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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1908)
-m 111 fl If J "7 o-avAUiS Hilton Cot-N-n;, Okkgon, Fhio.vv. March tiO, 1QOS. N" C- ELASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CI.aSSHTEli OVEKTISEMBNT8: Fifteen words or lees, 25 cts for three uccewive insertions, or 50 ts per month; for all op to and including ten additional words. rent a word for each insertion. For all advertisements over 5 worn, let per word for the 6rst insertion. anc1 X Ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for leas than 2F cents. Lodee, society and church notices. Other than strictly news matter, will tx charged for. PHYSICIANS DR. F. H. THOMPSON. VETERINARY r.,,or,n. Offc at, PenPick'S Ken 17 Vhone 328. 16tf i;vii c..".' . n iirofv no! nron. Room 14. -Rank Bnild Vne. Office Honrs : 10 to I? a. m.. ? . " D.i,;tAa' cnr. Rth and Ad- ms Fts. Telephone t ofPce snd res- Wenee uorvei ne. i 'rep W.T. ROWLEY, M. 1. PHYSICTAN finrwnn. Poeoial attention given to the Fve. Npe and Thront. Offtcn in Johnson Bide. Ind. 'phone at of fice and residence. FOR ALL CHRONTC D'PEASES SEE Dr. M. Markel, Mapnetic Healer and Herb Doctor. Third and Van Buren Sts. Ind. phone 489. House Decorating. I 11 li ill IJ5'', MM JPvt W-C t S ' S-&l I II I 1 III iSIVrV ' Mil f! v V '.'i 1111 RV.'W. .w.lVWI & v.-.C-. 111! I ill f a t w a 1 1 ill 13 I W 111! I I I I I -r -w-t - i 1 1 i i RSAIi it a IV1 point, right PHILOMATH SNAPSHOTS. Big Fire From Flue Causes Blaze. Other News. FOR PATH TING AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paol, Ind. 488 HOMES FOR SALE TO! BELL LOTS IN CORVALO Oregon, on instalment plan and a 1st purchasers to build nomeson then) rtrdsrfcedrv ?Addreea First Hallow Bank, Corvallis. Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT, Or., for apot cash, balance instal ments, and help parties to build homes thereoe, if desired. Address M. . Woodcock, Co-vallie. Or. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OERce np stafrs in Zierolf Building Only set of abstracts in Benton County YTRAROOf) I-IOTHES FOR BOYS Stein Sc Co. - Makers AKE it point, right now, to see our XTRAGOn suits for boys. They're new, seasonable, annroDnate: a creat number .of styles; witti a scale of prices that per mits buying at your own figure. The right garment for every hoy above the age of 3 years. E. R. BRYPON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Poet Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. WANTED FOR SALE BY J. M. NOLAN SON. Notice of Final Settlement. As, usual all of Philomath is husiling. Everyone is too busy m (m-nisri snaosbots. These few films are submitted for the benefit of the lew that will have time to note them. S. H. Mcses, one "of our busy meichants, made a hurried bns'- uess trip to Portland on &unaay the 7th inst.', leturning to Pbilo- math on the evening oi ine yiu, by conveyance. T.ast Tuesday the house of Wr T? Caldwell was ienited. presum- . 31 4 ablv irom an incuDator, anu uui tor thetimelv assistance by friends and neighbors would soon have been in ruins. I nis aemon&wiiv. the necessity ot more adequate protection from fire and the ex tension of water mains through out the city. The loss sustained by our unfortunate townspeople amounted to $300 or $350, but they were fortunate in not losing all. Miss Cleena Devitt opened a . . t TTT Ji- term of school in tne woou & creek district last week. Miss Devitt was in Philomath last Thursday evening to participate in the Interftate MUfemaia's convention. Rom to Rev. and Mrs. Merle Staines, on Tuesday the trd inst. a son. This son is the 5th gen- oratinn dtsrendinp- from the ven erable Jacob Henkle, who was seen in Pbilomata aweeicoiso ago enroute for Corvallis to visit his invalid sister, Mrs. Mary KingT The young child is the unnnoest seinn. its ancestry as j . ' . fallows: mother--. Mrs -JSierin Staines, grandmother, Mrs. Ko fus Mason, great grandmother, Mrs. John Kitson, ana great great grandfather Jacob Henkle. Henkle returned from Newport last Thursday, haying accompanied his motner, sister and brotaer to tliat place a wee nr so apo. Mis. tlenKie, mamie and Herman are comfortably en- sronsed in a cottaee on Nye Creek, leased from Mrs. Archie TnVinsnn, of Corvallis for two J , months. road, met with a paintul and un fortunate accident last Monday. While removing a shoe from a horse's hoof a portion of the cold chisel flew off, striking him in tfee eye, penetrating and imbed ding itself in the eyeball. A local physician advised his being taken to tne hcspitai at balem at once, which was done. No later de velopments have been ascertained. James Lake, ot Peak, met with an accident that may