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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1907)
Leading Corvailis Newspaper. Best Advertising Medium. Vol. XI -IV. CoRVAiJiis, Benton County, Oregon, Tjjesday. October 32, IJMVT. NO. 8T frOfRSslHlIllES WE BUY for spot cash. ell at ftome. w nw ior rnwj - WfOoi HUNTEnb fill MArrcno SSriS r. bz. more, money for yon to ship Haw Fnre and Hide, to tu uua w it for Price List Murket Report. Sbippmg I anasoouv our 4TiO pwM. leather bound. Bert t If. . nwUr dop-li.. fric.. . To '"""j' T Mssftil tnnrar. beautiful K"ie. our mkd- "r- . il lh.nt 71 SPENCER'S Hair Invigorator And Dandruff Eurifcatcr t" My a 5 2 " Price, fifty Cents Manufactured by The Vegetable Compound Company Corvallls, Oregon 91 All Signs Indicate Rajn. It is Bound to Come; Get Ready for It Go to Albert J. Metzger's and get an UMBRELLA with a DETACHABLE HANDLE He has a fine stock of handles of artistic designs in Cold Of Silver. They last a life time, are beautiful, convenient and economical. Occidental Bldg. BURNED THEIR CLOTHES. And Frightened tbe Inhabitants. Fire at Waldo Hall. Napoleon Bonaparte Showed, at the cattle of Austeriitz, he was the greatest leader in the world. Ballard's Show Liniment bus shown tl e pub'ic it is the best Liniment in tbe world. A quick cure for Rheumatism, Sprains, Burns, Cots, etc. A. C. Pitts, Rodeepa, La., sajB: ' I use Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family and find it unexcelled for Fore chest, headache, corns, in fact tor anything that can be reached hy a liniment. ' Sold by Graham & Worths m. , The Gazette for Job Work. TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, Ll B., PRINCIPAL Educates for success in a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation for "thorough work brings us over 100 calls per month for office help. Individual in struction insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the Voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ; easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free Write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper In Portland. n A "fire alarm at noon Friday Called out the fire department and caused considerable excite ment when it became known that Waldo Hall, the handsome new dormitory at OAC was the scene of the conflagration. Just how the fire originated is not known although the suppos tion is that rags uced in cleaning a lamp had been left in the closet, spontaneous combustion result ing. The closet was a mass of flames before the fire was discov ered, the great heat bursting the transom over the door. The closet was in a suite of rooms belonging to Misses Jessie and Gertie Davidson of lone, and Miss Faye Roderick, the well known basketball girl, of Irrigon. All of the clothing belonging to the three girls was hanging in this large, roomy closet and their trunks and telescopes were also stored therein. Everything was completely destroyed leaving the girls with only the apparel they were wearing at the time. The interior of oue 100m was badly damaged, tbe plastering torn off and havoc wrought in general. The remarkable feature in the case is that there was practically no wafer in the Hall save that in the kitchen which was cariied in by three-fourth inch pipes for cooking purposes. The efforts of the fire department were there fore unavailing, as water had to be carried by hand lrom the kitchen upstairs to extinguish tbe flames. It is probabe that no further delay will occur in sup plying the Hall with plenty of piping: and faucets, which is, of course, the intention. It is fortunate the affair of Friday was not more serious in its consequences, as under cue circumstances it might have been a shocking calamity. of these children are "not engaged in work of any kind, but in many cists are loaming idly about town. The school directors of district No. five in this city hnve taken tne matter in- nana and have ap pointed City Marshal W. A. Mc Clain to round up these children not attending school and discover the reason why they do not at tend school. The other school authorities-here have aroused to this deplorable condition exist ing and immediate steps will be taken to see that tbe trnant child ren attend some school or other. OAC EASY WINNER. Rolled up Big Score in First Game of Season. NEW MINERAL IN ALASKA. Has Consistency of Chalk and is Indigo Blue in Color. A recent discovery 125 miles below Rampart on the Yukon has aroused intense interest in the North. . Tames Langford, a Ram Dart pioneer, has found a vein of mineral of tbe consistency play was made by Rinebart, who of chalk and of indigo blue in sped down the field o yards for BELT BUCKLES, BACK COMBS and , BRACELETS...AII Styles and Prices : ' PRATT, The Jeweler and Optician. Swell Line of Wall Paper and New Wicker Chairs AT 0. J. BLACKLEDGE'S Furnure stora You Take No Chances When You Buy Groceries At This Store I All our goods are guaranteed to comply with the Pure Food Law We have the best; and nothing but the best. color. It can be used as ordin ary chalk. None ot the