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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1908)
IFarm and Garden t IMPROVING STOCK. Tha Inevitable Process For Cattlemci! and Horsemen, i ' By J. S. COTTON. Improvement of the class of stock using the grazing lands is becoming constantly more important The man Who is running his stock in inclosed areas or contemplates so doing in the future will find it necessary if be is to be successful to carry that class of etoek that will net him the greatest re turns. This statement- holds equally true for the outside range. In fact, there are only two methods whereby the man who expects to continue run ning his stock on the public domain can meet the existing condition suc cessfully. One is the raising of suf ficient feed to carry bis stock through STALLION ON THIS BANGS. (Used in improving a herd in North Da kota. the winter safely; the other, to run a grade of stock that shall make the largest possible returns in the shortest time. Not only must these cattle mature early, but they must be of a quality that will dress a good percentage of beef. This means that the cattleman Will need to raise high grade cows and supply the jery best bulls he can se cure. If pure bred so much the better. In many instances the cattleman will need to grow cattle for the eastern feed yards. In producing such cattle many, of these men will find it neces sary to improve their herds greatly, for quality and not quantity is wbat the eastern feeder wants. What has been said of cattle holds equally true of horses. Today there is almost no place for the small horse or "cayuse," while good animals are in demand. .. That one can afford to raise good horses on the range has been demonstrated by a stockman living in western North Dakota. During a pe riod of low prices for range horses this t a. 1. 1 i- : j With this animal and nine range mares of average size and quality as a nu cleus he built up a fine herd. When the stallion died he was replaced with two registered Percherons, which con tinued to build up the herd until it was one of the finest herds of range horses in the United States. One of these stallions is shown in the figure. W-heu this man got his first horse bis neighbors believed that he had made a serious mistake in buying so ex pensive an animal. For several years While he was building up his herd, at which time horses were of almost no value, he was considerably in debt. As his stock began to improve and the price of horses increased he began to realize well from this herd, and dur ing the last two years he has sold geld ings in carload lots at $125 a head un brokeu. In the summer of 130C he Bold his entire herd, 227 head, at S3 a head straight for all branded stock, an unusually high price for range horses. There were two mares of his own raising in the herd for which the buyers refused $550 unbroken. This man estimates that his first stallion made for him many times what he paid for it For Winter Sport. very country boy can get a whole lot of fun out of a "go devil" coaster. The illustration shows how It Is made. A barrel stave, a piece of 2 by 4 and COASTER AND BOBSLEDS. a piece of scrap lumber are all the ma terial required. And here is also a method of connecting bobsleds which will cause the hind one to follow the track of the front bob on all turns. National Stockman. What We Want to Know. "A heavy application of manure alone gave slightly larger yields of mixed bay at the first and second cuttings than a combination of a smaller amount of manure and potash. During the six teen years this experiment has been In progress the average yields of ten crops of corn and six of bay have been greater on the larger amount of ma nure alone, but not sufficiently greater to cover the extra outlay at a cost of $5 per cord for the manure." This nugget of experience from the Massa chusetts station represents the kind of .work that means much to farmers. TTY TOBACCO CROPS. 