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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1908)
THE CORMUS GAZETTE - Published Tuesday and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Compajiy. r -Tha Subscription, price of the Gaz for several years baa been, and remains ft per annum, or 25ipe cent discoant if pi l in advance. 'This paper will be continued until all arrearages are paid. MR. HENEY. ' It is exceedingly unfortunate that Mr. Heney has permitted himself directly or by implica tion to charge Senator Fulton with reprehensible and possibly criminal conduct before "the proper time comes." It would be no less - unfortunate had Mr. Heney's vague, 'mysterious, shad owy insinuations been directed upon the most humble and ob scure citizen. No public prose cutor has any right, leave or linonao tn rrrwpprl in anv flu eh manner. It is in violation of all sense of right and justice. More than this. It contributes to im pede, possibly to make 'impossi ble the administration of justice. For this reason alcne it is not only unfortunate but most repre hensible that any public prose cutor should resort to such con duct. We do not know and do not seek to know in advance of "the proper time" what evidence Mr. Heney has to implicate Mr. Fulton in wronp; doing. He may have sufficient to send the senator to prison, but the public is not a trial jury, not even a grand jury for the indictment and trial of a citizen. No man's case should be pre judged, prejudiced in public opinion. A prosecuting attorney who is really intent upon admin istering the laws in the interest of justice -will sedulously avoid doing, saying or intimating any thing that may fairly be as- scribed to his own vanity, per sonal animos-ty. or to any mo tive other than the unbiased de sire to brine wrong doers to book and mete justice unto them Mr. Henev should know, as every man in like position should, that the people do not desire in nuendos. bluff, braggadocio, but the stern, unrelenting execution of their laws against all offend ers. Whatever evidence he has against Senator 'Fulton should have been held in abeyance until the Droper time 'ame when, in the pursuit of justice, it might IKr and T.rnnprlv nflVA nppn given to the public. He must now make his vague charges good. Failure to do this will be fatal to his future usefulness as a public prosecutor and should be followed by his, withdrawal from his present office. "Some men were born great some achieve greatness; some have greatness thrust upon them" and some mistake notor iety for greatness. Oregonians will classify Mr. Heney pres ently. DISORGANIZING FORCES. What is the character of the forces now at work disorganiz ing the political parties of the country? When we say parties we have in mind but 'the two great parties which exist in the country the democratic and re publican parties. A close examination shows that these disorganizing forces may be grouped and placed in one of two classes. To the first class we may assign all those forces which have their incep tion within the party itself. These are the result of restless ambition of party leaders, mis takes in party policies and the espousal of untried and false principles. They are the growth and outcome of conditions ori ginating within the party. Be ina largely the result of imper fect, human judgment they are incidental tojall parties and not unfrequently and for extended periods greatly impair the effi ciency of the party. Sometimes, indeed, these forces destroy a party, but ordinarily they are mastered where they originated within the party. V Tn the Afcrir class we mav as- I siem all those forces which have their origin outside of the party. These are theforceswhich cannot possibly dare not form a party distinctively their own. Their f CJ A only nope 01 success lies in tneir ability to creep, unnoticed, un recognized into the camp of an organized party, gain control of its organization and machinery, and use these to work out their purposes.1 A party thus seized upon is breed away from all its basic principles, has all its best history sullied and all its time-honored traditions set at naught. All the element which heretofore have been denied the support of the party are now become its controlling force.' The founders of the party would now recog nize nothing of the