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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1907)
GUI' New Spring and Summer Stock is Now Complete in All Departments Seldom, if ever, have the people of Corvallis and surrounding coun try had the opportunity of seeingj such a complete stock of Dry Goods, Men's and Eoys' Clothing, Women's Ready-to-Wear Gar ments, Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Haberdashery, Trunks, Suit Cases, Etc., as we show now. Jfftf B -It a Mm. t COPYRIGHT 1907' jL&Sii"'- EHa Bring Along Your Favorite Bring Us Your Eggs fHE CQSWLLIS Gffillf i?u Wished Tuesdays and Frid-jys by Gazette PuEi.tsHivi Comwwy. The subscription price of the Gazettk i v!r Heveral years hits been, and remains per annum, or i'5 per cent- discount if I st-aid in advance. This pa:er wilt be r Hituiiifil until all arreamires pa! 1. MAY BE DETRIMENTAL. When the people of Oregon se cured the initiative and referen dum laws it was generally be lieved that a wonderful thing . had been accomplished and that 'here was a means for the people the very common, every day class of mortal who particularly ".needs and desires helping laws :o secure such legislation as .jseemed most helpful. Too many people think pota :to?s or peanuts may be raised by legislation. The referendum .may be a splendid means of pro . tecting the state aga nst the basest extravagance, but it is de cidedly weak in spots, to our way of thinking. With the referen dum staring them in the face -men who are in charge and re sponsible for public works of any nature mmt of necessity be afraid to engage in the perform . ance of their sworn duties for ear this act will be invoked- No :rnatter how great the necessity for haste in the work of the pub lic it is liable to a hold-up at any time. It is a comparatively easy mat ter to secure signatures enough -on any public matter to invoke the referendum. It is seldom that any matter of legislation is wholly acceptable to all the peo ple and there are always, as said before, enough to holdup the work. It may possess qual-1 ities for good, but may become a power for evil. TEDDY VS. CORPORATIONS. "Between now and the next -presidential election many things - are possible and it is hardly wise tto make predictions. Still, bear ing certain conditions in mind and considering them logically it is impossible to go far wrong - on some matters. Will Roose velt run aain for the presi dency? Here is a question the .answer to which depends wholly -upon conditions at the time nom inations are in order. j President Roosevelt announced ; -when elected to the office a cou ple of years ago that under no circumstances would he again be come a candidate for the presi dency in 108. Did he mean it? j Catalog and It Will Always Bo Certainly, at the time and pos I sibly yet but it looks as though matters of public reform would, ; in the Roosevelt mind, render it i imperative that some one in har mony with the president's views be nominated and elected his successor. Here is the matter in a nut shell: If Roosevelt cannot feel assured of successfully electing his choice of men to succeed him he will likely accept a second elective term as president. Not withstanding his announcement to the contrary Roosevelt will feel justified in this course so strong are his convictions of what is necessary for the welfare of the republic. In standing for what he be lieves best for the people the na tion contains no stronger man than Roosevelt. As conditions now are it is the people versus corporate power. The people have Roosevelt and the corpora tions have money. It looks like a fight to a finish between the two the people and the corpor ations. So strong does the fight bid fair to become that political party affiliations are likely to be forgotten during the coming presidential election- Strange as it may appear to some, Roosevelt is generally idol ized in the South, the home of democracy. A prominent south erner has proclaimed Roosevelt the greatest president the na tion ever had. The power of the president is something wonder ful. To the people he owes his power. No man can become greater in politics than his con stituents make him. The people trust him implicitly, hence his power. Additional Local. Wi liam Eade, representing the Paci- . fi : Paper Company of Portland, was a pleasant visitor in Corvallis, Satnrdav. 