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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1907)
LOCAL MUD PERSONAL Miss Mabel Witbycombe went to Salem, Saturday for a brief visit with mends. Charley Young aud family moved Saturday into the Orea bouse ou Eithtli street. W. H. Savage wnt to Woodburn Sunday, for a brief visit and to look after business. Newton Prather, a prominent farmer of Buena vista, was a bust' nees visitor in Ccrvallie, Friday J. W. Walters and Verne Wood cock came down from BUefouotain Saturday, in tbe former 3 automo bile. Misses Annie and Minnie Max field went to Kings Valley, Satur day afternoon, for a visit witb rela tives. -Miss Laura Waggoner went to Albany, Friday, where she is the euest for a few days of Miss Grace Langdon. L. N. Edward?, one of the proa cerous citizens of tbe Bellefountain neighborhood was a Corvallis visit or, Saturday. Miss Ella Foster, saleslady at J M. Nolan & Sod's, is spending her vacation at Newport. She left tbe last of the week. , New awnings have been placed in position the past few days at all tbe large windows of the A. J. John son new brick on Main street. It Was quite a task. Mr. and Mrs.' Arnold King and Mr. and Mrs. John Kiger spent feunday at the borne of Mrs. King's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hecker, near Suver. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben rfiger and daughter, Minerva, left Saturday for Newport, where they will re main as long as tbe place agrees with Mr. Kiger, who is in very poor health. Miss Carrie Byerly. who was spending the summer at the Whit by home in Benton county, was Called to Portland recently by the illness of one of the nurses in the foundlings' home, where Miss Byer ly is assistant matron, and the lat ter has not yet returned. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kearth of Dallas visited oid friends in this city, Saturdav and Sunday, going from here to Albany for a brief visit, en route home. They are looking well and Mr. Kearth is well satisfied with his position in Dallas, whicn he left Corvallis to accept. A gentleman was in Corvallis the last of the week seeking to organize a lodge of Modern Pyramid Build ers. It is reported that up to Sat urday morning he had secured 17 members. Dr. J. L Hill of Albany came up Friday in bis auto to as sist in the work, as it is raid he is one of the originators of the move ment. The two-months' old baby daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bullis died at the .family home in Jobs addition, Friday evening. The funeral was held from the residence at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon and interment was in I. O. O. F. ceme tery. The parents have the sym pathy of ail in their sorrow. H. H. Abel has closed a deal whereby he tiades to Henry Cyrus of Linn county his re'idence proper ty on Third street in this city for a farm belonging to the latter, near Craotree. The moves will be made as soon as Mr. Cytus can hold a sale and dispose of certain other business matters. The concrete work on the base ment to the addition that is to be built to Kline's store is now in progress and the scene is -a busy one from morning until night. Be sides the cre- of workmen engaged, many spectators are about the plnee at all hours of th day. At the First Natiooal Bank, too, excavat ing still goes on, at-d several men are employed th?re. Rev. C. T. Hurd arrived home, Thursday evening, from attendance at the International Convention of Christian Endeuvor. He reports a grand meeting and a splendid time Ou his way home he was met in Portland by his brother, R. D. Hurd, who bus entered a hospital f r au operation for removal of the diseased glands of tbe neck from which he has been suffering. Rev. C. T. Hurd has resigned the pastorale of Ibe United Evangelical church in this city, the resignation to into effect the "fiist of September. Mr. Hurd will become general sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. in Corval lis, a position be is eminently quali fied tojjflll. This does not mean that be will give up preaching, el though for the present be '"ill have no regular charge. Rev. Hurd is a young man with pronounced ability and a strong personality, and he is certain to be heard fro.u in tbe fu ture, in whatever field bis efforts may be put forth. His residence in this city has won him a host of friends, all of whom join in best wishes for his success. : Miss Bradley of : Albany visited relatives ia Corvallis the last of the week. : Mies Mary Danneman has been the guest of Portland friends the past few days. - Miss Carrie Danneman leaves to day for Clem, Eastern Oregon, to be with her father who is quite ill James Jones returned the last of the week from Crawfordsville, where he had been employed for some time. M.S. Woodcock, wife and son Edwin left Friday for a week's visit to Newport, the popular summer resort of the cjast. Mrs. McKinney has sold the re maining two lots of her property in Jobs addition to Isaac Jackson, who purchased her residence this spring. Judge and Mrs. E. Woodward, Mrs. and Miss McKinney, and Miss Brock, of Portland, go to Newport