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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1907)
Vol. XLTV. No. or v Corvaijis Benton County, Qregont Tuesday, November 2B, lfMT. ITUDSSSIHIBEBE irteaah. lO to more, money for tot to Jip, Ifnrajmd Bid to ratti WE BUY for, .pot "-A. .SS.Bi " " - a am u EdKk HllNTfcRS'&TRArrtrlo UUIUHiui,wi 450 MM. lUwr boond. B Uiinr the robjeet writtm. nitoiiw ! J"'"'- iwT,-r.- Sr. Deccn. Trw. 0. L.. How and rtn to top. urf .to b BMt nt m to ni tn'i h iihtfl griff oec UfOfci ip i imwimi."ssw BELT BUCKLES, BACK COMBS and BRACELETS. ..All Styles and Prices PRATT, The Jeweler and Optician. JUST RECEIVED, A SHIPMENT OF TEDDY BEARS, PASTEL AND. OTHER FINE PICTURES IN FRAMES, A PRETTY WEDDING. Prominent Young Couple Wed dedBoth of Benton. - AT 0. J. BLACKLEDGE'S Furniture Store You Ts&ko When You Bisy G racer ecs A t This Store All our goods are guaranteed to comply with the Pure Food Law We have the best and nothing but the best, -The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Finley in Corvallis was the scene of a very pretty wedding Thursday- evening, when their beautiful and accompnsnea daughter, Miss Edna Finley, was united in marriage to Jonn Buchanan, a prosperous young man of southern Benton. S As the melodious strains of the wedding march played by Miss Marv Cauthorn, filled the rooms, the young couple, unat tended, entered the parlors, - pre ceded by two young girl ushexs, Misses Evelyn Cathey and Har riet Foster, and were made hus band and wife by Rev. C L. McCausland. The bride was beautifully at tired in a costume of clinging white, with veil,., .and - made a lovely picture. Her bouquet was white carnations. The dec orations in the rooms were very pretty, consisting of chrysanthe mums and autumn leaves. Followinp- congratulations, a sumptuous wedding supper was served. Mrs. Henry Veatch of Cottage Grove and Mrs. Edwin W. Jones of Portland presiding, assisted by Evelyn Catney ana Harriet Foster. The presents bestowed on the young couple weie numerous and beautiful. Both bride and groom are gradu ates f the Oieeon Agricultural CVil Vtre. both are members of prominent and highly respected Rpntnn conntv fannies, ana a wide circle oi friends join in con eratulations and eocd wishes Mr. and Mrs. Uucnanan ien Thursdav evening for their home south of Corvallis, where a new house, newly furnished, awaited them. College management, thus pro fessionalizing bim. "Hardy is objected to because he is now receiving money from the State of Washington for in structional work at the Washing ton State College. He is on the faculty and is not a bona fide stu dent. ' Rader is objected -to on the ground that be received money for playing football at Willamette, which fact is known and acknowledged by the Wash ington State College. "The foregoing statement was made to the Washington State College last week. Notwith standing this they have brought the men. : We shall play them because of the existing contract, but future games cannot be assur ed until a clean team of bona fide students is representing Washing ton State College." "The Sunny Side of Broadway." We Warn Your Business THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE Eiks Building, Portland, Oregon OUR FACULTY IS STRONGER THAN EVER We have just secured the s-rvlces of two high-salaried, i radical men, as well as leading business educators, from the East We leave no stooe unturned. We are now giving you the best tbet money can produce. K. W. SltHNltl.Prea Send For Cataleau. I.M.WALKER, Prln , Own YourHome A Good Trade. First - National -Bank of Corvallis has some TO WN IOITS Near the State Agricultural College which you can buy on the INSTALL MENT PLAN or for cash. Savo Ton or Twenty Dollars per mouth and pay the same on a town lot. Thereafter BUILD YOUR HOME .on the lot and continue to make these mall monthly payments on the home nd you will soon have it paid for and have no more rent to pay. Forjinformation address W. H. SAVAG. Corvallis, Or Printer Wanted. la the Corrallia Gazette offioe a Rood, all-round, thoroughly experienced print r. Mutt be industrious, steady, free from all atisanlanta and able to produce profits. A young or middle aged mar ried man preferred. State age. ezperi references, wages desired and all Baaaatary information. Ad draw OarralUa Oaaette. P. O. Box 26, CorvaV Murray and Mack who have won fame and fortune back oi the footlights for years and who are well known to local theatre goers, are coming to the opera house on next Monday Decem ber 2, in tbeir latest musical comedv "The Sunny Side of Broadwayi" These ever popular comedians are surrounded this year by a company of forty people including the charming beauty chorus. Pretty girls that can sing and dance, comedians that are truly funny, elaborate scenery, gorgeous costumes, are; features of this attraction. The musical Dart ot the program is the best ever given in this city, containing twenty two numbers of the latest music. The reserve seat sale opens Friday morning, prices 50, 75 and 1. 