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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1880)
59 t Jttbejjetibent 8VTURDAY............JA1T, 24. 18S0. RESOLUTION OF ENDORSEMENT Yi BKBK4S, THE DoVGIU S IBDEFKKDKKT a Bewapaper published in Roeeburg, ha bren published in tbia county tor the period of three years; snd Wmkreas, said newspaper is now wel established, and during a three years' trial it baa faithfully served the interests of the producer and tai-payer; therefore be it JLnoltxd. We, tbe members of the limp. qua Urane No. 28, do give Tub Douglas iNDEPKKDKNTOur unqualified endosement. and would recommend it as a newspaper worthy the patronage of every farmer and tax payer In Southern Oregon. 1 Usui. W. Jones, Master. J J. P. IJCKCAH. Secretary. TO ADVERTISERS. The DOUGLAS INDEPENDENT has the largest circulation of any piper .ublisbed in Roseborjr in the eoan'ue of Don&la Jackson and Coos, and willftiriilsa the proof of our asser tion when demanded by -responsible ad vertisers. ' KELLY t WELLS, TO INDEPENDENTS. An 1 n3epenlent proposes there sJhuIl be a meeting of one i ndependent dele . gate from each precirjct in Roseburg at an early day to decide as to the purposes of tbe next campaign of the Independents, and asks why would not tbe office of the Douglas Inde pendent be the proper place of meet ing. We would suggest at an early day say February 23d tbe members of trie independent central committee first meet at this office, and at that meeting they decide tbe number of delegates to be allowed from each pre cinct and the time and place of meet ing of such delegates. We will give room to all who will come, and not only room to tbe central committee, but also to the delegates appointed from precincts. TRUE STATEMENT OF THE CASE. "There la no doubt." writes a new subscriber, "that the next June con test will be a warm one, and that every thing will be done by the politicians : to put an end to the Independent par . ty of Douglas county." In this our . new subscriber and ounelf agree. He continues : "And in order to accom plish their purpose, it will be shown In time, and maybe, not until the day of the election, that it is the intention ' of the leaders of tbe two parties and the commanders of the corrupt Rose- burg ring, to combine tbe republicans and democrats whom they always in fluence JnogDXtibn to the candidates hoxfnrbe the favorites of the inde pendents." On this point we will not argue; we would rather, though some may turn up tbetr noses and call him an old granny of a farmer, compliment the old Grangei upon his good judg ment, and his foresight. i uere is uu uuuuu ius hue uaiium of power held in tbis county by the in dependents Interfeiea with tbe plan ning of political leaders. It is a re traiut upon them in the beginning and ruin to their Diana and calculations in the end. Under these clrcumstan ces, and when nothing can be gained on account of the freedom In thought and action of the independent balance - of power, it is certain the leaders and ring masters must feel restless and dissatisfied, be willing to trade. one with another go into combina tions to barter and sell party princi - pies aud defeat party nominees pro viding that by no doing they can de feat utterly the favorites of the inde pendents and the independents them selves In one election, and thereby discourage tbe Independents in keep ing up their organization in behalf of honest and capable county govern ment. Without tbe independents it is cytain that tbe party leaders would have niftrouble lu running tbe coun ty as suited them, and Invariably tbe party rings' friends wouiu be elected to do tbe work desired by the leader?. ... Local primaries could then beset up with ease, county conventions stock ed, and there would be t o check even at the polls to pi event the rings or leaders carrying oux the programme ppared by thejn r prior to the time f the holdTn-;Dcijct meetings. Anything then would be possible with the leaders of the two parties, and any politician might ride into office roughshod contrary to tbe wishes of tbe people. Again would re turn the state of affairs which existed In former days, before the organization of tbe independents, when a nomina tion to an office under any circum stances, was equivalent to an election. There would be a difference in the feel ings of tbe delegates attending the county conventions from that expe rienced last year when a certain lead er of tbe ring desired the nomina tion for county treasurer, and could . find no delegate possessed of cheek sufficient to propw his name. With return of bygons usages and bygone prestige even A. A. Fink may be nominated and elected county treas urer. He wanted tbe nomination the laat time ; be would want it again the ' moment he was convinced that there remained no independent organiza tion to come down upon him seven or eight hundred stronir at the polls. And with his money and his followers there is no doubt that Fink would se cure the nomination, and perhaps an ejection. AH this is but argument In favor of honest independent organization. It Is a statement of the facts in the case which should appeal strongly to Inde-nn-..lnta to stand bv their colors, and . - ' work honestly and earnestly for an Increase in strength of the organiza tion for self-protection against de signing plotters who are workiug con tinually to promote