8eed Selection and Improved Handllna of Plant. - " : By W. H. BCHERFFTUS. tobacco expert. Kentucky experiment station. The importance of good seed in every crop has been demonstrated so often that every farmer should know that It pays him well to plant only the best Tobacco Is no exception to thif rule. JJght, chaffy seeds that are low In vi tality give us plants that are weaklings with slow growth. Various schemes for separating the light from the heavy tobacco seed have been suggested, but the most thoroughly practical method Is by means of a piece of apparatus In troduced by the bureau of plant In dustry and a current of air which Is generated with, the foot bellows, as shown In the cut The air passes through the rubber tube, then through the valve, which can be regulated to admit of the passage of the desired amount of air to accomplish the best separation. The air passes up through a piece of half Inch iron tube, thence through a larger glass tube and out at the top, carrying with It the light chaffy seed. At the base of the glass tube, which Is about an inch In diam eter and five or six feet long, Is a me tallic joint which has a piece of fine wire gauze In it to prevent the seed from falling into the valve below. Using about an ounce of seed for each charge, only a few minutes are re quired to separate a considerable quantity. - This piece of apparatus can be made by most any mechanic, or it can be purchased from any chemical 'supply house. Every community should own one of these machines for the benefit of Its farmers. Improved methods of handling the crop is a topic of such magnitude that we deem it expedient at this writing not to go into detailed discussion of this phase of the subject Although the white burley and dark tobaccos are different types, the same TOBACCO SEED SEP ABATOR. general methods employed In the state for handling the crops are similar. It is desirable and usually the custom to select a piece of virgin soil for-a seed bed. During the winter or early spring it is heated to a depth of two or three Inches by burning brushwood or sim ilar material on it to kill any weed seeds that would germinate and hinder the growth of the young tobacco plants. After the plot of ground is cool It Is then dug up, slightly raised Into beds, raked and put In good condition for the seed. Although the cultural methods and mechanical manipulations of seeding. canvassing the beds, transplanting, cultivation and housing are adjusted to suit each locality, they are all car ried out on the same general plan. There Is often from two or two and one-half times 3 much burley 'tobacco set on the ground as is put on the same area in the dark tobacco district Bitter Rot of Apples. It is well known that the bitter rot of apples is due to a specific fungus. This fungus grows on developing ap ples, beginning at any time during the summer or autumn when the condi tions are favorable after the fruits are formed and until and after they are ripe, and it lives as a parasite In the bark of apple tree limbs, usually in localized areas called cankers. It does not occur upon the leaves. The fungus lives over winter In woundlike spots called cankers on the limbs of the apple trees,' and from these Infection may start the succeed ing season. Not infrequently the loca tion of a canker can be made out by the spots beneath it on the growing fruit caused by spores washing with rainwater from the former on to the surfaces of the apples. The area of such Infection in a well fruited tree frequently takes the form of a cone with its apex upward at or beneath the limb canker. The water carrying the spores does not descend perpen dicularly because of the interference of the foliage; hence the wider area of Infection below. Illinois Experiment Station. - Corn and Emmer. . In some experiments with two-year-old grade steers it was found that a pound of corn was equal to one and a quarter pounds of emmer. Where the corn and emmer were mixed half and half by weight the relation was about the same, with a small Increase in gain In favor of the mixture. With hogs It required seven to eight pounds of emmer as against about five pounds of corn to produce a pound of gain. A Satisfactory Herd. Choice cows can seldom be bought at reasonable figures, unless It be at a dispersion sale. The owners