00. This company plays the leading theatres in the cities and the management jjuarantees a firstciass performance. Get Redely for The Big Skating Masquerade AT THE ' Corvallis Kink, Tuesday Eve. Nov. 26. Four Big Turkeys " will be given away as prizes One turkey to the best representative re gardless of skating and one to each 'of the three best couples Admission 2.5 For Skates 25, I I I Residence Burned. on The country residence of E. W. Fisher, north of . Corvallis, hurned about eleven o'clock Friday forenoon. A 'phone mes sage to the Gazette at that hour announced that the structure was then in flames, and later particu lars related that nothing of any consequence was saved. - . . . . Mr. Fisher and a son reside the place and both were at home at the time, but neither knew that the house was afire un til warned by seme youthful hunters who saw the flames on the roof, while passing through a nearby field. The dwelling was a very good one and the loss is estimated at about i.30. The origin of the fire is not known, but pro bably caught from the flue. CALL CHERRY A "RINGER." PHILOMATH SNAPSHOTS. Funeral of Mrs. Porter Thanks giving Birds Being Shipped Other News. Everv boy. no matter how rich or how poor .bis ancestry, should 'earn thorough ly some good trade, so that if his cirenm. Btancrs become reversed at any time he could in mediately do service at his trade and etert again on a successful road to prosperity. The printing trade is not only artistic when completely learned, but it is also highly educational in every particular, and one of the best trades that anyone cap learn, ae opportunity for labor is ever ready each working day in the year. There is one of the best opportunities in a'l the land for a young man of steady habits, good principles, well ecorated bavins a will to work and excel, to learn the printing trade in the Gazette office Proper explanation ' will be given on ap plication .flTtf There Is no Reason. Declare He Failed at OAC and As sumed Fictitious Name. Whv yonr baby should be thin, and fretful daring the night. Worms are the. cause of thin, sickly babies- It is natur al that a healthy baby should be fat and sleep well. If your baby does not retain ita food, .don't experiment with colic cure and other medicine, but try a bot tle of 'White's Cream Vermifuge, and yon will soon see your babv have color and laogh ea it -should, v Sold by Graham t Wortham. , , . The for Job Work. A bit of news that is of much interest in Corvallis because Cherry, the old OAC football man, figures in it, comes in a dis patch from Seattle, as follows: Before the Washington, and Pullman game, the University of Washington faculty athletic com mittee gave out .for publication a statement to the effect that here after no intercellegiate relations will be held between the two in stitutions. This stand was" taken because the faculty has positive information that three of the Pull man players are ringers. The game would not have been played but for the fact that a binding xcontract existed, and , a cancellation of the contest would have disappointed hundreds jot fans. The athletic committee makes the following charges: "Cherry is objected to because he failed completely at Cfcegort AgricuUnralCoUege lastearDd has not;badUiinetO;mAke lecptd at- WashrOgtou Stat College., The secondobjection to this Br is that kis name was given oat ts Pariah, vltfc the knowledge nd appttl of foWwHictrm Sfatrlthmt ttaapa The time ol ye Philomath scribe is verv limited at present, but a lew items from our b-isy Dur mav be tetter appreciated than J M none. Thanksgiving time is near at hand and a numoer oi.tne resi dents in the vicinity of Philo maih are busily engaged in pre paring a quantity of our Nation al Thanksgiving fowl for market. Among the private shippers are, Mrs. Willis Scott, Mrs. Mary Felger. Mrs.-Don Woodward and Minna Wvatt. These alone will probably ship between one hun dred and fiftv to 200 fowls. Mrs. Wvatt will also ship be tween fiftv ancrone hundred at Christmas time. Mr. and Mrs. Vosberg of the Everereen neighborhood have been visiting relatives in fort land, Astoria and Washington. , Mr. G. W. and Miss Eva Wvatt were business visitors m Corvallis last Thursday. Last Friday Rev.R. E. Brown accompanied by his wife, drove through, the country inquiring for hav. for bis son, Prof. Earl Brown . of Monroe. Hay for market seems to be scarce. Frank and George Wyatt made a final trip in search of one spotted steer that was lost en route from the snmmit of Mt. Chintimini. J. G. Springer visited over night with his daughters, Evadna and Vera Springer in , Philomath last Wednesday night. The - rain of the . past week gave Road Supervisor j. R. Feh ler plenty: 7 pf employment in opening drain ditches along the ; pftblic'highway.' 