selfish Inter ests at the expense of tbe taxpayers. It is a warning of what will be In store for them the moment they forget that the member of the . political rlngi are their enemies. They should think of tbe possibilities of the future, and by sticking together, provide against then:. THE GAME OF "CINCH." A writer in the Dally Oregon! an of January 12th, over the nom de plume of "Pedro," elves description of the game called "cinch," which be says is "much played In parlors." It appears, from what we can learn, that 'Pedro" is not tie only person competent as an authority in tbe game, and that the game is so generally known that the chief Justice of the Oregon supreme court Is so familiar with it that in his late instructions to applicants for ad mission to the bar, he used the term "cinch." Judge Kelly told the appli cants that they' mut never, if they ouce brought 'a bad case into court, and there was a decision ren- dered against them, "go outside aud try to 'cinch' the judges." ! One would think (very naturally)ttiat from tbis outside remark that Chief Justice Kelly was well acquainted wlijn tbe game, the name of wbioh he so aptly pronounced, and that he has jniore than once played "cinch" for -'hot Scotch," "lightening straight," or that wonderful stimulant of tbe kid neys so pronounced by physicians, good old Holland gin. We can almost Imagine the Judge Bitting at the card table in a saloon In Portland where whisky, "hot Scotch" or gin is sold at the low price or 12 cents per glass, his fat, round belly, grown from rich senatorial living, pressed hard against tbe edge of tbe table as be leans over, with the ace, king, queen and jack of trumps in his band, to "cinch" the other fellow to whom he is opposed. How he watches, chief as he is, the others who with 'him, aie playing against the fellow that is to be "cinch ed" that they do not make a misplay, and how he is watched by tbe other two or one that be makes the play they or he desire to be made I And what a grin spreads over bis counte nance, passes down , bis thick neck to his shoulders, runs along down bis body to tbe fat, shaking belly afore said until the great body is completely convulsed, when at the end of the game he cries," 'cinched' him, by Jem- Iny P And, then we can also think of tbe ( bief Justice in tbe name kind of a game in Salem, and with tbe same kind of a hand, only changing the play In that tbe Judge plays the knave for the grand denoument when, as third hand high, after catching the ten and tbe pedro,' slaps the jack down upon the outsider's nine spot and roars " 'cinched' him again, by the holy smoke!" But in this we only speak of one of the games that have been played by the Chief Justice at Salem. Rumor bas it that he has cer tainly played three games of the kind, if not more, and that in every instance be held the "top band" and "ciached" the outsider. In justice to tbe Jus tice, however, let it be said of Judge Kelly that in all his games he never once threw off on his friends. He played every time against the out sider, and whether be exclaimed "by jeminy" "by the holy smoke" or "by the great curl upon- old Abraham's wig," not once did the outsider have tbe satisfaction of counting a point in tbe gape, since the Judge invariably hetr 1th e big and "cinching" hand. ' We most also credit to rumor the statement that it is the purpose of Judge Kelly to issue a book at an early day with the suggestive title : "How to Play 'Cinch ;' or Never Throw Off on Your Friends." The book will be intended exclusively for private cir culation among friends, who are Bupposed to keep the secret it will contain to themselves and from out siders The preface will be written by Judge Prim, who will concur with Judge Kelly upon every point advan ced, and the work will be bound in blue and gold, We expect to see the Mercury turn upon those organs of Bush and Thayer which have been attempting to con vey the thought that it bas been pur chased - by Sol. Abraham after that terrible Sol. failed to buy tbe Stand ard. It cannot be pleasant for the Mercury to be classed as any one's personal organ; and then to be spoken of as material used when other mate rial was sought for and could not be obtained, Is a case wherein insult is added to injury especially, too, where tbe first newspaper (the Standard) according to Senator Nesmitb, Is nothing more than a public prosti tute seeking always Its price and always open to purchase. When it is remembered that the defenders of Thayer are as so many new converts to an unholy cause, and that the Mer cury was never an admirer of Thayer, and remains consistent in its opposi tion to the Governor's clique and ring, it would seem possible for tbe Mercury to turn upon its slanderers with a force and vengeance terrible be cause backed by truth, and, as per ne cessity, Its shafts of criticism are di rected toward "Toney, tbe expert" and self-assumed owner cf the demo cratic party, and his followers yclept unncrupulous 'republican organs (?) endeavoring to blackmail their party out of rich contracts, and so-called democratic organs in the pay of Bush and Thayer. Tbe forced sale during 1879 of 63 railways in the United States, aggre gating nearly five thousand miles, at an average face cost of nearly $49, 000 per mile, may be discouraging to tbe construction of future railways in tbis country upon fictitious