know their worth and will not part with them. This being the case, the only way we can get a satisfactory herd Is to raise it This is not only more sat isfactory, bat It Is much more econom ical. .. " ' Jersey Ball For Sale. Deaceaowd bom Grand Coin and Gold en Glow ; -imported sow testier 18 batter fat m 7 days, with fa enM. Ad dress, M, S. Wocmock. OorrglKs. Ore gon. - 72 1 Portland and Return, Only $3.50. The Southern Pacific Company, and Corral lis & Baetern Bail way are selling roond trip tickets to Portland front Cor vallis for $3.50, good going on any train Saturday or Sunday either via Albany or west side and good returning either via Albany or west side, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. : ' 16tf R. C. Lwvirxn. Agent. Notice for Publication.: United States Land Offiq. . Portland, Oregon, October 22, isto7. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the previsions of the act of Congress of Jane 3, 1878, entited An act for the sale of timber land in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, I897, Mrs. Bertha Jorgenson of Portland, - eounty of Maltno maa. State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement, No. 7603, for the pur chase of the Northwest quarter of Section Ne. 32, in Township No. lo South, Ranee No. 6 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone -than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land Del ore Register and "Receiver at Port land, Oregon, on Tuesday, the afth day ofjApril, 1908. She names as witnesses: Mrs. Minnie Mack ol Monmouth, Oregon; Mr. Will Mack of Monmouth, Oregon; Mr. J. O. Oleaon of Corvallis, Oregon; Mrs. J. C. Oieeon of Corvallis, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in -this office on or before said 28th day of April, 19o8. 17U - Alcbsnoh S, Drbscib, Register. . PLAN TO FIGHT DISEASE. Druggists Will Battle Stomach ' Troubles in Corvallis. The increase of stomach troubles in Corvallis has led Graham & Wells to take effective measures to combat the disease. They have the local agency for Mi-o-na stent ach tablets, - and in order to induce people suffering with weak stomach or indigestion to use the remedy, offer to supply it with the distinct understanding that money will be refunded in every ease where it dose not cure. , ' , Mi-o-na is not a mere digestive, but an absolute etreagthener and build er-up of the whole digestive tract. ;If you suffer with headaches, giddiness, palpitation, bad taste in the mouth, nervousness, cob ted tongue, distress after eating, use Mi-o-na and sehow quii kly these symp toms of a weak stomach will disappear. The remedy strengthens the muscular walls of the stomach and increases the flow of gastric juices so that nourishment is extracted from the food and the refuse is expelled without the aid of . purgatiye or laxative medicines. J: .. , ;' : Ke member that Graham & 'Wells give a to refund the money nnlees it cures. They: take all the risky and there is no danger ot your losing any thing except indigestion when you buy a 50-cent box of NOTICE OF SEWER ASSESSMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City, of Cor vallis has assessed upon each lot or part thereof ascertained and determined by the report of the viewers to be specially benefited by the sewer constructed through Block 6, original town of Marys ville, now City of Corvallis, and Block No. 1 in Dixon's First Addition to the City of Corvallis,. Oregon, its proportion ate share of the cost of such sewer si found by such viewers, and that the fol lowing is a description of the severaLlots or parts thereof so assessed, a statement of thp names of the owner or owners of each such lot or part thereof, if known. and of the sum assessed upon each lot or part tnereot. Block No. 6, original town of Marysville, now City of Corvallis. Lot No 1 Owner, J. W. Ingle. . . .$ 4278 Lot No. 2 Owner, Henry Gerhard, Elizabeth Gerhard, Mary Ger hard, Katarine Gerhard. ....... 43,78 Lot No. 3 Owner, Henry Gerhard, Elizabeth Gerhard, Mary Ger hard, Katarine Gerhard...... 428 Lot No. 4 Owner, Henry Gerhard, . Elizabeth Gerhard, Mary Ger hard, Katarine Gerhard . . . i 42.78 Lof No. 5 Owner Henry Gerhard, Elizabeth Gerhard, Mary Ger- hard, Katarine Gerhard... 