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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1907)
Best Advertising Medium. Leading Corrallis Newspaper. Cobvalms. Benton County, Oregon, Friday. Nomx'eber t", IOOT. NO. 04 Vol. XLIV. WE BUY FUG3SIH10B2ES tor .not cash. 10 to 50 more money for yon to W.mVlK" " Suathomo Write for Price List. Marketport. bWpmg Ia andahont f HUNTERS'&TRAKPtKJ'aUIUt.0ooBiS: bcsotifnl R..l. Our JUtnetic Bail.nd Decoy fiSSrS25? BidwwdFanloiuaiiacetlusiwstfncM. ""-- , - OAC MEN TO 'SPEAK. iAlso Senator Johnson At Good i Roads Meeting in Portland. rbottl. Ship toot SPENCER'S Hair Invigorator ' And Dandruff ErttfFcstcr I 1 falr fisiorw i a. ir - 3 A Good Trade. Every boy. do matter how rich or how lonr his ancestry, Rhonlri 'earn thorough ly pome eood trade, so that if his circum stances become reversed at any time he could immediately do service at his trade air4 Kturt atfsin mi swcessfnl road to prosperity. The printing trade is not orlj artistic when completely learned, hut it is also highly educational in every particular, and one of the best trades that arnone can leain, as opportunity for labor is ever ready each working day in the year. 1 Tr ere is one of the liest opportunities in a"l the land for a young man cf steady habits gocd principli s, well educated having a will to work and excel, to learn the printing tiade in the Gazette ofFce Propr r explanation will be given on p pliiation. 67tf Price, - Fifty ZzMa Manufactured by The Vegetable Compound Compeny Cervsllis, Oregon ot The for Job Work. BELT BUCKLES, BACK COMBS asid BRACELETS.. .AS! Styles and Pricss PRATT, The Jeweler and Optician. Swell Line of VJall Paper and New Wicker Chairs AT Hon. John H. Scott, President of tbe Oregon Good Roads Associ ation, has prepared a magnificent program for the good roads meet ing to be held at the Portland Commeicial Club beginning Thursday. November 14th, at t o'clock d. m. The meeting will be opened by addresses of welcome by Mayor Lane and Tom Richardson, with response by Judge Scott The addresses for the afternoon will be Hon Wilber K. Newell, Judge Altred Battles, President King countv Washington, Good Roads Association. Tudee Thomas F. RyaD, of Clackmas county, Ex Governor T. T Geer, and Hon, Tames H. McDonald, President American Road Makers Associa tion and Highway Commission of Connecticut Thursday evening at 7:30 there will be a stereopticon leci ure by Hon. Samuel C. Lancaster United Stales Government Engineer, followed by refresh rsents, music and speeches, a which Judge Webster will pre side a3 toastmaster. The convention will re-assem ble Friday morning, November 15th, at 9 o'clock and the list of speakers tonne morning seiou includes Professor Skelton,ot the Oregon Agriculturial college, Dr. Willis B. Morse, ot Salem, presi dent Campbell of the State Uni versitv,, Hon. Samne Hill, Presi dent Washington Good Roads Association, Dr. James Wbithy combe, and Hon. Jehn H. Albert. Friday afternoon Senator J ohn- r . T.-J son, ot tsenton county, juugc Webster, of Multnomah county, Addison Bennett of the "Irngon Irrigator," Dr. Andrew C. Smith, of Portland. President Coleman of Willamette University, and Senator Kay of Marion county, will talk, followed by reports ot committees, election of officers, and an automobile ride to Kelly Butte. THANKSGIVING APPEAL From The Boys' and Girls' Aid Society. t has handled and. cared for dur ing the period of its existence. It is supported bv s'ate and coun tv aid and charitable contribu tions, and 'this time ot the ye-ir it is reaching out and. asking every person who is a friend to the ' institution or , to destitute children to put the r -hands in their pockets end make a small donation of money or to send to the home in Portland, Oregon, some article- of provisions can ned fruit, vegetables, or anything that would be useful in the house hold, f At every county seat there is an Advisory Board whose busi ness it is to look after the inter est of the society and its wards who are placed in family homes. In this county Mrs. J. H. Harris at Corvallis, Oregon, is the sec retary, and any person who has anything to donate can find out where to deliver the same by phoning to this address. . The railroad companies and steamboats throughout the state have co-operated with the society so far as ' to say that they will deadhead all supplies sent to them fiom any source during Thanksgiving. Therefore, it is hoped that this city and county will at least do their share for the good of the little ones who are dependent on charity for support. IN HER HONOR. Popular Corvallis GirJ is "Show ered" -Pleasant Social Event "Human Hearts. 