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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1908)
lOCAL AM) PtRSUNAl About 18. men are now em ployed in hurrying Shepard Hall to completion on college hill. Rev. E. H. Belknap expects to move his family from . Salem to bis farm west of Monroe this fall. A new woodshed and other improvements are 1-eiug madr at the M..E. parsonage on Fourth street. A rooni" 12x14 has been added to the residence of Judge Hol- gate. The work is being done by William Holgate. Jim and Marion Bailey are making quite a lot of fence around their farms. They are using the woven wire. Mrs. D. II. Leech and daugh ters and their guest, Miss Maud Vandervert, leave tomorrow for a week's outing at Newport. Chas. M. Anderson and wife, of Salem, are visiting at the J. G, Morris home. Mr. Anderson is a linotype man on the Salem Statesman. Bible study and prayer meet ing at the Presbyterian church next Thursday evening at 8:00. Also Sunday school and preachr. ing next Sunday morning. ' Mrs. Carrol Ciimrnings and little son were expected to arrive home yesterday from a two weeks' visit with ' relatives at Melrose, Douglass county. ! . John G. Schroeder, of this year's class, OAC, has just re turned to his home in Portland from an extended trip through Washington and British Colum bia. . - Did it ever occur to you that the most disgusting thing on arth is the man who becomes so wrapped up in his business affairs that he never has time to smile? senator A. J. Johnson is im proving the appearance of his residence property in Jobs ad dition by having concrete walks placed around the house and along the front. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jenkins returned to their home in Eu gene the first of the week, after a few days' visit at the home of their sister, Mrs. W. S. Locke, - The old building ou Fifth and r The Albany authorities raided Harrison streets, used for many and captured all the equipments years as one of the first school and supplies of a Jully nedge; houses in Corvallis, is being completely overhauled, remod eled and an addition built on, Resolutions of Condolence. It was ascertained had been shipped in butter boxes. Old papers, in slae at this office. of this city. Rev. F. L. Moore, a former pastor of the Corvallis Methodist church, but now of Kelso, Wash., was in this city the first of the week, en route from Newport, where his family is camped, to his home. Trof. E. D. Angell and family moved Saturday into the Gort man house on College Hill. Prof. Angell is the new physical director at OAC and comes high ly recommended for the posi tion. Mr. Edward Willtams lost a valuable horse last Monday. His daughter, Miss Inez, from Tort land, is home for a two weeks vacation. Mrs. Williams' sister-in-law, Mrs. Elsie Banton, and children, are visiting them for a few weeks. Work has commenced on the house to be built by Mrs. James Osburn on the lot east of Ihe court house. It will be a neat residence that will be a credit to the town in this sitely location, and a source of pleasure and profit to the owner. An alarm of fire from the south part of town called out the fire department and quite a con course of citizens, Sunday fore noon. The cause of the trouble proved to be a chimney burning out at the T. H. Davis residence. transforming it into a neat and commodious dwelling. The block on north Main St. formerly owned by Mrs. Amanda "l.7" t 1 1 (Tr 1 1 Tina ViiTi ntiiKaco 1 1 o:i j t ; . tne it cmverwjii mail iiauieu lav is, who contemplates moving the old dwelling to the south side of the block and repairing it, and building two other cottages on the lots. " The familiar face of S. N. Wi'. kins greeted us Friday morning. He was trimmed up in a nice pair of white overalls and we of fered him a job of work. He is here looting after his property interests, cleaning up and re-, pairing everything in sight. We just have a slight suspicion that he still hankers after the old town. Avery Applewhite has rented the Fuller cottage on 13th street, formerly occupied by Mrs. J. W. Howard, and it is reliably stated that he is to bring home a bonny bride ere many weeks to preside as queen of the domain. Mr. Applewhite is foreman of the college farm and has a wide cir cle of friends who will gladly welcome him and his bride. J. W. Haller has rented the George Fuller home and is to take possession the first of Sep tember. Mr. Fuller and family will move into their new house just north of the old one, work men being engaged there this week, finishing the interior. Mr. Haller comes from Eastern Ore gon and he and his wife attend ed OAC last year. The latest reports from the timber district beyond Detroit state that the forest fires are now under control and rapidly dying out. Also that while some dam age was done it was not nearly as great as reported as the fires were mostly confined to "logged i off" land. There are only two j hres yet burning, in the dead j made cards just timber, and they are not alarm- Graham & Wells The Academy of Our Lady 01 Perpetual Help, Albany, Oregon, under the direction of the Bene dictine Sisters, will re-open to commence its regular school work September 14, 1908 new addition in course of erec tion, which will contain all the modern improvements, will be completed at on early date. For further information apply to Benedictine Sisters, Albany, Ore. 6wo blind pig late last Saturday ,bf - the ternoon. Ihejointwas run by D. Kennedy and Frank Albrecht , and was well supplied with all kinds of intoxicating liquors. About a dray load of booze was jound and taKen as evidence. and while our bearts are filled uniy ten men were louno in with SOTTOW aD& we srieve for place, drinking, when thej the one who h been called raid was made