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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1907)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE Published Tuesdays and Fridays by Gazette Publishing Company. The Subscription price ol the Gazette for several years has been, and remains ---- $2 per annum, or 25 per cent, discount if paid in advance. This paper wHI be continued until all arrearages are p&ii. TAFT AND TARIFF. Free-traders and advocates of tariff for revenue only will find no crumbs of comfort in Secre tary Taft's Columbus speech, He declared himself unqualified ly in favor of protection and ex- Dressed his decided conviction that it is a great factor in our in dustrial prosperity. He defined what the minimum of protection should be. Disclaiming expert knowledge he declared that some of the schedules of a tariff law enacted ttn or more years ago doubtless needs revision, be cause commercial and industrial conditions, both at home and abroad had greatly changed within that time. Some products named in the schedules of the present trriff did not now have enough while others had too much protection. In support of the need for tariff revision he quoted freely from the report of a committee, appointed by the National Association of Mantr f acturers of the United States, to examine into the necessity for it. He then proceeded to "show that farmers as; well as manu facturers are interested in main taining the system of protection. He declares that the tariff wiil be revised by republicans and protectionists and gives reasons for not attempting it sooner nor delaying it beyond the session of congress - following the next presidential election. He would have the next National Republi can convention pledge the party to take up the work of revision in that congress. There was never any doubt that Taft is a firm adherent to the principle of protection. He was known to favor tariff revis ion, but while not clamorous for immediate revision, there was some curiosity felt as to the time he would have congress under take the work. His utterance net only satisfies1 this curiosity bi t they will be satisfactory to all republicans and protectionists. With the exception of a few men republicans have nofbeen oppos ed to revision. The loudest? cry for it has been frqm the oppon ents of protection reinforced by those who hoped to turn public thought from control of trusts and corporations. The views of Secretary Taft are sound and practical and will solidify the republican party on the question of revision as well as carry him well forward as an acceptable successor of Mr. Roosevelt as chief executive of t'ie nation. WILL BE E?FORCED. Mr. J. D. Rockefeller raises a bewailing cry over the effect the Administration's policy respect in.? law less corporations will have upon "the investors, the widows, the? orphans" who are stock holders in the concerns. Such a wail coming from John D. is enough to pive Buster Brown's Tiger coniplions. Since when has Mr. Rocke feller shown real solicitude for the investors, widows and orph ans, who have been induced by the Rockfelbr, Paynes, Rogers, Wardens and Harrimans of frenzied finances to invest their savings in these corporations? It has ever been their efforts to persuade the widows and orph ans and small investors to en trust the management of their savings to the Rockefellers, Har riman and Co., of high finance. No one need be deceived by this sympathy of Mr. Rocke feller. It is simply feigned. Had not "the extreme penalty imposed on one corporation" touched Standard oil Mr. Rocke- feller's sympathies for these poor widows and orphans' would have remained, as always hefetofore, an imaginary quantity less than zero. Rockefeller and his ilk predict! a widespread and destructive monetary, commercial and in dustrial panic as the certain re sult of the President's persist ent efforts to bring lawless or porations under just and h gal restraint. They assert and it is true, there is no lack of confidence in the resources of the country, no danger of foreign complica tions, no failure of crops, no mis trust of our monetary policy and nothing in. our social condition making for such a panic, but we are iiearing "financial chaos." Other men do not see the dang er, and if they did would be un able to find the cause