1 Mr. Eade takes the place made vacant by Mr. Tobiu, who lecently quit the road to baconie a real estate man in the me tropolis. The Christian church baseball nine, composed of young boys who are mem bers of the "boys' club"' ot that church, went to Albany rarly Saturday morning, where in the afternoon thev played a game of ball with a team of that city. They made the trip by private convey ance and were accompanied by Kev. Haodsaker. The score in the same w as IS to3 io iavor of Albany . Pacific College won the debate for the chanipianship of the Collegiate Debating League of Oregon last night from Albany College. Tne debate was held in New berg. The question for debate was, "Resolved, Taat the United States Should Own aud Operate the Railroads." Pacific Coiiege upheld the affirmative, of the question ani Albany College the negative Aloany's debaters were Ever ett Jones, Will Steele and Grover Birt- chett. Saturday' Herald. Matters of Emphasis Among prominent lines of hieh-grade merchandise we especially emphasize the following well-known makes which are exclusively handled by us: The Famous Broadhead Dress Goods, Wooltex cloaks, Suits and Skirts (for well-dressed women), Royal Worcester Corsets, Utz & Dunn's Ladies' Fine shoes and Oxfords, Peerless Undermusluis, Derby Kid Gloves, Brandegee Kincaid & Woods' Men's Fine Clothing -none better. Extra good Clothes Our Endeavor to Price First-Class Merchandise, Quality for Quality, in Competition With Any Mall Clurence Whiteside's dray team lonk a quiet trot up M.iin reet, Saturday, oo its own account, but. no damage, save a broken strap, resultid. Zierolf keep9 all kinds -:f clove and grs,f-s ei-d tor pule. 22t Word was rece ived iu this city. Tester day, that Tom Donali of Albany had taken carboiic acid and was in a dyii g condition. He ie an untie of Mis Grier of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyatt of near Philomath are going into tne turkey imsiness on a laijie scale this year. They have 14 turk"V" hens sitting on 280 ease at nresent, besidet, which there are l:om 18 to 20 eggs per dny for market purposes. This is a business that pays well and it shnu.d receive more attention in this section of Oregon. A very large crowd attended the re ception given at the armory, .Saturday evening, in honor of the Y. W. C. A. delegates and visitors :o the convention. Everything possible had been done to make the occasion pleasant and enjoy able and it is safe to say everyone prebeut will long remember the affair. Tiie usual features were enjoyed, and very pretty OAC souvenirs were pieseuted each guest. Mi- Constance McCrkleof Portland city secteury of the Y. W. C. A , occu pied the pulpit at the M. t. church, Sunday morning, and gave a highly in teresting address on the work of that or ganization in the city. Miss McCorkle in a pleasing speaker and her practical, helpful and inspiring address was very much enjoyed bv a large audience. Miss Bessie Cornelius of Salem gave two vo cal solos that were much appreciated by the congregation. "Iu the Domain of the Turk" was the subject of a splendid address to women at tie First Methodist chmvh, Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The speaker was Miss Francis Gige, state secretary of the Y. C. A., who scent five years in Turkey and is thoroughly familiar with the country which she discussed. After painting numerous work pic'uree most skillfully, descriptive of her first visit to Turkey and the beauties of Constanti nople as the- traveler lands, just as th city is batned in the glorious sunshine of a perfect morning, Miss Gage depicted the horrors ol a Turkish-Ar rreDian mas eacre that occurred during her sojourn in the Turkish empire, and related many other interesting experiences which' be tel 1 her while in the interior. A large audience of women and girls listened to the address, which was both interesting and elevating in character. The Feron in quartette sang a number which was very much enjoyed. LOST A white and yellow dog, Lle wellyn setter, named Prince. When last seen was wearing a wide 'either collar. Reward. Walter H. Klink. "Billy" Emery, of Vancouver, and G. Lester Paul, of Portland, arrived yester pay for a visit with friends and rela tives. Kills Catarrh Germs. Stomach dosing cannot kill these germs ; a direct local treatment is abso lutely necessary, and for this purpose nothing else equais Hyomei. wreathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit Hy omei reaches the most remote air cells in the nose, throat and lungs, giving im mediate relief and effecting a permanent cure in the worst cases of catarrh. A complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1, and Graham & Wells give a guarantee with every outfit that the treatment will cost nothing unless it cures. for Boys. W. L. Douglas Popular Price Shoes S3.00 and $3.50. The Fiorsheim Fine Shoes