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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1908)
besi Leading Newspaper. Advertising Medium.' Corvalus, Benton : County, Obi oois Fri da . February 2T, to NO. 18 Vol. XLV. i i ym m. i Ha i mm - av aaaW. iaaabaaaaBaaaaaaamaaaaaf --' -4, CltfSiHED DVER TISEMf N S T.ABSlFIKl. rVKFTIBVFNTS: Fir,een word or lees, 25 s for trut-. suc'"Hive insertions, or 50 ot.s i mortb; for all np and inclndintrtet add rVnal words 'A ent a word for inn rtion. , F"' all advertisements over 25 worl, 1 ct (it word fo- the 6ret insertion, ai f rer word for each additional inser tior Nothing inserted for lees than V WO'" aocietv and chorea, notice otbt" rhaD strictl newa matter, will V chi'i'od for. CANNERY FOR CORVALLIS. Now Assured Canvass Comple tedSite to be Purchased. Corvallis wll have 8 esnnerv Corvallis cit zens have subscribed the amount r quired to make tbr enterprise a certainty and work will becin ins' as soon as a site hs.s oeen secured. Several loca tions are available, one of which s the site of the old electric light plant on River street PHYSICIANS DB F.H.THOMPSON. VETERINARY Offic" at Deanick'e Rad Front stable. Ind. Phone 3S8. 16tf B. A.. CATBEY, W. P..PHYBIOTAP , nrrartn. Rooms 14. Hank Pnllct twtr CifKr Ponra : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 r 4 n m. Besidence: cor. 5th and Ad amo eta. Telephone at c-fFce and top irnce. Oorva'lis. Oreiror W,T. ROWLEY, M. P.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Fpecial attention given fat tho Eve. Nae and Throat. Offlm in Johnson Blir. Ind. 'phme at of fice and leKdence. House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING REF W. E. Inri. 488 ! ANOTHER NEW BOAT. To Ply Willamette J. F. Has Original Idea. Tyler J. F. Tyler of the bicycle re pair shop has the lumber on the fcionnr at bis -home to build a towing launch or light freight boat ot shallow draught, to ply on the Willamette, especially during the low water in the sum mer. - ! A horse-power ga engine UNDERTAKERS WILKINS& BOVKE, FUNERAL Di rectors and Licensed EDibalmers. Successors to S. N. Wilkins, Corvallis, Oregon. Phone 45. 89tf HENKLE & BLACKLEDGE, UNDER takers and licensed embalmers, Sontb Main St.. Corvallis, Or. This is an enterprise that has w:n furnish propelling force and long been reeded in this citv ard une cratt will have a speed of 18 me for which the GAZETTE mies an hour. It will be 140 feet boosted 'over a year ago. While long and 11 feet wide and will be the people have been flow to see nsed tor towing logs, hauling their own imprests in the mattfT f,e;ght and doing other light tbey are now thoroughly aroused work of this nature. ard the establishment of such a It is the intention of Mr. Ty plant is at last an assured fa( t. ier tQ make arrangemeuts if pos Mr. Seailes has been making sjble with the O C T company to the canvass tor funds and Mr. connect with their boats at Salem Tohn E Stuli of Spokne is the during the months when low builder. Both are in this city at water jn the river prevents tbeir the present time looking alter ae- ooats fr0m coming further up eails ol the business. stream than the capital city, Up to noon yesterday $5,500 This would fill a long felt need had been subscribed and it was ;n riWer traffic and tend to expected that a number of heavy make the Tyler boat not only a shares would be taken yesterday profitable enterprise for the build iftemoon ard this morning. Cor e, hut a benefit to Corvallis and vallis and Benton county are to this section in general. be congratulated on the success Mr Tyler expects to build the of this undertaking and the pro- craft himself and already has con- gressiveness of the people. And Liderable business in sight which in a final word we would remind mnvinces him that the proiect the public that the Corvallis Com- wju be a success when launched mercial Club has taken a very active part in working up an in terest in this matter and tuis fact should not be ignored when ! '? 