of it. - It is reserved for the astute John D. clearly and unmistakably to discern the cause. It is nothing "but a lack of confidence in this Administration." Who lacks confidence in this Administration? Mr. Rockefeller would have us believe all the wise, patriotic and trustworthy men in the nation have no con fidence in the President. He is wrong, studiously wrong:. Not since the -days of Lincoln has there been a president in whom the mass of the people, in all sections and of every condition place such unbounded confidence as they repose in iheodore Roosevelt. It is quite possible Mr. Rocke feller and men of his stripe might raise a financial hurricane. They apparently would create one if it would force the Ad ministration to stay its hand, but they could hardly create "finan cial chaos." If enforcing the laws against predatory corpora tions and trusts and in the inter ests of all the people will cause such "chaos," better have it come now, for the country was never better prepared to endure it. The president does not shrink from his duty. The laws will be enforced. Additional Locals. F ( Vers have been gathering fruit at the Kiger peach orchard at the rate of 100 busuels per day uutil the ripe peaches ae all gone. The orchard has closed and will remain closed until Saturday, to give the fruit titu3 to ripen. Henry Cy.rus and family arrived home Saturday from B.aeil Springs where ibey had been for the benefit of Mr. Crvus' feslth, which is very poor. Mr. and Mrs. William McMahoa re turned Sunday evening from a three wet-ks' outing at Cascadia. R. E. Lafferty was an over-Snndav vi-itor with his father.'W. P. Laft'srty, in this city. He is a traveling man with heaJqna' tera at Portland. "Keady Beach" ' at Waldport is the finest ca mping place on the coast, in the opinion of those who have been there and who have also visited othsr resort Mrs. Ruth Bucharan and Mrs. Frtd Bucha nun and children .returned from i h re Snnc'ay evening, having spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Keady. Tuey state that the enmpers have free wood, good water and delightful camping sites, and everybody is welcome. Prof. Harry Beard who has ppentlhs summer at Klamath Falls arrived in Cot vihis, Friday evening, and will be here a pa.'tofthe time from bow until school op:-ns. At Kltmath Falls, Prof. Beard net Ivan Daniels, an eld-lime Corvnllis Wv. The latter is working for 'he elec tric tompany at that place and is doing well. Mr and Mrs. Dow Walker came out from Newport, Sunday evening, on the way to their home in Portland. There is ta be a bakery and coulee tionery store at the D. B.Taylor hop vard during tl e picking season. It is to be operated by W. H. Hamlia nhois getting things iu readiness for the work- H. H. Croniee of Albany passed through on his way to Newport, Sunday." Ha was for many years, a Corvallis man. Mr. 'and Mrs. William Howell arrived Sund.'.v from Coonrg to remain. Tbev will opera'e a lodg;ng house ia the Dala ha property, just back of Homing's grocery. Lovers of baseball will be irghly -entertained while in Corvallis during the Fair. Three games are to be played out on the OAC athletic field. Tho first oc curs Thursday morning between K'ine'g Kandy Kids and the Toledo Clam Dig gers; the second gams on Friday morn ing will be played by the Kandy Kids ancTCoburg Giants, and the Saturday morning game will be by the same teams. Mrs. A. C. White, who was injured in the accident that happened to the family over in the Alsea country as tbey were returning from their outing at Yacbaate, is recovering. Her arm. which was thought to be broken when examined Deiore me swelling shu juimmiuauuii bad been reduced, is fortunately not frac tnred, but is badly sprained and it will be some time before Mrs. White forgets her nn pleasant experience. Wiien You Visit The School fair Don't fail to call on us see our line of and Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks The garments are well made and the styles and patterns are the season's choicest. Our Fall Stock of .