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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1879)
s I Tlmo at. ........ AuarsaTiSTO A5 : HESOLUTION OF ENDORSEMENT. Wheeeas, the Douglas Ikdefejtdeot, a newtpaper published In Roseburg, bas been published in this county lor the period .of three rears: and ' Whkrijw, said newspaper is now well established, and daring a three yearn' trial it has faithfully served the interests of the producer and tax-uaver: therefor be it RtMiwd, We, the members of the IJmp .qua Grange No. 28, do give Thb Douglas Independent our unqualified endosement. nd would recommecd it as a newspaper wonuy me patronage of every farmer and Mti-psjerm eontnero uregon. i ia I Oeo. W. Jones, Master. ( I 1 J. P Dcscait, Secretary. WHAT WE CAN ACCOMPLISH. A "correspondent from Jackson asks : ."What do yon hope from your Independent movement when there is no hope of electing an Independent ticket throughout the counties of Southern Oregon?' If our correspondent had studied the matter with the carefulness its importance deserves lie would have : not .asked the question above. The main point is not to elect Independents to office more than to elect honest Republicans and honest Democrats, tor ot such is the Independent organization composed; but what ia hoped for in the movement ia the organi zation of an Independent balance of power in politics in Southern Oregon which ehali have for its purpose the defeat ot any die honest Democrat or Republican who may be nominated by the two parties for office, and the election to office ol honest and capable men. It stands to reason that it tosduy there existed an 'organized Independent balance of power and lhat balance of power honestly voted for honest and ca pablevmen wherever found, the two parties would find it necessa ry to put forward their best men Imagine what a rediculous figure a dishonest or incapable candi date upon either the Democratic or Republican tickets would cut in this county with our Indepen deut balance of power reaching beyond several hundred votes The rascal would be beaten all the way from "two hundred and eixtyfive votes to three hundred or five hundred ! Douglas coun ty has voted two hundred and ninety-five majority for the He oacan candidate ana tne same county has since then given a Democrat three hundred and twenty-five mtjonty ; and yet, at the same time. Republicans were elected to office! But only the choice of the people received . majorities. Would this not be an enjoyable state of political af fairs in all the counties, and would not the presence ot the Independ ent Old Ouard, standing ever ready to defeat the plans of plot ting politicians, be something to ,h& proud of and feel satisfied ovei on the part' of tax payers in the counties of 'Lane, Denton, Coos, Curry, Jackson, Josephine and Lake, as it is in Douglas? We , do not see wherein aa organiza tion whose existence compels the nomination of only honest men to .office, low taxes to the tax-payer and a county currency going at far value,- can be wrong. We ,evtn believe that iu tho event ot the nomination of a dishonest or I 'incapable candidate on the ticket I ,ot both political parties, the Inde pendents could run a third and ! good man for the position in ques tion and elect him. This was ' .done ln'Douglus county six years r ago, when the two parties com" .biued against the Independents, and also have the Independents . of Jackson county, in the name : of retoTm and honest government, i eent. Independents into office by 1 handsome majorities at the polls. This being; true, why cannot there be a repetition of the work done ? ? .What is there to prevent the peo- pie in" any county, in Southern ( Oregon from organizing aiilude ! peudentbalance ot power to de feat any or all nominations of ; either party by voting solidly for ! those of the opposite side, or from 1 runhiDg an honest Independent candidate against two dishonest 'party candidates? The people .have a right to eay what will , please them best, and organiza tion upon the plan proposed will unite their power into one special effort, and place them in the po sition of an organized army to . compel acquiescence with pop ular sentiment, and . save them from the defeat they would often