE MILLINO CO. Looking Ulasa, Oregon. E. I OESLINE, Prdeet. - IT ""a t ft T i . Cxi - -I " '. w t ill 3 jI tWlL) ILL OFFER.. Special Inducements To Purchasers, consisting of Their Entire .Stock of , ' Hill st illJ GrOOdS Embracing a Full sod Complete Line of CO CO Ui PS curs 0 0 53 "' -j . -as .Sa a O 2 - S u o ' U s J V I e. si ac ui OS A1N Daa4 WATERPROOFS ... .ASD. ... ' OREGON AK1 CALIFOUXIA FLAN NELS AND CASSIMEKES. ..OUR STOCK OF.. ClotliiiiG Style and Qtia'uy Is not EquaHed in this Market. It consists ot MEN, DOTS' JfcYO UrilS' Bsreso Suits, SUBSTANTIAL WINTER GOODS, UNDERWEAR HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, 4c. We have on hani a Full Stock of Groceries. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Paints, Oils& Glass, Remember our motto" Low Prices and Square Dealing." . . Agent KNAPP, BCRRELL Co. rjLOZD teCOM Roseburg, Oregon. The CHICAGO LEDGER, a literarv aa family paper, eaa be bad by sending u Chicago, Illinois. Price, $2 00 per year. The Ledger is published weekly and ha eight pages, and the tone of its stories and other matter is pure and moral, and wall calculated forth family . x . O BL ACXi S JUXUiI 6 Dearling Gibson, Wvuld announce to the public that bey are prepared with the best of roateri il to supply, alt demanps in " their line. Havinar enjoyed over twenty years' expe- ricne- Id their trade, all work performed by them is guaranteed to be firsuclaui. and strictly according to order. Gibson's Celebrated liar- revs FOB SALE BT J. W. STRANGE, ROSE- . BUKU. Pronounced by all who have used them to be the best ever iuveuted, always on hand and for sale cheap. FARM MAC1I IN Kit Y HE PAIRED, Give Tnem a CalL Sa SSa 3m SHERIDAN, (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) - DKALEItS IS HARDWARE, TIN WAHF , B TOVES Onus, Cutlery and liruer fur- ; -aisbiuir Ooodit. BRICK STQE, KCSEB'JaG, CGN. Bavinit secured the above business, we arj prepared to keep np its former good name for work and prioes. We have tlx best of material and always a full stock of goods ou hand, and it is our aitu to fur nish customers with firs:-ja8s articles at let live prices. - A fnll stock ot Iron anil Steel lar sale. Orders trom abroad will receive pptjmpt a'tentinn. R. 8. f- J . O. KHEKIDAN. SUPERLATIVE BAKING POWDEB. . Best in the World, ABSOIiTJTEIiY PTJR. The Superlatire Baking Powder Is the standard article of the United Satstor strength and purity. The bertarticle if general baking purposes ever introduced. It is the cooks favorite. Warraov-d pet" , fectly pure and superior to anything of the kind now ia the market, for healthfulness and strength producing at all times. Ths most delicious cooking. - For sale by grocers, or sent direct by mail on receiut of sixty (60) eenta for one pound can. So in cans only. Full weight guaranteed. Ad dress, tinpei-lative Baking Powder Co-, 14:1 ChaaibersSt., NewYork SHOW THIS TO VOtiR OKOCKR. ' AT FAIR OAKS, OREGON' Sampson Sntherlin, Prop.I MT NEW STORE AT FAIR OAK.ES 13' now completed and hi led with a fine stock ot goods embracing everything fuuoi in a first-class couuirv store. 1 am pre pared to to supply f-rmers with all kinds ot goods, at lower prices than they can be secured elsewhere. Horses, cattle, sheep and ho us and atl kinds of country prj uce taken and highest market price paid for the same. Give me a cal! aud satisfy yourself. , SAMPSON SUTHERL1N. R. BRECHEIIRIDSE I 4; PKOPRIETOB Opposite T. P. Sheridan's Ilardware Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. Mantle pieces made from Italian and American, marble monuments, and tomb stones, made to order, and first-class work warranted in this tne. Auytbiug in the way of stono-cutting qromptly performed, and all orders' promptly filled. . Always a full stock of marble aud other sumo on hand aud in ease ol an y repair ia this line in the shape ot billiard tables, etc., satisfaction will be guaran eed. R. BKECKENRIDGE ED. TOLLES; House, Sign and Carriage Graining, Marbling, Kalsomlning and HARDWOOD ItaiSIlER. . Paper-hantrinsr and wall-tinting prompt it attended to at low rates. Orders to be be left at Dr. S. Hamilton's drugstore. Farquar's Restaurant- ON JACKSON 6TREET; &VSEBCEQ. J" olin 37 k ! C3L 11 a, X Announces to the public that be has reopenel the re taurant opposite Hffendea Bros., and will FURNISH MEALS AT 25 UTS. And that-he will supply bis tables with the best in the market 4 No. Cliinese Cook Employed. E.M. DAVIS, H. D, PHYSJCAIfw. AS3 S'JaCEO.N. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN 8. MaRKS . Co's brick building, Roseburg, Ore (toD. Privat consultation room for pa siens. . h W- SaU322T U- Homeopathic Fhvixian, ; ROSEBURG ORE jON, ; TJTTILL ATTEND TO ALL CASES ,r .Intrusted to his ere. Office at hir residence tin. A Hue Stock and Fanning Ranch. Terma reasonable, and desire for sale is occasioned through a wish to emigrate to Eastern Oregon. - . . , . For price of land and rfereaas iniuire of Johu W. Kelly, at ths Jnwcjkmdemt omae, or the proprietor on fli tremises.' 1 Laeti for sale s00 irM of thufcer and grazing and farming land combined -about 75 fm of fanning land and the re-' -mainder pasture and timber lar,d. The abovs contains a fine orchard and aboot 3 acres of garden land sauject to irrigation. -There also is a fine lot of yountr trees la the above named orchard, embracing alt kinds peaches, cherries and apples and vines of all kinds. There is good water wheel on the stream on the premises that affords about a twelve-horse power, and runs the sLicgie mill of R. B. MsnlndaSe n- R. L. STEPHEN). ' Coles Valmt. Oregon. - . TLere is a chance fr a good bargain ia who appiv warly. -'v w7t wy he finfltti II ! , ! t t -fataik V.- a , j Mt.i !,mt on twrfliTwe i'et'i - f - f-ret-;, iwa.iee? p - - ,j V tuaue M it u I . .. , , . Y ' 7 V, (