party but its honored, historic name. Let honest, patriotic demo crats judge for themselves whether this is the condition of their party. Speaking to repub- icans we would warn tbem that these extraneous forces are working to gain control of their party. They care nothing for' republican principles and poHcies. The traditions, history and achievements of J;he party are notnmg to cne representa tives of these forces. They seek to gain control of the party only to advance their own purposes. Our constitutions, our laws, our customs, the very foundations of our social structure must be cast aside and something they have planned must be substituted in place thereof. Already some of the repre sentatives of these forces, mas- aueradincr a3 republicans, have sneaked into the party camp. Republicans must deny them in fluence and power, tailing in this we shall see the party honey combed with all the mischievous, un-American isims now so ram pant in the country. The Datriotic men of either party should regard witn deep suspicion any attempt to prosti tute the - party ,to destructive, base, un-American purposes. Be patient, be patienth It may be that Mr. Bourne and Attorney General Bonaparte can persuade the President to fit the office to Mr. Schuebel. Real Estate Transfers. Adam Radirto EHza P. Smith et al. lots 10, ii and 12, block 12, Co Add to Corvallis; $1. W. P. Morris and wife to L. L. Buoy, part of lot 88, block 19 Philomath; $625. C. Heim and wife to J. M Greear and wife, 380 acres near Summit; $100. Mary Clark to Willis Vidito, ivided ; 6ths interest in lot 12. block 1. Co Add to Corvallis $10. A. M. Witham to Rayal John son.part of lots 4'and5, block 13 Co Aid to Corvallis; ?io. A. M. Witham to Russell lot 9 and part of lot 8, block 13 Co Add to Corvallis; fio. Marian Wagner and husband to Mary E. Dsnnis, lot 10, block a. Chase's 1st Add to Corvallis $IO. Andrew Smith and wife to J. R. Whitney, 929.64 acres near Wells; $1. W. H. Wagner to Marian Wag ner 80 acres S of Philomath; $1. M. B. Rankin to J. L. Hart man, land in Benton county; $1. Joseph Chamberlain and wife to Eleanor B. Watkins, 18 75 acres north of Corvallis; $10. Titus Ranney to C. F. and F. C. Butler, 12 lots in block 1, Summitville; $10. All tho World t . Qt.H and Ballard's Snow Lini- nnnf a moat imrjortant part. It ha. nn aiirxirior far Rheumatism, stiff joints, cuts, sprains and all pains. Buy it. try it and you will always use it. Anv body who has need Ballard's Snow Lioa ment is a livln prool ol what it doe Buy a trial bottle. 26c 60c and $1.00 Sold by Graham A Worlham. WHO THEY ARE. Many Persons Enrolled for Spe cial Dairy Course at O. AiC About seventy-five persons are registered in the Short Coarse work that is now in progress at the O. A. C and there is great interest in the various depart part men ts. Those registered in the special dairy course are as i follows. - A. Raamussen, Junction City; G. S. 'Mangle, : Alsea; V. W. Gilkey, Port Orchard, Wash ; J. P. jacqainth, Laurel; Mrs. S. A. Yokam, Marshfield; W. H. Foster, Jewell; H. S. Smith, Newberg; C. L. Bunn, North Yamhill; W. J. Domes, -McCoy; Ralph Pyrites, Gardiner; - Nor man Knight, Salem; Caleb C. hRobinson, Arago; F. H. Pott- ratz, Mt. Angel; C. S. Olmart, Salem; Mrs. R. L. Scoggins, Laidlaw; R. N. Williamson, Roy E. Bragne, Corvallis; Edith N. Knox, Eugene, F. H. Barter, Crabtree, Chester, Johns, Glen dale; O. L. Gill, Illwaco. Wash; Alvah Caster, Coquille; Emil C. Martin, Washington county. Additional Local. A. D. Limbocker went to Portland the last of the week for a visit with relatives. Miss Sue Fisher, a former OAC girl. and Ralph A. Weaver of Ontario, Oregon, were married recently, according to in formation received in Una city. The immigration to Oregon and Wash ington this year ought to be double that of last. In no other two states has every character ot crop yielded so enormously aid commanded such a high price. Peo ple in older communities are disposed to move, ana the racinc .norinweai Bnonia get more than v its proportion of new citizens, but to accomplish this all the commercial bocies mnst-work in har mony and individuals must participate throngh private correspondence which is the strongest influence of all. LETTER LIST. The following letters remain uncalled for in the Corvallis postotfice, for tbs week ending Jan. II, 1908; j- Mrs J E Campbell, T F Churchill, Mrs Addie Goldstein. Sam Harris, Miss Rose Hiatt. Mrs Lawrence MiKenzie Watson, Mrs Chas York, 2 packages. B. W. Johnson, P. JsT- Sheep For Sale. .