by the officers. awav twat . ovtonA c, Whereas, it has been. the will Supreme Ruler of the Universe to remove from us our beloved corps sister, Emy Jones, be it ; . " ' ' Resolved, that while we bow in submission to the inevitable, that the stuff into Albany bundles, for The cannery whistle has been silent of late out there will be activity , there soon, when the .about the first of' September. Owing to the shortage in the peacli crop none of this delici ous fruit will be available for cannery purposes this year, a fact much regretted by all con cerned.' The run on tomatoes promises to be satisfactory, this being the product that the plant bad especially planned to handle on an extensive scale this reason and for which gardeners had made unusual preparations to grow large quanties. ; See additional locals on the second page. Mrs. A. M. Jessen, who has been the courteous and popular assistant . superintendent and head bookkeeper at the water of fice ; the past year or two, has tendered her resignation, to be come effective the first of Sep tember. Sbe goes to Oakland, California, shortly, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Rachel Throckmorton, and her subse quent return to this city is a matter of doubt. Mrs.' Jessen has made a host of warm .friends during her residence here, and all unite in the hope that, she may decide to make her home in this city permanently. Speaking of handsome post cards, you oughc to see some of those beautiful colored German received by They com prise a panoramic view of the seven principal college buildings, a large view of Waldo Hall, one of the First M. E. church, and another a charming bit of wood land scenery near Corvallis. The j This series will be great to send to your friends, and they can now be obtained only at Graham & Wells. j pathy to the husband and other relatives of the departed sister. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the hus band of our deceased sister; and be it still further Resolved, tUat a copy be sent to the papers of this city for publication. In behalf of Ellsworth Relief Corps No. 7, of Corvallis, Ore Mrs. W. E. Smith, Mrs. J. C. Young, Mrs. J. M. Wilkinson, Committee ALL-BENTON FAIR NOTES. Damage, nix. The Occidental Lumber Com pany, successors to the Corvallis Lumber Company, announce thit they are ready to supply Corvallis and vicinity with any thing in the way of lumber. Give them a call and get prices. .See their ad in this issue. Dr. G. H. Feese and family left Saturday for their home in Portland. Dr. Feese expressed himself as highly pleased over the rapid development and ad vancement of Corvallis and the OAC and stated that in traveling about over the state in his evan gelistic -work lie, has "boosted" . for Corvallis aiid for our college on all occasions. . A few nights ago a man called at Howell's Candy Kitchen on Third street at 2 o'clock in the morning and wanted Mr. How ell . to open the store and sell him something to eat. The-pro: prietor remembered the several burglaries that have occurred in Corvallis the past few weeks, and wisely informed the early visitor that he did not care to sell goods at that hour. Mr. and Mrs.' J. K. Neal, of Buena Vista were in Corvallis last week, leaving for home on Friday. Mr. Neal conducts a large genera1 merchandise store at that place and his business in this city was to consult a local contractor in regard to building him a residence in Buena V ista. He made no definite arrange ments, however, being undecid ed as to whether to invest money in building in such a small, iso lated town. uur neign boring towns are just beginning to realize what it means to have good, pure and wholesome water. Eugene is trying hard to solve the problem and Ashland, at its last council meeting, took under considera tion the erection of an electric power generating plant in Ash land Creek Canyon to carry the water by pipe line to the present water system. Possibly they have learned something from Corvallis along this line. The best money we ever spent was for the water plant and it has brought many substantial citi our town. If the people have good water they don't need bad whiskey. ' Always get my prices on poul try, dressed pork and veal before you sell. J. A. Dawson, 'phone 209. Leo Spaulding, of this city, rode a bicycle from Corvallis to Portland, Tuesday, 106 miles, in 14 hours, over all sorts, thus making a new record. The previ ous record, claimed by one of the Kemp boys, was 16i hours. Spaulding started from Corvallis at 2:30 o'clock in the morning, rested an hour and 45 minutes in Salem and reached Portland at 6:15 p. m. He made his best run from Oregon City to Port land, doing the 15 miles in an hour. He says the roads in Benton and Multnomah counties are good but that those in Polk and Marion are somethingfierce. The old bicycle path is almost obliterated part of the wavl Leo did not even have to stop to pump up his tires on the trip. I have got what your poultry and stock of all kinds need to keep them healthy. J. A. Daw son, 'phone 209. 6S-71 Miss Edna Groves was hostess and Miss Frances Belknap honor guest at a "jelly, jam and pre serve shower," at the home of the former Friday afternoon. The affair was very unique, many striking and original ver ses appearing in the glasses of jams and jellies. .Needlework and conversation ' were the fea tures of the afternoon, light re freshments being served. About 25 young women enjoyed the affair, which was very pleasant. Miss Belknap's marriage to Roy Hollenberg is to occur early in September. She is one of the most popular teachers in the Corvallis public school, and Miss Groves, the hostess on this oc casion, is another teacher with an equal claim to popularity. For sale House and two lots. 342 Tenth street, corner Adams. Address G. H. Carl, , Fossil, Ore. . . . . " . 