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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1908)
: ...-. ' ' ' - " r--' .'" .". ' . " -, " -" ... . j r ' JUL ken IO, 1908. NO. 1 CUSS1FIE0 ADVEBTISEMEHTS CXAHHlFIBli ADVKBTISKMENTS: Fifteen word orjees, 25 cts for thre. Successive ineertiooa, or 50 cte pf fcnonth; lor all up to and including ter additional words. i c -ent a word for eacl insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words, i wnw) for the first insertion, anr" . . .... i J ct per word for eacn additional inner thm. Nothing inserted for less than 2f eota. Lodge, society and church notices, Other than Btrictly news matter, will hf Charged for. PHILOMATH SNAPSHOTS. Newsy Items From Neighboring Town Parties and Other Social Notes. results cpected- PHYSICIANS Mrs. Lon Henk.t. leccmp'rn A hv her dauehter. Mis Mamie, and sons, Roy aud Herman, de-1 parted for Newport last oaturaay, to reside for at least two months, n-, lac Thnrsdftv evenine the Neighbors ot the Women of Woodcraft tendered their depart ing Neighbors, Mrs. Henkle and Mamie, a farewell reception and surprise party at their quarters in t r. r P hall. About twenty Xm V. V. ' f v neiohlvirs fathered at the hull ncii-ticiniv inr ihc uuiuuw " ,T ' DTW111V a rehearsal for the entertainment DR.F.H.THOMPSON.VETEEINABY a iene contemplate surgeon. Office at Dennim a .eo TM,,c,1a and Mrs Front ruble. Ind. Phone 328. I6.f giving next Thursday, and Mrs. Henkle, who has been the bonor- B. L. CATBEY, M- v1 ed Guardian Neighbor of Philo C "HtfftK-SK math Circle No 488 for several 4P m Fenidence: cor. 5th and Ad SUCCessive terms, and Miss JVia .nvi Bts Telephone at office d mie one of the youngest neigh- OorvalUs, Oregon we invited to come to the WT ROWLEY, M. P.. PHYSICIAN hall to witness the rehearsal, since and Surgeon. Ppecial attention given they are to be at Newport at the .l. w4 .nil Throat. Office nf th entertainment. Ac- loiur r.yc, i"rJ - - , - - , uut -- in Johnson Bide. Ind. 'phone at ot- coldjng to previous arrangement, fice and teeidence. - officers and guards were all in FOR ALL CHRONIC DISEASES SBE tneir respective places. At the 1 1 u..i,iiiA TTenlpr and I .1 tnr ricinor oiwPTl bv the W..V. iwinr. Third and Van Buren Ste. Ind. phone 489. House Decorating. Past Guardian Neighbor, as Mrs. Henkle entered the ball, the neighbors arose and greeted their departing neighbors with the w.nrs of the Circle. The ruse FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE was a complete success and sur- prise. utai. fe . . all, the neighbors joined in Circle games, such as ''Blind Man's Buff," "DroD the Handkerchief," 'The nio in the oarlor." ,,t,ma- ing the Mystic Sphere," "Thun- serious follow. wiicnn Rmtt and Walter Ne tnn were Saturday visitors at t! county metropolis. Tlevitt will open S : rf cnhrvnl in tB ! Wood Creek district next Mo I day. 'i Miss Evadna Springer is pr r5no- to oive an entertainme a KacVet social for the bene " ..At f 1?TOrrrreen scbOOl. A IOL ui tut literary society was organized . r a 1 tk.f the first 01 tne y mViJoVi meets everv Friday tsigo and elicits much interest from the neighborhood. - E JD. Follet, who purchased the George Allen property last w j- mnnincr his family and household effects into his newly acquired home. John Kitson of Eugene is -visiting relatives at Philomath, and in the vicinity. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Merryman and family of Salem arrived last Tuesday and are at the home ot T. G. Becker. Mrs. J- Merryman and children expect to visit witti inenas anu for a time but Mr. Merryman will retnrn to Salem neXI Oa"""" in order to occupy the $ ulpit at .1 & 1 his pastorate in tnat piat.c Mrs. Waller, who has been :u m;tVi nnenmonia. is re- Sis in New York" Coming she is familiarly known by the older generation, is aimcst a nun ogenarian, but wasi. present at the Henkle re-union at the Jacob Henkle home in Pleasant Valley last October. According to Moth er Nature, our old people cannot be with us much longer. Real Estate Transfers. The following transfers were filed or record for the week end ing March .7, icjbS: J. R. Elsey to B. A. Turnbull, 120 acres west of Philomath, $3,300. -.v V. E. Watters to F. B. Barnes and wife, lots 4, 5, 10 and 11 Pleasant View Fruit tarms, $1900. V R. Watters to T. A. Barnea lots i and 14. Pleasant prevented scoring and then Al bany started whirlwind playing 1 j There is alwavs a feeling ot and rolled up a lo-to-3 score on rest, contentment and simplicity the surprisc-J collegians in the 1 . ill I ( 11. TS1 1 I . ... tirA- in the tar away country vmagn nrsi nan. iuc piaym wa uoi and cross-road hamlet far from er in the second half with a 4-to-the hum and bustle of city life. 3 score inAlbany's favor.1 Albany There is a trustfulness that admits scored .ix field goals, while OAC r j A Vincnitahle maAm ntilw rtne the other scores welcome. A newcomer is looked being made from the foul line, upon as a friend until proven says an Albany dispatch in the otherwise. Down in Indiana, in Oregonian. the southwest part of the slate, is Thayer and Bending were AJ a little hamlet with its cross- bany's stars, the work of the lor roads, post office, blacksmith mer being unexcelled on a local shop,' old fashioned tavern and floor. Moore was the best player , Jeoi hrir-lr ronrt house. This tor Corvallis. The line-ups: Al- luc ujuui . ir Ti,J is the home of "Sis," the gener- bany Bending and McBnde, . ..j i nnnciprUnrmarc- "EVlrert- rentpr Martin ous nearicu, nuuv-avm . LKJL ttvjo, -f..., , eirl who is forced by circumstance and Thayer, guards. OAC from romping tne streets 01 hci narrmgion anu rciiy, luiwao, native village o tre?.d the ce- Moore, center; Starr, Johnson mented sidewalks 01 New York and Edwards, guards. Claude City, where she becomes the butt Swann, of Corvallis, was referee; of ridicule. Her sallks ot wit Horsky, of Albany, umpire. , as she eets back at her torment- After winning the High School ors soon make it appear inai sue cnampionsnip, nuaujr is outgrowing her provincialisms, meet the college champioos to and as tne woman merges nun icsuncugiu uu n.i.. .t the child, she rapidly adapts her- of victory. But fast, skillful self to her surrounaings ami uc- piaying oveiwucimcu isigv. comes a self-made woman. The team, and Albany is ablaze with Tom Boy returns to her Indiana mgn scnool entnusiasm lonigui. 1 tj r 1 fMra when chel Dame a iauy ui tunun., u. - W. E. Paul, Ind. 488. UNDERTAKERS renlaces the old latch string with an electric Pell ana me caiyci 3 J gives way to rugs on narawouu floors. It's a pure, sweet piay hrimmino- with fun. "dis in New Additional Locals. Are the Corvallis echosl buildings bo arranged that the children could eecape in case of a fire? la tne lire ami pruc- Ulllliuiiug mi" 1 "u. 1 - ... , . York" comes to the opera house ticed often enough to familiarize the thought to be imptoving RfiVEE & BAUEB, FUMJfiBAJ- w "ine piin iuc Trv Rmith. who has --w . . I. -m r if r T 17 &l n v n I lviia. .wu - rectors and Licen8ed Embalmed ing tne Mystic ?pD, ,,it indisposed with, la Succeeeore ,0 S. N. -Wilkin.. Corv.m. der and L.ghtoang." 9 - ,evere flraunn. rnone a. smin? in a tiitie, a "i""uv' o. ' , ttvtyctj reritations or readings were deliv- mrfSVT.Pl at. KTjACK.LiH.IWI!'. jujsi& 1 ... "SSSSS SiSS ;red, after which candy, nuts and fonfec from" the lungs, on Wed- f laef week, but is now improving ATTORNEYS Mrs. Eda Allen who is also a Neiehbor of the W. of W. and I t . 1 J. F. YATES, ATTOBNEY-at-jlaw. was present tnat evening, u OfBce np .wtra rn iiero.icm.uius tQ Corvallis to reside, wun- ODlvBetoUMrae..8.DDenvUui, . ij 1 ID ft WCta. O hujw Allen have sold their residence in Philomath, found a suitable lo cation at Corvallis and have de parted for that place. Their many friends are sorry to see ,,n crmsn'RTiVF.RS TO THi t&em go, out wnai jtuw.