capital or capital borrowed at enormous rates of interest; but it Is an assurance that we are gradually approaching an era of cheaper transportation. The capi tal stock of these 65 roads was $80,- 000,000, and their debts $1,103,000,000. On a cash capital they could have probably been constructed for $25,000, instead of $49,000 a mile. But tbey were built on bonds, at a high rate of Interest, and floated far below par; and of course the owners of the roads bad to overcharge tbe public to get to meet their obligations. They failed at last, in spite of overcharges; and now the new Owners who purchased the property at le: than its actual cash cost, are In a situation to realize profits at fair rates of transportation. The Getman government has taken steps to prohibit all under sixteen years of age from smoking in the streets, and the police in certain towns have had orders to enforce the rule andpuulsh offenders by fine and im prisonment, A Belgium physician bas found that tbe too general and ex cessive use of tobacco is tbe main cause of color blindness, an effectlon which Is occasioning anxiety both in Belgium and Germany. The people of Maine have good reason to rejoice that Uarcelon is no longer Governor. His acts brought odium on their State for the first time In its history. - GENERAL GOSSIP. Frank Leslie, the publsher, Is dead. A republican newspaper is soon .to be started at Baker City.. Seven feet of snow in some part 3 of New York! Even the republicans of Maine ought to be able to keep cool in this kind of a winter. The Chinook winds have cleared tbe enow from the Dayton and Walla Walla country and the farmers are busy plowing. Henry F. Snksdorf bas been ap pointed oy tbe president cencus supervisor for cregou. Suksdorf is a citizen of Portlund-on-Wallamet, as Judge Deadly would write it. The eclipse was scarcely over when the country was startled by the infor mation that a Government official bad been dismissed for extravagance. W ill wonders never cea o? The expense taken from the contin gent fund during the democratic con gress have been $269,035, an increase of $107,883, sixty-six per cent, over the last republican congress. There are living up lu Idaho terri tory a small colony of polygamlsts, and the chief justice of Idaho has instructed the grand jury to indict every one found in that territory. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dodge visit ed Roseburg during tbe week. Both were in the enjoyment of excellent health and from their appearances we would judge time is dealing gently with them. The Portland Bee mentions the name ef General Joseph Lane in con nection with the democratic nomina tion for Con greet to succeed Whiteaker and thinks he will be the democratic nominee this year. An English Judge recently decided that a set of false teeth were not "nec essaries" for a farmer's wife, and nun suited a dentist who had supplied them without any express authority from tbe husband. An act to protect the privacy of telegraphic communications is to oe Introduced into Congress. Such a law is urgently needed, and should have been upon the statute books long ago. The Lakevlew Herald says J. A. Foster's fine horse, Ballot Box, died one day last week. Ballot Box was well known throughout the Pacific coast and was considered one of the best horses in tbe entire coast conn try. The New York World seems to have corns to the conclusion that the only hope of "saving the country" Is to be found in bringing forward the retired and superanuated - veteran, Horatio Seymour, as a Presidential candidate 'to beat Grant" ; Women are entitled to vote in Mass achusetts at school elections, provid ing they register and pay tne customary tax. Of 45,0 0 women voters in Boston, only 1,000 registered. At Lynn, a town of 35,000 inhabitauts, only 155 women registered. I Ihe present winter in both hemi spheres is one of tbe severest for many years. From all parts of Europe come accounts of terrible cold, while tbe Eastern States are piling up their snow banks, and Canada is trying to congeal the mercury in the thrmom eterj. The Coos County Argus, one of our brightest and best exchanges, . bas ceased to exist. The reason for its suspension was a lacking in patron age. , vyberever tne putiiumer, air. Wagsiaflj goes he will take with him our warmest wishes for his prosperity and general good luck. It Is said that stock in northern California is in even greater danger than that in southern Oregon, the ranchers across tbe line having put up less provender than their Ore gon neighbors. A Mr. Webb, of Sis kiyou county, bas already lost 5,000 head of sheep out of a band of 22,000, The question of Chinese migration is again before Congress. Tbe adoption of any effective restrictive measures, however, appears doubtful Eastern statesmen, as a rule, are unable to divest themselves of the idea that the opposition to an iniux of Mongolians is other than a mire matter of race prejudice. The first legal execution in the northwest territory took place at Fort Saskatchewan, Manitoba, on tbe 20tb of Decern ber. Tbe prisoner was a can nibal Indian named Swift Runner, who was committed on bis own con fession of having killed and eaten bis mother, bis wife and seven children last winter. Gov. Tbayer bas commuted the fol lowing sentences: Frank Smith, con victed of burgUiry in Marion county and sentenced March 2, 1878, to