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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1908)
lOCAL AND PERS0N41 Ivan Hawley of Bellefountain was a business visitor in Corval lis Friday. . Born, in this city, Wednesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Handy, a daughter. We have plenty of old papers for sale. Lots of good reading in tbem, too. W. R. Hand, the Albany arch itect was a business visitor in Corvallis Friday. Paul Truitt of Wrenn was among the Saturday business visitors in Corvallis.. Miss Bettie Thorp has return ed from her vacation, which she' spent in the Hose city. . Mrs. W. II. Ililderbrand, of Arizona, is visiting in this city with her uncle, D. C. Rose. K. W. S. Pratt and son, How ard, went to Elk City, Friday, ior a ten days fishing trip. Scott and Ellsworth Prindle of the Five Rivers country were transacting business in Corvallis Saturday. Miss Mae Gerhard was expect ed to return yesterday from a visit with friends at Monroe and J unction City. Mrs. Clav Gilbert, who form erly resided in this city, is very ill with typhoid fever at the fam ily home in Medford. Mrs. Jane Price left yesterday for her home in Portland, after a visit of some weeks with Ben ton county relatives. 'Misses Ida Raglan and Vera Stevens returned yesterday from an over-Sunday visit at the form er's home near Brownsville. Mrs. Ruth Clark has arrived from Baker City for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Fred Clark, and old friends and neighbors in this city. Bennett Oleson of Five Rivers was in Corvallis, Saturday. He says the finest fishing in Oregon is found near his home on the Yachaats. Mrs. J. II. Short leaves this week for her home in Kansas City, after a month's visit in Corvallis with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. sinpiey. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Taylor, Mrs. Janet Smith and Jim Wheeler returned home Thurs day from their two weeks' out ing in the Yachaats. Thad Blackledge went to the Yachaats country the last of the week for a vacation, and O. J. Blackledge came home Friday to take charge of the store. Claude and Artie Starr were in town from Bellefountain, Fri day. The former is having a new residence built on his farm, Artie Starr being the contractor. Farmers are busy now, cut ting their fall grain, many acres being already in the shock. The hay crop is about all cared for and the yield was unusually good. Miss Laura Waggoner lias just completed a very successful term of school in the Bryant district, north of town, and has been en gaged to teach the Newton school this fall. Mrs. Lizzie Smith of Portland has been the guest of her broth er, T. II. Crawford, in this city the past week. Friday she went to .Monroe to see her sister, Mrs Clav Starr. Telt Burnett returned Satur day from a two weeks' outing at the coast. Albert Tedrow relumed Sat urday from a vacation trip to Yachaats. Remember J. M. Nolan Snn's Famous Sale closes Saturday eve ning, August 1st. 63-64 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barden re-' turned Testerday from a few days' visit with old friends in McMinnville. Dr. P. T. Starr and family went to Sodaville the last of the week where thev went into camn for a several weeks' . vacation. Dr. Starr returned yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark of Glenns Ferry, Idaho,, have ar rived for a visit with relatives and friends. Ed is an old Coi vallis boy who has met with de cided success in the business world since leaving here, and a host of old friends are glad to see mm once more. W. S. Linville departed the iasi 01 tne week tor Carlton, where he will visit for a time with his daughter, Mrs. A. D. Morrison. Later he will go to Baker City where another daugh ter, Ivirs. Mildred Patterson, re sides, and it is probable he will decide to locate in that section. Rev. T. S. Handsakfir A-rnapforl to go to Summit yesterday where he will spend some time in the bracing atmosphere of the moun tains, witn mends. Mrs. Hand saker left yesterday for Walla Walla, Wash., where she will re main with her Darents until Mr Handsaker's arrival there, early in August. H. W. Kaunisch p-avfl an niifn. mobile party Thursday in honor vi ins motner. Hie narr.v visit. ed Monroe, Junction, Harrisburg, Shedd, and Halsey. A very nice dinner was served at Halsey, it being specially ordered for the party They