- Suitings, VYals tings and Dress Goods . have arrived, so don't fail to see them. lienkle & Davis House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 l4tf Don't Grumble When your joint3 ache and you suffer Rheumatism. Buy a bottle of Billard'e Snow Liniment and get instant relief. A positive cure for Rheumatism, Bnras, Outs, Contracted Muscles, Sore Chest, etc. Mr. I. T. Bogy, a prominent mer. chant at Willow Point, Texas, says that be finds Ballard's Snow Liniment the best all round liniment be ever used. Sold by Graham & Wortbam. Kidney Cure Will Sell Its Town Lots Near the State Agricultural JLJI Thereon For InfQin2&toi2 II W ST AT EM ENT " OF THE . V FIRST NATIONAL BANK of CorvaHis, - ' County of Eentcn, State of Oregon, Showing the amount standing to the credit of every depositor J uly 1, 1907, who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit, principal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately' prior to said date, with the name, last known place of residence or postoffice address of such depositor, and the tact of his death, if known. NAME OF DEPOSITOR RESIDENCE OR POST OFFICE ADDRESS - Portland, Oregon Bankers' .Mutual Association Alpheus W. Scott Last anown at l Oregon John La Lane Several Tears ago vallis; now not A. G. Mulkey, Dect-ased! tA& widow, i- Loreuce Estate Not Closed aty, tt-timx., now roruuuu, Oregon several years ago Jacob V. Hower v&liis, ore.; liul IaOW v R. Clark, Trustee U. R. Clark died Vail is, Oiegou Cau thorn Hall One time at Corvallis, Oregon; now not known Florence Jennings Geoige Maidux One tine at Corviilljs, af lerward moved to W. Wilson, Clerk County B. W. Wilson died at Corvallis J. K. Brydon, Assignee of Hamilton, Job & Co. J. R. Brvson died setutanis usigueesiup in ine uiriun uuurt neia at dered said deuosit eral checks of said Assignee, which checks are in the pot-session oi this bank lor the pay tea tUeieuf to call ana uet them, (yitia checks areas follows: 1o Middle brook St enuiuuker, $10.04; Corvaliis .Nursery Co., 69c; lias W STATE OF OREGON, I SS. County of Bentoi I, George E. Lilly, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon oath, that I am the Cashier of The First National Bank of Corvallis, County of Benton, State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement is a full, true, correct and complete statement, shewing the name, last known residence or postoffice ad dress, fact of death, if known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as re quiredby the provisions of Chapter 148, of the General Laws of Oregon of 1907. 1 Geo. E. Liixy. Subscribed and sworn to Seal Bring your Job WorkHto the Gazette Office. College to Home-Seekers or BUILD and Sell Them on the &i on a u u dead, if fact is known tosecy'or cashier $ 19 50 ortlunu, -Sot known 11 at Cor ;sot known. known ,M ul- iivt at at Cor- uuwn Sot Known at Cor Cau thorn Hail is a de- artuieut oi the Agricul tural uuiieg Sot known Arizona Soi known rhesonsof deceased ihina a Counu Clerk's cuecK was ai.awnlortuisani'omiti'd'g some Year ateo. At the time ntactd uere to La, certain sev iser,,7.62.) before me this 13th day of July, A. D. 1907. Mi S. Woodcock, Notary Public for Oregon.ij fioxice for Publication - w - United State Land Office, Bosebnrg, Oregon, July 15, 1907 Notice ia hereby given that in compliance' with tbe provisions ol tile act of CougretM of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale of tim ber lands in the States vi lalilornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to ail the Public Jaaa states by act oi August ,4, 1892, Guy Davis, of Etigcue, County ol Lane, btate of Oregon, bled m this office on January 17, 1907, Ais swoiu statement Ko. 8,289 lor the pur- chase of the Southwest 1-4" ol decuou No. 3b in -Township No. 15 south, Kjaigti No. 9, West W. M., and will oner uruuf u snow that the land sought is more valuable tor its timber or su-ne t au io- agricultural purposes, auu to establish his claim W saia lami beiure W. W. Calkins, U. b. Cumuiissiouer, at his oth.-e in Kugene, Oregon on Wednesday, the 9th dayoi Ouieber, 1907. He names as witnesses: Hai K. Wood, Marvin h. Hamuutt Aiid Austin K. W ood, all of Eugene, Oregon, and William I Cryslcr, of bpringheld, Ortgun. Any and all persons claumucr adversely the above-described lauds ar requested to tile their claims in this office on or beiore said 9U1 day of oewber, 1907. 