prove seri ous. 2 While eD gaged in logging a large log rolled overhis leg, so badly lacerating it that the flesh was torn from the bones, but no fracture tesulted, as was at first reported. -,. Mrs: P. J. Denny arrived from California last Thursday and is visiting her : sister,' -"Mrs. J.' E. lienkle. Mrs.' Denny expects to remain here about- a weefe ana will then depart for, her home at WTaitsbuiy, Wash. Earl Alford is the victim of a full-fledgek case of small-pox, at his home south of town. Earl was exposed while at Lancaster several weeks ago.' The family is quarantined.; - .1- Several cases of small-pox are also reported from Alsea and D. C. H. Newth is over in the little valley in attendance on them yeloped the fact that the fire was caused by a defective flue. The loss was fully covered by insur- anceand the company receives the strongest commendation from Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell. News reached here last Monday ot Uhe death, caused by pneumo nia, ot Mrs. L,ucinda XNunan at Portland. The burial was to oc cur Wednesday at the Mt. Union cemetery near Ply mbuth church. Mrs. Nunan was a sister 01 tne late Mrs. Cornelia Woodward and has numerous relatives living in this vicinity. Mrs. X. H. Merryman and little ones are visiting at the J. R. Fehler home this week. Mrs. O. V. White has not been able to fill her Dlace as assistant in the principal's room ior the Mpast week on account ot nlness. The Misses Evadna and Verna Sorinper were visitors at the country metropolis on last Satur day. Miss Stella Davis, of the Inde pendent Telephone Central, at Philomath, visited witn ner par- WAi1TFr C(0 SUBSCRIBERS TO TH? GaxbttR and Weekly Oregonian at $2.50 per year. in the matter of the estate of Mary A.Moore, Police is hereby sen that the undemjrned ex ecutor of the list will ami testamen t of Mary A. Sxec ,Se cierk ?f the c..v eomt ; ents at Beaver Creek, returning ,SSto Philomath on Sunday . the Court House in Corvallis. Benton Com, tj . Ore I Sotl, as the place, for heart.. ,""11 . Hons to the said account and for settlement The Interstate Milkmaids Con vention and drill was given by thWnmn of Woodcraft at I. O. O. F. Hall Jast Thursday night was a success Dotn as an enter tainment' and financially. The hall was filled to its utmost seat- ino- canacitv and between twenty fivet and thirty dollars was netted from the sale" of baskets, boxes, and hnrbe s. Mr. C. C. Huflf. lhPly month,-neighborhpod was tne auctioneer. Last week N. Castle returned from Las Aneeles. California, where he had been during the mlntor Mra. dertrude Fisher. his grand-daughter, expected to accompany nim to Jr nuomain, but failed to do so ana intends to come later. J. R. Parker, of Hood River, arrived in Philomath the fore part of the last week and departed last Saturday. There was quite an exodus of nnr neonle Corvalhs-ward last i - r r "Additional Locals. New line dishes in plain and fancy designs, at Cooper & White- sides, utt Editor Ward of the lone Proclaimer, announces the arrival of a daughter at the Prociaimer home in hia last issue, and from hia announcement we quote the following: The Proclaimer treats To a ten-pound girl. And a "Kid" that beats - Any Morrow "Pearl." O think of the joy, Now on the level, For was it a boy He'd be a "devil." r GOATS Any person wanting to buy or take care of some fine goats while tbey eat up their brush may 'pkone or cull unon Wm. H. Sivage, Corvallis, Oregon. 26lf The cadet regiment at the OAC will make an effort this year to raise its record with the War De partment, at Washington. The standing in the past has not al ways been up to the average. There have been occasional ad verse renorts. Caotain McAlex- ander, who was United States in spector of military colleges last year, came to tne college as com mandant in September, and has since been active in promoting the drill exercises. He has had a confidential talk with the ca detswith reference to this Spring's insnection and succeeded in en listing wide interest in a higher standard of work. He has offered a banner each to the best drilled squad, to the best drilled among the 12 companies and to the best drilled ot the three battallions. The annual inspection by the United States inspector will take i , nr '. . . , piace eariy in iviay. vjrcguuiuu. Get vour horse ready for the show by using International Stock tood, tor sale by (Jraham cc wens. : 25-25 Saturday. Among them were Prof, and Mrs. S. O. Watkins, Mpedamps Marv Feleer. F. P. Put vour monev. at least some of it ' into a " bottle of-our spring lonic7Gf4llrvmM.