traveled sixty five miles, and all claim to have had a glorious time. Dr. W.J. Kerr and W. A. Jen sen went to Newport, Saturday, for an extended vacation. Grading of the streets in Mc Fadden's new "Hill addition" near the college is in progress. The lots, it is stated, are selling at $550 and $500 each. Remember J. M. Nolan &. Son's Famous Sale closes Saturday eve ning, August 1st. 63-64 : The brick work was completed on the Y. M. C. A., building at the college, Saturday," arid the workmen returned to Portland. Plumbers began their work yes terday. Buy your groceries of White isde & Cooper. lltf Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters of Elmira, Lane county, were in Corvalls yerterday in their auto. The former is an old OAC foot- Quite a number of Corvallis people are sleenin? in tents this summer, being no doubt under the impression :' that they there k i ii i . - ij uavc iue oenent oi an unlim ited amount of fresh air. If the mental science theory is sound, it is possible they may derive the desired amount of benefit irom the practice.- But as a mat ter of fact a well ventilated bed room will afford much more iresn air than a closed tent will. Sleeping in a tent with the flaps closed and the sides close to the ground is not like being in the open air, by a lone- shot. W all know that in cool weather a tent can be made fairlv comfort- auie wim a small nre, which is cvxueuce mat tne OUtsidfi air does not have full access to the interior. Miss Alice Jones is relatives near Suver. She left Week End Special Sale TOPS PILLOW 19 c Saturday this WeeK ball star and has many friends for that place Saturday in Corvallis. . Graham AWMl PO, Building operations in many ytai u& oi corvallis are still sus pended on account of the scarci ty or total lack of available rustic flooring and other . necessary building material. The flume at the Benton count' mill has been repaired- and the mill is running full blast, but is unable to supply the demand to any great extent. O. J . Blackledge who came ov er from Yachaats Fridav rsnnrts that James Tedrow and family and Robert Berger and family killed two deer as they were en route to the coast, the other day. Mr. Blackledge also bagged a nice deer, and the Catheys had sitiuguiereo one fine deer, and a cub bear about the size of a brindle dog, up to the time Mr. Blackledge left for home. Dr. Cathey's family and their visitors are to reach home today. C. F. Dittmar, editor of "The Copper Outlook," left for his home in Kenneth, Calif., a few days ago, after a visit with Ben ton relatives at Philomath. As Oua registered Holstein bull. three years old Sept. 8, 1908. Price $75. L. A. Houck, Mon roe, Ore., R." F. D. 1. Phone Bellefountain. 48tf Mrs. Kidder, the new librarian at OAC, with a corps of assist ants is ensras-ed in re-cataloG-uin the library, preparatory to its re moval to the new quarters ,ur stairs. It is a herculean task. Rev. H. H. Hubble of Gran ger, Idaho, has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Christian church of Corvallis. He arrives this week and is to preach at the union services next Sunday eve ning. Remember J. M. Nolan & Son's Famous Sale closes Saturdav eve ning, August 1st. 63-64 Denatured alcohol contains 9o per cent grain alcohol Just the thing for your alcohol stove. No bad odor. Sold by Graham & Wfills. M.ft7 . ,r- T exhibitor. All are cordially in K A. laeAaughton of Port- vited to camp on the fair grounds land, supervising architect on whsro ahaJa o 3 the Y. M. C. A. building and al- accommodations are afforded so on Prof. Parks' new residence, W. H. Savage is superintendent Was a hnsinfiSS visitor in flnruol. : U i i - - : " ; . iul tuc pviuuu ana is always hs, Saturday. Prof. Parks is j ready to show any favors possi- uuiiuniff a cosv Dunrraiow on h a to Hnro ;0 i. . - -v ' uil V lOI LU1 3 LI J Llltt oi pamis. Oils. Plass. vam. ishes, including the great china- mei varnisn. " 59-67 A common Question asked pv. ery day now in Corvallis is "Are you going, to the Stale fair?" r rom interest alreadv in an if cst- ed it seems probable that many irom this city will attend the 4th annual fair, which begins in Salem, September 14th, and continues until the 19th. Ten thousand dollars is to be civn away in premiums on live stock, agricultural and manufactured products. Four of beautiful cups are to be given ior me Dest groups of four each oi norses, as