suffer in their endeavors to force good and honest government tor want of : the organization having knowledge of the object desired and the one important thought of Jiow, when and where to obtain it. .Unless organized, the people arrayed against the planned nonis inations of party wire-pullers are ike a rabble pitted against a dis ciplined army; but 'when banded together they are equal,if not bet ter, than any political party, and in having right upon their side, have always the best of the fight in the begiuning. ; ' ' THE HARBOR OF REFUGE. Senator Mitchell has written a etter to the Portland jsee iu which he argues that the Board of Engineers appointed to locate tbe harbor ot refuge cannot declare that such harbor is not necessary. 1 he necessity ot the harbor, he says, has been settled by the Act of Congress which ; made appro priation for its construction, and therefore the board of Engineers has only the duty to perform of locating the harbor where it will best meet ; the wants of the sea going vessels. And in the same letter the Senator makes sport of the Oregonian's declaration to the effect that the building of the har bor: would have as a result the loss to the State of future Con gressional aid in ; the way of ap propriationa tori many years to come, or so long as the break was ter was iu course ot construction. Senator Mitchell clearly shows that the building of the harbor is a notional affair; in which not Oregon commerce alone is con cerned, but the . commerce of the United States; hence the appro priation is not and will not be made for; this - State but for all the States, and cannot aftect in anY way the measures that may hereafter be introduced for Oregon's benefit.1 5 Gov. Bush has stated to an Oregonian reporter that the crowd ed condition of the penitentiary is the main reason why so many convicts have been pardoned This is a thin excuee for turnirg loose upon the people a lor, ot hardened criminals who j have been but lightly pumsbecl for grave crimes committed by them Already one or two of the! con victs so pardoned have been re turned to the penitentiary by the courts for new crimes, and the people cannot but help thitjkicg tnat it tbe penitentiary ia not large enough to hold the convicts other places for their safe keep ing should be provided by the Governor. They have the picion that Governor Bush 8US- pro- poses to secure a little cheap; no toriety for close management of penitentiary affairs, even though he is compelled to throw open the doors ot the State prison to the convicts in order to keep down expenses. It is quite unfair in the Salem Statesman and other ot our co- tempararies in the Willamette! val ley to copy article after art'ele and item upon item from the In dependent and never give: us credit lor the same. The Mer cury is not altogether gaillees with this legard, and though , tha Standard was once somewhat chary in "rendering untoCeasar," etc.. we think it even better now than in the Telegram. Tl e Statas man copied our entire account of Logan's suicide as ! original with that pape;. Be fair, brothers and sieters. We care nothius about the matter only this far a we treat others we wish to be treat ed. Judge Terry, in his late speech at San Francisco, in behalf of the new constitution party, says that every vote cast for White is vote for Perking, and virtually concedes the election of Perkins, unless White is withdrawn. The Superintendent of Registration at San Francisco also says White will carry Sin Francisco by a good majority, and nearly every vote so cast is from old Demo crats. The Chronicle also admits this by trying to mat o a combv nation with the Republicans for municipal officers. , The Republican editors might as well commence hunting up the tiles of their papers printed dor ing the last CBtnpaigm. In castiug aoout for an acceptable candidate the majority of the Democratic organs declare Tildeu to be the coaimg man. There imsy be two reasons why they thus speak without opposition to the Gram- mercy granncy first he has a "bar'l full" of money, and then he is the great patent editorial man. The papers tell about a Syra cuse woman who is accompanied every where by a pet rat, a Chi cago spinster of bligbied affections who wears a live milk snake an