tbe first of this week for a month's outing. Agent Stites of the O. R. & N. company departed a few days ago for Salem, by canoe. He was ac companied from Albany by Agent Oscar Olson, and from Salem the two went to Portland to spend the summer. Another Corvallis business estab lishment has changed bands. It is the grocery store of T. A. Boulden, and the new proprietors are Sam Whiteside and George Cooper, both popular young men of this city. Possession was to be given yester day. Earl Heckart baB become an ac tive candidate in the Portland Jour nal's scholarship contest that is nov engaging the attention rf the young people throughout the state. Earl has made a pretty thorough canvass of Benton county, and returned the last of the week from Eugene, where he also made a canvars. This afternoon Mrs. W. D. De- Varney of this city was issued a hunter's licenee by the county cle;k. Mrs. DeVarney is the first woman n Linn county to take out a hunt er's license this year. During the entire hunting season there are very few women who procure hunting li censes. Mr. DeVarney also procur ed a hunter's license. A total of 209 hunter's licenses have been is sued by the county clerk this year. Friday's Aloany Herald. Game wardens are beginning to leave for tbe wood9 now , that the deer season for bucks has opened. They will be on the watch for thoce who violate the law by killing doe. While the season for buck deer opened upon the 15th of this month the open season for does does not commence until September 1st, and that does may be protected trom the hunters who would overstep the law the game wardens are on the ground. Those hunters who do not have licenses will also be looked after, and promptly brought to jus tice. Ex. Mrs. Sarah Stewart ami two chil dren went to Portland, Sunday, for a two weeks' visit with friends and relatives. -. , .1 Nash Taylor arrived the last of the week from Portland, where h has been employed, and will remain Indefinitely. -. ; :y. ' Mrs.; Helen Borst and daughter, Miss Gladys, expect to leave today for Tacima, Wash., where the lat ter is to enter college. Mrs. A. J. Metzger arrived home, Friday, from a two weeks' visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E J. Garrow, in Portland. Miss Mildred Clemens of Port land was in Corvallis the last of the week, looking after the Portland Journal's educational contest work Colonel J. K. Phillips arrived in Corvallis Friday, from a two monhta visit with his son, Ed, in Seattle. He expects to spend the summer, in this city. Mrs. Briggs, who was operated on in a Portland hospital last week, is rf covering quite rapiaiy. sue is the mother of Mrs. Bvron Hunter of this city. . Mrs. Griffin and Miss Leona Griifin of Eug6ne passed through Corvallis the last of the week, en route to Newport for a visit of two or three weeks. A passing stranger was attracted by frightful screams coming from a little bouse not tar from the road. Hurriedly tying his horse, he ran to the house and found that a little boy had swallowed a quarter, and is mother, not knowing what to do, had lecome frantic. The stranger caught the little fellow by his heels and, holding him up, gave a few shakes, whereupon the quarter soon topped to the floor. "Well, mis ter," said the grateful mother, "you cert 11 y knowed how to get it out. ir you a doctor?1' "No, madam," replied the stranger. "I'm a col lector of internal revenue." Ex Mrs. C. B. Starr and daughter, Miss Mamie), returned Friday from Eugene, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Jane Campbell, C. Starr's sister. Concerning the funeral the Register says: "The funeral of Mrs. Jane, wife of James Campbell, of Camp Creek, was held yesterday. Services were held at the home by Dr. I. D. Drivet, and tbe remains were brought to Eugene and burie i in the Masonic cemetery. B. btarr, li MoDroe, who was present at the funeral, and Milton larr are the only ones left of a family of sixteen children, and most of them were pioneers to Oregon. The service was beautiful and im pressive." The little folks of the three infant classes of the Methodist Sunday School were given a picnic in Avery' grove, Friday afternoon. Avery nappy time was bad by tbe youth ful guests.. Ths teachers in charge were Mrs. Minor owick, Mrs. J. B. Goodman and Miss Edna Groves. Milton P. Morgan, of Corvallis, and family, accompanied by Mrs. A. Thomas of Salem and Mrs. B. S; evens of Portland are enjoying an outing at the beach. They are en camped near the Auditorium skat ing rink, aod are enjoying a very pleasant time. Yaquina Bay News. Warren Hinton, who was so seri ously injured in a fall in the Boone ville warehouse several weeks ago, appeared on the streets, Friday morning, for the first time since the accident. He is still wearing band ages "on bis bead and carries his arm in s sling, but he is thankful for his escape from death. A Germaniown woman was not long ago a workman as he put up new window fixtures in her house. "Don't you think that you have placed tho0e fixtures too high?" asked she, having reference to the curtain rolls last put in place. The workman, a stolid Ger man, made no reply, but continued