42.78 Lot No. 6 Owner C. A. Gerhard. 42 78 Lot No. 7 Owner, John Beach . . . , 42.78 Lot No. 8 Owner, Ernest Weigand and Maggie Wiegand ....... . . 42 78 Lot No. 9 (south half) Owner. Er nest Wiegand and Maggie gand ' 21-39 Lot No. 9 (north half) Owner, Er nest Wiegand 21.39 Lot No. 10 Owner, John Bier... . 42.78 Lot No. 11 Owner. John Bier Herbert Hode9 42.78 Lot No. 12' Owner, Virgil Watters 42.78 Block No. 1, Dixon's irst Addition to the City of Corvallis. Lot No. 1 Owner, Carrie Barden. i 42.78 Lot No. 2 Owner, Carrie Barden.. 42.78 Lot No. 3 Owner, Elizabeth Mcr Bee, George McBee, Ida McBee 42.78 Lot No. 4 Owner, Maggie E. Aus tin 4-5ths, Gertrude Stettler 1-5 42.78 Lot No. 5 Owner, O. W. Beckwith 42.78 Lot No. 6 Owner, O. W. Beckwith 42.78 Lot No 7 Owner, Mary Stewart. 42.78 Lot No. 8 Owner, Mary Stewart. '. 42.78 Lot No. 9 Owner, Mary Stewart. . 42 78 Lot No. 10 Owner, Harley L. Hall and Grace E. Hall.. 42.78 Lot No. 11 Owner, F, G. Clrrk. . . 42.78 Lot No 12 Owner, F.G.Clark.. 42.78 The foregoing assessments were -en tered in the docket of City Liens of the City ot Corvallis on the 18th day of Feb ruary, 1908, and if the sum of money assessed as aforesaid upon any such lot or part thereof is not paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Corvallis within five days after the date of the final Tfchl i- cation hereof as hereinafter noted, such sum wiu urw interest at the rate 01 eight per cent per annum after the ex piration of such, time and a warrant will issue directine the Chief of Pnlirr f or part thereof to satisfy such assessment Date of final publication, March 6, 1908.. -.- J. F. YATES, r . Police Judge City of Corvallis. Feb. as , . , , - NOTICE OF SEWER ASSESSMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Cor vallis has assessed upon each lot or part thereof ascertained and determined by the report of the viewers to be specially benefited by the sewer constructed through Blocks) 11, 12 and 13 in Dixon's Second Addition to the City of Corvallis, Oregon, its proportionate share of the cost .of such sewer as found by such viewers,, and that the following "is a de scription of the several lots or parts thereof so assessed, a statement of the names of the owner or owners of each lot or part thereof, if known, and of the sum assessed upon each lot or part there of. ' Block No. 11 in Dixon's Second Addiiion i ; to the City of Corvallis. -. . . Lot No. 1 Owner, Catherine M. Tharp., v... ;..2Q78 Lot No. "a Owner, Catherine M. Tharp 29.78 Lot No. 3 Owner, Catharine M. - Tharp. ... 29.78 Lot No. 4 Owner, Prudence Chip man... ....... 2978 Lot No. 5 Owner, Prudence Chip- . man 99-78 Lot No. 6 Owner, Prudence Chip- man . , 29.78 Lot No. 7 Owner, Anna Hodes. . . 29.78 Lot No. 8 Owner, Anna Hodes. . . 29.78 Lot No. 9 Owner, Anna Hodes. .. 29.78 Lot No. 10 Owner, Prudence Chip- : man . 39-78 Lot No. 11 Owner, Prudence Chip- man..,. 29-78 Lot No. 12 Owner, Prudence Chip man 2 29.78 Block No. 12 in Dixon's Second Addition to the City of Corvallis. Lot No. 1 Owner, Geo. B. Wills, Miles Hendricks . 29 78 Lot No. 2 Owner, Geo. B., Wills, . Miles Hendricks 29.78 Lot No. 3 Owner, Evan McLennan 29.78 Lot No. 4 Owner. Martha A. Fran cisco... 29778 Lot No. s Owner, M. C Miller. . 29.78 Lot No. 6 Owner, M. C. Miller.. . 29.78 Lot No. 7 Owner, Geo. B. Wills, Miles Hendricks 29 78 Lot No. 8 Owner, Geo. B. Wills, - Miles Hendricks . . . . . 29.78 Lot No. 9 Owner, C H.. Keeney . . 29.78 Lot No. 10 Owner, Albert J. Chess- 29.78 ley .7 29.78 Lot No. II Owner.Mary O. Wyatt 29.78 Lot No. 12 Owner.Mary O. Wyatt 29.78 Block No. 13, in Dixon's Second Addition to the City of Corvallis. Lot No. 1 Owner, Sarah F. Ergitf 29.78 Lot No. 2 Owner.SarahJ. Fletcher 29.78 Lot No. 3 Owner, R. L, Buchanan 29.78 Lot No. 4 Owner, R. Lj Buchanan 29.78 Lot No. 5 Owner, R. A. Hurlburt 29.78 Lot No. 6 Owner, R. A. Hurlburt 29.78, Lot No. 7 Owner, W, F. Gay. .... 29.78 Lot No 8 Owner, W. F. Gay . .. 29.78 Lot No. 9 owner, W. F. - Gay .... 