- - GMErrK and Weekly Oregonian at loss is Corvallis' gain. 2.50 per ytar. E. K. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW OfBce in Post Office Building, Ooival ua, Oregon. WANTED HOMES FOR SALE WILL SKI.L LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Ocejson, on histHlment plan and as eist pnnhaBerB to build homes on then if tlesired. Address First Natiooa Bank. Corvallis. Or. , WILL SiiLL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT Or., for et'Ot cash, balance instal ments, and help parties to build hornet thereon, it desired. Address M. b Wocdc j. k. Cc -vailiP. Or. BANKING. THE m- NATIONAL BANK OI Corvallis. v.retron, transacts a genera - 1 r T i-tonc conservative Danism; ousm. mom v on approved security. Draft baturday. bought and fold and money transterrec to the principal cities of the Unitec SUtee, Europe and foreign countries. Mrs. Annie P. Hawkins, the I senior Grand Manager of the' Grand Circle ot the W. of W., r.rfter1 a nnmbei of Neighbors hi1e the west bound C. & E stopped at the depot in Philo math. She was en route to her home at Toledo after a three weeks' visit at Ashland, Myrtle Cretk and other points in the southern extremity of the state. Mrs. Jane Wood, who accom panied her son, Alvin, and family to Portland several weeks ago, arrived borne last Saturday. Mrs. Ida Moses and daughter, Rernice. were Corvallis visitors, Headquarters for Fruit Tree Spray Diamond Chicken Feed Cb liken Grit - Ground Bone Shrll and Poultry Food Lice Killer, etc. We pay cash fo- dressed Veal and Pork, Poultry and Eggs. Next door to J . R. Smith A Co. Ind. Phone 209 ht;c Ora Henkle visited friends in Corvallis on Thursday ,nd F;i a r lacr week, returning home uxy " 1 . w Smitll & DaWSOn Friday afternoon. Elmer liiisworin vim'cu his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ellsworth, brother "Cad" and r ,t at the deoot whit' a car.of freight was unloaded last Satuidav. He was a passenger on the westbound C. oc E. Mis. T. E. Henkle was quite for several days last week, a bad cold necessitating her absence from the store, but she is again in her accustomed place. Tf.lUwnrth met with laivuv - - . . n w nnite 9 nainful accident on Mon- WAIN I t-L- day oflast week, which may have had a serious termination. While A representative in this county splitting a large log, in driving a by a large realestate corporation. wedge with the sledge, the sledge Special inducements to those rebounded, striking him on the who wish to become financially forehead above the left eye, cut interested 'ing a fgbtful 8a3h whlch rf interestea. f d fie stitcbes to propeily v n.l Samirltir Hfl . .... i - IIS nOal ttaw Yorl DMrborn Bmilding .,r.;te the skiii above the evebrow. Chicto, 11 It has healed very rapidly and no L.ii .1. t n 0. F. hall are nan at " - -- nearing completion and add ma teriallv to the comfort and ap pearance of the lodge quarters, The "nhotie message announc .A. - t . ing the birth of the daughter ol r 1 1 a vf- onri Mrs. varnum mumi nroved as reliable as so many ol au 'nlinnc messag-es do, and a Ttr, TMdiott's name to be iaucu mi. . qc Ramnm in olace of Var Bftv-U 1 - l.,lntmtic num. However, cuDgidium..Uuo tApred to Mr. ana mrs. Varnnin Elliott on the arrival of tbeir little girl. 1 . 1 - . C. G. Springer movea to nib ,h ret nt town, the lore part r a.2 onrl like the old Ql IL1C black auntie in the home 01 mr. St. Clair or "Uncle 10m s in" fame, is now having a ciear in' up spell." Mr. Sptinger in tends to devote his small place to horticulture. c tt Dittmar of Kennett, Cal- ;r.": orJ.Tcrl tt Albanv last HOIUia, c,nArr a m en route tor x'QTt land, but took the morning train pAl e. wheie ne was met w v.;c half.hrother. Frank Beck ofOAO. from whence they rh;i.niath to visit for U1UVC W X n " " the dav with relatives at that j . j . - i .v, niorp snmmoncu 10 UiaLC. t.