to adjust the fixtures. "Didn't you hear my question?" demanded the lady of the house. "'How dare you be so rude?" . Whereup:a the Ger man gulped co vulsively, than an swered in the gentlest of voices: "I baf my mouth full of schrews, und I could not shpeak till I swallow some." Harper's. Mr. Carver, promoter and backer of the Eugene and Siuslaw railroad, would have Eug6n' people under stand that bis activity in putting the Corvallis and Alsea River rail road enterprise on foot is not to in terfere with carrying out the project here. Naturally, The Register's publication of the Corvallis etory, which was later confirmed by the published report from Corvallis, had a tendency to make some of the Eu gene subscribers to stock in the Siuslaw undertaking, wonder if all the local effort had been in vain. It is Mr. Carver's assurance that he will be here Tuesday to complete arrangements to begin active rail road building that makes the Sius law backers feel that the road is certain to be built. Friday's Eu gene Register. Notice: There is alwavs work for teams, hauling lumber from S. H. Moore s saw mill on tne P. A. Kline ranch west of town: 58tf Dr. B. A. Catbey and family expect to etart today for Cascadia for their Bum mer outing. The doctor will return in a week or tea days , bat the family will re main indefinitely. Virgil E. Walters and family expect to leave today for tbe Yaebaats to spend their annual vacation. Wanted: To purchase from the breeders Cotswold or Lincoln sheep. Call me on ndepend ent phone No. 561 or No. 284. Wm. H. Savage, Oorva!'i, Oregon. 53tf Duriug the past three weeks the travel into Oregon from the East baa been as lrirft ns at anv lima dnrinir IKa T.avih & and this being the caBP a lively oivfc Eroofiitioa. and manv nfthn viait- I ,1 J fri i I r KHUUO uiay ua iuu tv cu i ri . iu uuje The next of baseball at Re creation prk will occur Sunday af ternoon at 3 o'clock. The contest ing teams will be O irval'is and the home team. The CorvalTs team is said to be a fast bunch of players', Wood wanted on subscription Gazette ojfce. - '' Cherries for everybody at the old Ben son farm at tea cents a gallon. : Inquire of Mrs. IL.robks.i ; ; , " . 54tf The United; Artisans elected officers Thursday evening for the term. They are as follows: P. M. a., W. E. Brieo ; M. A., Lee Henkle;' Secretary, E. L Strange; treasurer, tiny Clark; superin tendent, Mrs. Pemelia Brieo. at the 34tf Wilbur Starr met with an accident, Saturday afternoon, while loading wood at the Pern Starr place near Belief o tin - tain. It was necessary 1 to unhitch the team, aad back, the-wagon into position by hand. " Mr. Starr way holding the tongue, when one of tbe wheels struck a stump and the sudden jerk threw Mr Starr violently to the ground. Abufcgvwas procured to take him home, and at last accounts it was feared hia collarbone was broken. HftVE YOU READ boys are warmir.g up every day,1 and expect to hang a chain of nine ostrich egss on the neck of the Cor vallis mascot at the game, Sunday. Just w hat the farmer boys have in store for the locals will remain a mystery. However, from all ac counts, this will be a warm contest. Friday's Register. Later: The game was played as scheduled and resulted in a score of 4 to 8 in favor of Eugene. ore are becoming familiar with the op portunities afforded bv the state, a large number of tourists having made stops at five or six points in different parts of the state. B. L. Smith and T. O. Sparkman will eell real estate under the nime of "The Santiam LaQd Co.," with office at Leba non. - 43 tf Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Waits , of Belle fountain were visitors ia Corvallis, Saturday. The Oak Creek Lumber Com pany baa established a yrd in Wil- kins Addition, and has on banc for sale a complete stock of rough and dressed lumber. Merle Moore is in charge of the yard and will be pleased to fill your bills. 54tf Albany is rejoicing thtt the long fight for a new depot is won, the state railway commissioa having acted iavorably on the Complaint filed by the city, alleiog inadequate depot facilities of the South ern Pacific company and the unsanitary condition of the grounds and buildings. The commission directs that s new depot be built in Albany during the remainder of the year 1907 and that tbe arrange ments be such as to facilitate the traffic at this point and be a safeguard to tbe patrons and a convenience to the train crew in handling traffic. The new depot is to cost not less than $6,000 and may be in the form of a union depot to accommo date the increased demands here oh ac count of the purchase of the Corvallis & Eastern bv the Harriman interests. Tbe order will involve not only a new depot, but a change of tbe entire yards as to trackage, stockyards and freight sheds- Tbe new depot, furthermore, must be lo cated on tbe "city side" of tbe tracks. Portland Journal. For Sale Span of mares, aged 5 and 6yeais, at a bargain. Animals can be seen at farm. Sam Whiteside, Jr., Cor vallis. 