- Eighty haad of good ewes thoroughbred bucks. L. A. bred to Bouck, Menroe, Oregon, K.t. U, 1. Phone ltf Betlefountain. ' Tito Joy Of livin is to have eood health. Use Hnrhine and vou mill have bushels of i;v Y nn fiffla not im umc, ucnui uu w-r . .1 l V.l..n fauttnl natsi Haw that nan kulb id vuur muuiu. i wt i of Her bine, a positive cure for .11 iivAreninD ft nti. J;, uarreu, aubuu Tems. writes: I b-vre nten tier Dine ior I eladly retommend it as a tine medicine nr a ,ir. ana una 11 una roK-mwr. for iii-anensia." QOtu uy iuui Wortnam. Gray Shires For Arherica. It Is Interesting to notice that gray draft horses are much more likely to attract American and Canadian buy ers than those of any other color, and as the Shire 'breed has produced some famous animals of - this color there are naturally young descendants com ine on. and one -wonders whether it would not be a good stroke of busi ness for a feWbreeders of Shires with gray mares to mate them with stal lions of like ''hue in order to produce the favorite color for the States and Canada, says the London Live Stock Journal. It is certain that a smart wearinar class of Shire would be match for the Percherons on the west ern wheat rarms, wnere a commna tlon of weight -and activity Is needed. That there is a demand for gray stal lions, upstanding, smart and with flat, flinty bone? w hich will stand the idle ness of a Canadian winter, is certain, and unquestionably British horse breeders have the material for- produc ing them. It is well known that Lin colnshire Lad II., 1365, was a gray, and he left quite a number of descend ants of that color when he died at a good old age. Iron Chancellor's dam was by him, and this horse probably sired more grays than those of any other coloe- ' Why Beef Is High. - Beef is dear to the meat consumers of the United States because the taste for the flesh of young cows "has been cultivated to a point which among the well to do classes has reached a stage not far below the proverbial luxury of the ancient Romans. This is said to be the testimony of Ernest G. Rite man, a specialist in beef production in the department of agriculture. "Spe cialization In breeding is necessary to produce that excellence In flavor, grain and quality essential to please the pal ate of the modern epicure." WALI Through the month of January, we are making a . 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT on Figured' Wall Papers . Our spring stock is due to arriye in February and we must make room for it hy moying a lot of the patterns now on hand. Ingrains, Moires and Special Borders not included in this sale. ' January '08 is to be a Big Bargain Month at onr store. Sweeping reductions are in effect in the following lines : Combination Cases, Writing Desks,. China Closets, Reed Rockers and Art Squares. " 1 All yard wide carpets reduced to a margin that will make them go. , " January 31st is positively the last day of this reduction sale. Do not wait lor your neighbor to tell you about the bargains we are offer ing, but come and see for SAYS IT IS FACT. Graham & Wells Confirm Guar antee on Hyomei, Cure for Catarrh. The question having been raised as to whether or not Graham & Wells will, re fund the money if a Hyomei- outfit does not do all that is claimed for it m curing catarrh, they want to state positively that this guarantee is an aosoioie iauu A. guarantee like this is the best proot that can be offers as to the curative powers of Hyomei in all catarrhal troub les. You do not risk a cent in testing its healing virtues, Graham & Wells take all the risk. If you have catarrh, try this wonderful medicated air of Hyomei. - It does not drug or derange the stomach, but is hmathed throneh a neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, so that its medication reaches the most remote air cells in the nose,throat and lungs, where any catarrhal germs' may be lurking. . It quicklv destroys them, heals ana sootnes the, irritated mucous membrane and vital izes the "tissues set that catarrh is no long er possible. You can lose nothing by gfviDg Hyomei a trial, nothing but the catarrh and that is good riddance. The