0. J. BLACKLEDGE'S Furniture Store You Take No Chances When You Buy Groceries At This Store All our goods are guaranteed to comply with the Pure Food Law We have the best and nothing but the best. We WantYour Business Nodes Grocery Strong, stirring dramatic situ ations, tbrihng climaxes, a love storv of absorbing interest, amus ing natural and unlorced comedy scene?, allied with a plot that can be followed by everybody are the really component parts of a successful melodrama. Add to the above wealth of scenic s plen dor, new and intricate mechani cal devices and a company ot surperior excellence, and the reason for the universal success of "Human Hearts" is found. "Human Hearts" is possibly the most successful and meritori ous melodrama oa the stage to day, and it will be shown to our play-goers on next Wednesday night November 20. The reserve seat sale opens Monday morning. Miss Julia Fuller, whose mar riage to J. C. Clark of Portland occurs on the 28th, was the honor guest at a "miscellaneous show er" given by Miss Mabelle Keady at her home on Ninth street, Monday evening. Miss Keady,' who is a charming hostess on all occasions, was assisted in receiv ing' by Miss Marx Sutherland. i he rooms were prettily deco rated with ferns and chrysanthe mums. In tbe dining room a pretty idea was carried out, a tittle red he,art, with an appropri ate motto, being tied by means of a red ribbon to a festoon above the table containing the presents. The guests passed about the table, viewed the "shower," de tached a heart as a souvenir, and passed on into the parlor where they were pleasantly entertained by a number ot vocal selections by Miss Mabel Keady. The program rendered includ ed an instrumental duet by Misses Lois Pratt and Greeta Grav ; read ing, Miss Laura Pratt; solo, "Cheer up, Julia," Miss Mabelle Keady; and two games followed, one being "A Contest -f Hearts" and the other "A Contest ot Matrimony." Miss Grace Gill captured the prifce of the evening. A delicious luncheoa concluded this very hapny event. 1 Miss Fuller received a large number of very beautiful presents. The guests were: Mesdames G. B. Keady, G. W. Fuller, Arthur Keady and C. E. Cummings; Misses Maud Mattley, Anna Lindgren, Letha and Vena Rjcs ard, Cleo and Z'eeta Johnson, Grace and Itnogene Gill, Georgia White, Edyth Keady, Louise and Cecil Irwin, Ethel Alexander, Mabelle Keady, Laura and Lois Pratt, Mary and Mrgaret South erland, Francis Belknap, Greeta Gray, Hazel Raber, Ethel Ber man, Ina True and Jessie Keady. Club's monthly dinner tomorro r night will . discuss how Oregon ' advertised. In addition to local speakets John H. Hortog, j'ist elected secretary of the Eugen ; Commerical Clnb, John H. Whyte, Manager Astoria Cham ber Commerce, and speaker i from, several other points accom-. panied bv delegations, . will bs present, in addition to prominent Portland business men. There will be a special excur sion of Portland business men t Mosier, Saturday, the 16th, to attend the meeting to be held Saturday evening. "We t ike clearing house certi ficates" is a sign now to be seen in the show windows of almost every Portland business housr. The financial sky is clearing and there is every prospect that two weeks more will see conditions normal. BEST OF PROOF. That HyomeiWill Cure all Forms of Catarrhal Diseases. Oregon News Notes. Testimonials could be printed by the thousands, many of them from Corvallis and nearor towns, that Hyomei is an absolute cure for all catarrhal troubles, but. the best proot of its nnusual curative powers is the guarantee that Graham & Wells give with every outfit that they sell, "Money back if Hyo nei does not do all that is claimed for it." Hyomei is not secret remedy. Its formula is given freely to physicians who want to know what they use when they preset ibe Hyomei. It is guaranteed un der tba Pure Food and Drug Law by serial No. 1418. By breathing Hyomei, the healing medication goes directly to every nook and corner of the air passages where the catarrhal germs may lurk, and disinfects and heals. To be convinced of this you. have only to give it a trial, remembering that if it does not cure, Graham & Wells will refund your money. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00, and in most cases is sufficient to cure the disease, making it not only a scientific treatment but one that is highly economical. Get an outfit today from Graham & Wells if you have any catarrh. Printer Wanted. 1 THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 H Elks Building, Portland, Oregon h I CONSTANTLY GROWING 1 M 1902-1003 - - - - 2S6 pupils . 1 905-1906 - - - 681 pupils H I 1 903-1904 - - - - 3S7 pupils 1906-1S07 - - - 842 pupils H I 1904-1S05 - - - - 4S3 pupils Estimated 1S0S-190S - - - iooo pupils B M H. W. BEHKKE. Pits. Send For Catalogue. I- M. WALKER, Prin M Jersey Bull For Sale. IVscended from Grand Coin and Gold en Glow; imported cow testing IS lbs. butter fat, in 7 days, with first calf. Ad dress, M.J3. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore gon. N 72t White Sewing Machines. We have secured the agencr fot the celebrated White Sewing Machines. Mrs. Schnbert detnot strates in our Ladies Ready-to-Wear department. S7 sS J. M. Kolas & Son, I Those who are acquainted with the methods and the good work accomplished by the boys' and girls' Aid Society n rescuing and caring tor the dependent and delinquent children ot the state, it is unnecessary to say anything but that the Society needs the assistance of the public at Thanksgiving, but as there may oe many who have not studied the work or had occasion to know of some good accomplish ed, ic would be well to say that this society is located in tbe city of Portland but cares for all child ren throughout the State of Ore gon who are in need. The seciety oas never been known to refuse admission to any child provided it is healthy and one that can be placed out in a private home. Neither has it refused to accept any boy or girl who through in corrigibility has rendered him self beyond the control of his parents and for whom, at an early date, the Reform school, or worse, the penitentiary, would open its doors. But in order to defend this class and keep them form a penal institution, the boys and girls' Aid Society's agent comes along atd takes the boy or girl in charge and retains his custody until they have ascertain ed if there is any chance for re- foimation, and if so the child is directed in the right path and so saved from having the disgrace 0 being committed to a penal institution. But, if it be found, on the other hand, that the child is a degenerate audits association with other children is hurtful, then it is placed in some institu tion organized for the purpos? of caring for that class ot children. The society has on its files at Portland, Oregon 3253 cases that In the Corvallis Gazette office a good, all-round, thoroughly experienced print er. Must be industrious, steady, free from all stimulants and able to produce profits. A young or middle aged mar ried man preferred. State age, experi ence, references, wages desired and all other necessary information, Address Corvallis Gazette, P. O. Box 26, Corval lis, Orfgon. 89 ct" The horse show which closed Saturday at Portland was a tre mendous success, and the Oregon animals on display as well as the show itself was voted by Dr. Withycombe as just as good, if not as large, as the one in New York City. The Portland Commerical There is no Reason. Whv your baby should be thin, end fretful during the night. Worms are the cause of thin, sickly babies- It is natur al that a healthy baby should be fat and sleep well. If your baby does not retain its food, don't experiment with colic cures and other medicine, but try a bot tle of White's Cream Veroiifugs, and you will soon see your babv have color and laugh as it should. Sold by Graham & Wortham. BUY Y(UJR PffJMMGD PJ&W $50 to $100 Can be saved if you purchase a piano of us inside of the next ten days. We have secured the agency in this territory for the Eiler line of pianos and organs and we are going to sell a limited number at wholesale prices for advertising pur poses. ' x Exclusive agents for 38 makes of pianos including such standard makes as Chickering & Sons, Kimball, Weber, Hobert M. Cable, Marshal & Wendel, Eiler Bros. etc. Also "the Crown, Kimball and Burdett organs. If you are thinking of ever going to buy a piano or organ come in and at least look at our prices. Terms Matte to Suit the Purchaser Mr. R. L. Burton, representative of Eiler's Piano House of Portland will conduct our sale. Store Next Door to the Postoffice R. F. BAKER St Corvallis SON Oregon