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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1907)
IGUR CLOTHINQ DEPARTMENT- i!--fe?..fv iafr lr-m, jfS'wiv tL I Of fer many requisites in Meti's rHF COBWUB'Mt Published Tuesdays and Friday by Gazettb Puei,ishihg Company. The sahscriptlon priio of the Gazkttb fr.r several v(nr$ h;ip hepn. anH retnaii'8 per annnm. or L'5 ner ient. dirfnnt if nnid in alva"-e. This paipr will be irjtirmert until li arpam.rps p; l. COURTS OF JUSTICE; In the Oregonian of Sunday, appeared an article on court re form by Judge Frazer. The ar ticle is appropos and suggests many things regarding courts. A court should be a place where justice, above all thing?, is dis pensed, but too often there is a miscarriage of justice in the very place where it should be found. It is hard to have to say, but it is true, that people generally are becoming wary of what is termed law. They are not so much afraid of justice as they are of the technicalities of the law. Time and again we have observed what appeared, and undoubtedly was the cause of justice defeated in the courts on account of what in legal phras eology is termed "technicali ties." Too much "technicality" is certain to defeat a just cause, presented by an honest and con scientious attorney. Instead of an honest presentation of a case in the higher courts in the land, and we have them parti cularly in mind, there is too much "diamond cut diamond" practice and the merits of "the case from a broad and common-sense point of view is lost sight of. Senator Fulton has seen fit to come to the front and present his side of the case regarding certain representations of Sena tor LaFollette made during the latter's lecture tour in Oregon. From the utterances of both we incline to the opinion that the "plot thickens" and there are now questions we should like to ask both of them. In Hillsboro confectioners can not sell cigars or tobacco on Sun day, but a restauratuer may sup ply them to his patrons. They seem to be in moral convulsions down the creek and appear in tent on rooting out the evil of "personal liberty." We don't see why Corvallis did not had in this reform. And Top Coats! Each Garment -is a model-of perfecjtioii invstKle,; quality: and workmatiship heyf j,t,,,:ltey,h look; and t Hey wear. The varieties we:show,J the orange: 6f abf icsi r desigtis we display; and the "prices Francis J. Heney, who will conduct the prosecution of Bin ger Hermann when be goes on trial in Oregon for complicity for j land frauds, has gone into print with the assertion that he is con fident of convicting Bmger. This may or may not have been a ise statement for Heney to make. He argues that because he convicted those connected with Hermann that he is certain to convict the latter. Hermann, on the other hand, has had some "close shaves" and always dodged in time, so that being in practice he may side-step and fool Heney. Who can say? EXTRAQRDiNARY ATTRACTION Murray & Mack Coining dav Night. Tues- Murray & Mack and their pro duc.ion of "Around the Town" :s positively the largest and best musical comedy touring the coast this season. The per.orm ance here is to be exactly the same as that produced at the Heiiig theatre in Portland. The company numbers forty people, including a chorus of thirty girls. Briaht and catchy music ren dered by voices that can sing and the best dressed chorus on the stae makes this the real theatri cal treat of the season. Murray & Mack are comedians of nation al reputation, and it can be sate ly said that their attraction is far and away the best that has ever visited Corvallis. The prices of admissiou are 50c, 70c and $1. j Sale opens Saturday. The OAC board of regents was to hold a meeting yesterday af ternoon after . the Ga zette press hour, to hear the re port and ratify the selection of the committee chosen to came a successor to Presidenc Gatch. The announcement of the name of the new president is awaited with much interest throughout the state. WAX TED One hundred Betting bens at 50c ea'h for hatching pheasants Must bj gentle and not too large. Gene M. Simpson, Ind. phone 254, Corvallis, Ore. 34tf Stop Gramblitu; If yon naffer from rheumatism or pains, for Ballard's Snow Liniment will brina yon quirk relief. It is a sure cure for Sprains, Rheumatism, Contracted Muscles and all pains and wit' in the rea. hofall. Price 25c, 50c. $1.00 C. R. Smith. Tenaha, lex., writes: I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family for years and have found it a fine remedy for alt pains and achts. I rec ommend it for poios in the chest. Sold by (jrabam & Worinam. I we quote, make Children's5 Section shows many strong DUrtinlu rUKUIL. . ..ln - "18,lr'""ie . - Beware of "Digestives MARKET Excitement in Polk County Aug ust Fischer Interested. , Angus' Fisher of this city is very much interested in the 'oil fever" that has recently develop ed in Dallas, near which place Mr. Fisher recently invested in a $20,000 farm. The boring for oil is on a place only one and a half