a bracelet, and permits the sweet thing to writhe on her arm we!a she is making calls, and a lady who puts a gold harness on a Brazilian beetle and lets it crawl ovei her "boulders. It is barely possible, however, that the papers lie. i The political poi, the country over, simmers very feebly since the adjournment of Congress. What a blessed thing it would be for the nation it Congress could stand adjourned for the next ten thousand' years ! ; A few months ago a Beriea of volumes, "making an unrivaled collection of Napoleon autographe, portaits, etc., was sold in London for the Bum ol vz,zdi ou, anc u was learned afterward that the Empress jSugcnie had secured them,' and was keeping them tor a surprise present to the Brince Imperial when he should corre home from the war in South Africa. So little did the poor woman kuow how soon the .faint est scratch ot the young Prince's own pen would be worth more to her than all the writings of the Napoleonic dynasty. The dwelling of the Wanes family at Marinette, Wis., got afire in the night, snd the lower part was all in flames before the three children had escaped from an upper room. The oldest, a boy, juciped trom a window into a bedquilt held ' underneath. A younger lad only 8 years old was about to follow, but the mother saw that the 3 year-old girl was not at the window. "Run back and get feis," she cried. Tha boy returned to his room, but the fire cut turn off, and his lifeless body was round with the utile one s clasped in his arras. An engagement not mentioned in tne facial accounts f.-om South Africa was fought between 1 : a column oi xritin troops and some Ehaoows. An omcer see ing these shadows moving on hill in the moonlight, mistook them for advancing Zulus, and artillery was set to work to dis perse them, but they held thei ground. The New Orleans Picayune ad vocates the introduction aito gen eral use of a statesman s chin gauaje, uu instrument, on the same plan, to be worn in the mouth to make exact measure menis or au tongue aua jaw movements during twenty -four hours. Statesmen showing th nignesi gau recora to no re elected. The colored voters in Ohio claim to hold the political balance in their hands, and, as an induce ment to obtain some of tbe loca town and county offices offe their twenty odd thous wid votes to the party which pledges them a distribution ot ''the loaves and fishes." . There need be no grumbling as regards wages in Oregon tor farm labor.' All over the State farm hands are paid 1.50 per day and board. In the Atlantic and Western States wages are about 15 per month aud board though tbe price ot cloth. ng i not greater than in Oregon. The Promoter and Perfeetor of As similation. The Reformer and Vltallzer or the Blood. The Producer and Invla-orator of nerve and Sluocle. The Builder and Supporter of Brain Power. Fellows' Compound Syrup Is com posed of Ingredients identical with those which constitute Healthy Blood, Muscle and Nerve and Brain Substance, while" Life Itself is directly dependent upon some of thorn. By its union with the blood and its effect upon the muscles, reestablishing the one and toning the other, it is ca pable of effecting the following results : It will displace owosh out tubercu lous matter, and thus cure Consumption By Increasing Nervous and Muscular Vigor, It will cure Dyspepsia, feeble or Interrupted action of the Heart and Palpitation, Weakness of Intellect caused by grief, worry, overtax, or irregular habits, Bronchitis Acute or Chronic, Congestion of the Lungs, even In the most alarming stages. It cures Asthma, Loss of Voice, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance, Epileptlo Fits, Whooping Cough, Nervousness, and ia a most wonderful adjunct to other remedies in sustaining life during the process of Diphtheria. Do not be deceived by remedies bear ing a similar name : no other prepara tion is a substitute for this under any circumstances. Look out for the name and address 3. 