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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
THE CQRVALLIS GAZtTTt Published Tuesdays and Friday by Gazette Publishing Comp v. The Subscription price of the Gazette for several years has been, and remains $2 per annum, or 25 per cent, discount if paid in advance. This paper will be continued until all arrearages xre pail. A IWPEFUL 'BEGIKiVlfni. Justice at least a measure of it has at lasi. overtaken the Standard Oil Company." When it accepted from the Chicago and Alton Railroad a freight rate just one-third of the published rate it was simply pursuing the methods it has followed from the beginning ot its career. It was mainly by secret special rates and rebates that the Standard Company was enabled to compel all ot ler producers of eith crude or refined oil to quit busi ness or to sell out to the Standard on such terms as it chose make. to . For years the independent operators had fruitlessly appeal ed to the transportation compan ies for a fair and open rate on their product. The legislature was appealed to and laws were enacted which,' it was hoped would compel the railways to cease making secret rates and giving rebates. Much , tedious and expensive litigation folbw ed; laws were found defective and unconstitutional. The people amended the constitution of the state so that it in express terms forbade such practices- The railroad companies became "Brood" for several years. The operators, driven to find cheaper transportation had built a pipe line which enabled them to avoid the excessive rates exacted by the railroads. It was not long until the Standard had come in to full control of this line arid ever since then that company has practically controlled the trans portation of oil. , . ; It is a hopeful and reassur ing sign that however great and powerful a monopoly may ; be come, that however long it has defied the laws and robbed the people justice will yec overtake it. ' : The fine imposed by ! Judge Landis, 21) 2 10, 000, .is the maxi mum sum the company could be assessed under the indictment in the case, and while it is a heavy penalty the Standard Company can easily pay it. It is proba ble, however, that an appeal will be taken though it is difficult to see on what grounds it can be based. The whole defense rest ed on the plea that an agent of the Alton railroad company had lei them to believe they were given the open rate. Such a plea is puerile, pitiful and aburd. The judge brushed it aside, and carefully analyzing the whole case, imposed the maximum fine. The government will now prosecute the Chicago and Alton Railroad, which is equally as guilty in making a secret rate as the Standard Company is in ac cepting it. The people are aroused and are determined that the malevolent influence of groat corporations shall he destroyed and they com pelled to obey the laws. It will be done though it involve their dissolution and prison cell for those who organize and direct them. Let the good work go en. POWER OF SENTIMENT. That men are actuated by sentiment rather than reason sounds like a mere platitude, yet it is a sober truth. This might not be deplorable if sentiment were al ways a rational product. Uen miajht then fail to reason until sentiment were formed and at once give themselves up to be guided by it and no great harm would be done. But., much of sentiment is not rational, but silly, absurd and wholly false, yet so plausible, so specious that multitudes are deceived and m:s- led. It is this subtile quality of sentiment which makes it so diffi cult for man to distinguish right, true, noble sentiment 'from that which is wrong, false and de basing. t " - Even right sentiment should not be followed when it leads to irrational action. The federal troops that quietly refused again to charge the confederate works at Cold Harbor after one most bloody repulse were tried vet erans who held the fine senti ments of honor, fidelity, patriot ism, courage and obediencejbe yond price, but they would not permit even these to lure ; them to irrational action and its fearful consequences. Human history is red with the blood of great multitudes who have been slain at the behest of false, unreasonable andunreason ing sentiment. In spite roi this never were grater numbers of men dominated or in danger of being dominated by false and pernicious . sentiment , than at present..., ... , Demagogues-creatures : ; to whom the false; sentiments of men bring food and - raiment and fatness were ' never before so active.' They have mvadedthe church, the press and education al halls.' They pr4te of righteous ness, oi human liberty, oj justice and ... equity, of. wealth . ; and poverty, , of capital and labor, and a , multitude of things, con cerning which they , have but little or ho accurate knowledge. 1 hey need none. 1 heir purpose is to mass men around some per nicious seniment' and to persuade them to be guided and dominat ed by it. Beware of such, crea tures. As safe and rational would be the advice and councils of men who would persuade us that dynamite may be carelessly handled with impunity. : This is not more eertain to bring iis in- jury and death than that to lure us on to fearful ' suffering and ultimate destruction; for hp real, enduring good can 'icome1 by the sway of false sentiment.' Judge Landis appears to have Strong public . endorsement . for fining the Standard Oil Company the paltry sum of $29,240,000. he next thing is to collect.