four years' imprisonment in tbe peniten tiary. Andrew Johnson, convicted of larceny in Multnomah county and sentenced February 14th, 1879, to one year's imprisonment. Reforms are about to be Introduced into tbe courts of Chicago. After Jan uary 1st, no practicing attorney will be permitted to kick over a stove or table, in the excitement of deb' te, nor will it be allowable to launch Black- stone though the air at the cranium of a rival attorney, even under the most agarrivaling circumstances. These re strictions will be enforced to tbe letter. The Judges are tired of oratorical ec centricities. The Bavarian chamber of deputies haa refused to abolish foreign embas sies, onj the ground that they are the sign of Bavariau independence. A parly in .hat kingdom is not entirely wedded to the idea of German unity. ! The King of Bavaria is said to have manifested very little Interest in the Franco-Prussian war at the time ltoccured. He did not even visit hii troops before they departed for the field. Ami Bogue, aged some 23 or 24 years, son of Mr. Amos Bogue, of Linn county, it is feared, has perished east or the mountains. The family is in tern Die suspense. Youne Bogue was herding sheep on Rock Creek. The latest intelligence was to the effect that he had been missing for several days, as were his sheep also. His dog had come in, which indicated very strongly that Mr. B had perished in the Btorru which bad been very severe in that totality. Another murder has been commit ted tills time near Hillsboro. The murderer's name is Henry W'lntzenge rode and the murdered man's name was Jacob Swanger. Wintzengerode first shot Swanger with a shotgun, then beat him over the head with the but of the gun, and finally dragged the corpse Into the houte and chopped its head open with an ax. The murderer has confessed, aud says he secured only $4750 for his trouble. Bwanger was an old man. AN EXCELLENT CRITICISM. The NewNorthwest of January 15th contains the following ; , On Tuesday Mr. Dell printed in the Orogoniaa an excellent criticism on tbe affidavit which has been filed by four at torneys and addressed to the supreme couri, and which is doubtless intended preveat bis practicing before that trib nal. He show conclusively that hie op ponents have refused to dtxeuss the prin ciples involved in the Walker Teal case, although he has challenged tltein to do so. By their unwillingness to fairly c vans the merits of the decision, they are losing the adhereace of the theuaUtful read"tg public. Many, who at first supposed Mr. Dell's attncll wus prompted by the lows ol bis cjbh. have, by tbe silence o( the opp Iiik aide, been led to believe that hU aiateiuents are rather hard to refute. Ami if this statement of the case i allowed to pass as correct, the public will share his cnocludiuus and condemn the decision. We bardly think tho ai'i reme couri will dibbar him from pruclicioi, even if it ha the power; that would be ail admission of the correci need of his censure. Our cotemporaries answer our argu ments by calling us Sol's organ. They pretend to forget that for four years this paper has been published, and that it has held its own against all op position and they would forget that it has niver been otherwise than on the right side of every public question ar gued through the newspapers and shows itself to be on the right side now or it would not be oppose i by two papers who have gone into partner ship, though differing in politics, to iojure it. Give us something more than idle asseition to combat, be more honest In your work for "time-honored principles" and the chances are we will never grumble or complain, and there will be more in common wiih us. But it is a poor mind that when beaten In an argument will fly to the arms of the enemy and join with that enemy in order to fight one who claims and proves be is backed en tirely by truth. The Maine troublejhas ended by tbe supreme cour t deciding In favor of the republicans. Tbis is as It should be. There never has been a doubt in tbe minds of fair-minded men, that the republicans were entitled to tbe officers which they claimed were elected, com Drising members of tbe legislature and tbe governor, notwithstanding more than one wise democratic organ in this part of the State, by ignoring facta, urged the democrats of Maine to stand firm, and Justified the Maine democrats in their threats to appeal to arms. But we are glad to note ibat sueb fire-eating organs were never justified in their utterances by tbe honest, thinking members of that party, who think, as all good citizens should think, that the time for revo lution and armed, rebellion to tbe law never has existed in tbe union since its formation, and be that would over throw bis government is a traitor to his country. The Portland Daily Bee has the fol lowing advertisement: Hill, Scott. Thayer, Bush Co., Office Brokerage, Pardon Bureau, Real Estate, etc. Notice is hereby given that the r. we firm intend to run this state rr mi there is in H, and all parties are hereby warned not to engage In the practice of law, pub lication of newspapers, counting ihs school fund, or runniug for office, without our special license. N, B, Special indulgences granted to kill our personal enemies. Massachusetts has been having considerable' of an excitement lately over the attempt of a Catholic priest to prevent the members of bis t