--;; The Lincoln County Fruitgrowers' Un ion held a large and enthusiastic meeting Friday at Elk City. The union Was ad dressed by Hon. C. A, Park, of Salem, member of the Oregon State Hoard 01 Horticulture, and Professor A. B. Cord ley, of the Oregon Agricultural College, Both addresses were on practical lines, were appreciated and did good. The professor talked on all the diseases the nnnle is heir to. naming the remedy for ea"h. The union is doing good work in uniting fruitgrowers who are pruning spraying and preparing to cultivate their orchards, thus striving to raise the Stan dard of Lincoln county's good wormless apples into the class of the very beat. As one man pntsit: "With a united and persistent effort we intend to shake off the 'land of .nr d' and occupy the nign A Card. Corvallis. Oregon, March 18, 1903. Editor Gazette : I have been requebted . by my-friends to stand for the office of Police Judge at the coming City Election, In June 1895. 1 was appointed to tms office and have twice been elected. At a x recent meeting of the Common Council without solicitation on my part tne coun cil raked the salary of this office wntco. action was greatly appreciated .by rue ; but I feel that as Corvallis is forging to the front and becoming one of the most progrjr?veiow ia. tbeyaMey. tb.iim w'r has corns when the' city should furnish the holder of this poeition an office sepa rate from a private business, at the City Hall and install proper Hies ana otner equipments which will enable bim to more conveniently care for tne increas ing work of this office, which baa grown to considerable proportions as a result' of frequent sewer and street improvement, the installing of free city delivery oi mail and the municipal water system.. I take this opportunity to thank tne citizens of Corvallis for the courtesies ex tended to me, snd to state that I will not be a.candidate for re-election. J. F. Yates. UNDERTAKERS BOVFE & 1SAUKR, FUNERAL Di rectors ami Licensed Ernhslm.-rs. Sutt-essors to S. N. Wilkins, Corvallis, Oregon, rhone 45- 9, thi-ri-rtf. Dated this ith day of March, 1908, Executor of the last will and testament of Varv A Moore, deceased. Resist ration of Land Title. ol the State of Oregon for HENKLE & BLACKLEDGE, UNDER inker ami liiensea embalniers, fconth Main tM... Corvallis, Or. BANKING. THE FIK 1 NATIONAL BANK OI Corvallis, vrei-on, transacts a genera! conservative tanking business. Loans moot-y on a; provel security. Draft," bought and fold and money rransferrpd to the piwoipal cities of the Unitec States, Europe and foreign countries. In the Circuit Court the Count v of Benton. August W. Fiseher, Applicant. "All Whom "it may Concern" Defendants: In the m after of the A LVlieati.-n tj Arjnst W. Fischer to reeister ine unc ; - - . v ... Kr street: on the W est by ater Street (First Sfeet): on the South by Jackson street, a na 0.1 the W bv the WUlau-ette Kiver, s.tuate 1 m Corvallis. Benton county. uresuu,i"'-- -"-; ofway forpublie rcadoertUe Northwest comer of saw tract at wn w , o To "All V. horn it may Concsru, TAKE NOTICE Smith St Dawson Headquarters fr Fruit Ttee Spray Diauiottd Chickau Feed Chicken Giit Ground Bot:e Shfll and Poultry Food Lice Killer, etc. We pay cash for dressed Veal and Pork, 1'oultry and Fgs. Next door to J . R Smith A Co. Ind. Phone iOJ . f Jersey Bull For Sale. Mrs. Helena Schweitzer, of Beaver Creek, visited at the home of Mrs. Eva Becker on last Fri day while Mr. Schweitzer drove tn Pnruallis and returned. They report the mumps prevalent in their section of the country. S. S. Ewing, of the Benton Inmhpr rnmnanv. W3S a LUUU L J .UUAU.. " l J1 Corvallis visitor last Wednesday. J. H. Merryman, who recently arrived in Philomath with his fami'y, end returned to Salem the following baturaay, is now at The Dalles. Ha expects to re turn to Philomath within a few weeks. Mrs. Merrvman and the children are visiting: relatives here. Clarence Wood, a former Phil omath lad who recently moved Clark W. F. Caldwell, the place in Oregon, to which, by natur Misses Anna Merryman, Laura Clark, Evadna and Verna Spring er, and Frank Hughes. little wood on subscrio- Thator. the 17th day of Mar.h, A ?. " ' Jfe plication was filed br --AJt Circuit t oun o- iro "X' . ,h. count v. lor initial registration of the title oilh. .... 1 L 1 1,.1 Now un.ess'vou p',.ear on or before the IStl. d,v; .n Kclr,ncr . . f. ,.i ....J J.11U' 'ftllSC W1:V N'L.l . WILU 111? UOICUIS IU a x application stair V Kramed fhe lf1,w' j a to George Davis on the state taken as eontessea a.ui a ie-n o eordinir to the prater of the application, anujou will be forever barred from uisiutmtr the same Witness n v hand and the seal of this court this theKth day-of March, A. D. lW. t V1NCEKT Clerk of the Circuit Court of the fctate of Oregon for Buton County. J. F. YATES, Attorney for Ai plimnt. 