Alaskan mineralogist can identify if -and I is being sent to Seattle tor an alysis. There is now in Alaska prob ably a dozen unidentified speci mens of minerals and one of the many benefits to Alaska and Yukon of the Alaska-Yukon-Pa cific Exposition, which will be held at Seatt'e in 1909, will be assemblies: and classifying of these now unknown specimens. In many cases the owners of the veins of unidentified minerals be- eving that thev stand a chance of winning great wealth as theii nd may be some hitherto undis covered combinalion. As origin al research work will go on1 all the time the exposition is in pro- a touchdown. The goal kicking by Wolfe was a feature of the game, The second half was mostly punting, and the head work 01 Gagnon in meeting emergencies. catching and running in punts has been very highly com pa mented by those who saw the game, eox Astoria, Hoover was was the star player. The line up was: Bobbin R E McAndrews Emily ..... L E Hoo,ver Jamison R T Mirad Bennett L T Bays Barber R G Benson Fendergrass L G Grimes Kelley '. C Morrison Gagnon Q Hughes Wolfe F B Stebins Rinehart R H Carlson gress one of tbe first duties of the Cooper L H Graham savants in charge of this branch Referee, Moullin will be the identifing of these unknown elements or combina tions, and the adapting of them to some commercial purpose. Tonight, Usual interest is being manl fested in the engagement of the Thorns and Orange Blossoms" company at tbe opera house to night. The entire production is the same that made such a re markable impression at the Acad emy ot Music at Chicago. The scenery is newly painted ana forms . an endless variety of picturesque places. Tbe play tells a story of intense interest to all classes. While in co wise a problem play, still the theme treats of a girl's contempt for the English aristocracy. Lrove, honor, pathos and comedy in geniously mixed with the result that "Thorns and Orange Bios soms" approaches the finest story ever written on the subject of emotional events. Seats selling at usual place. .Prices 35. 50 and 75. Corvallis and Albany Schools, We Want Your Business Modes Grocery For Business Advertise It is stated that so far mvesti pation has failed to show that here is a single'child in Corvallis between the ages of 9 to 14 years who is not in school or profitably employed as by law required, This is in striking contrast to ao item in Saturday's Albany Herald which says: A most startling situation and one wnicn aemancs immediate attention on the part of the school authorities of Albany has been found to exist. A careful can vass ot the children of scuool aee in this cilv bs revealed the fact that nearly 18 per cent of th total number of children ot school age in Albanyare not attending school. 1 Of the 850 or more children school a?e in Albany, there are 150 under 16 years ot age an above nint years, who are at tending no school in this city The further deplorable fact comes ko light that a large proportion In a snappy game of football on OAC's field, Sa'urdav after noon, tbe Agrics won over the Astoria Athletic Club team b the decisive score of 26 to o. The game was clean, there was no bad feeling on either side, and a large crowd was present. From tbe start it was apparent that the visitors were slow, al though they showed greater strength than OAC. At no time, however, was tbe OAC goal in danger save once, , when Astoria managed to recover a punt on OAC's 20-yard line. For the local eleven Gagnon, Bennet, Wolfe, Jamison, Rine hart, Emily and Dobbins perhaps accomplished tbe most brilliant results for OAC, although every man in the bunch played fast. scientific ball. One grandstand session of the Legislature, sav-i the Oregonian. In response b : issues the following statement: Any teacher who, on or before August 17, 1907, completed th examinations tor a state certifi cate shall be governed Jby the rule that has been in force during the past eight years. That is to say, any applicant who now holds a state certificate or who hr.s completed the examinations for same, in order to secure a state diploma must take examin ations in the following subjects: English Literature, Botany, Gen eral History and Plane Geometry. These may be taken in two suc cessive examinations during the validity of tbe state certificate. Any applicant who completes the examinations for a state cer tificate in February, 1908, or af ter that date, must take the ex aminations on the 19 subjects specified in subdivision 6, section 6, School Laws of Oregon, one of which is English Literature. Such an applicant in order to se cure a state diploma, must pass an examination on the additional subjects of Botany, Plane Geom etry and General History, which must be taken at one examina tion during the validity of his state certificate. - Real Estate Transfers. Umpire, Norcross. Time-keeper, McAllister. Additional Local. Ralston Cox Dead. Rolston Cox, an old-time Cor vallis busiuesss man and builder of the old street railway system in this city, long since "defunct", is dead. A brief notice in the Telegram of Thursday