29.78 Lot No. 10-tOwfler, R. A. Hurlhart 29.78 Lot No. 11 Owner, R. A. Hurlburt 29.78 Lot No. 12 Owner, R. A. Hurlburt 29.78 The foregoing assessments were entered in the docket of City , Liens of- the City of Corvallis on tha 18th day of February, 1908, and if the sum of money assessed as aforesaid upon any such lot or part thereof, is not paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Oorvaflis within five days after the date of the final publication hereof, as hereinafter noted, such sum will draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum alter the expiration of such time" and a . warrant will issue directing the Chief of Police of said City to levy uoon and' sell such lot or part thereof to satisfy such assessment. - Date of. final publication Match 6, 1908. : J. F. YATES,.. - i Police Judge City of Corvallis. Feb. 25 NOTICE OF SEWER ASSESSMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Cor vallis has assessed upon each lot or part thereof ascertained and determined by the report ol the .viewers to be specially benefited by the sewer constructed through Blocks No. 1, 2 and 3. original town of Marysville, now City of Corval lis, Oagon, its proportionate share of the cost of such sewer as found by suoh view ers and that the following is a descrip tion of the several lots or parts thereof so assessed, a statement of ttte names or the owner or owners of each such lot or part thereof, if known, and of the sum aseeesed npon each lot or part thereof : . Block No. I, original town of Marysville, now City of Corvallis. Lot No. 1, owner, Alfred H. Will 37 II Lot No. 2, owner, Alfred H. Will 37 n. Lot No. 3. owner, Alfred H. Will 37 11 Lot No. 4, owner, Alfred H. Will 37 11 Lot No. 5, owner, John Will 37 11 Lot No. 6, owner, John Will 37 II Lot No. 7, owner, Robt Franklin 37 11 Lot No 8 , owner, Robt Franklin 37 11 Lot No. 9, owner, Robt Franklin . 37 11 Lot No, 10, owner, J. T. Phillips 37 11 Lot No. 11, owner, J. T. Phillips 37 11 Lot No. 12, owner, J. T. Phillips " 37 11 Block No. 2, original town of Marysville, now City of Corvallis: .. Lot No 1. owner, C & E R R Co $37 11 Eot No 2, ownr, C & E R R Co 37 11 Lot No 3, owner, J. H. Wortham 37 11 Lot No 4, owner, John Rickard . . 37 11 Lot No 5, owner, John Rickard . . 37 1 1 Lot No 6, owner, John Rickard : 37 II Let No 7, owner, J. T. Phillips 37 11 Lot No 8, owner, Manuel Knight " 37 11 Lot No 9, owner. R. H Colbert 37 11 L6t No 10, owner, R. H. Colbert : 37 11 Lot No 11. owner, R. H. Colbert 37 11 Lot No 12, owner, R. H. Colbert 37 11 Block No. S, original town of Marysville, now City of Corvallis : Lot No X, owner, Coryallis Water Company 37 11 Lot No 2, owner, Corvallis Water " Company 37 II Lot No 3, owner, Wm Broders 37 11 Lot No 4, owner, Bertba Woldfr 37 11 Lot No 5, owner. Bertha Woldt 37 11 Lot No 6, owner, Bertha Woldt 37 11 Lot NoJ, owner, R. H. Huston 37 11 Lot No 8, owner, Monuel Knight 37 11 Lot No 9, (North 28 feet) owner, Manuel Knight.....' 20 78 Lot JNo 9, South 522 teetj owner, E. W. Thompson 16 3t Lot No i0v-f North 3 feet owner. E. -'.W.Thompson.."......'.; 2 22 Lot No 10, N. 25 feet of S 47 feet owner,' K. W. Fischer 18 56 Lot No 10. Sooth 22 feet owner, -- Willamette Valley Company 16 33 Lot No 11. owner, Amasa Hatha way, Mary J. Hathaway....... 37 11 Txkf Tslrt r9 AIBIW. A i . Tialliavaii The foregoing assessments were enter ed, in tha Docket of City Liens of the City of Corvallis on the 18th day of Feb ruary, 1908. and if the snm of money as sessed as afpreeaid npon any such lot or part thereof is not paid to the City Treas urer of the City of Corvallis within five days after the date of the final publication hereof, as hereinafter noted, such Bum will draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum after the expiration of such time and a warrant will issue di recting the Chief of Police of said City to levy npon and sell such lot or part there of to satisfy such assessment. Date of final publication March 6, i903. J. F. YATES, . Police Judge City of Corvallis. NOIICE OF SEWER ASSESSMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Corvallis has assessed npon each lot or part thereof ascertained and determined by the report of the Viewers