price of the complete outfit is but $1 00; notfcinit if it fails to cure, uet an outfUfrom Graham & Wells today and begin its use at ones. . - WORSE THAN ONIONS. Bad Breath From Indigestion Can not be Overcome With Perfumes. All of ns suffer sometimes our own from bad breath , but oftener that of oar friends. Nine-tenths of this bad breath comes from some stomach trouble, and cannot be overcome by breath perfumes or any other palliative measures. If jou occasionally have a bad breath ; if there is heart burn, flatulence and acid gu! pings ot undigested food ; ii the stom ach: burns or smarts; if there is aleeep leBsneftfc nervousness, headaches or any other ot the many By mp tons of indiges tion, use Mi-ona stomach tablets and get well. Mi-o-na is not a mere . dlgestive nor a physic but a tonic remedy that strength ens the muscles of the stomach and bowels so that the- flow of 'gastric juices is in creased and the food is digested, natural ly and does not stay in the stomach, to ferment and poison the breath. " Graham & Wells have seen so many cures made by Mi-o-na stomach tablets U;al they give a guarantee with every 50- cent box that the money will be refunded if the remedy fails to give satisfaction They take the whole risk, aTui a box of Mi o-na will not cost you a penny unless it cures you. The Best Quality of PIANOS and ORGANS At the Store of GRAHAM & WBLL' Corvallis, Oregon . CUSTOMERS Are requested to call and see them be fore pnichaaing elaewhaac THIS OLD RELIABLE HOUSE -11 their FINE-TONED IN6TUaf- MENTS FOR REASONABLE PRICES instead of charging you extra to make mp for high aity rants, railroad far and hotel bills for traveling salesman. Music Loving People Can Tjurchaae sties reliable good their home town. If there is aytkiwg yom do not understand yow will i Hie salleas near yonr home. OP PAPER yourself. HOLLENBERG & SON, The House Furnishers. SPECIAL LOW CASH PRICES On Art Squares, Carpets & Linoleums. The Sale is now on and closes Saturday, January 18th. Come first and get first choice. It will pay you toxinvestieate. A. H. KEMPIN, Opposite Corvallis Hotel. SUMMONS. In tbe Cncuit Court for the State of Oregon for Benton County. Dalila Ru4, Applicant and Plaintiff vs. - -Hannah Rowland, Potty Mitohell, heiiv-at-Ww of Uicreua Hatlock, deceased, Sua 11. Stnhau, Clautle Stranatr, Fayne Lewis, hefc-a-at-law ot E. S. btrahan, deaeaee, aud Heuy lewis, and "All fcaom it way conoem," Defendants. In tbe matter ol the application ol Dwlila Read to register the title to the i'oll-wing described teal property: Xue original D. L. C of Hainan S. Kallock and Luerttia Kallock, his wife, it being Claim No 69, being parte of Sees. 4 and a, in Town ship 11. South, Range 6 WeM ol the WiUamette Meridian Benton oounty, Oregon, described as follows, towft: Beginning at ! S. E. enror of said Sectien 4, and running t.:eitt;e u'.a'tn -.- ..i.u., east 45 chains, thence west 2T chains and U links, then-je south 44 chains and U0 links, thence north Ha deir. and 21 min West 23 char.;:. &nd 7 lii.ks. tnenve south 2C chains and 26 I" s. thence east 60 chs. and 23 links, and thence nc -0 cbaius to the place of beginning in the district of Ian-'" subject to sale at Oregon. Cits;, Or., and containing 820 acres and 26-10 of an aare. To Hannah Rowland, Polly Mitchell, Sara H. Strahan, Faytw Lewis, Henry Lewis, and "All wnom it may concern" Defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon you and each of you are hereby aammonad and vequired to appearand answer the oomplamt and aoplica tion hied against on in tbe above entitled court and cause on sr before the 2l9t day of February, 19t8, said date being six weeks from and after the date of the first publioateod of this Summons. The first publication of this summons being ou the leth day of January. 