'SHI- StSi iyikrfl" 'K. . ' J ANNUAL CONVENTION. the 'icredit marks" aTe counted. ATTORNEYS J F. YATES, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office op stafra in Zierolf Building Only set of abstracts in Bentob Count' Corvallis Couple Spend Happy Years Together Married in Illinois. JS. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in Post Office Building, Oorval lis, Oregon. WANTED WANTED E00 SUBSCRIBERS TOTHI Gacbttb and Weekly Oregonianjat $2.50 perYr. HOMES FOR SALE WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oraoon. on instalment plan and 1 nist. nnn hHsers to bnild homes on then: if desired. Address First Nationa' Bank. Corvallis. Or. Vnr the shove occasion a rate Mar,y L.r j nnp third fare on the certificate plan is authorized . to Eugene and return from all points -a tt- ! 1 V nn the s. f. TanroaQ in vjseeon. Fifty-three years ago yesterday mowided. however, fifty or moie in Rockford, Illinois, a blushing paying passengers ot not less than Dime anu a luauiy giuum jiuuu titty cents nave Deen in aiienu- betore a minister 01 ine gospei aace Under these conditions, and promised to "honor and deiegates and members of their cherish" each other until death famiiies, who have paid full fare should part them. Fifty three t Eueene. will be returned at years of sunshine and storm, onc third fare but in no case less pleasant sailing and rough row- than 25 cents on presentation of ng have conae and gone and yes- o p certificates to S. P. agent terday, in this city, this respected t Eueene on or before Feb. 25. couple celebrated the anniversary igo? Certificates will be signed of that important event. bv the Secretary of the Union The groom on that occasion and may be jSSued on any of the was S. ri. riorton: me diiuc, three davs orior to or on the op- W1LL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT, Or . for acot cash, balance instaV ments, and help parties to bnild home thnrnnn. if rltsirecl. Aaoress J(l. o. Voodcock, Cc-vailis. Or. BANKING. THE VTR1 NATIONAL BANK Oi Corvallis, vreKon, transacts a genera! mnanrvBtiTa hanklnc business. Loanf money on approved security. Draft bought and sold aol money transferred to the Drinafnal cities of the United States. Europe and foreign countries Smith & Dawson Headquarters for Fruit Tree Spray Diamond Chicken Feed Chicken Grit Ground Boce Shell and Poultry Food Lice KHJer, etc, We pay each for dressed Veal and Pok P oultry and h.gee. Next door to J. R. Smith A Co. Ind. Phone 208 Notice to Creditors. Klee is hert piven to all persons concerned tnnl toe undewsiprert has hcen appointed execu trix at the laat wMl and t-st&mert vf R. C Kiirer, ifmud. bvtbe CtHIiltv Court of Benton County Sttof Oron. All irorFhviTi!rcTalne agninst tk estate ot salfl K. C. Kitier, deceased, are hereby required to praaent ahe same, with proffer vouch ees, dly verifie4 as by law reqatred, within six months arom the date'herect, to ihe undersized at kaa rasidenoetn OnrvaHm. Oreiron, oratthi Ceaol McPadUen iBnson, Attorneys, in Cor- rall'a, ropcn Dated at CorvaUin, Oregon, this aSth. day Unwary, K908, MlKFRYA J. KlGlK, zeanarix of the last iM and tt sluuent ot K.C. Kiaar, deoeaacd. y 11 CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tht Kind Yoa Have Always Bough BM tha THEIR 53rd ANNIVERSARY. Oregon Christian Endeavor Un ion Eugene, Oregon, Feb. 20 to 23, 1908. ening day. R. C. 17-18 Linville, Agent. Miss Agnes C. Fertile. Mr. and Mrs. Horton came to Oregon 32 years ago and for 28 years have made their home in Benton coun ty, the last six years residing in Corvallis, They have nine children, nine grandchildren and one great grandchild. Two ot tneir cnu dren, John and Alice, are former OAC students, both residing now H AT o 4 V a 1m ft I a Vi o ti rr near uc, tuc "-""N of love, of mystery and adventure cnangeaner name 10 aire, m- - . nf moon- brose houck. x ne inrec uuuK- - ;'. .t,.t ahahit . . 