'N " " . ' Several weekavaeo -.wetecorded e mysterion demise of calf j k.nncTto- tfc IT.. Moses. A deaden the barn with symptoms of poisoqing apparent. Is it pos sible that we have such a vile miscreant or miscreants within our borders? The Misses Cleona -and Eliza Dewitt have been prospecting to secure rooms in the burg for the purpose ot permitting their younger sisters to attend the Philomath public schools. The burial of Mrs. Martha Porter occurred last, Thursday at the Mt. Union cemetery. Mrs. Porter died last Wednesday at the home of her son. M. M. Por ter of Pleasant Valley, of inter nal cancers with which she had been afflicted for a long time. She had gradually become worse, but within the past month grew worse very rapidly, until deatb came to her relief. Mrs. Porter, was an Oregon pioneer, and ' her neighbors testify that her in fluence for good spread through out the neighborhood in which she dwelt. "Mrs. Porter gave birth to live children, three of whom are living, M. M. or "Buck" of Pleasant Valley, and Jesse and John Porter of Belle fountain. . Rev. Handsaker of Corvallis conducted the funeral services at Plymouihchurcb. His address to those present was much appreciated in being appro priate and well chosen. After the services the funeral cortege wended its way to the cemetery where the last sad rites were rendered by loving iriends and neighbors of the departed and the bereaved relatives. After the funeral ' list Thurs day, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Henkle, two of our honored pioneers, drove to Corvallis to visit with Mr. Henkle?s : sister "Aunt" Marv King at the home of John Wells; They visited overnight with Mr. Heukle's daughter Mrs. John Wyatt, returci ig home Friday. MUCH CONCERN FELT. Ordinary Methods for Treating Catarrh Prove Unsuccessful. Kecent statistic showing an increase in catarrh has shaken the confidence of ) medical men in the usual prescriptions to safeguard human health from the ravages of this disease. When stomach dosing proved ineffec tive, it was natmal to look for some other treatment, and it is believed that in Hyo- mei an absolute cure for all catarrhal troubles bad at lsdt been found. Breathed through a neat pocket inhaler, Ub healing medication reaches every spot where thf re are catarrhal germs, destroys them, prevents their future growth, and soothes the irritated mucous membrance so that relief is felt almost instantly, while last ing cure is practically sure to follow. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00, and is sold by Graham & Wells under an absolute guarantee to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. It is the only cure for catai rh that has ever been sold under a guarantee to coat nnthinir unless it cures, but Graham & Wells have so much faith in its power to cure all catarrhal troubles that they are willing to take the risk, so if Hyomei, does not help you, there will not be a penny's expense. Get an outht at once on this liberal plan. found :New .Jersey has .adopted , an amendment to the divorce laws of that state which provides that where suit is brought for a cause arising in another state divorce will be refused if the offense is not by statute declared sufficient in . the commonwealth where committed.. Thus where a New Yorker has been deserted he can not take a trip aito New Jersey with assurance of relief from the matrimonial bonds. It would be commendable if other states would, adopt such a law. CASTOR I A ?a Haw Alwajs Bosglit White Sewing Machines. We have secured the agency foi the celebrated While Sewing Machines. Mrs Schubert demonstrates in our Ladies Ready-to Wear department. 87.98 J. M. Nolan & Son. A. Host Valuable Agent, The glyceric employed in Dr. Pierce's medicines greatly enhances the medicinal properties which it extracts from native medicinal roots and . holds in solution much better than alcohol would. It also possesses medicinal properties of its own, being- a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and antiferment. It adds greatly to the efficacy of the Black Cherry bark, Bloodroot, Golden Seal root, Stona root and Queen's root, contained in Golden Medical Discovery "In subduing chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial throat and lung affections, for all of which these agents are recommended by stand ard medical authorities. - In all cases where there is a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak . stomacli, as In the early stages of cocv sumption, there can be no doubt that gly cerineacts as a Valuable nutritive and : aids Jme Golden Seal root. Stone root,. Queeh!s root and Black Cherrybark iu. promoting Aigestion and building up tha flesh anVtstrcngth, controlling the cough and bringing about a healthy condition: of the while system. . Of course, it must not be ejfaectea to work miracles. It will -not cure tabnsumption except In its earlier stages. It will cyr vprv severe- nfrstj nate. hang-iTn. chronic rnnyhg. hronehial anu laryngeal trnntilps. and chronic sore turn 1. wllli hoarseness. In acute cougns It is not so etiective. it Is In the luiKerm hang-on conghs, or those of long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that it has performed its most marvelous cures. Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Ben nett Med. College, Chicago, says of gly cerine: In dyspepsia it serves an excellent purposo. Holding a. fixed quantity ot the peroxide of hydrogen in solution, it is one of the best manufactured products of tiie present time la Its action upon enfeebled, disordered stom achs, eaueeially U tbare is ulceration or csy tarroai lutntu teatuTOai innammanon ot 1), it is a.moM efficient preparation. lT d iajim .1.11. it. j. m rUiVW. miKmub jprwji-rMjnii. Glycerine will relieve many eases of nyroKia (heartburn) and. exceaaiye gastric, (stomach) acidity." - ; ktdw Medical Dlaeowy nrlchaa ad porMes the blood curiae- blotch .- pimples. 1 .Ssjto J'yjjlareeioj nffsJev H. T . for free bseklet tsBtea all abanfethe naUa taedtciaal roots cosoposlna- akls wustasltsj Tbat M as alnsai la. aV