evening tells the story thus: Funeral services ot Ralston Cox were held this afternoon at Holm's chapel. Mr. Cox died Tuesday night at the North Pa cific Sanitarium, death being due ember i3, Aumsville TJnknowa persona while bunting on the JT. O. Wilson place, Sunday, started a fire that horned 75 acres of first class pasture on which there was a good stand of grass. Mr. WilBon is justly indignant and hereafter wi'.I tolerate no more tres passing en his premises. Tom and Bob Yidito Sunday evening from a ten daya' trip by private convey ance through tbe Prineville country. Five farmers' inatitutea will be held in Marion county, beginning November 12, as follows: November 12, Jefferson; Nov November 14, Lib- to an operation. He leaves a widow and daughter in Sunny- side. His age was 50 years. Mr, Cox had been a resident of Ore gon for more than 20 years, com ing here trom Pennsylvania. For several years he was in business in Corvallis, and he pro moted a street railway system there in 1869. Since he came to Portland nine years ago he was agent for the Corvallis Flouring Miils here. He- was known as an energetic business man and his charitable acts were numer ous, llis death has caused a. shock among a large circle of friends. erty; November 15, Gervais, and Novem ber 16, Hubbard. Three sessions, morn ing, afternoon and evening, will be held at each of these places. The institutes will be conducted by Dr. James Witby- combe, director of the Oregon Agricultur al College Experiment Station, assisted by the regular institute corps of the col lege, and subjects pertaining to farming will be treated by specialists. Claude Swann is seriously ill w'th appendicitis at the noma of bis parents on Fourth street, it is not yet known whether an operation will bemeceseary. Announcement! LETTER LIST. The following lettsrs remain uncalled for in the Corvallis postorfice, for the week ending Oct. 19, 1907: Mrs. A K Browne. Miss Augusta . Mil ler, B F Relmer, Mrs. Rebecca Webster. B. W. J0HM8OK, P M White Sewing Machines. We have secured tbe agency for the celebrated White Sewing Machines. Mrs. i.:habert , demonstrates in our Ladies Rendy-to-Wear department. S7 98 J VI. Nolan & Son. On and after October 20, 1907, 1 find i necessary to raise the rates to our pa Urons. Thia step we have taken alter careful consideration, owing to the ad' vance of prices in all eatableB which fact is well known to all. Onr future rates : Meals 35c and 50c. Board and lodging per day, (1.50 to f 2. Board and lodging per week, $7 to 110,50. Meal tickets, $5 and f 7. Sunday dinners 50 cents. Trusting that I will receive the same liberal patronage as in the past, Very respectfully, Chas. L. Bakkk, 86 87 Prop., Hotel Corvallis. J N Brandeberry to F S True 4.95 acres near Corvallis, $1050. W B Cate to Mary A Cate lots 7-8-9 bl 8 Corvallis, $1. Roy J Keeney to John Bier lots 2 bl 18 Wilkin's add Corvallis, $10. August W Fischer to T D Campbell 1-2 acre near Fischer's Mill, $1. M B Rankin to George E Lilly land southwest of Philomath, $1. M Bumgardner et al to M B Rankin 160 acres near Bellefoun tain $10. J B Starr et al to M B Rankin 80 acres south of Philomath, $10 V E Walters et a! to M B Ran kin, 120 acres south of Philo math, $10. T D Hufft et al to M B Ran kin, 80 acres west ot Philomath, $10. G H Woodburn et al to M B Rankin 321 51 100 acres near Belief ountain , $2000. T T Orr et al to MB Rankin 147.67 acres south of Philomath, $3248.74. , Wm Shrader et al to M B Rankin 120 acres south of Philo math, $1. Wm H Gwinn et al to M B Rankin 54. 33 acres south of Pbilomatb, $1195.26. F L Gwinn et al to N B Ran kin 174.66 acres near Philomath $855-52. ... . Levi Oren to Martin Cbappeu parcel of land in Corvallis, $1250. Sarah L Cauthorn to S N Lilly lot 6 bl "G" Avery's add Cor vals, $2000. Waldo L Cheshire to J N Mc Fadden land near Monroe, $10. Charles Lillard to A E Mul- vaney lots 1-2 bl "A" Jobs add Corvallis $700. T?o TT; Rttirc In Tt A Williams lots 73-84 bl 21 Philomath, $728.. Jersey Bu I For Sale. Answer to Teachers. Superintendent of Public In struction J. H. Ackeiman has re cently, received many inquiries from teachers who have already begun taking the examinations tV" ctifa) . no v--o ncllnrt mliaf rinr I ava oiiDiiu LcLSt.b9 aooiiut; wutiuti i. SSa, 3. B. UU I J stjpg tiae cotsgia ad hwiainnge the change in the law at the last Des-fnded Irou. Graijd Coin and Gold en Glow; iuooorteii cow testing 18 lbs. outter Int. in 7 iiays. with first calf Ad-ire-8, Al. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore gon. 72t The Best Quality ot PIANOS and ORGANS At the Store ;of GRAHAM & WELLS' Corvallis, Oregoo CUSTOMERS Are requested to call and see them fore purchasing elsewhere. be THIS OLD RELIABLE HOUSE will sell their FINE-TONED INSTRU MENTS FOR REASONABLE PRICES instead of charging you extra to make up for thigh city rents, railroad fares and hotel bills for traveling salesmen. Music Loving People Can purchase these reliable goods in their home town. If there is anything you do not understand you will find the sellers near your home.