55tf Just clean up tho trash in your own ' ' back yard ' Don't mind wbat the neighbors do, If you want to have a nice clean town, Dear friend, it's up to you. Just clean up your side of the high back fence, " No matter if you work hard Get out and grow just as much as you " please, But clean up your own back yard ! 1 -'. Ex. - When in Albany see the 5, 10 and 15 cent counters at Charles Knecbt's ext door to Hamilton's. obtl Mrs. J. H. Penn, who bas been at Cor. vallis with her husband for some time. as at their home in Yaquina during the past week making preparations to remove to Corvallis. Mr. Penn's health is im proving rapidly, but he has decided to make his home in the Valley. Mrs Penn returned to Corvallis, yesterday. Friday's Lincoln Leader. Mr. and Mrs Penn are desirable citizens' who will be warmly welcomed in Corvallis. Out semi-Annual Clearance Sale Prices? We are Closing ; Out All Our Summer Goods and OUR P R I C E S Will Make it Worth Your While to Buy Now. a 10 Percent Dlsc't on all Wool Dress Goods Percent Dlsc't on all Summer Underwear Dancing. Big dance given on Oak Cheek, Oak Creek Saw Mill on P. A. Kline's ranch, every Saturday night of each week. Re freshments served by Knox Bros . 61 During this dog-day period, when tbe atmosphere ia laden with a spirit of re sistance to corporation oppression, don't let tbe fellow who never contributes a dollar towards the advertising and ad vancement ot bis community be excused from making such contribution because he can talk louder and oftener than tbe busy man and good citizen who believes that a "square deal" includes himself and that he should do his duty towards his fellow citizen r-if "broke" or too stingy to make giving a pleasure, he can do bis section some good by writing a few letters relatives, acquaintances and friends in the East, telling them of the low rates to, and the glorious opportunities presented by Oregon. Lawyers up in Benton county must have rather bard scratcbiag to make a living, judging from the dearth of legal business there. Some months ago men tion was made of a term ofciicuit court Corvallis occupying but a day or two, and this week another regular term lasted only three and a half hours. Not a criminal ca?a was on the docket, and a trivial civil case occupied most of this me. The cost of the criminal courts in Benton county ia next to nothing, and people agree so well that they seldom take a dispute into court. Oregon Jour" nal Editorial. Articles of incorporation have been filed at tbe clerk's office by the "Corvallis Lumber Company." Tbe capital stock is 100,0Uu, and the incorporators are George W. Akers, ' Lee B. Menefee and Percy Allen. The papers filed state that tbe company desires to do "milling, log ging, baying, selling" and engage in the general business common to such an es tablishment.- J ;(' 7 ' It was intended that work should begin yesterday-morning on tbe Be v. Albert W, Moncemith cottage. Shirtwaists . $100 Values $ 70 , I 25 Values....- 87 1 50 Values...;..... 1 05 2 bo Values . 1 40 , 2 50 Values , 1 75 Parasols $1 50 Parasols ......Jl 05 2 00 Parasols 1 40 , 3 00 Parasols 2 10 . Wash Goods 6c Wash Goods.... 4c 8KcWash Goods.. sc . ioc Wash Goods 7c Hjc Wash Goods..., 8c 15c Wah Goods... 11c l65$c Wash Goods 12c 20c Wash Goods 14c 25c ; . Wash Goods 18c 30c, 35c, 37c Wash Goods... 23c 50c Wash Goods... 37c 60c Wash Goods. .. . 41c Corvallis L. KLINE Regulator of Low PricesS Oregon Your Liver Hello Central I 1 Is ont of order. You go to bed in a bad humor and get up with a bad taste in your mouth. You want something to stimulate your liver.. Just try Herbine, the liver regulator. A positive enre for Constipation, Dyspepsia and all liver complaints.; Mrs. F ., Fort Worth, Texas, writes: ."Have used Herbine in my family for years. Words can't express what I think about it. Everybody in my household is happy and well, and we owe it to Herbine." . , Sold by Graham & Wortham. Where is No. 9? Why, call. Ind. 251 or office at Allen's diug store, which stands for John Lenger, and he will at tend your wants. S8tf All the World Knows that Ballard's Snow. Liniment has no superior for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Liuts, Sprains, Lumbago, and all pains. Buy it, try it and you will aU l.Qtl If A Vl .. . 1 T,(, 1 I wa.? ... iiuj uwuj wuu una uaeu Dunaru B Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. All we ask of you is to get a trial bottle. Price 25c, 50c and 100. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Our Prices Knock Out the Catalog House GRAND ANNUAL SLE F. L mTLLER'S For the next 30 days we will offer the entire stock of Dry Goods, Clothing Shoes, Etc. At prices never before offered in Corvallis opportunity to buy first-class merchandise at This is an a bargain. We only ask you to call and compare our prices with others' before buying elsewhere. CORVALLIS, Lm Miller WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD. IT'S SO OREGON. The "Blow" , Almost Killed Father. Get" an lI cc And keep off the Flies. trie fan It is a well-known fact that flies are unable to withstand a steady breeze. An Electric Fan quickly drives flies out of a room and keepsthem out. A full line of Electric Cooking Uten sils. Wiring of all kinds done. Ask the man. WILLAMETTE VALLEY CO. G. A. Clark, Mgr.