ongre gation from sending their children to the public schools. One singular result of it is that Father O'Brien, a Catholic priest, bas been elected a member of the school comraitte of Cambridge, on the distinct ground that he believes in the present public- school system. The majority of the Catholics of Massachusetts appear not io perceive the necessity of parochial schools. The Corvailis Gazette is in receipt of a long letter, dated Collins, Jan uary2, 1880, signed by Indian Grant, making serious complaints as to tbe manner in which tbe Indians at the Alsea have been treated by the gov ernment officials. This Indian charges, among other things, that $8,000 had been paid for tbe removal of the Alsea Indians to tbe Siletz, when the facts were, that tbe Indians moved them selves. R p rls troiu me amkhiu FIats,w,T, indicate that the recent snow t lor mi in that section caused considerable Buffering among the stock. Mr. Seely loet two thousand sheep out of a flock of six thousand; and Mr. Smith, who owned a Mock of eight hundred, lost about hal. of them. 22 A $1 00 $1 00 THE INDEPENDENT Will be furnished from UU W UUI.II eUUC A f 1.41 1V1 fM One Dollar. . .'I . r.tA 1TK aVtea 2l j Mews; , n Tbe CHICAGO LEDGER, a liters anrl family paper, can be baA by eroding to Chicago, Illinois. Price, tl 60" per year The Ledger is published weekly and bas eight pages, and tbe tone of Its stories and other matter is pure and moral, and well rdipted for the family. Administrator's Sale. IN PURSUANCE AND BY VIRTPE OF an order made by tbe County Court of Douiriaa county, state of Oregon sitting in probrte at the rezu r January term, on the 6th day of Jan r, ISfcSO, tl e na- dersiirned adm'uisuaw of tb estate of James B. Smith, dec jA, will sell at pub lic sale, to the highest bidder for cash, iu Oakland, eoor. and fetrte aforeraiJ, on Saturday, Feo- tary 7th 1880, at 1 o'clock in the e te-nooti of said day, all of the fol lowing de rlbed pi. eny, to wit : The K. half of lots 1 and 2, in block No. 14, be ijg 50 feet wld :, on Locust street and 100 feet on Second street ; !sO lot No. 3 in blk 14. all i the railroad addition to the town or Oakland. A! lots 5, 6, and 2 S. half ol lot 7, ;lock 3, in t ie old town of Oakland Also i'ie S. W. quarter of the N. E. quarter and W. half of 8. K. J of sec tion 27, and N. W. quarter of tbe N. E. quarter ol section 84, T. 23 8. It. 0 W. con laming 160 acres, and all in Daugla cpan 7. Oregon. J. L, SMITH, Administrator. r p ft Kiag of the Blood Cam all Sentfalona alMtion aad diaordara terali lac from Impurity of ta blood. It ia naoduw to pacify aU.aa Lhe uf!rer can uaaallr peKetn their can; but Halt Itiw, IVmplu, Uteri, TtmarM, Ooitrt, BwM&mfi, Ac, are Uw moat eommon, aa wall aa auay atfatUosa ol th Btmrt, U4, Mht and Sumach. ; SCROFULA. Wasteful Cart of SllaAam. v. juotbw, vow m vo. : wot to Mnaflt or an troublad with Scrofula or Jmptu Blood ia thai 1 b bam troublad with. Sarofola fox the partita 'are, which aa arhatad mr aya that I waaaua platalr blind Io an month. I w ratommaodad to trr Klna at taa Blood, vhieh haa frond a rraal Mania; to ma. a it ha eomplrtaly turad m,sad I ohaacfuiljr noammand H to all troublad at I Kara boaa, Toon tralr, ' Jta. S. WaiBauw, Bardlnia, X. T. 3L ft aaaw) CI U "', will be paid to any Pnblia Eoapltal to ba matn ally (froad upon, for avsry oartiiicaU of UU madi aUM paUiahad by na whiah ta not ganuiria. Ite, Ingredients. To tho-a- oar faith In tha aafety and asoaUasee of the K. B., upon pro par panosal applieatioe, whaa aattanad that imposition te intended, va will ftr the mama of ail iu inrradlanta, by affidavit. Tha aboTaoflera war narar mad beforr y tha pro pnatorof any other Family atadieto ia th world. Ha jr tailraelaJ,tWthr uforaarJoa, aed roll direction for aaiae will b foand to to pam phlet "Traatiae oa Diaaaaa of the Bleed,- ia a-hiehaaohbottlaiaeaKloaed. Prim lpr bottle eo Uinuir 11 ouneea, or 40 to M doaas. Sold by dra Hat. D. &Aateaj.9o Oe., Prop', Bnffala.M.Z H tf "a w U !j3 5? g 23 -3 & i i H C2 . ta 3S Sf8 U ii a ? - a. 8- It S ? J m a M I O n C o c- af : 5 a i e e a. a bo -. a Administrator's Sale. IN PURSUANCE AND BY VIRTUE of aa order made by the County Court of Douglas county. State of Oregon, sit ting in probate at the regular January term. 1880, the nndersi(rned ad id nUtra-oro; the etat- rf Kichard Smith and Martha A. Smith, deeeeaedcwiil sell at public aMe, to the bitchest bidder for cash or credit with approved security, in the town of Oakland, county and State aforesaid, on Friday, Feb ruary 6lh, 1880, at one o'clock, in the alter noon of said dat. ail of the following de scribed property, to-wit j The Donation land claim notification numbered 5103, conMatiog ol Iota N-.. 3, 4. 5 und 0, ci ion 23, T. 23, & K 5 W'.; com. taiu nil It 94 acre, and the N. aif of the N. W. quarter, the. N. f or !'. N. E. quarter, aud tbe 8. E. quarter of the N. E. (quarter of section 33, T. 23. 8. R. 5 W. 200 acres); E half of arid donatn land claim bc'ona'ina to Ma-;ha A. Smiih. de ceased, and e reirr'nder 'o I V-atd f-iuith, di -x sed. Al e N. W. quaiter o. the N VV. qualer of e cu 34 (24 ac : ); In s'Cti - 29 aud 28 cui vencinu at the tt. E. en i t ot the di aro.i Innd cVito of Kober; d SuLiin t,iuit i, r- n'nir t .ence no 'i 13 rods : thence VV 1 i,- e on a line parallel with the co:h botiuorry line f sa d donation lrd claim, thi ice nth 12 rods to the sou.h line of . lid land clairr. thence eosi alorir said miu h boundary line one mile to the place ol beuinuini;: tbe a E. quar'er of tbe S. VV. , uaner of aection 5 , and tbe Pi. W . luarter ot IN. w. quar ter of section 34. the S. VV. quarter of the N". E. of Section 33, the VV half of tbe M. W. quarter ot sect on o4. tile B. half o' the N. VV. quarter of aection 33, and lot Ho. 4 in section 27. all in T. 23 S, K. 5 VV. of the Willamette M.