miles from the property owned by the Corvallis capitalist, all of which is justification tor his deep interest in the subject. A dispatch from Dallas says of the matter: Polk county again has the oil fever. B. F. Whiteaker, living three miles southeast of Dallas, was in town last Saturday'mak ing financial arrangements U commence borings on his farm again, near the aoaudoned well bored in 1901. Mr. Whiteakei is confident of success. He says if the borings in the old well had been big . enough success would have been achieved then, but at a depth of about 100 feet, with the smallness of the hole, a slight crook in the c-sing made operations impos-ible, and the well was abandoned. Joseph Hirshberg, of Independence, Mr. Whiteaker savs. will be associa ted with hitn in the present bor ing, as he was in the first Mr. Hirshberg will start, for the oil fields of California on Wednes day to hire a competent man with an outfit to bore a 12 inch well, and in case this cannot be done, will purchase the necessaav machinery and tools to do the work and ship them immediately here. The oil well is consider ed valuable property Irom the fact that at a depth of several hundred fe.t salt water was found of a very good grade and to al) appearances n inexhaustible quantities. This the owners de clare, will evaporate into car loads of the very purest and finest salt. Independence has : decided to u?e oil for street epriokling this 8ePon and has ordered a carload of oil tjT the purpose. The plan has . betD Bucceffiully tried in other places and tt e experiment at lndepei d tic will be watched wuh intercut by all neighboring lowts. If You Don't Sncc ed the first time use Hrbine and yon will et instant relief. Tie greatest liver regulator. A positive cure for Con stipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Chills and all liver com plaints, Mr. C . of Emory. Trxas, writes: "My wife has been using Herbine for herself and childr-n for five years. It is a tore cure for constipation and malaria fever, which is substantiated by what it has done lor n:y tamiiy." So-ki by Graham & Wortham. choosjiig very easy., '; .2 Muddle has started the public to think ing. The wonderful success that has met Ballard's Horehound Syrnp in its crusade on Couglisv Icflunza, Bronchitis and all Pulmonary troubles has started the public to thinking of this wonderful preparation. Thev are all using it Join the procession and down with sickness. Price 25c, 50a and $1.00.. Sold by Gra ham & Wortham. For Chief of Police. I herewith announce myself as a can didate for the office of Chief of Police, subject to the will of the voters. 37U J. W. Ingle. For Chief of Police. In response to the request of many citizens, I hereby auuouuce myself as a candidate for the olfice of chief of of the city of Corvallis, subject to the will of the people at the coming city ejection. If eUcted, I shall consider my oacb ol office binding, and shall do my duty without lear or favor. iSUif J. D. WELLS. For Chief of Police. I herrby aououuee myself as a candi date lor the olfice of Chief of Police of Corvallis, subject to the will 01 ihe vo ters at the coining election. 33tf LINCOLN CHAMBERS Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned hat been duly appoint.! uoinimsuulur ul title estate ol fiiuerti iieuuy, ileeeatieu, uy the County Court ol Beutou countyi uregou. All persons uaving elainid against Haiu estate are liereoy requireu to prcseut tue same, uuly verined as uy law required, to Uie undertugueaa, Corvailul, Henton County, Oiegon, 01 at tne oliioe of J. F. Yites at Corvallis, jseuton county, Oregon, witnui six months Iroin tue Oate o this noaue. lated March 22nd, I9O7. J. W. HANDY, Administrator of the estate 01 AlDert Oeuny, de ceased, ztl Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may con cern that tile undersigned has beeu duly apuoiut ed by tne cuuuty Court ot lientou county, Ore gon, auniiuistrator ot tne estate ol Alexander bcu nelt, deceased. All persons having eiauus against the estate ot said Aiexauuer Dennett, ueeeased, are hereuv required to present trie same, Willi proper voueOeis thereloi, duly verined as by law rei-uired, within six uioutus rrom tne uate bereol, to tne undersigned at his residence at Monroe, ui egou, or at tue umce ol act audeu & jryson, at torneys, Corvallis, Oregon. . .bated Marcn 8th, llu7. E. BENNETT, Administrator cf the estate of Alexander Dennett, deceased. . Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all whom it nay con cern that the undersigned nas been oulv appointed administrator witn tne will annexed ol tne estate ol Isaac forter, deceased, by the county Court ol ten ton County, Oregon. All persuns having claims against the estate of Isaac Sorter, deceased, ure hereby required to present same, witn proper vouchers tnerefor, only verified as by law required, within six months from the date hereof, to the un dersigned at his residence in Denton County, Ore gon, or at the olfice of McFaddeil & isruson, attor neys, Corvallis, Oregon. Dated March. 