toilows: Uest four animals, , either sex, any age, bred by exhibitor: best p-rnnn of four stallions, two years old or over, owned by one exhibitor; best group of four mares, two years or over, owned hv on a ex hibitor, and best group of one stallion and three mares, two years old or over, owned by one If you are sroinsr to the Seashore, to thfl Moun tains, or 'if you stav at hnmfl. vnn v ill fin. i Pillow Tops nsefol as well as ornamental, v See Window Display Food Guar anteed Pure in our Pure Food Dept. Established 1S64 SXow the ni;st Complete Up- f to-Date Store I in the Vallov. i Oar Last Big Effort to Ctear Out All Summer Goods 1 CJ - o " lots near the United Evangelical church. At the union meeting; in the ; M. E. church Sunday evenin the hieh school extension miss tion was the topic of discussion, fair. i Fresii vegetables anl fruits always oh hand in their season. Whitesides & Cooper. ntf j "When the warm weather heats your blood and you lona to hie . A 5 'J wivvvi niiu J W LI tU LXH5 and their views upon the subject to the cooling seaside and plunge A 7 irr ' T iicumue,;ooauy into tne briny, pause, o. Li. Kline. Judfire Denman .' ViAatitatA ndA ' o , : uw.uirv, vvuomci , ottvoaiiemi- lon A. J. Johnson and Prof, i t - j ... . . . , ""-j emu. coi opcuiaiisu Jsridwell, tne latter navinsr charge "OhsArvA t.ha limn Imi.l y-P V.r. V. oi tne meeting. It was an inter- who. dnrino- t.hA esting service and some good ! sudden deafness, which often points were brought out. j lingers for weeks at a time and sometimes becomes a permanent trouble. To avoid this d O two ' We are making a great final effort in our store this week to clear out all the seasonable goods in stock, as it always has been our aim to not carry over any mer chandise, no matter what the sacrifice might cost us. You can find in every section of our store this week, prices that will induce you to buy. The price counts only as a secondary mat ter with us this time of the sea son if we can dispose of the goods. Take advantage. F. L. MILLER, 124 2nd St. For sale House and two lots. 5M9 Tontli cfi.nn A J : 1 oticco, uuiuci Auaiiio. ... a riT-ooo a ' tt r-i tt :i r tnings. .xuuiv. - Jl-A. V 1 1 1 1 , ' , VI Will luoMutuuu iu .wet me iop oi tne onade 57tf II. K. Wctherla returned the last of the week from a trip to Seattle. He reports business lull in the Sound citv and is glad to get back to the-'Willamette Valley. ' Kobbie Conn, the popular young electrician, went to New port, Saturday, to rest from his labors and eniov the (cm) brac ing atmosphere -of this attractive resort. He returned yesterday. A. E. Hewitt has pleted the task of the old water tower on First street. The material has been purchased by M. C. Miller, who will use it for building purposes. There was a social Thursday evening at the Christian church, given by the youug people of the Endeavor society. A good at tendance and a good time are reported. During the'evtning an 'Intermediate Endeavor socie- iy was organized. . i 1 1 Ail rl firof rorA llv A great crowd gathered on cold water to percolate to the Main street Saturday night, and drum of. the ear. Many people while the band played, anvils ' do not know that the sudden and fire crackers were fired and application of cold to th back there were other demonstra-; 0f the ear will cause the delicate tionsof delight over the victory, mechanism to expand sharply in liOndon nf Vnvr-axt fim tlom, I i . i,. , r J i i , " -- v: X 'r" -'""'"") unaer tne rusn ot blood to as- iib steppea on tne tram in his the old UAC athlete. The cele-1 PJ Thi, ,iM0 11 " " j I d "eiTLtT- he"intw- brataon wasa fitting tribute to hy partial deafness, Aichome-1 wi n ftpiS tt' f . Patl6Si ti-Wh hf Wn a- natlnal times becoraes a rious matter.' K ?f,ie at-the depot ready to reputation in the sporting worlds Another thing to watch is the inith f,r "e t-?1U f0' fna Proved that OAC is ever , shampoo, Theame danger l math ioi. a visit at the Jim loyal to her own, no matter when here if the hair dreer if pHW Homing home. The visitors' nor where thev mflv b lVul 6 "air. .d,iesse-r Is eithei- ror.,A ... 4. i x i r i! J J uiiaimiiui or caj-eiess. m mis names were not obtained. from. hta '"6 iiuii laic syiixy SIIUUIU ' Remember J. M. Nolan & Son's nrst be applied to the top of the Famous Sale closes Saturday eve-: head and gradually ...broughfc--ning, August 1st. ' G3-04 down to the nape of .the neck, rp, . , , ,. i thus obviating the trouble." 