1. FELLOWS', St. John, N.B., on the yellow wrapper In watermark, which Is seen by holding the paper before the light Price, $1.60 per Bottle, 6 for $7.50. Bold by all Druggists. NOTICE. Being about ready to start tor San Francisco to purchase our Fall stock of goods, we desire an immediate settlement of all ac- - - counts standing upouv-our books. Those indebted to uV.wil' bear it in mind that this is a final notice to them and will save trouble by settling at once. J CAJiO BROTHERS. IMPORTANT rfOTCE, All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm of Wright & Carlon, in the livery stable business, are hereby notiflad to make immediate settlement oy cash or note and thus save costs. This is the labt notice. WRtUHT & CARLON. June 14, 1879. liillplfP VERT SELECT STOCK ! OF HABDWAEE, TINWARE AND STOVES AT Sheridan Bros., The firm would announce that they have jast Largest Stocks Ever brought to Douglas county, and when added to their STOVES OP ALL PAT TERNS and READY MADE TINWARE, they are prepared to declare lliey have the ut-st Biij piy mi meir iiue ui any estaousLment GSSAffSS can purchase elsewhere. In the shape ot building materials in superior inducements to purchasers. Try We can eive vou bargains in me following brands or stores, not eaualled else where Buck's, Bonanza, Farmer, Utility, Dexter, Pacific, Wide West, Clarendon, Occident, Iron King, Empire City, and other stoves and ranges. The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our Tinware, and buyers should learn oar prices. We have also baraginn to offer in guns, as well as in snot-guns ana ristois. . W't are also Azents for th White, Peerless we sell at lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect. We can also supply Averill and Rubber The best in the market, at the lowest rates. Give us a call, inspect our stock, inquire as any one can. Em 83 a a S 5 -2 B P -S 0-j3r- B S S o 1 S-S-i? t I S a 3 ti o o.,s ! 55 - s. 3 ire? 3 o Z 2 a -o -5 g 3 a. OJkOi Soc.3aili GEEAT REDUCTION IN RATES ! ROSEBURG AND COOS BAY STAGE LINE ! THROUGH I?J 64 HOURS FliOM ROSEBURG TO SAN FKAXCISCU Makinjt connections with the Ocean Steamn trs. tcsniprs urrivt? aud depart Wi-ry week certain, anil smuctimes twice a week. -t KOM- Rosehnrg to Coos Bay I IN ONE DAY! FAKE TO SAN FRANCISCO by llis route, 14.50 ; Fare to Coos Bay, 6.00. The proprietors of tliis line ' would nn nounce to the public that they have made the above reduction In rates jf travel, and with fine horses aud best of stajreti, are prepared, better than any one else, to fu. nish nceowinodations to travelers who patronize them. The time of tunnr. is short, tbe road good, and them is no de tention on the roote. The drivers em ployed are experienced ' and polite, aud wjh all will show every posaibie atten tion. : ' Tbe time of arrival and departure of steamers may be learned upon inquiring at the Metropolitan ho'.el. For further par irulars. iiiquire of PEKK1XS S HE.DKICK Agetts, Metrojioiitaii Hotel. F. fcfC BETTER, Agent. Empirw City. GREAT REMEDY- Strongly Recommended by the Medi- cm acuity ror JvervouBne88 . . . ..... . . Weakness, Debility dyspepsia, Indijrem-ion Chilis, Fever ..fc-tc, Etc., NABOB S1;Y In Bottle and by the Gallon. Consomers are referred to the following extracts from the reports of eruioeut Pub lic Asayists : Lubratory and Office, ) No. 4. S'ate Street, Booton. 1 Oeo. Simmonds, Exq.: b'ir '1 lie samples ol MABOBWH1SKX received trom difl.;r ent parlies, have been analyzed with the following results: It is of standari alcohol ic strength and frt-e from added fluvorinfr oils, acids, metals, or other deleterious substances. T'tis whisky is pure, of sup' rior quality, and suitable for dietic and medicinal purposes. Respectfully, 8. DANA HAYES, State Assayer for Massachusetts. This is pure barley and wheat spirit, re- murRaiile in tragrant ethers which impart a delicate aroma, at the same time irradua'lv increasing it s value as a diffusive stimulant. The solid residue contains large amount of tnnnin. derived trom storms in oaken casks. which imparts to fine old vhiiskyone of its valuable individual qualities. The amount of residue proves the whisky to be nee trom the excessive coloring and eweet eninjt to penerally ued in adulterating. In fact, in two words, it is the PUREST WR ISKY, and will not only supply a pub lie want, now that whiskies are so genera ally adulterated, but will be of the greatest value to the physician in those numerous easeo in which pure whiskies are the 'nut uetul ol all medicines. w. COOK. xuy,u jj gases iicid on The Pacific