for the man who cares most styles $5.00 and the Mallory Cravene. te Hats. Why We Want Your Trade We want your trade this Spring and Summer that's why we advertise for it. But we want it only provided we can satisfy you that you are doing as well, if not bet ter, here than anywhere else in Oregon. What You See Is Worth Twice What You Read As you are now conning to market with the opportunity of 1 omparing values, we ask you to see our lines. We have a hroketi line of Ladies' and Children's nhoes which we are cloMug out at ren;akablv low prices. C"me before your izn is gone. Also some remnants in Drtss Goods, Wash tood", ttc, at bottom prices. Our nw Sprintr and Sum mer stock is arriving ami is resoy lor your i speuiicn. Make money by bluing our lines, and save money by getting our pi ices. lienkle & Davis VVmi For Chief of Police. I herewith announce myself as a can didate for the oflice of Chief of Police, subject to the will of the voters. 31-34 J. W. Ingle. For Chief of Police. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of Chief of Police of Corvallis, subject to the will ot the vo ters at the coining election. 33if LINCOLN CHAMBERS For Chief of Police. In response to the request of mar 3 citizens, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of chief of poiice of the city of Corvallis, subject to the will of the people at the coming city election. If elected, I shall consider my oath of office binding, and shall do my duty without fear or favor. 30tf J. D. WELLS. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of Nancy J. Slag-le, deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Nancy J. Stable, de ceased, by the county court of the State of Oregor. for Benton County. All persons having claims agaisnt said estate of said Nancy J. Slagle, deceas ei. are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified as by law re quired, within six months from the date hereof, to the ucdersigned at his law office in Corvallis, in Benton County. Oregon. Dated this April 9, 1907. ' E. E. WILSON, Administrator of th estate of Nancy J. tttagle, tie ceased. 31-41 Good Judgment Is the essential characteristic of men and women. Io valuable to good busi men and necessary to good housewives. A woman shows good judgment when she buvs White Cream Vermifuge tor her baby. The best worm mediciue ever offered to mothers. Many, indeed, are the sensible mothers, who write express ing their Kratitude for the good health ot their children, - which they owe to the use of White's Cream Vermifuge. Sold by Graham & Wortham. Jufct Because Your cough is only in your throat and dies not trouble you now, don't think that it needs no attention. When it has not had much of a start is the time to check it. The slightest cough easily leads to Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Con sun.p ion. A bottle of Ballard's Hore honnd Syrup will cure that cough. The price puts it within reach of all. Sold by Graham & Wortnam. Corvallis, mm ami mis CLASSIVIEli ADVERTISEMENTS l Fifteen words or less, 25 cts for thre successive insertions, or 50 cts pei month; for all op to and including ter additional words, yi cent a word for eacl insertion. For all advertisements over 25 words 1 ct per word for the first insertion, anr ct per word for each additional inser tion. Nothing inserted for less than 2f inta. Lodge, eociety and church notices, other than strictly news matter, will bt charged tor. HOMES FOR SALE, AS I AM GOING OUT OF THE Busi ness will sell my grain warehouse at a bargain, or would exchange for a good residence ir Corvallit,, or a small fam ofeqnal value. Handled 47,0110 bushel:- of grain this season. R. N. Williamson, Wells, Ore. 21t( WILL SELL LOTS IN CORVALLIS, Oregon, on instalment plan and as e st purchasers to build homes on them if desired. Address First National Bank, Corvallis, Or. WILL SrJLL MY LOTS IN NE A PORT, Or., for spot cash, balance instal ments, and help parties to build homes thereon, i: desired. Address M. S. W:cd o k. C -vailif, O . PHYSrCIANS B. A. CAT HEY, M. D., PHYSICIAK . urgson. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Omce Hours: 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to 4 p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad ams Wts. Telephone at office and res idence. Corvallis, Oregon House Decorating. FOR PAINTING AND PAPERING SEE W. E. Paul, Ind. 488 lttl MARBLE SHOP. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONU ments; curbing made to order; clean ing and reparing done neatly : save agent's commission. Shop North Main St., Frank Vannoosen, Prop, g2tl ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W. Office up stafrs in Zierolf Building. Only set of abstracts in tjenton County 4. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Vffice in Post Office iiuilding, Coi val ue, Oregon. WANTED WANTED A CHOICE PIECE OF TIM ber land. Must be cheap. Address P. O. 223, Corvallis, Ore. 20tl WANTED A MAN, WITHOUT STOCK to rent a dwell. ng adjoining Corvallis who is a kind good workman with a team of horses. 81-tf. WAiSTE D 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian a $2. 55 per year. BANKING. THE FIP.S1 NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, transacts a general conservative banking business. Loanc money on approved security. Draft bought and told and money transferred to the principal cities of the United States, Europe and foreign countries. ITS-SHIFT ! Oft WEIL DRSS.D WOMEN Order House Anywhere Oregon Veterinary Surgeon DR. E. E JACKSON, VETERINARY surgeon and dentist R sidence 1220 Fourth street. Phone 389. Othce loll Main street, Phone 204. Give him a call. MARKET SEED STORE A LARC-E SUPPLY OF fresh garden seeds in hulk, just receiv ed. All kinds of farm and gKrden seeds, seed wheat, oats, barley, pota tceH, artichokes, feed oais, chicken feed, Land Planter. Fiv- kinds of clover and vetch. 1 can furnish clover by the tar load. Second door north of exprets office. L. L. Brooks. Phone bod. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MAR ket price for poultry, nous, veal, csif, ect., at. T. A. Boulder's grocery store, corner Second and Monrue bt., oppo site Corvallis Hotel. Your cash is al ways ready, and a square deal guaran teed to all. Thus Bouldkn . 9tf FOR SALE: MAMMOTH BRONZE torkey eggs; two tonis at head of flock - weigh 30 and 35 lbs.; hens lrom 12 to 18 lbs. Eggs $2.50 per dozen. Fbank Wyatt, Philomath, Oregou. Ind, Phone 15 on Wyatt line. 33-41 Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may con cern that the undersigned has heen duly appoint ed by the County Ccurt of Benton Couniv, Ore. gou, administrator of the estate of Alexander Ben nett, deceased. All person having claims agaim4 the estate ot said Alexander Bennett, aettased, are hereby required to present the Mune, wim proper vouchers therefor, duly verified as by law required, within six months iroin the date hereof, to tne undersigned at his residence at Monroe, Oregon, or at the office of McFauden & Bryson, at torneys, Corvallis, Oregon. Dated March 8th, 1U07. E. BENNETT, Administrator of the estate of Alexander Bennett, deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby iriven to all whom it rrav con cern that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Isaac Porter, deceased, by the County Court of Ben ton County, Oregon . All persons having claims against Uie estate of Isaac Porter, deceased, are hereby required to present same, with proper vouchers therefor, oiily verified as by law required, wichin six months from the uate hereof, to the ui. dersigned at his residence in Benton County, Ore iron, or at tne omce 01 mcaaaen ot isrvaon, attor neys, Corvallis, Oregon. Dated Harch l&th, la07. JOHN F. PORTER, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Isaac Porter, deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby (riven that the undersigned haa been dulv appointeu administrator of the estate of Albert benny, deceased, by the County Court of Benton County, Oretrou. All persons havinir claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at Corvallis. Benton County, Oregon, or at the office of J. F. Yates at Corvallis, Benton County. Oregou, within six months from the date o this notice. Dated March 22nd, I9O7. J. W. HANDY. Administrator ot the estate 01 Albert Denny, de ceased. 26 Don't Put Off For tomorrow what you can do todav. If youput off buying a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment, when that pain cornea on you won't have any, buy a bottle to day. A positive cure tor Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts. SprainB, Contracted Mus cles, etc? T. S. Graham, Prairie, Grove, Ark., writes: "1 wish to thank you for the trood results I received from S iow Liniment. It positively cured me of Rueumatism after others had failed. Sold by Graham A Wortham. Why Have a torpid liver when Herbine, the only liver regulator will help vou ? There is no reason why you should suf fer from Dyspepsia, Constipation, Chilli and fever, or any liver complaints when Herbine will cure tou, F. C. Waite, Westville, Fla,, writes: "Iwaseickfor a month with chilis and fever, and after taking two bottles of Herbixe am well and healthy. Sold by Graham & Worth am.