2tf The young people of the Ever green neighborhood are rehears ing and making arrangements for a rmKlif entertainment with a box and basket social, to be given at that place next Friday night. The proceeds are to De usea ior the benefit of the school library. The fire at the home of -W. F. Caldwell last week did not orig inate from an itrenbator as was first reported. This suppflsit;on arose from the fact that an incu bator was being put into opera tion on the upper floor of the house, preparatory to being used for incubation. The eggs had not yet been placed in the ma chine, and the fire originating on the uDDer floor caused the fire. Upon inspection, however, it de- are j'lstly entitled " We would take a at the Gazette office tion. DRY wood. Timber lands in Lincoln county are changing bands rapiuly. For tlie past two months, cruiaers have been coining and aoioa daiiy. Among the many buy- era of timber the Curtis Lumber company appears to be the largest purchaser. It ia working mostly in the Euchre moun tain district, where the claims average from 6,000,000 to 15,000,00"0 feet to the quarter section. Since the shutdown of th? mills adjacent to the Harriman lines last fall the mill men have preferred to loi-ate as close f s possible to tide-water, so that when rail rates become over-bar- densome they will be in position to ship bv water. Notwithstanding the hnancial conditi ons there has been more activity in timber lands this spring han ever be fore. While prices offered have not ad vanced very materially f.s j et, buyers ap Dear uuite active, and from present indi catioi.s Oregon coast timber from now on will be more in demand than elsewhere. The Corvallis & Eastern railway iU sell round trip tickets to Ya qaina on Wednesdays and Satur days only of each week at $3.25, good for return within 60 dtyp. Ticket to be validated at laquioa for return. No stopovers allowed on these tickets. R. C. Linville, Agt. 1 Sir- Card of Thanks. St Colonist Rates. ;cr.ption . To all friends, neighbors and acquaintances whose many acts of kindness and assistance were so deeply appreciated during the ill ness and death ot our iovea one, we desire to express our heartfelt thanks. This kindness nas maue our sorrow easier to bear. John W. Simpson, Gene M. Simpson, Mrs.' Gene Simpson,. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Descended from Gand Coin and Gold en Glow ; imported eow testine 18 roe batter fat in T day, with 3 calf. Ad dreaa. C. S. Wooawocx, OoryaUia, Om Worn.' 721 ; 11 Colonist rates wiM be in effect Murch 1 1 I90S, to April 30, 1908, from eastern! points to ine Pacific Northwest as fol ows: Frcni Chk-sgo to Portiard. Astoria and Puget Sound destinations, also to woints on the Southern facinc main iine 1 and brancnee norm o: anc inciuoii s t tchl.Kii Orounn 43R From Missouri River common points, council ciunn, to Kansas City, Mo,, inclusive also ol St Paul and Minneapolis, $30; St- Lome $35.50, and from Denver, Colorade unx...n ..J Pnshln tJI Ktnnover nrivi leges aad other conditions of sale will be practically the same aa prevailed previ ously. lOtf R. C LnmixB, Agent. Come to us in large rumbers each day. Why? wa have a reputation for the Purity ct our Drugs and the skill we use in compounding. Our Prescription Department Is finely equipped, kept scrupulously clean, and you-can be su-e that you get just what your physician means that you should. GRAHAM & WELLS. Vendetta" Coming Marie Co relli's Famous Novel. I hereby announce my candidacy n the Republican Ticket for Coun ty Commissioner in Benton County, Or goo, at the earning Primary N 'minating Elfction. If nominat ed and elected I promise to givn my constituents in each ard every part of the county a square deal. Dated this 17th day of Mrcb. A. D , 1908. A. W. UAWLhi 1. The attraction at the opera bouse on next Thursday, March 26th, will be a dramatization of Marie Correlli's famous novel 'Vendetta" cr "Fabio Romani." This will be welcome news to Corvallis theatre-goers, especielly tbose who nave read iorreni's a oiks. "Thelma" a plav bv the same author was produced here a few years ago wun great success. The company is composed of a larp-e numDer ot nrst-ciass artists. who give a performance fully in keeoine with the merits of the play. : Do not forget the date. March 26th. Portland and Return, Only $3.50. The Southern Pacific Company and Corvallis & Eastern Railway are selling round trip tickets to Portlsnd from Cor vallis for f3.50, gocd going on any train Saturday or Sunday tither via Albany or west side and good returning either via Albany or west side, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. )6tf R. C. Linvili.e, Agent. The Gazette for Job Work.