Coast within the last year. 3?Xone cennine unless labelled with my signature over the cork. O. SIMMONDS. S. MARKS & CO. AG'fS. ROSEBl-RG, OGN. MCGREGOR'S BUTCHER - SHOP Having purchased the bucher-shop of 8 Cramer, I am now prepared to furnish cua witU the fiuesi of Beef, Fork. Mutton At lowest rates. I would call attention of consumers to the fact that I have one o tbe best cutters, and am prepared to fur aish meat as desired. Always fat cattle on hand. Give me a trial and if I do not suit you as to quantity, quality and prices, then I shall not complain if you go elsewhere. L. McOREUOR. Roaeburg, Oregon. Important Notice- Having disposed of my interest in tbe the livery stable owned by Wright & Carlon, all those indebted to the old firm are reques ted to make immediate settlement of ac covjts. It is necessary that the old iras inees shall be at once settled, and those in debted will take the hint hire given and set tle np and save costs. J A3. WRIGHT. Kosebnrg, July Zf, J 879. 2" oat'O T! m . arnm Roseburg. Or. received and now have on hand one of the of Hardware in Southern Uregon, whicu tney propose TUMI MTT Om the way of locks, butt?, etc, we can offer ne. such as Winchester, Sharp and other Rifles, and New Home Sewlnsr Machine s.whicli Paints, to our prices, and wo promise to suit all if bttfciaiJAW iSKOt". on - ;- - u , O a I J C9 m m o s o -id o O o O W : a "5 o CO m o m n m 1 &3 3 m m 2 SB H- QS s Ui T3 C 03 O o I &9 OS BLACK SJfUTUOitt, Dearling Gibson, Oi 1 .LAND, OGN. Wuuld announce to the public that they are prepared with the best of materi al to supulv all demnnps in their line. Having enjoyed over twenty years' expe rience in their trade, all work performed by them is guaranteed to be iiret-class, ana strictly according to order. Gibson's Celsoratod. Har- TOWS, Pronounced by all who have used them to be the best ever invented, always on hand and for sale cheap. FARM MACIllNKltY 'RE PAIRED, Give Them a Call. ii Sole 'Agents for the' Tioneer Misiona Woolen Mills for North Pacific Coast. ' REPKESKST1SO Manufuctures of the ST.ASDARD'8'niRTS -AXD- GEXT'S BTKXISH1XG GOODS. 67 and C9. Font St., Ojrt RQSEBUECr LULLS, PKORIRTORS. THE EEST FLOUR IN THE MARKET The Flour of these mills has trained popularity until it lia3 come to be known by purchasers as the best in the market. Orders from home and abroad filled promptly. Address, . j JOSES & GATES, Roseburg Z Haness and Saddles' FINE BARGAINS OFFERED JOHN W. MOORE, Would announce to the public in general that he bas assumed full charge of the sad' dlery store of E. M. Moore, and has on hand a complete stuck in every respect of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, , Wnipsi FUMNISTWSG MA TE RIALS ado is prepared to an nrst-c:ass wnra m the man ttucture of new goods, or in the rt pa.iiuji of old. He has purchased his present fine stock of leathers, eic. on the very lowest terms, aud is prepaied to sell cheaper and do work on terms more rea sen able than can any one else fur proof of which (rive him a call, at the old stand of E. M. Moore, north of the Post office. JOHN VV. MOORE. Roseburgr, July 16, 1879. $25 REWARD! I will give the alxve reward for any Ins roimauou which win lean to ttie detection ot tne iiiiei ana recovery ot the ninety two Dusiiei8 ot wnefti stolen trom Mr, Palmer's warehouse a short time atro. and I would warn the people of Scottsburir to the effect that they have thieves in their nndHi, and advise them to take precaution ary measures against them. AN DKEW SAWYER, i-ong Prairie, Douglas County, Ojrn. : X.OST. - A pocket-book belonging: to the nnder signed, was lost between John Jones' Ford and Kosebursr. This pocket book contains one note lor $30 dollars, one blank note for f 373, and an onler tor ftfO. The party hndinz the same will leave it at the INDE PENDENT office. Liberal reward given. N.IAKAUT. FOR SALE. ip perfectly sound, which I offer for sale very cheap for cash. All those wishing to im prove their flocks will do well t call and see for themselve and buy if suited. : Six miles from Roseburg, Douglas Co., Ogn. 11. Sen, CHneso Labor Furnislisd 3n i?55r 3, CONTRACTOR FOR LABOR, ROSK- ULKU, Is prepared to tarnish all kinds of Chinese labor on the best of terms. Contractors and others will do well