62-8 BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. : Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Beituii County: V. U. aavAxc Flaiutiff vs. N. A. Fisher, Defendant, '10 H. A. Wisher, tue abovjj named defendant. in tne Katne of tne btato ol Oregon, you are hereby summoned uud requited to appear and aubWcr tbe cuiupuunt ol tne pLuutm in above euutied suit now uu o4e with the clerk ol the abov etttiticu court ou or beiore the iut uay ol the time prescrioed in the oiuerior pubhuatiou ol this suu itious nereiuaiter reierreu to. luwil: On or heiALA uetober 4. and you are hereoy notihtd Uiat if you tail so lo aupear ana wusu er Ue said complaint as herein required, lor want thereoi tne piamtilf wiii apply to the above euutied court tor the relief demaiiued iu his saiu uoinpiautt to-wit: for decree tnat piaiuuu nave juugmeut aaiust delendaut up uu the prooiissuiy note deticribed in said complaint ior $iuu witn interest tkereou av the rate tf iv per ceuL per auumu truin November 27th, lOoti; jjRiu at torney 's iees and paiu ior cariUK for the follow ing personal property, via; oue biack maiw about years old, oue top single biutyy and one set of har ness Deioniug to deteudaut out now in possession ol plaiutin, aud direcuug that plaintiff's lien upon siu property by way ui a pleilge be loreciosea aud tiie above aeecribed peiauual iroperty sold in the uianuer proviued by law tor ttie saie of personal property under execauuu iu actions at law, and the. pioueeus appiiwu, by tue party nutklug sucn akle, to the satialHction 01 such juugtAwnt auu the bal auce to the defendant. ette newspaper once a week, for six consecutive aud successive weeks begiumug wuh the issue of Au Kust 23, 1907, and enaiLg witn the issue ot October 4, luu1, uuder and m pursuance of the uirectioua uuutameu iu an order luaue'by the Hon. E. Viood wai J uage of the Couuty Court of Benton County, state ot Oretrun, dated August I5, 19o7. Date of hrst publication Uereut is August 23, 19o7. K. K. Wilson, 70-82 Attorney for Plaihtiff. CLA8S1FIE1. ADVERTISEMENTS : Fifteen words or less, 25 eta ior three dui-cessive insertions, or 50 cts per month; for all up to and including ten additional words, 4 cent a word for each insertion, For ail advertisements over 25 words, 1 ct per word for the first insertion, and s ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. Lodge, society and church notices, other than strictly news matter, will be enarged tor.' . HOMES FOR SALE For Sale: Nine acres good land, all in cultivation, six roo.u house, two lots and barn. $1,2JJ, Located line 1 arm in if section, within stone'a threw graciid school, churches, store, postoltice. (iood reasons for selling. Call or address, Gazette Ollice. 63tf For Si!e: Reyiistered, unregistered and grade Cots wold bui'ke, of serviceable age. luquire ot T. A. Logsdon, Thone 2ot5, (j ranger Line, Corvallis, Ore. 63lf WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLI8, Oregon, on instalment plan and as sist purchasers to build homes on them ll desired. Address First National Bank, Corvallis, Or. W LLL sjjiLL M Y LOTb IN NK A PORT, Or., for spot cash, balance install .nents, and help parties to build homes thereon, i; desired. Address M. 8. V7ccdcoi.k. Cc"vailip, Or. Veterinary Suraeon DR. E. E. JACKSON, VETERINARY surgeon and dentist. RtBidence Thiid Street, between Madison and Monroe, Corvallis. Phone 581, or call Snow & V iley's livery stable. MARKET SEED STORE A LARGE SUPPLY OS lresh garden seeds in bulk, just receiv ed. All kinds of larm aud garden seeds, seed w heat, oats, barley, pota- v toes, artichokes, teed oats, chicken leed, Land Plaster. Five kinds of clover and veicb. I can luruith clover by the carioad. Secoi-d door north ef express oti;coi L L Lruoks. Phone 65a. ' PHYSICIANS B. A.CATfaJiV, M. 1., PHYSICIAN surgeon. Ktyumsl l, iank Boiid ins. OUice ilourb : io to M a. m., Z to 4 p. m. Residence: cor. 6tn and Ad oiu8 Bte. . Telephone at omce and res idence. CorvaiUs, Oregon, ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. Ollice up stairs in Zierolf Building. Only set of abstracts in Benton County S. R. ERSSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ufiice in Poet Olhce Building, Corval iia, Oregon. WANTED W AilIKO 60 U SUBSCRIBERS lO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2.55per year. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved security. Drafts bought and sold and money transferred to the principal cities of the United States, Europe and foreign countries.