to be specially benefited by the sewer con structed through blocks 10 and 11, orig inal town of Marysville, now City of Cor vallis, Oregon, its proportionate share of the cost of such Bewer as found by such viewers and that the following is a de scription of tba several lots or parts there of so assessed, a statement of the names of the owner or owners of each lot or part thereof, if known, and of the snm assess ed npon each lot or part thereof. Block No. 10,in the origins! town of Ma rysville bow City of Corvallis. Lot No. 1 M. S. Woodcock $53 g9 Lot N o. 21 south zo feet) J. G. Wnestefeld 21 56 Lot No. 2, S. i9of N. 30 ft., P. P. Greffos.... zo.48 Lot No. 2, ft,, Moses Kline 11. 85 Lot No. 3, South half. Moees Kliae 26.95 Lot No. 3, North half, Amelia Zier- olf 26.94 Lot No, 4, South i2 ft. 4 in., Ame lia Zierolf ; i3.29 Lot No. 4. N. i2 ft. 8 in. ot N. half Jacob Webber i3 64 Let No. 4. S. 24 It. 3 in. of N. half . A . Hodes - , 26.14 Lot No. 4, North 9 inches, L F. Wilson 1 2, Thos. Whitehorn . E. R. Bryeon J .81 Lot No. 5. Soith 32 ft , L. F. VVil . son 14, Thos. Whitehorn M. E. R. Bryson 34.49 Lot Ho. 5. JNorth 18 ft . Thos. Whitehorn, E. R. Bryson ..... 19.40 Lot JNo. 6, The First .National Batik of Corvallis 53.89 Lot No. 7, C. E.Hout... .-. 53.89 Lot No. 8, C. E. Hont..: 53.89 Lot No. 9, A. Hodes. 53 89 LotNo. iO, Amelia Zierolf., 53 89 Lot No 11, Amelia Zierolf. 53.89 Lot No. i2. M. S. Woodcock 53 89 Block No. 11, original town of Marys - ville, now City of Corvallis. Lot No. 1, south half, Pauline , Kline... 26.95 Lot iSo. 1, North half, Ferguson - Chapter No. 5 Royal Arch Ma sons of Corvallis, Oregon; Cor vallis Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons . , .-. . 26.94 Lot No. 2, South 7 feet Ferguson : - Chapter No. 5, Royal Arch Ma .. ' eons of Corvallis, Oregon; Cor V vallis Lodue of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons... ...... - 7.54 Lot No. 2, South 23 ft. of N. 43 ft., Lillian Taylor.....;.. . ... 24.79 Lot No. 2, North 20 ft.. . Thos. Whitehorn. ... . ..... 2l 56 Lot No. 3, South half, Thos. White- born.. 26.95 Lot No. 3, North half. W. T. Small. O. E. Small......... 26.94 Lot No. 4, South i2 1-2 ft., W. T.v Small, C. E. Small i3.47 Lot No. 4 North 37 1-2 ft.. Mary E. ... Henderson. S. L. Henderson 40.42 Lot 5, South half, Clara Rands 26.95 Lot JNo. 5, North half. Lei and W. Fisher, Eleie Msy Fisher. ; 26.94 LotNo. 6, South half, Anna Haese 26.95 Lot No, 6, Noith half, E. W.Fisher 26.94 Lot No. 7- A M. Tucker . 53.89 Lot No. 8, A. M. Tucker 53 89 Lot No. 9, A. M Tucker 53.89 Lot No. 10. J R. Smith, T. W. B. Smith,, 1. 53 t9 Lot No. 11, East i-4, Lillian J. Tay - lor, Byron Tavlor, Cecil Ren- . nie 13.47 Lot No. 11,. West 3-4. City of Cor vallis. 40 42 Lot No. i2, East i-4, Lillian J. Tav lor, Byron Taylor, Cecil Rennie i3.47 Lot No i2, West i City of Cor yallis 40 42 Tbe foregoing assessments were enter ed in the docket of Citv Liens of the City ot Corvallis on the istb day of February, 1908, and if the sum of menev assessed as aforesaid upon any such lot or part thereof is not paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Corvallis within five days arter tbe date of tbe final publication hereof, as hereinafter noted, such sum will draw interest at the rate of oight per cent per annum after tbe expiration of such time and a warrant will issue di recting tbe Chief of Police of said City to levy upon and sell such lot or part tbere- 01 to satisfy sucn assessment. Date of final publication March 6, i908 J. F. YATES. Police Judge City of Corvallis. GASOLINE ENGINE IRRIGATION, SPRAYING AND PUMPINGMACHINERY Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines for pumping, spraying, sawing, grinding. Outfits complete. - Fairbanks Scales, for weighing. Fairbanks-Morse Dynamos and Motors for rower and light. Fairbanks-Morse Windmills and Tow ers. Fairbanks. Morse Grinders, Feed Chop pers, Well Pumps. . All first quality goods at lowest prices. Always in stork. Liberal terms. Prompt reply to inquiries and quick shipments. Write for catalogue and prices. J. R. SMITH & CO., Agents Coryallis, Oregon. Fairbanks, Morse & Co. Portland, Oregon. harmers. Read the "Weekly Oregonian" of Post land and he "CorvaUis Gazette" for tbe general news of tbe world, also for in formation about how to obtain the best resoits in cultivating the soil, stock rais ing, fsuat raising, etc You tern secure both of these excellent papees for one" year by pay ing' to the CoatvaMifl Gazette" the snm of two doj aes and fifty eenta, in advance., - BetnU Ore money by postoffioe older or back draft and ISwba rrwifif. VflensfttlA nnrmra Registratloa of Land TJtlaV In the Circuit Court ot tha state of Oreeea for Bentoa County. Delila Road, Plaintiff, - va. Hannah Rowland. Polly Mitchell, helra.,.!.- -j Lucretia Ha'.lock drowsed. SacaH. siahM Cl.n Sirahan, Fayne Lewi,, -la w R 8? 8trarMi deceased, and Benrv Lewis and "All whTTil may concern - Defendants, . U wnom 11 n tha matter ot the application of nli!. ... to re.ri.ter the title to hi fX- I?JE? Sec. 4 and , in Tonhip 11, South. m7w of the Willamette Meridian. Benton cSurnv OrZ ! gon, described aa follow, towit: Be,, ii '1 corner of said aeetion 4. and rnnninr th.orVh 50 hnka, thence south 44 ehains and 60 Hnkr !nHnin?h d""15 minutes wek.iri and 67 links, thence sooth ( chains and ?5 link. of lands subject to sale at Oregon Citv. Oretron and containing 820 acres ,n1 snmoo of an .ere ' TO Hannah Rowland. Pollv Mitchell. P.r H. Strahan Claude Strahan, Favne Lewis. Henry Lewis, and -All whom it mav concern." Defendant. nrrr ;take notick That 011 the 4th dsyof Jsnnsrv. IfCfs. an arplira tion was filed hi- the Fsid Telila Peed in the Circuit Court of the State of Orepnn for Benton county. Oretron, for Inifinl registration of the title to the land above described. Now, unless you enpear on or before the Sist day of February A . P. lflOS. and show cause why snoh application should not be granted, the nm will be taken aa confessed and a decree will be en tered according to the pi-aver of the application ami snd cnmplsint you will be forever barred from disnntms- the same. Dated at Coryallis, Oregon, this 6tk day of Jan nary, 1908. si1!, T. T. VINCENT, Clerk Oircblt Court of the State of Ore eon for Benton County. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. v DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Land Office at Roseburjr. O-, Ian. 8, 1908. Notice is herebv ffiven tbnt Kbba 1 vlllu. Ae- Monroe, Benton Co, Or.has filed notice of his Intern tion to nake final five year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 11019, made October mil, tor the N of SB J, Section 8, Township 14 Sooth. Ranire 6 West W M, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk and Clerk .-of County Court at Corvallis, Oregon, on Friday. March 6. 1908. He names the followinsr witnesses to prove hiar continnous residence upon, and cultivation of, th land, vis: Walter J. Slsson. Welberry Wlllson, Albert Oates and James Oakes. all of Monroe, Orecen. BENJAMIN U EDDY, Register. -Re-advertisement. 7tf The Best Quality of PIANOS and. ORGANS At the Store of GRAHAM & WELLS Coryallis, Oregon CUSTOMERS Are requested to call and see them be fore purchasing elsewhere. THIS OLD RELIABLE HOUSE will sell their FINE-TONED INSTRTJ. MENT6 FOR REASONABLE PRICES instead of charging you extra to make up for high city rents, railroad fares and hotel bills for traveling salesmen. Music Loving People Can purchase these reliable goods in their home town. If there is anytliing you do not understand you will find tihe sellers near your home. Ovjrn YourHomo THt First - National - Bank Sli of CorvaUis has some TO WN IOTS Near the State Agricultural College wliiah you ean buy on the INSTALL MENT PLAN or for cash. - Save Ten of Twenty Dollars per month and pay the seme on a town lot. Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOME on the lot and continue to make these small monthly payments on 1fc home and you will soon have it paid tot and. have no more rant to pay. For information address W.ZH. SAVAG . , OorvaJKa, Or. Bargain Sale ;of $ Dress Goods AND Shoes AT HENKLE & DAVIS' The Gazette for Job Work.. said City to levy upon and sell such lot O. C. Hathaway 37 1' be promptly matTed to yoa. 8311