to give him a call. Inquire at Wa uee Wash house, or John Lee, at Cosmopolitan hotel. : LUMBER. Those who wish to purchase every kind of lumber would do well to call on N. Gates at the flouring mills, Roseburg; if he has not the lumber on hand, all orders left with him will be promptly tilled from the mill J Ad. H. TIPTOX GREAT REPUBLIC LOST. I BUT C A HO BEOS! ' Sid not Loso any cf the Largo Stock of Spring I Ilerchandiss, T1IEY PURCHASED IIS FACTiWTIIEr HAVE A LARGER AND BET Than any other House in theifjy td the stock will arrive with The Firm, Therefore J ing CuS' WITH; 33 LATEST STYLES AXDi i r A.ud in every Instance; QPjofler the best of Bargains. THEY HAVEiH FULL LINES III DRY GOODS, CLOTBINGjiBOOTS, S1MES, LADIES, Vjeuia, ttliU vllliuieu o u u':rT1 uiwip, unuicn uuuo, and the best manntactnredi"j;Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, Toys, RinsrsjjjJ Chains, Bin 9, Etc. GBOCmERIES, Together with Hardware, Tobacco, Etc. These goods have all been selected with especial care, and buy er may easily test their quality and We still stick to the old motto: - j&-And we never toasluer it trouble to Bhow goods. :. so ir a r ii:.v7 , t3 05 to 2 s r g 2. a ; g B5 J pJ 3 o " , e003t;o 1 Sore Jcr!B m 3 Us! J ! s-i'g- O a s ft O ta CD o J ii " 3 O 1 I I T t : o- 3 p 2 &o ?s c s a- S. v? g o - JV o 2 c cy zi. Co lj 3 S-s 5 S P o o m o. c-. C. s t? o g -- : c rl . O : 2 3" z.. - o iJ n o (6 3 o E rt- SO r-. i-. a P Eo" Q cj td & tri Q t Q O Ml ST o O Cf fi M n o ' o 5 58 (r- 1- . 2- Ol s (-1 o C Cu - i3 M s 2 I S b3o-g - s Oi i a.. ' i 5 P cr cr o - g a. a c e CS w 's S 5) ffi "i 2 g: j O o to O o S oo C- O o 3 c ui -5 o C6 ss p 3 ft p 5P O o cr jo 5" 09 O H o c G. B g CS cr o CO CS c a o Will supply Boots and Shwsto custoniers, lower than at any other place in the St ite. Gent's SWs .. ...................... .$2 50 " Pegged ootf, to Order 5 00 " Sewe oo's. l)est onalitv French calf skin 7 on Half Sol nd Uoeis. Credit given on purchases made by responsible parties for cne Tea. ' Address all or e's to. GEORUK VOL1IARD. IUKt,4n Ofi Lumber Lumber I J. J. COMSTOCK Is prepared to furnish all kinds ol lumber in Rosburg, dressed or plain, at rates lower than any one olse. ; Having the best machinery in the county, he can do better than any one oUe, and will fill orders promptly. Any kind of lumber furnished the day the order is received. Address J. J. COMSTOCK, Latham, Oregon. &. C. Snyder, PRACTICAL CARRIAGE AND WAGON Has opened a sh p in Roseburg, next door to Walkius' Brothers, and he is prepared to do all work in his line at low prices and on short notice. A specialty made, of UNDERTAKING, In which he is prepared to give satisfac tion and lowest rales. J. SEUI.EE, Practical "Watchmaker and Jeweler, DEALKB IN WATCH LS. CLOCKS & FINE JEWELRY i -I Watches, Clocks k Jewelry Repaired. Office with J" W. Strange, Roseburg, IN SAN FRANCISCO . . jCity, and fmther Additions iqjlEvery Incoming Steamer. Cannot fail in Suppy tomcrs THE: THE NEWEST PATTERNS, cheapness by eivin" ns a call "Quick sales and small prohts. CARO BROTHERS. C s ksa 3 q ft ft 5 "5 h3 1 O o co cr CO 1 ft s e : . s, 0 o t4 f3 o O 3 cr B CS ca t3 O ft ,3 C ft a; o p on Eft s O Cu c o o a. s (9 cr, p co c-l-o 1? BT- 60093'-' MADE AT HOME OP TII1S BEST MANUFACTURE AXD OK THB Finest Leather let tfi STATI latest styles and of test leathers, My prices are as follow ; at price 1 00 GOOD BREAD AT LOWEST PRICES Would announce that he aiwars Keeps on hand all f resh Fruits, Candies. Nuts, Cakes, Pica and all kinds of canned Fish, Jellies, fruits, Oysters, Money, etc.. and In con nec-.ion therewith be has a Bakery and an experienced Baker : from PonUnd, audi will furnish the best of bread (So loaves for f 1.00) to any one wishing the same at their residence or at the store. Graham bread supplied whenever desired. Store and Bakery next door to Dr. Woodruff's drugstore and opposite Sheridan Bros., Roseburg, Give me a call, i U. Fisher Proprietor. i W. F. OWENS & PLYMALE, fwarding and Commission M,'; AGENTS, ROSEBURO. . . ........ OREUON Will give special attention to fordwarding goods consigned to their eare. Freight money advanced. Commission reasonable. All business in this line shall receive our strict attention. All goods consigned to onr care should M marked. "U. B. A." Roseburg. . I Ii A. SMITH, ! c& aa. . H; o v9 i ROSEBUKG... OREGON. ' 1 ; :: ' . . , ,VJ ;;V Special attention paid to graining, and also pniatmjr ofererykind done Giv tue ft trial. it g 7 o Bi . : CXm c - . t-t- $ M - -I j 1 o W mumummmmmmumummm in n Woud laford their patrons that brick store, and are in receipt of the , . LARGEST STOCK OP GENERAL MERCHANDISE! EVER BROUGHT This Stock was selected by one of Ban Francisco market, and LATEST PATTERNS IN L.ADIES' FANCY and : 1 PLAIN DRESS GOODS, f LACES, EMBROIDERIES, With us there is also to be found a full assortment of Ladies' UXTDS&WABE In the line ot Ladies', Misses and i Childrens Shoes and Gaiters. Oar stock is so complete that no one can tail to be suited. We have with the above a tull Stock ot CHITDILETJS' !iv!iic mm V hicu we oner at the lowest rates, and which will be found satisfactory to all who examine it. ALSO A FULL AND Groceeris, Crockery, Glassware AND OF! Grain, "Woo and Produce of Every Description Bought and Highest Cash Price Paid for Them. Patrons will take notice that as our stock was purchased after the decline in prices in San Francisco, we are prepared to sell goods cheaper than any other house in the city. Roseeeceg, Oregon. ; ; S. ; MARKS & CO, J - ; AND r r WAGON-HAKING- Particular Attention Paid to Horse-Shoeing. G. MARKWICII Proprietor, Would inform the public that be is pre pared to do all kinds of Blackttmiihing and Wagon-Making in a workmanship manner. He has also hacks brei-clae lor dale, fall and see him at his shop on Oak Street, near Aorahnm's Switch. 46 I KOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Having divided on discont inuing the for trirding bosinejw, we desire to (rive novice, that from and after the loth of February next we will not receive any more freights into our warehouse. All persons iu arrears for freight charges are requested to make mmediate pavment. For the accimjixia tion of those who lire in and about Jack sonville, by kind consent, Mr. Max Mai ler will receivi and receipt for ns. ! S. MAKKS&CO. pOSEBURO. January Bth. 1879, ! I AT OAKLAND. j MANNING & VANW1NKLE, Old and experienced blacksmiths would announce to iho people of Calipooia pre cinct and the traveling public thit have opened a blacksmiih shop at Oakland. They have all materials found in a first class etaablifUrurnt, ae workmen of many year's experience, and feel justified in say'" ing they can do ANTT WORK en trusted to thi'ir care with neatness and up on the shortest notice. HOUSE SHOEING 1 SPECI- U : . . .iLir. ; Give the firm a call, and they will never send from their afcop a lame : borse, and prnve to patrons that a shoe well put on will last a horse longer than will a , boot on a man, and be twiie as 'omfifrtab'e. FARM MACHINERY REP AIR' D In a permanent manner and satisfactory to patrons. In this line we propose to do work cheaper th:m the cheajwst. - ,"" t.MNMNG & VANWrXKLE WD. DUrS SALOON. JACKSON STREET, : ROfEB0i:e. ' The proprietor of. this well-known and popular report wonlil thank bis friends for their liberal pair mage in the past and ask for a continuance ofthe same in the future. The public is informed that 1 keep none bni the best brand-, of wines, liquors and Clghin, aud that I sell over the bar the celebrate 7 J&SSE MOORE & CO.'S f KENTUCKY WHISKIES! 7 A good Billiard Table will be fmind 1 ,eiing papers ooto ",T n,e cm. , K.C VliX, 20,000 POimDS OLD CAST IKON WANTED . AT THE : ! ROSEBURG ItON FOUNDRy. i . Good Price paid. Old iron taken in exi ! i change for work. . NEW STATE HOTEL, lUpposite W. F. Co'a. Express Office, CORNER 3d & CALIFORNIA Streets. Jacksonville, Oregon. Meals a.t All TTvnTxa New Rooms and Clean Beds. Satisfaction ' Guaranteed, j C, W. SAVAGE, Proprietor. NOTICE. rl those wishing to v To those wishing to purchase lumber of all kinds, such as fencing, rough boxing, and acantli"g, at $3 per thousand, ca'l at Patterson's Mill, Douglas county. JA3. H. TIPTON. mm i they have moved to 1 lei in TO ROSEBURft. the members cf the firm in thd embraces all styles and SCARFS, COLLARS, LINKN SUITS, NECKTIES, PARASOLS, KID GLOVES GENTLEMENS' Under this heading thera is ere- rythiDg to please the tastes of all. Every Latest Style In troduced And nil Goods of the