1908, aad the last publi cation thereof being on the 21st day of February, 1908, if you fail so to answer for want there of, the plaintiff and applicant will apply to the Court for the relief demanded and prayed te in said complaint and application, to-wii, for a decree declaring, determining and adjadging that (he defendants and each of ahem, and "All whom it ma) concern" have no estate, right, title or ia terent in and to the foilowincr deeeribed real prop erty towit: Phe original D L C of Heman. S. Haliock and Lucre tia Hallcck. his wife, it being Claim No. S0, being parts of Sees. 4 acid 0 in Townsip 11, South, lunge 6 West of the Tt uiaroeilie Jariuin, on) uu wwny, uif uu, w scribed as follows, towit: Beginning at tbe S. E. corner ol saia sec 4 ana running uience nurca jk minutes east 4 chains, thanae west 7 chains and SO links, thence eoath 44 chains and 00 links, thence north 89 deg and !H minutes west 28 chains and 67 links, theme south !Mi chains and 26 links thence east 60 chains and S3 links and thenee north 16 chains to the place at Dagmiung in sae district of lands subject to sale at Oregon uity. ure gon, and containing 3C0 acres - and 26-100 of an acre, at law or in equity in possession, eapec tancf reversion or remainder and that you and each ol you be forever concluded, enjoioed and de-' iKirrwi qum aseerung anv ciaim wiuiwuww ur all in or to said real property adverse to the plain tiff aud applicant; that the Court by such decrse find and declare the title or interest of tbe appli cant in the said real property and decree that she is the sole and only owner and person who has an interest in said land as in the application prayed for, and further by such dears order the Regis trar of titles in and- for the county of Benton and State of Oregon to register the title to said prop erty as found by the ,deoree of said Court and for sach other and further relief as the Court may deem meet, and.equi table, ia the premises. This Hummoaa ia served uuon vou bs publication thereof by order of Honorable E. Woodward, Judge or. me county conn 01 uie omtc ui umwi. for Benton county made on the titb day of January, WU8, directing publication thereof ence a weeE tor six consecutive and successive weeks in the Cor vallis Uazette, said Corvallis C alette being a news paper ol general circulation aad published veekly at Corvallis, Benton county, State of Oregon. First publication January 10, 1908. . . J. F. YATES, Attorney far Plaintiff, and Applicant. Why Should your baby suffer? When he is fretful and restless, don't experiment on him and use any old thing yoar neighbor recommends. Buy a bottle of White's Cream Vermifuge, greatest known worm medicine and cure for ail children's dis eases. It is mild in its action, builds np the system, makes thin puny babies fat. Mrs.'J..C. Smith, Tampa, Fla.. writes: '-My baby was thin and eickly, could not retain ita food and cried all night. I used one bottle of White's Cream Vermi fuge and in a few days baby was laugh ing happy and well." Sold by Graham & Wortham. Jersey Bull For Sale. Descended from Grand Coin and Gold en Glow ; imported tow testing 13 lbs . batcer fat in 7 days, with first calf. AoV drees, JA, S. jVooccocK. Oorvaliia. Ore gon. 72 t ' Carrie Nation Certainly smashed a hole in the oar roocrte of Kansas, but Ballard's Hore. hound Syruo has smashed ail records aa a cure for couh. Bronchitis, Iufloenza and all Pulmonary diseases. T. C. H , ri irton, Kansas, wiites: "I have never luuod a medicine that would cure a cough so quickly as Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I have used it for years." Sold bv Graham & Wortham. G vn YourHome tub First - National Z- Bank of OorvalUa hM sotn TO WH L O TSl Near the gState Agricaltatral College which you can buy on the INSTALL MENT PLAN ot fer oaah. Save Ton or Twenty Dollar per month aad pay the same en a mn lot Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOJfE on the lot and eoatinaa to make these small wstatthly fameata oat the karae and yea will soon have tit Sfaid fcr aad have no mora rant to pay. Far iafanaatiaai address IV. Um SAVAG OorvaHmu Or ' Trade Marks Designs 1m Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch arid description ma aulcklr ascertain onr opinion free whether an fnventlon Is probably patentable. Commnnlca. uJnTstrictlyconfldentuU. HANDBOOK on Patent sent free. Oldest agency for securnigpatents. rXtanta taken through Munn Co. receive tpevHal notice, without charge. In the Sdetliiftc fltnerieatu A handsomely flrastrated weekly. CTlatlon of any sclentiflo Journal. Terms, a. year: fonr months. L Sold brail newsdealers. kNN & Co fig Ygrk HOMESICK! ARE YOU GOING EAST? We can save Vou money on freighting household goods. Write us for rates and other particular!, Oregon auto-despatch Co. 27 NUT STREET fOsTUsi. OIE80K vtsVAAeLsLc- 60 YEARS' V1 EXPERIENCE n " I All