-.idian and all in Dou;;las county, Oregon. J, L, SMITH, Administrator. SHERIFF SALE. DTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT by virtue of an executioa iasaed out of tbe circuit court ol uoujr as county, Oreo-on. on the 31st of December, 1879, upon a judgment ren- -ed in the said cir cuit court at tue Uc.., r te . tuereo , 1879. in fTor of W. VV. Thayer. K. P Earbart and E. Hirscl- tbe Board of Commissioners lor the t le nt schoo' lands and the tuacaflremeDt of theeommo school fund and aginat R. VV. O i-w an Mary F. Drew, his wire and a' ainn the fo 'o;ing mortjrufed premise, tn-w'. : The 'act of land conveyed by a. n. Crane and wife to said R. V. Drew by deed dated Novem ber 25ih, 1370, and con:aimo tin wo and and siX. f-lour one-hurtl'edth (32 .64; acres, layiDtr nnr-h of, end near the own of Koaebifg Uouirlas county, 0ejon, lor the sum t hundred aud fi'ty-sexen and eixty-thiee orhi' dredlu (237 63) dollars and weovy-eevna and twenty-five oneibundiedih ("7 251 dollars costs, di rvcted to me commanding me that out of said real eta s mor.mrd I cause to be made the amom. of said judgment together wnb inte- . nod accru ag costs, mow THEREFOR in pursuance of the command in l id w.; o execution, I h ve livied upon the said mor'a-ated preniiaes, de dr-ri'.)(Hl as aforesaid, and ,ur "er I will soil all tl e niiht. title and iniere t ol the said defendants R.,W. DreW r -,d his wie Ma.y F. Drew, in and to ea:d premises described as aforesaid, together with all an singular, the tenemeo , hered:;aments, and appurtenances tbe e unto lielnp:ing or in any wise appertain ing at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at tbe trout door ot the court house, in the city of Rossburg, Douglas county, Oregon, on Saturday, 31st Day of January, 1880, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day M satisfy the amount of said execution with interest ard accruing coats thereon. Dated this Slat day of December, lSiV. F. P. HOOAN, Sheriff of Dooglea county, Ogn. NEW COUNTRY STORE I AT FAIR OAKS, OREGON. Sampson Sutherliri, Prop. MY NEW STORE AT FAIR OAKE8 IS now completed and filled with a fine stock ot woods, embracing every,bin? founJ In a firstclr s country store, 1 am pre- pareU to to sepply f -'era w.ib all kinds of ' oods. at lower prices tuan iney can oe secured elsewhere. Horses, cat 'e, sheep and hoes ana ail ainas ot counvr pro- ;uce taken and btjiiiest maraet price paid for the same. Give me a call and aatisfy inrself, EAMPSO B V 1 H U.B1lji . TJ Lasd Officr. Bossbubo, Ogn.) . TVrmber 8. 1879. f -1T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IN PPR Si suance ot .be Act of Congress of June qa iR7 for ihe sale of Umber lands in tbe States of California. Oregon, Ne ra4a ml Washington Territory tbat W. T. ,ood son has made application U pnrcliasalot 8 or section 18, township 82, sooth range 4 Any and -s'l pe'"008 .Claiming au ii ahova described tract of iaid must file th eir claim ia the Renister'a of- Rfm wiihiit airtv riaraJmmthia data.. ! . COMB AND SEETHE HEW STORE, M HAFFEIMDEW Have just opened a Pirst-ClassPROVISIOH . AKD- BiTPilEE tfarUs & Co's. Old Stand, Their stock consists of STAPLE AND FAW GROCERIES Of the choicest quality, Including Counrly Produce. They are prepared to a and by their MOT10 : Full WEIGHT Choice STOCK -AND- Low PRICES fob ICLAISIHL FAKMEKiS AVil) AUIiU illERB WILL FID A READY MARKET HERE FOR ALL CHOICE PRODUCE. KFrrtNtlN5R0THER3. ROSEBURG, OGN. M MM MILLS -OF- Harks, Sideman & Co., CANTONVILLE, OREGON. R1HE FLOURING MILLS OF MESSRS, a Marks. Sideman k Co., at Canyon- vills Oregon, are offered for rent, to any responsible party. The mills are doing a pi "Stable and fine business; they have all the conveniences in the way of a bog pen, mobehiiuse, t nit trough, sc .'ding ap-, oelonging to D ..class mills; and the reason I have for renting is that I am coinpe- ed to soon take my departure for Germany. For further iculars, Inquire at the mills, uanyonv .e.ol A. r. BCnULZE. aHia aSa Ci J Ca SHERIDAN, (Successors to Titos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS TH HARDWARE, TIN WARF , B T0VE3 Guus, Cutlery and Tirjers' Fur nishintr Good; BRICK STOE, JOSEBUSG, OGN. Baving secured the above business, we are prepared to keep up it former good name for work and prices. We have the best of material and always a full stock of g-tods on banc1 a d it. : ; our aim to fur nish customers with (taw- ass articles at let live prices. A in', stock of Iron and Steel far sale. Orders from abroad will receive prompt tentiou. u. d. ac 4. j. ouc -ua.n. RQSEBUEC HILLS, PRORIETORS. llie Best Four in tbe Market for Sale The Flour f these mills baa gained in opularityun il it has come to be known by purchaser as the best in the market. Orders fro borne ana aoroad tilted promptly. A dress. t.jNi!iS s uaiu, ttoseourg. R. G. EBERT, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ROSEBUHG, OGN. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY. OFFICE IN MARKS & COS. BUILDING (formerly Dr. Cozad's). Consultation and operating room for patients. E M. DAVIS, H. D, PHTS1CA1N AND SURGEON. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN 8, MaRKS iCo's brick bnilrling. Roeeburg. Ore gon. Private consultation room or pa ilcnts, . B.AK SIfllTIIIIXtt, Dearling Gibson, 0l L.AND, OGN. Would annonuce to the pubhe that they are prepared with .he best of materi al to supply all demanps in their line. HaTins enjoyed over twenty years expe rience in their trade, all work performed by them is guaranteed to be first-class, and strictly ccordin(r to ord r. Gitoon's Celebrated Sar- rews, FOR SALE BY J, VV. STRANGE, KOSE- BUKG. Pronoauced by all who have used them to be tbe best ever iuvented, always on bund snd for sale cheap. , FARM MACHINERY RE PAIRED, Give Hi em a Gall. mm Tke Fre meter aad Perfeetaw mt Aa BlBBlUttlon. The aefomer aa Tltaliaer af tke Tke Fi eJacer sua4 Iavteaf t mt Harve avaa Muscle. The Bonder aaut aeyswrter at" atraUai Pawer. fellows' Compound Syrup Is eomv posed ot Ingredients Identical with those which constitute Healthy Blood, Muscle and Nerve and Brain Substance, while Life Itself ia directly dependent upon some of them. By Ite union with the blood and ite effect upon the muscles, reestablishing the one and toning the other, it la ca pable of effecting the following results : It will dlsplaoe or wash out tubercu lous matter, and thus cure Consumption By Increasing Nervous and Muscular Vigor, It will cure Dyspepsia, feeble or interrupted action of the Heart and Palpitation, Weakness of Intellect caused by grief, worry, overtax, or Irregular habits, Bronchitis Acute ot Chronio, Congestion of the Lungs, eves In the moat alarming stages. It cures Asthma, Lose of Totes, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance, Eplleptie Fits, Whooping Cough, Nervousness, and ia a most wonderful adjunct to other remedies in sustaining life during the process of Diphtheria. Do not be deceived by remedies bear ing a similar name : no other prepara tion is a substitute tor this under any clrcumstan oes. Look out for the name and address J. I. FELLOWS', St. John, N.B.. on the yellow wrapper In watermark, which la seen by holding the paper before ihe light. Price, 11.60 per Bottle, 6 for $7.S& field by all Druggist. NOTICE, MR. JOHN C AIKEX T3 HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO ACT as my agent and to transact all busi nees for me and in my name in Douglas county, and to collect all bills, rents and W...B dao aue ida revetp mr me name. 80tf. JOSEPH C. AIKEN. aOSTC'S SALOOITi JACKSON BTKKET, : BOSKBDKO. The oronrietor of. this well-known and popular reaort woulj thank bis friends for their liberal pair mage in the past and ask for a continuance of i lie same in the future. The public is informed that I keep none but the best brands of wines, liquors and cigars, and that I sell over the bar the celebrated JESSE MOORE & CO8 KENTUCKY WHISKIES A good Billiard Table will be found in th Saloon ; also all the leading papers of tb coast. Give nte a call. -Y. ! i MOUNT SCOTT MILLING COMPANY J. IU. COWLEY, WOULD ANNOUNCE TO "THE CI1I sens of Douglat county and vicinity that be nas pu.cuaaed an interest in Tras Sawmill f On the NORTH UMPQUA! A nd has taken FULL CONTOL OF THE SAME. He has had 20 years experience in the business of lumber-making, and guaran tees to all customers per'ect satisfaction. tie win deliver all kinds of DRESSED AND PLAIN LUMBER At Roseburg or elsewhere cheaper than can be purchased from any other mill, and, an oratra win be promptly tilled. Con tractors and builders will find !t to their advantage to inquire for te.-ma and prices. He is also a practice architect and build er, and all baving such work will be bene fitted by calling upon dim be'ore goiog emwuere. j. . KUWllil. JTE2 R0SEBCR3. OREGON. ALL BUSINESS IN MY LINE WILL be promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Can be found when wanted. Inquire for me at Roseburg hotel. DR. S.K. RAYMOND DENTIST, LATE OF OAKLAND, OGN, Having permanently located in Rosebnrg, a prepared to do all work in the dentist line ia Brat class order. C'vt me a call at the house next door to Oake's picture gal lery. J. F W. AUESBT,B . Soneopathio Fhv cian, ROSEBURO Ott ON, WILL ATTEND TO ALL CASES Intrusted to his care. Office at his residence. 30if WAGON MAKER t REPAIRER, CANYOXVILLE, OREGON. I am prepared to do first-claea work, at low rates, and in a manner to saifety all who psti inize me. My work is my re. commendation, and if it 31i not speak for 1 1 . I f J An rtnt ariall fnv Mlfnniff Uw only wish is yon try my work, and learn my prices, and if they do not suit you no CHAS. KIMMEL, oaecna. : Canyoaville, Oiegon. r 3fh t& ? ? ? ? s S. MARKS CO. Woud laform their patrons that brick store, and are m receipt of the j - '. -. ! LARGEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE EVER BROUGHT This Stock was selected by one of tbe members of tbe firm ia tbe Sa Francisco market, and embraces all 6tyles aud LATEST PATTJEHNS II LADIES' FANCY and SCARFS, COLLARS, PLAIN DRESS GOODS, LIN KM SUIl'S, NECKTIES, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, , PARASOLS, KID ULO V ci With iu there is also to be found a fall assortment of Ladies' TODESARE In tbe lint ot Ladies', Misses and CtHldreua' Shoes and