-. ti hnmc hv teleohone. t-. f . brought with nim as a gin w uis mVi.r a (irand UDera z.ono- IUV fcuy?-"' th fortv choice records The Z-nophone is a sixty-dollar machine aud the records are val--f tmpntv-five dollars, some UVU " V V T. J - f thpm beino- one dollar records Tt was the source ot a choice en- frtainment for the family gain ering. On tunaay evcuiug vc young gentlemen, reiutncu Corvallis from whence C. F. took tUo. eirlv train. Monday. forSi- lem, where be stopped two hodT.s at the home ot ms sister, jvits. j H. Merrvman, and then proceed ed to the state metropolis via the electric car route, reaching Port- nA oKnnt noon. Ua VVeanesaav evenino- he will arrive at Corval lis ani be with relatives in Jf&iio- math on Thursday, departing lor Eugene and points soma, e mr.r tnr California, on Fridav quite ill with Pneu , 'Vhe VUw Fruit Farms, $95o. F-mii nhvsician from Albany w. A. Wells and wife to Anna was called the nrst 01 iuc u, ivnns, iu x i as her condition was deemed quite Avery's 2nd Add to Cor., $10. . ... . - - 1- ronnrfc SIB IS 1 . . " a - r m 1 critical, dui ai ia. yA State ot Oregon to , a . - lingham, 80 cres near uene- fountain; Jioo.oo. , " : ; D, O. Houck to "N. B-lTrtvi? andf- wife;rE of lot 2,Co1t- lege Homes; ?i,7- . : - T. E. Cionk to S. A. Cronk, lt Klnrt -6. DlXOn'S AuQ. The new woodshed and dining Corvalls; $10. P. Avery to Bert Einerick, lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, block 13, Avery & Wells Add. to cor vallis; $200. T nv Wnllenbero- to E. A. Hor- ton, lots 9 and 10, Jblock 11, N. B. 3fc r. Averys auu. ij v-w- vallis; $1. r r ton, 17 acres near Monroe, $500, Tan Wintnn to H. C. Hinton. undivided ot 320 acres south of Philomatn; $10. S. T. Frazier to Clara E. Tall- man, 115.99 acres uunu v" Corvallis; $3,000. 1? flrsliam to Thos. R. Gra- next Wednesday, Seats now selling- March nth -35C, 50c, 75c White-Brown Wedding. pupils with it 10 that they would leave the building in order in case of an alarm being turned in? Theee are questions , that are being asked throughout the state since the terrible calamity at Cleveland One of the most beautiful hotae a few days ago. These are matters that ,,,- if. Via. Keen our eood sbouia no.o. dbriocwu j weddlngS 11 haS. "-".ir.Lo,,,: ; Th. Journal, in dUcnseing the fortune to attena occurreu - V rnatter in Portland, aaya: -Ia these home of Mr and Mrs. li. . echoolDuildinlt8haB every possible ave- White of 443 N. First Street, this fo,"-. , m ca.e of fir -citv,. at high noon,' Sunday, when pTGvid6d7 Ha. account been taken their daughter Nellie Mae, be- oUbefaot that when flames roar and came the wife of Mr. Jesse Brown, death Btalw onu Bides children cannot a most worthy young man of be expected to retain their presence of Albany. mind and that disorder pBD1 BDd ya" C c tactile decorated teria must be reckoned with in making for the OCC sionTthe color scheme provision. foraaUty r If all thi. ha. not 1 - .. , . ,ijaH for it should be done at being brown and wnite, typio.. " . c alamitv iB a warn. of the names of the bride ana eB Hule children groom. At 12 o'clock tne wea- dedBp in the Btreet8j their writhing ding march was played by the formg wrapeed ,n Beething flame, in the bride's grandfather, R. N. White, bftsementi the awful horror of the upec rohn oomDOsed the same for the te l the tearB Bheck and Borrow of (occasion. The bride was most parent8 seeking their child dead all this ia warning 10 uunu -"- horrors." ham, kt 3, diock 19, Corvallis; $300. A. W. Herbert to W ots ? and 10, blocu 4, P. Avery's Add. Corvallis; $10. heromimlv attired in a gown ot Ralls to Mrs. S. E. Hie- , bue silk an(j a white bridal veil; the groom in the conven tional black, rney were aucuu- ed by the bride's sister, miss Bertha White, and her young ni Pmf. Frank White. Th Rpv. Mr. Vincent, ot this mhn nfficiated in so pleasing V.IT, " - , a imnrpuiw a manner, ae i;.