57tf Be good now, for once,- and The fmpression seems to have gotten out that Mr. Arnold will have absolute control of all the concessions on the fair grounds, The committee desire it strictly understood that this matter is in the hands of the committee. Mr; Arnold has only such privilege as has been granted to the show. The committee intends to treat all fairly, and in a short time an opportunity will be given to all who wish to secure such privi leges. The Coffee Club has appoint ed the following Committee to look after the Corvallis booth: Mrs. Berchtold, Mrs. F. L. Mil ler, Mrs. C. A. Danainan and Miss Edna Groves. They held an enthusiastic meeting Tuesday night at the Miller's, at which time plans were matured for collecting the exhibit to repre sent the city. Any person hav ing material to exhibit should bear the committee in mind and be ready for them'. The complete suits to be given as prizes in the base ball tourn ament are on exhibition in the show windows of Kline's store. Also the sewing machine and carpenter tools given by Mr. Arnold for the special exhibits by boys and girls not over 14. J. F. Yates, chairman of the committee on general arrange ments, has secured Judge Steph en A. Lowell, Judge C. M. Idle- man, ex-Attorney General of Oregon, and State School Supt. J. H. Ackerman as speakers. G. E. Master county, Grange OmEGON 99 GUILDERS Are you doin? what yon can to populate your State ? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settlors, honest Farmers. Meclion-i-. Merchant!.. Ciprfca. Pnpl jth brains, strong hauda and a - willilng heart capital or no capital. The Southern Pacific Co, (Lines , in Oregon) Is sendit g tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribution through every available agencv. Will you not help the good work; of builriiag. "On-gn bv sending ut tbe names and addressee nf yonr friends v. bo are likely to be interested in this State? We be uiad to bwr the exponas of sending them complete inform ation about OREGON and its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS be on sale during SEPTEMBER and . OCTOBER fr m the East to all points in Oregon. The tares from a fe p'inc-iual From Louisville . $41.70 " Cincinnati 42.20 " Cleveland . 44.75 " New York . 55.00 From Denver . . $30.00 " ; Omaha . ' 30.00 " Kansas City 30.00 St. Louis . 35.50 r " Chicago . 38.00 Tickets Can be Prepaid . If you want tn bring a, friend or" relative Oregon, denosit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then be furnished bv t'ebgraph. R. C. LIN V I LLE, Local Agent, Corvallis, Oregon. WM, MoMTJRRAY, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Si 68-71 fix up that sidewalk. Thorp, of Alsea, deputy of Granges of Benton is planning a great Day, and has been as sured that each grange will turn out en masse. Hon. A. T. Bux ton, State Master, J. J. Johnson, State Lecturer, and Miss Clara Waldo. ex-rState Lecturer, will he present and review the pro cession, and deliver short ad-' dresses. The order of parade: Sept. 3rd, school children, at 2 p.m.; sept. 4, uranges, at 2 p.m.; Sept. 5, horse and stock show at 11 a.m. and business men s par ade at 2 p.m. All parades ex cept stock will form and start from the court house square, march to Monroe street, east to Main, thence south on Main to the Fair Grounds. The Corvallis Cement works is a place of great activity just now. With the wonderful de mand for building blocks in and about the town comes now the farmer who has laid away his winter store and now has a little time to make needed improve ment about the place. Instead of laying down a wood block that will soon rot away he now places a cement block which will last for all time. To supply the demand this year it has requii ed 13 cars of cement and 250 loads of gravel. To finish for the fall and winter demand orders have been placed for 250 more loads of gravel o as to prepare for the rainy sea son. 8,500 blocks . have been sold and nearly 1000 feet of tyle of various sizes. ' Cement blocks have also been. f urnisbled for one house, , that of . Miss Johnson. The cement works. hasvbeen.a. fine barometer of the growth ef the town . v- . Cut down those weeds, now. CORTJCELLI EMBROIDERY SILKS NEEDLEWORK MATERIALS F. L. Miller Jersey Bull For Sale. Descended from Grand Coin and Gold' en Glow . imported cow : 'testing 18 Its natter fat in 7 days with S.nt ;alf. Ad dress, il, S. Woodcock, Corv-ulis Ore on, ' f"i -.j, -r if th. till "The Most Comfortable Place in the House?". PORCH SHADES Bargain Sale OF Dress Goods AND AT Shoes HENKLE & DAVIS' AVE HAVE REFRIGERATORS OF ALL KINDS O. J. BLACKLEDGE Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the underacraed h been daly appointed by the County - Court of the State of Oregon (or the County of Benton aa admin istrator of the estate of H B. Nichols, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such administrator. All uersons .having claims against said decedent are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to tne at myTesidence in Corvallis; in benton County, Oreszm, arithin aix months of the date of .this nottee. Dated ai,(j7orvalli, Uregen, this 9th day of April. R. J. NlOHOkS. Administrator of the estate of H. B. Own Your Homo First - National - Bank of Corvallis has some TO WM. LOTS Near the State Agricultural College which you can buy on the INSTALL MENT PLAN or for Cash. , Sava Ton or Twenty Dollar per month and pay tbe same on a town lot Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOMB on the lot and continue to make these small monthly payments, on the home and you will soon have it paid for and have no more rent to pay. ' itfor information address. ' W. H. SAVAGE . Oorvalllm, Or 1