1 here was a quiet wedding at. XT V . , . the home of Mr! and Mrs. John ! , New, di-es in plain and P' c Senger, Friday evening at eight ' &t Wbl SSlde & ? o'clock, when their son, Bert, ! " , was united to Miss Mary Max-' . commencement field. The ceremony -,vas Der. exercises of . the Chemawa Indi- formed by Kev. T. T. Vincent in an ln!mmS school began ; Su.n the presence of only a few im- i wtu the baccalaureate ser- mediate relatives Th hnVia lnon by Kev. Philip Bauer.- To- Concentrated Lemonade Is j ust what you want when go- , . i x. , 1 t, , - . ;"S uaiupiug. uz. to one pint Kemember the ancient . 0f water makes a delicious lem- For sale by Graham & ' 58-66 1 Wells. W. P. Lafferty returned Satur day from a business visit in the Rose city. The next big thing for Cor vtllis is the All-Benton school fair, and all indications point to a great fair. Bargain Sale OF Dress Goods It is said that the "Klamath Sombrero" is the most comfort able article of headgear to wear during the heated season. It is ; a thimble-shaped affair with a I wide brim winch curls up, but u men. wlien extended, j the hot lour feet in diameter and j is made by the Modoc Indians j from the roots of the tule grass j that grows in Klamath Lake. I Exchange. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Peterson, who were summoned to Kansas just com- tearing down j early this month by the critical illness of the former's . father, nae indeed had a sorrowful journey.. When thev reached Portland their little son was tak en ill and died a few davs after they reached Kansas, the lad's grandfather having also been laid to rest almost "immediately upon the arrival of the Corvallis family. Mrs. 'Peterson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Darby of this city and many friends here unite m an eTnros. sion of deep sympathy for the parents in their loss. The little boy was their only childr wore a brown traveling Light refreshments were served after congratulations, had been extended. Mr. and Mrs. Senger wentto Portland, Saturday morn ing, returning last evening. They will reside with Mr, Sender's parents, and the good wishes of their many friends are extended. Friday afternoon at 3:30", on the college grounds, the Chicago girls' baseball team is to play against OAC. " It will be a same .worth seeing. Mrs. J. L. Jones and Mrs. Bey Rickard and children went "to Elk City, Friday, where they are ,1,.. 1L - - . l 1 suit. 1 J uieie 1S 10 re an inspection ! or tne industrial departments ii. . i ' me annual cross country run, a competitive drill the, graduation exercises, and a band, concert. Tomorrow the field sports occur, including a baseball game be tween students and faeulty,' a oress parade, and m the evening an operetta, "The Japanese Girl" is to be given. There are Twelve graduates, all Indians representing the following tribes; Puyallup, Modoc, Quileute, Clal lam, Klamath, Crow, Warm Spring, Walla Walla, and Swino mish. :-. ' Old papers, in bundles, for "The Most Comfortable. Place in the House." FORCH SHADES AND AT Shoes HENKLC Pt DAVIS' WE HAVE REFRIGERATORS OF ALL KLXDS O. J. BLACKLEDGE first - XafZcna! - Bank cf Gcrvslfis lias some TO WN LOTS Near the State Auricultura) wnica you can INSTALL- Administrator's Notice. to spend a month, camping. ' sale at this office Notice itt tiArehv trtvnn th&f. the nnH.rnn.J K - been duly appuinted by the County Court of the istrator of tlie estate of H. 2. Nichols, deceased, aod that be has duly qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said decedent are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to me at my residence in UorvaUis, in ben ton County, Orseon. within six months of the date of this notice. Dated at Cnrv&lliB Dmmiii tliu atj, nf . 1 , o , J "K-". huv on the MENT PLAN or for cash. Save Ten on Twenty B&Iiara per month and pay the same on a town lot. Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOME on the lot and continue to make these small monthly payments on the home and you will soon have it paid for and have no more rent to pay. For information address IV- H. SAVAGE Corvallis, Orm Jersey Bull For Sale. A Descended (rom Grand Coin anH ahl r . "J"" K J.O U.I9 I : e. s. m.o. Jsn(I7'"yB- WKn mtt- Aa- I Administrator of the estate of H. B. Nichols, de- . "efl8, , S. WOODCOCK, Osrr&tUe. Ore eed, - . I on, 1 '