-,hteH all nresent by a very ap " r . . .u nronriate address betore tying iur 1 L - . 1 t.irmc knot, alter wnicn a sumpuv A;r .erved. The guests, Uiuuwi ' mhn TXT P TP the relatives and near friends of the bride and groom UA,rA ohnnt sixty. A ereat UUUIU1.11.U ' . f 1 1- . . 1 . 1 ,,tc many usetul ana Deaumui Si. were presented. , TI7V,o Ainnrr W3S Over 2l SOCiai W UU Ml.." 1 T 1 moc -tiinved. alter wnitu ilUUl ww ia - - J J ... the bride and groom toot tneir denarture tor AlMny, wnere tney rill he at home to men mau; friends after April I't. On the sea of matrimony They hare launcneu oicu - May no cruel storms betide them, May tneir love uc tvci -1 A Guest. Co. Add. F. Gav, N. 3. & Clara M. Harding to W. E. Gay, lot 3, block 15, Cor. ; $300. United States to Thos, L,. Gar land, 160 acres Alsea. Tnnathan Tharp to George E. Tharp, 100 acres, Alsea; $1,500- A T. Smith to T. M. Markii, land west of Philomath; $10. Mary E. Felger to J. M. Marks, 562 acres west oi imiuma.u, Si. 200. Tennie Hammond to Columbus WH novth V, OI lOl OS, 17, Philomath; $500. T Weed to T. L. Crail et al, 32.14 acres south of Pbilo; $320. Portland and Return, Only $3.50 OAC LOST Ta ALBANY In Fast Game ol BasKei oan iu That City-Girls' Team Defeated. Tt. chnn Parific Oompsry and Corvallis & Eastern Eilway are bel'.itK rr.iind trio tu tete to Portland trom uOi vailis to. $3.50. good going on any , .u y- . ;ve ; .inrdav or bu i!ay H t er via Aioany ur gicai K- -77 - . . ; ah Hioh firhnol the cham -i.ii7cij By the decisive score of 14 to 6, the girls' team of the Alban High School won Friday night iTom the hitherto undefeated girls of the Oregon Agricultural Col iM The victory came as a T act "Pridav evening was the occasion of a very agreeable sir- prise in the form 01 a aonauuu party g'ven to Rev. G. W. For man and wife at the parsonage of . 1 1" T 4- m ni tS the M. IS. Unurcn oouvu. u wa genuine surprise, wnue ivir. and Mrs. Forman were at tneir church for their regular friaay nieht rehearsal of the S. S. and . 1 - V. young people's music ciat, church members gained access to the church parsonage ana aepus- ited many acceptable present;. there, and were quietly sitting m the darkness ot the parlor when the Formans enterea. ineniuc young people from the church be gan to pour ia until the house was filled to overflowing. A very junt eweninc was passed in playing games and visiting, dur ing which time refreshments were served consisting of home-made ,,ni;p nf various kinds, apples and popcorn. At the close ot the evening song, dooks wcic and all participated in an enthu- siastic song service, auci wluv." Rev. Foi man thanked one ana all for their kindness, thought fulness and appreciation. This was responded to by some of the momhprc Unci all went to their homes well pleased with the evening. iuum . ! erw morning.' These migratory visits 1 p. ..... ..,.i. nnii returuiBer either via Albany or west Bide, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Jersey Bull H r Sale. Descended from Grand Coin aad Gold en tilow ; imporwd cow tMttn 18 lka batter fat in 7 Oaya withijtca l. Ao 72 R. F. Baker & Co. School the cham pionship of the state, as Albany has won the honors of the Wil lamette Valley Higd bchooll League, and the OAC Has won all its games among the colleges. The game was one of the fast est and fiercest contests ever in the eitv. For the first five minutes great defensive work j It vou have Farm or City property for .ale, list it wilhE. F. Baker & Co. Office next door to Poet Office, Corvallia, Ore. LETTER LIST. til.- f.iUn.;nl intt.ara rAmfiin nncalled. for in the Corvallis postotflce, . for ttie . u.k V IQil? H 1(1 111 11 JJA BIVU I vw. t v Ttrnnn Trancia Fletcher. Miss an. .. . Jnvt Gardner. 0 R GaeseB, Jack How ard. J B Johnson, Brick Miller. B. W. JoHiwoi, r. M.