Gaiters, Oar stock is so complete tbat lo one can fail to be suited. We hare with the above a irll Stock ot chlldrens' nuii(i tin) Which we offeg at the lowest rates, and which will be found Mtistuctory to all who examine it. ALSO A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Groceries, Crockery. Glassware i AND OF Chain, Vool and Produce of Every Sescriptiea Bought and Highest Cash Price Paid for Them Patrons will take notice that as our stocn was purchased after the decline in prices in San Francisco, we are prepared to sell goods cheaper than any other house in the city. Ro8Eebukg, Oregon. S. MARKS & CO. Sheridan Bros., They would announce that tuy bare jnst Iiargesf Stock ETerbroneht to linIas county, and when added to tbelr STOVES OF ALL PAT TKRNS and BE M TINWARE, tbey are prepared to declare vuej have llie best surplyln their linerof any eatablisLment ia Sonlhern Oregon, which tbey propc-M can pnrchaae elsewbere. In the shape ot building mater' - in lbs way of locks, butts, etc, we can offer superior inducement to purchasers. Try us. ... .... We can rlre you "oaxjrains in the following- brands or stoT, not equalled ehe- wl,ere Buck's, Bonanza. Farmer, Utility, Dexter, Pacific, Wide West, Clarendtuo, Occident, Iron King, Empire City, and otbar stoTes and ranjres. The best of workmen are constantly em iloyed in the manufacture of onr Tinware, and buyers should learn our pricea. v ' , c a .1. o-a We Lave also bara(ina to offer in guna, such aa Winchester, Sharp and other Rifles, as well as in Shot-guns and Pistols. We are also Asents for tha White. Peerless and New Home Sewing Hachines.wbiea we sell at lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect, We can also supply j Averill and Rubber Paints, The best in the market, at the lowest rates. i.ive aa a call inspect our stock, inquire aa to our prices, and w promise to suit all if any one can. ' SHEBIDAK BROS. oie Ajreoti for tbe Pioneer Woolen Wr.olea Mills tot North Pacific Coast. KKPRESESTIKS KEUSTAPTER BROS. Manufactures of tbe T ANDARD S UIRTS AMP GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. 67 and 69. F at St, Porlland, Oga MEDLEY S a.,raag.TOa. An en new discovery. The beet pre paration or the hair tbat has ever been Dreaented to tbe public It will immed. ateiy free the head from all dandruff and scurf, and produce r new arowtu where it has fallen off. It will atop .be (allinjr out of tbe hair In a few days, if faithfully ap plied, and it will turn gray hair to iu or!., nal. color. This vegetable remedy ia recommended bv a larire n amber of physicians, and by every one who has used it. It is fold at a very low pries in order to introduce It to the JDouKlas county market Hone genuine nnleaa signed by the pro srietor. Address. Joun uiuLfc.x, Oakland, Oregon. MoQREUOK-S BUTCHER SHOP ! Having purchased the bueher-shop ot 8 Oramer, I am now prepared to furnish. cus witu the finest of BeeFork,Mutton At lowest rates. I would call attention of cooaumer to the fact that I have one o tbe beat cutters, and am prepared to far tilsh meauaa desired. Always fat cattle on hand. . ' . Give me a trial and If I do not suit you as to quantity, quality and prices, then I shall not complain it you go I"hers. L. McOBEUOB. Roaeburg, Oregon. L. A SI2ITH IE m jCL tssl tt zv. 9 ROSEBUUQ ...OREGON. v they have moved to their new TO ROSEBURG. GENTLEMENS' Cuder this heading thera is eve rylhing to please the tastes ot all. Every Latest Style In trodnced And all Goods ot the best mate rial" aDd improved finish, EMBRACING Oentlemeius' Underwear, UlUUi UAUK7 A ING,4 DRESS k BUSINESS SUITS, HATS, CAPS, ETC LIQfORS. Itoseburs:. Or, received and now liavf ou hand one ol tha ox aardware GO T( S. HAMILTON'S II E 7 D R U G STORE FOB Iugs, Pain Oils, Varoiib, Window aad Picture Glass, Stationery, Perfumery, if yon wish to purchase them cheaper than at any place aou'h ot PORTLAND. And keeps full lines of EDWARD TODD 4 CO'S.G0LD PENS, PENCILS, ETC, l 8CH00L BOOKS, NOVELS, LEGAL BLANKS. Ctotrt. Kafr, Malt & Teotb Spttshfts, Patttt, White wash. Varnish & Artist Brsfi59 Windsor and Ntwtone tube colors. Win, dow and Picture Glass, every size, al Lowrst Price, by box or pane. Blank Boiks, Writing Paper, envelopes, pens. All new Patent Medicines in slock aa demand will warrant. UUSS CUT TO ORDER, free of charge. Agent for MIXED PAINTS The celebrated and thoroughly tested PA CIMO RUBRER PAINT. The IM PERISHABLE PAINT, and The ENAMEL PAINT. Agent for AL Gray, Music Dealer, ha a Francisco. Tr. .! il 11 t r.t J... ... 'owest rates. Store is accessible at right window on back street at all hour of tha night. Remember the place. Brick build ng opposite Metropolitan Uolel.Hoeeourg, Oregon. Notice of Assignment. TtJOTICE IS HEBEET GIVEN THAT M wbeieaa B. V. Green liaa this day made an assignment of all bis property U me for the b t of all hit crrdiiora, said rr i:nr ara r. nnired to dmpd! their claims undtr oath o me wiihio thre months from this dt e, at Canyon villa Lougia muniy , vreBo. LEONARD STINGER. Awignra. Canonyvillr, Qgo., Dec. 15, 18i9. JPC, Snyder, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE AND WAGON HAEER, Bas opened a sb p in Roaeburg, nest door to Watklna' Broihera. and be hi prepared to do all work in his bne at low prices snd oa short notice. A specialty made of . UNDERTAKING, la which ha is prepared to gW tatiaCae Uoa and lowest rates. fi