- f It might be wise to allow the judge to Collect it. ' 'I ' ' ' i Way man Mason, who of late has been making his home in Butte,' Montana,' has ieen in Corvallis during the past day or two, the guest of his mother, ' Mrs. J. ThelChinese Varnish MadeLto ' Walk Upon fc MADE IN ALL COLORS1 Cherry. Mahogany. Oai. Natural. Etc'. For Floors, Bar Tops, Furniture and General Household Use. v Come to our store and get a sam-' pie of Chi-Namel applied to wood., Take it home and test it First! Strike the wood sample a heavy blow with a hammer, and note that while the wood may be indeated a quarter of an inch, the Varnfeb has not marred or cracked. Thi3 proves that Chi-Namel is very elastic. ; , j Second. Phce the wood sample in a tea kettle, and cote that boiling water doee not tura it white, f Thi3 proves that Chi-narael contains no rosin. Third. Apply whiskey. This proves that Chi-Namel will stand upon bar tops. : Fourth. Allow a can of the ramish to staad opgn over night, and note that there is no evaporation. This proves that Chi-Namel contains no beozina. ; fif tb. Spread varaish over flat sur face, and brush in every direction, and note "self levelling" effect. This proves that all brush marks disappear, and the result will be pleasing no matter how inexperienced the applier may be. - - Old floors can be mate to look lite new hard wood. Bo need to bay new fa mi tare. Chi-Namel will make oM furniture look BETTER than new rarnituie. Take so substitute. We invite you to More to youraetf there ia ROTHHIGJ'just CooaaaCbl-Kamel." i .Sold exclWKeiy py Graham & Wells 1 I P-W ItVy Women Who Wear WeJL It is astonishing how great a change few years of married life often make in the appearance and disposition of many women. The freshness, the charm, the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a peach which is rudely handled. The matron is only a dim shadow, a faint echo of the charming maiden. There are two reasons for this change, ignorance and neglect. Few young women appreciate the . shock to the system through the change which comes with marriage and motherhood. Many neglect to deal wiih the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak nesses which too often come with mar riage and motherhood, not understanding that this secret drain is robbing the check of its freshness and the form of it3 fairness. As surely as the general health suffers ben there is derangement of the healt' if the delicate womaftisorgans, so surely whePthese organs imSNistablished in health theTce arJrThsjUchjce witness to the act in rbsevTed comeiftwssi NarW a million wnmsn hnve found health and happiness ir tho use of Dr. Pierce's F.t- ! vorite Preslr ntion.. It makes weak worn en strong and sick women well. Ingredi ents on label contains no alcohol or harmful habit 'forming drugs. Made wholly of those native, American, medic inal roots . rrost hiffhlv recommended bv : leading mcdj al authorities of all the se"- erai scnoci ot practice tor me cure oi arnman's Twp.nlin.r ailments. For nursic mothcrS.or for those broken- down in hea Ji by too frequent bearing of i children, a!, j for the expectant motherSj ' to prepare' he system- for the eoming of babv and making its advent easy an - : almost pain' ess, there is no medicine qu; ic so good as "Favorite Prescription." It 'can do no harm in any condition of. tut system. It is a most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine nicely adanted to woman's delicate svstem by a physician of large experience in the treat ment oi woman s peculiar ailments, -i i Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter free of charge. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, nvalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, tsunaio. jx . ...... ,-. ... ... Notice for Publication. , : United States Land Office, Bosebnrg, Oreiron, July 15, 1907. 1 Notice la hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for tne sale 01 tim ber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Guy Davis, of Eugene, Couuty of Lane, State of Oregon, filed in this office on January 17, 1901, his sworn statement No. 0,289 ,or lne pur chase of the Southwest 1-4 of Section No. 35 in Township, No. 15 South, Rinse No. 9, West W. M., and will' offer proofto show that the land soueht is more valuable for its timber or stcue than fo- agricultural purooses, ana to establish his claim to said land before W. W. Calkins, U. S. Commissioner, at his offire in Eugene, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 9th day of October, 1907. He names as witnesses: fiai n. wooa, jnarviu T..: HRtnmiU; and Austin E. Wood.- all of Eutrene. Oregon, and William I, Crysler, of Springfield, Oregon. ' Any and "all persons claiming adversely the ahrtvp-ilpsiM-ihed lands are renuested to file their claims in this office on or before said 9th day of October, 1907. 62-Ssn 1 BENJAMIN I, EDDY, .Register. OF Will Sell Its Town Lots Near the State Agricultural W ILL BUIL Thereon INSTALLMENT For Bnformaiiott STATEMENT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Corvallis, r - County of Benton, State of Oregon, Showing the amount standing to the credit of every depositor July 1 1907 who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit, principal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to said date, with the name, last known nlace of residence or postoffice address of such depositor, and the tact of his death, if known, . NAME OF DEPOSITOR RESIDENCE OR POST OFFICE ADDRESS Bankers' Manual Keiief Association Portland, Oregon Alpheus W. Scott Last Known at Oregon Several Tears ago John La Lane vallis; now not A. G. Mulkey, Deceased Est te Not Closed His widow, b'lui kty, aohlx., now several years ago Jacob V. Hower' vams, ur.; Uui , R. .Cark, Trustee Caii thorn Hall' H,. R. Clark died ; vallis, Oregon Florence Jennings One time at Corvajlis, Oregon; now not knowL; Geoige Maddux One time at Corvallis, af terward moved to Arizona W. Wilson, Clerk County B. W. Wilson died at Corvallis J. R. Brydon, Assignee - of Hamilton, Job & Co. J. E. Brysou died some jeara ago. At the time He settled Ms asigueesnip in the Circuit Court held ai Benton County . ore. ; we understand ineCourt or i dered eaid deposit placed nere to pay certain sev-i eml checks of suid Assignee, which checks are in the possession of this bank tor tne payees theieoi to call and get them. (Said checks areas follows: 'lo Middlebrook & fcrhuniaker, $lu.U4; Corvallis Nursery Co., 69c; Elias Wiser, 7. 