beat mate- , naU and improved finish, EMBRACING Gentlexnens' Underwear, EVERY STYLE YOUTHS' CLTII - DRESS & B USINESS SUITS, HATS, CAPS, ETC COMl'LETE STOCK OF LIQUORS, SHERIFF'S SALE. TTOTICE IS HEEKBY GIVEN THAT Ax oy virtue of an execution, issued out of the Circuit Court of Hie State of Oregon, for the County of Douglas, on the 4th day of August, 1879, upon a judgment and de cree of foreclosure, rendered at the Oct ber term, 1875, of said Conn, in fa vor of L. F. (irovr, S.F. Chad wick and A. H. Brown the Board of Commissioners for the sale of School Land and manage ment of the Common School Fund and against A. J. Manning, directed to ma commanding me that out of the personal property of said A.' J. Manning, and if sufficient personal property cannot be found then out of the teal property belong ing to him on the 28d day of October, 13i3, or at any time thereafter, I canse to be inade the sum of .thirteen hundred, twenty-eight anu seventy-five one-hun i redihs (81,828 75)dollars, together with in terest and accruing costs thereon. Now, therefore, in pursuance of said writ of execution, I have levied upon the fol lowing described real pre peny, to-wit : The southeast quarter of the southwest quMiterof section thirtymwo (33) in town ship twenty-four(24) south range four (4 west. The north half of the northeast quarter of section six (6) in township tweuty-five (25) south range four (4) west, and tbe southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of sectioa six (0) and lot one (1) of section five (5) in townntiip twentyfive (25) south range four (4) west.': Lot one (1) of section twentyone (21) and lots two (2) and three (3) and the northwest quarter of ti.8orthwest quarter of section twenty, two (22) and lot eleven 111 of section fit teen 15 in township twenty.five 251 b mill range six 6 west. . And the northi easl quarter ol the northeast qur ot section twenty-one 21 and the west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-one21township twentv five 25 south range six (6) west. And' the northeast quariernf the northwest quarter of section twenty-three 23 and the north eaRi quarter of the Southwest quarter of section twenty two 23 in township twen. ty-5ve 25J south range seven 7 west. And tbe uorti.west quarterand the north east quarter of ihe southwest ot section twelve (12) and , lot seven (7) of section eleven 11) in township - twenty-ifoiir (24) smith rang (8even (7K west. Also the i-outhweet qnkr of (be mtrtheaw quarter ami the south half of the nort iiwect qnar, tr and lot two (2) of wectioo aiKfil'fn LtMvnaltip tweaty-five (25) Sooth of range u.ih; wesi. naa tne n nheast quarter of section oneljin townnhi,. .twemy.cve 20 noutb of range six ; il wt . a southeast quar.ernf tl.e urt beast quarter' of Hecti.,0 six CJ in township twenty-fire ..u... Uve west, Ml t Snid lands t-etng situate in Ili ...t.. .,. Oregon, Cfniaming e'.evtn hundred nod twenty-four and seventy - eight one - hundredth Jl,124 7SJ acres or h-ss. And further, I . will sell all the right, tirte and Interest of the said A. J. Manning, in and to the said premises described asalurt aid that he owned on the 23d day tn October, 1875. or has since ac quired, together with all and singnlar the tenements, hereditaments and appuitenan' ces, thereunto belonging or in anywise atM pertaining, at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, at the' Court House door, io the city of Roseburg, on Satorday, 6th Day of Septemljer, 1879, at oue o'clock in the afternoon of said dar ti juuginent, t. wit. The sum of thirteen, twentvight and eventy-fiveone-hundredths!8r328 751 dollars together with interest' nd ac cruing eosa thereon. Dated this 8th dar of August. 1879.. , F. P. HOGAX bhenffot Douglas County, Ogn. Stone Seces JOHN LONtJoif Clevelandi W ould announce that he is prepared to ' uraish the stone, neatly cut, for Fireplaces, at rates more reasonable than Any one else can; and that . " Ho wdl reerivs orlers to build chimney- Ana t irepiaces from any part of the . . County. He ill warrant al his chimneys to have Pt'gg': be of permanent He witt also oeiiver fne already iJressed lo any one wishing the same, tor frireulacea. Orders left with the ISDEPESDiiAT. or Mr. Cochran Looking Olass, promptly attended to