4 n . .MJ1UC L11JV LV1ULV,1J UOt AUUMa' ""Tr the Arkansas hills, dealing with xvuluuc. -P-".'" tBeir customs, social characteris iy. ait f'f'-s- - tics and peculiarities. The scen- ",'G"D"er.S: T:?r:',ery was painted from actual pho-,, mi.-. ju.. s - . . character is IVI K m. "5"l j irue 10 nature. "Old Arkansaw" Tonight. "Old ATkansaw," apretty pky filled with rollicking humorous characters not a dull moment in lit will be the attraction at the opera house to-night. Old Arkan saw is an interesting story of life Milton. Otegon; Mrs. body. Spokane, and Mrs. Agnes Kelly who also resides in Wash meton. Many ftiends wish tor M. ana Mrs. Horton many happy it turns of their anniversary. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION Mrs. E. Dt'Forest-Lunt, a former pupil of New England Contervatory, will re ceive a Hmitf d number of pupils io Vocal and Irstrvmettsl Music. Italian meth od of Voice Culture; CoDServaiory 01 German method for Piano. Pupils pre pared torchurth or conceit work. Spec ial attention to cew bet-'iDners. Hour? 2 to 9 n. m. First and Harrison Sts. ISti Call for City Warrants. There is money on hand to pay general fund warrants numbered 3651, 3629, 3746, 3646, 3745, 3765. 3766. and 3768 indorsed Dec. 3rd. 1903. Iatereet will step on th aame from thie date, Feb. 13, 1908 Everyone enjoys a hearty laugh nature requires it. the doctor pre scribes it. It is worth a bowl of drugs. Good clean honest com edy pervades Old Arkansaw, add ing much to the enjoyment 01 tne production. Reserved seats at Graham ci Wortbam's. Don't forget the date. Friday February 2 1st. Portland and Return, Only $3.50. The Southern Patific Company ano Coryallis & Eastern Railway are sella round trip tickets to Portland-from Cor1 vallis for $3.50, good going on any trails Saturday or Sunday eiiher via Aibany 01 west side and good retornir-g either vis Albany or west aide, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. 16U K. C Unville, Agent. Z. H. Davis, City Treaauier. 16-18 gan. Jersey Bui For Sale. Deeceaded from Grand Coin and Goiji ea 61ew : ina potted ov trvrtiai 18 rt aataaw fat ia 7 days with iat calf. Ad dreas. at. S. Wooaaecx. CS-rTlfc. Ore- 7t The word business was first coined during the time of the Great Chauzer. It consists of the production, transportation, and distri bution of the things which are necessary to human life. Business is intelligent, useful activity. Business is a human "service, therefore idleness is a disgrace. Only the busv.nerson is happy. Our store is a radiating center of " VI. . M. V beauty, education and industry, where the welfare of the -public and employees is carefully considered. Every detail of this store's machinery has been carefully overhauled and we expect the greatest Rush of the season during this Great White Carnival. The best Values you'll see for months to come in High-grade Under-muslins, Laces and Em broiders, White Fabrics and other White Goods. Silk. Wool and Cotton G-oods both in the piece and ready to wear. 1 It's buying time now for present and future needs in White because it's saving time. The freshest, fullest stocks and the greatest values you will see again for along time are now offered you. We bought widely for this event and well. The undergarment stock is usu ally large and; select. The finest varie ties we have ever offered before ; soft, fine and carefully sized and daintily trimmed and have been purchased so fortunately as to enable us to sell them at prices rarely associated with such high grade garments. Other White Sale Goods were equally well bought and the offerings in all lines are irresistably attractive. SPECIAL DELIVERY We have employed extra help and have made arrange ments by which all purchases will be delivered the same day when so desired by our customers. Special Delivery will leave our store at 5.30 P. M. for all routes. Ins HoneSay Feb. 24th