6.1 STATE OF OREGON, lSS '4 County of Benton, 3 I, George B. Lilly, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon oath, that I am the Cashier of The First National Bank of Corvallis, County of Benton, State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement is a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, last known residence or postoffice ad dress, fact of death, if known, and the amount to the creditof each depositor as re the provisions of Chapter 148, of the General Laws of Oregon of 1907. ;Gko. Lilly. subscribed and sworn to Seal Bring your Job Work to the Gazette Office. B M College to Home-Seekers or D and Sell Them on the GaBS on Corvallis, Oregon DEAD, IF FACT IS. KNOWN TOSEC'Y OR CASHIER S 19 5U fortiaua Not known li at Cor Not known , known 141 16 euce M ul- iivto hi at Cor- Known Sot known at j Cor- Cauthoin Hall is a de partment oi tne Agriuul- mri college Not known Not known Thesousoi aec-eaed ihina, a County Clerk's cueuk was I drawuiortnisam'uHits'd'g belore me tnis 13m day ot July, A. D. 1907. M. S. Woodcock, Notary Public for Oregon. PLAN What You See -Is Worth Twice What You Read As yon are now coming to market with the opportunity of comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. We have a broken line of Ladies' and Children's shoes which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. Come before your size is gone. A'.eo some .remnants in Dress Goods, Wash tioode, etc., at bottom prices. Our new Sprintt and Sum. mer stock is arriving and is reaay for onr inspection. ' Make money by .buying our lines, and save money by getting our prices. i I rienkle & Davis mm AUVkKllSbMENIS ! CLA88IFIEU ADVERTISEMENTS : Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for three successive insertions, or- 50 cts pel month; for all np to and including tea additional words, yi cent a word for each insertion. I : For all advertisements over 25 words,. I ct per word for the first insertion, and " i ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. ; Lodge, society and church notices, other than strictly news matter, will ba charged for. HOMES FOR SALE For Sale: Nine acres good land, all in cultivation , six room house, two lots and barn. $1,200, cash. Located fine farmine section, within stone's throw gra d. school, churches, store, postoffice. Good reasons for selling. Call or address, Gazette Office. 63if For Sa'.e: Registered, unregistered' and grade Cotswold bucks, of serviceable age. Inquire of T. A. Logsdon, Phone 2005, Granger Line, Corvallis, Ore. 63tf WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as sist purchasers to build homes on them if desired. Address First National Bank, Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NE APOKT, Or., for spot cash, balance instal ments, and help parties to build homes thereon, it desired. Address M. S. Woodcock, Cc"vailip, O.'. Veterinary Suraeon DR. E. E. JACKSON, VETERINARY surgeon and dentist. Rtsidence Ttiiid Street, between Madison and Monroe, Corvallis. Phone 581, or call Saow & Wiley's livery stable. MARKET SEED STOEE A LARGE SUPPLY OF fresh garden seeds in bulk, just receiv ed. All kinds of larm and garden seeds, seed wheat, oats, barley, pota toes, artichokes, feed oats, chicken ' feed, Land Plaster. Five kinds of clover and vetch. I can furuish clover by the carload. Second door north cf express office. L. L. Brooks. Phone i 655. PHYSICIANS B. A. CATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN ana surgeon. Kooms 14, Bank Build iag. Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. iu., 2 to 4 p.m. .Residence : cor. 5th and Ad ams bta. Telephone at office and res- tuence. Corvallis. Oregon. ATTORNEYS . F. YATES, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Office up stairs in Zierolf Building, Only eet of abstracts in Benton County 1. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. )ffice in PoBt Office Building, Coival iis, Oregon. WANTED WA1STEU0UO SUBSCRIBERS 'IO THE Gazette ana Weekly Oregonian at $2.55per year. BANKING. THE FIR:vT NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conseryative banking business. Loans money' on approved security. Drafts bought and told and money transferred to the principal cities oi the United; States, Europe and foreign countries. : House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 l4tf Don't Grumble When jour joints ache and yon suffer' Rheumatism.- Buy a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment and get instant relief. A positive cure for Rheumatism, tiaras, Cute, Contracted Muscles, sore Chest, etc. Mr. I. T. Bogy, a prominent mer. chant at Willow Point, Tfxas, says that he finds Ballard's Snow Liniment the best all round liniment he ever ueed. Sold by Graham & Wortbam.