15th, 107. JOHN F. PORTER, Administrator with the will annexed 01 the estate of Isaac tot ter, deceased. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Kancy J. Slagle, deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of tne estate of Nancy J. &tagle, de ceased, by the county court of me State of Oregon for Benton County. Ail persons having claims agaisnt said estate of said Nancy J. Slagle, deceas ed, are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified as by law re quired, within six months from tne date nereoi, to tne njudersignea at his law umce iu Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon. ( bated this April 9, ltttf. ' , E. E. WILSON, Administrator of the estate of Nancy J . 8tagle, ne ceased. gl 41 mm m . VMUL JAT&l tW M - - SB N . ' The ordinary "dyspepsia" tablet has ruined more stomachs than all other causes combined. Giving temporary re lief, it leaves the digestive 8 v stem weak er than before, and the tablets must be continued, witb increasing frequency. Mi-o- ja excites the secretion of gastric juice, and wheu the food is swallowed, the stomach is ready to digest it. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are never sold in bulk, butiaa neat box box conven ient for the purse or vest pocket, at 5OC. A guarantee is given by Graham & Weils with every box of Mi-o-Da, that oioney will be refunded if the remedy fails to give satisfaction. Ttiia shows there faith in the remedy. mm ADVtRTISEMEHTS CIASSIFIHl ADVERTISEMENTS : Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for thru successive insertions, or 50 cts pe month; lor all up to and including tei additional wor !s, )z cent a word for ear) insertion. For all advertisements over 25 wordfe I ct per word for the first insertion, ano Vs ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 2t ents. Lodge, society and church notices, ither than strictly news matter, will bt ;Harifed tor. HOMES FOR SALE. WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as e St purchasers to build homes on them ii desired. Address First National Bank, Corvallis, Or. WILL SELL MY LOTS IN NEWPORT, Jr., for spot- caeli, balance instal nents, and belp parties to build homes thereon, it desired. Address M. S. W.'od ork. C -vailip, O Veterinary Surgeon DR. E. E. JACKSON, VETERINARY surgeon and dentist. R sidence 1220 Fourth street. Phone 389. Office loll Main street, Phone 204. Give him a call. What You See Is Worth Twice f What You Read As you are now coming to market with the opportunity ol comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. We have a broken line of - Ladies' and Children's shoes which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. Come before your size is gone. Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash -Woods, etc., at bottom prices. Our new Spring and Sum mer stock is arriving and is ready for your inspection. Make money by buying our lines, and save money by getting our prices. Henkle & Davis su Washington Fashioned Apparel THl WASMfMOTOM COm, SEED STORK A LARGE SUPPLY OF fretjh garden seeds in bmK, just receiv ed. All k mis of farm and garden seeds, seed wlieat, oats, barley, pota toes, artichokes, feed oats, chicken ieed, Land Plaster. Five kinds of clover and vetch., lean furnish clover by the tar load. Second door nortu of exprets ottice. u. Li. Brooks. Phone &: I WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAR. MfM... m.i. 1 r-rM ifirt'H urni-uru r rxj "Kf" :. r 11 1 -xt i t HMVfi rpuilv Utm a cniiuru el fh I irimraii ieed to ail. luos oulden yt n timothy. T. A. Logsdon R. F. D., 1, (Jorvaliie; Phone 5, Granger. 36tf FOR&ALE: MAMMOTH BRONZE. turkey egge: two 10ms ac head of flock weigh 3u and o5 b.; hens lrom IZ to 18 lbs. Eggs Sj-2 50 per dozen. Frank Wyatt, Puiluuimb, Oregon. lud. Phone 16 on Wyatt line. 83-41 PHYoiolANS B. A. CATciJiY, M. D., PH YSIC1AJS urgesuu. rtouuie 11, iann jtiuild tug. uihcc) iiuuro . 10 LU 1 a. ui , 4 ijO 4 . ui . xtbsiauice : cor. oifi" emu Aa umib 01 xeiepiioue at omce and rett tueuuo. Uorvauit), oregoxi. House Decorating. FOR PAiiN lLNG AiSD PAPERING bBai vv. Jb. Paul, luu. Iclo lcf MARBLE SHOP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU niciito; cm oiug tuaue to orvier; uieau lag and reporiug done iieauy : toavo agent's couiuubbIou . Stiop Nona Aiain St.,Fruuk. Vaunooeeii, Prop, ATTORNEYS J. F. 1ATES, AlTORNEY-AT-LAW. Omce up stall's In Ziieroit riuliuing, Oui set ul ausliauis 111 jentoi Vxiuuty Hi. JA. JtSKYisUlN AiXOKNJix' AT LAW. Vince 111 l oot iuice Xiuliuing, ioival- WANIhD WANTED A CHOICE PIECE OF TIM Uer lauu. JViubl be ciie.. Auurestt P. O. 22S, Corvallis, CMe. 2UU WAiSTEU out) SlJ.SJRLttERS IOTHJS Uahi-iB kud Weeiiy Uregoniao at 2.utiper year. NANKING. THE Fli. -.'x NATIONAL BANK OF Corvailis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loans money on approved security. Dialtd bought and coid and money ,ranslerred to tiie principal cities 01 the United btatee, iiUiope and foreign coun tiles. The Gazette for Job Work. Subscribe for the Gazette.